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*Quality education is supposed to be a right and not a privilege.

* Education is the most powerful weapon which we can use to change the world. - Nelson Mandela

* Educating the mind without educating the heart is no education at all. - Aristotle


Poverty has been a problem in the world for so long. And it is heartbreaking that it remains unresolved.

People usually fail to understand the intensity of this problem. While you have so much in your plate.
There are people who dies because of hunger. There are people who are deprived of receiving proper
medication when they are seriously ill. because they've got nothing on their pockets. We fail to see and
realize the sufferings of the poor because we are well-off.

Hence, we should realize the beauty of giving and sharing. Together, let us inspire and give hope.

Gender Equality

Conceded that both genders are different. Each gender has their fortes.

Equality is best achieved when we finally open our eyes and recognize our differences and the beauty of
these differences.

Instead of comparing and competiting with one another. Let us complement one another for the better

Equality is being equally valued by the society.


Everyone has their own color. Everyone has their own beauty.

Your identity does not define your ability. Everyone of us is a potential asset to the society.

Let us understand and respect our differences.


Power is one of the major temptations of people. We want power. We want to lead. We want to

We fight over this extensively. Some people do whatever it takes even it means sacrificing their sense of

When power is in your hand, it is either you bring success and failure to people or you cause massive
destruction and lead them astray.
And the decision is yours.


Our environment has become our least concern. Mother Earth is supposed to treasured and peotected.
However, it is sad that other things like money seemed to be more valued than our environment.

Mother Earth is not just a place to live. It is home.


Corruption is a hindrance towards development, welfare, and prosperity. This is not a mere local
problem. This is a global concern.

public funds are intended for public welfare and not to increase your net worth. It should be used for
development and not to sustain your luxurious living. It sgould be used to aid hunger and not to support
your gluttony.

As future accountants, let us combat corruption and promote honesty and transparency.


Technology is the best invention so far. It contributed so much in the positive development of our
society. However, we became too dependent to the point that it has eaten us. It feels like it has
overpowered us.

This has to stop. Don't let technology control you. YOU control technology.

Social Status

Remember. Your social status does not give you the right to stamp on other people.


Our culture is our wealth. It defines who we are. It should be valued and treasured.


This reminds me of the devastating tribulence our beloved home, Marawi, had gone through.

Our homes bombarded. Our brothers and sisters lives taken. Our wealth vanished. Dreams were broken.
It was so hard to see light in the midst of that terrifying darkness.

Now, why is that we, the innocent ones, have to suffer the consequences of war? What good had this
war brought to us?

If we don't end war. War will end us.

So, Let us rise again and be advocates of peace.



Cyber Bullying






If you appear glam, then, you deserve respect. If you've got the latest model of iphone, then, you're
cool. If you've got Porsche, then, you become Mr. Popular who is friends with everybody. The world tells
that you should have the things on trend to belong. As a result, most of us try so hard to fit in this very
demanding world we live in. We have become too greedy that we even try to live beyond our supposed
standard of living.

Remember that materialism is not everything. There are other things that are way more important.
There is health, love, family, morality, and many other things.



Health is wealth.

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