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Steven Chambers 1-3

For my capstone project I have decided to job shadow. The job that I
would like to job shadow is a wealth manager. If i cannot job shadow a wealth
manager I would like to job shadow either a financial manager or an accountant.
By job shadowing these jobs I will be able to not only see what the job is truly
what I think it is but solidify my ideas of what I would like to do for the rest of my
life. Being a wealth manager from the research I have done entails a person uses
a person's money to invest in high return low risk endeavors by doing this people
are putting their futures in your hands. I think this is the reason that I would like to
do it like this as a career. Being able to meet people daily and help them succeed
in not only their finances but achieve goals that they have set for themselves. To
get this job shadow at a major firm will be difficult in the next few weeks I will
have begun to contact local wealth management firms or large companies to ask
them about availability and if they would let a person without even a business
degree follow one of their employees. I will try to find places that also work on
weekends even if the whole firm is not working while I am there I will still be able
to see what the job holds. If no firms work on weekends it may be a problem
considering that I have so much going on during the week with after school
activities as well as homework, so it would be difficult to get enough hours job
shadowing to see what the job is truly like and if it is what I would like to do for
the rest of my life.

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