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Technology and Innovation Kaalinsabay ng mga Microenterpreneurs or (TIKME) showcased delicacies from
different parts of CALABARZON in the recent Regional Science and Technology Week (RSTW) in Sta. Rosa, Laguna.
It aims to show the specialties, techniques and recipes made by the young entrepreneurs to the people in the said
event. Here are some of the delicacies that the representative of Lipa Science recommended:

1. Cassava Cake from Laguna

- Made with pure cassava harvested in Laguna and with no added preservatives and sugar.
2. Choco Latte
- Made with pure cocoa and with no artificial sugar. “Perfect blend!”, Paula Lou Elefante commented.
3. Coffee Beans from Quezon
- These beans were exported internationally from Quezon and were genetically modified to fit the
unique taste of the people from Quezon.
4. Rosario’s Chocolate Milk
- Made with tablea and cow’s milk that was cultivated from Rosario, Batangas.
5. Pastry made with Cow’s Milk
- Different types of bread and pastries mixed with cow’s milk also from Rosario, Batangas.

There are more specialties aside from these five and surely a lot more across the country. Department of Science
and Technology (DOST) plans to expand TIKME to the other places to help them promote their own specialties.


At the 2019 Regional Science and Technology Week, various works were exhibited in the venue. Different
categories under science were also highlighted. Among all the projects presented in the event, there were some
that amazed the representatives.

21st Century Life Vest. Upgraded version of the typical life vest with speaker that will automatically alarm when
opened to gain the attention of the rescuers or any people nearby. There is also an installed GPS tracker and it will
send a message to the authorities that the person wearing the vest is in danger.

Anti-Mosquito Water Treatment. This aims to eliminate the female mosquitoes (Aedes Aegypti) that carry the
Dengue Virus. A container with water will be placed in a spot where mosquitoes usually breed. Mosquitoes will
then breed in the stagnant water and will let them be until it lay eggs. When it already laid, treatment will then be
applied to kill the eggs and will drain the water. This will lessen the population of the Aedes Aegypti in the area,
since DOH already declared Dengue Outbreak in the Philippines.

Rainwater Purification System. This purifies rainwater that will be collected to be used as clean water again. This
machine is still simple since the proponent were still senior high school students. As of now, it can only purify up
until 250 ml of water but with financial support and time allotment, it can still be improved.

SMART Trash bin. This trash bin segregates the trash automatically and when the container is already full, this
machine will seal it automatically. It can be placed in a fixed position where people will just put garbage in this bin,
or it can roam around places and collect the trash.
Laundry Water Purification. This purifies water used in laundry, making it useable as clean water. Instead of
throwing the laundry water, it can be used again for another laundry session. The water will be filtered in a
machine with the help of corn fibers. What’s fascinating is after it has been filtered, it can be used for bathing,
cleaning and hygiene purposes of the people.


“Everyone can be a good inventor” Dea Tumambing said in the press conference about the Regional Science and
Technology Week Fair.

6 students participated in the said event, and they saw first-hand all the projects showcased. Although they faced
minimal problems in the fair and along the way, they gave positive feedbacks and words of gratitude to all the staff
and the people who made the event possible.

As the representative of Lipa City Science Integrated National High School, they wished that projects made by their
schoolmates were also presented next year in the fair. They encouraged the scholars to make Science Investigatory
Projects that will help the country and will change the world.

Patrick Loiue Cacho also left a message to all the people who are having a hard time to come up with their desired
project: “The longer you think about it, the closer you get to the answer”. He said that he had shared the same
pain of conceptualizing his project.

There was also a message left for those who are inspiring inventors, “Don’t be afraid to create something, because
when you generate ideas, and that ideas became something, that something can help the community, the
province, the country and the world.

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