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How to conquer and overcome Gaming


Before we can get to the core of the problem,

we have to know what an addiction is. Addiction is
a condition where a subject is addicted to a
particular substance, thing, or activity. Addiction is
a huge problem because sometimes u can't
control your desire to a particular thing or activity,
it also effects the person's surrounding and also
the person's environment. In this context that we're
now talking about is a common problem for
millenials / generation Z if u prefer that kind of a
nickname, why did i say that the majority of
millenials have this problem including me which
makes it harder to prioritize things because
sometimes you feel like gaming is more important.

Of course we can't just conclude and diagnose

people with Gaming addiction without any sort of
symptoms, the symptoms of people who suffer
from gaming addiction are :

- Spends a lot of time playing video games: It

may have just started to be a one hour a day thing,
but then the person spends every free time that's
available just to play games

- Neglects school or work: If the person told the

teachers that the person's sick or stays home from
school to play a game, skipping either work or
school can be a bad thing if it's for a video game.

- Ignores family: Choosing a game over family is

always bad, and a sure sign of addiction. Because
video games are never more important than

- Lets their personal appearance go: Since the

person is always playing, personal hygiene won't
seem as important in their minds.
- Health issues start to rise : If the person stays
awake all night playing video games, has mood
swings, etc., that could be a sign of gaming
addiction. A person can even die if they keep on
playing video games without a rest.
- Spends money on video games prior to the
necessities: Obviously, games are the priority for
this person when it should the things they need to
survive. If the rent goes unpaid just so the person
can buy the latest games, then there is a problem
with addiction.

Aside from the symptoms above this text, i

give you some tips and tricks to overcome it. :

- Limit on how much you can play games for a day

- Limit how much money you spend on video


- Try finding other hobbys

- Try Uninstalling the game for a while

- Reconnect with your REAL world

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