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CardioGood Fitness

CardioGood Fitness, one of the leading fitness equipment

manufacturers, produce the following three treadmill variants -

 TM195 – 44.44% Market Share

 TM498 – 33.33% Market Share
 TM798 – 22.22% Market Share
As per the data collected from the individuals who purchased a treadmill at a
CardioGood Fitness retail shop during the past three months, below are the
details of the findings -

Average miles run

Both the plots on this page (Avg. miles and usage) show that the TM798 is the
most durable and much ahead of the other two in terms of quality. It is our
premium product and these charts prove it.
The TM498 & TM195 have similar performance and they are both the best
value for money machines in the market.

Average Usage
Age Group Vs. Product count

As we have already seen that the old-age group (45-50 years) is not using
treadmills. Assuming that they are fitness conscious and must be using other
means like public parks and gyms, we can try to target them with different
range of cardio machines by conducting a survey to know their inclination
towards other cardio machines like rowing machine, airdyne, ARC trainer and
recumbent bike.
Education level & Income Vs. Product Count

TM798 is our premium and best quality product and it is doing extremely well
as only the undergraduate section (who are earning very less) are not buying.
From income vs product count we see that the high income group only buys
TM798 and we should keep it that way in order to maximize the bottom line.
TM498 & TM195 are value for money products and are hugely popular among
the undergraduate and the graduates which also comprise of the middle and
low income groups.
From the above information we infer that all the products are targeting the
correct audience and we can introduce an upgrade to TM798 giving more
options to the high income group.
R Codes Used:
setwd("C:/BootCamp2019/Statistics/CSV files")
mydata=read.csv("CSV_CardioGoodFitness.csv",header = TRUE)

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