Project I11 - No Icpna

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Los medicos atribuye el comportamiento de pedro a muchos factores.

uno de lo mas importantes fue que predro pholfi sufrio un golpe en la cabeza mientras su
madren aun estaba embarazada.

Esto causa un trastorno de personalidad en el ademas it generaba conductas agresivas en el.

ademas el haber trabajado en un matadero de aves generó conductas agresivas en el.

Tambien sufrio de violencia como un niño, era golpeado por su padre

lo mas que era golpeado por su padre, lo mas violento se convertia.

entonces en conclusion la principal causa de lo que le sucedio fue que el sufrio de violencia de

Entonces acerca de que se pudo hacer para que esto no ocurra:

primero, si el gobierno o las autoridades promueven la politica de no violencia , el no estaria

en la carcel ahora.

uno de los factores mas importantes para el desarrollo de una persona es que ellos reciban
una educacion de calidad y oportunidades en la vida.

y por ultimo si el hubiera recibido apoyo de psicologos , medicos con sus problemas mentales y
de los policias con su padre, el podria haberse convertido en alguien mejor.

The doctors attributed Peter's behavior to many factors.

One of the most important was that I preached pholfi suffered a blow to the head while his
mother was still pregnant.

This causes a personality disorder in addition it generated aggressive behaviors in the.

In addition, having worked in a poultry slaughterhouse generated aggressive behavior in the.

He also suffered violence as a child, was beaten by his father

the more he was beaten by his father, the more violent he became.

then in conclusion the main cause of what happened was that he suffered as a child.

Then about what could be done to prevent this from happening:

First, if the government or the authorities promote the policy of nonviolence, he would not be
in jail now.

One of the most important factors for the development of a person is that they receive a
quality education and opportunities in life.

and finally if he had received support from psychologists, doctors with their mental problems
and the police with his father, he could have become someone better.

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