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Institución Educativa: GRADO 11°



In this activity, you must look at the map and then complete de sentences (in the work sheet)
using the right prepositions of place. They can be used more than once.
En esta actividad, debes mirar el mapa y completar las oraciones de la hoja de trabajo utilizando la
preposición de lugar de la hoja de manera correcta. Pueden ser utilizadas más de una vez.


Look at the map and then complete the  at  behind  between  in  in front
sentences using the right prepositions of
of  in the centre of  next to  near 
place. They can be used more than once.
Write more sentences using the map. on  on the right / left of  opposite 

1. Primrose Town is a small town _on_ 8. The town hall is ____________________

the coast. Main Square.
2. The book shop is ________________ 9. There is a clothes shop _____________
Pierre’s Bistró. Primrose Boulevard.
3. The Ritz Hotel is _____________ the 10. The library is _____________________

A continuación,debe escribir la preposición de lugar que corresponde a cada número:

1. near______________________
2. next to______________________
3. at____________, _in front_______________, _on the right/left of___________
4. _on the right/left of_____________________
5. _in front_____________________
6. _at_____________________
7. _in front_____________________
8. _in the centre of_____________________
9. _in front_____________________
10. _next to_____________________
11. _behind_____________________
12. _in_____________________
13. _next to_____________________
14. _opposite______________, _next to________________.

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