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Impacting One Life at a Time

Peter and Donna Pitman (Delp), serving with Commission to Every Nation
Winter 2019

It's that time of the year! School sponsorship program! Schools in Guatemala run from January to October.
However, most of the schools require registration fees and the kids to buy their school supplies and books in
November/December as they prepare to start in January. Each youth comes from a difficult past, are unable
to pay for their schooling because of family financial difficulties, and really have a desire to learn and attend
school. We hope that through this sponsorship program, they can be the first kids in their family to get a
proper education and help break the cycle of poverty within their families. Here are the youth we are looking
for sponsors for this upcoming year. Each one has a little background and how much it would cost monthly for
10 months, which also includes the registration fees, uniform and book/supplies cost that they need
depending on which school they are attending.

Manuel: Manuel has been living with us for almost 3 years. In September, his brother, who
also lived with us for a time, was shot and killed. We, especially Manuel and Mayra, have all
been grieving and it's been really difficult. Manuel will be attending the same school that he
attended last year, Vida y Esperanza Christian school (Life and Hope). This coming year,
because he's going into 7th grade, he will have additional classes twice a week that are
electives as they start to think about what career path they may want to take in the future.
This school provides an amazing, quality education! Monthly for 10 months, it will cost $150. This cost
includes monthly fees, uniform, books, and paying for a bus driver to take him to and from school each day.

Mayra: Mayra is Manuel's older sister, who has mild cerebral palsy. Because she's going to be
18 soon, no school will take her and work with her special needs. She is at a 1st grade level,
and smart as ever if in a one to one setting. Her speech is a little difficult to understand.
However, when working with her enunciation, she talks so much clearer over time. We are
hoping to find someone to be able to tutor her and we have found some awesome resources
to use for a curriculum through other missionaries. The cost of a tutor and the resources will
be $100/month for 10 months.

Gabriel: Gabriel will be going into 9th grade. Gabriel also helps with clinics by taking the vital signs
and chief complaints for each patient. He absolutely loves soccer, is very responsible, and a huge
help with our ministry. For his schooling, it will be $40/month for 10 months.

Uriel: Uriel is going into 9th grade as well, with his twin brother Gabriel. Uriel helps with our clinic
by bagging up all the meds that each patient needs. He always keeps us laughing and likes to joke
around. We are thankful for his willingness to help with our ministry as well. For his schooling, it
will also be $40/month for 10 months.
Carmen: Carmen is a girl who comes to youth group and is one of 5 children in her family. Her
father had died in an accident 1.5 years ago. Her and her family really struggle to have enough
money to eat even one meal a day. Carmen often comes to Peter's mother's house to see if
there is any way to help around the house to earn some money to help buy food for her family.
Carmen hasn't been able to go to school due to needing to work. Due to her being 18, she is
unable to attend schools throughout the week, and will need to go to a weekend program
school. Her schooling is $40/month for 10 months.

Jerlin: Jerlin is oldest of 3 children in her family. Both parents work, but still can't make ends
meet, requiring Jerlin to work as well to help support her family. Because of working, Jerlin goes
to school on the weekends. For her schooling for 10 months, it is $40/month and she will be
going into 8th grade.

Ivan: Ivan is going into 12th grade!! That's a huge deal here!! So many kids only get to 6th
grade (or not even) and if you get to 9th grade, it's a pretty big deal. So for him to get to 12th
grade is HUGE! Ivan's dad died 1.5 years ago also. Ivan has a huge heart and is always ready to
help in any way possible! He works during the week to help provide for mom and some siblings
who all live at home yet, and attends school on Sundays. He has been working hard in school,
taking the architecture path in school. Since he's in his last year and will have lots of projects,
his schooling for 10 months will be $100/month. He is really determined to break the poverty cycle within his
family and graduate!

In addition to school sponsorship, there are

other ways to support the people, youth,
and kids in Palin, where we have our
ministry. We pay Gabriel, Uriel, and their
sister-in-law, Sophi, who faithfully help us
with each clinic. Many youth are really
struggling emotionally; some are even
cutting. We have been spending more one on one time with them to help them
process and allow healing from all the trauma they have been experiencing. We
continue to have youth group and kids’ club, teaching them about God and
allowing these kids and youth to be able to get a little break from their difficult
lives. We have been seeing an increase in patients at clinic, providing full care for
these patients and all the medications, tests, and specialists if needed. If you would like to donate towards any
of these ministry areas, please do so through the ways provided at the end of this newsletter.

As I mentioned briefly before, Manuel and Mayra's older brother, Martin was shot
and killed on September 23. It was a huge shock to get the call that it happened.
There was a wake and funeral and we've all been grieving. Mayra had been living
with her father and Martin when this happened and since then has moved back in
with us. Martin was a quirky guy with a huge heart and really loved his brother and
sister. Even though he worked crazy hours, he would come to as many soccer games
and practices as possible. He was definitely loved and missed greatly. Thank you to
those of you who contributed towards the funeral costs, wake, and renting more
chairs for the funeral since the church was packed. Please continue to pray for us all as we grieve and heal.
Mayra has been using art and music as a way to help grieve, along with talking a lot about what happened and
how much she loved him. Manuel has been talking with Peter as he processes everything.

We have been greatly blessed with some

teams in the last few weeks! Our friends, Deb
and Sarah, were here and within one week of
having 3 clinics, we saw 310 patients! It was
incredible! For one of the days, we had a class
with women down by the coast on how to use
reusable menstrual pads and gave out other
hygiene products, along with deworming medications and medications for
cough, both of which are prevalent issues after the massive flooding we just

Deb and Sarah are also the first to officially stay

at the mission house! They have been
absolutely amazing and getting that
house ready for future teams! They
have been such troopers as things
have not gone anywhere near as
planned! Our car has been acting up
and now won't even start anymore.
The morning we had a clinic at the coast, it wouldn't start. The
doctor working with us that day couldn't get his car to work and
Rony, our contact at the coast, had car trouble when picking up
the doctor that day too! Satan for sure didn't want us to have
clinic! But we continued to push through and
had an amazing clinic day and some patients even accepted Jesus as their
Savior that day! Rony said the church where we had clinic earlier that day
had a revival that night and normally they only have 10-15 people. But
instead, they had a jammed packed church! We used our medical bus
for the first time that clinic. Despite the brakes going out twice because
of a leak in the brake line and a flat tire, it was absolutely wonderful to
have and we can't wait to continue using it...once it's completely fixed.
Another team came for an evening, showed a
movie about Jesus, gave out snacks and juice boxes,
brought hundreds of pounds of medical supplies for
clinic, and gave 50 blessing bags with some
common things needed for daily life to give out to
families. They were such a blessing and huge
encouragement to us and we are so thankful that
they are partnered with us! We traveled to the
coast recently to a different village to deliver the
blessing bags, deworming meds, vitamins, and
some shoes and clothes. It was a huge success! All bags were given out,
including some specifically for babies, and 200 deworming meds were given
out for the people there and their families. Many bags of vitamins were given out, along with the shoes and
clothes we had. They were all very thankful. This village is in the middle of sugarcane fields with no little
stores, grocery stores, medical clinics, or pharmacies nearby. This was a huge blessing for them to receive
these items that are so hard for them to obtain.
As I mentioned before, we have had a lot falling
apart/breaking right now. We fully believe that it's Satan
not happy with the amazing things that have been
happening recently for the glory of God! Our car won't start,
which is the vehicle we use heavily for ministry. Our medical
bus got a flat tire and has a leak in the brake line as we lost
brakes twice in the same day despite adding brake fluid. A
large part of Estella's dining room ceiling collapsed.
Thankfully no one was home or eating at the table as it was covered in large chunks of concrete. And our
washer is no longer working. It's been a lot and honestly, we're pretty tired from one thing after another
happening. God has been so faithful and we are so thankful for each and every one of you who have been so
supportive and praying for us! We couldn’t do this all without you all being partnered with us!

How to Help: End of the year tax deductible donations!

We are partnered with Commission to Every Nation, which is a highly accredited organization. Peter and I,
with the help of his mother, Estella, run medical clinics and continue working with children. If you feel led to
donate and assist with our living expenses, activities for children, caring for 2 kids in our house, supporting 7
children in school, and medications and supplies for the patients that we care for, please donate through this
site: or send a check to the address at the bottom of this page. Make your check
payable to CTEN and include a note, stating it’s for Peter and Donna Pitman. All donations are tax deductible.
If you would like to come for a medical trip, help with the children, or assist in some other way, please feel
free to contact us through Facebook, Whatsapp (011 502 5470 4197), or email:

Prayer requests: continued financial support, well as funds for the children we continue to support, for spiritual
protection, health, and safety, and for rest in the midst of trials.

Commission to Every Nation

*PO Box 291307* Kerrville, TX 78029-1307* 1-800-872-5404
Donate online at

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