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Juicy Bits Fiction

By: Devin Crockett

Samuel McConnell
Michael Connor Olguin

In the tavern by the lake, Jackie Luna walked around the tavern and saw a
promiscuous woman. Jackie looked around the corner at the obese man and realized
he left the water running in the restroom, where he was encountered by a large
white jelly bean. He decided that the jelly bean was the bean who shot his father.
At this moment, Jackie knew what he had to do, he made himself into a pickle. His
grandson came running, and brought the family friend Jaguar. Jaguar and Jackie
are mortal enemies from their time at the supermarket. The supermarket is not
what normal humans know as a supermarket, instead it is a Super Markeet which is
a laboratory for producing Marks. *Explosion* A man dressed in a white shirt and
clogs walks in asking for his daughter Tina. Jaguar had murdered Tina back at the
tavern. Jackie realized that the promiscuous woman at the tavern was actually Tina
the man’s daughter. Jackie reverted from his pickle form and exclaimed “Tina is
dead!” I know this because Jaguar had murdered her after the night they shared
under the pale moonlight. Then the man in the white shirt looked at the dead body
and realized it was actually the white jelly bean. Then Jackie realized the man in
the white shirt was actually his father! They sat at the tavern and reminisced
about years past, and shared one last glass of milk to mourn the passing of the
white jelly bean that they thought was Tina.

The End

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