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Mr.Pande Avinash S.

Mr.Patil Tushar S.

Ms.Pattani Vismaya R.

Mr.Solanke Vaibhav B.





AURANGABAD (M.S.) 431028


1. Name of the Student: Mr.Pande Avinash S. (T3108)

Mr.Patil Tushar S. (T3116)

Ms.Pattani Vismaya R. (T3110)

Mr.Solanke Vaibhav B. (T3113)

2. Degree : B. Tech.

3. Year of Admission : 2012

4. Discipline : Agricultural Engineering

5. Title of Project : Design of low cost terrace shed net with effective
cropping pattern.

6. Name of Project Guide :Prof. V.G.Jadhao


Water is the most important compounds in an active plant and constitutes more than
80% of the growing tissue. Because it is essential for most plant functions, the amount of
water applied during irrigation, the time and method of water application, the quality of
the irrigation water. Yields from most crops have increased 100–400% after irrigation.
Irrigation allows farmers to apply water at the most beneficial times for the crop, instead
of being subject to the erratic timing of rainfall. Water for irrigation is becoming both
scarce and expensive and necessitates to be utilized in a scientific manner. Drip irrigation
has proved to be a success in terms of water and increased yield in a wide range of crops.
The aim of this project will determine the effects of drip irrigation method on crop
yield. Water use efficiency (WUE) is a measure of a crop’s capacity to convert water into
plant biomass or grain. It includes the use of water stored in the soil and rainfall during
the growing season. Water use efficiency can be used to calculate the potential yield of a
crop given the available moisture.
Water use efficiency relies on:

 The soil’s ability to capture and store water.

 The crop’s ability to access water stored in the soil and rainfall during the season.
 The crop’s ability to convert water into biomass.
 The crop’s ability to convert biomass into grain.

Shed net technology which provides favorable environment condition to the plants. It is
rather used to protect the plants from the adverse climatic conditions such as wind, cold,
precipitation, excessive radiation, extreme temperature, insects and diseases. It is also of
vital importance to create an ideal micro climate around the plants. Due to increased
urbanization area under agriculture being used for buildings ,Hence we can use the
technique of shed net cropping on terrace with this more people can be educated about
low cost terrace farming.

1. To study irrigation water use efficiency in terrace shed net.

2. Cost reduction with crop production optimization in terrace shed net.


The main objective of our project is water use efficiency and cost reduction; according to
this the previous work of the scientist was done successfully. The successful work done
by scientist was taken in the form of review and literature by studying their research
paper and they are listed below:

Tolga Erdem (2005), Studied on Water-yield relationships of potato under different
irrigation methods and regimens. They found that as expected, the drip-irrigated
treatments required less water than the furrow-irrigated treatments, in both years. Among
the irrigation regimens, the number of irrigations and the total applied irrigation water
increased with irrigation when 30% of the available water was consumed, along with a
decrease in the amount of water per irrigation event. The observed yield and water use
relationship on potato was similar to that reported in previous investigations.
Onder (2006) determined that surface drip irrigation and subsurface drip irrigation
methods did not significantly affect tuber yield under Turkey soil/climate conditions.

Alaa S. (2012), Studied on Water use efficiency of potato under different irrigation
methods and potassium fertilizer rates. They found that Irrigation management is a key to
obtaining profitable growth in the absence of wasting water. Irrigation led to higher soil
water content favoring crop evapotranspiration. The application of the effective use of
water will go a long way in addressing the global water crisis in future, thereby reducing
wastage. Potassium is the nutrient taken up by potato in the greatest quantity; it also takes
up much nitrogen and appreciable amounts of phosphorus, calcium, magnesium and
sulfur. Therefore, based on water use efficiency values, it is recommended that potato
(Bowren variety) should be fertilized within 600 kg /ha with furrow and drip irrigation to
achieve the optimum quantity and quality of tuber yield and water use efficiency.

R.K.Yadav, (2014), studied on Low-Cost Polyhouse Technologies For Higher

Income and Nutritional Security. They found that the off-season nursery production was
found profitable under low cost polyhouse of 50 meter square area. Similarly, cultivation
of high value off-season vegetables under low cost protected structures was found a
viable technology for growing vegetables successfully during winter with temporary
protection from November to February. The produce from protected structures was off-
season and hence fetched higher prices in the market. Under low cost protected structure
of 50 m2 a total of Rs. 9500/- was earned in first year and around Rs. 24,000/-from
second year onwards by raising offseason nursery. Similarly a net profit of Rs.15, 000/-
and 59,500/- can be earned by growing French bean and gherkins in first year and Rs.
43,500/- and Rs. 59,000/- second year onward from 1000 m2 area respectively.

Bharat Sharma, (2015), studied on Water use efficiency in agriculture:

Measurement, current situation and trends. They found that during the last 50 years, the
original concept of ‘water-use efficiency’ has been considerably enhanced to include
‘crop productivity or value per drop of water’. In its broadest sense it relates to the net
socio-economic and environmental benefits achieved through the use of water in
agriculture. The more commonly used concept of ‘water productivity’ and its
measurement at various scales is a robust measure of the ability of agricultural systems to
convert water into food. Increasing water productivity is particularly important where
water is scarce compared with other resources involved in production. While water
productivity increases with increase in water supply up to a certain point, water supply
also improves fertilizer-use efficiency by increasing the availability of applied nutrients.

The study will be conducted on terrace shed net of MIT (T). The following procedures
will be used to determine the properties of the Soil, Water and Drip irrigation system.

3.1 Water use efficiency

To know a particular amount of water from a dripper, we should firstly

measure water passing by from a single dripper in a unit time. After measuring the
amount of water, we should exactly know the number of drippers placed in an
individual line. By knowing the above, we can get the no. of lines in total field.
Then the water applied in an entire field per unit time is also measured.

The irrigation practices are being scheduled according to the number of days
and the growth period of crops. The use of water in a particular cropping season
may also be calculated per unit time according to the need and growth of crop.

Representative healthy plants showing well response to all types of

application was selected and nomenclate accordingly for taking further observation
as per the methodology adopted in forth coming pages. The average of yields from
selected plants taken for further observation by taking its weight every time.

The water use efficiency is calculated by the given formula:-

Crop Yield (kg)

Field Water Use Efficiency =
Total amount of water used in field (Lit. )
3.2 Cost Reduction

Present shed net terrace farm is quite expensive, thus to reduce the cost and the
initial investment, we can take following steps. The various components of terrace
shed net are foggers, mulch, drips, pan evaporimeter. The current turbidity of
irrigation water is high to reduce its level we will be using water conditioner.
Mulch will be used to reduce evaporation and to control weed growth.

A) Water quality- the water getting into pipes is not filtered before use. Hence they
may have chances to cause blockage due to salt formation, this have been
permanently removed by checking salinity of water and treating them effectively.

B) Mulching-Now a day’s plastic mulching is used, which is high in cost .Instead

of using plastic, we shall use the low cost mulching practice such as husk, plan

C) Bed Preparation-For proportion of bed for a particular crop, the root zone of the
crop are taken into consideration. The depth and spread of the roots side are
studied, with this the appropriate and measure bed are prepared.

Choudhary H., (2014). Low-cost polyhouse technologies for higher income and
nutritional security, International Journal of Agriculture and Food Science Technology
Volume 5, Number 3, PP.191-196.

Dr,A.M.Michael, Irrigation Theory and Practice, 2nd edition, PP.515-530.

Erdem T., (2006). Water-yield relationships of potato under different irrigation
methods and regimens,Sci. Agric. (Piracicaba, Braz.), Volume 63, Number3, PP.226-231.

Najim S.M., (2012). Water use efficiency of potato under different irrigation
methods and potassium fertilizer rates, Annals of Agricultural Science. Volume 57, PP.

Sharma B., (2015). Water use efficiency in agriculture: Measurement, current
situation and trends, Managing water and fertilizer for sustainable agricultural
intensification.PP. 39-64.

1) Soil and Water testing laboratory.

2) Irrigation laboratory.

Date: Signature of the student

1. Mr.Pande Avinash S.

2. Mr.Patil Tushar S.

3. Ms.Pattani Vismaya R.

4. Mr.Solanke Vaibhav B.

Signature of Project Guide

Prof. V.G.Jadhao

Approved by,

Head of the Department Principal

Prof. V.G.Jadhao Dr. S.P. Bhosale

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