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Today, I am going to write about the most misunderstood commodity and that is

Money! There is absolutely nothing that can replace money in the things that money
does, but regarding the rest of the things in the world, money is absolutely
useless. For example, all the money in the world won�t buy you one more day of
life. Money doesn't make us happy, poverty will not make you happy either. And I
can bet you that out of the two being rich is obviously better!

Money replaced barter for a commodity people exchange in return for goods and
services. Money does a lot of things. It can get you a good house so that you don't
have to live on the streets. It can give you food. It can buy you clothing. It can
get you medicines when you fall sick. It can give you
education. And that's about it. That's just what money was and is meant for.

Today most of the violence, anxiety, divorce, misery, and mistrust in the world is
caused by misunderstanding money than any other factor. Over time,money has shaped
many people into greedy human beings who put others down simply because they don�t
have the same things.For them
money is the only one most important thing in the whole world and they would do
anything for it.They can never get enough of everything, they always seem to desire
newer and better products which they think will ultimately make them happy.Soon the
individuals, who make hardly anything, somehow find a way to make more, sometimes
it often leads to stealing or even selling themselves and even killing somebody.
Their goal is constantly on finding ways to keep the money coming in.Owing to
these "human beings" such as murderers, smugglers, drug dealers, gunmen, etc. is
why money is similar to devil.Relatonships go sour for money.Families fight,couple
fight over petty money issues.

Money can buy fame, Money can buy power. And this is the reason why everyone is
chasing money.However ther is something else that can be the measurement of success
in one's life.Everyone nt peace and happiness, a loving and warm family and great
friends.If only we could realise that its
these things that really judge our successes, then the world would have been much

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