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Contents of this folder

* Folders

- Contains Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2 Express SP1 with Advanced Services
Open SQL.exe in this folder.

* Files

+ SQLRedistForMineSight.exe
- Contains all of the necessary redistributables to use
MineSight products on machines that do not have SQL Server
2008 locally installed, or machines that will be using SQL
Server 2005.
- You DO need to run this installer if you will be using SQL
Server 2008 from a network installation or if you will be using
SQL Server 2005.
- You DO NOT need to run this installer if you have SQL Server
2008 locally installed.
- This installer will auto-detect 32 and 64 bit and install the
appropriate executables.
- To install SQL Server 2008 Express, run SQL.exe in the SQL folder.

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