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I didn’t know why i finally become a medstud.

I realized it was my 5 years old

ambition. I though about the money that I will have after being a doctor. Until one day, im
on my way to my course and watch a lady who wear white siut and rode a red car. She stop
her car when she saw a man who wore a dirty shirt and rode bicycle. Then she gave him a
hundred rupiah. So, i have the reason for become a doctor. I will be a generouse doctor

When i was in senior high school, I didn’t even think about being a medical student
in islamic state university of malang. But a second before I submitted my sbmptn form, i
change my decision for the second slot. Yah, i clicked for FKUIN Malang. I didn’t know about
UIN Malang at all. So, I asked my teachers and my friends about it. But there was no one
know about FKUIN. Then, i searched from google and youtube. I find some video on youtube
about campus bismillah that uin have. I expect it was so big. But the reality was wrong. After
I enter this college, i never found the campus because the campus is under construction.

I was very shocked after i enter this college because every medical student in UIN
Malang must stay in dormitory for 2 years. I never live in dormitory before. I expected the
dormitory was dirty and full of people in a room with one bathroom sharing. But the reality
is different, in medical dormitory we have 2 people each room and 1 bathroom sharing for
2 people is not bad.

Becoming a medstud is quite challanging for me. I should become long live learner.
There is no time for being a lazy. It’s become harder everyday. Everytime i lost in my
situation, i always think about the reason why I become a doctor. But the reality about
being a doctor is always rich is wrong. Becoming rich is our decision, eventhough you are a
doctor you need to work and take care of your patient for having money.

However, being a medstud or become a doctor someday is hard. I think I should stay
in my decision eventough I must work hard for being rich and I have choose this way to
become a generouse doctor and help much people in this world with my money and my

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