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The lord of the flies is a book that focuses on a group of British boys stranded on an uninhabited

island and their disastrous attempt to govern themselves, and survive, whereas the hunger games is
a series of novel-movies about a government that forces 12 districts each to select a boy and a girl,
called Tributes, to compete in a nationally televised event called the Hunger Games. Every citizen
must watch as the youths fight to the death until only one remains.

Both extracts have kind of similar settings that affect the way the audience might be able to
concentrate on what’s going on. For instance, William Goulding has set the mood of the savage scene
in the book when the boys kill the beast, through the weather. There is a heavy rain upon the island
and a storm that upsets the sea around them. Which gives the idea of a dark, homicidal mood to the
readers: “The dark sky was shattered by a blue-white scar…Between the flashes of lightning the air
was dark and terrible”…while ongoing in the short film from the hunger games, the set of the scene
begins in a rather lit room that is unfamiliar to the characters, they are brought up to a field in the
middle of a forest, and there are the overwhelming sounds of chants, people counting down and a
sort of loud ringing that plays over the sound. The characters begin to get nervous and some start to
get scared as seen when one of them shakes their head in animosity to the whole situation.

Moreover, imagery is used in the extract from the novel to explicitly portray what’s going on in the
text. “Then the clouds opened and let down the rain like a waterfall. The water bounded from the
mountain-top, tore leaves and branches from the trees, poured like a cold shower over the struggling
heap on the sand.” The writer uses Cacophonous words to describe how the rain destroyed the life it
fell upon, life in this case being the vegetation. The readers may picture a violent rain from what
William wrote.

The salience in the video text to me looks like the character played by Jennifer Lawrence, because
the camera position constantly shifts from her to the surroundings and back to her, obviously
because she is the main character of the story and the most salient, whereas in the lord of the flies
text I feel that “the beast” is the most salient in the text because all the boys focus on the murder of
“the beast”… “Kill the beast! Cut his throat! Spill his blood! Do him in!” the boys chant this out as
they walk in the rain hunting “the beast” to kill. “…The circle became a horseshoe. A thing was
crawling out of the forest. It came darkly, uncertainly. The shrill screaming that rose before the beast
was like a pain. The beast stumbled into the horseshoe.” The beast is mentioned in almost all
sections of the text and this makes it the main focus in the extract. Also because that is the part of
the story when they kill it.

All through tension in both texts is brought out in a number of ways…one of them being the abrupt
begin of violence in both texts. You find that in the hunger games, as soon as the counting in the
background ceases the players begin to brutally kill each other in cold blood. This creates an obvious
conflict between all of the characters, taking a life in hope for their own survival. This makes some of
them run away in fear of death and also some of the characters meet their death by their
opponents…although tension is not brought out by William Goulding as directly as so in the hunger
games, he brings out tension through violence as well in the text by bringing about fear in the boys…
“The littluns began to run about, screaming. Jack leapt on to the sand. "Do our dance! Come on!
Dance!" He ran stumbling through the thick sand to the open space of rock beyond the fire. Between
the flashes of lightning the air was dark and terrible; and the boys followed him, clamorously.” The
boys run about after hearing the thunder, out of fear and this is one of the ways that caused tension
in the text between the boys, as they never really were brave.

In conclusion, I think that tension and the setting of the mood in both texts were portrayed explicitly,
but more in William’s text. I think that the way he portrays certain aspects of tension, and sets the
mood through the setting is derived from the usage of diction, and extreme imagery and repetition. I
feel that william is able to create more emotion in his text to make the reactions of the readers more

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