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Words for the day

1. Sobriquet (noun)
- A descriptive name or epithet

2. Fraught (adjective)
- Full of or accompanied by something specified –
used with “with”

3. Dilapidated (adjective)
- Decayed, deteriorated or fallen into partial ruin
especially through neglect or misuse

4. Apocryphal (adjective)
- Of doubtful authenticity: SPURIOUS

5. Phantasm (noun)
- A product of fantasy

Words for the day

1. Mitigate (verb)
- To cause to become less harsh or hostile

2. Sawbones (noun)
- Slang

3. Pursy (adjective)
- Short-winded especially because of corpulence

4. Futhark (noun)
- The runic alphabet

5. Divulge (verb)
- Make known

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