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Twitter Cheat Sheet

Twitter Handle
This is your nickname or username on Twitter. Brands normally use their brand
name (rFactr) and people usually secure some form of their name (RichardBrasser).

A statement you are publishing on Twitter which must be 140 character or less.
Once you craft and publish a tweet it is public record. It can be a thought, question,
article with link, etc.

When you want to send a public message to someone (to respond, share an article
to someone, etc) you would put an @ in front of their username (ie. @rFactr). This is
like their phone number and will be notified that you mentioned them.

When you tweet only your followers will see it by default. Hashtags are used to
assign a topic to your tweet and makes it searchable by others interested in the
topic. This allows you to reach new and targeted Twitter users to grow your
following and establish thought leadership in a topic.

Retweets or RTs are used to share a tweet that somebody else originally created.
Use retweets when you come across articles or information that you think that you
think your followers would find valuable. Retweet others and they will retweet you.
Twitter can get very distracting easily so Twitter Lists are essential in being
organized and filtering out the noise. Anytime you visit someone’s profile you can
click the gear icon and add him or her to a list. You can create public or private lists.
Private lists means no one else can see them, and the members of the list do not get
notified they’re on it. Here are some list suggestions: Prospects (private),
Competitors (private), Influencers (public), Customers (private).

Getting Your First 100 Followers

1. Start Following People and Prospects. Do a search for a keyword, title or company
name that is related to your prospects (ie. Sales Enablement or VP of Sales or IBM).
Following influencers and potential prospects should be your focus. Start following
these individuals.
2. Start tweeting. Share articles and thoughts using hashtags when possible to grow
your audience/following.
3. Interact. Tweet back to anyone who mention or retweets you. Like and retweets
people you have just followed to get their attention and increase likelihood of a
follow back.
4. Rinse and repeat!

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