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How to create
that dreamy
outdoor space

Are cats
Keeping born to
things POSE?
and how
to cope

Feline 07

SUMMER SUN rivalry

FROM THE HEAT 9 770952 287132 >



July 2017 ● Issue 472
To reach us: Call +44 (0)1903 884988.
Or write to: The Editor, Cat World,
email: Cat news and views Meet the magical Ragdoll
US office: Ashdown Inc., 68132 250th 6 CATS AND NEIGHBOURS 41 ON THE EDGE
Avenue, Kasson, MN 55944, USA. How to keep things friendly Katy has exciting news
Tel: 507 634 3143
Give your cat a seasonal MOT Some wanderers return home
Editor: Jill Mundy
Advertisement sales: A feline garden paradise Why don’t they get on?
UK office: Maria Fitzgerald
US office: Sara Vix How to prevent the misery Tabs finds the rain boring
Wendy Crosthwaite Don’t let the cat get your tongue Two cool cats
It’s not just for looking pretty Are the cats born to pose?
Published by ISSN 0961 - 0944 22 SUMMER SAFETY 56 ASK THE EXPERTS
Distributed to the newstrade by Comag.
Subscription prices:
Protect your cat in the heat Some common problems
One year: (12 issues) UK £59.99. 24 BIG CATS 58 CATS ON THE COUCH
European and worldwide prices will be
The skilful leopard The benefits of a home visit
adjusted to local currencies. See online for
details at or please 28 YOUR CAT’S FUTURE 60 GORDY & ME
call +44 (0)1903 884988. All of our sub-
Their future, your peace of mind A tear-jerker this month
scriptions are handled by us at CW.
The latest update from BCWR Reduce unwanted kittens 64 MILLION CAT CHALLENGE
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Meeting half way
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© copyright

2 C AT W O R L D

02-03_CW 472.indd 2 19/05/2017 22:00

Considering this is the July issue
of Cat World, the weather out-
side as I write this is very unsea-
sonal. But that’s British weather
for you! Hopefully by the time
you are reading it, the sun will
be shining and temperatures will
be much higher. Taking advantage of summer
conditions is really the theme of this issue, with
lots of advice for summer health, cat-friendly
gardens and summer holidays. Who wouldn’t
want to spend a few balmy hours in the garden
relaxing with a feline companion?
From mad cat ladies (and men) to mara-
thon runners, we are a nation of cat lovers and
long may that continue. Whatever the political 42
climate or the weather throws at us, our feline
companions are there for us, no matter what.
We should never take that for granted.
Till next month

Jill & the team

The lovely elderly residents 24
How to frame your cat
Cat shows around the UK and Ireland 22
Bring on the flood
Cats of Parliament
Wondering about wandering cats
Tips for travelling felines
helping with exam stress
79 FUN PAGE Want to write or report
Test your brain power with our puzzles for CW? We’d love to
hear from you. Email
All good things come in twos


02-03_CW 472.indd 3 19/05/2017 22:00


Vote for feline welfare

In the build up to June’s General
Election, Cats protection asked
all candidates to back measures
to improve the lives of Britain’s
cats. The charity’s 10-point plan
aims to protect the nation’s
felines from abandonment, harm
and neglect and hopes to see
microchipping for cats become
Cats Protection’s Advocacy
and Government Relations Man-
ager, Jacqui Cuff said: “Nearly a
quarter of UK households own a
cat (an estimated population of Diets are not just after Christmas
11 million cats) and their welfare
will be of great importance to Cat owners are being obesity has more than session with you or a
many voters. We are calling for urged not to give their doubled over the last 12 few more cuddles is
modern legislation to better pro- cats too many food months. If you think your preferable to encourag-
tect cats from harm and ensure treats after a report from cat deserves a treat for ing your puss to pile on
their welfare. a leading insurance good behaviour, then the pounds.
“Cats are not political – they company found feline a new toy, an extra play
come in all colours of black,
white, ginger and many more –
yet politicians from all parties can Ninety years of cat care
improve their lives immeasurably
One expensive kitty Congratulations to
by tackling some of our 2022 Fashion designer Karl Lagerfeld Cats Protection who
Agenda priorities.” is reported to have collaborated celebrated their 90th
Also high on Cats Protections with top toy maker Steiff who birthday in May this
action list is cat ownership. The have created a luxury stuffed year. The charity
charity is looking to future MPs plush version of his beloved cat estimates that it has
to help promote responsible cat Choupette. The price? A cool helped around 4.5mil-
ownership and tackle $545 apparently. lion cats over the past nine decades.
the issue of owners Happy Birthday!
being forced to give
up cats because
their landlord, social
Fears over cat food in Australia
housing provider or A major chain of pet food stores in Australia has removed all Best Feline Friend
care home does not cat food from their shelves after customers complained that cats were becoming
allow pets. ill after eating it. Some even claimed their cats had died as a result. Most of the
cats had been fed the food for several months before they fell ill.
The American manufacturer of the food has recalled BFF and will carry out

4 C AT W O R L D

04-05_CW 472.indd 4 19/05/2017 22:02

after one
tigers di


Twinkle Trust
marathon success
Earlier this year we featured the
Sumatran Tiger stopped eating work of the Twinkle Trust, a char-
Keepers and other staff at a Mississippi team, his heart stopped beating and ity helping stray and feral cats
zoo are devastated after one of their they were unable to revive him. in Fuerteventura. Gill and Ryan
two Sumatran tigers died prematurely The zoo are awaiting results of Christie have adopted their cats
in early May. Cinta suddenly stopped blood tests and x-rays to see if they will from the charity and our feature
eating and drinking and despite being provide any clues as to why Cinta’s life mentioned that Ryan would be
under the care of the zoo’s medical came to such a sad and abrupt end. running the London Marathon this
year to raise funds so that they
can continue their work.
Stuck at school Gill says: “Ryan got a great
When a cleaner at a RSPCA for assistance. couldn’t have squeezed time of three hours and fifteen
school in Southwark, The unlucky black male in through the grill. He minutes for his first ever mara-
London heard mewing cat was stuck behind probably tried to get out thon and so has qualified for a
noises while cleaning the the grill over one of the through the window and good for age place next year.
school, he was unaware school windows, with no then got stuck behind We also managed to exceed our
of the kitty’s plight. When means of escape. it when it closed. Luck- fundraising target and so far have
he finally discovered the Inspector Callum Issit ily he was fine - just collected over £2900 for Twinkle
source of the plaintive said: “He must have got scared.” Trust. It will make such a differ-
cries he had to call the into the building as he ence to them as they struggle

every day to meet the needs of
the islands unfortunate cats.”

Pals abroad THOUGHT

At this time of year
many of us are
‘I had been told
looking forward that the train- Longest Maine
to going abroad
on holiday but ing procedure Coon on Instagram?
for some people, with cats was The Guiness Book of Records has
going overseas on a work assignment is all part of contacted the owner of a Maine
the job. Craig Wilmore was working in Angola when difficult. It’s not. Coon cat in Australia after the
he was befriended by this cute feral cat. “She was very cat’s photo was spotted on Ins-
playful (after a few weeks of coaxing) and loves Tuna
Mine had me tagram. It is believed that Omar
and Chicken Spam.” Craig has eight cats of his own trained in two could measure up to the title of
at his UK home and said the feral cat really helped to the world’s longest cat. The deci-
make his off-time bearable. days.’ sion has yet to be revealed.
- Bill Dana


04-05_CW 472.indd 5 19/05/2017 22:02


Top tips to keep the

neighbours happy
No matter how lovely we think our cats are, sometimes
our neighbours may find them a nuisance but there are
things we can do to keep things friendly


ats that are allowed outside like ● If toileting on the neighbour’s are areas that will encourage your
to roam the neighbourhood and garden is an issue, make a sheltered cat to remain there. Catnip and cat
will mark their territory using part of your own garden into a latrine mint plants are always popular, as are
natural behaviours. A cat’s ter- area where your cat can dig the soil. plants that attract butterflies and other
ritory will obviously be your home Encourage him to use the area while insects as your cat will enjoy trying to
and garden, if you have one, but it is you are at home with him so he gets chase them.
also likely to include neighbouring used to using it and will do so happily ● Ask your neighbour if your cat is
gardens which can sometimes cause when you are out. gaining access to their garden in the
problems if the cat uses those gar- ● Your cat may be entering your same place each time. If so, you could
dens as their outside toilet. Seeing a neighbour’s garden on a hunting mis- suggest that he plants some prickly
cat dozing on the path or wandering sion. Try to increase the amount of bushes at that spot as a deterrent. If
across the lawn is not so much of a time you spend playing with your cat the access is though a hole in the wall
problem but the sight of one crouch- each day, either indoors or outside. or fence, offer to block the holes.
ing over the newly planted flower bed Hopefully this will tire him more and ● If all of the above prove difficult,
is not so pleasant. he will prefer to spend time dozing in consider enclosing your garden with
The following suggestions may help his own garden rather than wandering a cat-proof fencing system, allowing
you to keep your cat happy and to next door. your cat access to your garden with-
remain friendly with your neighbours ● If your neighbours are bird lov- out being able to stray.
too. ers, with garden feeders, they may be ● Cats, unlike many other animals,
● Speak with your neighbours when concerned that your cat is out look- have a ‘right to roam’ and cannot be
you can to find out exactly why your ing for prey. A bell on a quick-release seen as trespassers. However, as a cat
cat seems to be causing distress. They collar will alert any wildlife to the fact owner, we have a common law duty
should be encouraged by the fact that that your cat is approaching. You could to ensure our cats don’t injure anyone
you want to ease the situation if pos- also agree to keep your cat indoors or cause damage to a neighbour’s
sible. for at least an hour after sunrise and property.
● If your neighbour also has a cat, before sunset, especially during the If you really want to keep tabs on
the problem could be that your cat is early summer when baby birds will your cat while he is outside, there are
being the infamous neighbourhood be leaving the nest for the first time now many GPS and other tracking
bully. If your cat wears a quick-release Try hiding food and treats around systems on the market. A device fitted
collar, attaching a bell to it will alert your house for your cat to seek out to your cat’s collar is linked to your
the home cat that he is approaching and discover. Toys that hide treats and smartphone, so you can see exactly
and they can then make themselves puzzle feeders are both good sources where your cat is at any time of the
scarce if they don’t want to risk con- of entertainment and mental stimula- day or night. Not only will you be able
frontation. Keep your cat inside for tion which will prevent boredom, tire to tell how often your cat wanders
part of the day or evening and let your your cat more and encourage more away from home but you will also have
neighbours know the timescale so that time spent asleep. peace of mind that if he gets trapped
they know it is ‘safe’ for their own cats ● If you can, give a bit of thought to or lost, you can be reasonably sure of
to be outside at that time. overhauling your garden so that there where to find him.

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06-07_CW 472.indd 7 19/05/2017 16:31

Top 10 checks for a

8 C AT W O R L D

08-09_CW 472.indd 8 19/05/2017 18:39

r a healthy summer
The summer months are an ideal time to carry out a summer MOT and
make sure your pets are in good health and free from injury


his time of year is a great op- should be checked by a vet if found. end of your cat! Most cats are con-
portunity to spend a little time Long term tooth decay can cause a vinced everyone is really interested
checking the general health of variety of problems for cats, including in seeing their derrière (which is
our cats. All of these checks can (and kidney disease and heart problems, actually a greeting that should be ac-
should) be done on a fairly regular so their teeth should definitely be knowledged by an owner) but some-
basis and may prevent more serious looked after properly. times it is necessary and can indicate
problems developing things such as infections, worms or
5. Coat dietary problems. Stools should be
1. Eyes Your cat’s coat should naturally small and firm and should not contain
Eyes should be bright, alert and be smooth, soft and clean. Groom any signs of blood or parasites. If you
shiny. They should be free from them to help remove dead hairs from notice anything unusual, consult your
gunge and should not weep. Cats their summer moult or these could vet.
have an extra ‘inner’ eyelid too. This be ingested and turn into hairballs.
should not be visible when they have Give him a stroke and feel for knots 9.Weight
their eyes fully open, so if you can see or any other lumps and bumps; pull It should be fairly easy to tell if
it permanently, get an appointment the fur apart and check for fleas and your cat is over or underweight,
with the vet. ticks. If you spot any problems, you simply by knowing your cat. Another
should take him to the vet to get him good indicator is that you should be
2. Ears checked out ASAP. able to feel the cat’s ribs but each rib
Ears should be clean and free of should not be well pronounced. Most
wax, bugs, dry skin etc. and there 6. Paws often, excess weight is directly con-
should be no smell. Often cats with Check the pads of their paws for nected to diet and many companies
ear problems will scratch at their dryness, cuts, infections etc. Some- do ‘light’ cat food these days. How-
ears or shake their heads excessively. times splinters or thorns can be lurk- ever an underweight cat or a cat that
Look for these signs and consult your ing in there too and cats can be mas- is persistently overweight even after
vet if you’re at all concerned. ters of disguising their discomfort. diet changes should definitely be
taken to the vet.
3. Nose 7. Claws
A cat’s nose should be soft, clean Hopefully your cat has plenty to 10. Brain
and generally a little moist. If your cat scratch and regularly sheds the top Your cat’s mental health is as im-
seems to have a permanently dry or layer of claw but it’s worth check- portant as their physical health. Take
permanently dripping nose, then this ing that they’re clean and sharp, and note of whether your cat is active,
could indicate problems and further clipping them back a bit if necessary. bright and interested, good tempered
investigation should be undertaken. Never clip their claws if you don’t and not depressed. Cats that are
know exactly what you are doing and detached from family life or that hide,
4.Teeth where to cut. who are off their food or that are ir-
Check the teeth out for excess tar- ritable and aggressive, may well have
tar and bad breath. These symptoms 8. Rear an underlying illness or stress-related
can indicate an underlying illness and Don’t forget to check out the ‘blunt’ problem affecting them.


08-09_CW 472.indd 9 19/05/2017 18:39


Help your cat to love y

Summer days are good for exploring but when it gets too hot and you
need a peaceful snooze, there really is no place like home


ith longer summer days High point like to bury their faeces unless they
and warmer temperatures Cats really appreciate a resting feel threatened and are marking their
if we’re lucky, our cats are place up high, where they can survey territory.
likely to want to spend more time their territory. Provide a high table or Shy cats will welcome a couple of
outdoors. While we would love them platform, preferably in the centre of small shrubs or large planters next to
to stay close to home, of course we all the garden, where they will have the the door so that they can come and go
know that many cats are free to wan- best vantage point. without feeling they are on full view of
der at will and this puts them at risk the neighbourhood.
of an accident or injury. By making Privacy
our gardens inviting and cat-friendly, If you don’t have a cat flap you will Boundaries
our cats may just decide that actually, need to provide an area your cat can Fences and hedges will encourage
there’s no place like home. use as a toilet. Choose somewhere your cat to stay in your garden but
Here are a few suggestions of private and secluded, with plenty of a young, inquisitive cat may wriggle
simple ways to encourage your cat shade, not too far from the house. Put through gaps or climb them easily. In
to spend his time in your own garden down some material that can be easily this case you may want to investigate
and not your neighbours’. raked through, such as loose soil. Cats specialist fencing options that will pre-
vent your cat climbing out and others
getting in.

Make sure there are no plants in
your garden that are poisonous to cats.
That said, cats are intelligent creatures
and will not chew anything potentially
harmful. You can find a comprehensive
list of dangerous plants on the iCat-
Care website.
Choose plants that will attract
insects as these will provide exercise
and entertainment for your cat.
Ornamental grasses or bamboos
are also a good choice as they make
a rustling noise as they blow in the
Prickly plants are useful for keeping
your cat away from spaces you don’t
want him to go.

Kittens and younger cats will ap-

10 C AT W O R L D

10-11_CW 472.indd 10 19/05/2017 16:34


e your garden

preciate an area where they can weave Placing it under a leafy shrub will pro- slippery when it rains and can take a
amongst plants, pots, boulders etc. vide shade. If you have space, a small long time to dry out. Not so suitable for
Have some garden toys to keep them cat house where your cat can while older or frail cats.
amused too. Rotate these just as you do away the hours in peace and quiet Bark chippings are popular in many
with their indoor toys to keep bore- makes a great addition to any feline’s gardens and are soft enough to walk
dom away. garden. on but could be mistaken for cat litter.
Older cats with less energy or mo- Again, they hold the moisture when
bility will love a spot where they can On the surface wet.
rest quietly so perhaps a slightly raised Try to include areas of different Soil on it’s own, with no plants, is
area with shallow steps or a slope textures and surfaces in your garden to an invitation for cats to dig and use
leading to it, under a shady bush, is give variety. the area as a toilet. Try to avoid bare
worth considering. Grass will stay cool on hot days, patches of soil wherever possible.
when other surfaces may be no-go Shingle can also resemble litter tray
Refreshment and relaxation areas. material and is quite sharp beneath a
Provide fresh drinking water out- Cats also like to chew grass to aid cat’s paws. If there are areas or plants
side as well as indoors, especially if their digestion. A tub planted with cat in the garden that you don’t want
your cat is left out of the house for any grass is sure to be a favourite. your cat to get to, then putting shingle
length of time. Cats need access to Paving is easy to walk on and keep around them is a good deterrent.
fresh water at all times but particularly clean but can get hot so a few paving Consider your cat’s personality and
in hot weather. slabs in a shady area will provide a health with the above suggestions in
A cushion or blanket placed on a welcome retreat from the heat. mind and your garden could become
step or low wall makes a comfy seat. Decking looks nice but soon gets one of his most favourite places.


10-11_CW 472.indd 11 19/05/2017 16:34


Dealing with the misery

of summer allergies
The arrival of balmy summer days usually means a love of
being outdoors but for some cats, an allergy to something
in the environment can make life miserable


fter what seems like months of showing a variety of symptoms.
dark nights and frosty mornings, Ideally the best way to treat aller-
spring has arrived along with gies is to remove the offending al-
some warmer weather and of lergens from the environment but you
course lighter evenings. Many cats will have to know what allergens the cat
decide that they now want to venture is reacting to. If your cat displays the
outdoors more and this presents its following general symptoms, it could
own dangers. Some cats may be more mean they are having an allergic reac-
prone to allergic reactions to things in tion:
the environment commonly associated ● Facial crusty and scabby lesions
with warmer temperatures. ● Flaking skin
● Hair loss
What is an allergy? ● Itchy skin and increased scratching
Allergies are a damaging immune ● Itchy back especially around the
response caused by an inappropriate base of the tail (this is most commonly
response to a substance which would seen in flea allergies)
usually be considered harmless. This ● Itchy and runny eyes
means the immune system is more ● Miliary dermatitis (seen as a red and
sensitive. It overreacts to certain eve- crusty rash around the head, neck and
ryday substances and begins to iden- back)
tify them as dangerous and as a result, ● Paw’s being chewed and swollen
mounts an immune response against it. paws
These substances are called allergens ● Vomiting
or antigens. Whilst these substances ● Diarrhoea
or allergens are usually common in the There are a variety of things that
environment and are harmless to most cats can be allergic to and it really is
cats, a cat who has an allergy can have a process of elimination. In one cat it
an extreme reaction to them. may be easy to identify what is caus-
The purpose of the immune system ing the allergic reaction whilst in an-
is to keep infectious micro-organisms, other cat it may be more difficult and
such as certain bacteria, viruses and require tests to be carried out by the
fungi, out of the body and destroy any vet. Some common offenders are:
infectious micro-organisms that do ● Cleaning products
invade the body. When you put it in ● Cigarette smoke
context, allergens or antigens are sim- ● Dust pollens
ply foreign proteins that the immune ● Fabrics
system attempts to remove and as they ● Fleas and flea control products
try to do this, it may result in the cat ● Food

12 C AT W O R L D

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● Grass
● Mould
● Perfumes
● Prescription medication
● Rubber and plastic materials
● Tree pollens

Skin problems
The four main causes of allergies in
cats resulting in skin problems are: in-
sects, contact, inhalants and food. The
most common is the flea allergy known
as feline allergic dermatitis - ‘FAD’.
If your cat displays any symptoms
of having an allergy it is important to
seek veterinary advice. If your cat is
scratching their skin and it becomes
red and inflamed, the more they
scratch, the more likely it is to get in-
fected and this may require a course of
antibiotics. However this will only treat
the skin infection, which is the result of
them scratching, as opposed to what
is causing them to scratch in the first
If you suspect your cat may have
an allergy then you should see your
veterinary surgeon who will make a
preliminary diagnosis and treatment
plan. He will need as much information
as possible, for example:
Is there a particular season when
your cat has the most allergy symp-
toms? Which part of your cat’s body is
the most itchy?
Depending on the severity of the
condition your vet may prescribe a
medicated shampoo, anti-histamines
or steroids to see how the cat re-
sponds. Please do not be tempted to
give over-the-counter antihistamines to
your cat.
There are typically two types of
allergies: food allergies and environ-
mental allergies. For example if your
cat gets itchy during the spring, sum-
mer or autumn then they are probably
reacting to seasonal environmental
allergens but if you are noticing the
symptoms were all year round, this
may indicate that the sensitivity they
are experiencing is something that is
more constant in their environment or
in their diet.
When a cat develops an allergy,
it can appear as a skin irritation or


12-14_CW 472.indd 13 19/05/2017 16:35

‘ There are a variety of things that cats can be Contact allergy
A contact allergy is the least com-
allergic to and it really is a process of elimination. mon type of allergy and is caused by
something your cat comes in contact
with, such as carpet, bedding (espe-
inflammation, a condition known as help your cat become less sensitive cially wool) or detergents. If your cat
allergic dermatitis. If the initial treat- to them. Unfortunately this is a long is allergic to such substances, there
ment prescribed by your vet does not process and it may take many months will be skin irritation and itching at the
ease their symptoms then your vet to see the full effect. Even then there points of contact (elbows, bottom of
may recommend more specific allergy are some cats who do not respond to the feet, belly, etc.). Treatment involves
testing. This is done by taking a blood this treatment. identifying and removing the allergen.
test, performing intradermal skin test- Homeopathic remedies may help
ing or doing a biopsy of the affected Inhalant or ‘seasonal’ allergy with allergies and it is down to the
area. Whilst blood tests are relatively Inhalant allergy or atopy is esti- individual cat as to what remedies
reliable for detecting airborne aller- mated to be the third most common are prescribed as it works on a dual
gies, they are not as good for food or type of allergy in cats and is caused by approach. The first is a constitutional
contact allergies. Skin testing is con- breathing pollens, dust mites, moulds remedy which is centred on the ani-
sidered as more accurate and involves and other allergens in the environ- mal’s psychological makeup, i.e. what
shaving a patch of hair on your cat’s ment. It is sometimes referred to as their personality is like. The second is
side and then injecting a small amount a ‘seasonal allergy’ when related to a pathological remedy; this is where
of allergens under the skin. If the test is pollens. Symptoms can be seasonal the homeopathic vet would ask what
positive the skin will appear reddened or non-seasonal and often begin in the scabs looked like, where the cat is
or show welts. young cats, worsening with age. Most itching and what affect it is having on
Once the vet has established what cats that have an inhalant allergy are the cat’s body.
allergens the cat has reacted to, those allergic to several allergens. It might be worth researching Bach
offending allergens can be mixed to- In order to make a diagnosis your Flower Remedies. There is an excellent
gether by a laboratory and very small vet will need to give your cat a thor- book called Bach Flower Remedies for
injections (known as hyposensitisation) ough examination and take a complete Animals by Helen Graham and Greg-
are given weekly over several months medical history. They will want to rule ory Vlamis which gives an insight as to
in the hope that it will re-program the out other possible conditions such as how remedies can help with physical
immune system so it is not hypersensi- mange, a flea allergy*, contact derma- and emotional conditions. One remedy
tive to the antigen and will hopefully titis, ringworm and a food allergy. I have used is called Crab Apple. An
One of the ways to treat an inhalant extract taken from the book says: “This
allergy is to try to avoid the cause but remedies uncleanliness, infection and
this is often not possible if the allergen toxicity; this remedy can be used in
has not been identified or you are not conjunction with veterinary treatment.
able to stop the cat being exposed. It can be used on all skin conditions
where animals are always cleaning
themselves, licking, scratching or
pulling their hair out including skin
conditions such as dermatitis, dandruff,
mange and scabies. For animals with
fleas, parasites, insect bites or that tend
to attract fleas and parasites.”
Observing your cat’s symptoms,
how he reacts to them and noting any-
thing you feel might be causing them
will all be valuable information if you
seek advice from your vet but don’t
despair…with the correct diagnosis
and treatment, your cat can start to
enjoy the summer months too.

●See next month’s Cat World for ad-

vice on dealing with fleas and para-

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Speak up - has the cat

got your tongue?
Some cat breeds like to chat and others prefer the sound
of silence - all cats communicate with their humans on
one level or another but do we understand them?


lot of us, as cat owners, like to Most of us are aware that a cat holding In contrast, if a cat’s pupils are nar-
think we know exactly what our his tail straight up is usually a greet- rowed or constricted, this can mean
furry felines are saying to us ing signal. If the tail is straight up and in some cases that they are being
as we know our pets the most also has the tip curved over, this is aggressive. A fixed stare from a cat
intimately. Of course most of the time also showing friendliness, the same as is a challenge, although if they blink
this may be true, as we each know our when a cat wraps it’s tail around your slowly at you, sometimes referred to
cat’s personality, habits and routines. legs when standing next to you. as the ‘kiss blink’, this is a sign of great
But what about their body language? When a cat is feeling relaxed, they affection and trust, as in a cat’s world it
And what exactly is our kitty saying to may just allow their tail to hang straight shows your kitty trusts you enough to
us when they look up at us and give us down in a relaxed way, although, as a close his eyes in your presence.
that sweet, plaintive meow? Research lot of us are familiar with, if the tail is Surprisingly, many people can mis-
has shown that cats actually put a lot tucked between the legs this indicates understand what their cats are telling
more effort into communicating with the cat is feeling fearful or defensive. them and miss a lot of the subtle cues
us than they do with each other. However it is important to note that a their cat is giving them, for example,
When communicating with other ‘wagging’ tail does not mean the same when you hear people say: “Oh cats
cats, most of the time the subtle visual with cats as it does in dogs. If a cat are not affectionate or social, they only
and body language signals they use is slowly swishing its tail from side to ever come to us when they want food.”
are so subtle that they can be hardly side, it may mean he is curious and In reality, these people are simply miss-
recognisable, yet each cat will know trying to decide how he feels about a ing the subtle signs of social interaction
exactly what message is being sent. situation, whereas a fast or thumping and affection their kitty is giving them.
When communicating with us, how- tail is usually a good indicator that he As well as the ‘kiss blink’ previ-
ever, cats will often exaggerate their is agitated and should be left alone. ously mentioned, if your kitty sleeps/
body language signals much more Of course, most people know that naps or lies down near you, it can be
than usual, in an effort to make it obvi- when a cat has the fur on his tail stand- a sign of affection and friendliness, the
ous to us what they want to say. ing on end and fluffed, similar to the same as when they follow you around
Even meowing is something that ‘toilet brush’ tail seen in the famous the house and sit down to watch what
they mostly reserve for communicat- ‘halloween cat’ symbols, this means you are doing (even at inconvenient
ing with us, as they have learned a your kitty is feeling very fearful and moments, such as when you are in the
vocal signal will get our attention. In defensive, as they are trying to make shower!).
truth, with maybe the odd exception, themselves appear bigger and more Of course, most of us believe that
cats rarely meow at each other as vis- intimidating. when a cat rubs his head or cheek
ual cues and posture is usually enough against you, he is being friendly. He is,
to understand what is being said. So The eyes in actual fact, scent – marking you. Cats
just how do we decipher what they are Cat’s eyes can also be very expres- have scent glands on their chin and
telling us, and what are some of the sive. When a cat’s pupils are dilated, by rubbing against you, they are say-
most common mistakes we make? it can mean they are feeling fearful or ing: “You are mine!” Don’t be put out
One of the most expressive ways anxious, as they are trying to take in as though…in a cat’s world, that is a great
cats communicate is with their tails. much of what is going on as possible. sign of affection. If your cat is sweet

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enough to lick or ‘kiss’ you… even your kitty is becoming too excited or hands!). If she does playfully bite you,
better! Your kitty has officially accepted stimulated by the interaction, especial- simply immediately stop all interaction
you as a member of her family. Even ly if there are young children around and walk away. As you can see, there
playful or gentle biting can be a way of (playing with your cat with cat teas- are a number of subtle signs our kit-
your cat showing her affection for you. ers and cat toys can also help prevent ties use to show us their affection, and
However, it may be necessary to ‘playful biting’ – playing with your cat by learning their unique language and
discourage this particular behaviour with your hands may only serve to behaviour, we can learn to understand
by simply watching your cat’s behav- encourage biting and teach your kitty our feline friends and what they are
iour and stopping interaction or play if it is ok to bite and pounce on your trying to tell us on a deeper level.


16-17_CW 472.indd 17 22/05/2017 12:21


The art of being a

well-groomed puss
Cats generally love to keep themselves clean and looking
good but a regular grooming session from their owner will
help them bond and there are health benefits too


any cats are well equipped to with a cat, i.e.. as a kitten preferably, Talcum powder
care for their grooming needs the more they will accept it as a pleas- Unperfumed talcum powder or
themselves. How often do you urable and normal experience. specialist coat powder is useful
see your fab feline giving their for untangling a stubborn knot in
coat a rigorous rake through with their What do you need? a longhaired cat. Sprinkle a little
barbed tongue or delicately smooth- Some basic equipment is all that is over the knotted area and gently
ing over their ears with a well-licked required for most cats. tease it out.
paw? Their natural flexibility allows Brush - a pure bristle brush lifts the Try not to cut knots out,
them to reach almost every part of fur without breaking the hairs, allowing especially if you are intend-
their body with their tongue. the slicker brush to remove any loose ing to show your cat, as a
Dead hairs are removed in the pro- hairs from the coat. clipped coat may mean
cess, leaving their coat looking glossy Comb - a wide-toothed wire comb disqualification from
and smooth. However, licking their fur is better for grooming longhaired or the competition.
will mean loose hairs are ingested, semi-longhaired cats as it will deal
building up in the cat’s digestive sys- with knots and help check for para- How often
tem and forming a fur ball that eventu- sites hiding in the coat. Shorthaired or should I
ally will need to be eliminated. All very Rex breeds will need a fine toothed groom?
unpleasant. So a regular grooming wire comb as well as a soft bristle This really depends
session from you can help prevent brush. on the length of your cat’s
the build up of fur balls and at least Mitt - A rubber mitt is particularly coat. Longhaired cats such as
reduce the number of times your cat useful if your cat isn’t keen on being Maine Coons grow thick winter coats
needs to get rid of them. groomed but will tolerate you stroking which they will start to shed as soon
Grooming performs a number of him. Also useful for shorthaired cats as the weather begins to warm up. Of
important functions besides removing and Rex breeds. course this will mean more loose hairs
loose hair. Dead skin cells and and Cloth - A damp chamois or velvet and these will need to be removed
parasites will also be cleaned out and cloth is great for giving any cat, includ- frequently to prevent the build up of
the massaging action stimulates the ing the Sphynx, a final ‘polish’. Not hairballs. Around 15 minutes each
skin glands, producing a light film of only does it feel good but it also gives day will be adequate with a thorough
oil which waterproofs the skin. Evapo- a good shine to the coat. grooming session once a week.
ration of saliva from the coat helps to Cotton buds/wipes - Moistened Shorthaired cats moult too but
keep a cat cool when the weather is cotton pads are perfect for cleaning don’t suffer from knots in their coats. A
hot. the corner of the eyes. Cotton buds once-a-week groom will suffice.
Helping your cat to keep in tip top dipped in a little warm olive oil help However, if your cat is elderly or
condition will not only benefit his coat to keep ears clean - be gentle. Veteri- unwell, he will probably be less able
but by brushing and stroking him you nary surgeries and grooming salons to reach all areas of his coat by himself
can be aware of any strange lumps sell specialist eye and ear wipes too and will appreciate a little more help
and bumps or scratches that may ap- that are a useful addition to the groom- from you and will probably be pleased
pear. The earlier you start this process ing kit. to get some welcome attention.

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What is involved? Eyes, ears and claws you feel you need to take of the sharp
The best recipe for success is to A gentle clean with moistened points, special clippers or scissors are
keep grooming sessions short and cotton pads will remove matter from available. Your veterinary nurse can
pleasurable. If you are grooming your around the eyes while cotton buds show you how to do this.
cat for the first time, sit him on your dipped in a little warm olive oil keep
lap or a table and just stroke your ears clean. Don’t ever poke these Shorthaired cats:
hands over his head and body prais- inside the cat’s ears…just gently wipe Place your cat on a towel or blanket
ing him as you do so if he is happy and the inner ear area that can easily be on a table or work surface. Start by
calm. As soon as he seems to have seen. grooming with your hands to keep
had enough, let him go. Forcing a cat Claws will need to be kept trimmed your cat relaxed. Take your soft slicker
to remain still will only cause more but if you allow your cat outside or brush and, starting at your cat’s head,
resistance next time you want to groom provide a good scratching post in- brush along the lay of the coat to his
them. doors, there should be no need for tail. Work along his back and then each
Try to groom your cat after he has any further treatment. A cat’s claws side. You will probably be amazed at
eaten as he is more likely to be relaxed contain scent glands and he uses them how much loose hair is shed from a
and will naturally be keen to get clean as a marking tool and also to leave shorthaired cat’s coat.
at this time. ‘messages’ for other cats in the area. If Finish with a wipe with a damp


18-20_CW 472.indd 19 19/05/2017 18:54


chamois or velvet cloth to give the coat work in the direction of the coat, never he is uncomfortable with the situation
shine. against it. include:
Turn your cat over and groom his ● A twitching or vigorously swishing
Longhaired cats: chest, belly and inner thighs. You may tail
Place your cat on a towel or blanket need someone to help you hold the cat ● Flattening his ears
on a table or work surface. Run your firmly while you do this. ● Being tense or crouching
fingers through the coat, feeling for If your cat starts to show signs of ● His body or head shaking
unusual lumps and bumps and any stress at any time, call it a day. ● Sudden scratching or self-grooming
matted areas. If you find any matts, try Finish by combing the cat’s tail, a
to tease them out with your fingers first little at a time, from the hair root out- Praise your cat throughout each
before you start using the tools. wards. grooming session and give him a treat
Start with your wide-toothed comb A soft slicker brush will finish the when you have finished if you think
and work through the entire coat, coat off nicely, giving it a good shine. he deserves it. Talk to him calmly and
removing loose hairs and any debris If your cat doesn’t like being reassuringly, with the occasional chin-
caught in it. Begin at the head then fo- groomed you may be best advised tickle, and hopefully he will find it an
cus on his back and both sides. Always to seek professional help. Signs that enjoyable experience.

Teeth and gums his mouth. If you can, check toothbrush or finger brush
Not exactly grooming his gums for red areas that specifically designed or cats
as such but when you might be inflamed and caus- and only use a pet tooth-
have your cat settled ing him discomfort. paste. Human toothpaste is
on the table or your Not many older cats are too strong and contains too
lap for a grooming keen to start a dental routine many chemicals. Ask about
session, it is the ideal so it is best to start clean- toothbrushes and tooth-
time to see if he will ing a cat’s teeth when they pastes at your veterinary sur-
allow you to examine are a kitten. Use a soft, small gery if you are in any doubt.

20 C AT W O R L D

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21_CW 472.indd 21 19/05/2017 12:38


Stay safe while enjoying

the summer sun
There is no doubt that soaking up some warm sunshine has
the feel good factor but too much of a good thing can have
serious consequences


ats are known for lying around in of these will keep the water fresh and
their favourite spot sunbathing cool. Try to provide a cool and shel-
for hours on end so whilst they tered area, especially if the cat does
may look comfortable basking not have access to the indoors whilst
in the sun, staying out for too long may you are out.
result in them suffering from sunburn, If you have a greenhouse make sure
dehydration and heatstroke. there is no way they can get inside and
It is important that your cat has get locked in. It is also worth checking
access to fresh water at all times but your car as many of us may leave a
this is more prevalent especially in the door open to try to cool the car down
summertime when rising tempera- and without knowing your inquisitive
tures can cause dehydration more bundle of fluff has jumped in for the
quickly. If your cat likes to spend their ride. Also never leave a cat in its carry
time outside then place water bowls in basket in the car, even if the window is Dehydration (Hypohydration)
different places or perhaps consider open. This is a serious and potentially life
purchasing a water fountain as some threatening condition which requires
Heatstroke immediate veterinary attention. Dehy-
Heatstroke can be a life threatening dration is caused by an excessive loss
condition and is considered an emer- of water and electrolytes (minerals
gency which requires urgent veteri- such as chloride, potassium and so-
nary attention. If treatment is delayed dium) from the body. Most animals are
then the cat could develop severe made up of 60% water so when that
neurological problems. ratio falls just 5% below normal, that
The symptoms of heatstroke in- is when cats can start showing signs
clude anxiety, diarrhoea, dizziness, of dehydration. This in turn can lead
increased heartrate, panting, shaking to illness such as kidney disease. If
and vomiting and could lead to your your cat has recently had diarrhoea or
cat falling into a coma. If you suspect vomiting this may also cause dehydra-
your cat has heatstroke then you need tion so it is important to monitor them
to cool them down by wrapping them closely for signs of dehydration.
in a towel soaked in cold water, avoid-
ing the ear area. It is very important So what are the signs to look for?
to cool them down slowly to avoid Symptoms of dehydration include:
reducing the core temperature too constipation, depression, dry, tacky
much and causing hypothermia and gums, increased heart rate, lethargy,
shocking which can be just as harmful poor capillary refill time, poor skin
as hyperthermia and take them to the elasticity, sunken eyes.
vets immediately. One of the ways to check for dehy-

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dration is to perform a skin turgor test. Sunburn in cats utes before your cat is due to venture
Simply grasp some skin at the scruff Just like people, cats can get sun- outside and, if you can, reapply the
of the neck and gently pull it up. In a burn, whether that be from strong sun- cream throughout the day. Sunscreen
hydrated cat, the skin will immediately shine or when it is warm and cloudy. for humans may contain chemicals or
spring back but in a dehydrated cat White cats, cats with white ears, noses, perfumes that can be harmful to your
the skin will be slower to retract and pale coloured cats or cats such as the cat but there are specialist brands of
the longer it takes, the more severe the Sphynx are the most at risk. This is sunscreen that are suitable for your cat
dehydration is. because of the lack of melanin, a skin and your veterinary surgeon will be
Another test is the capillary refill and hair pigment, and protective hair able to advise which ones to use.
time which helps to test your cat’s in these areas. Cats with sunburn may If at all possible, try to keep your
blood circulation and is also an indi- not allow you to touch the affected area cat indoors between 10am and 3pm
cation of dehydration, heart failure as it is painful, the skin may appear red as this is when the sun is hottest and at
or shock. To do this test, lift your cat’s and where severe sunburn has oc- its most dangerous. If you can, provide
upper lip and press the flat of your curred, scabs or lumps could appear. a shady area where your cat can hide
finger against the gum tissue. Remove If this is the case you should seek ad- and keep cool, as well as fresh water.
the pressure and you will see a white vice from a vet as over time the dam-
mark on the gum where your finger age caused can increase the risk of A quick checklist for the
was placed. In a healthy cat it should developing squamous cell carcinoma summer months:
take 1-2 seconds for the white spot to which is a form of skin cancer. ● Shelter
return to pink. It is advisable to use a waterproof, ● Sun cream (non-toxic)
Your vet may want to perform tests non-toxic sunscreen applied to the ● Water
to try to establish why your cat is dehy- cat’s ears and nose which are the two ● Check your greenhouse, shed
drated. Dehydration is treated by giv- areas most likely to burn and one and car in case your cat has
ing fluids intravenously via a cannula which your cat can’t lick off. If possible, snuck in.
or subcutaneously (injection). apply the sun cream about 20 min-


22-23_CW 472.indd 23 19/05/2017 16:37


A skilful predator, the

leopard earns his spots
These secretive, elegant spotted felines may be the most
solitary cats, but they are excellent hunters and the strongest
climber. They are proudly part of the big five


eopard means ‘predator of all found in Africa. Leopard populations determined by the number of females
prey’. It is one of five extant are declining and fragmented outside present. The female territory size is
species and the genus Panthera sub-Saharan Africa. Leopards are determined mostly by the availability
which includes the jaguar, lion, nocturnal animals but also seen early of prey. The male leopard will have ex-
snow leopard and the tiger. They have morning and late afternoon. They are clusive breeding rights to the females
the largest distribution of any wild cat mostly solitary except during mating that are found within his territory.
and are exceptionally adapted, thus season. Females will defend their territory
having the widest habitat range of all from unrelated females and males
the large cats. It includes desert, forest Territory against other males. They mark their
and mountainous regions. Leopards are extremely territorial territory with scent marking (spraying
They are found over many countries and each cat has a range that overlaps of urine in an upwards motion to facili-
including Africa, the Middle and Far with neighbours. The male’s range tate marking at head height) and loud
East, Siberia, Sri Lanka and Malay- is much larger than the female’s and calls, making their presence known,
sia. Half of the leopard population is usually overlaps with several females, without coming into contact with each
other. Territory may also be marked
with droppings and tree-scratching.
Other sounds include cough, puff,
meow, grunt, spit and rasp.

The second largest living cat, size
varies considerably but males tend
to be bigger (31-91 kg) than females
(17-58 kg). Colouring of leopards var-
ies from white to bright golden brown
with black rosettes and spots. The
rosettes usually do not have a spot in
the middle and are found on the sides
of the body, back and upper tail. The
rest of the body (legs, belly, neck and
face) is covered with small to large
black spots. The rosette patterns and
spotted whisker bases are unique
to each leopard and used to identify
The back of the ears are white at the
top and black below. Some leopards
appear to have a completely black

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undercoat (panthers) due to the high to another. The large head and neck at times. She keeps her young hidden
production of melanin. However, they allows them to carry prey weighing for the first eight weeks, often moving
still have rosette patterns which are up to 125kg up a tree. They feed on them to new locations if she senses
visible under certain light intensities. small animals such as rodents, hares danger. The mother brings them prey
and baboons and medium size ante- when they are around six weeks of age
Hunting lope. They also favour fish, reptiles and and they are then taught to hunt. They
These athletic cats have stocky, birds. Strong swimmers, they are very continue to live with their mother for
muscular bodies, short powerful legs, much at home in the water. up to two years.
a big head and a long tail with a white The males move away from their
tip. This is used to provide direction to Reproduction natal area while the females tend to
a female’s cubs when moving through Males reach sexual maturity be- remain resident at the borders of their
their territory, with the cubs follow- tween two and a half to four years and mother’s territory. The typical aver-
ing mum. They can jump to a height females between two and a half and age lifespan in the wild is between 12
of more than 2.5 metres above the three years. They breed throughout and 17 years and around 20 years in
ground. The large, sharp retractable the year and are polygamous (males captivity.
claws help them to defend themselves, mate with more than one female). To
trip fleeing pray and climb trees. indicate her readiness for mating, Conservation status
Large eyes provide them with bin- the female will approach the male The leopard is classified as Vulner-
ocular vision to determine distance and sway in front of him, swat him in able on the IUCN Red List. Leopard
accurately. The large pupils assist to the face with her tail while emitting a populations are threatened by habitat
see in dark nights. The narrow white low rumbling growl. When mating is loss (agricultural developments), frag-
line below the eyes help reflect light complete, the female will roll over. To mentation and being hunted illegally,
into the eyes for improved night vision. ensure that conception takes place, mostly as trophies or for medicinal
A leopard’s night vision is six to eight leopards will mate repeatedly during practices. They are protected under
times better than that of humans. the female oestrus cycle. After mating, national legislation throughout most of
The ability to climb trees from a they separate. their range. Several organisations, like
young age, enables them to be safe Following a gestation period of 100 the Cape Leopard Trust in the Western
from lion and hyena attacks. Large jaws days, she gives birth to 2-3 cubs which Cape in South Africa and Panthera,
and canines are used to kill their prey she raises on her own. Fathers may have taken up the task to protect leop-
and carry or drag it from one place interact with their partners and cubs ard populations and raise awareness.


24-25_CW 472.indd 25 19/05/2017 16:38

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26 C AT W O R L D

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27_CW 472.indd 27 22/05/2017 14:41


Cat Guardians -
protecting your cat’s future?
Who will look after your cat, feed them and give them the fuss
and cuddles they love so much if you are no longer able to?

t can be worrying to think about firmation pack. Among other items, Bobby’s story
what will happen to your cat if you the pack contains a wallet card and Ten-year-old Bobby’s owner had
pass away before them. If you’ve information document letting others registered with Cat Guardians, so
not yet considered what will happen know they have chosen Cats Protec- when she sadly passed away she
to any cats you care for it’s vital to tion to care for their cat in the event knew he would be well cared for.
start making plans, for your benefit of their death. Once notified of her death, Cats
and theirs. Once notified that a registrant has Protection arranged for Bobby to be
Thankfully Cat Guardians, a free passed away, Cats Protection swiftly taken into their Derby Adoption Cen-
service from Cats Protection, can arrange for any cats they own to be tre. Bobby’s owner had provided in-
help you easily plan for your cat’s fu- brought in to one of their 34 centres formation about his likes and dislikes
ture. By registering with Cat Guardi- or over 250 branches around the so the centre’s staff and volunteers
ans you can rest assured that your cat country. could make him feel at home straight
will be cared for and found a loving With more than 90 years at the away and find him the best possible
new home in the event of your death. forefront of cat welfare, Cats Protec- new owner.
Peace of mind for you, love and tion’s volunteers and staff give each Bobby is missing his front left leg
care for your cat: cat the individual care they need but that didn’t stop this inquisitive cat
Every cat owner who registers until they find a suitable, loving new from playing, jumping up in his pen
with Cat Guardians receives a con- home. and greeting visitors at the centre.

After just a few weeks he went home
Cat Guardians has with Rachael and her family.
Bobby quickly became part of the
given us peace of
mind that our beloved
cats will be rehomed
‘ family in his new forever home and
formed a bond with Rachael’s blind
cat Stevie. Rachael is delighted by
how well he settled. “Bobby is such a
lovely cat, very loving and funny,” she
and cared for. says. “He tends to spend a lot of time
upstairs in the kids’ room, sleeping on
the bunk bed mostly. When he comes
down he likes to run through the
lounge – you always know he’s com-
ing because of the three-legged noise
bounding through. We’re very happy
to have Bobby as part of the family.”

The future’s certain for Willow

and Wolfie-Pumpkin
Sarah Lancefield and her partner
Ian rehomed their cats, Willow and

28 C AT W O R L D

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Although he has recovered from his her two Bearded Collie dogs, Grub
broken leg, muscle and nerve dam- and Gabriel, which was quite a dif-
age has left him with a limp but this ficult and traumatic thing to have to
doesn’t stop him from flying up and deal with. So I don’t want the same to
down the garden – usually chasing happen to one of my family members
Willow around! should anything unfortunate happen
to us.”
Sarah found peace of mind “Registering with Cat Guardians
with Cat Guardians has allowed us to plan for how we
One day, while looking around would like our cats cared for in the
the Cats Protection website, Sarah event of our death,” she continues.
came across information about the “We have been able to give specific
Cat Guardians service. With personal details, likes and dislikes and what
experience of how difficult it can be kind of homes they would be suited
for pets when their owner suddenly too. The service has given us peace
dies, she decided to register and of mind knowing that our beloved
Wolfie-Pumpkin, from their local ani- make sure Willow and Wolfie-Pump- cats will be rehomed and cared for
mal rehoming centre. Both cats had kin would be provided for, no matter appropriately in the event that we
suffered traumatic early lives. what happened. are not around and able to do this for
Willow had been used to breed lit- Sarah says: “After my sister and them any more. We would thoroughly
ter after litter of kittens. Unsurprising- her husband passed away quite recommend this service to any cat
ly, given her ordeal, she was cautious unexpectedly, I had to help rehome owner.”
around humans but over time Willow
learnt to trust Sarah and Ian and blos-
somed into the loving, majestic cat
she is today. “She pads gently on my
Discover peace of mind for yourself
chest for a cuddle at 4am but I never To find out how Although there is help cats and kittens
mind that special time with her every Cat Guardians can no charge for this ser- across the UK. Above
day,” says Sarah. provide for your vice, many supporters all, gifts in wills help
Wolfie-Pumpkin, a Maine Coon cat’s future, please do choose to remem- Cats Protection keep
cross, was found wandering alone visit ber Cats Protection in the special promise
along a main road, just three weeks uk/catguardians or their wills. These spe- that underpins all of
old and with a broken leg. He needed telephone 01825 741 cial gifts fund more their vital work: that
weeks of intensive treatment and care 291 to request a free than half of everything they will never put a
but Sarah and Ian fell in love with this information leaflet. Cats Protection do to healthy cat to sleep.
adorable bundle of fluff at first sight.


28-29_CW 472.indd 29 19/05/2017 16:38


Demonstrating the
need to neuter
Not having your cat neutered at an early age can have
disastrous and upsetting consequences, as BCWR
witnessed recently on two separate occasions Carrots


radford Cat Watch Rescue be- hours had been to his litter tray and five days he has made a vast improve-
lieve that rescues should work produced a small formed soft stool. ment and has been weaned off all his
together. They are fortunate that It was such a thrill for the volunteers medication and the distended abdo-
they have the skills, expertise, when he started to pass small amounts men and bloating has virtually disap-
knowledge and equipment to provide of normal faeces! peared.
specialist nursing and intensive care. Then…Katie had been closely Whilst he is still having issues with
This is in addition to having a locum monitoring Chester but nothing could his stools, it was decided that the
vet who is happy to provide out of have prepared her for what she would risks of the general anaesthetic were
hours veterinary support and inter- see. She discovered that worms were not justified so it was decided to put
vention. coming out of his eyes. She has never Chester on a strict hydrolyzed protein
BCWR believe that each and every seen this before and it was one of the diet whereby he has access to special-
rescue has its own strengths and most horrific things she has witnessed. ist food for 12 hours a day then the
specialisms and if all the rescues work She immediately sought veterinary bowel rests and repairs for the next 12
together, their strengths are combined intervention and Chester was given hours.
which in turn could potentially save treatment. Hydrolyzed protein is protein that
more lives... and Chester’s story is After a few days, Chester was slowly has been broken down into its com-
testament to this. showing signs of improvement, gain- ponent amino acids prior to consump-
One of two particular cases who ing weight and confidence. From the tion. This food trial is extremely expen-
have come into the rescue and really outset, his clinical health and behav- sive and will be carried out for at least
reinforced the importance of neutering. iour have been closely monitored and the next four weeks. It is highly likely
from these observations it appeared that Chester will experience inflam-
Chester that Chester was blind. If the blindness matory bowel symptoms throughout
This adorable little man was trans- was confirmed it would piece together his life and it is vital that he receives
ferred to BCWR by another rescue. the other neurological symptoms that strict parasite control throughout his
He was nearly 14 weeks old and had Chester had displayed such as twitch- life to minimise further damage.
been under veterinary treatment for ing and staring. His care plan was ad- Fast forward again and now six
three weeks as he was suffering from justed as if he was blind and prompt- months old, Chester is doing really
bowel problems including chronic ing more responses from him. well. His reactions are that of a normal
diarrhoea which made his bottom Chester visited the vet for a lengthy cat and he is lively and cheeky. He is
incredibly sore. He weighed only and in-depth examination and it was with a long-term foster carer who is
700g which is the ideal weight of a six confirmed that he is blind. He was experienced in dealing with cats with
week-old lactating kitten. booked in for further tests and pro- sensory problems so he is coming
Chester was very poorly; he was cedures in relation to his bowels. Fast on leaps and bounds. He is currently
given pain relief and antibiotics and forward a few days and Chester was being fed a veterinary diet of both
was on hourly observations. A visit due to have a general anaesthetic so wet and dry food, to try and keep his
to the vets was planned the following he could have irrigation of the bowel. condition under control.
day. Due to Chester’s condition, he This would also enable the vet to see Chester will remain in the care of
was fed little and often and within 24 exactly what was going on. In the last BCWR due to his complex needs.

30 C AT W O R L D

30-32_CW 472.indd 30 19/05/2017 18:55

What caused these symptoms?
It emerged that Chester’s mother
had arrived at another rescue where
she was confirmed as being pregnant.
It would appear that she had not been
treated for fleas, worms or parasites.
As a result, Chester had a very heavy
worm burden which caused inflamma-
tion and a lot of scarring on his bowels
and resulted in irreversible damage to
his bowel plus permanent sight loss.
This could all have been avoided had
Chester’s mother been treated.

Elle – a tragic loss of life

Elle was already heavily pregnant
when she came into the care of BCWR
at around seven months old, having
been found living as a stray. Despite
only being at the rescue for a short
period of time she became a secret
favourite of the volunteers due to her
sweet and endearing nature.
One morning Elle passed a very Chester
odd thing in her litter tray. It resembled
a ribbon but was fleshy to touch. Elle
was relatively bright though she was a
little bit off her food which is not unusu-
al in late pregnancy.
However, the next morning she was
very pale and her breath was smelly.
She was immediately taken to the vet
who was extremely concerned and
Elle was prepared for an immediate
caesarean section.
Within a very short space of time
Elle’s condition deteriorated rapidly,
she was on fluids and given intrave-
nous antibiotics. During the procedure,
the vet found she had eight malformed
kittens inside a severely infected
uterus. The infection was evident
elsewhere so the vet continued to flush
out the infected area and finally the
surgery was complete. Elle’s condition
was critical as she had septicaemia.
Whilst Elle was in recovery in the
oxygen tent, Katie was contacted by
the vet to discuss an intensive care
plan required for when she came back
to the rescue. One of the volunteers
at BCWR was on their way to the vets
to collect Elle when they received a
phone call to say she had passed away.
Such a needless, sad and utterly Elle
preventable death for a young cat who


30-32_CW 472.indd 31 19/05/2017 18:55



had her whole life ahead of her. we rescue a cat that is not suited to a personality and even bigger heart, so
Please do neuter your cats to prevent family home and would much prefer it was decided to set up Topple’s Trust.
unwanted pregnancies and, in the event independent living. The primary objective is to respect
there is an accidental pregnancy, please BCWR rescue the cats, have them and preserve the relationship between
do take advice from your veterinary spayed/neutered and also micro- owners and their cats and BCWR hope
surgeon about what flea and worm chipped. to work in partnership with owners to
control is safe to use in pregnancy. An adopter of a BCWR Barn Cat overcome any difficulties that might
will need to provide food and water arise.
Working together for the cats each day, as well as a cosy Topple’s Trust was established to
Bradford Cat Watch Rescue has had shelter where they can be warm and provide help when any aspect of care
a very busy few weeks with the launch safe. They will also need to be pro- for an owned cat poses a problem - for
of two new initiatives as well as fund- vided with health care as needed and example, providing cat food or seek-
raising over the bank holiday week- BCWR will continue to offer support ing vet care for a cat during an owner’s
ends while looking after the many cats with this. period of adversity. Please contact us
and kittens in their care. In exchange for these basic essen- for further details.
tials, the cats will help control the ro-
BCWR Barn Cat Project dent population in the adopter’s barns, Carrots update
BCWR Barn Project is a new initia- outbuilding, gardens and around Carrots also appeared in the March
tive to give cats who are not house cats homes. To get the cats started, BCWR edition - this brave little kitten had to go
a chance at having a good life. All cats will bring them to your home and get through major surgery to remove his
that come into the rescue are assessed them set up for a ‘settling in’ period eye. I am delighted to say he is com-
and given a chance for socialisation that will last two or three weeks. ing on leaps and bounds and amazes
with humans. If they seem to prefer a BCWR do not charge an adoption everyone with his zest for life despite
more independent life than that of a fee for barn cats but they do require being blind. Everyone who meets him
family cat, we will endeavour to seek an adoption contract to be signed and falls in love with his personality. Katie
suitable barn/farm home situations for donations are always appreciated. thought readers may like to see these
them. Some of these cats are some- stunning photographs of him.
what friendly and like to be petted. Topples Trust This article is dedicated to Bonnie
Some are more removed and prefer A tribute to Topple appeared in the and Elle.
not to be touched or approached. But March 2017 edition of Cat World. Top- For more information on BCWR
they are all natural hunters. Sometimes ple was known and loved for his big please visit

32 C AT W O R L D

30-32_CW 472.indd 32 19/05/2017 18:55

Emerisle - RAGDOLLS
Reasonably priced Ragdoll kittens
available with wonderful personalities.
Vaccinated, vet checked, GCCF reg.
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contains AVM-GSL Imidacloprid contains nitenpyram

visit or call 0121 378 1684 Johnson’s Veterinary Products Ltd. Sutton Coldfield, West Midlands B75 7DF


33_CW 472.indd 33 22/05/2017 16:51


Behold the beauty

of the Ragdoll
Large, lovely and devoted to their owners, the Ragdoll
breed is simply stunning to look at and a pleasure to
own either as a pet or to show

tunning to look at, Ragdolls have seal bicolour, long and lanky like her
wonderful temperaments too mother and thirdly Buckwheat, a thick
and if you are prepared to groom furred black self (solid), the founda-
them regularly and keep them tions of the Ragdoll breed were laid.
entertained indoors, they will make a Ann operated a regimented breeding
loving and loyal addition to any house- programme producing colourpointed,
hold. mitted and bicolour patterns from the
three original cats and their offspring
Simple beginnings and although comparisons have been
The story of the Ragdoll begins made to other breeds, Josephine and
with Ann Baker of California who bred the fathers were semi-feral, therefore
experimental Persians in early 1960s’ their parentage is unknown.
America. Ann worked in a Laundromat Ann set up her own registering
owned by a Mrs Pennels, who had body in 1971, called the International
many semi-feral cats roaming her land Ragdoll Cat Association (IRCA). In
- one being the legendary ‘angora- 1975 she patented the Ragdoll name
type’ white cat called Josephine. and franchised breeding stock under
Nursed back to health after being very strict contracts. Time passed, with
hit by a car, this may possibly have Ann’s increased eccentricities causing
accounted for Josephine’s relaxed several of the original purchasers of
friendly attitude towards humans and, her Ragdoll cats, including Laura and
according to Ann, her future litters of Denny Dayton of the Blossom Time
kittens were similar - large and docile, Cattery, California, to break their ties
with non-matting fur and a high pain with her. Meanwhile, Ann lost many of
threshold. Josephine had several litters her original Ragdoll breeding lines,
of kittens before she was sadly put to claiming amongst other things, that her
sleep by Mr Pennels after proving a ‘enemies’ poisoned them - fortunately
nuisance to his dog, whilst protecting the Daytons continued breeding with
her kittens. However, Ann gained pos- those original lines until the early 80s.
session of three of Josephine’s off-
spring she deemed suitable to breed Ragdolls in the UK
from and began line breeding to pro- March 1981 heralded the arrival
duce the breed she named ‘Ragdoll’. of the first Ragdolls reaching British
From these three cats: Daddy shores. Pioneers of the breed - Lulu
Warbucks – a seal mitted with a Rowley (Petil Lu cattery) and Pat
white nose blaze and tail tip (whom Brownsell (Patriarca), imported 12
Ann considered the epitome of the Blossom Time Ragdolls and set with a
Ragdoll – the ‘prize’!), Fugianna – a good diverse breeding foundation, the

34 C AT W O R L D

34-39_CW 472.indd 34 19/05/2017 18:55

UK embraced its own ‘home-grown’
Cats bred purely from the 12 origi-
nal Blossom Time imports (in the origi-
nal colours of seal, blue, chocolate and
lilac) are commonly known worldwide
as ‘Old English’ Traditional Ragdolls
and still to this day, are celebrated to
retain the look and temperament of
those first imports and in turn, the pri-
mary Raggedy Ann foundation Ragdoll
Towards the late 80s and early
90s further early American Ragdoll
imports arrived in the original recog-
nised colours and these are universally
known as the Older American Tradi-
tional lines. The Red and Tabby Series
Ragdoll imports followed in the mid
to late 90s adding more variation of
colour to the breed in the UK.

Ragdolls are ‘pointed’ cats, in the
three recognised patterns of Colour-
pointed, Mitted and Bicolour in the col-
ours of seal, blue, chocolate, lilac, red,
cream, tortie and tabby. Chocolate and
lilac are extremely rare in the breed
although there has been a recognised
outcross programme within the UK to
endeavour to reintroduce these two
With endearingly sweet expres-
sions and beguiling trusting blue
eyes, one could wax lyrical observing
their many charms, including their
silky semi longhaired coats, with ruffs,
knickerbockers and plumed tails!
Overall they give an impression of
majestic elegance, power and strength,
particularly the male - some reaching
20lbs or more, with the female gener-
ally much smaller.
A Ragdoll should have a body of
good length with a long tail, strong
bone structure and large, round, tufted
paws to support his frame. The head
silhouette shows a broad flat plane
across a wide ear, set with good width
of cheekbone, tapering down to a
softly curved muzzle which depicts
the famous Ragdoll smile on profile. A
gently curved ‘retrousee’ nose com-
pletes that magic which is the Ragdoll


34-39_CW 472.indd 35 19/05/2017 18:55

Large, placid, relatively undemand-
ing and tolerant to most situations,
the Ragdoll temperament is probably
its most popular characteristic. They
bond well with their owners but, due to
their trusting nature, are not streetwise
and are definitely indoor cats. Kittens
are lively, inquisitive and full of fun. As
they mature they become completely
devoted to their owners and make the
perfect house pet, being good with
children and very keen to play. For-
tunately, globally, Ragdoll cat breed
clubs have striven to educate the
public against the myths that these cats
feel no pain!

Ragdoll colours
Originally only four colours were
included in the standard – seal, blue,
chocolate and lilac, all solid pointed.
Seals and blues have always been the
most popular, with the elusive choco-
late and lilac rarely seen. Since then
red and cream, tabbies and tortoise-
shells have been introduced. Ragdolls
come in four colour divisions - Solid
Point, Tortie Point, Tabby Point and
Tortie Tabby Point.

Solid point Ragdoll colours:

Seal: Matching deep seal brown
points with a contrasting beige body-
Blue: Grey-blue points with a bluish
white body colour
Chocolate: Milk chocolate brown
matching points with an ivory coloured
Lilac: (sometimes known as ‘frost’ in
the USA) with pinkish grey points and
a magnolia body colour. Two further
solid point colours have been added:
Red: (often called ‘flame’ in the
USA). Here the points may be of any
shade of red but although they may
match in tone, the legs and feet are of-
ten of a lighter shade. The body colour
is a pale cream.
Cream: The cream points may
match in tone but, like red, the legs
and feet will often be paler. The body
colour is off-white.
Tortie point: The Tortie Point exhib-

36 C AT W O R L D

34-39_CW 472.indd 36 19/05/2017 18:55

Right: Bludiamonds Tygra - blue colour-
point neuter female who won overall best in
show at The British Ragdoll Cat Club Show in
2014 as a kitten and 2015 as a neuter. In this
photo she is displaying the unique Ragdoll
retroussé profile perfectly. She is also the
daughter of Dizzipaws Bruce.

its a mixture of the four traditional solid

colours with red and/or cream. Breed-
ers aim for the ‘broken’ tortoiseshell
effect in order to meet the show stand-
ards, although large areas of red or
cream may show a few bars or stripes.
Tabby point: The Tabby Point must
show distinct markings for showing – a
clearly defined ‘M’ on the forehead,
spectacle markings around the eyes,
broken stripes or rings on the legs and
rings on the tail with that all-important
solid coloured tail tip. Tabby Pointed
colours include Seal Tabby Point, Blue
Tabby Point, Chocolate Tabby Point,
Lilac Tabby Point, and Cream Tabby
Point, giving points in Seal Tortie Tabby
and Lilac Tortie Tabby.

Ragdoll patterns explained

Colourpointed: Colourpointed has
deep matching points on its mask,
ears, legs and tail, showing a softer hue
on its body with no white colouring
Mitted: Mitted is similarly marked
but with white chin, possible white
nose blaze, white ruff and underbody,
white mittens to the front paws with
white socks up to the line of the hock
or beyond on the hind legs.
Bi-Colour: Bicolour shows a striking
white inverted ‘V’ to the mask, white
ruff and underbody with clear white
legs. A soft muted coloured saddle,
often broken by white patches. Tail
colour matching the ears and mask

Showing by the late 80s it eventually became Twenty years later, in June 2001, the
Following the arrival of the first Rag- possible to exhibit Ragdolls at GCCF UK celebrated the Ragdoll breed - in
dolls in the UK, in 1981, it took some shows, leading to the breed being all three patterns and the original four
time for the breed to achieve recogni- granted Preliminary Recognition in colours - as fully recognised at GCCF
tion under GCCF rulings. 1990. 1996 saw the Bicolour rise to Championship level, with the Red and
A small and dedicated group of Provisional Status with the Colour- Tabby Series Ragdolls following in
breeders worked tirelessly to attract pointeds and Mitteds following suit in June 2003 – they had achieved their
Governing Council’s interest and 1998 - they were on their way! goal! Many outstanding Ragdolls have


34-39_CW 472.indd 37 19/05/2017 18:55


Top left: Ragshaven Targaryen – ragdoll should be of medium length with a

of the year 2016 for The British Ragdoll Cat gentle dip and slightly retrousee tip.
Club. Ears: Medium in size, set wide with
Left: Dizzipaws Zemo – overall best in show a slight tilt forward. They should be
at The British Ragdoll Cat Club Show 29.4.17. well furnished and rounded at the tip.
Below left: Dizzipaws Bruce – overall best Eyes: Large, well opened, slightly
in show at The Progressive Ragdoll Breed oblique and set well apart. Blue in col-
Club Show 2016 (two photos) also father of our - the deeper the blue, the better.
Dizzipaws Zemo. Body: Long and muscular. Short
neck, heavy set. Broad chest.
been shown in the early years, to be Legs & paws: Medium in length and
remembered in the archives of Ragdoll of substantial bone. Paws large, round,
history, alongside the diligent work of firm and tufted.
their breeders and owners, past and Tail: Long, bushy, slightly tapered to-
present, who helped elevate the breed wards the tip and should at least reach
to where it stands today. the shoulder and be in proportion to
the body.
Standard of points Coat: Silky texture, dense and
The overall impression given by medium in length. A ruff and knicker-
a Ragdoll is that of a large, powerful, bockers are preferred on mature cats.
imposing cat, distinctively marked and A short coat in the summer is accept-
striking in appearance. The cats should able.
be relaxed in temperament, gentle and Note: Cats may not reach full matu-
easy to handle. rity until between three and four years
Head: Broad head with flat plane, of age and therefore some degree of
not domed and width between the body shading is to be expected and
ears. Cheeks well developed, with a cats should not be penalised as long
rounded, well developed muzzle and as there is still contrast between body
firm chin with level bite. The nose and points.

38 C AT W O R L D

34-39_CW 472.indd 38 19/05/2017 18:55


Ragdolls require weekly groom-
ing and maintenance to keep the
long, dense, soft, silky coat tangle-free
and free from stains, especially in the
area of white fur in the mitted and
bi-coloured varieties. Excess dead
hair, especially during moulting, can
cause potentially harmful hairballs if
not groomed out on a weekly basis.
Although nowhere as demanding as
the Persian, a thorough combing with
a widetoothed comb weekly is recom- taking up to four years before reach- - some of their recent prize winners are
mended for general maintenance. ing their full legendary beauty. Kit- pictured here. For more details of the club,
Those intending to show their ‘Rag- tens are born white with the pattern see page 40.
gies’ must take special care to control becoming apparent within a couple of
the build-up of grease in the fur and days, deepening as they pass through
prevent staining, especially on those different stages of growth ie: that lanky, SCALE OF POINTS
white paws! Bathing is therefore rec- rather plain adolescent phase of the Head 20
ommended for cats competing on the pinched face and big ears, bearing Ears 5
show bench. As with all cats, the claws little resemblance to the magnificent Eyes 10
should be checked and clipped every creature the Ragdoll is destined to be Body & neck 20
week or so and the ears examined – not unlike the cygnet that blossoms Legs & paws 10
and kept clean. A scratching post is into the graceful swan – the Ragdoll Tail 5
an essential item and will help prevent becomes more enchanting with age. Coat length, texture
damage to furnishings. And remember - this beautiful breed is & condition 10
addictive; one is never enough. Colour & markings 20
Worth the wait Total 100
Ragdolls mature very slowly – often With thanks to The British Ragdoll Cat Club


34-39_CW 472.indd 39 19/05/2017 18:55

p35.qxp_Layout 1 22/03/2016 15:19 Page 35

Supplying Catteries and Kennels

for over 40 years

The forward thinking friendly cat club for anyone

with an interest in the Ragdoll breed.
Own a breeding cat, a show cat, a pet or just have
an interest? Join our club and make friends with
like minded people.
Lindee Lu is the UK's Premier Cattery and Kennel Builder Lindee Lu have been
designing and manufacturing Catteries and Kennels for licensed boarding, rescue groups
For a membership application form go to and private individuals for over 40 years.

and click about us, or contact our membership secretary

Patricia Wyatt on 07905700965; alternatively Ever thought of running your own Cattery?
e-mail Whether it’s an intimate four pen cattery or a commercial fifty pen
outfit, running your own boarding cattery can be a rewarding,
fulfilling way of life and having a home based business is both
convenient and easy. Lindee Lu provides the whole package and
helps you create a high quality establishment your
customers will return to time and time again. We manufacture in
traditional wood and our new, very popular, 100% synthetic
wood product which retains the look of our wooden pens but
requires no annual maintenance.

For more information on starting a cattery please visit our website where all
your questions can be answered. Contact us today email
or call 01275 853800

The British Ragdoll Cat Club

Mitted • Bicolour • Colourpointed
(Founded 1987)
Member of GCCF

Founded in 1987, The British Ragdoll Cat Club is the largest

Ragdoll Cat Club in the UK and formed the Ragdoll BAC.

We are a very friendly and active club which caters for everyone who
has an interest in Ragdoll cats, from the potential pet owner,
to the show scene, to the most professional breeder.

For a reputable breeder list and a regularly updated kitten list please visit the TBRCC website Our next breeder seminar will be held at Plumley, Cheshire on the 10th
& 11th June 2017. Call Anne on 01677 425929 or see the website for more details.

To join our friendly club or for further information please contact:

Anne Bradley 01677 425929 or Margaret Lynch 0161 2488940 (evenings only).
You can also find us on Facebook! WWW.TBRCC.CO.UK

40 C AT W O R L D

40_CW 472.indd 40 19/05/2017 12:45


It’s a long way from pantomime season but shouts of ‘he’s behind you’ are
common and Snow White and the Seven Cats seems appropriate for now

his month I have have something to say from a distance. Where
Big News. You if they didn’t – but they Pearl is a jumper, Cody’s
might want to sit came with names. Names a climber. Other than
down. And drink this cup that got swiftly changed, I that, he doesn’t really
of tea (passes mug). No, might add, after it turned have any funny quirks but
I’m not pregnant. No, out three girls and a boy he’s a good all-rounder.
I’m not engaged. It’s SO were actually three boys We like him.
MUCH BETTER THAN and a girl. So, ladies and
THAT*. gentlemen, may I intro- Reuben
I’ve become a kitten duce our guests for the tains, food, sitting on When Reuben first
fosterer. next few issues…George, Reuben’s head, food, com- arrived he was notice-
A fosterer. Of KITTENS. Pearl, Cody and Reuben! plaining about not having ably more detached and
Yep, it’s exactly as good food, sitting somewhere withdrawn than his sib-
as it sounds. Our local George high up and pretending lings, hissing when we
rescue centre has a list of Serendipitously named, he’s a huge scary animal - tried to touch him. To start
volunteers who they call ‘Curious George’ is into and food. with he didn’t eat or play
when stray kittens come in everything. He’s the clown as much and we were
and these people look af- of the gang and super Pearl quite worried about him.
ter the tiny squishbeans – I confident. Usually to be Like Marie in The Aris- He’s beginning to come
mean, ahem, infant felines found with gravy on his tocats, Pearl is the lady out of his shell now and
– until they’re old enough nose looking wistfully at of the bunch. Unlike the he’s been playing more
to go to forever homes. an empty plate, we predict other three, whose eyes with the others, although
They might be six weeks that George will weigh the are starting to turn green, he still doesn’t like it when
old when they come to us same as the other three Pearl’s eyes are still bright George sits on his head.
or they might be only one put together by the time baby blue. She looks a bit He’s almost entirely white
day old! (ahhhhhhhh). he leaves. He’s mostly like Batman with a black with a couple of black
Our first set are four white with tabby and face (down to the nose) spots that make him look
weeks old and they’ll be black splodges. His hob- and white ruff. She terri- anxious.
staying with us until they’re bies include food, scaling fies us by jumping all over So, you’ll be pleased
twelve weeks. That’s two people like they’re moun- the place but makes up to learn that – as I count
months of pure, bliss- for it by being very sweet down the days to my thir-
ful, froghoppy, leg-flaily, and cuddly. She keeps tieth birthday – I’m every
needle-clawsy kittendom. falling asleep on us, which bit the batty cat lady I was
And we’re a week in. is adorable. (I think Phil when I started writing
The first rule of would totally let her stay.) for Cat World in my early
kitten fostering, they say, twenties. Check back for
is not to name the kittens. Cody more updates on the kitty
Because then you get Cody is also mostly quartet (not to mention
attached and they never black with a few white bits our resident trio of senior
leave. Well, ours have to – most noticeably a white pusses) next month…
leave – I’m sure Happee, splodge over half his nose *OK, OK, it’s on a par
Widget and Charlie would – and looks a lot like Pearl with those things.


41_CW 472.indd 41 19/05/2017 16:41

Missing but all safe an
Cats have a habit of wandering wherever the
fancy takes them, and while they usually come
home like clockwork, says Pat Clements,
sometimes they give us cause for concern

ell, there is good news area packed with student lodg-
and bad news, though ings.
very little of the latter, It is possible he was acciden-
thank goodness. tally shut in, perhaps in such
The good news is very encour- lodgings, or someone was left
aging and concerns two missing to feed him and gave up. The
cats. Dave (yes, that really is his former seems likely and, when
name) is a black Siamese first released, he made his way home.
cross and lives with his mate, Cosy is a beautiful grey boy
Blue, in a busy suburb of Oxford. who had clearly had a home
Three months ago he went miss- once but is now rather timid.
ing and, despite lots of adver- Someone had been feeding him
tising and searching, he was and managed to catch him and
nowhere to be found. get him neutered. Unfortunately
This was particularly sad as they had booked a three-week
some years back another cat holiday and had to leave a friend
of the family was stolen, never to care for him. By the time they
to be seen again. Even more returned, although the carers and
unfortunate was that someone neighbours had seen him, Cosy
saw him being taken but didn’t no longer arrived for his regular
know anything about the cat or evening meal.
the family and didn’t realise what Determined not to give up,
was taking place until it was too everyone kept an eye out for him
late. As Bimbo was suffering from and left out food. He has now
a very bad flea allergy at the time returned to the area and even al-
and looked particularly ill-kempt, lows one or two people to stroke
it was hoped it was assumed he him if he’s in the mood - we won’t
was a poor stray who needed a mention the blood! His accom-
home and care. modation is all ready for him and
Back to Dave. This last week, hopefully it will be only a matter
much to everyone’s delight, Dave of time before he realises the love
reappeared at his home and, that awaits him.
apart from being extremely thin, Now for the bad bits - but I
he was fine. When I worked in promise, you will laugh. All the
rescue in the Oxford area quite animals watched with interest as
a number of cats came to grief I packed an overnight bag and
when students went down for the Yvonne arrived to care for eve-
vacation. And Dave lives in an ryone while I went on my merry

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and well in the end
way to watch my grandson Ah, but the animals didn’t
when he was a mascot for get it all their own way as,
West Bromwich Albion. There shortly after my return, Eng-
is no doubt the four-leggeds land played Wales and I set
were relieved I was watching aside my Saturday afternoon
the match live rather than on to watch. No-one is speaking
the television. to me at present.
Actually they were quite No-one – and that includes
right, as I joined the spectacle me - is speaking to the pig
of waving arms, shouted and either, as she is the other bit of
leapt from my seat each time bad news. Just after I got back
the Baggies got close to goal. she escaped and ate a whole
When they scored, twice, I £14 bag of dried cat food be-
was glad to be among others fore I spotted her asleep at the
who also went wild with joy. end of the barn.


42-43_CW 472.indd 43 19/05/2017 16:41


Hell hath no fury like

a feline stirred
Many people have more than one feline and they live in
perfect harmony so why do these two continue to dislike
and antagonise each other unless they’re asleep?


uddly and charismatic, cats Our current cat companions, Maisie normally quiet, lovable girl growls
bring much joy to the folk whose and Theo, came to us from a local res- menacingly, grabs the limp corpse in
lives and homes they share. How cue centre a year and a half ago. The her jaws and disappears at the speed
relaxing it is to wallow in the main reason for getting two cats was of light over the fence.
company of our feisty furry friends! a desire to have at least one within Likewise, an overly territorial cat
Imagine life without the calming influ- cuddling distance but we had hoped, can turn into Godzilla at the sight of an
ence of a happy, contented puss or once again, that each would be interloper. Our previous cat, Fizz, was
two…. company for the other. Roughly four a demon when it came to guarding
Angry felines, on the other hand, months apart in age and unrelated, the perimeter fence. Many a visit-
are not beasts to be trifled with. our young cats are entirely different ing feline was seen off the premises,
Flattened ears, slow ‘side-stepping’, in looks and temperament…and their quivering with fear and rarely giving
screeching, snarling, claws and teeth mutual dislike is intense. They regu- it another go. These days, Theo is the
bared and ready for action? These are larly chase each other and project self-professed keeper of the castle
sure signs of an enraged cat - a far themselves at great speed around the and an alien cat cheekily setting paw
from charming creature that should house, wreaking havoc along the way. on his turf sends him into an incan-
be given a wide berth wherever These noisy whirlwinds of aggres- descent rage. I always know there’s
possible. Far removed from the mild sive play usually culminate in vicious an intruder in Theo’s garden when his
irritation seen when sleep or ablutions bloodcurdling brawls and attempting tail starts swishing furiously and a low
are rudely interrupted for a tickle, I’m to separate them means their fury growling emanates from deep within
talking about full-on fury here! (Or is extends to us, with a risk of laceration that orange hairy body.
that ‘furry’?) to any parts of the body within lashing Theo was a former stray who came
Domestic moggies love human distance. to us as an angry, traumatised puss,
company but are not natural pack ani- There’s still little love between my with a strong dislike of enclosure in
mals. Faced with another of their own boy and girl, although I live in hope any shape or form, especially cat
species, they are capable of produc- that I might one day find them snug- carriers. Being bundled into a basket
ing displays of quite gruesome feroc- gled up together in feline domestic from which no escape is possible
ity! I realised this, some years back bliss. They grudgingly tolerate each is too much for an enraged tom to
when we welcomed into our home other’s presence but don’t much em- endure, and his displeasure is always
two brothers, Coco and Fizz, both brace the concept of sharing, whether voiced very audibly during the odd
now sadly departed. We expected beds or food - or their humans, for hated car journey to the vet. For this
the boys to enjoy each other’s com- that matter. year’s routine jabs trip, I’d cajoled
pany and they did indeed play-chase, This is also true of any poor crea- Maisie into her carrier but feisty Theo
sometimes curl up together and even, ture caught by a puss on the hunt. was adamant he wouldn’t be going
on the odd occasion, wash each other. Maisie, black, lithe and fast as a puma, into his. I was equally adamant that
However, this usually ended up in a is the hunter from hell, often found he was. “Theo, sweetie, you can go
fearsome fracas with paws and claws guarding a freshly killed mouse or back to bed very soon”, I reminded
flying to an accompaniment of strange bird by the back door. Should Theo him firmly. Theo, having none of it,
wailing and hissing sounds. consider stealing her pickings, our growled, hissed and even spat at me!

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Over time, he has become a very cat in the other. ing at me with hatred, he shot off the
lovable cat, though his language does Maisie is reasonably tolerant of bed like a ballistic missile, heading for
still occasionally fall short of pleasant. my parasite-prevention tactics, with the door. No sound emitted from my
Wilfulness on both sides means con- drops soon dispensed and cat quickly furious cat but the glare said it all. The
flicts of opinion between us do crop up released from my clutches. Theo, first unspoken word was unrepeatable.
now and again, usually in a medicinal stronger and more defiant than his The second was very definitely ’Off!’
context. adoptive sister, is harder work. The Right now both cats are, unusu-
Administering flea drops is a rela- nano-second he susses what I’m up ally, dozing peacefully on the same
tively hassle free job these days, with to, he’s off like a shot. Being clever and bed - a couple of feet apart, of course.
‘spot on’ products replacing those resourceful, I thought I’d try a different Reaching out, I stroke each soft velvety
powders of yore that sent our feline tack recently and bag him while he head and hear that familiar rumbling
friends into such turmoil. Vital to the was asleep. With hindsight, I realised stereophonic sound. Such cosy times
task, however, is having the pipette this was a monstrously stupid idea. are but a temporary truce that will only
pierced in readiness before lifting your It took more than the required few last until one of them wakes. Tweak-
victim onto a makeshift treatment table. seconds to locate skin amid his for- ing slightly the words of the great bard
Forgetting to do this means fumbling est of long ginger fur, and by the time himself, at some point later will be
with said pipette in one hand whilst I’d squirted that final drop, he was not heard: ‘Cry ‘Havoc’ and let slip the cats
constraining an increasingly frenzied only wide awake, but outraged. Glar- of war!’


44-45_CW 472.indd 45 19/05/2017 16:58


Boredom sets in
on a rainy day
The weather outside is frightful and Tabs looks for something
to do but Kim seems to find everything he chooses less than
delightful so why won’t she play with him?


ooking sullenly out of the window, er idea, I climbed inside the bag and
I could tell that today was going it slid along the floor as I tried to get
to be a very boring day. Even the as much of my body into it as possible.
birds were quiet, preferring the Kim had come back into the room at
shelter of the nests in their trees from hearing all the noise.
the drizzling rain outside. “Tabs! What is it with you and bags!
Maybe I could try going out, I Come on, get out of there now, I can’t
thought. After all, there was nothing to think straight with all that noise…and
do in here. I jumped off the windowsill it’s dangerous.” Now this was even
and padded over to the cat flap. The more fun! I pushed my nose into the
paw I had cautiously stretched out to bag again, using my back legs to push
test the outside weather was quickly it along the floor. Suddenly, the bag was
pulled back in as I felt the patter of gone as Kim grabbed it and lifted it off
raindrops on my fur. I hadn’t heard Kim the floor. I narrowed my eyes at her.
come into the room and she giggled Spoil sport. Satisfied she had ruined
and shook her head as she watched all the fun she could, Kim left the room
me. I glared at her. I would like to see again, as I started again to look around
you stand out there, then! for something to amuse myself with.
“It’s only a bit of rain, Tabs.” It’s an Not finding anything to do where I
evil twist of nature, is what it is. I shook was, I decided to follow Kim and see
my wet paw, making sure some of the what she was doing. I found her sitting
expelled water from my fur travelled in the study, studiously concentrating
in Kim’s direction and smiled to myself on what she was writing on the com-
as she shrieked in surprise. Its ok, Kim, puter. I sat watching her for a couple of
it’s only water. Considering she was minutes but she didn’t look my way or paying attention and hadn’t noticed.
glaring at me I don’t think she appreci- take any notice. Maybe if I had a better With one final nudge, the frame fell to
ated the joke as much as I did. Again vantage point… I might be able to see the floor with a clatter.
she shook her head at me before what she’s doing better then. Glanc- “Tabs! Get down from there you
leaving the room and I started look- ing around the room, I spotted a small will break something!” What? I was
ing around to find something to amuse space on the sideboard. It offered the only making more room. I reached my
myself with. It didn’t take me long. perfect viewing spot! I jumped up paw out again, ready to administer the
I spied a plastic carrier bag on the and landed in the small space, only same fate to the tea light candle.
floor that Kim had forgotten to put to find my path blocked by a picture “Tabs! You dare!” I froze where I
away after shopping and it presented frame, tea light candle and other odds was and stared at her for just a heart-
an excellent opportunity. Stalking and ends. I reached out my paw and beat, before I nudged the candle on
towards it as if it was prey, I pounced pushed the picture frame slowly to the to the floor. Kim huffed in frustration,
on it and enjoyed the satisfying loud edge of the sideboard. A quick glance walked over, picked me up and placed
rustle it made. Coming up with anoth- over at Kim showed she still wasn’t me on the floor before replacing the

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fallen items on the sideboard again… table, next to the lamp. Another excel- to do. I stared back at her and gave
this time making sure there was no lent vantage point! As I jumped up next another meow. Kim reached down,
space for me to jump up there again. I to the lamp, my paw touched it and it picked a feather cat toy off the floor
mewed at her as sweetly as I could but turned on. I stared at it in surprise. How and held it out.
rather than playing with me, she just did it do that? I touched it again, and it “Come on then, hopefully this will
gave me a quick pet on the head. turned off. This was brilliant, I could do tire you out!” With that, she turned and
“Not now, Tabs, I’m working. Later, magic! Again I touched the lamp base walked a few yards away, wiggling the
ok?” and with that the fixed focus on with my paw and it turned back on toy along the floor. Yes! Finally I get to
her laptop resumed. I tapped my tail on again. Suddenly, Kim’s hand reached play with her!
the floor in frustration. Animal neglect, over and turned it off again. I hadn’t Purring happily, I jumped to the
that’s what this was! I could report her even heard her approach. There was a floor and started chasing after the toy
to the RSPCA, I thought meanly. look of resignation in her expression. as Kim dragged it around the room. I
My spirits soon rose again, however, “What is it you want? Are you knew she would come around eventu-
as I spotted a space on the other side bored?” No, I just don’t have anything ally – she loves me really!


46-47_CW 472.indd 47 19/05/2017 16:43


Settle down and enjoy meeting two more feline characters that have been on vacation
in Notting Hill recently - one finds there’s more to hunting than meets the paw


s a kitten Lily was diately grew into a fluffy for her stay at my place
the smallest of the and lustrous coat and all of Lily, a seasoned traveller
bunch with short, her whiskers curled with was completely unfazed.
stubby fur. The only pleasure. Hopping out of the basket
one of her siblings that The new owners she headed straight for
hadn’t been ‘coo’ed’ over couldn’t have been more the window and squeezed
and chosen by strangers to pleased and Lily was onto the cat protected bal-
be given a home when she adored by the whole fam- cony, jumping up onto the
came of age. The owner ily, often travelling to Kens- wicker bench and survey-
of the kittens was wonder- ington to spend time with ing the street below.
ing what to do about Lily their young granddaugh- Minutes later she was
when there was a knock ter Mia. When a stray cat running through the cat
at the door. A couple had decided to move in with tunnel before disappear-
got lost and were ask- the couple, Lily quite ing and reappearing on
ing for directions and the naturally upped sticks and the top tier of the little
owner invited them in. The moved into Mia’s Kensing- cat tree. Looking at Lily
couple saw Lily, fell in love ton home and has been from behind you could be me, I realise that she is
and adopted her instantly. residing there ever since. forgiven for thinking that not a black cat at all, her
Such was Lily’s gratitude So when she arrived she is a completely black underbelly and paws are
that her stubby fur imme- with her overnight bag cat. Her body is a series completely white. She has
of rounds in varying sizes a tiny black chin tucked
with two twitching trian- in a white collar, white
gles for ears balanced on cheeks, half a white nose
top. Her fabulous curled and nestled in her black
whiskers sprout from the fur are two of the prettiest
sides of her face and top green eyes I’ve ever seen.
of her head, and her furry She is an extremely
black tail flaps with excite- happy cat, bounding
ment whenever there is towards me with the sole
the slightest movement purpose of having a cud-
around her. dle. She will stop directly
When Lily finally notices under my hand and spin

“Claude ignores us as he takes

a good look around sniffing
the air as he goes.”

48 C AT W O R L D JUNE 2016

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around giving herself a cir-
cular massage. Lily is also
extremely polite; sitting in
front of her breakfast bowl
in the morning, she looks
up at me eagerly and
waits to be served.
When a friend of mine a cup of tea. ion and when I absent- on my latest cat toy and
came to visit, Lily, upon Claude ignores us as he mindedly attempt to stroke as the butterfly spins and
hearing the doorbell, took takes a good look around him, he slaps my hand flutters around its base,
refuge behind the sofa. But sniffing the air as he goes. away with his paw. “How Claude tries in vain to
before my friend has even He tests out every surface rude”, his eyes seem to catch it. Mark demon-
sat down Lily has popped before settling in the cat say, so I apologise. I am strates for Claude again
out with her tail held high cave with a catnip sardine. soon forgiven though as and again how to trap
and her head cocked High on the fake fish he Claude sidles up to me the butterfly, cupping his
upwards to say hello. Hop- rolls out of the cave and when he decides it’s time hand into the shape of a
ping on the sofa between while pressing it to his face for a cuddle. I take care paw and trapping it gently
the two of us as we chat, with his paws he inhales not to annoy him and by underneath. Ten minutes
she purrs away content- the heady scent and rocks the time Mark comes to later, when Claude finally
edly and rolls over onto backwards and forwards. collect him the next day, captures the butterfly in
her back, her little paws in After spending some Claude and I are firm both paws, Mark and I
the air as we take it in turn time on the balcony he friends. cheer so loudly he loses
to stroke her. hops onto a heated cush- Before they leave I turn his grip and the plastic
butterfly flutters to free-
Claude dom. Mark sighs and
Claude is a Parisian bemoans the fact that
kitty with an attitude. He is Claude is not a hunter as
a little bit clumsy and as a he gives him a reassuring
kitten managed to smash cuddle and drops him in
a glass as he jumped off a his basket before heading
counter. The glass shat- home.
tered around him and he
was stuck in a corner for
hours, unable to move until The Notting Hill Cat Company
his owner got home and Pampering Your Pets While You Are Away
rescued him. They bonded email:
there and then, his owner
call: 0781 354 7461
Mark tells me proudly over

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y cats aren’t en- cooperation that they’re into a shooting session. feline demonstration of it.
amoured with my clearly unprepared to give They’ve put up with differ- The only problem is –
new camera. Since but they have featured in ent lenses, different shutter and this is more a reflection
its acquisition, hundreds of pictures and speeds, different depths of my photography abilities
they’ve been co-opted and been encouraged and of field and different ISOs. than my cats’ photogenic
dragooned into becoming manhandled into dozens They’ve been snapped nature – that most of my
my principal subjects so of potentially photogenic indoors and out. In every pictures have turned out
many times that they now spots around the house and room of the house with either too dark or blurred.
leave the room at the mere garden. every background imagi- People tell me it’s hard to
sound of the camera bag It’s my first digital SLR so nable. With and without a take a bad picture with a
being opened. In short, there was a phase after I tripod. Awake, asleep. I’ve good camera but Nutmeg
they’re heartily sick of hav- first bought it when, trying tried to capture them in as and Parsley are helping dis-
ing lenses pointed in their to get my head round the many varying moods as prove that particular theory.
faces. many unfamiliar buttons possible – playful, fighting, It’s been a great learning
They don’t, of course, and settings, barely a day affectionate, inquisitive, curve, though. Pet photog-
‘pose’ as such, because passed without Nutmeg sleeping. You name it and raphy is, I’ve discovered, a
that would imply a level of and Parsley being coerced I’ve attempted to snap a whole specialism in itself. I
reckon if you can take good
cat pictures, then you can
probably take good pic-
tures of just about anything.
You have to be quick, for
a start - well, it’s impossible
to do it any other way with
cats. ‘Look at the camera’
doesn’t really generate the
desired response. And ‘just
hold that pose for a few
seconds longer’ would be
sure to send them scamp-
ering from the room.
It strikes me that, as with
good people portraits, so
much is about spontaneity
– but, like most spontane-
ous things, they can be
improved if some thought
goes into them first. I’ve
learnt you’ve got to get
down to their level. Crouch-
ing, kneeling, even laying

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around on the floor makes
for better shots. I’m sure
neighbours and passers-by
would have been per-
plexed on many occasions,
having seen me flat out on
the grass.
Close-ups are vital, too.
A cat on a shed doesn’t
make a good picture from
20 yards away. And another
useful tip I was given was
to ‘always remember the
eyes’. These are what you
should be focusing on, so if
you keep them sharp that’s
a good start.
Catching them unawares
is also worth trying. You
certainly get the best ‘re-
laxed’ shots when they’re
tired and sleepy – which,
in the case of Nutmeg and
Parsley, potentially means
most of the time! Naturally,
they’re often grumpy at
being woken so will often
give the camera a swipe.
“She’s a cat that’s always preferred to be left alone
The tell-tale bite marks rather than being the centre of attention.”
in the strap are yet more
evidence of their lack of well with the fame. She’s a She’s like some wannabe usually some food or the
enthusiasm for this particu- cat that’s always preferred celebrity: fame hungry. If prospect of starting a fight
lar project. to be left alone rather there was a ‘Big Brother’ with her sister or a neigh-
As a rule, they have con- than being the centre of for cats, Nutmeg would bours’ cats.
sistently done their best attention. When it comes volunteer like a shot. She’d I enjoy taking photos of
to make the process as to pictures, she’d rather be the really irritating cats but also love looking
complicated as possible. none were taken at all. She noisy one (actually, they all at photos of other cats. I
For Parsley, like most things certainly doesn’t appreci- are, so she’d be the most can stare at these for hours;
in life, it’s an unnecessary ate having a flash thrust in irritating noisy one) who’s they have a strangely ad-
and largely unwelcome her face. Perhaps she sees always showing off. dictive quality.
intrusion into her preferred it as an intrusion of privacy. In fact, Nutmeg would The internet is a vast and
occupations of sleeping If Parsley was a celebrity, probably even like being unlimited source. You can
and looking grumpy. Ironic, she’d vehemently object to pursued by the paparazzi: find cats from just about
really, because she (and any sort of media interest. it would reinforce her every country of the world
don’t tell Nutmeg this or She’d probably have Max impression of herself as the doing just about everything
I’ll have a mutiny on my Clifford representing her, most important creature on imaginable. With every
hands) is the more photo- specifically to keep her out the planet. imaginable expression.
genic of the two – she’s got of the headlines. The problem is, like a Then there are the myriad
huge eyes and her mark- Nutmeg, conversely, is lot of wannabe celebrities, of cat-related videos that
ings are incredibly pro- an easier subject to work Nutmeg has the attention the internet is awash with.
nounced. I’ve always said with. There again, she’s span of a gnat so won’t The world, it seems, is full
she’d make a nice image always loved being in the ‘play camera’ for more of people like me: people
for a card or a calendar. limelight and laps up any than 60 seconds before with cameras and videos,
Not, of course, that attention. And she certainly wandering off to some- enjoying pointing them at
Parsley would cope very has the celebrity pout. thing more interesting. It’s their pets.


50-51_CW 472.indd 51 19/05/2017 16:44


The perils of summer-

time exploration
A cat’s curiosity is famous for landing him in tricky situations
and summertime adventures can lead to a cat going missing
for several weeks - what treatment might he need?


he recent request from an ex- of finding her cat, and there he was! book, if you use them
tremely relieved cat owner was: One cat can look very like another to Searching the local neighbourhood
“Please could you check Fred the casual observer but not so for the is a thankless task. One is dreading
over for me? He has been miss- owner. finding a body in a ditch, yet at the
ing for three weeks. Believe it or not, Additionally, in this particular case, same time finding one’s cat in any con-
though, I came home last night and the cat had been chipped so he was dition will at least put the doubts and
automatically called him for his food, brought to the veterinary practice worries to rest. As a child, we seemed
and he appeared in the kitchen as if he where I scanned him and rang the to lose cats on a regular basis and
had never been away! central database which confirmed fruitless searches of the hedgerows
“I am just so relieved that he is ownership. are a vivid memory for me.
back. He has been ravenous. He has In Fred’s case, his owner had fol-
also been drinking water as if there lowed all the usual lines of enquiry Clinical examination
were no tomorrow and he has diar- suggested below but to no avail. With a dishevelled and thin cat
rhoea.” before me, I commenced my clinical
It looked as if Fred had been very Lines of enquiry examination. It was self-evident that
lucky indeed, because his white Advertising a missing cat – or any Fred had lost weight; I was able to put
patches were stained grey as though other species, for that matter a figure to this because he had been
he had been somewhere very oily. The a) posters (including a recent photo- weighed at his last visit for a Program
fact he was very hungry and thirsty graph) in shop windows injection six months previously.
suggested that he had been trapped b) fliers (including a recent photo- Yes, he was therefore due another
for much of the time he had been graph): Program injection but, even though I
missing, in a building of some kind (i) through the letterboxes of all did ultimately give him the ‘all clear’,
without access to water or food. houses in the immediate neighbour- I postponed it for two weeks to allow
hood for information and to ask for him to recover from his ordeal, espe-
Searching for your cat gardens, sheds and garages to be cially as there was no sign of fleas.
Cats, by nature, are inclined to ex- checked; Fred’s coat was dirty. The grey
plore. I have come across cats which (ii) handed to local delivery people patches where he should have been
have turned up after being away (postman, milkman, refuse collectors white remained stubbornly grey,
for weeks, if not months. I have also etc.); suggestive of oil. On questioning his
encountered an ownership dispute c) local veterinary practices: owner, it transpired that a likely place
whereby a cat moved in with another (i) to check has not been found; where he could have found himself
household a few miles away from his (ii) to be recorded as missing; trapped was a local factory warehouse
original home. (iii) poster on notice board; which would have been oily.
His original owner just happened to d) if micro-chipped, inform the central I was a little concerned that Fred
call at this house some months later, data-base. might have been dehydrated. His skin
having long ago given up all hope e) on social media sites such as Face- did not bounce back immediately af-

“The fact he was very hungry and thirsty suggested that he had been trapped for mu
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ter being gently raised between thumb Management in by someone or at least had had ac-
and forefinger but one had to allow for The major concern was to reassure cess to regular balanced meals during
his weight-loss. The diarrhoea was not Fred. I advised his owner to keep him his absence from his usual home.
severe but was probably affecting how in over the next few days:
he restored his body’s hydration status a) to reinforce his bond with the home; Prevention
to normal after some time without b) to monitor his health for any prob- It is pretty well nigh impossible to
water to drink. lems that were not yet apparent; prevent a cat from going missing if
c) to enable regular access to bal- he or she has full access to the great
Why diarrhoea? anced meals and fresh water. outdoors.
I would suspect that the diarrhoea Since Fred had diarrhoea, I sug- There is traffic on the roads and
developed after Fred returned home. gested a readily digested diet, offered sheds and garages offer somewhere
His owner had said that he absolutely as frequent small meals, together with a cat can be inadvertently shut in, for
stuffed himself with food as if he had fresh water. A priority was to restore example.
not eaten for at least a week. The intes- the intestinal system to health so that There are forms of identification
tinal tract would have suddenly faced Fred could regain the weight he had which carry advantages and disadvan-
a huge load after some time of rest lost during the time he had been miss- tages but at the end of the day curios-
and its response would be to propel ing. ity may win out!
everything through much quicker than If he had returned with no change
normal, preventing efficient removal in body condition or, indeed, having Identification
of water and thus resulting in liquid gained weight, then one could have Advantages and disadvantages of
faeces. assumed that he had either been taken some forms of identification

d for much of the time he had been missing without access to water or food.”

52-54_CW 472.indd 53 19/05/2017 18:56

a) collars
(i) easy to read owner’s name and

Kittens found dumped

address (hand-written or engraved
on metal disc, for example) unless
blurred with age, ink has run after
contact with water, etc;

in a shopping basket
(ii) reflective material to increase
visibility of wearer in poor ambient
(iii) may catch on branch or such
like unless collar has inbuilt weakness

- a quick-release collar is the safest
option; et another case of unplanned neutered - this isn’t true, in fact it’s
(iv) cat may catch mouth or forelimb and unwanted kittens being just an old wives tale. There is no
in collar unless collar breaks at inbuilt dumped has been high- need for a cat to have a litter of
weakness; lighted after five tiny kittens kittens before she’s spayed. The
b) micro-chip were dumped by a Leeds super- sooner she is spayed, the sooner
(i) permanent identification with market. The kittens were just seven she can enjoy doing all the things
unique combination of letters/num- weeks old and their mum was also cats like to do - such as going out
bers; dumped with them. and climbing trees.”
(ii) can only be read with scanner so A resident living nearby report- Of course both male and female
cat must be caught and taken to some- ed them to the RSPCA who sent an cats should be neutered. Alice
one with appropriate scanner; Animal Collection Officer to recov- continued: “Male cats that haven’t
(iii) may migrate or become non- er them. Unfortunately the mother been neutered are more likely to
functional; and two of the kittens escaped roam and fight, putting them at
c) tattoo through a gap in the fence before risk of injury, infected wounds and
(i) have to be up close to cat to read the officer arrived. contracting diseases, including FIV
tattoo The three remaining kittens were - the feline equivalent of HIV.”
(ii) need to know who to contact for gathered up by ACO Tina Hallas In 2016 the RSPCA alone neu-
access to owner’s details. and taken to their Wakefield branch tered nearly 41,500 cats across
It is hard to say exactly what pro- to be cared for before being found England and Wales, males and
portion of cats that go missing do new loving homes once vaccinated females. Add to that the number
make it back home. We keep a ‘Lost and microchipped. As they were all of cats neutered by other rescue
and found’ book at the main practice, in good health, there were no other organisations and you can see just
where we record all reports of lost major concerns. how many cats they are dealing
animals in the front and all reports of RSPCA cat welfare expert Alice with.
found animals in the back. When a Potter said: “Around this time of “The romance and the reality
missing cat, or other pet, has been year, we often see a lot of aban- of having a litter of kittens are two
found, it is vital to let everyone know doned kittens as a result of unwant- very different things - with around
he has been found, not least to put ed litters from cats who have not 68% of litters of kittens being un-
worried minds at rest. been neutered. planned - that’s a lot of people in for
There is a certain feeling of satis- “Some cat owners may believe a much bigger surprise than they
faction to put a line through a missing that cats should be allowed to have bargained for.
report in the book when a pet turns up a litter of kittens before they are “The RSPCA advises having cats
safe and well. spayed at four months - before they
Sadly, there are also occasions are free to venture outdoors un-
when an entry is deleted because supervised and start to attract the
the pet has been found deceased but attention of Tom cats.”
fortunately this was not the case with Please. please have your cats
Fred who went on to make a full and neutered. These kittens were lucky
uneventful recovery from his unknown but we all-too-often report inci-
ordeal. dences of kittens being dumped
Those three weeks had also been suffering from very poor health or
an ordeal for his owner but she was injuries and preventing this hap-
one of the lucky owners to have her pening is simple and effective.
cat return to her safe and well.

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52-54_CW 472.indd 54 19/05/2017 18:56


Drink more water -

try telling the cat
Drinking water is good for skin, general health and preventing
dehydration which can lead to serious illness but sometimes
our cats don’t seem too keen to drink it from their bowl


e all know that fresh water is to clean it and this can make it unpal- such puddles may also contain harm-
good for us and our cats to atable for your cat too. Cat food has ful substances such as oil or antifreeze
drink but while we happily put quite a strong smell which will help which can often be fatal as it is highly
out bowls of the stuff daily for to mask the smell of the washing up toxic to cats.
our feline friends, they seem to prefer liquid and your cat won’t find the bowl So how can we encourage our
dirty water from a puddle. What’s go- so offensive. felines to stay away from harm but stay
ing on? If your cat is really thirsty and tap hydrated at the same time?
First of all, don’t be offended by the water in his bowl is the only source of Rinse your cat’s water bowl more
fact that your cat appears to be fussy water available, he will drink it, which thoroughly than you would normally
and snubs your fresh tap water. Our is why it is still very important to leave for your own food and drink.
tap water is often treated with chemi- fresh water for your cat to drink every Let the tap water stand in the bowl
cals and our cats can probably smell day, regardless of whether he usually for a while before putting it down for
the chlorine, even though we can’t, suf- drinks it or not. However, if there are your cat. This helps the chemicals
ficiently to put them off. Cats have far other sources of water in your garden in the water to dissipate so that they
more sensitive noses than we humans or elsewhere in his territory, he will hopefully won’t be as noticeable to
do and many of them don’t like the prefer to drink from a bird bath, pond feline noses.
strong smell or taste of our tap water, or puddle. Puddles can be full of rot- Try leaving a tap running slightly
no matter how fresh it is. ten vegetation and microbes but cats as many cats love to lap the stream of
The bowl you offer it in could also actually find this strange ‘soup’ quite water as it falls from the tap.
still have traces of the detergent used tasty. It is always a worry though that Invest in a water fountain that has
been specially designed for pets. If
your cat enjoys drinking water from
them then they are a worthwhile invest-
ment, and can be fairly inexpensive.
You can expect to pay around £20-30
for a plastic fountain and £70-80 for
a ceramic model. On average the
fountains hold three litres of water.
Water fountains filter out chemicals
and debris - filters should be changed
monthly so do take into account that
you will ned to buy replacement filters.
The most important thing, especially
during hot weather, is that your cat has
the opportunity to drink clean water
at any time to prevent him becoming
dehydrated. Do the best you can and
he will thank you for it.


55_CW 472.indd 55 19/05/2017 17:10

Dental concern
Q: My cat has just lost one of her
the teeth - should I be worried or is this

A: The most common reason for
tooth loss is periodontal disease.
The gums become inflamed (gingi-
vitis) and if left untreated, the dis-
ease can spread to the periodontal
ligament. Once the tooth has be-
come loose from its anchor point it
can become dislodged quite easily,
Who can microchip my cat? always looking for scraps of my food just by your cat eating normally.
Q: I know I should really get my cat (although I rarely give him any) and A visit to your vet is recom-
microchipped but I’m a bit worried I’m sure he probably has a ‘live’ mended to check the affected area
about it. Who should I ask? snack when he’s out at night as I and her other teeth. An x-ray may be
sometimes find the remains on the required to see if any part of the root
A: It is very wise to have your cat driveway. What should I do? of the tooth remains in the cat’s gum
microchipped, especially if you al- as it could cause a more serious
low him outside. Microchipping is A: If you are feeding the appropri- dental problem.
a very simple procedure whereby ate amount of food according to your
a tiny chip, about the size of a grain cat’s weight and the recommenda- She won’t ‘go’ outside
of rice, is inserted under the cat’s tions on the packaging, then I doubt Q: I have tried really hard to
skin near the scruff of his neck. It is that Prince is really as hungry as he encourage my cat Polly to use a
pretty painless but could be worth is making out. Hunting for prey is litter tray outside but she is having
its weight in gold to you if your cat what all cats are born to do naturally none of it. Actually, she seems quite
ever goes missing…as long as the although some seem to feel the scared to ‘do her business’ outside.
database details are kept up to date. need to hunt more than others. You We are about to have an extension
There are regulations governing don’t say where you got prince from built at the back of our house so the
microchipping but current legisla- and, if he was a rescue cat, it is pos- place we usually keep her litter tray
tion only really covers dogs. With sible that he could have had to fight will be a ‘no go’ zone for several
cats, it is recommended by Defra for food as a youngster, either in the weeks. What can I do?
(The Department for Environment, wild or amongst siblings.
Food and Rural Affairs) that any- A quick chat to your vet would A: If your cat isn’t keen to toilet
one who microchips a cat should be a good idea. He may ask you to outside, no matter how hard you
have completed a Defra-approved make an appointment to determine try to persuade her, then I’m afraid
training course. This generally will if there could be a medical reason you will have to accept that fact.
include veterinary surgeons, vet- for Prince’s excessive hunger. If not There could be another cat in the
erinary nurses and many people then ask him about a referral to a neighbourhood that is bullying Polly
who run feline rehoming and rescue behaviour specialist. Although hunt- and leaving their own scent mes-
centres. ing is natural, they may be able to sages around your garden. If Polly is
I would suggest you speak to your help curb the scavenging behaviour. elderly then having to use an outside
veterinary nurse who can give you toilet area if it is wet or cold is not a
specific information about how the good idea either.
procedure takes place at your local If you don’t provide Polly with a lit-
surgery. ter tray at all, she may resort to using
your carpet or another area of your
I can’t stop him feeling hungry home. It sounds likely that Polly may
Q: My two year-old cat Prince be rather stressed by the upheaval
is constantly hungry. He will eat the imminent extension will bring to
everything I put down for him, is her normal surroundings. It would

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be a good idea to clear a spare garden. We don’t want this to be- there is no resident cat to lay claim
bedroom in advance of the building come a serious or unpleasant issue to it. They should remove all traces
work and make it a ‘safe’ place for - do you have any suggestions? of cat poo thoroughly then use warm
Polly. water and washing up liquid to wash
Provide food and water bowls in A: This is always difficult and away the scent, followed by a strong
there as well as a litter tray. Encour- without putting containment fencing smelling cat repellent.
age her to spend time in the room around your garden, a little compro- Offer to block up any holes in
before the builders move in so that mise and understanding is required. fencing or walls that might allow
she becomes accustomed to it and You could try explaining to your Mitch access to their garden. Your
won’t be tempted to toilet where you neighbours that cats are naturally neighbour may also want to invest in
don’t want her to. You can keep her roaming animals and that the law ‘prickle strips’ to put on top of walls
safely shut in this room while the does not prevent them from do- and fences to deter any cats from
builders are at the house and let her ing so. However, understand that if jumping up.
out each day when they have gone your neighbours are trying to make Overhanging tree branches could
home. a nice garden at their new home, be another issue, as your cat could
finding evidence of cat poo on the climb on your side and jump down
Neighbour pains lawn or flower beds can be very in his. If branches are overhanging,
Q: We have a beautiful black cat frustrating. They may not dislike suggest that the tree is trimmed
called Mitch who is very good na- Mitch but don’t want him, or any regularly to keep this to a minimum.
tured and friendly. Mitch is allowed other cats for that matter, spoiling in Hopefully if they can see that you
outside and doesn’t seem to get into their garden. are keen to help resolve the situa-
any scraps but our new neighbours Advise your neighbours that tion, they won’t mind if Mitch pays
don’t seem to like him being in their Mitch is just marking ‘his’ territory as them the occasional visit.

Our pets have simple wants and needs.

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JUNE 2016 C AT W O R L D

56-57_CW 472.indd 57 19/05/2017 16:48


We are all now well acquainted with the term ‘animal

behaviourist’ but when exactly is one required and
what do they do? Inga Mackellar explains

lthough many cat owners are to do a visit to the client’s home. I take between one and a half and two
aware of what happens when feel that the cat will be more relaxed hours. If possible, I like everyone in
they have an appointment in its own surroundings, the owners the household to attend so that I can
with their vet, few have experience of will feel more at ease and also, very get a ‘feel’ of what normal home life
what occurs in a cat behaviour con- importantly, it gives me an insight into might be like. I will start by taking
sultation and can be apprehensive the cat’s normal, every day environ- down a full history of the cat, includ-
about what may be involved. ment. I can see and assess the situa- ing the environment the cat was
Different behaviourists work in tion for myself rather than relying on a obtained from, its age and its general
different ways but all professional description from the owner, which is temperament. I will ask about family
behaviourists are striving to solve what would happen in a clinic consul- routines and how much involvement
the cat’s behaviour problem in a kind tation. everyone has with the cat. How often
and patient manner, to ensure the Visits to the home can yield vital is the cat played with, does it have
best welfare of the cat and to obtain a information that might not have oth- free access to the outdoors and is
satisfactory resolution to the problem erwise been revealed. For example, there a cat flap? What is the cat fed
from the owner’s perspective. in one case of inter-cat aggression on, where does it like to sleep and
All APBC (Association of Pet Be- within a third floor flat it transpired what other pets are in the home?
haviour Counsellors), work to a strict that there was a very narrow pas- Only by asking a full range of ques-
Code of Conduct, which includes sageway that led to the only access tions and taking a holistic approach
seeing clients only on veterinary to the outdoors, via a cat flap. One to the situation can one obtain a clear
referral. This is to ensure that there cat would sit on a shelf, waiting, and picture of exactly what is happening.
is no physical problem causing the attack the other cat as soon as it at- I will then ask to be shown around
problem behaviour. For instance, an tempted to come along the passage- the house so that I can take details of
indoor urination behaviour problem way to use the cat flap. This fact might the exact spots where, for example,
may not be behavioural in origin at not have emerged unless I had seen the cat may be urinating. Location of
all but due to the cat having a urinary it for myself. urination will provide me with impor-
tract infection. Working on vet referral Another example was that of a cat tant information. In some cases, where
will also reassure the cat owner that not using its litter tray. I saw that the there is a problem with aggression
they are seeing someone competent, owners, literally, only put a handful with neighbours’ cats, I may also ask
experienced and qualified. of litter in the tray for the cat to use, to see the garden. Only by seeing the
Some behaviourists may hold their rather than fill the tray up to a good cat’s environment can I fully diagnose
consultation in a clinic either at their depth - something that may have not what is occurring and tailor a plan to
own premises or at a veterinary sur- been revealed in a clinic consultation. specifically suit the cat’s and client’s
gery. Others, including myself, prefer My consultations will normally needs and circumstances.

I prefer to visit the client’s home

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The size and location of an owner’s derstanding of the motivation for the behaving quite naturally. As owners
home can have a tremendous bear- behaviour and to have realistic ex- learn more about what a cat is and
ing on tackling a behaviour problem. pectations of what can be achieved. how it communicates they will get a
If the house is terraced and adjacent Although, sometimes, problems deeper understanding of what poten-
to many other cat owning households can be resolved quickly, others can tial problems might occur and how to
this will affect a cat’s outdoor terri- take many months of patience and prevent them occurring.
tory and inter-cat relationships. hardwork. In some cases, behaviour
At the other end of the scale, last problems have been present for
summer, I visited a client who had a many years or there may be external Tip of the month
marking problem in the house. Her factors that cannot be quickly re- Whilst the Internet is useful
home was massive with a number solved. for finding information about
of balconies and French windows, I provide the client with a full writ- numerous subjects, care needs
which were constantly left open ten report specifically for their cat to be taken before following any
during the summer months, result- and I also send the referring vet a advice. Within the UK, the be-
ing in numerous neigbourhood and consultation report so that he/she is haviour profession is unregulat-
feral cats wandering into the house updated on the situation. ed which means that anyone can
and having the occasional fight with A telephone consultation is ar- say they are a behaviourist. To
the resident cat. The client’s cat was ranged for five weeks after they have be sure of getting the very best
extremely anxious as a result of this seen me to update me on progress. and most appropriate advice for
‘open house’ and spent all its time Fees for behaviour consultations your cat, always talk to your vet
going around this enormous dwell- vary but cat owners who have their first and ask them to refer you to
ing spraying over curtains, doors and cat insured should find that most of a member of the APBC or other
windows in an effort to make itself the leading insurance companies properly qualified cat behav-
feel secure and warn off potential will cover the cost of a behavioural iourist.
intruders. consultation with an APBC member If you are experiencing some
After I have fully assessed the situ- or with a Certified Clinical Animal behaviour problems with your
ation and diagnosed the problem I Behaviourist (CCAB). cat, to find your nearest APBC
will explain to the owners why their It is important to remember that Member (Association of Pet
cat is behaving as it is and what they many behaviours which, from a hu- Behaviour Counsellors),visit
need to do to rectify the situation. It man point of view are perceived to
is important that owners have an un- be problem, are as a result of the cat


58-59_CW 472.indd 59 19/05/2017 16:48



This story starts and ends with Simmy Cat and I have to warn you

that tissues will probably be required before you reach the end.

woke my husband up after a After I stopped laughing at my big booked us in. Gordy was having a

night shift one early afternoon. burly husband freaking out over this panic attack. He was quivering and
The sun was streaming through incident, I asked him to ring the vet shaking all over so I took him out
the window and illuminating the and pick up a prescription as he was of the cat box and although he still
dust particles that hang in the air, going out as soon as he woke up shook like a leaf in the wind, he was
Teeko’s silky hairs, that dangle from properly. All the animals were due to happier to be able to see what was
the blinds like a morbid sun catcher, have their flea and worm treatment, going on and be held. In the consul-
sparkled. I perched on the end of it was on my to do list, Simmy just tation room with the nurse I immedi-
the bed drinking my tea and chat- brought it forward by a week or so. ately launched into who he was and
ting to my husband who was trying An hour or so later, I was in my that he had problems and this was a
to stay asleep. I was regaling him studio and my husband was on his HUGE deal for him to be here, whilst
with the tales of the day - the dogs way out when he rang the vet and my husband interjected that he was
down at the river, Gordy eating so then came to see me. “They won’t a famous cat with a huge following
much chicken I thought he might give us the treatment until they see on Facebook and every month he
explode - when Simmy Cat jumped Gordy” he said. My heart sank, this features in Cat World Magazine.. we
on the bed. was my worst nightmare, Gordy at are the very proud parents of our
My husband ‘ooofffed’ under the the vets. Our vets have been bril- boy!
weight of Simmy Cat as he padded liant over the last few years. Gordy is The nurse was wonderful and
his way across the duvet, purring registered there and they are aware didn’t touch Gordy, although she
like a train, after a big fuss, which I of him and his issues and have in the was wanting to, but she accepted he
was happy to give. He twisted and past been happy to give us the pre- needed the space and I was most
he turned, enjoying the scratching scription for prescription on request. grateful that she just talked about his
behind the ears and along his spine. All our animals are registered there, problems, his IBS, his dribbling and
It was at this point he ‘presented’ Teeko was before he lived with us any concerns we might have, which
his bottom to me, tail up, his nose and the vet knows that he came we don’t and as I told her, he is
twitching in cat ecstasy, when, mid here when his previous owners went broken but he works just the way he
sentence, I screeched in laughter abroad. Simmy Cat and Smudge is. Then she weighed him on the big
at the white dangling worm hang- have both been to the vets recently table. We were amazed when the
ing out of his bottom. My husband for neutering and both dogs are scales came in at 3kg. The average
shot out of bed faster than a tom cat regular yearly visitors for boosters weight for a British Shorthair male
on a promise with me howling with and weight checks; the only one not is 6 – 8kg so Gordy is half what he
laughter and Simmy Cat not looking seen is Gordy and this time the sur- should be but no one expected him
terribly amused. gery was asking to see him before to get this big and to us he is huge.

they gave the prescription for all the Back in the waiting room I sat at
He twisted and he animals. The good news was I didn’t one end with Gordy in my arms
have to fret for more than 40 minutes whilst my husband was at the desk
turned, enjoying the
scratching behind
the ears and along
‘ as they would see him straight away.
I took a deep breath and got the
cat box.
At the vets, which is just five
minutes in the car, I sat on the bench
getting the prescription so we could
order online – a saving of quite a
bit! This took a while as the vet was
busy. A young couple came in with
a beautiful puppy Bulldog and just
his spine. with Gordy whilst my husband stared at me and Gordy, now stood

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in the middle of the waiting room, healthy and happy but nothing lasts Evening came and with it the
me rocking him like a baby whilst forever. dark. Still no sign of Simmy Cat. We
wide eyed, he stared around the were all restless, Smudge was in and
room, his tongue glistening under One day in May out of the cat flap unable to settle.
the strip lights. Our bins go out each Wednesday, Looking back I think she already
We were still in this position one week general rubbish, the next knew what we feared. My son drove
when an older lady came in, took recycling. Last week was recycling, round the lanes slowly, looking in
one look at me and Gordy and said the big green bin. The sun shone all the hedges but he came home
‘Oh no a cat.’ I heard myself saying through the window that day as I with no news. At 10pm I locked the
‘don’t worry he isn’t a ‘real’ cat’ as if played with Simmy Cat on the bed; cat flap so that Simmy could get in
that was perfectly normal. The lady I was stripping it ready to change but no one could get out and went
gave me an odd look and called in the covers and this was his favourite to bed. At 3 am I was up and in the
her husband who was on the end game. He jumped and twisted and kitchen drinking tea. As soon as
of the lead of an ENORMOUS long charged under the sheets, he leapt breakfast was over I was out with the
haired shepherd. The dog took one from the bed ran down stairs and out dogs. Smudge was still being cha-
look at me with Gordy and did a of the cat flap whilst I giggled and otic and even Gordy was subdued.
double take, his instincts obviously watched him run into the field in the Teeko was the only one that didn’t
screamed CAT but his brain was so sunshine from the upstairs bedroom notice.
confused he just sat down near us window. It was to be the last time I I searched all the hedgerows and
and stared, much to the amusement saw him alive. asked the neighbour I saw (we don’t
of us and the complete bewilder- Tea time came as normal around have many!) to check any outbuild-
ment of his owners. 5.30pm and Simmy hadn’t been ings for him. They knew who he was
Our stay at the vets was more seen all afternoon. I was a little con- and they have only been here for a
delayed, as a family came in and cerned but the weather was fabu- month! I was beginning to feel better
were informed their beloved pet had lous and there are plenty of shrews walking back from the river. I hadn’t
died. My heart broke for them, the and mice to chase for a young cat seen him, maybe he was off chasing
children were in tears and the dad beginning his journey through life. girls and would be home later for a
was pretty close to sobbing as the I kept his bowl on the side in the good telling off and some food. I had
nurse explained the big bill! I felt so kitchen, ready to give him when he convinced myself he was off doing
blessed that all my lot were young, came in. ‘young man’ stuff and even had the

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and they didn’t see the personal
messages and texts I received. I
never knew so many people fol-
lowed me and my bonkers life and
their support was overwhelming.
Smudge started sleeping under
the duvet tucked into me. She fidg-
ets all night but I don’t mind, watch-
ing her nose twitch as she dreams
makes me smile. After a few nights
she started waking up periodically
to play like she did with Simmy
Cat, although she never came out
of the duvet. We still sleep like this
now, 12 days later. Gordy misses
his big little brother, Simmy Cat
ground rules in my head ready to the other side was a pair of work- being a big bruiser could play with
tell him about how he should be man’s gloves. My world fell into a Gordy who doesn’t do gentle play;
home by 9pm and this really wasn’t thousand pieces and my tears fell he isn’t nasty, he doesn’t under-
on. on his head. stand how to play ‘nicely’. It is all or
I opened the gate and let the I laid him out on the bench and nothing with him but Simmy played
dogs off their leads. My usual went to find Gordy. Smudge had with him, they scratched on the cat
routine is to then walk around the found me already and was sniffing castle posts together and charged
garden and pick up the poop but the quiet form of her brother. Both behind the sofa. Simmy was a huge
this morning I decided to just walk Izabel and Defi went and said their personality in our house and is so
around and check under all the goodbyes and as I carried Gordy sorely missed.
hedges. Our garden is surrounded from the house to the front of the That saying that cats leave paw
by hedges that are now greening garden, he too realised what had prints on your heart is right - we
up as the warmer months ap- happened. Watching Gordy and know they will leave us, we don’t
proach. There, in the corner at the Smudge sat next to Simmy Cat, know when and we hope that it is
front of the garden, under the old sniffing him, broke my heart and many, many years in the future but
Red Robin bush and behind the I sobbed down the phone to my even the smallest amount of time
picnic table now adorned with this- husband who said he would come spent sharing their life is worth the
tles that have grown out from the home to say goodbye. He had a pain and loss they leave behind.
hedge, was an enormous orange particular fondness for Simmy Cat.
bum. ‘Simmy’ I called, delighted. My son rang me to see if I had
He looked for all the world like found him yet and when I said
he was stalking a mouse under yes, he said he was coming home
there…but he didn’t turn around straight away. My son is a courier
like I expected and my heart sank driver so he came and dug me a
like a stone. grave under the bamboo next to
Pushing thorny branches aside our Claude and Megan, and Dave
I almost crawled into the hedge to the chicken.
touch his bum. It was stone cold. I For days I sobbed; my daughter
pulled out his body and sat on the sobbed and everyone in the house
bench removing the dead leaves was so subdued, especially poor
and debris from his face. His eyes little Smudge who had lost her best
no longer shone like amber lights, friend since birth. I posted on Fa-
his nose no longer twitched. His cebook that Simmy had returned
body was contorted, his claws home but not alive and the out-
were outstretched and on his muz- pouring of grief from other people
zle was a small but fatal wound touched my soul. Someone did
that told me he had been hit by a message me and say that they
vehicle. We suspect it was the bin have never seen so many messag- RIP Simmy Cat
men that hit him as in the hedge on es sending love for the loss of a pet May 2016 – April 2017.

62 C AT W O R L D JUNE 2016

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Be responsible and
neuter your pets
Rescue charities around the UK are struggling to cope with
the numbers of abandoned cats and kittens that arrive every
week because so many are not neutered or spayed


harities all over the UK and being euthanised because they are a female cat that is spayed before their
around the world are forced to often abandoned and grow up to be first heat will have a reduced chance
cope with the result of kittens feral. It is estimated that there are as of mammary cancer and will be un-
being born by cats that have not many cats living as ferals as there are able to develop pyometra, a serious
been neutered. In the UK, all rescue in loving homes. Feral cats can carry uterine condition that can cause death.
charities produce literature urging you diseases. Having your own cat spayed An unwanted pregnancy in an already
to get your cat neutered or spayed in a or neutered will ensure your cat will ill or ageing cat can be fatal.
bid to reduce the number of unwanted not contribute to the growing problem. Male cats that have been neutered
kittens that are frequently dumped at have less chance of being injured in
their doors - sometimes literally. Coping with heat fights over females or of developing
It is a common belief that the main Female cats that are not spayed go prostate problems. The risk of catch-
reason for an owner not neutering into heat several times a year. By spay- ing Feline Immunodeficiency Virus,
their cat is the cost. It is not overly ing your female cat you can prevent usually spread through saliva while
expensive however and may well save several unwanted behaviours, includ- fighting, is also minimised.
unnecessary expense on vets bills in ing spraying, hours of yowling and you
the future. will not have to confine your cat for Cats are better behaved
Here are the main reasons why we several weeks of the year. A spayed or neutered cat is likely to
should pay attention to the charities have a better temperament and so be
and believe that this process is the Cats wander off more friendly towards its owners. It’s
right thing to do for both owners and Male cats that have not been neu- much easier to have a good relation-
cats. tered are also more difficult to care ship with your cat when you don’t have
for. Sexually mature male cats often to worry about all of the unfortunate
Rescue centres are full feel the need to mark their territory. situations that come up after your pet
There are simply too many unwant- Mating instincts in un-neutered cats has reached sexual maturity.
ed litters of kittens brought to cannot be curbed or
rescue centres and shel- controlled so these Save money on bills
ters each year. The num- cats often wander off It can save you money in the long
ber of kittens exceeds the for days at a time, in run. Female cats that haven’t been
number of families looking search of a female cat spayed are likely to damage furniture
to adopt a cat or kitten from in heat. This can lead or carpets when in heat and un-
them. Last year over 1000 to them getting lost neutered males will spray furnishings
kittens were dumped, given or even hit by a car. and furniture to mark their territory,
up or born at just one na- meaning hefty bills to get these things
tional animal charity alone. A healthier pet replaced.
Your cat’s health As previously mentioned, spay-
Problems with ferals can benefit if it is ing and neutering can prevent health
Unwanted cats that are spayed or neu- problems in your cat, saving money on
not adopted may end up tered. For example, vets bills


63_CW 472.indd 63 22/05/2017 17:07


The Million Cat Chal

Sharing knowledge and ideas for the future safety and rehabilitation of
rescued cats is at the heart of this innovative scheme taking place
throughout America for the past three years


aving the lives of one million choice for every cat. Through the
cats in North America’s animal campaign, shelters can offer an ex-
shelters over five years seems panding selection of alternatives from
like an enormous task to undertake, providing resources and support
yet this is exactly the goal of the towards veterinary care, to assisting a
Million Cat Challenge. Nearly 1100 community member in trapping and
shelters have already joined the sterilising a community cat.
campaign since its launch in 2014, as Managed admission - Scheduling
a joint project between the UC Davis In 2014 the Million Cat Challenge the intake of cats to match the shel-
Koret Shelter Medicine Program and was launched with generous funding ter’s capabilities ensures that every
the University of Florida Maddie’s from Maddie’s fund; a National Foun- animal is well cared for. Even shelters
Shelter Medicine Program. Shelters dation created by Dave and Cheryl obliged to take all animals that come
across America are sharing ideas Duffield to revolutionise the well- their way can manage how and when
to find new and innovative ways to being of companion animals. Sharon these animals are admitted. Some
improve the lives of shelter cats. Fletcher, Director of Marketing and shelters have gone further by creat-
Communications at Maddie’s fund, ing detailed interview processes
Mutual goals said: “The proposal we received from designed to assess the best needs of
The euthanasia of shelter animals Drs. Kate Hurley and Julie Levy in the animal before accepting them.
has been a huge issue in America addressing the community cat situa- Capacity for care - In simple
over recent decades. Approximately tion was an innovative and ambitious terms, this means making sure that
860,000 cats are euthanised every approach to lifesaving. The mind-shift the welfare needs of every cat ac-
year as shelters struggle to cope they are creating is extraordinary.” cepted to a shelter is being met. Ac-
with the sheer number of animals In just three years, shelters that cepting too many animals will make
they take in. Through consultations have joined the challenge have saved it harder for staff to look after every
with shelters across America, Million nearly 800,000 cats’ lives and are animal to the best of their ability.
Cat Challenge co-founders Dr. Kate expected to reach their one million Removing barriers to adoption -
Hurley, of the UC Davis Koret Shelter target by early next year! Although commonly performed with
Medicine Program and Dr. Julie Levy, the best of intentions, many tradi-
of the Maddie’s Shelter Medicine Key initiatives tional barriers to adoption, such as
Program at the University of Florida, The five core initiatives of the Mil- home visits and endless checks, tend
noticed that many shelters expressed lion Cat Challenge, pioneered by to be based on tradition more than
frustration at being unable to do animal shelters across the country, evidence of their value in protecting
more for cats in their local area. are based on the understanding that pets. Shelters can increase the num-
“Both of us spend a lot of time each cat is unique. Through these ber of potential adopters by remov-
traveling, visiting animal shelters and initiatives, shelters are encouraged to ing some of these barriers through a
attending sheltering and veterinary match each shelter cat with the most variety of ways including additional
conferences. We noticed something appropriate outcome based on their funding, open adoptions or by simpli-
the people we spoke to had in com- individual needs: fying the adoption process.
mon: a desperate hunger to save Alternatives to intake - Admis- Return to field - Trap-neuter-re-
more cats’ lives.” sion to a shelter is not always the best turn (TNR) programs can be used as

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an alternative to euthanasia for those

cats who are capable of looking after
themselves. Through this method,
feral or stray cats are trapped and
transported directly to a clinic where
they are sterilised, vaccinated and
ear-tipped for identification before
being released back into the wild.

Candy Hearts the shelter vet was called out when Hearts. By focusing on providing the
By implementing at least one of Candy Hearts began gasping for best care for their resident cats, the
the core initiatives set out by the air. In the early hours of the morning, shelter has been able to increase its
Million Cat Challenge, shelters have lifesaving surgery was performed adoption rate from 300 animals per
seen a dramatic improvement in both on her to correct the diaphragmatic year to 1400!
their adoption success rates and hernia that was preventing her lungs
their ability to care for their resident from expanding. Soon after recovery, Empowering shelters
cats. Cats like Candy Hearts, who was Candy Hearts was adopted in to her Since its launch back in 2014, the
found immobile on a snowbank by new forever home. Million Cat Challenge has evolved
a passer-by back in February. When Before the Tree House Animal into an established program, en-
she was admitted to the Tree House Shelter started implementing the Ca- dorsed by nearly every major animal
Animal Shelter in Chicago, Candy pacity for Care initiative, they cared welfare organisation across the US
Hearts was dehydrated, underweight, for around 350 cats, most of them and Canada, including Best Friend’s
hypothermic and struggling to use long-term residents with little chance Animal Society, the Petco Foundation
her back legs. It was soon discov- of adoption. Since joining the Million and most recently, the ASPCA (Ameri-
ered that both of her hips had been Cat Challenge in 2014, the shelter can Society for the Prevention of Cru-
broken and she spent most of her first has lowered their capacity to just 150 elty to Animals) who joined earlier
week in an oxygen tank to assist her cats, freeing up their resources to this year. To find out more, visit www.
laboured breathing. Late one night, help vulnerable felines like Candy


64-65_CW 472.indd 65 19/05/2017 16:50

When conventional and alternative attitudes towards medicine seem to coincide,
it can only be a good thing for all concerned, says Richard Allport

hen you are cases, leaving the cat unwilling population. But, all cats with chronic
50-something, like or unable to eat. stomatitis have FCV (Feline Calicivi-
me, your brain tends The conventional approach in rus – one of the cat ‘flu viruses).
not to work quite as quickly as the past was commonly lots of Apparently, as I learned on this
it used to. So I was quite proud antibiotics, lots of steroids and course, FCV is a clever virus, and
of myself for finding the energy, and if all else fails, take all the teeth out. keeps producing new strains. The
getting my remaining brain cells One strong point made by the ‘ex- FCV part of the cat ‘flu vaccination
primed, to attend a two-day course perts’ was – don’t take all the teeth does not, and never can, cover all
on feline infectious diseases. out if at all possible. There is a seri- the strains, and especially not the
This course was given by two ous risk of producing infection in the new strains which are constantly
excellent veterinary lecturers, who eye while extracting the upper back evolving. It may give some protec-
know more or less everything there teeth, as the roots of these teeth are tion, it may reduce the signs and
is to know about Feline Leukaemia very, very near the eye socket, and symptoms of cat ‘flu, but it won’t
Virus, Feline Coronovirus, Feline several cats have lost their sight guarantee to stop a cat picking up
Immunodeficiency Virus and most because infection has travelled into and carrying FCV.
other viruses and bacteria that your the eye after an extraction. Just to make things even more
cat may be unlucky enough to come Similarly, steroids are best avoid- confusing – not all cats that get FCV
into contact with. ed, as they suppress the immune infection get chronic bad mouths.
What I found a little surpris- system and encourage infection to The ones that do, seem to have
ing, and most pleasing, was that recur after the use of antibiotics. If some defect in their immune sys-
– although the lectures were at the anti-inflammatory medication is nec- tems which ‘allows’ the FCV infec-
cutting edge of modern scientific essary to help relieve soreness, then tion to trigger a major inflammatory
knowledge of cat diseases, some of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatories - reaction.
their suggestions were in fact of a known as NSAIDs, such as Metacam And food is a factor. One of the
‘natural’ nature. - should be given. experts said she had found cases
So let’s start with chronic stomati- But just why does the mouth get of cats’ mouths becoming much
tis, or ‘really sore mouth’ to give it a so sore in the first place? For a long improved simply by changing to an
more normal title. time viruses have been implicated additive-free diet. Now, this ties in
Cats are very prone to persistent in causing stomatitis. Some cats with my own findings: that cats eat-
sore mouths. The gums, particularly with FIV (Feline Immunodeficiency ing foods that are highly processed
the inside corners at the back of the Virus) have stomatitis, and this is and with lots of additives have more
mouth, and sometimes the throat, often blamed as being a cause of health problems in general, and
become sore. And not just ‘a bit red’. the disease. However, FIV is found mouth problems in particular. I
We are talking painful, inflamed, in the same percentage of cats with would personally go one better than
swollen, bleeding gums in many stomatitis as in the rest of the cat any commercially produced food,

66-67_CW 472.indd 66 19/05/2017 16:50

and feed a diet of ‘real’ meat, prefer- to help keep cats’ mouths healthy or cat, and nothing but the cat’ – rather,
ably raw – as long as you can trust to help clear up mouths when they treat the cat at ‘mind, spirit, body’
the source of the raw meat. are sore. levels – the whole of the cat and not
Our expert also suggested that Of course you might also like to just the bit that seems to be going
boosting the immune system with suggest to your vet that a referral wrong.
antioxidants such as vitamins C and to a homoeopathic vet is an option. So, whether from a strictly scien-
E was useful. This is something any Homoeopathy – in conjunction with tific, conventional background, or
holistic vet would go along with. In diet and immune system boosters, an ‘unconventional’ holistic - and
fact, I would expand this support can be remarkably helpful in cases still ‘scientific’ in its own way - back-
system to include not just vitamins of feline stomatitis. You would need ground, it seems to me that thoughts
C and E, but also vitamin A, and the to see someone with a great deal of about chronic disease are beginning
mineral Selenium – all of which help experience in homoeopathy, so ask to converge.
boost the immune system. to be referred to someone with the One final ‘nugget’ of information
I also usually recommend the use VetMFHom qualification. that came up during the course. Ap-
of royal jelly which is a useful im- What your homoeopathic vet parently very similar sore mouths to
mune system booster. would do is not just choose a rem- those of cats with severe stomatitis
Finally, do give Coenzyme Q10. edy for a sore mouth but one which have been seen in humans – espe-
This is an enzyme naturally occur- fitted any other physical symptoms cially in humans who drink lots of Irn
ring in the body, needed in high your cat was experiencing, and that Bru – a drink which I believe is part
concentration in the gums and other fitted with your cat’s character, per- of the diet of many Scots. I would go
tissues - especially the heart - to sonality and temperament. In other with the more mature Scottish drink-
keep tissues healthy. A daily dose of words, treat the whole cat. And by er, and reach for a good malt whisky
10-30 mg of Coenzyme Q10 seems this I don’t mean ‘the cat, the whole rather than an Irn Bru. Cheers!

66-67_CW 472.indd 67 19/05/2017 16:50


Elderly felines need

loving homes too
Volunteering at the local rescue means meeting many
cats of varying ages but all too often it is the felines in
Andy Murray
their senior years that become a more permanent fixture


hen cats get to the age of 11 ing on the weather and how the mood (kidney) disease, heart disease, dia-
they are classed as senior takes them! betes mellitus, arthritis, hyperthyroid-
pets, quite understandably, as All the cats are monitored on an on- ism, dental problems and cancer.
it is the equivalent to 60 in hu- going basis and Molly has extensive The main reception area at the
man years. At Feline Care Cat Rescue experience of the health conditions rescue is a warm and comfortable
there are many senior cats, as no cat that can affect older felines, working space, which is also somewhere the
is ever turned away as a result of their alongside her vet to ensure the cats team and volunteers congregate on
age or due to any existing health is- receive any medical care required. occasion. This ensures the special
sues they have. That is probably why The team keep an eye on appetite, care cats who reside in this homely
there are around 40 elderly cats in any changes in behaviour, the cats’ and welcoming space enjoy plenty
residence, which is around a quarter general appearance including the of love and affection if they want it! It
of the cats in FCCR’s care. Some of care of their coat and also their mobil- would be fair to say that not all of them
the cats have approximate ages due ity. This ensures that any health condi- do, as some of these cats are semi
to the large feral colony of around tions more likely to be associated with feral and simply prefer to be left alone
50 cats that reside in the grounds of cats of this age can be identified and in a warm bed to enjoy a peaceful and
the rescue. They have an array of cat treated as soon as possible. These cosy kip.
houses to snooze in or on, depend- common issues include; chronic renal Tails is one of the cats who spends
much of his time in the reception area,
Tails and Suzie although he does venture out on occa-
sion. He is a gentle boy with the most
soulful eyes and laid back character
and if he could talk I am sure he would
have many a tale to tell. At the recent
Easter open day, he found the perfect
vantage point to survey the comings
and goings of visitors, while relaxing
on a chair and taking a keen interest
in the tea and cake being served. On
my visits I do admit to sneaking him a
few cat treats, knowing he is allowed
them in moderation. He waits outside
in the sunshine on warmer days for
me and the rest of his fan club to have
an opportunity to worship him. He isn’t
officially a senior as he is a spritely
nine years young!
Senior cats make the most wonder-
ful loving companions and can enjoy a

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Wendy Shabba

Scampling Bowie, Chloe and Tails

long and happy retirement in the right of FCCR and enjoy both indoor and they are by so many human…servants.
home. They are often more likely to outdoor living (a spacious cat run) with Although Scampling has a growth
enjoy a comfortable lap to sit on and a plethora of favourite snoozing spots. in her ear that cannot be operated on,
an ear rub and if they have another cat I have to admit I try and fit in a visit to Andy Murray has a cloudy eye, and
for company, they can often be left dur- these two surprisingly spritely cats they both have feline viral rhinopneu-
ing the day, which means they can suit whenever I visit the rescue. They are monitis, they could still go to a very
families who are out at work for part or quite clearly devoted to one another special home together. Though their
most of the day. and are so delighted to have as much manners in the feeding and litter tray
attention as possible in between cat department may need a little refining!
Andy Murray and Scampling naps. They are always keen as mustard Perhaps one day their special
Andy Murray, who I have mentioned when the dreamies come out, their someone will come along but until
before, has become a great friend treat of choice, and sometimes even a that day they will continue to have an
over time, along with his best pal game or two, just before I leave them army of wonderful and well trained cat
Scampling. These special cats original- to have a cat nap. worshippers who pander to their every
ly came from a colony of poorly feral I admit that I was lulled into a false whim.
cats, who lived at a rural cottage with sense of security on the first couple of
their elderly owner. It turned out that occasions I spent time with them and ● If you are interested in adopting one
almost the entire group were FIV posi- ended up on the receiving end of a of the older cats at Feline Care Cat
tive and Andy Murray and Scampling game of pounce that started without Rescue, please contact Molly on
are now the only remaining cats left any prior warning, which is of course 01953 718529 or email her
from their group. a cat’s prerogative! What huge char-
They are much adored residents acters these two are and how adored Website:


68-69_CW 472.indd 69 19/05/2017 16:51


Making the most of

your internet photos
Social media is awash with cat photos so capture your
cat’s great looks and personality in style and he’ll stand
out from the rest


hotographing my feline friends 1. Whenever possible shoot in natu- allows you to explore its wild side.
has become something of a little ral light Natural light is the best light, Capturing a shot of your cat hunting or
hobby of mine. As my mother’s as glorious rays of sunshine enthral stalking requires patience and persis-
photography skills are rather you with their golden glow and vibrant tence but should you succeed it will
limited, every month she requests that colours, so why not capture your cat provide you with a lasting reminder
I supply her with some new photo- in the best possible lighting? During of the wild and untameable aspect of
graphs to go with her articles. Cats fas- the summertime, the best chance to their personality. Alternatively, most
cinate and intrigue me with their innate take advantage of the natural light is cats love an outdoor snooze, especial-
beauty and varied behaviour and in at 12pm midday here in the UK when ly on a warm, sunny day and will find a
recent years, every time I came home the sun hovers in the centre of the sky cosy little place in which to doze or to
from university I would be met by the without any unappealing shadows happily roll around in the garden.
scurrying of little tabby paws as they appearing to ruin your perfect shot.
welcomed their slightly bigger, more More to the point, if it is sunny it is 3. Simplicity This is a useful creative
talkative and less furry big brother. more than likely your cats are playing tip applicable to photographing any
Endless strokes would ensue, or, as in Toby’s case, snoozing outside subject but in relation to cats, the key
whether it was Tibbles rubbing him- - which leads me to my next point. to effective photography is having one
self against the legs of my jeans with point of interest and when photograph-
a delightful purr or Toby who would 2. Capturing your cat in its natural ing cats and avoiding clutter to create
stand upright on his back legs to give environment So it is a fine summer’s a most simple yet effective image. For
me a little nose-nudge in greeting. It day and you happen to notice your instance, should I be photographing
is these touching moments with our cat wants to go outside, so what is the one of my cats in the garden, I will take
feline friends that we remember most best thing to do? Follow it! Following a picture that captures the cat sitting
fondly and naturally, they are the kind your cat and getting the chance to on the the grass while looking content.
of moments that we wish to capture see what it gets up to when it is not sat Thus, there are only two elements
and remember forever in upon your lap contentedly here - that of the cat and the grass and
the form of a picture. purring is an eye opening simplicity is the key. However, should
Whether it is sharing experience for any owner I capture another image which shows
pictures on social media and a perfect chance to the garage and washing line in the
or capturing a picture discover how your cat background, suddenly the focus upon
that can be framed, we behaves in its natural the feline is lost, so it makes good
all want the best quality environment. Does your sense to aim for simplicity and to keep
image that represents cat hunt in the nearby the cat as the main focus of the picture.
how we feel about our fields? Toby certainly
pets. Here are a few tips does and watching your 4. Be careful with totally white or
to help capture both the cat skulk and stalk in black cats The majority of time you
beauty and the quirky the garden or in the should have no problems photograph-
personalities of our feline countryside, should ing your cat, regardless of the colour
friends. you live near to fields, of its coat but occasionally the camera

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may become confused. When your camera. Just remember to act quickly the windowsill should suffice in getting
camera focuses on the subject at however as soon enough, they may your cat’s attention for that next social
which you are pointing it will automati- very well return to their normal aloof media update.
cally try to gain an understanding of selves.
the optimal brightness for the photo- 7. Flash as a last resort (not a euphe-
graph. Sometimes when photograph- 6. The realities of living in the UK So mism!) Flash, on the whole, in photog-
ing a cat that has jet black or pure it is raining as per usual and similar to raphy only really looks close to natural
white fur, the camera has the poten- you and your cat decides to say firmly when used in a professional studio.
tial to become confused and so may indoors and enjoy the comforts of the With regard to compact cameras and
brighten or darken the exposure in house and in winter the benefits of the smart phones it tends to make the
accordance with your cat’s fur. In this central heating. How can you address subject of your picture look unnatu-
instance the use of flash this in terms of captur- ral. Therefore, my advice would be to
may be required. ing a good photograph? consider this point as a last alternative
The answer is…wait should points 1-6 not be possible.
5. Treats…and a whole for them to sit on the Hopefully these tips will help you to
lot of them Crunchy windowsill. Given that capture a perfect, natural image that
treats tend to be the treat it is the most direct typifies the unique qualities that make
of choice in the Schofield source of natural light your cat precious and special to you.
household to garner the into your house, this By following these tips, it will maximise
attention of our felines and is your best oppor- your chances of success as well as af-
assuming that all cats love tunity to capture a fording you the chance to spend some
little treats, it is safe to say special moment with quality time bonding with your pet as
that waving a bag of treats your kitty when the you begin to understand to a greater
is a great way to get your weather just is not up extent your cat’s unique personality as
cat’s attention as it looks to it. In this case, tap- seen both through the lens and also
towards you and also the ping the plywood of your own eyes.


70-71_CW 472.indd 71 19/05/2017 18:57


GCCF June 24 July 15

JUNE East Sussex Cat Club Balinese & Siamese Cat Club
June 03 Lockmeadow Market, Barker Road, Samuel Cody Specialist Sports
Bristol & District Cat Club Maidstone, Kent ME16 8LW College, Ballantyne Road,
Oasis Leisure Centre Swindon, Farnborough, Hampshire GU14 8SN
North Star Avenue, Maine Coon Cat Club
Swindon SN2 1EP Wilnecote Community Leisure Scotia Cat Fanciers
Centre, Tinkers Green Road, Lanark Agricultural Centre,
Cambria Cat Club Wilnecote, Tamworth B77 5LF Lanark ML11 9AX
Oasis Leisure Centre Swindon,
North Star Avenue, JULY July 22
Swindon SN2 1EP July 01 Airedale Agricultural Society
Wiltshire & District Cat Club (Bingley)
Merseyside Cat Club Oasis Leisure Centre Swindon, Myrtle Park, Bingley,
Sutton Leisure Centre, North Star Avenue, West Yorkshire BD16 1HB
Elton Head Road, Swindon SN2 1EP
Saint Helens WA9 5AU July 29
July 08 Humberside Cat Club
June 10 Bombay and Asian Cats Breed Club George Stephenson Ex Hall,
Abyssinian Cat Club Wood Green Animal Shelter, Newark Showground,
Tiddington Community Centre, King’s Bush Farm, London Road, Lincoln Road, Newark-On-Trent,
Main Street, Tiddington, Godmanchester, Huntingdon, Nottinghamshire NG24 2NY
Stratford-upon-Avon CV37 7AN Cambridgeshire PE29 2NH
Lincolnshire Cat Club
June 17 Eastern Counties Cat Society George Stephenson Ex Hall,
Lakeland & District Cat Club Wood Green Animal Shelter, Newark Showground,
Kendal Leisure Centre, Burton Road, King’s Bush Farm, London Road, Lincoln Road, Newark-On-Trent,
Kendal, Cumbria LA9 7HX Godmanchester, Huntingdon, Nottinghamshire NG24 2NY
Cambridgeshire PE29 2NH
Oriental Cat Association
Pitsford Sports Hall, Gate 4 Moulton Kensington Cat Club TICA
College, Pitsford Road, Moulton, Wood Green Animal Shelter, JUNE 03/04
Northampton NN3 7QL King’s Bush Farm, London Road, VanTICA, Ware
Godmanchester, Huntingdon,
Siamese Cat Association Cambridgeshire PE29 2NH JULY 16/17
Pitsford Sports Hall, Gate 4 Moulton ThamesTICA, Swanley
College, Pitsford Road,
Moulton, Northampton NN3 AUGUST 5/6
7QL OneforAll, Brigg

Wessex Cat Club AUGUST 26/27

Fleming Park Leisure Centre, CatTICA (Regional Show),
Passfield Avenue, Eastleigh, Bracknell
Hampshire SO50 9NL

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Janet Pennington hopes that TJ will be able to overcome his wee problem

never worked out what while the inspection took tons of dog toileting duties. rota placed me on the
the initials ‘TJ’ stood place and even TJ re- It all just kept reminding kennels and as usual I rel-
for. There were plenty mained patient. Nothing me of TJ. I desperately ished the role. I collected
of ideas and sugges- was palpated so the vet wanted to see an overflow- the keys and trotted across
tions in the prep room at advised that we admitted ing litter tray in his kennel. the car park to the kennel
the veterinary surgery. him for further observa- It was simply too busy block, cursing the weather
Unfortunately most of them tion. Lucy became tearful that morning for me to slip for being wet again.
included the word ‘tinkle’. but tried to wipe away the back to the kennel block But it was much wetter
You see, the boy had a evidence before anyone to check on him. It was inside. I opened the door
rather personal problem. noticed. such a hectic morning that and was almost washed
He was brought in on On the way out I whis- only 15 minutes remained away by the huge waterfall
a drizzly Monday morn- pered: “We’ll find out for my lunch hour. The that suddenly gushed in
ing by his companion what’s wrong with TJ and appointments just went front of me. My first con-
Lucy and her mummy, Mrs make him better,” even on and on. I grabbed my cern was for the animals
Wilkins. The vet asked though the practice policy sandwiches and rushed to and I ran through the
what the matter with the cat was not to make claims the kennels to see TJ and ankle-deep flood to check
was and the little girl una- like that before a diagnosis his litter tray. them.
shamedly summed it up. had been made. But Lucy I know that sounds a Thankfully they were all
“TJ has wee-wee prob- was seven years old and I little odd but the kennels unconcerned, safe and dry.
lems.” believed that she needed is a strangely relaxing The kennel floor sloped
Mrs Wilkins completed some reassurance. place to me, away from down to the edges like a
the picture by explaining I put our new in-patient the ever-ringing telephone road and had a gutter that
that their cat spent more in a comfy kennel and left and the vets who have a ran in front of the block of
time in his litter tray than him some water. The vet bark sharper than any dog. kennels with a grid at the
out of it and produced very asked me to start the cat In any case, I saw the vet end. However, it was strug-
little urine. He also tried on a course of antibiotics, begin to scrub up for an gling to cope with the river
the crumbly soil in their which would clear up any operation – so no lunch for that ran along the centre of
garden but still no result. infection such as cystitis. If him then. And grumbles the room so just ran out of
Even as they spoke, TJ there was no improvement and barks for the rest of us. the door.
began to scratch at the in a couple of days then As I walked through the Once I knew everyone
newspaper in his carrier more intrusive investiga- kennels’ door, I could see was ok, I looked around
and squat unceremoni- tion would have to be car- the back of TJ, all hunched for the cause of the leak
ously in the corner. ried out. I knew that meant in the corner of his lit- and noticed the cold tap
I held the sturdy cat’s looking for tumours. ter tray. There was only a had been left on slightly.
thick head while the vet There were plenty more tiny dribble of dampness I glanced into TJ’s cage
examined his abdomen appointments that needed in the sawdust. Maybe while I mopped up and,
and prodded about. The nursing assistance as tomorrow, I wished, know- lo and behold, his tray
vet explained that he was usual and, being Monday, ing that the more time was full. Perhaps the tap
feeling for any signs of people arriving without we waited, the more the had deliberately been left
blockage such as a foreign appointments. There were chance of the problem be- on. At least some good
body, crystals or tumours. bandages to change, ing a tumour. had come from the flood
We all waited silently stitches to remove and Next morning the duty then…

“I desperately wanted to see an overflowing litter tray in his kennel.”

JUNE 2016 C AT W O R L D

73_CW 472.indd 73 19/05/2017 16:53


The felines of 10 Downing Street have a

long and colourful history

his month I am investigating He was one feline that developed ful nickname. It is thought Munich
the moggies of 10 Down- a big reputation as being a brilliant Mouser passed away in 1943 and
ing Street and Westminster. mouser and ratter. It is said that he there is no record of his real name.
Feisty felines have a rich history and used to take his trophies to his boss Churchill was very fond of felines
long association with politics and the but when he learned that they were and had one of his owned called
Prime Minister’s residence. Many a being put in the bin by the cleaners, Nelson who was often seen at num-
cat has borne witness to some of the Smokey started putting these finds ber 10.
most influential leaders this country by the bin in the hallway ready for In more recent times, when Tony
has produced, living alongside them disposal. Blair moved into Number 10, the cat
in the corridors of power from the In Smokey’s later years, when he in residence was Humphrey who
past to the present. began to look thin, the Secretary to had served under Margaret Thatch-
The National Archives have the Treasury decided to submit a er and John Major and had become
records dating from the 1920s claim to the Lords of the Treasury quite a celebrity. Apparently, he had
about cats that were Chief Mousers because he felt that the cat’s food al- to make a swift exit possibly be-
patrolling both the Cabinet Office lowance was insufficient and should cause Cherie Blair did not like cats,
and Cabinet War Room. One of be raised by fifty percent. The finan- feeling they were unhygienic, but
these was named Jumbo. There are cial climate at the time was not great more likely he just retired. It would
records of several cats and what the as a result of rising living costs and not be till 2007 and Gordon Brown
food allowance was for these chief the lordships responded by stating that there would be another puss in
mousers. that they were, ‘unable to approve a Number 10 - a black and white cat
Prior to this there are records rise’. However, one day the money- by the name of Sybil.
from 1909 of a cat called Frilly who tight Chancellor, Philip Snowden’s, In 2011, a cat was seen in a pet
resided in the War Offices and was door was left ajar and Smokey crept carrier entering Downing Street,
even on the payroll with the rest inside. Immediately he observed the causing a media frenzy about who
of the staff that worked there. After cat and was suddenly softened and this new arrival was. It was Larry, a
he passed away all the employees wrote a note saying, ‘Treasury vote: rescue cat who had been selected
took up a collection together so that approve increase in cat’s pay’. After from a list of several candidates
Frilly could become preserved, by this Smokey then became known as from the Battersea Dogs and Cat
being stuffed for posterity. In 2007, Treasury Bill. home. In his time as a mouser he
Frilly appeared at the Imperial War During the period of Neville gained quite a reputation and was
Museum’s exhibition of the Animals’ Chamberlain being in office, there seen bringing in his prey through a
War. was a cat who became known window in Downing Street.
In 1924 an infamous cat by the by the name the Munich Mouser. You will find loads more on the
name of Smokey, who was a mar- This name was given to the cat by internet about the cats who live
malade colour Tom, served under Winston Churchill when he took up around Whitehall, Westminster and
Prime Minister Ramsay Macdonald. residency in 1940, as a disrespect- Downing Street.

“He was one feline that developed a big reputation

as being a brilliant mouser and ratter.”

74 C AT W O R L D

74_CW 472.indd 74 19/05/2017 16:53


Where do you
go to I wonder?
The boys are up to more mischief and mayhem and I
would love to know what they get up to away from
home sometimes…but perhaps ignorance is bliss


asha and Tanni continue to grow Tanni, mysteriously disappear only to coquettishly with the camera and I
into two very handsome Sia- return a couple of hours later. swear he knows which is his most
mese boys but they are still full I would love to put a tracker on photogenic side!
of kittenish fun. Though some- Pasha. But even as an itsy bitsy kitten He has a good deal of patience
times it might be much later before I with his three litter siblings he was and is teaching me to speak ‘cat’. If
see the funny side! the one who, like Houdini, managed you think about the number of words
I was in a deep sleep at around to break free. He obviously takes after and phrases our cats learn from us it
2am when I was awoken by an al- his grandfather who was named Hou- seems only fair to return the compli-
mighty series of crashes…That must dini. While Tanni must take more after ment!
be something to do with the Siamese the other side of the family. Pasha continues to get shut in-
duo, I thought to myself as I stumbled Once Pasha returns from his ad- side places he shouldn’t be in and
bleary-eyed out of bed. ventures he and Tanni do everything clearly hasn’t learnt from his shut-in-
As I headed into the kitchen I was together. Climbing trees, running the-neighbour’s-garage experience
met by Pasha wearing his innocent it’s along fences, teasing the neighbour’s earlier this year. Only this time it
nothing-to-do-with-me look. Which of chickens or bird watching. When they happened in the Wendy house where
course meant whatever it was it had tire of this they move their attention to the garden furniture is stored. I always
everything to do with him! Meanwhile the office where Pasha does a flamen- check carefully knowing how quick
Tanni circled around, sizing up the co dance over the laptop and across the Siamese boys can slip into places
situation. Which meant he was inno- my paperwork. Luckily my IT guy is a unseen. It wasn’t till I noticed the shat-
cent. cat person and understands when yet tered perspex in the side window that
Then I noticed the clothes airer had again the curser gets stuck or goes I recalled a gash above Pasha’s elbow
collapsed with damp clothes strewn missing. and put two and two together.
higgledy piggledy across the kitchen Tanni recently had a misdemeanour Knowing how curious the Siamese
floor. As I struggled to get the contrap- involving a tiny fledgling robin. Which boys can be I think it a good idea to
tion upright without much success, I of course he tried to bring indoors. write a short note to the neighbours
heard a crack and then another one. He couldn’t understand why I was less asking them to check their garages
The contraption had snapped into than pleased at his gift. I did my best and sheds before leaving to go away
three pieces. Unable to deal with this to save the little robin but unfortunately on holiday. It’s either that or putting a
in the early hours I hurriedly moved it wasn’t to be. I now keep an even tracker on the boys to see where they
the broken airer outside, scooped up closer eye on him to protect the feath- are. Now there’s an idea…
the damp washing and draped it over ered inhabitants sharing the garden.
whatever I could find. Only to be met The Siamese duo recently had a ● Follow Pasha & Tanni’s kitten
with a Siamese haughty look. photo shoot for a very nice painting adventures on their blog at
The gang of six youngster cats in which a very kind friend and neigh-
the immediate neighbourhood have bour did of them. Pasha found it on ● Cats Have Staff – The Saffi & Misa
staked out their territory and each the whole rather a bore but Tanni Diaries by Ingrid Hooper is available
pair keeps to their own garden. But turned out to be a poser, able to put from the above website or from Ama-
at breakfast time they all, apart from any super model to shame! He flirted zon. Out now in paperback and Kindle.


75_CW 472.indd 75 19/05/2017 16:53


We’re all going on

a summer holiday
If you really want to get away but can’t bear to
leave kitty behind then with a little planning and
organisation you really can take her with you


ravelling with animals is never litter tray but if not, place an old towel, to ease any stress she may be feeling.
easy and with cats it can be very newspaper or even a nappy on the Never leave your cat alone in your
stressful so if you haven’t taken floor of the carrier to soak up any car for any period of time as the inte-
your cat on a long journey before, spills or accidents. rior temperature can rise very quickly,
now is not the time to suddenly get in With that in mind, a plastic pet car- especially if it is very warm outside.
the car and drive off into the sunset. rier will resist spillages better than a It is a good idea to plan your route
However, with enough time to plan and cardboard one. Some carriers have very carefully so that it includes plenty
prepare there are things that can be slatted sides that afford your cat some of opportunities to stop the car if you
done to make the journey as stress- privacy while still allowing her to look need to and let kitty stretch her legs.
free as possible for your cat and for out. A carrier with both a side and Some cats are happy to walk on a
you. top opening will make it easier to get harness which makes this fairly easy. If
kitty in to and out of the carrier. Make your cat won’t then allow her to roam
UK holidays sure you can secure the carrier with around the car for a few minutes but
If you are certain that your cat will the seat belt so that it is close to plenty ensure all the doors are firmly closed
be happy enough to contend with a of ventilation and where kitty can see and a window is open a little for venti-
long car journey then the first thing out. One of her favourite blankets on lation but not far enough that your cat
you will need to consider is accom- the bottom of the carrier will make it a could escape.
modation. Many hotels and holiday comfy place for her to sit and it will be Cats are usually too nervous when
homes do not accept pets at all, something familiar which should help travelling by car to want to eat but if
perhaps with the exception of assist you are taking a long trip, offer some
animals. Some will welcome dogs dried cat food when you stop for a
but may not be keen to have a cat in break and always offer water. Cats’
the rooms. There are several online tummies are often easily upset by car
holiday sites that provide details of travel so her usual food is the best
places where pets are welcome. A thing to offer. If her stomach does
quick search of your desired destina- become upset then a light diet would
tion should indicate if you will be able be best.
to find suitable accommodation where If your cat carrier doesn’t have
your cat will be allowed to stay too. room for a litter tray then you will need
Gradually get your cat used to driv- to carry a small sandbox in the car
ing around in the car in plenty of time and encourage kitty to use it when you
before your holiday. Cat carriers are make a stop.
the safest way of transporting a cat. Before you leave for your holiday,
The carrier should be large enough try to find the details of a vet at your
that the cat can stand and turn around destination just in case you have cause
comfortably but not so large that she to worry when you arrive or an emer-
doesn’t feel safe and secure. Ideally gency during your stay. Better to know
there will be enough room for a small in advance than to add to a stressful

76 C AT W O R L D

76-77_CW 472.indd 76 19/05/2017 18:39


situation and waste time searching for stay in quarantine on arrival. See the may have about taking your cat on a
one. DEFRA website for full details. long journey. As with humans, all cats
As with the UK, it is a good idea to are individuals with different needs
Travelling by rail have details of a vet in the vicinity of and tolerances.
With so many rail companies now your holiday accommodation before Careful research in plenty of time
operating within the UK you should you go, preferably an English speaking will ensure that you can make the jour-
contact each of them that you will be one if you don’t speak the language ney as trouble-free and comfortable
using during your journey before fairly fluently. as possible for your cat, wherever you
booking your ticket to find out their It should go without saying that you are going and whatever the method
regulations and requirements regard- will need to contact the airline in ad- of transport. This will ultimately make
ing transporting your cat. vance of your journey to establish their the journey less stressful for you too.
requirements. Most airlines will insist So get organised, pack your case and
Travel overseas that your cat stays in his carrier and have a lovely summer holiday - all of
Since the introduction of the Pet travel in the cargo hold. She may need you.
Travel Scheme (PETS), travelling to to be loaded several hours before take It is important to put your cat’s
Europe and certain other countries has off but this will vary from airline to welfare and well being before anything
been made much easier than it was. airline and depending on your destina- else and if she really is unhappy about
You will need to have all vaccinations tion. The carrier should be clearly la- travelling, then perhaps the best op-
plus flea and worm treatments up to belled ‘live animal inside’ and the label tion would be to make arrangements
date and should take copies of your should also show your contact details. for her to be cared for at home or at a
documentation with you to prove this If your cat is taking any medication boarding cattery while you are away.
if required. This is your pet passport, then speak to your vet to make sure
which gives the scheme its more com- you have enough supply for the dura- ● Useful websites:
mon name. These regulations mean tion of your holiday. Your vet will also DEFRA:
that your cat probably will not need to be happy to listen to any concerns you iCatCare:


76-77_CW 472.indd 77 19/05/2017 18:39


Exam time - don’t get

stressed, get a cat
Stroking a cat is a very calming experience and what
better way to relieve the stresses of exam worries
than with your own perfect feline

re you living with children or “Unlike many other pets, cats make it cal quote. from those taking part in the
students who are busily revising absolutely clear when they want to be survey.
for exams? It would be unusual played with or stroked - or not! It can Nia says that Damon’s calm, quiet
for them not to be feeling a little be really reassuring for teenagers who presence at her side or purring
stressed and for some students, stress may be experiencing for example, re- weight on her lap really helps to reas-
at exam time can be a serious worry. lationship issues or exam pressures, sure her when she gets worked up. “I
According to the results of a recent to spend time playing with or stroking just have to think to myself that if he
survey carried out by Cats Protection, a cat: this can help to enhance their could survive on the street as a kitten, I
more than four in five teenagers (81%) mood as the friendship and accept- can get through exams,” she said.
agree that spending quality time with ance of a loving pet makes the world a Cats Protection is the UK’s largest
their cat can calm their nerves and much better place.” cat charity, with over 250 volunteer-
boost their mood, helping to reduce run branches and 34 centres helping
stress at exam time. Damon to the rescue around 500 cats a day, or 200,000 a
The study of cat-owning 14-19 year Nia is 15 and attends secondary year.
olds found that more than two thirds school in Birmingham where she is Those interested in finding out more
(67%) agreed that having a cat to go hard at work studying for her GCSEs. about adopting a cat from Cats Protec-
home to helped them deal with dif- She’s had her cat Damon for seven tion can visit
ficult situations and 86% agreed that years after he was abandoned on the
stroking their cat and listening to it street as a kitten. Nia suffers from anxi-
purr was soothing. ety and credits Damon for helping her Some other results from the
Much has been said in recent years through difficult times. survey:
about how much owning “It’s like he can sense ● 36% felt that owning a cat
a pet can help to reduce when I’m stressed,” Nia said. helped them cope with loneliness.
stress and lower blood “I’ll be feeling anxious and ● 41% said they were likely to
pressure. When asked the then he jumps up on my lap spend between one and two
main cause for their current and chirps a purry meow hours a day with their cat.
stress levels, 72% of teenag- and rubs his head on my ● The most common age-group to
ers cited the reason as exam chin to let me know it’s ok.” find comfort in having a cat were
pressure so the UK’s leading The survey also found 16 year-olds, with 80% saying they
feline welfare charity decid- that 72% of students felt were feeling stressed by exams
ed to survey teenagers to see if having their cat was more likely to always be (14 year-olds, 67%) and 46%
a cat could help with exam revision. there for them than their friends and believing having a cat helped with
The majority of students (55%) 86% said their cat was more likely to exam stress (18 year-olds, 33%).
said that having a cat around them love them unconditionally. At such an ● The split between boys and
while studying calmed them down. emotional time, knowing that someone girls was fairly even but the girls
“The companionship that a pet offers will be there for you without asking edged it, with 45% agreeing that
is a great way to reduce anxiety and questions or adding to the pressure stroking their cat and listening to
stress because the affection they give can really help you to relax. “It doesn’t it purr was soothing, against 45%
back is so simple,” says Consult- answer back and is there for me, no of boys.
ant Clinical Psychologist Elie Godsi. matter what mood I’m in”, was a typi-

78 C AT W O R L D

78_CW 472.indd 78 19/05/2017 16:54


Criss Cross Spot the difference
On average, cats spend 2/3 of every day sleeping. Can you find 8 things in the picture that are missing?
That means a nine-year-old
Untitled cat has been awake for
only three years of its life
1 2

5 6

8 9


Across Down
1. A good _ _ _ _ _ will remove 2. Evaporation of _ _ _ _ _ _
loose hairs from the coat helps to keep a
d will remove loose hairs 3. Make sure you leave plenty in hot weather
Evaporation of from the coat helps to keep a cat cool in
sure you leave plenty ofoffresh
_ _ _ _during
_ outside
hot dur-
_ _weather
_ _ _ cats suffer most in
ing hot weather the
3. sun

cats suffer most in the sun Answers from last month
5. Most
cats will enjoy a final polish with a cats will enjoy a final
chamois 4.4.
Tree_ are
_ _ just
_ _ _one_ are justcauses of allergic
of the Word Search: Missing
reactions in word -
polish with a chamois _ _ _ _ one
catsof the causes of allergic AGILITY. Spot the difference, right.
that attract and other insects are fun for your cat
___ reactions in cats
mmended for use on cats 7. Plants
can bethat attract
applied to _ _ _ _ _ _ 6. Loose hairs on a cat’s coat may be ingested and form
6. Loose hairs on a cat’s coat ON AVERAGE, CATS SPEND 2/3 OF
sunburn _ _ _ _ _ and other insects are may be ingested
9. Feeding and formfood
good nutritious _ _ will enhance your cat’s
fun to
s can give your cat a area forsityour cat _______ EVERY DAY SLEEPING. THAT MEANS
8. A _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ recom- 9. Feeding good nutritious
mended for use on cats can food will enhance your cat’s A NINE-YEAR-OLD CAT HAS BEEN
be applied to prevent sunburn
10. Plants can give your cat a
_ _ _ _ _ area to sit


79_CW 472.indd 79 19/05/2017 16:55


AUSTRALIAN MIST ous colours, home reared, well

socialised and used to dogs.
ROSE VALLEY. Australian Mist This unusual breed makes fun
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Claimed to be the perfect family now ask the 'BEST' GCCF Reg/Vacc/Insurance/
cat. Reg/Vac/Ins and micro- We are a group of dedicated, Flea & Wormed/Microchipped.
chipped. Spotted or marbelled in experienced and well Enquiries welcome, contact:
six colours. Tel 0118 9811109. respected breeders of the 0208 641 5695 or email:
Also Burmese kittens. British Shorthair Cat. If you need help, information or advice in choosing the ‘purrfect’ companion for
you, whether you would like a kitten or
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Valerie: 01652 654574
SMITH, Hatfield. Ootha.
OAKMERE HALL AMIGAMIA *Siamese, Foreign White &
BENGALS AND RAGDOLLS. Oriental SH. Kittens sometimes
and Black Smoke. All kittens are
Alison Newman. Family reared available. 01707 264450
home reared with Ped/Reg/Vac/ BURMESE
indoors, well socialised, affec-
Ins.flea & worm treated.
tionate from multi champion KATSACUTE BURMESE, most
Parents can be seen.
lines. GCCF/TICA ref TBRCC/ colours. Bred for temperament,
01495 785546
PBRCC VACC/INS. substance and quality. House KORATS reared with children and dogs. KOORAHK KORATS often
Mid-Cheshire 01606-883528. Fully Vacc/Ins/Reg and micro- have kittens available. Home
KERNMERE BRITISH BLUES, chipped. Responsible homes reared with love. Registered,
Creams, Silvers, Colourpoints, only. Tel 0118-9811109.
Vaccinated, Insured,
Lilacs, Torties. Microchipped. Own stud.
JANDOUGLEN. Mrs Ann V Tel: 02476 681335 Hants/Berks.border. Tel 0161 281 6482.
C Mott Bury St Edmunds. Mobile: 07519972046 Email:
*Birmans - Seals, Blues, Email: jeanette.Knapp@ Web: www.koorahkkorats
Chocolates, Lilacs, Reds. Also BURMILLA
Tabbies in these colours. Web: GAZZELLA. Burmillas & Asian
01359 221200 Smokes - Experienced breeder. LARNIKAT. British Shorthairs Cats tested PKD negative Home MAINE COONS kittens, Colourpoints in all reared, vaccinated and micro-
colours, + Tabby Colourpoints, AMORAMIST MAINE COONS
chipped kittens sometimes avail-
selfs in Blues and Lilacs, Maureen Holden Ritchie.
able. See website for current
BRITISH SHORTHAIR sometimes Spotties and details. Gloucester
Breeding solid whites, tabbies
Tabbies. Reg/Vacc/Ins. Home- with and without white, and
CARASSACAT British 07507 649294 / 01594 564071.
reared. PKD-negative tested. solids. Champion lines. Persians
Shorthairs, GCCF Registered
01922-620505.W.Midlands. and colourpoints. (winner of
Breeder. PKD Tested. All my Supreme). All PKD negative and
kittens are fully vaccinated, reared underfoot.
microchipped & insured before 01326 240907
they leave me. They are reared COLOURPOINT
LEAHS BLUES British mareenholdenritchie@yahoo.
in my house so are used to dogs AMORAMIST COLOUR-
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& everyday comings & goings. POINTS, chocolate torties and
boys, Lilac girls and Lilac Point
Specialising in Colour Points, red points available. PKD nega- LEAHSBLUES. Maine Coons
boys. Sometimes available:
Self’s & Bi colours. tive. Micro chipped. - Silvers, Blues, Torties & Reds.
Blues, Blue points & Chocolates. 01326 240907
Email British Shorthair - Blues, Blue
Reg/Vacc/Ins. 01442 236860 /
phone 01527 273942 website Points, Chocolates, Reg/Vacc/
07866266477. Ins. 01442 236860/07866
johnbaxter@leahsblues.fsnet. web: www.leahsblues. 266477.
CROWVALLEY. Mrs Betty johnbaxter@leahsblues.fsnet.
com. Hertfordshire CORNISH REX
Williams Pontypool F.A.B. web:
Listed cattery breeder of British Curly coated Pedigree
Shorthair Silver Tabby/Spotted WWW.CATWORLD.CO.UK Cornish Rex kittens, vari-

80 C AT W O R L D

80-81_CW 472.indd 80 19/05/2017 13:38


Fitzpatrick. Ragdolls - all patterns THE CAT FANCY, Phil Cornwell, Regional Director, 31 Louthe
& colours. *Seal Colourpoint, 5 King’s Castle Business Park, The Drove, Way, Sawtry, Cambridgeshire PE28 5TR
*Seal Tabby Colourpoint, *Blue Bridgwater, Somerset TA6 4AG. Tel: 01487 800014
For general information about Tel: 01278 427 575
the breed or the club, Bi-Colour, *Cream, *Seal Mitted,
contact Linda Swinburn on *Blue Mitted. *Tiffanies. *Scottish ASSOCIATION OF PET BEHAVIOUR
0161 7662674 Fold. *British Shorthair. The Animal Hospital, Sheppard House, For details of a behaviour counsellor
TBRCC or PRBCC Breeder of High Street, Victoria, London SW1V 1QQ. in your area, send a SAE to:
For details of kittens available Tel: 020 7834 1128 PO Box 46, Worcester WR8 9YS.
the year 1999- 2011. TBRCC Tel: 01386 751151
countrywide, contact
Sarah Holden on 07720 773718 breeder of the top Ragdoll 1993, FELISBRITANNICA
Office of the General Secretary, 63 Fingal THE BLUE CROSS ANIMAL
after 7pm please 1995/96. Best Opposite Sex Street, Greenwich, London SE10 0JL WELFARE SOCIETY
1995/96. Breeder of Supreme Tel: 0208 858 5318 Shilton Road, Burford, Oxon OX18 4PF
Or visit the club’s web site at Email: Tel: 01993 822651
Show 1999 Top Ragdoll & sire
of the first Ragdoll to win the
FELINE ADVISORY BUREAU Run jointly by the Society of Animal Studies
UK Grand Title 2003. Breeder Taeselbury High Street, Tisbury, and the Blue Cross.
LUNARIS. Mrs Jean Brown of the Best kitten, adult & neuter Wiltshire SP3 6LD Freephone: 0800 096 6606,
Tel: 0870 742 2278 Fax: 01747 871873 (between 8.30am and 5.30pm)
Aldwincle Maine Coons - Quality 1999-2003. Established 27 years
home reared kittens sometimes - our beautiful cats feature on
available to approved homes. ‘Its a Cats Life’ video, appeared
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A feisty kitten was soon calmed when his rescue companion
joined him at Lynne Osborn’s home

hen we moved the lounge. I opened the mauling, respectively. appear unharmed in the
house, we cat carrier and he shot He promptly vanished kitchen. They were his
decided we out like a cannon ball, behind the sofa and no friends, he’d explain; he’d
would give a home to a disappearing beneath the amount of coaxing was just brought them in to
rescue cat. I had always cooker. There appeared going to get him to come play. The most bizarre
loved what I called mar- to be only about an inch back out. He hated me. incident was when he
malade cats and could of space under there. I was beginning to feel caught an ornamental
just imagine a big, soppy Flattening myself to the desperate when I remem- goldfish. It was unusual,
red tabby sprawled in floor, I peered into the bered a serene tabby one cloudless summer
front of the fire. darkness and saw a pair kitten in the pen above evening, to see a drip-
The RSPCA regularly of malevolent yellow eyes Linus’ on my previous ping-wet cat shambling
advertised in our local glaring back. He clearly visit. Perhaps a compan- through the cat flap. ‘What
evening paper and I needed time to settle in, ion might be the answer? on earth?’, I thought.
was happy to learn that so setting up his litter tray, Hastily I rang back and Minutes later, my irate
a foster carer had three food and water, I crept thankfully, the kitten was neighbour pounded on
ginger kittens available. quietly away. At 11pm I still there. Luckily this did the door, threatening to
The snarling apparitions found myself trying to the trick. Within moments commit murder if that
that greeted me from the haul half a ton of cooker of releasing Dylan they ginger cat of mine didn’t
back of the pen, however, away from the wall and were curled up together stay away from his pond.
were not my idea of an retrieve Linus, aka Freddy just as though Linus had Unfortunately, by this time
ideal pet. Kruger, as my shredded never been a deranged the goldfish was beyond
“They’re feral,” the fos- hands gave testimony to. psychopath at all. help.
ter carer told me, patient- My next problem was Linus developed an To anyone contemplat-
ly explaining that they where to put him for the adorable nature with ing homing a feral cat, I
would soon settle down in night. I hit on the bathtub a penchant for talking would heartily advise it.
a domestic environment. - it was secure and would non-stop. I couldn’t do They make loving com-
I nodded dubiously and, hold his bed, tray and anything without him panions but always be
choosing a gorgeous red water bowl, the perfect accompanying me, chat- prepared for the unex-
boy, went home to what solution. tering away. At night as I pected. I remember well
would become an ex- Things looked far from watched the television, he that when I was a child
tremely trying two days perfect at 3am, however, would lay with his head my uncle brought a kit-
and nights. when not having had a on the crook of my arm ten home from the local
I decided to put Linus minute’s sleep, he was and body across my lap steelworks and I can still
- he just reminded me of still howling. like a human baby. hear my little cousin’s
Charlie Brown’s little shy The following morn- Hunting was one of bloodcurdling screams
friend - in the kitchen, ing I took Linus into the his favourite pastimes. as she discovered yet
suspecting that being a lounge after a further Mice and birds, usu- another rat. Feral cats are
smaller room, it would taming session in the ally preceded by frantic definitely unique - and
be less intimidating than bath. Me stroking, him scrabbling noises, would lots of fun.

“I saw a pair of malevolent yellow eyes.”

82 C AT W O R L D

82_CW 472.indd 82 19/05/2017 18:57


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