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Group _________3______________ Section _____1-23________________

Members Rating ___________

Clerigo, Matthew Henry T.
Coralde, Joh Leree B. Date submitted ___________
Cruz, Jay-Ar Nito C.
De Jesus, Teo Mark J.
Domingo, Eryl Russell B.

I. Objectives
At the end of this activity, the students should be able to:

1. Improvise a truss bridge using common materials (sich as popsicle sticks, spaghetti, or
others that are applicable), based on the given design parameters
2. Determine the factors that may influence the efficiency (and failure) of the improvised
truss bridge by testing using static loads

II. Design
A. Diagram of Design

Figure 1. Core of the Designed Bridge

Figure 2. Nodes of the Bridge
B. Rationale and Difficulties

(Note: Orange – Nodes ng Trusses ; Light Yellow – Nodes/Connection sa frame ; Gray

– Popsicle sticks)

III. Data
Table 1. Dimension
Actual Dimensions Required Dimension Remarks
Bridge Length 58.5 cm > 50 cm
Bridge Height 8.8 cm < 15 cm
Bridge Span 10.5 cm > 10 cm

Table 2.
Actual Weight at Failure Weight of the Bridge Structure Efficiency, E

40.5 kg 0.278 kg 145.6835

WF = Weight at Failure
Wb = Weight of the Bridge
E = (Wf / Wb)
= (40.5 kg / 0.278 kg)
= 145.6835

IV. Observation and Summary

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