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Database Management Systems II

SICT 3308

Course Syllabus
General Information
• Semester: 1st Semester 2019-2020.
• Department: Department of Computer Science.
• Instructor: Dr. Iyad Husni Alshami,
• Office:I305, Ext:2960 email:
• Prerequisite: SICT 2305, Credits: 3Hrs.

Course description
This course is an intermediate to advance course in database management systems. The goal of this course is
to provide the students with intermediate to advanced concepts and techniques in database management systems that
are important for computer science’s students. These topics starting from intermediate topics such as stored
procedures and functions, reaching to advanced topics related to the task of any database administrator. In addition to
this, this course provides the students the concepts of distributed database and NoSQL databases.

Course Objectives
This course is designed to achieve a number of goals for each student: To review the fundamentals of the
theory and practice of data representation, query languages, and their interrelationships. To exposure advanced topics
related to relational databases such as: Storage, Indexing, Query processing, Transaction processing, and distributed
database aims and characteristics. To experience the new database management systems, NoSQL, both in terms of
using database software and understanding how database software is implemented.

Course outline “topics that will be covered”

Week Topic
1 Review of Database Systems Concepts
Stored Procedures, Functions, Triggers and Views
Disk Storage, Basic File Structures, Hashing, and Modern Storage Architectures 16
Indexing Structures for Files and Physical Database Design 17
8 Mid Exam

9 Strategies for Query Processing 18

10 Query Processing and Optimization 19

Transaction Processing, Concurrency Control, and Recovery 20
13 Distributed Database Concepts 23

14 NOSQL Systems, and Big Data 24

15 Advanced Database Models, Systems, and Applications

16 Final Exam
Teaching methods
• Lectures,
• Assignments,
• Discussion,
• Quizzes, and
• Examination.
Evaluation criteria “Grades”
• 20% Quizzes & Assignments,
• 30% Midterm Exam and
• 50% Final Exam.
Text book
• Text Book: “Fundamentals of Database Systems.” 7th Edition by Ramez Elmasri and Shamkant B.
Navathe, Pearson ©2016.

• Additional Book: “Database System Concepts”, 7th Edition by Avi Silberschatz, Henry F. Korth, S.
Sudarshan, McGraw Hill©2019.
• The course contents and grading can be changed as necessary.
• Missing more than 25% of lectures will provide you “W” in course.
Database Management Systems II - Lab
SICT 3108

Course Outline

Week Topic
Introducing the course outline and reviewing the main concepts of database management systems
1 - Create a simple schema such as School Management DB (Students, Teachers, Courses,
Stored Procedures, Functions, Triggers and Views
- Create and examine the benefits of Stored Procedures, Functions, Triggers and Views
Database Users Management
4 - Create user
5 - Grant permissions
- Drop user
Indexes in MySQL
- Create index
- Create cluster index
- Force index
- Remove index
8 Mid Exams
Database Backups and Recovery
- XML database export and Import
Query Optimization
10 - online example
- Search for offline query optimization tool
11 Transaction ??
Distributed Database Concepts and Replication
- Create a distributed database consisted of three nodes Master node and two Slave nodes to
apply data replication concept
NoSQL Systems
- Use MongoDB or Firebase
o Create database
14 o Create Collection
o Add document(s) to a collection
o Retrieve document(s) from a collection
o Delete document, collection, and database

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