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Who Am I?

Over the course of my life I have considered myself to be a goal oriented, hardworking,

student athlete. I come from a high school where to succeed, one must work to their fullest

potential. Few people could have gotten by, any other way. I have always been and currently am

a A- and B+ student. When things don’t go my way in the classroom or on the Lacrosse field I

immediately am anxious to make up for it and do better at my next opportunity. I am also someone

who hates losing and I enjoy competition in more crucial settings. I sometimes tend to get solid

but not great grades by doing the bare minimum as well. I strive in math and sciences, and struggle

in courses that involve a great deal of analytical reading. Lastly, I have always considered myself

a leader on the lacrosse field.

Who I Wish to Become in the Future?

In the future, I wish to become a strong executive leader in some sort of Financial setting

whether it be commercial real estate, insurance, or some sort of banking role. I also wish to be an

employee who people enjoy working with and being around, creating positive attributions to

whatever company I work for. I also wish to become a contributing member of society through

volunteer work in non-for profit organizations and other various foundations. I want to of course

make money but also do something that is both profitable as well as rewarding.

How I Plan on Getting there

Through hard work and networking with an opportunistic view, I plan on getting to that

executive role one day. Even if it means going through graduate school, I plan to go above and

beyond when climbing the financial ladder. One thing I have learned throughout college is that it
is imperative to take advantage of every opportunity given to you. I plan on using all of my

resources at Muhlenberg to help me throughout the process as well.


I would say that the work that I have done so far in my life has been worthwhile in terms

of necessarily making money for myself to be able to spend but in terms of what I actually want

to do in my life it doesn’t hold much value. I began seriously working 3 summers ago at a

country club as a bar back and bus boy. I worked there the following year as well. However, last

summer I had an internship with Harlem Lacrosse, a not-for-profit organization where I was an

Assistant Program Director helping out with coaching, tutoring, and other aspects of

management. I think that these experiences had value in the sense that I made money, I learned

how to work hard, and I learned a bit of how a company is run. In that sense, all work has some

value to it. However, as I get further along into my life and closer to the daunting task of

adulthood, I don’t think that it would be worth it for me to continue with that kind a work. Good

and worthwhile work is going to challenge my knowledge and personal skills in a way that it will

develop myself into a more well-rounded professional. Money obviously plays a big factor in my

life right now because there are many expenses that I need to pay for and I have had little

opportunities to make any sort of significant money to contribute to those expenses. I think that

as I grow older and have more of a foundation, money will become more of a thing that is

necessary to keep life comfortable so I can experience as much as possible especially when I

have a wife and kids. Experience, growth, and fulfillment play the biggest role in what I see as

meaningful and worthwhile work. I firmly believe that life will be better the more you get out

there and experience new things because it will expand you as a person and that is exactly what
the experience in the workplace will do. I could make all the money in the world but if I feel like

I haven’t done anything with my life than the lack of fulfillment made the work not worthwhile.

I have stated it before but my view on life is that it is important to get out there

and experience as many things and get yourself out of your comfort zone in order to develop

yourself as a person. I think that it is very important to live your life in a way that makes you

happy because you owe it to yourself to be happy but also we are put on this earth for a reason so

it is important to do all you can to leave it better than you found it. When it comes to the

relationship between the individual and others I have always thought that it was very important

to help others and make others happy. I thoroughly enjoy the feeling of doing something nice for

another person and having them appreciate the thought or gesture that you displayed for them. I

try to have my life be a balance between doing things for myself and for others. I don’t want to

do everything for myself and be a selfish person that no one likes to be around but doing things

that might be a sacrifice but you know it will be good for you is necessary sometimes. It’s all

about being honest with yourself. My family is also very important to me. They have made me

into the person that I am today and I will never be able to repay them for that. My view of the

world is as something that is out there for me to explore and do all I can to make it a better place

while also doing what’s right for myself.

My work-view and my life-view align for the most part in the way that I think that both

of them should be based on experiences in order to develop your professional career and life in

general. The ways that these two views might clash is the money necessary to experience life in

the way that I would like to. For me to be able to experience as much as possible, I might need to

view my money as something different than for just living comfortable.

Research and Evaluation of Career Paths

Some career paths that I have considered for myself are in investment banking,

commercial real estate and insurance underwriting. In the underwriting and investment banking

realm, I have talked to one of my mom’s friends from her old company about his career because

he has been involved with both sectors. He is doing very well for himself while living

comfortably. He strongly emphasized for me to start off my career as a banker because there are

many ways that I can go from there and the banking industry has both high demand and high

paying jobs. He has also offered for me to possibly intern with him at his company that he is at

right now in which he is a m.d. in risk management so he could show me the ropes and I can get

my foot in the door and see how one of those companies goes about it business. I am definitely

considering doing that as an internship next summer as the summer before your senior year of

college can be a very important one as far as setting yourself up for a job right after college.

When it comes to commercial real estate, I have used a different approach. An old

teammate of mine and Muhlenberg graduate, works for JLL one of the top commercial real estate

firms in the world. I have contacted him a few times and have used him as a referral for not only

his company but also other commercial real estate firms. The commercial real estate business is

not only incredibly liquid right now but also incredibly competitive to get into.

Career Mission Statement:

My personal career mission is to gain experience in the investment banking field toward

being an executive and eventually be able to travel and manage my own company or sector.
Short-term Planning Steps:

 Business and Finance double major at Muhlenberg College

 Member of the men’s lacrosse team (Upperclassman/leader)

 Campus delegate

 LinkedIn profile

 Planning on summer internship that goes along with my majors

Long-term Planning Steps:

 Graduate school

 Try out both insurance and banking industries

 Take as many jobs as I can to expand my network

 Travel to new places

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