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Dear Families,

We are sending home a 120 chart. This chart can be used to

help your child learn many of the math skills that are part of
their essential learnings. The common core standard for fist
graders is to know numbers between 1-120. Each day we start
our math lesson by counting forwards, backwards, and looking
for numbers that are greater or less than a given number. These
are all skills that you can help your child with using this chart.
Examples: aske your child questions like, “What number comes
after 39, 54, 97?” “What number comes before 93, 14, 27?”
“Can you count backwards starting at 18, 57, 86?” “Can you
count by 2’s, 5’s, 10’s?”. Use the chart to add and subtract
numbers by 5 and 10. Add and subtract any given number. The
possibilities are endless.
Thank you for your support. This is an easy activity to do while
driving from place to place.
Have fun challenging your child!
Mrs. Brooks, Mrs. Fitz & Mrs. Hutter

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