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In English the Definite Article is less frequent than in Spanish. The Definite Article is omitted in the
following cases:

1. In professions, arts and sciences.

Ex: Geography is an interesting subject.

2. In languages, seasons, professional titles and family relationships.

Exs: French is his second language.
Winter is harsh in Alaska.
Doctor Smith came this morning.
Prime Minister said was busy.
Uncle Joe lives in Auckland.

3. In proper names described by an adjective.

Ex: Little Mary forgot her umbrella.

4. In some nouns when used thinking in their functions rather than their characteristics.
Ex: School starts in February. / The school has 25 classrooms.
They went to church. / The church is quite near.

5. Before a plural noun, when used in general terms.

Ex: Whales are mammals.
People moved into the stadium.

6. In describing general concepts.

Ex: Beauty is in the hand of the beholder.
Man is a rational animal.

7. In some time expressions.

Ex: Last year.
Next week.
Breakfast is at eight o´ clock.

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