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Colder Weather Drives Pests Indoors: Go-Forth has a Pre-Winter Pest Control Checklist for


Colder temperatures drive mice, rats, squirrels and other rodents toward the warmth of homes. It is
critical that homeowners take steps in the fall to prevent this from happening.

High Point, North Carolina, United States., November 7, 2019 -- During the winter,
homeowners may see less visible activity of some pests like ants, mosquitoes and wasps, but
homeowners are actually at a greater threat of infestation from other pests like rodents, beetles and

Colder temperatures drive mice, rats, squirrels and other rodents toward the warmth of homes. It is
critical that homeowners take steps in the fall to prevent this from happening when Old Man Winter
comes to visit. Below is a checklist of tips for homeowners for winter pest prevention:

Inspect the home’s foundation for holes and repair and/or patch them. Mice can fit through an
opening as small as a dime! And where one mice can go, so will many more! And a mice problem
can often lead to a snake problem as well.

Be sure that all crawlspace vents and doors are properly fitting and functioning. Rodents will invade
the crawlspace if it isn’t properly sealed off.

Store firewood outdoors and away from the home. Firewood can be infested with beetles and
termites. Also, never burn treated firewood as the fumes can be dangerous.

Do not allow leaves to pile up near the home. This can become a nesting ground for spiders, ants
and other pests.
Also, keep in mind that the aforementioned insects like ants and termites who may seem less visibly
active during the winter, haven’t migrated away. Termites are busy at work underground all winter.
If homeowners do not maintain a steady preventative pest control barrier year-round, they risk
waking up one warm spring morning to a bad pest infestation that was allowed to thrive during the
winter, and then invade as soon it is warm enough to emerge.

Chase Hazelwood, third generation owner of Go-Forth Pest Control explains, “The phones don’t
stop ringing in the winter! The focus changes to a lot of rodent control, but there is still a lot of
work to be done. Also, many of the calls in the early spring are from folks who did not continue any
pest prevention during the winter. Pest control is all about prevention and caring for the home year
round, not just when homeowners see bugs! Usually by the time they see them, it means the
problem is now huge!”

About Go-Forth Pest Control:

Go-Forth Pest Control was founded in 1959 in the North Carolina Triad. It has now grown to have
branches in the Triad, Lake Norman, Charlotte and Raleigh. It is a family owned business now with
its third generation owner. Go-Forth strives to have profound professionalism and customer service
that makes customers, employees, and the community proud to be associated with Go-Forth Pest
Control. It is home to the 2009, 2010, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016 NC Statewide Technicians of
the Year. Go-Forth is the only company in the state to be recognized with that track record. Go-
Forth Pest Control is also a Family Business Award winner, a Triad Best Places to Work winner, a
PCT Top 100 company, a NC Triad Fast 50 company, and an Inc. Magazine Fastest Growing
Company in America.

Leah Hazelwood
Go-Forth Pest Control
805 South Elm Street,
High Point, NC 27260

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