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Bahasa Inngris


The graph bellow shows the number of contagious disease prevalence in central Java since 1950 to 2010.

In general, the total number of contagious disease prevalence decrease from 1950 to 2010. The
prevalence for influenza in 1950 has decrease slowly every 10 years until 1990. In 2000 the prevalence of
influenza increases but in 2010 the prevalence decrease. The decrease of Influenza was not significant if
compared with other contagious disease. For tuberculosis, the prevalence has significant decrease from
1950 to 2010. Hepatitis has increases from 1950 until 1980 and decrease rapidly from 1980 to 2010.
Diarrhea, In 1950 until 2010 has decrease gradually, but in 1960 to 1970 diarrhea increase dan in 1980-
1990 diarrhea static.

In summary, it can be see that the prevalence of contagious disease has decrease, but the prevalence
Influenza was not significant decrease.


Pendidikan online

Today online education become more popular, and many traditional schools/universities offer online
degree courses. They think that online education can make education easier. And I agree with this

Online education is one type of education where the student not need always attend at classroom. The
online education use computer/gadget and internet for learning. Student can follow the learning every
time and everywhere. In addition, online education makes the cost is also more effective because we
don’t need to spend money to buy textbook, transportation cost, and other. Online education has many
advantages but it has disadvantage to. If compared with traditional education, the online education can
make the students becomes anti-social because the system of online education will decrease interaction
between student and teacher or students with another students, but it can be prevented.

To sum up, I agree with online education because it make our education easier. And to prevent from
disadvantage of online education we should create the type of online education that still make students
interact with teacher and another students for example we can create online discussion forums.

Obat herbal

To treat a disease, we usually use chemical drugs that contain chemical materials. However, today many
people starting interested using herbal medicine to treat a disease, because they think that herbal
medicine safer than chemical drug but turns out herbal medicine also have the same side effect like
chemical drugs. Should government made a regulation concerning the use of herbal medicine in
Indonesia. And I agree with this statement.

Herbs are plants that contain active substances useful for treatment. Herbs usually used as an alternative
medicine. To be declared safe, herbal medicine must doing clinical test such as acute toxicity test, sub-
acute toxicity test, chronic toxicity test, and teratogenic test. Herbal medicine should also be tested for
dose, mode of use , effectiveness, monitoring of side effect, and their interaction with other drugs.
Unfortunately, herbal medicine in Indonesia belong to the category of OHT (Standardized Herbal
Medicine), that have not been proven safety based on clinical test. And use herbal medicine that have not
been proven safety can make any disadvantage such as renal problems, because we don’t know what the
content, dose, side effect, and others of the herbal medicine that we used.

To sum up, I agree , that should government made a regulation concerning the use of herbal medicine, to
regulate the use of herbal medicine and for herbal medicine in Indonesia improve their quality. If we want
to use herbal medicine with other medicine at the same time we should pay attention to the dose and
time of use.


Today, many childhood disease can be prevented through the use of vaccines. Vaccines can against some
common disease, and I think parents should be immunize their children.

Vaccine is medical measures whose purpose is to prevent from disease not cure. Vaccine usually made
from viruses or live bacteria that have been attenuated. It is useful to stimulate our antibody or immune
system, so, if children infected by viruses or bacteria whose vaccine has been given their body can respon
rapidly to kill the viruses or bacteria. That’s way vaccines so important to everyone (specially children)
before they infected by disease. However, some people (parents) don’t understand the function of
vaccine or how the vaccine work in the body.

To sum up, I think parents should immunize their children, because vaccine can prevent their children
from some common disease. And for government I suggest to more counselling about vaccine to people
(specially parents) so the people can more understand the function of vaccine.

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