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chance in life
The choice of who you marry determines the course of your
life and destiny. Most destiny's are changed for the worst or
the best immediately marriage is contracted. As far as
marriage is concerned, your choice determines your future.
If you marry the wrong partner, you will be dragged to the
valley. If you marry the right partner, you will be lifted to
your mountain top of your destiny. Your choice will cause
you to enjoy marriage or endure it.
At a certain period of life, a man begins to thirst, yearn,
hunger, and search for the sweet savor's gift. Sometimes he
feels so lonely. This is a languorous journey. One day he
starts thinking how to get this gift from God. “How will I
meet the gift, when will I meet the gift?" he asks.
One day, he wakes up and the noise of joy and excitement
fills his heart. “What is going on?" People ask him,. “I can
see a queen making her way straight to my heart and she
quenches immediately my many years of thirsting and
yearning’. This means that a man has found a wife.

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