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6/11/2019 Commissioning Authority | WBDG - Whole Building Design Guide

Commissioning Authority  
Matthew J. Nelson, PE, CPMP, ECO Commissions (
Updated by the WBDG Commissioning Committee
Updated: 06-01-2017

Commissioning is a standardized process lead by a professional,
commonly referred to as a Commissioning Authority (CxA), who WITHIN THIS PAGE
is knowledgeable in the design, construction, and operation of Introduction
systems. The The CxA typically leads a team of system experts Description
trained and certi ed in the facility commissioning eld. There are Emerging Issues
numerous certi cation organizations in the industry, recently the Relevant Codes and Standards
Department of Energy (DOE) with NIBS assistance, has Additional Resources
established a national certi cation for commissioning
certi cation organizations. These organizations will be required
to perform according to ANSI standards and they must meet ISO/IEC 17024. NIBS recommends that an
owner seriously consider the program bene ts when acquiring the services of a CxA. The outcome of the
process veri es proper operation of commissioned systems and that the requirements set forth by the
owner are achieved. By de nition, to put something "into commission" means that it is ready for regular
use. Historically, commissioning has been used by the Navy to ensure that ships were seaworthy prior to
leaving port. At sea, a breakdown would not only be costly to correct, it could potentially be life-
threatening. For manufacturers the bene ts are also well understood for using commissioning on
expensive and sensitive process systems as it ensures safety, reduces waste, and maximizes up-time.

In the construction industry, commissioning or building commissioning was rst used on building projects
by the Public Works Canada¹. The process of building commissioning was further re ned when, several
years later, ASHRAE formed the HVAC Commissioning Guideline Committee who then published the
HVAC Commissioning Guideline in 19881. In 1998 the United States Green Building Council (USGBC)
added commissioning to its Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) criteria. A move that,
made great strides in promoting the use and acceptance of building commissioning.

Today the role of the building commissioning authority has become a central component to the whole
building design process (/resources/whole-building-design) as the built environment continues to include
more complicated and interdependent systems and owners focus on energy ef ciency to keep operational
costs down.

¹History of Commissioning, PECI 1/11
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De nition Of A Commissioning Authority
A commissioning authority (CxA) is a person or rm responsible for the delivery of the commissioning
process. Depending on the size and complexity of the project the process may be executed by one person
or an entire team. For a team approach there would typically be a person dedicated to managing the
process, while others are involved with the more technical aspects of the process.

The knowledge base that a CxA needs to draw from includes information about design, construction, and
maintenance. While knowing something about all these elements is critical to being a successful CxA,
most professionals will be stronger in one of the three areas. Furthermore, a CxA need not be a design
professional or an engineer, with a number of Commissioning Authorities having a background as a test
and balance contractor, controls technician, or even facility maintenance. Traditionally the professionals
who become Commissioning Authorities do so as a second or third career.

Currently one cannot even obtain a degree in Building Commissioning, so learning about the process
typically involves courses or self-study that leads to obtaining one of the industry's certi cations. Unlike
Architects (/design-disciplines/architecture) or Professional Engineers (/design-disciplines/structural-
engineering), Commissioning Authorities are not required to be certi ed to practice building
commissioning but most are because it is so often part of any evaluation and selection process for
projects. While most certi cations focus on the individual there are some that cover the entire rm. For a
complete list of certi cations refer to the certi cations section (below). When looking at the certi cations
it is important to point out that few of them focus on the technical nature of commissioning systems and
instead test applicants on the process. ASHRAE's CPMP certi cation was the rst created speci cally to
focus on the management of the commissioning process as an entirely new job function, leaving the
certi cation of commissioning authorities to other organizations.

Most Commissioning Authorities often have knowledge and experience related to HVAC and controls.
However there are others in the eld with different discipline specialties or have experience with
specialized building types.

Examples of discipline specialties include:

Emergency Power Systems

Building Enclosure (Envelope) Systems
Communications Systems
Fire Protection Systems

Examples of specialized building types include:

Health Care Facilities (/building-types/health-care-facilities)

Research Facilities (/building-types/research-facilities)
Data centers
Correctional Facilities

Commissioning Authority's Role In Whole Building Design

The Commissioning Authority can and should play a key role in the whole building design process. The
CxA should become involved during the pre-design phase or be the rst person by the side of the owner.

Involvement continues through design and construction, providing continuity as the owner's expert, 2/11
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making sure that their requirements are being met. The primary role throughout the project is to
understand the OPR, making sure that these are incorporated into the design, installed during
construction, and tested with a completely functional building being returned to the owner. During this
whole process the CxA works with the design team to accomplish this.

Designing, constructing, and operating a building is a complex feat that involves input from many different
team members. While many of these professionals have high levels of competence they are still prone to
the issue of poor coordination and integration due to schedule and budget constraints. This is where the
CxA can assist the project team, not only by leveraging their experience and knowledge, but also through
project iteration. Commissioning Authorities experience project iteration because of the fact that they do
not work on a single project full-time. Instead they have a number of projects in various stages of design,
construction, and operation. So problems encountered on one project can be avoided on another, passing
it along as a lesson learned.

As a CxA there are four stages of involvement on new construction projects:

Pre-Design—The rationale behind bringing the CxA on before the design team is to provide owners with
unbiased opinions of the design teams during evaluation. Before the design team is selected, the CxA
assists the owner's staff in the development of the Owner's Project Requirements or OPR. This "living"
document is the guideline for the project and holds all the information and requirements that the owner
wants to include and/or achieve. It is referred to as a "living" document because it is kept up to date by the
CxA throughout the project incorporating any changes that arise. For whole building design this is a
critical document that gets everyone on team on the same page and gives the designers speci c
instructions to follow during their design process.

One approach to evaluating design teams during selection utilizes the OPR by providing it as the key
element in the RFQ for design services. Each team is required to provide their BOD in response to the
OPR. The BODs are then evaluated to determine which team best understood the Owner's intent for the
project. This many times provides a better selection than evaluating teams' project experience that has
nothing to do with an owner's current project.

Design—During the design phase the commissioning authority will perform commissioning reviews of the
design documents checking to make sure that the project team is following the OPR, that interdisciplinary
coordination is occurring, and that maintainability is being designed into the project. Additionally, the CxA
will work with the design team to develop commissioning speci cations that will inform contractors what
their responsibilities will be during construction. This all leads to a design that is clear to the contractor
and easy to take care of.

Construction—The CxA contributes to the whole design process during construction as they visit the site
for observing equipment installation, ensuring that the design documents are being followed, and
communicating information back to the design team regarding issues. These visits are focused on the
commissioning aspects of the project and do not replace any construction administration responsibilities
that the design team may have. In addition to assisting the design team, the CxA can advocate for the
contractors by pushing for resolution of eld issues that could potentially lead to construction delays. The
key result of site inspections is early detection and resolution. Not only is this appreciated by the team,
but it saves money for the project overall. Once all the systems have been installed the CxA will proceed
to test the equipment and systems, so when the building is nally turned over to the owner it is running
smoothly. It is wise for the owner to include the O & M staff for the building on the commissioning team.
Their participation on the team during construction and acceptance activities will greatly enhance their
knowledge of the proper operation of the facility systems.  3/11
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Operations—In this phase the CxA works with the maintenance staff to understand the installed systems
through training and documentation. This is a crucial step, because even the most advanced design in the
world will be reduced to its simplest form to match the level of understanding of the building operators.
This is why it is so important to include the maintenance staff in the whole building design process. Keep
them in mind when selecting equipment and creating sequences of operation for equipment. For the
conclusion of the project, during the 10-month post-construction walk-through, the CxA will be involved
with the team to make sure that any issues are resolved prior to the end of the warranty period.

Commissioning Authority Strategies For Achieving Whole Building

Design Objectives
While not involved with all of the whole building design objectives there are a few where the CxA plays an
important role.

Functional/Operational (/design-objectives/functional-operational)—At the core of the Commissioning

Authority's project role is verifying that the building and the systems it contains are functional, and that
they can be maintained for the life of the equipment. Veri cation is done through the use of an operational
script speci cally written for the project that follows the engineer's sequence of operation. This script is
known as the Functional Performance Test (or FPT), and contains scenarios like equipment start-up,
changes in operating conditions, failure modes, restorative modes, safeties, and alarms. Once written, this
same form is able to be used by the facility's staff in the future to ensure that the equipment is still
operating according to the original design parameters. These scripts are critical in the on-going
commissioning process used by the facility staff to maintain proper facility operation for the life of the

Productive (/design-objectives/productive)—Commissioning impacts productivity by verifying that the

equipment is operating properly and that the sensors in the inhabited spaces are reading accurately by
checking calibration. A second way that productivity is affected by the CxA is by establishing a functional
building; this allows the maintenance staff time to perform their regular duties instead of handling
complaints and other issues brought to them by the occupants. When staff gets into a " re- ghting" mode
they often delay regular equipment maintenance and apply temporary changes to the building system
that are often left in place and masking larger underlying issues and further hindering ef cient system

Secure/Safe (/design-objectives/secure-safe)—Even though they are not large energy consuming systems, life
safety systems should be commissioned. These systems exist solely to protect the lives of the facility
occupants and proper operation is essential. If not tested, and they are not operating properly, this may
not be discovered until it is too late. When the commissioning process includes security or other access
systems, veri cation of these will provide the building owner with piece of mind knowing that they are
operating properly and that their staff has received adequate training to use them.

Sustainable (/design-objectives/sustainable)—Without proper commissioning, sustainable and energy

ef cient operation of a building would be unlikely. From the drawing and installation review, to the
equipment testing, and through the maintenance staff training, the CxA establishes an important
operational baseline that the owner and their staff can reference while maintaining a sustainable and
energy ef cient facility.

Interaction With Others  4/11
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It is important that the owner hire the commissioning authority directly. This not only allows the
commissioning authority access to the owner and their requirements for the project, but also puts them
on a peer level with design and construction teams. Being an equal in these teams is critical because it
means that any issues will be given the attention they need without being subjugated. The CxA also needs
to take care not to overstep their bounds, understanding and following the proper lines of communication
for the project, making suggestions and raising questions, rather than being critical of the engineering and
directing construction changes.

A typical project organizational chart

Communication is the top skill for a CxA and should be able to do so on three distinct levels. The rst is at
an executive level, where the CxA will be communicating with the owner, becoming empathetic to their
requirements and their staffs' ability to operate the building. Next is developing a rapport with the design
team by effectively communicating that the CxA is their ally not an adversary. It helps to have an attitude
of "win-win", leading designers to discover the CxA's intent, and ultimately assisting them as they put
together a quality set of construction documents. Lastly are the contractors, the people that bring life to
the drafting and create the physical reality of the building. Communicating with these craftsmen requires
an understanding of budgets, schedules, and construction methodologies. Issues in this phase are often
best communicated face-to-face and as early in the construction process as possible. Also take time to
listen to them as they often have great suggestions and insight regarding the design or layout that the
team might have missed. Communications throughout the commissioning process, whether a formal
report or a casual conversation over a cup of coffee, cannot be stressed enough as a skill.

Some of the emerging issues in the discipline of Commissioning Authorities include:

Slow Market Acceptance Outside Of LEED

The Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) rating system has had both positive and
negative effects on the commissioning industry. Positive from the recognition and business development
stand point, but negative because it has caused commissioning to be viewed as a commodity rather than a
custom solution to t an owner's needs. Additionally, it has trained design and construction teams to think 
of commissioning as two separate services (fundamental and enhanced) rather than a uni ed process 5/11
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which then requires reeducation, especially when discussing non-LEED projects. Owners not striving for
LEED and unfamiliar with commissioning also need to be educated as to its bene ts instead of dismissing
it when faced with a tight budget. In the end, owners will realize that they can pay for commissioning now,
or they can pay for energy and other inef ciencies later.

Lack Of Training Beyond The Commissioning Process

Upon entering this discipline one discovers that there are a number of resources to learn about the
process of commissioning. Beyond this basic knowledge lies a gap in practical training. Experience and in-
house expertise become the standard teachers at this stage which then begs the question, "Can you teach
experience?" Commissioning Authorities that fail to gain this practical experience are in danger of
becoming paper pushers and will bring little value to a project. A large opportunity exists for the
organization that can bring this type of hands-on knowledge to this discipline.

When rst learning about the commissioning process it is made clear that it is focused on helping owners
inherit buildings that meet their requirements and function properly. Concurrently, the use of words like
ensure and guarantee when referring to building operation and one's work are discouraged. As a
discipline, CxAs are not responsible for the design or installation, and because of this their liability is
limited. However, anyone who has been involved with construction knows responsibility can be hard to
assign when something is not right. Everyone connected to the project becomes involved when litigation
occurs and the commissioning authority is no different. Their involvement commonly takes the form of
providing expert testimony and producing documents that will be used in the case. Even when not
af liated with the project some commissioning rms become involved by providing expert witness
services. As a commonly touted bene t of litigation avoidance, commissioning may also be bene cial to
the project should litigation occur.


ASHRAE Guideline 0-2013: The Commissioning Process (
publications/bookstore/commissioning-essentials)—The industry accepted model Commissioning
ASHRAE Guideline 189.1-2014: Standard for the Design of High-Performance Green Buildings Except
Low-Rise Residential Buildings (
ASHRAE Standard 202-2013, The Commissioning Process for Buildings and Systems
ASTM Standard E2813-2012, Standard Practice for Building Enclosure Commissioning
The Building Commissioning Guide (/ffc/gsa/criteria/building-commissioning-guide) by U.S. General
Service Administration, 2005.
CALGreen (
2015 International Green Construction Code® (
codes-and-references/2015-international-green-construction-coder-igccr-43415.html) (IgCC®) 6/11
6/11/2019 Commissioning Authority | WBDG - Whole Building Design Guide

Project Planning, Delivery, and Controls (/project-management), Project Delivery Teams (/project-
management/project-delivery-teams), Select Appropriate Design Professionals (/project-
management/project-delivery-teams/select-appropriate-design-professionals), Risk Management
(/project-management/risk-management), Building Commissioning (/building-commissioning), Determine
Project Performance Requirements (/building-commissioning/determine-project-performance-
requirements), Commissioning Document Compliance and Acceptance (/building-
commissioning/commissioning-document-compliance-and-acceptance), Owner's Role and
Responsibilities in the Commissioning Process (/building-commissioning/owners-role-and-

Government Agencies
California Commissioning Collaborative (—a group of government, utility, and
building-services professionals committed to developing and promoting commissioning practices in
Commissioning For Better Buildings in Oregon
( , Oregon Of ce of
Energy / PECI, 1997. New construction overview, bene ts, process and case studies.
Energy Design Resources (—Sponsored by Paci c Gas
and Electric Company, San Diego Gas & Electric, Southern California Edison, and Southern
California Gas.
Federal Energy Management Program (
program)—Offers programs and resources for energy ef ciency in operation of federal facilities.
Oregon Department of Energy (—Bene ts of Commissioning,
case study, tool kit of new and existing commissioning application materials, and the full text of
Commissioning for Better Buildings in Oregon
US DOE EERE Commissioning (

ACG—Associated Air Balance Council ( Commissioning
Group—AABC National Headquarters, Phone: (202) 737-0202.
Association of Energy Engineers (AEE) (
ASHRAE (—A leading organization in the development of standardized
commissioning guidelines
Building Commissioning Association (BCA) (
Site=BCA&WebCode=HomePage)—A leading professional association for membership and
certi cation of building commissioning practitioners
Building Services Commissioning Association (Japan) (
Commissioning Specialists Association (UK) ( 
Hong Kong Building Commissioning Centre 7/11
6/11/2019 Commissioning Authority | WBDG - Whole Building Design Guide

National Conference on Building Commissioning (US) (

National Environmental Balancing Bureau (NEBB) (—Certi cation program
and manuals. 8575 Grovemont Circle, Gaithersburg, MD, 20877. Phone: (301) 977-9589.
National Institute of Building Sciences (NIBS)—Total Building Commissioning

Certi cations
AABC is a test and balance organization that has created a separate subgroup that speci cally deals with
building commissioning, the ACG. They have two certi cations available. The CxA is focused on the
experienced professional, while the CxT has been recently added for the applicants who require more

CXA: Certi ed Cx Authority

( edcommissioning.aspx)
CXT: Certi ed Cx Technician
( cation/commissioningtechnician.aspx)

AEE has four certi cations available. The CBCP was the original certi cation, followed next by the EBCP
for those professionals focused more on existing buildings rather than new construction. Recently they
have added the CBCF and the CBCPM for rm or professionals that wanted to further distinguish

CBCP: Certi ed Building Cx Professional (

CBCPM: Master's Level CBCP (
CBCF: Certi ed Building Cx Firm (
EBCP: Existing Building Cx Professional (

ASHRAE developed their certi cation in close collaboration with APPA, BCA, IES, NEBB, SMACNA, TABB,
and the University of Wisconsin - Madison and closely followed the rigors of the ANSI criteria. ASHRAE's
intent was to establish a certi cation speci cally focused on the individuals who would manage the
process of commissioning for a project, rather than the technical aspects of commissioning.

CPMP: Cx Process Management Professional (

certi cation/certi cation/commissioning-process-management-professional-certi cation)

The only organization solely dedicated to the eld of building commissioning, they developed the CCP
certi cation as a high benchmark for professionals. Later, to meet the need for a more entry-level
certi cation they developed the ACP.

CCP: Certi ed Cx Professional (

site=bca&webcode=certi cation)
ACP: Associate Cx Professional ( 
site=bca&webcode=certi cation) 8/11
6/11/2019 Commissioning Authority | WBDG - Whole Building Design Guide

The NEBB commissioning certi cation process follows closely their process for becoming certi ed in
testing and balancing. Anyone can take their certi cation courses, which cover a number of different
building systems but they will only certify rms. To accomplish this rms must rst meet speci c
quali cations and be approved by the organization. Additionally, a certi ed rm must have at least one
quali ed supervisor who has also met the individual requirements of the supervisor position as described
by NEBB.

BSC CP: Building Systems Cx Cert ed Professional ( ed/requirements/)

RCX CP: Retro-Commissioning Cert ed Professional
( ed/retro_requirements/)

The TABB Commissioning Supervisor is certi cation that is not commonly seen in the industry.

Commissioning Supervisor (https://www.icbcerti 

University of Wisconsin
The University of Wisconsin-Madison has a unique certi cation process. Applicants who do not yet have
suf cient professional experience in the commissioning process to qualify for one of the more advanced
certi cations will receive accreditation as a QCxP. This certi cation is then valid for ve years to allow the
applicant time to acquire the necessary experience for one of the other certi cations.

Quali ed Commissioning Process provider (

CXAP: Accredited commissioning process authority professional (
CXM: Accredited Commissioning process manager (
CXTS: Accredited commissioning process technical service provider (
GCXP: Accredited green commissioning process provider (

ACG Commissioning Guideline
( 
Continuous Commissioning Guidebook for Federal Energy Managers, Federal Energy Management
Program (FEMP), October 2002.
Contractor Quality Control and Commissioning Program—Guidelines and Speci cation, Montgomery Co.
Gov., St of Maryland, 1993. 301-217-6071.
Design Phase Commissioning Handbook ( cations/) National
Environmental Balance Bureau (NEBB)
ER 1110-345-723
723.pdf)HVAC Systems Commissioning Manual (
Commissioning-Manual-SMACNA/dp/1617210447), Sheet Metal and Air Conditioning Contractors'
National Association (SMACNA). SMACNA, 4201 Lafayette Center Dr., Chantilly, VA 22021.
Laboratory HVAC Systems: Design, Validation and Commissioning ( ASHRAE
collection of 11 papers, 1994. ASHRAE Publications Dept., 1791 Tullie Circle, NE, Atlanta, GA 30329.
NASA Reliability Centered Maintenance Guide for Facilities and Collateral Equipment (/ffc/nasa/guides-
handbooks/rcm-guide) 9/11
6/11/2019 Commissioning Authority | WBDG - Whole Building Design Guide

National Clearinghouse for Educational Facilities (NCEF) (—

publications on commissioning
Planning and Design Services: Commissioning Goals by Washington State Department of Enterprise
Services, February 27, 2012.
A Practical Guide for Commissioning Existing Buildings
( by Tudi Haasl of Portland Energy Conservation
Inc. and Terry Sharp of Oak Ridge National Laboratory, April 1999.
Procedural Standards for Whole Building Systems Commissioning of New Construction
( , Third Edition, 2009, NEBB.
Procedural Standard for Retro-Commissioning of Existing Buildings
( cations/) National Environmental Balance Bureau (NEBB)
PWGSC Commissioning Manual (CP.1) (
rp/tech/miseenservice-commissioning/manuel-manual-eng.html) by Public Works Canada. Phone: 819-
Thermal Energy Storage (TES) Commissioning Guidelines, California Institute for Energy Ef ciency, San
Diego State University, 1991. San Diego State University, Energy Engineering Institute, San Diego, CA
UFGS 01 91 00.15 Total Building Commissioning (/ffc/dod/uni ed-facilities-guide-speci cations-
UFGS 02 62 16 Commissioning and Demonstration for Soil Vapor Extraction (SVE) Systems
(/ffc/dod/uni ed-facilities-guide-speci cations-ufgs/ufgs-02-62-16)

Training And Other Resources

AABC Commissioning Group (ACG) (—Training and certi cation at
their annual conferences
AIA B211™–2007 Standard Form of Architect's Services: Commissioning
(—This xed scope of services requires the architect to
develop a commissioning plan, a design intent document, and commissioning speci cations, based
on the owner's identi cation of systems to be commissioned.
ASHRAE Learning Institute ( cation/all-instructor-led-
courses)—offers an ongoing series of commissioning workshops
The Association of Energy Engineers (
Building Commissioning Association (
California Commissioning Collaborative—Resource Library
Center for the Built Environment (CBE), Berkeley
Collaborative for High Performance Schools (
Commissioning Specialists Association: Guidance Notes
( le/notes.php)
Engineered Systems Magazine—Commissioning Column
( by Rebbeca Ellis
Functional Testing and Design Guides (
GSA Sustainable Facilities Tool (SFTool) (
building/section/10/hvac/integrative-design-process)—SFTool's immersive virtual environment
addresses all your sustainability planning, designing and procurement needs.  10/11
6/11/2019 Commissioning Authority | WBDG - Whole Building Design Guide

NCEF (—Resource lists for school

building commissioning 11/11

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