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IHinOu Ast.

Vol. One

Finer Techniques
Astrological Predictions

Guide and Editor


Joint Editors
Shiv Raj Sharma Deepak Bisarla
M.S. Mehta Manoj Pathak
C. B. Prasad

Vani Publications

1. Introduction-----~-·-------~--- 5
2. Saturn-Kelu Conjunctions India and The Wof1d 18
K.N. Rao
3. Entry of Venus m Gemtnl - a trying time for the
government in India------~------- 46
M.S. MaMa (IFS. Retd.)
4. Satum Sorrow and Splendour-A Pauranlc View--··-···· 63
Dr_ (Mrs.) La/lilla Kuppuswamy
5, Mars in Puranas • -·--·----~-·~-- 74
Dr. (Mrs,) Lalitha Kuppuswamy
6. Upgrahas and Mental Maladies - - - - - - - - - - - 79
E.S Issac
7 Don't be afraid of Mntyubhaga- I - - - - - - - - - 98
Meenakshl Raul
a. The American 'Pnncer· Dies (JFK Junior) - - - - - - , 1 2
K.N Rao
9. Mrityubhag- 1 1 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 119
K.N. Rao
1Q_ Mrityubhag - 1 1 1 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 2 3
1<-N. Rao
11. Mrityubhag -IV~-·---- - - - - - - - - 1 2 8
K.N. Rao
12_ Ketu 1n the 5th House - - - - - - - - - - - - - 138
Sfliv Raj Sharma
13. Ketu In the 9th House-~-----------150
Sfliv Roj Shorma
14. Saturn Mars Combinations and The Kshalriya Pe~nntity -164
Rajesh Chandro Dadwal
15. Astlo sketch of Dr_ Ra!endra Prasad--------185
Deepak Bisanya
Books by Vani PublicaUons-----------244


ffnturc nnd value o£nn a5t:rologienl re11enrcb

l.lke the ·St.>.\" cmrl shopping bt•sr s•:-lk•r:. ~which an; 1\(•1 111 ikm:HILI
llOW iu 1999 Hi~r.rrdtng IO a U~V~lJ:tper O[ f.ugl::md. astrOlo~.. J(I~'Cr-5
rn.~y also be c:xpcrlcnctJJg a v~ry pcrct.,,Uhli.! chJmgc Ul:lf ha~ hrconu:
their clcm:tml. ·rhey Wt~n!, bt.~lug: n:HIIsl k. rvr.u r~yralC':\l uurl tlo\lfll 111
~<1t1h. Hll n.slrulngl•:nl rur:thwlulngy lhnt ·works".
'Thachtug latgr: clas8es uf stmkfll~;, 111 thr~ Bh.u-.tUyn Vtrlya Bh"""'~.tu
ror mon: tl1an twclv~ ycctr5 now 41987-9!:.11, II hfl'} t.~~:cn 1ht: C'Jqlcrir.nt:'\7' nf
the teachers lhnt the dcmruH1 .ftJr 5U~o:ss(ul preulr,tJ\1.: lrj~hulfJW'~
muM be mel. No ~6trologer tau SftUSfy IJ•csc .5lUdcut!!., whtJ arc 111 11
buny, to h~comc r...."':(>Crt.."'i nml famous overnight.
\\t. as nslmlugcr-teHr.h~rs. t•:uuml tgnnre thl!5 dmlh~ttgc lhuugh
mcrecnarh::s In lids flc1d wUI keep dlstutblllt( us~ hns tu·-ppcur:ct slx
lim~ bctwt:en 1989 anr1 1997 wlacn drastlr;m:tton has h~d fn h_. Ioken
il.~-ll~t ~rm ln;l\lble·Initk.11'g p.,;~~s.
Somdlme In 1995·96. series ol arUc:lr..s uu •astruluglcal r~Ill'~h­
werc wr1Hcn by u wrlt~r w1Ut no clenr cut ld~:..-1... of whut i\11 t~!:iln,ll)gh.·AI
rt:JSearcl1 tlhouJd be. He: compiled :t h~t (I( soml! pubUshed articl~ fmm
the past bsue3 of a maga;t.llte to describe them as tc5~ll't'h wllhoul
even unrtcrslandlng tlutl the)• wc:rc only :"'rne unlc:sl~d ohscrvnt10us.
lu a US v lslt. lhls I uti lara did no l get hl!i l;olk tlll il:itnlhlg)' Ia be !apt:
rccurded Jest ht~ tgnurauce be-expu~ctl ;md ht.s dnlm~ lo
ability to guide rc~h. This writers llmllntt.on •~ thal he ncvt'r cvr.r
pro'o+ed th:ll ht: had l'lny fine prcrllr.Uvc <cchnlqut! hl..m~df tn g1vc:
to Hindu astrology a modem loo1< whlch can and mlllit lx clone. Tlu~~
are. other pyromanlnc astrologers. whose only conlrlbuUon Ullllaic lm!!
been their false but tn.Jmpct blow.•lng l:lAims.
A tour of the USA to do astrologirnl f"C',,dlngs CBII be \'a)' lu many wnys for Utem to know how llrhnltlvc U1cy ~ wiUl
their prcdlctlva: too1;, wtth their mumbo-Jumbo whlt'h l.o; (;mdfully
d~crlhed as esof~rlc a!St.rology.

Tbe verdict or the ae.xt century

The Grcb~rlau 20Ut ccuhtry ts uow tlr".awlug to a close. Titc
astrology lhaJ wlll.sUJVIVc In I he next dccodl!S wUJ hove lh'! tll~pllnt!.(•f
phy~-ie:al ~l~n~:!o wltlt r.t.·t.t..l~tl~"l.! valltllly. Titc a.slrologas of U1~ nco.xt
century wm rJc:nounce most or iJl~ astrology "-'l'ltet'S or this c~ntury who
ncgl~cl~d I he worknble tcchnJqucs whkJt could be h::;t~cl. ll& lhuugh. 11

lnfrrxtJdiDn flf¥,t Ted\n!Ques or AstrclcqtCiil PredldiOM 1/t)l Ooo

VrJS the laboratory l~t the physical M:lcnllst5 are used tn. Some- or Ute
nmuy couclu~lonl' they will come to wUI be:

Hon~reat:tve Dibologe.r
·ni.Hta.rtlculate nstrolog~ofl.ndia. have rarely been c:reau,,.c, They
wen! poulllfs mouthing plallhules plckecl up fmm hundred!> or cook
books, the stclumhlB r-egurgllaUon rea.denl! of a&trologlcal books
filJTltltar wtth. They will be despised ond forgotten (or their lU·advl:'lctl
fomy~ Luto what they called and ~ardeLl as "'"lrologlc:al clas..~.

Bhfitu or uadl n.atrotoz:y

'lbc tr.t.dUional ouc-..s, partloularly tho~~ who c.!1Hln1 to know u,c
scc.n:~ of D11rigu P.strology or uru1i prludJ)\r.s ntlght ha\'t! conlribukd a
tremendous .sclcnt1fk methodology 1n cstablt~hlng Ute \'alldtty ot
repllt.."1ible prtnciplt:s. lC they T'Ctllly knew nadi astrology, though tilC)'
Ita Vi! rnL"'scd no c.Mnce to JTIJ\kt: s11d1 cla1nt.!; even with ~mt: publl.'ihcd
wor~. Sonu: boolL.., (ln ruull. aslTOlogy h;wc ('Oillti~d mun! IWI.rologens
whose eagent~s. to 1c~t these t\Ccrctli have given them no c:kfiJUtc
Hlea$. 1t ts well-known thnt lll5 nodi astr<'Jiogy whlc:ll will pmv1ck rklh
Jl!Jl(ttfal for true ami st:k:nllflc aslrt1lugy. TIU~JI. It heCOUICS IICI!CS8at)' (U
keep 5c."U'Ching Utcsc secrets, Ignoring the avatlabk Utcrnlure wl:Uch 15
mtslca.dtng: all cl.tim FUld no .sctenUOc :n:-plle&iblllty, a slrikc 10 Un= dmi~
wWch m.a.y hu tlu: target.

Thtt modern fc01ale

The soc!ct}' U1at now exlsts wtth tb~ SUf:~">S Q( conlrru:~<:ptives and
wome.n·s llh~:t<illon nas crenled the pO:dJ.ilory fcmlale t:'\~r n:ady h)
throw he1-s~lfln10 any type of ~aJ encounter; Tbe nol1ons U1aL 5Uck
t~ fciTlalc sexual cllaliUty aud the strnil~taced uses of ihc- Thrim..c;am..'ihll
h1t>k tidlt:ulous now. with tl1c othc:r :5(}-c:all.:d utceu~ ~! fcnmk
horo:oJcopes. \\bmt~ll who do not h;we to have bablc:!\1, even If nUUTh::ll.
can behave with the bluster aud llomlnru•cc of tb~ mnk- \\bmr.:n can
~Usfy lhelr baser ln~tlncts with as much boldnt:-">5 n5 men co\lld do In
all e-ras, opc:ruy or hyr•ocr1tlcnUy. Then talklng of purltruucal morality ~s
most astrologt~ wrttcrs did till ili~ hl'le nlnetJc.s ll. fossUtscd astrology
or mediae..·al ages. Hindu astrologers cannot even think of mudcm.lsmg
them..">dves to lx: In commnancc: W1th tht'.se renlltles ... ~dJ.e th~
moment, enjoy sex, 1lrink:s and whatever- falls wllhln the ambll of one's
ddinlUon of enjoymcu( unr.onc.etncd w1lh ron!'f!qucnt"r:.s is U1c modem
net. of llvtng. Can nn astrologer look tnlu tht:M~; 1t1 a boroseo~? b
he eqUlppe.d at a.ll Lo do H? He cannot do It beroust femal.-; horo!tCOpy
has al'l,l,'ilyt> been r.entretl around her !>C~uaJ daasuty nnty. ·n11s mudc:m
female Is uunt to be a good huus~wtfe tu a t.mdlllonal.5oC.Il~e... lu earlier
nges, wcmrufs 'chasUty' was adultery wtlh1n the ~un:: liorncstlcity of
hu ma~e. Now, illti 'lib', the f~n~ of the womb. TI1e Sllllktsp~
Romeo is a boy friend, 6 ·guy- Uked or baled now.
AtOS spread and •t appeared tt> bf: f\ mini-eplrlr:mlr.. nH:.n:HCUou


in It was the rnmpulsury ll!;e of ronlrnr.eJit\\'l"~"i. 1wl !'iC'X\Iill a-e'Jtrllllll

because tho!Sc who adw.rU!'te I hr:lr prodm·ts. which artt motJcnJ
r.•f sophl.5ticnl~'t1 tlc..-.h tmdl:, crumot 5uffr:::r commact;'lllosse..-.
If men <md wom~ll go b;JcK to a llfe of se::owa.l clla5tJLy.

N~;~ n,n~ ~tl.ullc<:- Nyn!ICL Mlmom..c;a. SankrJya nml olhtr .·;;o~h
tr.:tlllliCJrtal suh.jcCL'> cvr::n In hldln unk~s a San.skril -studr!nl opts for 11.
Wtu::av.o 111 nny book or a~trology. we call cl.'ls'31cs. arc r.v~u J11nt~
OIVHllllhk In wuterst;md mnnngcmcnl cour.;cs. J!Hirnaltsm or lhc::
cumplo. ckt•lnmh!.S, lnfummtlun ~ysh!ms. chcan!~lry. (thyslcs aml
cos.mctolo{i}' elL~? Is there auy rcs~~h hi lltts mea? Th~ patterns am
_o;o m.;ny nml ~· ho!Illng.

Complex cnrecr patterns

A woman who Is n pllnL has douc !t course In lnmlsc.apc palnllng
uwllslesblnll, rlc.C!tmyt'i all kuown nstrnl!)gicalledmlqucs of predictions
whcu ~hl': clwllr.ugt"-..., au ~~ttolf)gcr tu lmt<c h.:r c:an-:cr pitHcna.
r:rlut~Uou aud •mMrln~t:!· wlllwut she: ht.'1-sclf giving a hint abQu~ II.

~rordon of trnd ltfonAl n.reu

All lhls Is ht:t'll\1~ I he cm:r.lon of trncUIImt11l \'1\lue.s hils t'tr..ated o1
Stlt!icty which shuuld ll<>l be called ~nan::hlcnllllll)' b~au:o.c lltlocs uut
nccept nlrl concepts of ~duc-atJan. mnn·lag~. chlld·upbrtn~lng or the
ti\llylng of horos.copc~ 11s ::..acrnsilncl. Evcl)'lhlug mu!>l change ah ll1c
r-lvc.r of Time Is llC\'C!r sl.aguaut. The tem1 "hcrllugc" Is lurulucsccnl
:.omcUmc5, dl.5mt"lJ sometimes.

Coufus~d underatn.ndlilg or 'cltl:hJes•

·nu: vcrdld or the bold m~trolo~r or liH~ no.:L Grc~orlan (.CntUI)'
121 sl) will be lhat the- writers or text hoot(~ of this cenlmy ncvr:r C\'r.U
understood the tases of the l~r:.hnJquc.n g•vcu Itt what tln!y n:gsud~ a!!
'r:Inssfcs'_ Mnuy of the of those •cra.ssct~.,ortte brilliant nstmlogc:rs.
But they wrote. rlown wh<~l ~ tJH:lr nbserv<ltion.o; dlctat~d l':ty l.hc:
c~lrr.umst.~ of U1t:lr tJm~ and thdr f.m'Ij h.llt.rsyrn:ras1~ whkh
~hnpcrl their th1nltlng. Th~ escap15l g~ncrntJon of astrologcn of
5llt:\~t:etllllg n:nturk'i,
. pru Ucularly of Utls century. ml5tOOk U1r.m for
lnfalllblc ~um:lu!'ilons.
From tlml QllC ~rlou5 ml!!taxc. the next lncvttnblc: knp wa~ lnlo da.rknese. by lh~ wrllers of book.s aud rediLOP.'i of a:!otroll)gl~il
JoumnJ:> knov.'Il for tbelr t!X:Ce55:1vc dogmatism. 1l1c. result wa5 thm
even In the MevcuUes of thlc; cr:n1my R v~ry fHmmus Hludu aslmlogcr
wrote that lf Satum 1.1.'H5 tmnstttJng 111 the 7th house. from anyouc'!:!
tag1m. II was ~ VC:I)' ln.'lusplc1ous time for nuunogc
llu~se 'Vt'1'll~rs have contributed uothhtg hi <~ ue:w ami r+.J.dltAU ~·
lhlnkJug .almut thos-: obsc:rvauon:s. Tintlr owu n~trology was rnught In,
~the vlcwlr:...~$
wtuds· ~f lhc:lr owu ·chaolic uud~lmutltt.g uf)yCJtishtt.. No

/nfi"'(1JI';./I'Q(I f1nw:r 'Te:knlque1 ol Astrglog<::JI P®idlons Vol. One
greater proof of thl::. ts n~ded than Ito aJ1 the tr.mslatlons and
c:ommen{url~ :ivallnbh: on Brihat ParrJShara Hom Slto.stro, Briho.r
Jurnko. SaruartltlJ Chbltamani. .\fannsagari and Sa!cwalL Slavish and
lmdlot!Jll h<t~ l~en their dogmaUc sUmct ol\ thc:..-.r. hooks.
They thought that If thL'Y t.-vt:r caUr:d tho:"'c obscrvaUon!t as
<IJ1yth1ng l.:llhtT than conchaslon..">, tht:y would r.rr.:.1JC n mCMgcrJc of
t~rs for thcrru.~l ..'eS aud get gohbl~rl :by IL Hcn:l.vfore. 5tu~h has beeu
the C0115Ctlf\US among these a.o;trologcni who WCl'C. a!!i Utou,~th. llfrald or
lQukl!•g hldcou~ \x:cansr. Uac:y lmd no rr_-;c:<m.:h of thdr o\\o-n to sUmulall':
fn::i'h thlnk1ug wltJuJUt tluhtg much v:lok.JIL't'. lo those am:lcoul lrxt.s uf
Rt;I:Tology. There Is absolutely no io1n of any dlffcrcmcc of opinion ln the
c.-,mmentarlcs written by a. Sury11.namtn nao. Subramanyn S.'l..•itrl,
B.V. Raman run~ng tlsc:m Qr from the VIL"\Wi cxpre!<>!.CLI hl older ta:xts,
Both B. Suryananili1 lli\r.'l nnd B.V, l<am;m V.'l'Oic on Jaimln£
a.!it rulo.ey wlth ~lou.!! tJ:clmicru dctl<:lcnc1c..'\. the rormtt u~vcr even
lc:~Ung hi!; tr.mslnUou to sec that lhe PruJa l.£lonrt (!Iill never br. In lhc
6th. 8lh ur 12th lmusr.s from the lagn.,. awl. the lalkr. wrHin.g a whole
book on Ka!achakru Dashu which ts totally ~troncous ~v~n ln the
method t•f calculating the dasha. F"rom this poor h:1;hnleal murttng
P•~tnl, Ihe bQ(lk L<> a scrle!:> Qf r.Ups tntu blunttcrs frnrn the beglltutug lo
uu~ end. None ot' thes~ writer.:; r:ve:n doubled Whclhc:r tbc: ancient lc:A.15
Wt:t~ t:ornpltte. not l:nrrupt and wltho·ul ;my tul~rpulallou.
1l1ey never C:Vt'U e:qm:s9cd .any bold and clear c•t>lnlonlu tct:oncUc
whal aru r.lcar mutr.uilcunna, To treat lhnr.c :mclt:nl bonkH a!> dasmc.s
nml thcu to lreat lhdr mooern ltatt!.lJitot~·clutH.:ounneutato~ Uke B.
Surynunrnlu RHo, B.V. Raman and oUJcr.s as mollcm aulhontk-'> on
lllD~I: oooks nnd "l!:> 3$Uvh:tgen> of high lnlclleclu<l.l ~talure 1S IO
pcrpetuatt: a dogm;L Then: can Ul!\'l!t" be auy Ingle 1n the bdJcf that
thr::r~ must be one and only one conclusion Oowtng fmm Un~ ancient
StalolctJ.., and StJuas.
It ls only hooks of Sh~sluulrl lyer. K.S. Krlslmamurthy ba~c:tl on
Nirldi 1\Slrohlgy of .Mc:eJta and •f>rt.>dictlr~g UtJt>tcgh Jaiml.lll's Chara
Da.sha" or •Predfctfng tllrough Kara1o:vn.sha and Mandook Dasha.·lha•
hrt)k~ .some of lhcse barrter-oo Wit:~ I n:.rnaJus lu be doiU: L<l; stn~r.crtngly
en~·n·mouF. ..

The longevity (actor

Nn slugle mcthml or r:;tlt:ul;tllug; the
span of Ufe wurk!'l. 1\tr.tlka.l
pJOgJ(:'>, has malle C\'~11 combluat1ons (or #xalarishla lo•Jk rldliJIIIous.

LlmltAtiona Qf
Trllcalagnas too have lhdr llmU~tlons. 'Oar.y lmvc n-..achc:(l a level of
tllrdcr~hiiiCltllg wh!t:h js far superl(lr lu uurs, the tmny 1n01tals. But
tJu:y too gl'I'C: dllferc:nt explanatiom; of the phenomena of the ?t'Orld '"'~
Hilt: ln.
IJ l'i 100 el<lborate a toplo. Enough ll .ls lf we remember tht great
V<":dn· Vyas whom rlsW5 approach~ hefore Kallyuga \\'il5 to begin.

8 In 111c r.om1pt ern of l<nll W(ll11tl be ltlc u~tun! of the world.
rellglo11 <mal $0c.:lc:ly was lhr. tlucstlou uppcnnom 111 their mlnds.
The !lfc.,l \b1a Vyns. ~-..ld In rm unbdlt:vHhlc \lf<'Y that he hRd tto
a..nswer a!. he h.uJ uor lul{tWll All UJt: tnltwa... (l~len~nl.s) or
t.he ......orlrtl
nu·~ rl5hl.r;; lomulll tlllli~ult lq hc:llc:VC'l Uar: st<ilc:menl i111tl ;c~kcll him who
was then~ who JmdctsiU(Irf ll. ile said uuly hi~ L1tht~r Pam.liham. who
we br..•Hr:v~ rightly or Wl'Ongly, g<tvc. u5j!JoCfsfttl SIJOslru for our ngc..
ll1r- rl<:;hl~ w·cnt II) Pnm~lmm mul <:~Skeel hlrn whfll would b~ the
cod~ for KallytJga... Tiu:: Pr.mlshnm SmrUi <.~arnt: to h.· wrm~n ~tvtn~ sn
m;my rci;\XnUmLo;; as are not ;wnllahlc Ill I he rl~td Morau Smrtli.
\'t~lla Vy<~~tt ;Ldmltled that hi!' Ulvtur. lmuwkd~t'. Wn~ lw:ornpl~te!
ll-lkzilagnas l-ln! far IOU hocluw Ill Ihe ~lc:. Iklow IJ1'= h' :w: Uu~
utht"r saint~ aud yogls whosl" llmtl.ilUou~ au~ tQO rnnny.
WhtJ tllt"O can c..-xplrlln thr: mr•h~rlr;.o; IJf His Llflltlt~NI! ·n,.~ arl..""\\T.r
I~ I JJ-: H loll C.?

The raucous frog

H11W dn you then like thr: hrm~c t!f rLII u:;tmlog,•r whu dnlms to
speAk like iiU Huthorlty ou :•II th(: rny.!olcrh.:~ <uul la~nli.Rble 'lulrks of
human deo;.Uny ?
Koopa Mmtclookn Ute S."'o!'>krU rdt~r.. h) lh•~ fro~ 111 tl•~ "·cJI wlllcll
Llndcs t.hHl 11 lu--ts all lhe knm.. l~ctg,~ of Lhe world. \\brsr or aU those who
;tpprmu:h thL-: astrologcT go with rtu: CX(Jcrt~llllll tltul h.-: wnulct he ablr
ltJ c..'tplnln :-1u1l prrtllct cvtr)ihlll~- Awl ln c.:oun;c of lime )'(Ill ilucl tlt:HI
th~ big cro~ltlng frog cnlled tlw il!itrolof);ct· tre:l1L!S hlr; owu followtu~ of
!intllll fmg..,. th~ rJS!'i<X-'intton of fruJ!,s. lht": ~1lOUsor.-w u! lhc frogs. lhr-
publlclty nml promotion of the frog~. II L-;: whotl I ~t!nt h• lmvr. Wllll'hcd
thro\tgh all Utoc dt~des.
13ul I n.m .:oncemc•l ,,nth myself nnd my lhniiH(I(Ill~. I rnn from
astrologt;r 10 and found Umt ~dz 1tlll! (I( tlu~rn tuul
llmltat10n3, l~rrtblc llntitaiJon~. Ouly r1 few tHimltt\:11. Others wen;
4ingry or lnsolcnr ami :trrug;mt

Varollnmihiru's dashn system

A Jl1."f"!'iOO bdiln blg r.clc:brnUon fur V;tmJwmtJtlm .r;;oiDe )' r~J. t
nsk~d pr:opk lo Jell me what "''''.i IJ•~ 110\.'.ihn usc,J hy this grent
astrologer. Ouce, a.Jillpur il,!;lrulng~r clRirn~d lhi-tl. h~ lmt.·w II •md v.uultl
n:vcal II but he 11~\'cr did <!Jill 13 perhnp~ dt'<lll n•Jw. \\{u; II nil bnscd ou And [!l!lhi b~a'1 If yt.s. whlcll wa~. tltt" tnl'tlmd of c:<~lculallcm he
fr>llowc:d out o( U1c four types know11 lo 115. llow ffiAflY know IJ1at U1c
ra.shi andgmha baJCl5 rue to h•~ ca.ku1Rir'•l1n four ""~Y:> ~ntl not one, m>
:some col'l.Jput~r-s and book.... give, dcp~lldhl}! on lllc rJt:tall_.. of Ihe btrth.
nlr: fimcUon wru; a ~:treat SUC'(:ess. 'rhc. tdf'Vlslon cm·cr~d IL Uu!
n~W~l>!r-> r1::portt:cl and a ulli<JUIIou:s pollllt:al !lt~uU;u:y <il.SO !iiK.lkr:
Someone was d~ tbed as tnudcrn \'hrcthamlltlrn, lltl1•.s were t.lbtttlmtct.l,
~orne: were hc~noun:d lrnr11tionally 1Yith :slwwls No trnt." nskr:d tllr:
lnconveul~u' qucsll!lll whnt wa:~o t!1~ dashn \~r-.ila;u111hlrn u~J.

1lH' legenrt ha!'i It lhal he ur.t:rl a dashil Utrough which he r.onlcl
pn:tlld U1at I he sou uflhe klug who hml t!ttlpluyc:d him wuuld he kUit:tl
by n \brallo tboru), Th~ ldng proftch.:ci hla son by kc(:plng him conOm:d
to a p.ililcc but. a metztl L'Oinha feU f.-om Ule roam and U1e prlnct:.
llljurecl h."tclly, coulrt not !illl"\'lvc.:. 11u: gn:at :'ilory l!i tolrl mHI retold hul
JUJ one ask& the IIICUII\'CUir.ul <IUCStlon - Wh~l Wi\.!'i lh~ tht~ha
v.tro.tuun.Lh..lm v.>as us1..11g_ When! ls ll lo5t"? CRn we filvJ out? No, the
spirit or Inquiry is dtnrl, 11u:: cr...kbnHion l!? all lh~t nmttc:r5.
D~putr 111o all thal one get..s. wh~u out: begLLl!i to n:dil'iCova all UJI!II
lost knm.,·lcdgc.

And who can nght the lncvitnhk'r" \\\! lalk o! lh~ ~rt:al
Bhasknnu.:haryn who llxcd the mnrrtnge of hts O\lf"Il daughrcr nOer all
Ci\lculflUorl'> b&ll .-.he ~me willow e-oon •dl~r hr:.r rniUTiagc.

Jalmtnl rlshl tnlk(!d of 5e\'t.n karrtkRs. Hook!'i ilfkr hooks luwc
h~c.m wrlllcu wllhoul anyoue lrylt-.g In fhttl why k<ir<tkas other lhau
Atlllllrnlclrrts were meullom~d. I wc1tllo nu.. ~c schulars aud dlt'W hlauk.
{n n l.rnln joOmt~ o~f:'ldr.JJtaBy hl)w IJJ•~ mi'!Hnlng o( ll coultl be g;llhen:d
is ~~11"t 1 have d~&..-rlbecl.
\'c:s, I rr::mcmbcr~d Moorkh:lu:tndll who saJd lhal t.tu~ knnwltrlgc
was tlCil tcM hut C!4Wcrcd <tml w~ hH"'c: tu tll~uv~r 11. l>lttcovcry means~
sptrll uf h•ctulry uot Ihe conc:ocllon c1f onc·s uwn n~t.rologtr.Hl eonfusi<ms
lnlo nn unsclcntlflc methodology of prt<rllctlon. l11t:1·c 1s ...0 much In
IJtose hldtkn ltt<"iSures whleh ,.;e IJHVC: lu dl!!".C'OVr:r: \'v1ty has Jillmlnt
mcnUon~rl all the~ <tnd bhava. ghctitilm lllf!,n&U> and so mauy dasha
111caggrcs!:>ivc frog~ an: nmugllng P..n~!>harn amllgnnrlugJ1\lnt1ltl.
TI1c ynuugcr gc.u:ralluu, wllh a ~teutUlc- bc:nt of ltlhul awl ~plrll of
tnqul.t)• I'll llu~re. wllh Us own excellent education, 1111..")' will do II In any
c<u>c-- Thnl b the hope we mu~t have_ 111c living ovt~-publi~:Jscd
n...<~lmlogers do nnl have une line .ar
orlgtn.:ll rcscan:h IJJ any of th~
1UteJ'Wl1 nr.ld~.

Our mistakes
Is tltt:rc n ~luglt honest llvlug astMlogcr who ~:au s:t)' lhctl he has
not CfJCTUnlltcd .serious m15lakc lu PC.Rdlug nnJ predicting n horoscope?
\\~ h<tVe 11 n!COrd of lrngiC pen;Otl<"ll failun=!!o hut "lit~<!~ busy Ul f)Qillllllg
out others· f;J.Ied p1-edlcUons :md gctung ckllghrcd nadl.stlt.'ally. Wllllhi!i
e,.cr sJop'l WUI a~trolo.gcrs revive a genutnr. ami huucsl t;plrlt of
hltJUI.ry? Nu. A ucw will spr'lng ua• and proclaim the great VCdlc
hcrllngc. 11sc \'\:das do not contuln pn:rtlctl"'C astrology at nU.

New F.aneles
In Jht- mr.autlmt.: u ucw hr~uc:h of <1s1rotogy h;t5 h~comc popul~~r

F'lnor T«:tlf't,QUat of Astr~lc::tl Predictions Vc4. One lntTTJc/uaJan

called Mt!rllcal J"~tro!og!:l

wh!ch l5 <J potpourri o( nl1 cotnbln.a11ons for
nrishta wttJ 1011 t any method or cl1.'1gnoslng any d 1M."<I &e. \VIa at t~ tr&t.'f1Ic:at
In all U1ti cx~cpt the clever suhstuuuou of tilt'. classical word 'art.shla'
tuto mcdlcal'l

Mundane aatTol6gy
There. hns hecu no rt!S¢:-U"dt In munt!nnc astroloru-· un a large
scale, ex~t·pt 9lrt!C sl.rny artlclcs which have appcan:u tn the Joumnl oj
A.:;trotogy. H Lo; ;:m n~ which ncr"d$ do~r 111\lerollg,auon.. Oond rruttJy
ar't!k'1!. lw..,·e beL'lt ~plom but not ic:-~rcd cmpir lcally yc.L Lenders
ch;utgc pa.rtic:t.. gcttnvolvcrl in h1gh plilacc lnu·a,:tUt::5- rcmlr11sccnl of tlu~
Mcgltul durbars, get lnvoho·ctf in st';Hns. !'i\\'~~:u· hy MahO"ltm:l Ci1mlht. gr. t
1lmh1k !JO!JIItl..s do"~· gl:t grttnl)' s~lls0L'Il uurslng 110 g\1111. the rrrunlru
ror success hi politiCS, nr pn:dlc:t !or them. about tht:UI ls Ult! hlght+~~t
romance o( modem astroloror about '"'hlch lhc1 t• Is nfJI r1 sln.glt" hint. In
whnl wr; hnvc. In our slvPQr £or our iJtj~rrallon f•:.r •.lid botJk.-..

Wdtldering between two worldf!.

11u':r~ Is thal world nf oltl usfrnlugH:at ca1w•·pt5- whtr.h nn:
:ntllquHicd auct. lhe n~w 1111c yd lu br: bom. OW! IHHY :>14}'. Ilk~ M.aUmw

Politi~ oranrology
011r gcncraUons wilt clc:~a..-rvc. to he comlr.muccl afi or opport1111lsUt!
!i<':ClUrulrd~ morr. am:1ous to pmmnlr tlu·tn~"dVr.) fllau 1o mmlrml~
jyotisha. A gnug lc!u.lcr 1mlulglug In astrology Ilk<: the crimhtal-
P•)Jitlr:l;m of our em and getting n:.sp•:cted llkr= a pntrtorch br:r.4u~c he
has become old is ~omdhtug ~cmhlh1g the hlrJod U1tr:sl of it lrlbal
hcad·huntc.r. It 15 .-common ~lght now.

We will dt"-<;~n:t: to be t'<mdr:nutr.I.J fur nol bdng <lbk lo ngr~e- on
C'\.-en an a!Ja.namsha nl'ccpL'lbk u nlvt.:rsnlly he cause sorncone's
~ommen:W lnlc:~l.s ru-e hr..-otvcd. ThC're ;m: oU1crs. who h:wc ycl lo
prove thal their "di!.C(J\'l".ty' of a dlffen=rll uyanam..'ilta t.-; tmly rt:\"<lluUon:uy.

Title bunteu
The conccntrntiou v.--a:; rwt on genuine rt:1>1.~arch 111 U1esc rlccmles
bul 011 enlarging tltt! gang or S)'~t.lllllauts ror whom '!l<llll~ homhasUt•
UUe.s in jyocisha brxrune more Important Uum the great ncrll.nge of
rlshis. TI1cre W1!n: l11e greedy Oo~k."> o( p~eudo-;a.stroiOgt',-s l;v;Jt.h ln lnr!m
Hnrl rmm abroad to grab lf someone could rur.mgc 11 for lhcm.
Hu!i nstrology progr~ssed through this rlttlnl'l

Genu ond aatrology

Do tile gent!~ iu an aiHrologa~s d~h!nnlne his hr.lln"s inrmtr.
capattty to absorb what~:Vcr enters Its mcdlcally lllcxpllinible leanuug

r.Ln:ull.r)"? Arc- ~strulo~ boru or nmtlr.? ncucll(~nlly. trwcst1g11tton ln
thlg <uta wUI not be made hcc~u~r. phystcaJ st:tcm~ts tdenUfy
a.slrulogers with charli'\t.tmS ~1lQ kniJw tht~ mt only of ~ploiUng th~
gullible. In more congcrual um~:~. \vhen I'I.Strolog,v gd~ aettpted as a
!?l.~tlou!> lutc:lle~tual dl:'tclp1ln<1, II m~y I)C rtonc. 1111 that l!nJ)peras.
astrology will be tn:atcd lJI {autlllc:~ where It haa bccu a t.radiUou. as. a
brain tmplanl which nclt.hcr grow!:< nor rlctcrit•rnles, ~ vtrus wl1ich
aJwa~ ln!ccl!> bul never k111s.

Infectious lear11ing or aatrotogy

Why du pc:opk waul tn IC'. fU11 asln:llog_v'l" TI1~re an= thnsc: tn a
mtnoruy who discover In II .asp' ·•unl answ~r lu nrz!ny questions, ~nrnc
who hnlfc C.'CCcllcnt minds butllo Umr: to :mise astrology ton hi.Q.h h:vel
uf intdk.Cluru cxcdlcn~.c.. Then• -~ ~ host or g~cdy students who '\lti'Ult
to tunl professional ju~t a.s a moden1 wom;us doC!!> not mind lnfr.wUon5
of s~wil eodc lo supplcmcnt1lt!l" lncomc. 1·tu~rc arc aJso those CaUed
tlmfc.ssk..n.u:; who dlscaver. tn It, ~ way 1)f o\·c~mJng ID~hnit:nl

Astrological buffoonery
rn1tn IJie aS(TOlOg_Y Of the (OttUHe·tC!J.U:::A, Wll.h hJs parrot!; taking
out rntds iUTallgr.:clln a row, 1.() U1r. TV astrologer who predicts for cntlrc
humnnlly In u tO minute iiJlP~<mmce. Hslroi<J~Y hr~!t been as frlvolcms
as.lhc~ huJTouucr)' of a C'lrcW:l duwu. In 1mll~ Uu! twu well-known reports
r1n Ute n.,ckwanl Classc:-. l Y54 Mll 1980 has dnsslllerl <JRtrologcrt; a~
'lxlcl\u'tlrd.' ln ~ome stat~ of lht' USA aslrolrlg.V Is lr~te<l as
cntcrtntruncnl with no legal Uablllty [lr fear of being dragged to a C(IUT1
ufl:tw, Thcre ~ p~)"l::hlc!>. to nur: of whom Prince..,~ Dl.itna had goue to
get Hppnw:d for her rrutrrlagc to her Egyptian lo\'er, before her death. 'Jk
clo not as yet know what U1c prcdJcUon was.

Crna.s commen:iaUsm
TIH:.H~ t:..x~t.s In lhls era of cm'SS commc:n~!ollsm no fear of for astrologet"S who t:.xpiQtl the: g11lllblc mal make !ortunt:'l
lu Jmtln nnd ntrroad. Wh.::u t.."Vl"-J)'tJr1t: bclh....·e.s In ~lcs-nnd-purchruse. In
cun~umr:rl!>l !>OCJ~ty. a5trology mu:o.t get reduced to U1c status of n
purcha..."<able commodity. of ra.c:UlUes o! reaea.rch

TI1~rc will be some sympillh4~1lc cr1lit"s 1n (ut\lrc dtc.-=tdc.s who wtll
otpp~cinlc that a lluy grt;~Uil dltl r!XL-.1 whtl!ll tHd aU ILo.; n~s.t::ach wn.hout
any p:aronug~ and. tn Uu: mulst or all the gangsterism which
a:; battle~ flrt.

Fina.l verdict
The fl11itJ and lnevllabl~ "'ertllcl wUI b~ th•U llllldu Hstrologers,
havuu~ <o~n advantage of a gu~ul l~aq• boc~1use ;yo!tsJta. ortg111.1tcd hi
lndl~. fllp·flnpped like a piltknt of P;uklm;nn'!'i dlsease. They quRITCied
about ayannmsha. made unpi"O\-able And nuproved d.alm!i like U1e
v.rrlter r-efan:d to enrUcr nnd, dad U more when they d~covc:n-d lhal
they :Suifcrtd from an nstrologJca1 dcgenernU\'e dl5ord~r which wns

What then Ia ~n nstroJogleal reae11rcb?

An astrologll"al research can be defined a5~
I. Eternally &JaHd prlnclple11
Th~ app!IC'~Ucm cf nil llle cterrmll.Y volld nnnclples of Blm1u
ostrology In c1dtu"gcod pn:dlcii\'C tu moclem world's complt:.'(
ll!c, lis eduCRt1onn.l pattcru5. .ami t:P..n:cn-. lt!J sadu·ccouumle
Jlg5.'lW puzzles, h:~~ulfsaUIJII uf homn-se..'Luallly ;md acreplnucc- ol
leshln nlsm a~ mvtlcm way •.'f living. tin~ dil~Skl!-m tlf ancJcm t1mc.s an(l
tl1e l'<:tbU~[ O{ the f\ll'ldrutt~lltnlbOL"i ,,f oil bnuu.B., reii£\(IUS (SemiTIC!,
lde!OiogtC'<1.1 (commuul~f :uul ('CJJ11Llltstl, C(•mmerctal (ruuiUnatlonz·l.l~'),
·nu-: arc~n I$ ron \7'151 <~ml ~II c;ut l'X'l go:m~· Into with r:muhknr:c as Hlntlu
;l~lllllu~v Is " IUnlllcs!i rc:pc.-rlnlrr. c1f tr.rhnlque..... Hul wlm wlll do
r~&·;u-dt h1 nil lhesc -and prorhu:e them wllhoul Ulc:: {c;!J· of lhrlr hctr•L~
C.'-1Jlnllcd C(nnmr:IT.Inlly ()f, pl<~glnrl5ed by \lrrltor.; o( .nstrolop;,y books'/
2. Parameter$
t;YCf)" research musl tmv~. luridly dcUnro paramt".t.cr5 bru;cd nn
sctenllflC'.nlly va!td pr!ntlples, Such parnmetcn. ill'C' clearly spdkd oul
\I\ books llke • Plancr.s an(l CIJrJdren·, • Pn.·r.Hctin.9 UuoU!III ,Jalmlnf,·
Clawn Pnsl1o·. ·r.'rerUr.liJI[_J ll1muyll Knrakanl.'iho rmrl Mandool\ Di.J.:.nn·
and C1111cr !:1-lllltlllr oook:l which hi\\'C l:niiiC nul In lhr: nhi('UL'!io ofllu! :.:nth
3. R£p1lcation
lllert t":HL!h n:.!ie~reh m11s1. have: lnhcrt:ll' lr 1 11 tht~ iltfi>ictlon of lf5
rcprat;tblllly Ot.:lll.'r lmuv.11 a~ Ill(' prludple- nfrr.tlltr.nllou. A \Vdl lm(rwn
m;trologer h<~s hccn <1J}1In!Wl :>I<Hislk;tl rc5CIIrc-ll bcf!IHJ!'.C he n~~r tll<l
any lllms.e.lf. or t:nuld ever tlu 11. tn th\~ \\ Mlrh<'l Gi1.uqudln dld 11
most d1~nstr1JU.Sl)' as ht~ luu:w un pn•dlcll\'t- lcdiiiiCJUC o.:nd dhl nil lhr.
!.O·C'nlied re:->ran:h ...,.-Hh ~r·v~·u piHII~I'i uuly ;nul. wtll1u111 l'ttJ!JCJ ~:harr~
whldt wC!;tcm -astml~·~· (IO('!'oo Tttll hnw -rlanl'l.5 and Childn."''l-.
• Predlt:lln,!l through J(titmru's t.;'llt 1.m Dtlhha·, ·p~·~rllcUng throu!Jf1
l(amkam...r;lln ru1d Jf•1rldook 0{bllf!" I rave llt:en lf'~ft'tJ an hundred." of
horoscopes n!l o\•er lhc world 1111d lh~ re-!mlls Jm\'r hcr:n ~pco:tnr.ular. II
blasts the pel lhCOI')' ol' f1 Wln~tll astroltlgcr fhitl ~l;i~Jsllt':i\1 n!."iCiln:h
hn5 no uUIIty In Hindu rn;IJTJI-:·~·
4. Mlcro-rcst:arch
There shou]rt ~ mlcm·r~;;e:al"'1he,;. to h~ lt."~lcu htteu~JI.'dy. Thr:
samplt: dmscn shouttl he ~n~<tll Hn1t hlll llw Jlrolltl ~hnuld be Ullen51Ve.
In a micro resca1~h. the Htlvanlu~( Is I hat lht• l1!.~~a~hn •ur group,,,~ Is
hclng done in th'l' !".r:('IJIIIl St~NIOII ,, .Joum6l or Astrolo-gy. l"rUI '.'t:rU\'
lhe\CUp~·-':i l.11!hl~ I~SI~.

5. Sta.ttstlca rly va.lld N!&etzreh
A rest>nreh proven to lx: valid staU.sllcaJty 1n 60% cases 5hould be
tll~ staruug ()OltlL tu enlarge tl w!lb slmulta.ueous dlmlnatlon or errors
ln 40% an:n of f~Jlures, After som~ years, the sam~ n:.searcll shoUh1 b~
re.b~5ted, even rev1s~d. If some errol"'5 ha\'~ crept tnto the data or 111 U1e
mt:tl1nd<>lt>g)' or ;walysl~.
6, Atnt ls 80% accurate:! N!.tult.s
When 80% accuracy ls reached ll hns to be accepted as .a n:n.lly
v-cdld n::~r~;h, \~ got, tn many C"RSI!};;, a ffi\IClt h~er pc:rcen-rnge
alrt:ady. Aiming at a hundred percent fltturacy Is never possible for
many rea.soru;.. tlu~ .mallt dtlflculty b<:lng tllc accurnl"y of the birth dmr:.
7. lli9her percentage can be reached
In f>omc CiiSC,~ It may he po~slh1~ sllll tn T'ClWh a pt:n:eutage hlghr.r
than r-Ight)'. tuvmlahly. I !ere It must 1Je n~rnentb~tett lltaC when a
research Is ba:3ctl on 1Llhl:!.!l!b·ruls,; Ilk~ ohscrvnlton. a5 wDJ be cll".'1r
(rom the -study of Rohu ln the 3n1 house In thls book, the dtecldng i5
fa5t rmd the dnm CRn ruso be vr:ry l.nrb'e. If ll l" an lnlr:n~ive ~~rch.
wh1ch l~ based on t.'•'lJYil cltarl.s or more than one dasha, conccntrnUon
should bt! on the synUl~lt- ami not on the vastn~s of the ria ln.
8. Enlarged predictive framework
1l1cn oue t:an ent;u1~e the JU~dlcUve framework which ls the need
for Lhc compte.., Ilk ol our age. ..Jyotfsha alone con provide tt, Hindu
astmlogy being U1c most. tl~-clop~u. h t& pos~iblc wtU1 the younger
gciiCiillhlll ur Hstrologt!CS IC"arlllllg IIIOrt.' and OlOt"C! lcchnlques IO do 1!.
9. Group rei$Carch
TI1e group research lJ5 Jnusl u~duL i11ough lu U1c researnh pnper
publlshr.d the ln.staiU!r:!' gtvcn arr. In th~ mnlllp1c:~ nf fi\'t:, ht the ac:tual
da~!l mom tt:!'lUtt.g Uu~ Ogure t-cut:ht:d t-Tns:scl!!> muuy huut!rctls. In U1.,l
sc:~s!«:, tbt:se research p~pt.N will b(' the beacon llg1lls for .a5l.rolo~ers In
the nc~t century,
10. Sr:mlnarsfor testing re.sf!arches
l::ach IJ.'t"lkr nr i1 n:st~rch paper tnUSI J)n:.Sttll h!s n."Sca.n:h In
regular seminars. We hove~ bccu huvlng our monClsly scmhlilr'S 111 lhr.
Bhamuy;~ Vlrl}-n Bhawnn ;~Hcmlccl hy Ht lea~t 300 ~1\lllr:ut~ Ju whll.!h lllt'
~e<tr~h·papt"'r.t. puhltsh~d 111 lhc Journal of Mttology an- dlscw:.sccL
11. The .st(mulu.s it provides
A chain of tC-5t'rttch·~11hlt•t·ts cmcr~ l.llll {II tlll:;;. procedure :as
mnny -.ohad~nl!> gel 11('\\7 idc:os. (lllr-. I~ rhc Orsl t'\'cr ar1cr1nu:nt lloui!
anywhet'l: tn U1e \\.'Orl£1. a.s f:u :1~ "Nl' kJ\•)W.

Modantization: faiAe or tru~?

A1Jt!)l:t.lsat1on of jyoti:>ha ts. nol modcnllzatlon just as n Hlntil
tronslnllon of" Gret:k llknlry l•lll~'!il'.' will rml make II :t moden1 20'''
cc:utury work. Til~ datm ur flr!>l \\TIUng Ill El~lbll olboul and Orl
jyoclsha gncs to !iOUih Indians VC:f)' rl~lly. whu J(:amt the Euglbh
l.rmguilgt'. much hdo~ r-."orth httllatt-'i. Dr.t.-.!use the· British ships
rcru:ht:tl ports or the South. ccntllrlcs ago. Tile t\luslim lnvndrr.>
rtne~" Techniqt.~ of Astrological Predicllo!lS Vol. One /nrroduct;rcrr
reached north lndtn U~rough Khyber nml &hm ptt~es whlk the Brtusll
rea.chcd Bengal and :south halla flr.:-"1.. Starting, to leam Engl~h
langungc. ~nd even ;u:ccpUngjohs under fon~lgneT5. unltkc the Hlndu~.
c.xc~pt tJ1e lwyasUlllS of nortlJcrtl lndta. who accepted jobs C\'t'll 1lurlng
1\fO!}hul times, famlll&rll.)' :;~ncl even cummuml of Englu.h cuuld b~
acqutretL 11um camt: the rnlnun.g press. The tr.idiUonal hold of somt·
f."lrnlllc~ of aittrotoglcal knowledge W<lS IJrokcn. Stmy su~ct"..ssc!!> of ~me
In dlffen:nt language.~ was re~1dy ror the Engllsh Y.Tilcrs on
astrology whose resot1 to the t.-telt of lifting thLSc mntcrlal and putting
thcm 1n Engil~h wlthout even acknow1rdgtng IL 1.5 wcll·lmown plrtgt;trlsm.
These work~ gol dlvll!ed lulu t";Jicgorlc..'>. Englt~h trauslnuou~ r•t
puollcatloni; tn lndtan langurtgc~ which wa:o. ut-.·~r tlcteclt!d ami :-L rnorl'
eleva parnphrastng of 111~ tiiUlol~tlons wh1t!b had dc:c(:pti\'C ort.glnallly
about U1em.
11u:.~ h;wr. llms heen only twn t}11oC!!i nf hnnk.c, ln t-:ugllsh 011 t llmlu
at~iroiOlt\', tnutslaUIJtts t'f tr.lHslaUou~ r_~r n t.~' style: tJI' \I,Tlllt~ IU
which lhc comblrtatlOil~ Wlllt'h haw: l~t'll (lUI IJ( lllllC ror rt'··~ illlmlrctl
to our. lhou::.nnd ycnf':' b~cn n:prod11ccd, lltl' wnndcr I~ lh:tl th~t1
h•u1k.. "-•'II auul f\TL' !\till h•·tu~ \\'TIIIrrr1.
llw Joumol nf AsLrology wltkla WiiS start~d \I."LUl tllt: illm ol
111PIIf:m!H\rlg .n~trolo1W hns nlrrndy prn<hlcl'd m<my rr.pBcahle <Hill
~uuud tt::!:('atdt tJ:-tll.,'rs. NorH.:unuut:n.•Lal. nllll purdy 111
npprondt. lhr :rc~em-ch gmup 1:'1:\T1:5I!>r.s ol lht! .:~amy l.1yo:P~ of U1f:
ellthi classc:s of lllllla, /\U llnH lhr. tram of rt~!i~RI"('he~ ll~<.'tl Is tnut~
iilld mon:•. c~;p~rlr:ncc or pn:rlh;llvL• SUI.'~r:::f>::-.

Urnnus, Neptune and Pluto

·nu: oth(:'r prulllt'm l'i how o;Jtuuh·f WC" "5t-rr.r fi~Jr of th'" twe> r.t:ho<lls
or astntlogy. IJIIC tiSIII~, l\;<!plun~· ami PluiO Ill llllulu ,tslroluJlV
and, the oUter slouUy uppt.1~rj lo II? 11ws.: l11:1t usctllllru:lutlc lhe L\l.l'='
~- 1t lklkar of Pun~. In .1\rm::rlc.t\, It aHccb IIOIIl' nnct c\·cu do~ nol
HIJJlCitr !.lr.tuge to r\lherLL::iiiJ!\ it~ IIH:y il(f" u~l! lu lhC.-t.;C pbmet.s
r.mploycrllu Western nstrology wh11'11 h:-.s nu Llusha syslt!llL lklkilr h;ul
uo ;u~wt.r when at l\;ulp111' he wa~ a:;kr::;i 111 an nstrnlt•glcal tourc~,h~e
111 IDBS. l<1 J.II"W•'e how coullllw 1~xpt;m1 lhl" h<tppon111g of 1111 .-:v-.ul nn
U1c hasl!l uf a !IO!Ja. Lf ;my. (rJnJ14!tl hy lh•~· phwt!l~. or C:..'\llltllll ~-HI C\'clll
by s.1y, r.o1u1ng an cxprt". "'5lon llltc. 111 .. d./1': •uuhadL15htJ o.J Rolm u.nd llw
antr:zrtfasht1 af Pllllo" ;ur l'l.'('rtl look p~<H:1:, 1\dkar (nU~·d lo cvnvtm•s.•
anyon~ Ul the: cunfL-rellc~. 111•' 'l>li111'.' prr~ur'c ••f Ur... uu:'l, N••plltllc <w•l
Plulo. 111 CllliiUncllon with Ollt or IIH· 111111' plnncts. I~ all tJt;U t\dkm
115<!11, tu ~XJ,faLu away 1111 c=\'cllt Ill ~prllllu~ •• mHrrLag~. Olllc~r~ MJ!.llt:ll
l.hnl II wns ~;:Jt·nr ·~v.;u r.ollt•:r.vl~·~ Wllho1tl IJrnrms. Nt:phllll" :md Pluto.
A.ul lllcu. lalk!Jt~ u~ nulrlllll h•tL.,hlll ·Is llk1.• tmn~lntlng ;"l!l U51mlt•gy
boolc 111 Sanskrit lnro iiHY h1111Jiat lnJLgU;tg•! •lr l~uglJ.!.h wltltoul llhll
lr.~ttugyour un<lr.r.;tmHitJLg of lhr: !1/llokm~. em m;my horoS~:npt~- til~
Or!;l re:rort of au nsh•Jh•glcal t'IIY:anl \'bu luwt; out~· to m;~n)' to ~uiTcr
marltallcuslou. SIY~ llll aperlcnccd ma1rtcd C!~twln!.!c:r. whcLhcr sul"l1

a combination t~ th~:re lu the horoscope or nol. Why then !ieek !Slleller-
under Unmus, Ntplune and Pluto to CA-pl!lln all wh.o.t l~ so clc:ar and, a
matter of everyday aperlence of all mruTicd people?
Astrologers nr the next century wtll denounce most or us of this
century as U.ns<:.lentlflc tn our outlook, phys!.cal scienU!:.ts
WIUtout !!howlng lh~lr own mental dl5ctpl1nc,
Astrologer!!! chron1c11tng fate:~ wah hlllar1cus bluff called
p5ychology, or predlcllng about what needs can:ful
chc:cklug fall Into such mental traps £Ul even Aristotle feU. Bertrand
Rusaell tn n1m fell Into liUCh a trnp himself when he, In one book.
dl.sbdl~es th~ supernomwl aud tn. •Why r Arn Not a. Cltrr:.itan",
dc.scrlbl!d Jestl5 Chrl5t as a s.adl1st bct:RU~ he cursed R ng tree.
Russell nrv~ realised thnL If the supernormal never aistcd n t:UI'!'iC:
could nof havr. killed a IT~:r:.
But t11en throw {h·c: Mones 111 dlifereut din:cuoru:.. 1\vo otthem wUI
fall on Uu: ht'ad or a!'itrologe~ or. lhMI! who think that th~y are
a:rtlrotoger.; bcc;m~~ o! their lurr.itlc- attracuon tor flstrology. Yes.
astrolt•g}' has lu~t:ume a mnucy '!>]llnnlug lnrcc:ttnn. 1ucu1-n.hlc: yel
(asctuauug- aud fashiUIIRblc::. ju~t as E\ 'touch or (:()11!5\ltllllllOII' WuS Ill
fh~ Wghcr soc!al clrcks of Vlclodan England.
A :!ianer gt;ru:rnUun Q( a.!tlmlCigc~ will pas!> Utnl verdlr:L n.u ours:
•tho'... W.crr......qlU}~m\:. and l"'r]ll Nfcr DQW~J:" ;md m~.__nQ.l....LnulL
'Dtt;y wrrc UruiUr:l;ms so:kiiU! honour bv hoo}<. or [)IQ()k",
A publl!:l1Wr Ht;lrologtt!al OOOIDl Cl.lnlf>hJit~ll lll 1997 lllil1 OUL of
nearly 20 bot1~ lhHL t~;atl come: ouL as racw Utk~ a!) rnany liS l7 were
p1Hglar1~d hook-!. ;md 3 on Pm.r;hnn With ouly uttc: cuUinil)itt~ n:~rtth
whUc the oUter rwu wcr~ totally ~ubstautlanl for readers who ha\'~
aclvnm:c(1 sullklcnlly In lhcii :;tud.lcs of astrology already. l11l" 5-0ilrr.c
for nil Pm~hnn ~In~ Shulpancllnslka. Tcyik Ni:clakn.ntlll or 111 Rer:ttl
years Krislmarnurt/Jy Plllldl!nll ond St:tmt: other works, the nuthors
ap~nrt!d ro be cutu11ng faxes who kn~w th-11 there we~ publ~hcr.oo
who cn11hl ll-t.' foolc4llluo acccpUnj.! mam•st•rlpts. l~deT:o; rlcm;~ml
lucidly lllustr;llci.J aud ~harply fCJ<:u~scd tll"cu~ton ufHitclcut astruloglcnl
prluclpks (ot Ihe dny lcr day ll(t< of modem life.
Tiu: mnl"':" u,,~;:~n:·~55lvt" wrltcr:s, know the nn o( wrlllng ln a trr.ndy
Wq}' llmt hH~ rom~·· ''·' !1l;1y. lh~ p~t:udo 1c.x1 buok st-yle Willa no
ortglnruuy but wHh p-n:.fu~ re.ferencr_., ••::t tho: riSilis. \-t--dlt: tastrolOI_J!J, a
Sansk.Til QUntallon ,,ml soms: h(•ros.c-npes fo lllustralc what t!' clll:llt
rhl\lr.u aucl wdl lmmvu, nr.r:cUng uo ru~w cxplsuwtton, \Vhnt lhey wruc
a1-c uut buoks but <"go lrlps ln wh.lclt you flnd thclr patholo~caJ
lnnblllly to llb~mh• lhl.'mst:l\'~ from tllctr •wuro5cs, Nowhere III tho!'.~
hr,(lk..., l,. Utere tUI.}' hii.~IIJgcflC'c- 1111:~11" ls I he lllr!VI~'iblc: slouJ.tll of
mt.•tllncrlty m1LI frnndukllcc, Th~~ Is diabolical cle< to cu... urt"
re~ul;tr now of rnllllt:}'. or dollar!;. pound!'i nne! nlptes. 5(1 Uu:tt~ Is H
fo11U\llfl nvnllHhk u! wrltlug ;mel the ahlllly tu splu out .an n.rtlde Qf a
llook ~:tr both. llw Hhlllty lo .-1lrny lrom fuudnmcntn.l~ of a!itrolngy ruul hi
mtlk iill lnt'(orwlusiVl! rcsr.:tl.fCh, I.:La~ctl on pl<tgll.\rtscd rnatcrl<tl. and
Finer TechrliQu~ Of ~trologlc:~l Ptedlcl.~ll$ ~ Onn lnlrC)(Jvp;on
mnke It ;l}J1ook like esoteric stuff.
A vain hop~ of this ccnrury, ;1 dream. a vision thatjyott..;h~would
feel cuUtuscd to ~xplon:, ltt a splr1t or mutual respect nnrJ lutclkctWJI
sharlng a great b-'ndJUon has bn:n damaged. Can It be n::pi!ln!Ll kn the
next et:nlllry seems to worry none of those who ·«tre ! wllh the:
lmmediHte that brings them monr.y and !;Olllc publh:lty.
StagnatJon 111 astrological re..qearc1t wlll not be tlle rose now that
Amc:rlC.'1J15 have taltCJI to tl Some of the" Am-:rlt"ilflS with n bnchground
of good <:dUC.'lUon wlll be a.bll! to ~'\kc lllo !'Orne good he.tghts If they <trc
not In a hurry to do crazy e~utments as ~>ontr: professionals 1n that
cnuntry do. The blaze of 3 new tllumtnaUon Is now ::nmllnble In the
nt~ilrly 40 hooks pubtlshr.:d hy e>nmc members of thr. tcar.hlng filc:ully o(
the Bharrlt1Y<\ Vldya Bhrtv;w. lhe ou1y ortglual ~~h htloks ll! h;wc
come out 111 the last Ofty ye<\rs. c-tfter Slteshaltrl Jy~r aml K.S.
Hope must !>prlng clt:m.1) In hwn:tn breast for n bellr.r fuhtr~ fnr
Jyotishn In the n~..xt ttnlury.
Saturn-Ketu Conjunctions:
India and The World

K.N. Rao
From 1997 to 2002
Let tc; rt.'lm.mtbcr the v~ic:t ofllu..•.fomau.s l•lslorion. 1(.5. Lal tluu,lt
has alU.'ti!JS bccu easy .Jar the UIL"tidl!rs to yet trntlors from the- Hindu
society £n nortlw·m l~tdia.. which was 011 IHtfi..LSt society. (p 25 <Jj l..P.
~lmnrun: HiSCOfY of Med{eL•ai lnd'!a. - K.J\'. Roo)
l-Ib tory ts, mo~Liy, the record of nmn's blood lhlrsl. They who call
thcmseiVC\ hls.lartans h,"'ve ch~n.lcle&.l tlJe rLo.e l(t power mlghly men
uf their Urnes. Camages arc rc::Cilrdcd. How many chronicles of such
lnmltul bnata.llty remain unrf.~rdc:d must he t<:norTTI<ms. Avatlablc
history may be a rnere Lrkkllng of eudle!is stories of lnl.rlgues aud
LU!>tnlst, In rlh::tatorshtps and monarchies of earlier Urnes. II lc::d to
assnss.lnntlon:-. . In d~fJ10c:rade:s a!. we h;ive, tt Is sophl.stlcatr::d y.:t. the
maHwmons are as Ignoble as ever.. The man In power is mostly a brutl!.
For us, the a'!ltrologers. It '!hould$t u-s to know whdhct
tile~ cxl~t ~orne paramdcrs 1.11 Hlmlu asuulogy to CoteSt!e those
Llaugc-...rQu!i thnes mon: than tJtt lc.55 violent. therefore,
llcc~pUvcly lJr"".i!cclul-lT.Joklng Urnr.s. It l~ ropl~.U bcc:Ul:Sr: In the mt:Jnlh M
January 1997. Sa tum and Kctu WCI'I: ln tl1c same degrees tn Mct."llJI
while R;tlm ~md Mars too ln l<.anya WL'TC 111 th<" 5am~ degrees • Th~s.e
l'.vtl 1•alrs nf plimr.ts uppog,~lf c;u:h ollu:r. It •~ <111 omlnou:o sign for huH;~
a11d the world. lu lhr. coming month:. d~vclopmcu~ will ~hot'k us.
Dlsaslt-rs. particularly C:A" and dlsl."as.e.9 \\1II hH ncwspapl!.l·
hclldlhl~. So first ab0\11 lht: plnnctruy postllon of the English l'icw
'l'bnr._Ttwm is no a.strologitnl lxcii.s for makiny ptcdictinn..s on 1111!
horosropt_' (Jj I JmtWJJ1j of UJ'-!,J !JL'nr. AU Uta! one t."tln do Is lo look ut tile:
plnn,...lcuy p<l.<iiU;m ofthls day.

Baek. to Cold WAf' from January 19§17

Saturn £IIIli Kctu are pla1:r:d In lh,• ~~~:nth houSI! from Mars and
Hahu aud nn: 'Jult~ ,~lot>r: 111 deg~cs.. On Jauuary o. u.~~ plaw::tM got.
claugci"'usly clos~r. In ~uc.h sttuat!otu. there am tt.IU~Id of dlsea&L"S,
attcmp!s uu the liV<'--> uf tc·mh:rs ~ud itll rou1111 vlol~m:~. ?uUt:t'! HULl
rnr:dlr..:d uuthoriUt'~ will hrt\'C Ilea\')' r.;spon5tblllllr.~ to dtscht~tg.:. ;s wilt
nol _,lr(l,:e OL'Cmg"' nr.wsp(lJJCf •:..u:epl llto.w in diplomatic St·n•lo~ arl(l
t.'..~7J•'nS Ul fnt.:rrmUonn( r•?fr;tli011.!. 1/l(.l,l In JlllllulT!J 1997 lht! r;"/Jrd U'Or
Frner Tt!c/l!"IOUOs of ~troloQicaf Prod~ V;o1 One

whfcll Ul(lS nlmosl dt.!'Od bt:ltL""'\!Tl u~ Jortl!L'T j,Up.! USA and

Russlll_ hns rome bac:k In a guarded. :.t..""Cn•t anrl rlnnaerou..o;ly odd wou.
111 ,}tJ11flrJI1f 1997 l~us~i(l anri Cltfna r:uncludcct t.>conomtc OtLd maawy
(l!I'VI•mmu.s. RU55tnu SU5plclons ~galnst lhe ~~:Cn:t plnns nf USA h;n•c
1110n1 t.uhstauce now, than ln the euphoric post-pcrL--st.rnOro pcrlod of
r.nrh.tchc\', The USA has bc:cn !ilrcngh.lcu\n~ Nl\ro and se.:ms. to bt:
pl:umtng lntal nnuthlliitJon of Rut>!ilii, kuow!ng U•ut l!Lo;pltc the or
coliHp~ of the dr~clcc.l communist gl:mt. tim USSR. If. I!.! suU a
dangerous nuclear pow~r- Sooner or !Rtn. .some Russln11 nt1cr5, In a
\'CngduJ mood, can wage n nuclear war agatn~l li~A. ~cn.:tly flr openly_
Why !;lwuhl Ru5!-.IU anLJ Chl1Lf.t et:~m-e closer now, uttlr~~ Ill\! tliioger from
lht.! US/\ v.~.:.t> real ? Thes~ two contmuul:;t ~l<UI~ of lhe r.tghU'-~ hml
tilmlucd rciHtions. Now like brothers who ncc<l t:lll"h other. they lmw:
joined hands, Ou 12 Jnnuary. newspapers ~porh•1l lllnl H'l!'l.Sill hml
alrt~ndy suppllr.d mm:.t d:'lu~rr.u:; mlllt~_ry c:qulpmcul to Chlua f01 o
rm~~lb!t• pn~pnre!llless ...galn.-;1 iUl)" Amerlcau war gnmc whtdl I;HU get
slurlc-11 because rhc USA has. alreucly dcp1o)'cd Its uwu sophlshl"..!lrt;l
1111dr;ar wr.•apo!l~ In T.'lhvan TillS wns whc::n;: pairs of malcn~
l,•J.Ifll.l"'''l r-:wll• .. llwr~ F..n('ff('lctJ by NATO. Hussli=llms mH•Ie II dcur tim! II
, ... lflll);!t.:t· trust!> USt\ iltH.I II!'. t1~Jlll\'~ proclam;1Uom; for wtlrll..l pe~t.'.-t-_
~J:;A 1:> il men::cnnry country, with ~'111 t.hc e\·11:$. a carlt.\llql country h1~~
In llit\'C', II 1::. lulc:~sletl lu promoUn~ bccall!lt' Its Rrtnanu:!.Hl
lmlu~lrtc.5 cauuot affortilo lo~ hug~ profit&. Thcu China evc.r under n
ll1real from Ll!SA from lis mHtwry bRses 111 Thlv.'ftn, musl have t.lcclrlctl
Ill A''''il,:r to HH!>tltli•, Ill lhe mu1u<tl lni~Je<iH• of bmJt couulrtc.!'> No
IIIII' I!'! lnl~ln~ nf :1 calli WHr, \'d, wh:11 h<t!' llllJlp«nrd ilfkr lhr- miiii~H}'
''~accl)J(*III llf~lwt~ll Ru~~~~~ illlll C.:hlll~ uwl tilt~ ~upply or nnu:;;c hy
l<u~•~• to Cllll\11 b Lhnt the t,~,·urlc1 l!i bacll to olr1 <lay~ Clr colr1 wnr. will.
ludl<t lw~ ILr1d to <iSk the: Amt:":-lc-;:1..11 r:mht1.ssy 111 lndli! lu a~lt IWI.I llf
IL"' hu~~ ~huT of l20 memb~ In lmHa nftt~r U wa:o. l~nrnl through
Hnlwu SchgaJ It W:1-t' trying <n pcnctral~ lndl:ut JntcUil:tcnc.r:. In tum,
hulla Is :'>~ld lu have got chc lnli:lrm;-J.Uan fn1m a Up olf t-!,lwm h)' Ru!Sslrt.
11mt.•s cif lrulttJ 113 Jnnunry 19~J7) quoting Sf.Jilday Timt.>s H..ourloul "bul
somdlOtl' Russ tans gaL wind ojflw opcraliDn and e.q>Osed U to t11'-~ Induw
90I.It'rnmenl • TilCn: 15- lu U1r: CIA n ~Rus.sinn mole" which lhr: CIA wn-;
11(11 ~wHn:- •Jf, w~cordlng lo lhc Sundii!J 7Im•!.3'- All Uiol Wil..S h•tppr:uln~
1 1urtng tht: •~Jit.l wnr drt)~ has h~~:r1 hapJll!rttug all tih~M~ }'~no ruHI. I!'>

IIC>W :">llrfm·lr~ II\ lh~ IIC\VS.

Turkey ond Cyprus;l ha!> ~uppllrd lln.ugr.rQIIS ml:>:-ilk.s In n.rkt")· lor ll pos..o;ll•l('
CC•UJilcr·<'llm,k by Cypru~ wltlth IH tn!~,;to·•u •..)r l,lS ml!'o!1Lir•I'1 II ,,11
rcst:mbk~ ltH~ ohl culd \0,~.1{ clilys olll'l'~(ly "ll<llll \\lllH' h Ihu l- ~···t IX't.'ll Ill I
tllsr.·U:\f;lon HI the pn·:'>-s. USA \\";ln&lng 1\ltk\:')' :itgfllrt51 lhr liS•~ ur
ml!>'>llc.s ts udually IJtlkJug <tgg.n:::Sslvcl)' il~fllusl I he Russl;m suppl~· ••I
mls'!'iiJC-!:1 lo Thrkcy.
Finer TedloiqUe3 or AstrofQ9':<11 Predictions VOl 04'1D

2~1 November 1992, with three Tuesdays lolling in ir.

lag KE.IU



Ven Sun Jup

Hctt th~ 9th h(JtlSt is undf.r afflictirm with hot/1 tlu lwninarits ,
h(iTZg gripptd by Rahu a7ld a rtg/r(Jgradt Altrcury, evr.r ru1d)'
to catl.S( mry upstl any limt. Tlun the 9th lord1 Mars aJpu.ted
hy Saturn from the 11tlz houst cot~firmtd lzis n·ading of 11
communal frt'niJ' of that Jtmniglzt. 1Uars wouM rlrrogradt
after four rla)'S. Macury, as alrt.ady slwwn. will move back.
get i11to dirr.ct motion and re·tnitr Vrirc/zika. Sometimts, Itt
gave thr chart and gattt no rta.sotl. Ht had lilt mortificalifm
of sufng his prediclioru hdng lifud hy an astrologer, who
jJuhti.fhcs lzi:l awn Prtllrhtlll,_~d lifting Hardtoji's prrdictions
bodily. Tlla1 1lardtoji starttd puh/;slrfug his Pant:ht7-'{!fJ la.rt.
Tllr..r( wtrr somt. cmJrt caj·t's also hrtwun them. I kntw wlzat
t.b"t! Itt' mu.rl hrwr. uen which he did rwt discu$5, Hr. huamr.
O'OC'T·carJtiaUJ as ltr. saw lh~ danger of plagi11rism b;' uncouth
astralcgas d1t1sing gamt at1d glory wliich Call f(SCn•rs fQr rmy
/t'W. No Olll' tall take his piau, tVt11 thou who maligtud ltfm
wlun l1r utttJ tdit•t.

,.r•el and Iter lltulllitn Nelgbbours
For ls.rad which ha.!! ckctcd lhe hnnl·bollctl Nc:{;myahu a:J lis
Prtmc Mlnl!tt('r. lis neighbours turvc br:comr: o jlfC".ntcr lhr<".at now than
t~L~ br.forc though then: hM bee-n ~OillC goLH.l ag~emcul trdcht:d.
lt>l.amtc fundi.imcnt~llsm Is em tl1c rt.o.;e In 1\lt"kt:y whlcl1 hn:; ~c:u
•-c~tlcd tts a •tmlgtesslv~ !>lute. Eg)'pl l'llttiiCJl comrol It~ uwu Muslitn
(uud, lt 1s nol nUo~\•tng unliC!!It~cl!r'i lo do their

The question which aatrolog:cn wlU be required to uddreu

thcm11clvcs to i:f: wHl thcr't: be a: big wa,.. ln the nt:X.tft!w year.s. The
~answer Is on nbnolute yes. It will not be the destruction of the
world, but will reduce this globe we lnhabit into :1 WBr·ravugcd plnnct
before 2002 A.D. lt Is to und crfitand that this paper Is being
prnsented. Lunnr fortnlghh wlll hnve to be anolyud closely. See a
hfa.tnrfc exnmple from the writings of Hardeo Sbumn Trivedi.

flJndu New \'c:nr 17April, 1997)

tf l9BG WOIS bwl. HJ97 wtll he W•JN•! bcCJIU~· of StlnlC Ckllt
fr1glllt=11tng i~n(l:~o, VI(Jknc•: 1:- Vl'itbk. Do:thl doc...,Jml oppc:r1r lobe s;1k,
Unlt~s lhl.! polllct: Wid ClllZi!n:o. t:'OOp~r.--l.l~ l~l,11'L.,I nN!VIII~s ln U1~
1:11111lnl of lncHa will h«omc n scrlllll!'i prublcm. Tht: epidemic UJ:tf lilt
Delhi 111 U1~ ~unum:r <\lid rntny ~f'.HSQU of Pc:ll!l wlll r-Ome b;ock In n. m:w
wt~y. lt wfil kill mMc pt!oplt U1an It did In 1996. OtUlJ MLlllnlstration
5houtd ch:au up the cUy wtth the eoopt=n\tlon o! cUizens mudJ Jnor\!
h.t!ikly IJmn has ~en done «:''Ct I~( orr;·. lJJ~ d• or "*og.radc
M<tf\oo wllh the la~nH In tht" N1~ Yr:nr Hnru~·~opLI!>...fd~Jk.Wnl!...:
A.<. a:strolo~~. wr !>hfiulrt ~~~ whrth~r 111 ntuud.aul." ;-{~.trology,
t;ll~h a r~HIIJlg ha~ nny vnlld b;Lsl~ ,\lid rcpcullllJUity. For thLs. rc-a&On
lhiTQ horost'Ppc;!'i. OllC ol 9 J';mu;ory HJH7 Whlt:h .-:onrcrns 115
llmm•,llatd~·· twr1 hrlro~copc.<l oJw uf th1• fumous ll!;tHgr<~IIH uf ti
Ft:bntary. 1902 nnd tht> other or 2 U Oo:tober Hi62 an: gtwu ht<rc. Ill the:
tlttnl horoscnp•, tl1t:.· dose {l•'!tn.'C"S of Mnn; onrl Kc:tll from l<arkn. Jit!i(
DjJj}O~llc lo Scmmt and Rallll lf1 1\-fukar nln IJt• sl.fen muJ tlldr df•gn!rt-!i
noh"CL. ll.flmdan~ nstnJlogy ha&- unfortunntcly. bl'1!n mustJy v~"l)' wU1t
IWt'<llls.(" nstrnlu~,:rs nc:IUu:r study hlstoty uor worlt on rlnl:• ()( p;Lo;t
tttHIIY lnmdrl:d )'t"nrs to umlc:rslmnl tt&G pl:mt':tary compulslllns hchinrt
llln,jur IJL.;.tmlc:-~1 r!Vt!ltts. l~ec hnto$.:!1pc.s l.:l rillll 31.
1 1/rtnd~ lmp<'l anrl. nal cnmpcf saCrl a_n_ nstru!Qgt•r ntany (irf1e5 u!hic~
l5 wrong. II ill~ 15 no pL1netary c,:.mpulslull HI olll, tht':rt: would h: uo
IJc:tct fur- :l!>lloln~;y. II is a pn~dlr:llvc ~clcnn·- lt• (hb In the mlml,
let us watch the: lmllau nnd world !iCC"IIC fM Ihr. uo:t stx mouth~. fmm
J11mmry to .Jum.• 1997. with btltcd bn.'-nlh £111ll ;1 ~t~nse uf agrnl)' htJnl of
5oprL'1lL1tug terrorlc;rn pnrtlc•Jlilfly 11\ jo11rn17~ null r.ommunlf:"tlllons. r~nd
U1~ media. Now look ,,l U1o IJtrel! hCJro!>c<,pcs l!l'-'ell. latcr.
SCutty the dose pn91Uon!:" nf S."'llllnl ~Hul t<ctu 11nd, of B1t11u :1WI
Mars aud. tltt!lr dcgtc:r-.s fi:1r th~ 11<rrlud. JHIIIIiir)' to Jumr l!J97. ll1cn ~o

Sai!Jm.~eru CMjunc:io(lJ,. r•MI TechmquM or As.lro!o,Jicnl Ptedii:IIOO$ Vd. One

hru:lr Into pas1 hi.">IClry. Now proc-.:~:rl to an."llyse the cll.arts glvco In t.h15 C'OVC!rtng 41 perl(ld ne.-u-ly or flfJC lhrJUI!>i\J'tl YCI.lni- N'c.l. rul chn.rts
wll\ he .analysed.

Ale.xundcra luvuafon of lndla (327 .B.C.t

ts~e horoscope numbt;r ":1!31
Varaharu!Wra, gav~ to lutlla Makar as th~ la.gna on the bas!A of
whtc-h prediction:; ahout lmlln. ha\'d a.J.·w•lY:i ~~n made successfully. \~
do uo1 know thr. monlh aud dale of hl.!- lri'-'<H>Iuu. "t~t Ute fiOSlllml or
Sa.tum. Rahu .Ken, and Juplt~r cau b<: lak<:n. Mnrs rnny have moved
bt:twet:n Vrlshnbhn am1 K.'lrkn. \Vhal ts 1ht! importance o]Vrishabha and
Roltlnl. tlilk!Jillll.ra for 'tdia'l Tlus C,Ua!Siiort will 9el 011$~'1l..>d in t.his

Gh.un5'6 Onslnught 1988 to 1024 A.D.I

s.tturu-R;thu·l\cfu v:lll rc:nmlu '" k\":tulms aud lu dwisu.V,Jbltava
rashts evt:n ·1r lh~ month and d~k \s dllfc.n:nl. lr b an Important
principle, In Uu.· h1510fJ' lc:\1. bo(lk.'i nf lmlin Utls has nl\l,'ays been
referred to as un•~ of the greatest lr..tgr!J.Ies lndbl h~d WltllC..."-~d. next
only to Timur's lnvaston.

Ghori'l Invasion or lndlft (27 Nov, "1.1941

Mohammad Ghorl had mndt• an lnlUal nucmpt tll get a footliold on
rhe huiln.n ~~~ huf hl' hml In filr.e a brilllRnl Rnjput W<Jrrh.Jr Prilh\·lrnj
Chauhan and he Yt'a~ dt!katC'd. l:iur h~ <:ould not f\lrgcllUs humiliating
defeat. R."lja Jay<lchnnd's d~u:tiHCl", Stmyukt.."J wa~ ln love with
f'riUIVlrnJ Cbauhrm who khhmppcd and n\ruTicd her. Raja
~ould not foe-get <Uill furglve Ptllhvlmj !iJr U1b .nuLl he C<JUSph~t.l wUh
Mohammad Ghorl to betray PrJthvlrnJ who lost the battle and. was
killt:Ll. Now MohnmllUid Ghori pmr.n~dcJ •a ct~:~troy Knnnauj and Ills
erstwhtJe frh:nt.l. Jay.. c:hand, v.·tw llr..ii!o kill!':ll ln a b,,,
tle, JRyrtcharu1'~
klngdom W'<lfi plundered. Joychand :!>UIJcn~d Uu~ rate wbkb lraUors
~urr.:r. Even 11ow h( Is rcmt:mbc-rcd HS I he grcac trallor whn hl'lct no love
for hl!l cnunlry and U\c nation.
If Is worth reus.r.wbcrtng that whll~ wllhtu rtn.y }'tans aher lhc
death of Prophd Moh.nmmad, ruad Islam ~-wept acaoss whole
of ~tern Asia and reached upto Spain. ll got no foothold In lndla for
thn:e hundred t:r.~ul!.l uol cmve ou~ 0\ kingdom. Musllm
lm"arh:rs then found ln HJndus M>me Jealous ldngs. who were willlng to
het.r-.ty lhc:lr nval:o; al Ch~ cost I he uallou ami Hindu rellgkut. Ills thls
treachery v.1llcll has b<:cn referred to by Professor K.S. {quoted nl
lhe hc:glnnlng of lhl~ paper. I ·

Auh'ology: See the boroacope

J. Satum and Mars arc In kcudmrs. Oacre I may be wnmg. tf chc
monUl or lU\'a5IOU was dllrerenl)
2. But Kctta In Vri11mbha nnd Rnhu ln Vrtschika

finer T~hnltl~ ot Astrological Pr!!d.clions. \.'rJl. Ono
3. Earlier, boUt Satum aud Raltu 1n Dhanu \~r.: sLrong enough
lndlr.-allons of com1ng fliSflstcn>.

In aU thc~ca•.<~s 1 htwc lf1A~t1 U1e rlL'Of\.>.Sl allrl Utt' ron-eel uenr
hul I hru.>e uem~mlly tfiken ell~ mont11 of Mr.uJ rJ:-> lhc wrmth oj
itll'ctsion. It ls u.tell krww11 Lllai ill wtrtfcr, tltc· lrwadcrs muld
nor cross BolaJt and J{h!Jb.?r pas~.s bccatt:".t.' oj h<..·a&-y snou.•.
Tiwy lnttnded ~(tcr the snDll' .scn..'>D/1 cL11t1 Jx•[arr: 1111! onset o]
lllt:- mnnsoorts from Jwt~ 1.o &•pr~mbt!r I must lwuJei.ICr
mrl}(·:;.~ tiJnJ my chofct:! f!J &he month oj Me1y ($ <:mly a !JUI!_~~
unrt SIJI~I!III•llfL'-~.
Head thl'! commc.r1l$- given ag.allts.t I he dtilr!S which a.r-c Ute grca I
prlttclplcs whtch H1e lair: Hanlco Slmrrua .Sha!!lrl lrlvt:.dl madL· ue>r; of.
f•JJ ht~ mm~t brtlllant mundane pn:dlcllon~. for twt:r fifty yt~.-'m•• \t,~llll ••
t:on.-;lsh~nry ilnd hrillL'1nce, wh1ah no astrologer G1Il achu~ve nr. L'Ofllt"
f!\'cn wltltln mllros {lf Ills <c~chiC\'eJUcnt~: to claim any succc.s!t. It Is.
nc-•1r:v.rorthy, th;tt he wrote Uwm 0111 tn hls PaJlC·hr.m~. which ccmlt
oul mu: yc<tr In :ulvnncc. tJullltr. ulhcr ustrologas whu n.-act Ute
IICI'>'''J>ap~·~ aud stulT the cvcul.5 de5erl001, lnto t11ckr nstrolop.y,
I lnnlr.ojl wrul.: them wh1~n nv one cuuhl even lma~tnc that c ..·~nls he
pn:Lilt:r~rJ. could hap~IL

My Readings of Hlatory aad

H.rardeojl's Pnnc:b.angn
l wnrk. stn~e-handc:d. takJng pains to remJ htstorlr-.;JI rcfcrcnc:cs
'\ICt)' pn.11~rly. preparing th«: bornscopcs 011 dUTcn~·nl computer

&.rdeo Sharma Shaat.ri's Tec:baiq11e-a

I ~d Uu~ Panch.augas of Hardco Sharma Shastri. the (;uno us 01\IT
In Htnd1. the Vlshwn Vijay Panctmng. nnd fouml him u~iug s.mne
pa·tut!lples cou!ilstenUy over a period of fifty y.:ars. Out ur Jtl(,IC timr1
sb.ty or ~\-enty principles which llc nppllcd w1U1 hrllllant success. hr:
plck«l up his a'trologlml wumJng .!1lg.naJs from the lolltJ\\1ng flol.r.lm.:t~""
Parameter-a fO be lesfcd an Chc chart.s cere:
1. S.1tum ~md RKA to~~tll~r.
2. &lhllll ami JWm or Kdu In kendrn:s from each oUJcr. rno~tl>' h1
du.otswabhru.10 mshts.
3. Rohlnl or Vrishnbhn affilcled.
4 From the Ume of Vamha.mlh1ra India has bc~tt iillott!-tl ll
has bc.en fourld lhnt transit of Satum In MilknJ· or I(Mkn hn.s
alwnys been a penod uf grr:al but pa.lnful r.hnngr. lu ludlllll hlsr.ory.
5.. Conjunclion of Jupiter and V<.'nus, o;trangdy arc llmcc; o( lll5-a::-tcr.
Late Hanko Sha.rtn:! Sh."u;trl Trlvt:dl m.·uk hr1111..-urt U.M: uf thl!t
Ume·tesl~d prtndple.
6. Watch t11e role of malclJcs Salun1 <md Ketu and .Mars and Rahu
lmiMdually and collectively whc:n In c:onjuur:tiou and wheu In
mutual aspects..
7. Add lo th~ Uu; rot'! or
~lp$CS alt~.'1l)"6.
8. Elmm111e Uu~ clT~ts of Saturn-Juplter conjuncUon or opposition.
9. 1lu:n h~ used hili ctmkras. which nn other astrologer known ru me
knt:w how lu ilpply.
I have found the hints gh1 CO In the PallchnngCB (alm•motcs) of lnte.
Hardeo Shastri Sharma Trivedi, the film•)IL~ Vl!thwa Vljay Panclumga
or lli~ Umt:, wben he wrote Ul IL m> Its cdllor havtug ctas-slcal basis. In
lhose pretllr.Unns I ha\'c nlwnys found him giving brilUanl h\nl<; ~-c:ry
IIOW<IIl(llht~ll to whit:h a rcl'ercm:<: h;t~ hcc:n Ul."Hlr illn:.;;dy earlier. Once.
he gave me UH~ old (~flples or hls ?"d11CJIFl11f:a.s. the unly copies Ut."lt were
len wllh him. on my request. ami told me that he wuuld not gift tl1t'm lo
me ~ h..: hild !o ltav~ h!.s own r;oplc.-.. I <tppn:cinl~d 11. rend Uu:m as
much il$ J r:oui•J, his pn:dlr.JiOII fortnight by [~)rfnight, (Or IV:enty four or
more farttllgbt_.; of c-ac:l1 yt•itr, wrltr,~n oue: in ;u..l-.·an~ '*U~
lafonm..·d about lnrJinu and world alli"Hrs. I cnulrl !>CC- In calli print. the
htHUmwc of that man. I ~~uuld uot fakr. clnwn urJLt:.~. Ute nh~orblug
rc:adtng sccrm:d tu curro(k t.hc: 111-slde lining of my nstn•logirnl bclng.

Nehru Would he Lenin ortndla t19381

He an a!'.lrologl!r whn saw 50 much, nr.vr.r ~vcn dr.:;trl'd lo
m1W~ ~U1 or th~ hc!l!,!.hl~ Of th~ ! llltt:tl:l~•a_t; M ~~~~~ \l.'hel'l: he h!!t.l n big
l.ung~Juw- lt\u: house. llc. i.llJ all hb work wUh H humility I not !!.~en
111 IUlY astrologer. I \vas. 415 fh1111¢1 nuu11Jl,l! thrnugh Uu: :stonny »lid
blood-statncd d~ctuk~ hdm~ lmlhUI llltlc:pemlcur:c. the urglcs of
•:tJmmuunl riots which my Ht!nt•ratlon had wntchetl m1d wllncsscd. 111~
ilngulshcd ht'lplcssn~~s of tlm'K' "'.'f)' lt"ad~rs hud fallen Into the trHJj-
· chart~ hnd m;id,. them the: hcr~c:~ they wr:re uol, nl!i our
~ub$~quem hl.story n:vf:ijJcti, Why ~rl!'w .Ndlru ~llll~cn <1~ Ute f•rtrnr.
Mlut.stl~r al •'\ll '? 11\e -answer v.'ll:i Jtc•Lin 1hc pm1rayal1"'f th~ lntrtguc~ of
Nehru rt~aln~t ll."ljr.ndrn Pn•~•l a111' Sard,.r \'ltllRhhhhnl P<ltd. lt 'f."HS
th~!rr., gh'(.ll In cold prlut hi the; tJrophc:cks o( Hanh:ojl. In 19·\.8, Ndtru
wourd be tlw Lenin oj' lnd{a.
\\'iui the ('011Sillldated Brtt1!:ih lmHau Emplrc. [J OJitlsh lcgnJ..-y of
wL.,c nJit' or <t supt>rimp{lslth)n of sc-a-bJigFlnds who ltili.l done lt. wllh
uo lntc:ntJou. but to live like k.tng& lu lnd!A., amaM wealth awl
promoh! Rrifl:.h huslucss. ls the C}\lf!:SIIon we h•w~ fll\\'1-l}'s asked. 11u:
!.'1st 6rltlsh Vh:c:roy. Lm·d Muunltmttr.u. ha!J becu ~cut lo lnrlla to mak(!
lhc BriUsh '-'Kit po!':-lbl~ with g101~c. It ncvtr happcne(l In hu~n
hlsl(lry c;vcr hdnn:. nut lilt! l'llm~llin!l ID!jiC of plant!lS, ttut UJe cscapls1
luta-prclf:ltloll tJmt phuid!j lmpd. nnt r.ompct, vms wh;.at Hardctljl could
~~. 'Vet)' l'«rly. Hl.!p.:ah:dly, hr U!ied mauy of llls !iC:l:rcl tethllhJUes or
mundane nstrolog,v to (ur-c.">i:~ \I,'IL'1l to othc1· nsholott~rfi was o
mu~ide.s.s dam:c or IO!:'Cnllilbk ptmu:l!'i, Jawoharlnl N<"hnl had bt.·rome
n palrlol_ cucidL7Ua1Jy, w~n lw. oji.:"l' tlllJrough dL'"-IrtdiM12n1ion in tht•

Fln.;r Tochnlq!J~ of Astml~ Predielom; Vol, One
.set1en years l1e hnd. .-.;penl in £nyl.andjrom the oge ofsL\'tE:'P.n. had come
back to ludltl cmd CJXJOlcd to become U•e membE!r-oJ an all·Whill! club. He
was rdu~d mc:mbel"'ihlp lxrousc. he:, n whtre-corople.xloncd ~"lshmlrl,
w-~ a black or a brown mru1 stlll. ((•r Ute En&]bh. Nehru lhcn tumc:d
IOWMds Ute: group nf patriots led by Mahatma Gandhi to bccomo, afl 1t
was In his slar... lc> bc:eome the most exclush•c mcmher of U1c
Gandlllan club ol' patriots. \Vllll remc:m'bcrs hblory ? But hen- was
Hanlcojl sayJng In 1938 thnt ofur 1948 he would be the Lenin of India.
Yes, n was a tragedy but that ts ;:t.6trQlogy at ll-"> very be$t alw. He saw
btstoey, he foresaw IL S.'llurn 1.11 RohUli oo 9 Aug~l 1942 wheu
Mahn.t.nm G;mdhl l.nunchcd his 'Qwll lndCa. ntoLX""metlt'. He described
tht! Shlipe futur<: Wtllllrl tnkr_ He fiilkcd of Satum l'llllt Rahu helng 111
kcudra.s. E<trllr.r. 111 hts youth he cllsplayc:d hl.s 1edmlques lu hls
wttt1ngs. 111 later years he stuppcd It whcu a Jealous astrolnl,{cr llfh:c.t
bodUy hl5. prcdJcUons and brought hl.. own Pnnchnnga.. After that he
made ~un:: fu take P.>omc pn('aution~~
a I le tm.mght out tl.l!'> Pandumgn~ L•~l till he mru-ket as lit It; as Mart:h
wbllc- other~ 1Wl conflrlcnt like h.l!u thai theb- PnnchrulflOS "o\-'Ottld ~
sol1l, r.lime 0111 h 1 J:uuuuy wHb ~rlL-...'lstrously bad pr~Uct1ons.
h. lie did nul cllsm1~s hL"> lcdml<Jur:s of cl~.r.l.k-ro!i •
c... Wor:o;t !itlll, ht+ ouly ecfc-n~d lo l)acl ur good plnncrmy c:nutbhmlluns
amJ pred~ch~,1 aCcurately "-it.h .;~.,_nty rand pn.'Clslon.
<L And lJu~.u ltke the purllanlL'al [jr; hi' Wi\5 he ended wlth a
~m1on lm":lrtably, ·rmu to thf! G{)(ldl>ssfor bcu"r dt•dsilln."> by 1M
HIL'11 ill powt!r'".
I had to cast many astrulogif:'"HI t.!.h!U"ts fo uudcrst.aml whal ht: was:
!.aylng a.nt.l why. ~~ me !.how thn:e !/( ~ur.h cxr.Jti!'--":f', which I hnd lo do,
nmong many, to undl'.rstaml ht.s. pn:cllt•Wtn!>, I iJlll llliHI)' lJrlglnal
rcsc:arohcs in mundnnc astrology ilnt.l dl~tuBscll UtNH wHh hlnL lle:rt I
ilm prescnflng a plt~cr. nf my rt'~"liT h hil~t"d nn Hard(!oj1's hlllH;_
lie IIS(!CJ many chaltrnf>. <m~ hf whkJt Snt1!J1ln!Ju Roslll c•hakr.Hi
shows a wry ucw l)'J.H! oJ Hl!!(lC'Cts which h~ ust·d lo ltHH1 r.\'4!uls In
m11ndanr- aslrolof!_v. Llt>IIl~ tt, ht: nmch· a prnlll'llou abuut tile last week
1.1f May 106·1 ~ f<ll<il r~:.rJawilltilTl:il Ndm• who dtc:d on 27 Mily, 196.<\,
In 1991, he tn<~de il ,;,lmilar Jln,dlcU(•n, ""~ y•:flr mlvnner., aboul lh~
communal suunUon lu U.P. lendtug Ht the ,Jt-;mi.!>St!J t•f Ihe g,_.w-.rnmNll
of Utr;n Pr.;clt!~h. ·nw RamJmuna Bhooml v.-a. 'i m u~W'S, lJu~ &brl
.struclurc W:l~ dt:m<lllshc•llkcrmhc:r 199!l.
I too had made thl._. prt>dlt'Uun for » lllndt w~cldy. mouths In
a<llriiJICC. Uut my h;i~·~ Wil,!'ji Ut.•: an;_,'].)'5l.~ n( uu· plnuclary pu~ttlou o( 6
fh."'C~ber. 1992 wiH!H the Vl~hw-..t fiiHilll 11i\rl6hi1r1 lwd nnm•unr;t:d Its
ngl!Rtlon al Ayorihya.
Lat~r. my a.tlt:nllon wr~s ch<'WII tn Hlmlt"oJI's predtc:uon. 1\uowtug
Ws technique. I auaJyscd It and had .<1 c'kar m1swr.r, huw h1~ t•ouhl rnakr.
this jrfl:'oilctlrm. one yr:nr In nrlvanr:~-
Ou 24 NoVt~m~r 1992, •~ ·ruu.·Jny, file Nt•w Moon ehnrt show~d.
I. Concenlrnlon nl ntolldlr. l.nJhtc-n~.:. nl(tllg !he Vri.slm-VW.chlka :.tnt.1

Karka-Makar axts.
~.!- In lhls fonntght thc::re would be three 'l\re5<1«y~.
3. Satum and Mars aspectlng ~ch uthcr V.'a5 bad l!llougll but Ma!l
would ~tro~de on 28 No...·embcr.
4. Mercury. aln:ady retrograde. would ~-enra Tula from VrlBchlka
:mel re-enter Vr1r.chlka.
5, Venus would. emr:rcd Makar. fl c:L"\y ur:forc. uuder duublt:: affilcUon,
Flrst by jotnlJtg Saturn nnd th~n Its a~r.wnt1on through Ute asp~ct
or re trogr.tde 1\.t.·u~.
6. On tbc Sangha.tta ra5hi chakm It not ro bad but on Sanghaltn
nak.-.lmtrn ch~kra It d~rly po1ntr.d tow;m)a dlsa5tcr tn the stnte or
UWn Pmdcsh according to hl!=i o\\"11 re.-;~nrdr.
7. ·nre otht•r chok:rtl hr: mad~ use nfwr.s KilrtlOOrChukr.t which I ha\-e
not ~c11, He had lost IL or, !!omc:unc had stolen frum hi~ house.
H~ ..uri It rur ~n tllt: fortnights o( the com~ year. CXilmlncd the
~spc:ds no ~oa.-lou!' nurlt~\-aluatcd bLo; r-c<ullngs or tbe eO't-cts of
ptnnets on pollucs . .stock TIU\rkd, general m.·wltel and weather_ In fJve or
six sent~nces he wrote out ll1ose readlrlg5.. Once in a willie, he quoted
some Sanskrit stm~ In support of hi~ ~itdlng~. l-tLv; cla~slctsm wneo ~
rlch that utmost fnr any fnrtnfghL he c:ould quote a shloka.
I have: glvC'n -nn t"Xamplc: run-.ndy befon:.
S.:e Ulat again tn re-learn a<tble lesson.


24 November I 992, wilh ~hree Tuesdays lolling fn iJ.

La a

Sun Jup
finer TPchntqiJes or Astrologil:ill ~lctlons Vol Or&e

Example l

9 January 1997
Jup lndlil.

~eVen Ratlu
Met{R) 07'51
Sun 1415-
I'Y'tODfl 01"52


Mtagraha 24"37
5 Fcb.1962
Ol:04:00 A.M."lo s.a1 NewOnlhi
""~"' Vt:r1

I' Lag

Example 3

:.?8 1)5

Juo(Rt Indo-Chinese H1'49
o9"lll War Ri'JtJu
Oct 20,1962 l111)7
E;~~;. J

Salllm-Xotu Conjunctions:~ Finer Techniques af Aslrologlcal Predictions Vol. One
I. Notice the degrees of Rahu and Mars which are so dangerously
close In Kanya.
2. Now notice the de~ of Satun1 and Ketu which are again so
dangerously clo!5e 1n Mcc:na.
3. Note: how these two paJrs of planets are at 070 each and are
opposed exactly to each other, one ~'\lr of maleflcs to the other pair
of maleflcs. lndla and the world will have to face this situation for
the period: January to June 1997.
Thts was the famous astagrcha after which India suffered worst
humOl.attons flt the hands of ChlnO\, Nchna, Indian Prime Minister. had
a stroke of paralysis and lndfa's foreign exchange balance had reached
the lov.'CSt ever level.
Sun Moon Merturyfru Jupiter
22°1T 2()045' 231)43' 25°16'
Venus Saturn Kctu Lagna
24°19' 10029' 241>37' 20017'

See the planetary pMtUon of 9 Jauuary 199~ and compare with

the one given when Slno·Chl.nesc war took place on'20 October 1962.
r-;oUce the deg~es of Mars and Rahu ln Karka and Saturn and Kctu In

Start with these examples and apply them ron.slste-ntly to the

O(her horoscopes given in this paper. Read standard books of
hislory attd check cmd re-clteck your facts. Read more than
one book so that you are able to get the oplnlan Wld
assessment of d{fferent schools of thoughl. In Indian hislonJ
for instance. we have the nationalist hi.slorians and now the
·Nehru· brand of leftist historlans who wan! to portray the
muadtn.g plwtdcrs of western Asla as F1Dble men with charitable
di...<;posi.tinn ond. even religious to!cmnre, E.a.rlier. u..-e had t.hc wh.OS<.' sole Clint tL'(lS to wield their pen as
psyd10loylcally effective pen lo create in Ute subject races a
feeling of iriferiorily in their own culture Their attitudes
ronjlicted, thL'ir in1erprC'lalions if read toge11ler gfuc to us an
ugly intricate pa.Ucm of wt ugly historical carpet on whl'ch
generalCons of Indian students wUl be fed. Bul pick up tl1e
rom.""d dales Jrorn thest.• books. and apply the astrological
principles given before. YOu see what has actually happened.
That £s the supc.>riorily ofJyotisha.

Fflw Tec:MiQues cf Asllologica1 Pfedlt:ti<wu Vol ·One-
Example 4

Rnhu Silt(R)
09136' 09"19'
Moon l:lt~

Ghaznr lnvm;ion
Jup oflndla
(p 49 Crosconr 1 - - - 1
Vcn India by S.R Mar1.
Mer Kctu

l. Saturn ts 00"19' and 09'=~36' l.n lam:dru

2. R~1hu I.S ;ospr.r.1ed by Mnn; .
.3. S."\tum Hrvl nKJ\ nn: ln dwCswablull'a rastus r1 tlmc·ll'stcd prtnclple
uf I L·uckojl.

Example 5

Mer Mill :I.
12~51 Sun 1~07'
r. ll
Plunder of the
Temple or
somelimoln 1024

Rnhu rJoon Lau


I. !'o1.ars aut.l Kctu .arc togdh~r. close In dc:gttts,

2. Saturn in Mec-sm nnd hi lkndra from three m.Lidk:...

Salum-Ketu Con.rulfdions
Example 6

1\"!!tu, JIJp

ychfnd betray Moon

Mohd Ghon tl\e11
1----~dastrayed l(ilnl'\.11.11
~ntl Jayach~rld

r.t i!r!!t

L Rohlni and Vrlsha rn.shl ar~ under afllictlon.

2. S:.ltum lrt Dh.nnu mu~t been In \o>~ndrn (rom M:tr.>. whr.n In
Mlthuna In c.-arllcr monUts.
3. '01r: month of ;\fay cho~~n h~ Is only my gu~ss.

Exc:cmpltl 7


Prith'l/ltaj Sun
Jul! Chauhan Van
Mohd Ghon
.July, 1191 AD.

R;l~.U Silt(R! Lagrra


l. Satum and RKA uol lu kcndras.

2. Only S."'tt\lm ruul Mars had oppo~d each othr:r (row Vrt.slw ami
3. Ghm1 suffered ;t hum.lllliUug tlefcaL

Dr. B.V. Raman's Research In

Mundane Aatrolo£}'
For nuwy yL"ars. l1u1t;m astrologer.; I hough\ I hat Ur. a. V.
luul doue gn•:H rl'.s.t';,&rt.'h Ill many hr:Uldl~~ of astrul(Jgy, t,artll'llla.rly Itt
mumtaw· aslrulugy. Uutlcr lh<' chapter."&trolcgy u.nd Hlstoryft. In his

IFloer TE!Chnlqu<!S ol Aslro!IX:<a~l Predi~Lons Val. One 5a!um·J.(~w Corvunct~fl5
book. •Plnm!Lary 1nflut! on Humon .Alfcurs·. h~ wrlh:s:·Sfmilarty itt
lndil111 ht.slaJy, Uh! tram;/1~ of Solum lr1 Cwu)~r wtd JupUer m Pi.sNs
seem to llt'll.'l' importnnr consequence..s ..• ookulrning backward. UX' fltWE!
tile scrlt.!$ of ...."t)(!nts: the ]irsl bailie oJ Pwlfpal. llli' St.'C1.>nd !Jot([~ c:rJ
l'fUHfml, lllt!frrst My sort! \\br, rhc.ftrs! u:'Clr ofIndependence l?lc. "lp 1 15). lf
wo .-xumlue thl:- statement of Dr. Riun."l.ll It ~how~ th.aL It W'd5 not a
rr.rtemrt:h hut. a pure gucs5 whtch wt: -;-..11 ncccptc:rl as correct nnd C\'C11
c,uotc:d, often. J <tm guilly of <lll(lttng II mys-elf to my :;tu<lcnts. wUhoul
~mtnlng !L
Now sec thc...<;C instances:

T'mur's Invnnlon
(1398-1400 p. 149 CnJscentln India}
''111c fam.Jiiar t."i.l~:. or tragedy. has been Ofi ~CJUillN..I l.n pathcUl'
<klaUs. ()('llmur. Ilite Assyrtan, came. down llkc a wotf on the: folcl, mu.l
de\'llslatt:ll thf! Ptmjah ro DdhJ. pns.stn~ U1mu~ .Miork, Mullan.
Dlpalpur. Bhatnl. Slrsull. kavlug om.trt!hy, rnmlnc, ;md pcbUicnce
bdtlnr.l him
Sec ~~">ln)hJgl~;.tl p•Jiul~ menlifJncd against the cbarl. g,.imint" the
st;1tc1m~ul uf Dr. HamaJL S.1.turu \1/'.t.s In 'Vrb..chlk<i aut.! .Jupll~r 111
Cann-r. Or. Rarnan' n:sean:h fn.lls.

Jo~iret Battlr: or Pa.nipat

jAprU 1526. Ref: p2219 CrosL:ent: in India of S.R. Shnrmnl
lhr,.hhn l.otliiOM:fl Ia Babm·. It wa:. a haU!t: l.tdWee1J lhr.;h.1m liHII
nnr.! Babur whose 5th I!Xpcdllkut proved ~lltl k<llo I hi" fouurlh11.(
uf hl!i< ludliill cmplrc. • To the Afglun1s of Ddhl lin: baltic uf P'rHilpal WoiS
tlu~lr Cnntl:tt'.ll wt~!'• lhc n..tln of Utclr t1orn1nJou, lh1: cull ol I heir pow.~r.
•n1~ battle of Paniput miirks th~ end of lhr: ~ct:u1nl ~tnge 111 Uuh\1r'q
c:onqut:5t or HtndUStall.
S<.:c .H~u·ulugll·aiiHiirll~ mcntlnncd i-l*l..lnst rhr: chan. E1.nmJnr t.l1t:
st.'ltc:mc-nt of Dr. lliuuau. SaJum v.'<Hi In t\ aud .Jup11vr 111
Vr-l~habha. ~aln Dr. Raman Is \\.'TUng.

The Second Battle of Panipat

(5 Nov. 1556 p 327 MtJdieval India: L.P. Shu;nnal

Hcmu lo&cs l~ Akbar

l-lcmu had sent his atull~ry a ltltlt" 11hcud umkr th<' sm<ill
prot~cuon anti Uwr ""ls r.aptur('d IJy lh~· Mughul ~-.twmt·~ 1111dcr 1\11
wa~ a vl"ry grcnt lo~!; I u Hernu Ileft 1na tJ 11~ l)nal hillll~ Thr lwn
nrmlc~'i ml!t ou 5 l\:twemlwr. I fl5~:i A.D. ou the lldd ,,f f\11111~1t. Evr.11 In
Ow ;:tb~c.Jit;"C of nrtUicry. lk11111 alwckn~ 1111: Mughiil~ lll"n:dy allll hruk~
up Us rtghl <iHtl kif wing-s. But lh<' 4:CIIItc ol lhr 1\.ht~lllll Hrmy

rem.n.J.ned Intact.
Unlortunalcly, nt lhal "·ery tlmc. an rurow struck one eye o( Hcmu
1.1ml h~ fell uucomclOllil, ~ &Jicl.len. fell O'uat Hemu had dted 1bat
broke up their coumge and they fled away In aJl dlrecUon~; He hnd not
dlcd but was capnn-c:.d alive a.ud presentc'd befon: Akbar wbo k1lled
wilh hlo; $Wl)rd, S.."'\f5 hlslori.M Dr.R..P.n-tpathJ, ·Hts defeoJ U.l(lS
ao:idtm~nl and tht! utclory tifAkbar prot.'tdentlnl. •
Sec iiStmlo~cal po1nt.~ mentioned agatnst Ute clHU1. Ex;uU1nc: Ute:
'511atcmenl of Dr. Raman. Satuna was In Mesha and Jupller In
Vr~hlka. Agalu Dr. Raman research fnils,

Third Battle of Pn.nlpat (17611

Matathaa lose to Ahmad Shah Abdall bad ~come pow-erful 1n lmtia rUld, t.n J761. the famous
Maratha f'\\lcr WilS Baln_tL who fought the 'llllrd Ualtlc of PJinJpat
ugatnst the ruler or Afgtlli11l:>tmt. Ahmad Sh•ah Ahdall, Maralhas couhl
uot ~ct lhc !tUPJ>Ort of any lmportaut Musllm rulr.r of northern [ndJa ln
Ulrlr O~hl aMnlust Ahdall, The Rnjputs al...q,o did nor help Marn.thas who
had 10 rtght the batUc wUhoul any help from etthcr Muslun rulers or
Htndu k1Hg::o., who fntl~d to rnllkt: It a commm1 cnu~ n~nst n t'orelgn
Yet nga!n, DrL ~urum's reRe.ui'Cll !nlls: Huw hr. r:\''l!f came to lhlg
cnnclu!;ton v.•Jthout prr.pnrtng- flny ~'~trologtcnl duln atad dt~playlng Is
stmuge. Hurrl~ Slumt~.aji ttutl n groat ad.L•aHl.a!Jc. Belng a panchanga
rnttker he wuld cala.tlate planetary posUwn for Clll!/ dnJ.~ wW10Ul antJ
t.•pht?ffU!rc; or rm<dt.YJT1 r:umpiJlert.. He menUom..>d tlte piQill!lar!J po:slllDn oj
tlll:'..flftecnJ)l and st.d~llh c:enhJJ"tes OCfY corTCdlU tn hLc; un-tiinys. which
l du~kC'd on compuJers.
Aner T!!(:hnlques or A5trologlcal Pll.!d<OitJn!>- Vol One

Examp~ 8


Ketu Cull lndllm Mer
t-----4 9 Augusl, 1942
at 10 a.m.
Elll. 8 Ma:s

Degrees of oth-er plnnets Sun 22c:s.~. Mercury 29°32, Venus 29'1 15

t..agna (a guCBs] I 7u17

Note the degrees ofplanau

I. MIU'E I 1°52 nnd IU\hu l1° J 5 bolh In Slmhn wbkh Lo; dislurbct11o: (u
Delhi t.lurbar. Hardeojl 6Hld ttnd quoted '' village poet. Ghn~.
ncmcmbcr U1c barsh measures of the government of Winston
Churt:hiU. Uac Pr1rru: Mlnlstc:::r of Engt;md, whom we t·;l!lt'tl u bull•
2.. Jupltc:r- 2QJJG anc.l the Moon 2(1120, bofh 111 MllhW};I, •,vuh VciiU!-..
Remember how much patrtOU!'im ll had !SUrrcd tn um youn~
3. Now $«X ~'ltllrn at 17il53 In Rohlnl and In lo:ndm from n,,lm :nud
Man; In Slmha.
S.ilum 17020 and Rahu 15"54 Ln Stmhn.. the Delhi dmbar.
Remember, fmm June 1997 Rahu 1:; going to c:nttr- the r.>rlht durbor
ngtlln. l\o~U1$ al 22'"'031n \lri:;lm 1s In Bnd lu kmdru fn~m Saturu
and Rahu. Tilt~ fall of tl•c govr:nun!!nl lJmt uncumpromblu.g ldcalllst.
Mor.ujt O<:mtl who rcfus.:d to spend 20 l;akhs only to pun:ha_o;c- som!!
M~rnbcrs of Parliament- 1'his u.•a.s known fa· m.:>. folcc~ntl!l
C/1IU1dra.sllekhar, rhe Jormt:r Prirttc ,\fLnlslL-r said so in n wlt.>Prsum when Morarjll£sQI di~ ajiL>r rornplt.•linglh~ (J!J<! oj I 00.
Finer Tochniquos of Astrological Prt!d)ctJOM Vol. Ona

Mooo M~ 1/!n

Fall of the Govt. Sun

Ke1.U of Mo1"8rjl Jup, ~
through betrayal.
18 July, 1979,
2 p.m Oelnl Sill
Ex. 9 RilhiJ


Jo ShanJ Slmha l{arasl \'ll~il.

To garh 01111 hosl nasa.
It was a favourite quotation o! a v1llage poet of the sl.Xtecnth or the
seventeenth t:ent\try, (ihagg. ml!anln.g t1tat when Saturn ls ln Stmha.
the Deihl durbar gets shaken up.
Note I have found Rahu too doing It as happened during the Qult
Jndl.1 movment In 1997 Rahu W1l!J there.

Vc:n Sun

II' Lag
Death of
23Juno, 1980
~lu 9.00 a.m. Deihl Jup
Ex.10 ~27"27'


1 asked llfrrdt::~)t In January 1980 whc:n lndlm Gandhi came back

ro pO\I..'CI" MtCT hc:r lgnominous Natfork'll Eme.-getiL)' (tf 1975 whRL he
U1ough1 of tL Snturn U1en tu Kt'lnyn \\'as to rc·.::llt~r Slmha. Th~ DdlU
~lurbnr will bl! shaken up agaln, thls tlmr: l<..klng away some mcmbc.r of
lncllr<t Gandhi's r.un.lly, he S<lld quolin~ <'thH~. S'lnjfl}' G;mdhl. U1e
h~trnr- CJf £m~:rgrnr.y. tiled tn a plane cr.tosh am! the I>OW~r tqnauous 111
Ut'lltl c.Ju.-bar c-h;.mgccl <'~&Hill,
Finer Techniques of Astrological Prcdicticms Vol. On11
Example 11


nmur's Invasion
around Jup
June 1398to
Crescent ln India Lag


1. Jupiter and Venus arc together.

2. Saturn and Rahu arc together.
3. Ketu is ln Vrlsha and Rohlnl nakshatra..

EJcampre 12

Leg Mars
Sat Mer Jup Ketu
2JC51 Sun Ven 2a:oa
1"' Battle or
Panlpal Moen
19 April 1526
India" (S.RS.)


L Jupiter and Venus are togeUter.

2. Saturn and Ketu are in kendras.
3. Dwiswabhaoo. rashis arc affected.

Satum-1'\e:u Cnr,JuncJions:. finef Tec:Miq~.~tts of Aslro\oglc:al Prediatons Vol. 0111!1
Example I 3

Sa1(R) R:Jilu
01")4 07&57

Seeo11d e.mto
P326 Medieval t - - - - i
Moon I.C&f Jop

L Satum(RJ I.S getung aspectcd by Mars.

2. Rnhu ls ln Vrisha, having crossed Rohlnl nnk.shotm. II!!' 14

Moon Rllh\1

li!Q lhlrd Battle of

n 09'08 Panlpat
up 06'158
t3 Jan 1761
13474 Mad.lndla
SLJn Ex.14

Mer KeiU

1. Jut>ltcr and Vcn arc so close.

2. Rnhu In Vrtsha Is aspec:tcd by S.•turn.
3. Rnhu Is In Rohlnl nakshatra,

Finer TechniQues of Astrological Predic:tlons Vol. One Sstum-Keru Conjunctions _
Ea&mpl.c! zs
Jup Mars Sat
Rartu Sun Met 1&<4<4

lndlan War of lag

1----1 10 May 1857 1----1


l. Sah1rn and Kctu arc in kcndra.

2. Jupiter and Venus are together.
3. Mars, Ute d.'ltc being com:ct historically we need not have any
doubt. wa5 tn Rohln1.

Ex4mplc 16

Jup Sat 07'24

Moon Kct 07'57

First World War

1 Sepl1938 Mer
10 am. Prague,
1------t Czechoslavakia 1-----1
Mnrs p 430 Slpao Ven
01~18 Chandra Sun

J. Saturn Rnd Kctu arc dangerously close.

2. Man; and Saturn aspect each other.
3. Mars movtng ahead could form <l:S[>eclual <lnd achml conjunctiou
with Saturn also.

Satum-Keru CorvonctJOns. Finer Techniques of Asrrological Predidions Vol. One

Example 17

Sun Mer(R) ~!W58

29=tl0 Vcn(R)
Moon 19"48
Mars First Atomic
Explosion 12
Nagasaki JUI)fR)


I. It Is Amat.."'Sya.
2. Saturn and Rahu are togdhcr ::mrl Jupiter. the planel or dtvtne
v.1sdom, is n:::·trogrnde and unclc.:r dmthle malefic Influence. Hen:
t:omes Into play a.n tmpot14-\111 pr1ndple or tlte Scmxtlobht.tdro

Example 18
Lag ~it!15'48'

Atomic Explosion Sun

6 Aug.19.45
07.17 pm.
Ex. 18

Ketu Jup

I. Saturn and Rahu are together.

2. It was Krishna Cllatwdashi.
3. Mars Is In Rohlnl nak.shatm.

Flnor Tt!Chtdques of A.stroJ()gie.ll f'IC(lict.ons Vol One Sqfum..J<et" Col'l,lmt<:Mtll
Blaad-stnlned month.& before cur
FreedoDJ o.t Midnight
Given below Is not !he horoscope of any C'.'l!nl but of th~ lmtla
ol l9·1G. whcu ll \V<ls clear Uli'lt lht. country wmtltl be parti!Jt>ll~d.
Cnnununal riots, which broke= out In the s~:com.l half of 19-16, haunt
Ihe mcmorks of numy. WheU1cr wt:- cull It Ute ~Ut'Ct:-.....,ful maclllrlHUon..o;
or Eng,tl<;h rulers ur. the lslrtm·Ob6C-SS~d COII\'al!> of fonn~r Hindus.
now demandlng a M!para!e homeland. what wn!' clear was thnl
Rahu in Rohlnl. Ol!;pectcd by nv..: jJlnucLc;;. Including M;trs HUrl wllh
Satum ln Karkn (rr.memhcr Vnrrth.amUllra). wa3 uarraUttg a s.loty of
blood-baU1 lhruugl1 whlch lhc country had lo pass, before gciUng
her freedom, o.t midnight..

Example 19

20 Nov 1946 Sill


l.Jig Ven Sun Motm

MerKel Jup
Mar :a

lag Sun Moon Jup Ve11 Sat Rahu

00'18' rwos• zt~ta· tB 11
St 0()11]8' 15•1,6' tB''~ 1'

ElghlC'cn years lnt.:.r, ~tched lhl! ~rnc posiiHm. \vas 111
kendr.t from Satum{R) with ~'L:'lrs. aspt!cttug ftahu, later S<Hunt. ,\ w;u
with Pakhtan wa5 <t war wtU1 thos-e who hH(I Indulged 1n r't1mn1Uitill
orgies, 18 yearn ago and created PakJst~m.

Rahu repeats Hitrtory- Bxampl.e 20


Sai(R) lndo-Pak War

Moon 9 Scpl1965
01.08 pm,
Ex. 20 Mer

I. Satum and Il.KA in ke.ndras.

2. and Vrtshabha alllicted.
!3. Mr.t5 m:lY C\'cn h;;~\'C been Vrifichlka as the full fledged war touk
place <tfter fhe ~r.oml week of Scplcmbt~r.

Example 2l

~!(R) Moon
lndo·Pak war
L..."'9 3 Dec 1971
MIIT!i V.<:lll
01 OB p.m.
Dnte ts e~act but
the time la~en Is
Ex. 21

Mer(Rl Sun
Vnn Jop

1. Satum(l~l 1::. 111 Vnstmhlla.

2, l\111n;, IU kew.Jr.l (rOll! Sf41Utll ls aspcCI1Ug Saturn and ls ln tum
g~lN~ Oi!>p4:r.tcd.
3. Rahu In 1\'tnkftra l'tnd Keru Ill r<Ltrlur Is In nccnrdimce wtth the
n1Jotruc11t of Makar r-a.... hl to ludla by Varoluuu.lhira..

Ills wclHuwwu Umt lwHm G<mdhl took a f.'1tnl d~dl.'ton to order

the-; lml\ml <1rmy to rmlfl:h Into I he: Colden 1C::mplc: of Sikhs at Amrltsilr.
Why slu~ did H. m• had to do It wUI uct:d ~ome ch:ta!lcd explanation by
sumcOnt! 011 5ome !'il~ge In fuh1rc- Ao;; a~lrologers. what should lntc.-tst
us Is Ihe position of Rahu nt 12-:.52 in Vrlshnbhn, In Rohlni nak.'>luitr.l.
Flnct Techrllq~ or As!roi«JJCal Prcoddlons Vtt. Ono

It Is a~p~cted by Mars 111 Thla. It ts tile thlrd tustance. ;:lft~r Indian

tndcpcnce: or )947, lndo·Pal( W.u·ll9G5}. The": Golden 1\':mplc Incidence
{19841 show the 18 year cycle of Rahu a.lfr:::cting t11~ natlotL

Rahu Again Rtpllats History- .Exampfn 22

Golden Temple
5 June. 1954
Ex. 22

Jup<R} Siti[RI

wg SUrt Moon Mer V~n Sat

~o·s 7' 2Cf51' 21!'='26' 1)1 tlf.]' t7'5t.' u:12'

Examplr! 23


lnv<Jslon or
:r27 B.C.
P<>ss.lble Plan-
etary PosiUo11

·nuuug Mrurnm a~ Uu·Lagn.a oflml!;~ sliJcc Lhe duy.:. of Vrtr.\ltruuLWr.t.

we nnd Um! wh~n Ah:.X.UldC':r l!lVHded lndln In ~27 B.C. accordlll~ to
Vlru:cuL Stnllh. SalUrn iu Vrlsltilbhll Wa.!i ln Hnhlul {pos!'ithlyJ whlk lhe
lngna and the 7th hou:>t+ fell umkr the RKA rud.."'. Mar~ nt.i(l' h<n-c moved
between Vrishabba aud l<:arluL
Finer Tedlnk.lUes ol A!r.1rclo!;lcal Prcdle!Joos Vol. Ooe
Jn Memory of. ..
In makln.a pmdictlans nbnut n nruCon OJld fltr: wortd the Hindu
IXJ.S!S of Clwllnl Sl1uklct Pral{pada or Uu! .f~nt day of I<ama
Nn.L•aml has b~'Tl used by all r:xpcriencr.">fl astrolog~. 1b
conwln!! 11 witll fill! ra.sht.s allDtoo to d[ffcrc111 gt.-ographiool.
an."iJS by has beenjoWld robe most usefi.Jl. J\drl
to fhtlf 111~ S11'1JO Sonk'Ttmtl charts and, !JOU hru>e n uery
substtlr11inlly good p{durc q(tlw SOC'icH•amornlc ami pnliUcal
5UuaHan q_{ lhc world.. Hardea Sllam1a Shastri who had Uae
most enviable advarHage oJ lroming c:tstrology fn the
Vntul1I11nlhiro trodi.l!on (lf t~atn marie tJ.SC o..f dudans which
tL~ asuolo(J~ ltm.ll,?" not t.'"l-..">fl /ward aboUl. 11JL>n he l•ad t11e
.supr'l.-mctu grt!nL lHck of becoming UIC' dlsdple- of Amrii
V£Jpbhaoo, a oreal .sainl. who knew astro~y ln tlte rishL
fmrli!ion. His mantm Gum enrouragro him to try ~me :wcrut
chnkms nnrl rlu .$aclharrrt ill till' lnp q{ rhe Hlmaln.yn5, at
~tm, u.•twre lw l1ad ct sxdattal I hut-c uct knowu a.ny
aslrologcr who rnniutaincd stu:h o IHytl ruon.d slclrtdard ln his
approach to astrology. H<.' l.t't&s Ov~ Ja:tl q/ rlw !JWnts of file
older orlfl{ldw.~ trorlJticm(pammparoJ. \VUh him tla..<i dosed u
yrt!lll. dwpi.L•r uf Hindu a..•amlo,gy for •~L.....,._ 7'hc- worlcf wlll not
1•m'P. nnntlwr Hctrd.::oj( ro~lly. TIHs JXIp;.!r (s rl•mlrnlcd tn I rim
u.s wllntei.X't I ltnc~ dL-;t_itsSL'tl her~ are UllJ C.\pE.-rillll..'nts wlllt
tl1c IJints I1L·I1as yiL~n in ltLS Pru,dw.n!}as-

World will prepar~ for a change o.fter

Big Di:aastcn In 2000 and 2002 - ExAmple 24

v~ Mill 15'25
Slm Ju~ 1Er-11
MOIJfl ~~~5

Mer Rah!J

I. Nultt.:c Saturu nnd Jupiter logctlu~.r pa-omtslng a wry blg change ln

lhl!·world Utrollgh \•lolcm::e bl:rnu~ Mors hasjolnl".d lhem.
2. Th.;n RKA If>. iu lten!L~i from S:thlfll Rllli Mar.;.
3. M&Lkar (remcrnllcr V.arahamlhlral and narka hnvc RKA axis.

Example 25

l:!Q Sal tS"J2

Sun Rr~hu Jup
MCKm Z4ljJ

14 March 2002.
1-----1 Ex.. 25 1-----1


l. S:l!um awi Rahtl om; 111 Vr1sh.<lbha.

2. ~tars will Jnl..rt suou aflt"r.
~1 ·nw ch:mg~·s st•nllng from 1997 will reach thclr climax In 2002.
•L ·nrc wurtd I~ nnt a~nmtng In au end. llul I~ prc-prtr1ng for n big nml
p<tlnCul change.

EJC41Tiple 26

Sun Jup

14May 2002
Ex.26 Log


Lag Sun ~1oon Mer Jup Vt!n SJt

011t26' 29"25' 2a 40'
woo· 19'18' 2S'I34' 21°13'


Ia the Uatold Story of Lt. Gen. B. M. Knul
a slgn11lcanl ohse.rvauou dr.osen•c-.s uur attenUon
"ln aboW 5,000 !Jf>OT$ o_{rf!corded human history, rltero
haw been nearly, 15,000 wars at an UL'C~ofalrnast three
per year. Wor is an lneviJahle humnn ph.~nomeutm. Our
slaLesrnan Dh.oukt haue rcr111?rtlbcred whuL Rll:hcml Burtcm
onet!' said: Peace ls the of rhe wl.:u!. war ts the
history of man. ..
No ua•d$Jor Jmrtfc. 7'hl.! illorld ts no!gotngl(1 come
to nn end. Nostmdomus or nn Nostrtulnmll.s. Evils q{Knliyuya
hc:n.:c to rnunif~t. K<lli!Jnga i:i knlah yuga, according to :o;ome,
111£..-'tllllng, fiH: CI!JI! flliTifJiltX> 011d lJUCVTt:ls. \~ st-c< U1a1 in fJll
walks ofq{i!. Mw wmm.... w•t11JOfJCs oct like! pnlltinuns. IJXllltiii!J
to budd ashnuns und thc.'ir small erupint.!. l\:1lruloy~:rs hru't!"
become gangsft."'rs. not the worshippers cif dh.• knowtcdgt:.
The!J $preaa their LcrunC'lcs by hQnourin!J fake.~ aslrufoger:;
wi.tlt tilles which Ute!) nm.>Cr- dP...senae- In India. wrill!n.t of
astrology books a.rc u.•orsl!.. Thc1J ru.>tx·r udrnil r.heir mis~<:.
l11L~ wrong ay-.marruohw:., u.•ILidt a:m c.r:zll.j,t! Llwm oomr:rwtcial
losses. ll Lo; Ulelr undm-stcmdlng ojll1t: splrU ojjyotlsba.
'n1l~ ha!5 happL'IItrl 111 alJ <lgt5. II will h<tppeu again as
Saturn and llnhu move: towards each uthcr to med aud work
out n plan to rutH! tht: ctcsln:s of the Lord or the Yuga. Ka.U.
Juptt.erto~ will be gdtlllg a!fllet(d wUh Mats, nspecung tt o1·,
e\'CU II, ~oltld1me or! othcr.T(•gdJh!:l' wuh uus-.
cdlpscs will havl! 10 he examl.tletl vr:ry m1J11Jh:ly bcrore-
makin.g .ouy prt'dktluu.
NtJlurc rl.ot•s U.'llHI lu siJru!l!) <J'ff lw~ slwuldrm; Cu lflrour
away lo£ oj th<:' dJrt ~I lllc LWL'fllleth centltf!.J hlslfmJ. {{ a
happens a:; llw nmtwy naakes a ~lormy J;.c.>fJfnning. flwtll
lJc anoth•~r it~lmltll OCl qJ'i"laJ.W'r.! and God lo ro:.'SJOin t.'CJU11Umitm
l.o!il in lliJ! wi.Wt•mess ofrnodl!ffi mull! ond Uli! irrounnwly
justljit.."'Ci or.t~ oj "t•st's IJ'-'7llllssWull~
AJI ritJIUO':CJJlnn!> rllt.."'"l"t" bom In 1/11' .~st. all ntmcltfes in
ll•c lm;t thntc C'l.'7lllln·P..s lma-"! txro11 (ommtltcd l.JU tile ux-st.
beglnnln[J with ltnpt,•ri(Jh'sm nnd slcwe tmdt! to mPd~m nude«r
1J~JNUU~ItH1~. 'lb lrdk of Hummt Righl.!i utotnlltJru. Htl! \\·esr
should t!.\'OIIIiiW ItS. OlL'Il Pt'COtd .fLrn, IW fud!;{
mflinl~l. 1"he wc..'\1 wall remain !iplrlhudly uml~ttlopell 1~nt1
soclally slmttt.:tt!ll S.:it"ttro rltld l~chtttJIDfllJ tuwc rnan :-..
mfli•!J rrr.nlcrltJI pmblt.•ms bul crcOlr.!rl mDr~ :-.octal W11.5tons nnd
problems tlum li."Wi <:'Li.•r good jnr a sana twmc:m e.tishlnCt?.
That is Uui r.rt.'1~ llr t11c \MtsL P<Jllerty Md ~mlplf.un. c~ tha
prol•lcms tif lilt· Ea.-.1.. But lllL' Eci.Sl, panlrulruiy fndt.a. has:
:sptriftJll.l t<:!>flumct!. fnspilt.• of con-up{ palillcirJtt!i and
IJw·t?(UtC'rat.s-. to hdp llt..'T ,.ctJU.'<.' thr. sagyin9 nwrnl.s of India.
BuJ wluu rrhorH lhr!' powcifld lmpac.l of m:-st.'.s rtJt"f"D','fiOnJ

Flnerledmlques cf As1rcloglc31 Pretkl.ions Vol One Sa/Ufn·l'\eru ConJ'UiTclllr!'S_
on:.!ought c:rnd a.U·pawmjid pcrmisCucness? Having ruined
tl.$l!if. the! West is spn.'a.dir1g alf oL-er the world its gospel. llte
only gospel it now know:;. of moral chaos.
So Doom lS whac a pou>crful \Ve-st tri!L<;I lnvila for th1.s
pltmet. It fs riDl a bomb but nature~"> ormtle CTC'a111re-, che cow,
that has .stnrtt..'Cl. U1.e process Jr.nm EnglancL Eartl!!r. i1 tL'O.S a
ulrus of llu.> f}reen monkey which escapc.'d.jrom t}le luborator!.e.!,
ofdte USA o.ndyavc Al.DS to !he world. So the monk<:Y and the
cow. twa ojthe domt."Sti.cablc herbi.l'l:lres wUl destroy tlw u"Ot?st.
U. seem..c;. NaltlTC ntll5t hat~ her last lGll!Jit. Bill Uuu ls lha
history of man.
Since Kaliyuga ls not roming tr> rm end. il wiU br only
pwt dc$lrucHun hert.• a.nd thc.'tt!, but enough to reduce th~
u.rorld poputatwn cortstrkrubly.

Results of lhe ll<'lr.'!Olr!h!rs applied to the hon'lRCOpt:~ rrorn.l 26
I. Saturn ami RKA togcllt~r. {9}
!l. Saturu ami R; or 1\r:ln In k~..ndm!> nine plu:> ~cwcn lataJ ~lxl~en.
3. Sahtm nml Rahu nnd Kcl\1 mostly 1n dwl5wabh...1.\"a ta5hl!i from
each ot11er. (71
·i, Vr1~Jmbh.a nftlltttd, ll ~1
5. F'rom t11e timr: of V;ui'!hnmfrltm. harJI<• hn!J been 3llolcd ;\inlctr. It
has been found that lr.tnslt of Satun1 and RI\A lu Mak.-.r ur 1\Mk.'
has a)w-.tys bl!eu a p~rlud of grc.·~tl hut pa111ful chrulJ.!t": In lmHnu
history. [B)
6. Conjunction of Jupllcr and Venus. ~·trnngcly arc tlrnes of dtsastct·,
Late n:u-deo ShfiiTlU\ Shastri Trtvcdl mndc bnlllHnl U5t" Utls or
Um~·tested pr1Itclpk. (71
7. Add to Lhes~ the rol~ of ecllp~ aJw·.-~.ys_
8. F.xamtnc: chc effc:t:l!> of Sarum...Jupltcr r.nnJuuction or oppo-siUnu.
9. Then he US<:d h15 ch.akrns. wltlch 110 other tl'StrologC".r kuovm tu mr.:
lmcw how tu npply. This re....••auch c-.tu be t~mwcrt.c:d lulu H much
bigger chart itn~l seen more clo~ly.
Entry of Venus in Gemini
- a trying time for
the government in India

M.S. Mehta
Indian Forolgn ServiCtJ Fleta.

If bas heen obser.rr;d that the entry of Venus tn Gemlni hn!i

brought catncly!imlc: cbnnges ln htdlan p<>IIUcal scene. c:speclnlly when
~us Is afflicted ur1 th~ t:ntry or \~nu~ tn Gemini cotucldes with other
serious. am!cuons tn the huroscope o! lndlil. n1e plnm:t Venu!i Is the
ascendant lord ln the lndept"ndence hot•oscopc of India which hns
Thuru~ as il$CCOd.nnl. about which then: is no doubt, as accorcllng to
tesUmony or Str \\bodrow Wyatt. l.ndla got her Independence e:xnclly at
mldnigh~ on the: l•ttlt/15UJ Aup;u5'l, 1947. [~tro,.s noJ('Q.Llht!'~ndJ

The Independence horoa.eope of' lnd:ID b gi-v~n h~r~:-

lt ts lhe ba51c: prtnclple of a~trology thnL whonl!vf'.r thc,_ or
lagtta lord Is umtded, lhc Wltolr. hod)• ~uiTr:~. Slmlhuly ~fillc:Unu tel
Venus In terms of mundauc nsltology. shakes the foum.laUon ofwllok
polll1cal5)':->tcm bringtng faJ" r-aacl11rag changes In the ccntzal gO"Vcmmcul
of ludi.A.
F<Jr ~"ample to takt' n n:n~n l case It would b~;: ohst."fVed thnt on
30Ul Mardl. 1997, Con~re-J!> Ill pu llet.l rlle ntg U!tilt:r the feet of Un11.ed
Front and hmughl down the go\'emmcnt of Dcvc Gowda who lMt Uu:
vote of contickm:e ntl llth April., 1997. At Ul~t Ume t11c: plancfill)'
poslllllll wa~ as folio~
Pleas~~ nnt~ the tcrrlhlc affilc:llon to Vcnu!> In the chart. 1l 1s tn
close co~Juncllol\ wllh Sa tum and Is combwst. \~UU!> Is ?.I!So Ju Ihe grip
of Rnho-Kdu a.'tl~ ami Is ~spcctr.-<1 hy omtr.ih· Man.. Thuc cc,uld nol
hlt\'C br:eJI Wl'.l~ affliction to V~nu'> <il this r~·lnt of tlmr: rmd hence
tl1ere- could oot hnvt.: \.lc::c:::u more ltarroWI.Hg C"Ondmou of U1c Governrnatt
»I lhr. rr.nrrc. WIUl all the po11Uca1 m;mlpulnuons ~Jng on and the
Wot'!'3t St.'lUT1S. lll~c .lh<trkhand Muktl Murc-hn. B\l(ors arm~ deal. nnlmnl
h..,1dn ~c••m ct<'. t:umtng W ~urfac~. lhc llflllty of l11tlla was tn H bad
~h.apl:". It!:< concfltloll w.a~ n5 «nd as painful a'S the CQnd1t1on of
Venw. lh thr: pl<~twtnry hon.~~~~npt~ of lndl.n.
AI Uat: time fJf t.k.a1lt of 11.\:tllauna Gandl1l on J,muary 30, 19..\.8
Venuti Wilsln t\qua.rtus allllctcd b!' M<1rs from Leo, On 2 Oetob~r 1962~

Faner Techniques of Astrological Pmdidions Vot. Ona Entry of Venus in Gemini...

Lag M
Rahu <1.1$

Indian lndepen- Moon

dence Horo- Mer Sat
Sun Ven

Ketu Jup

Svn Ven
Sat Mer Lag

position on
30th March 1997
Jup Venus14036 1\~rs
Saturn 1&'19

Moon Rahu

Venus In Ubra was aspc:cted by Mars and Saturn and on 2.0 October.
the lndo-Chinesc clash took place.
When Opemllc'n Blue-Star was launched on June fi. 1984, Venus
tn Thurus was afflicted by Rahu aud Mars. Man:; In tum was in
conjunction with Saturn.
On 3lsl October 1984. when lncllrn Gandhi was Rssasslnated.
Venus In Scorpio was afflicted by Ketu and was sandwiched ln
papkartart yoga of Saturn and Mars.
At the time of Bhopal tragedy on 3rd December 1984, Veuus was
tn Dhanu affih::tccl by Saturn from 1\lla ancl \\'0.\S entering .Makar to join
wlth 1\lars.
When Air India Boeing 747 cxplodco In the mid air on flight from
Toronto on 23rd June 1985. Veuus had double affitcUon of Rahu and

Entry o!Venoa In Mlthuna-

Harbinger or tragic momenta in Indian Hiatory
While tt Is clear that affilcUon to Vcuus causes serious problems
tn Ul(:: history of lndla. It can now lx; seen that entzy or Venus In

Etrlry al Vanu.s"' GemmJ flnc-r Tt.dmlquc~ ot A~tr~ll:ill Pmdll:1JohS Vol One S5 a oo.·Jod to be watched with conccm, lll!i a period of CriJtl!'>

and trtbulatlons for the c:c:nt:ral go\'etnmcul as the !otlowtn.g ·C\'cnt.!S
would ellow..
i. We have already shown 1n the earUer exBmple Uuu when Nehru
died <m ~7Ul May, 1~6-l. Venus WiitS !tat1owuy tn Gcmlnt about. to
n:trQgrndc wtth Rahu·KCtu rods. Sntum was tn the lOth house.
U. M the of dt:ath of Sanjay Ga.rtdhl an 23rd June. 1980, Venus
was .retrograding in Oemltu to enter Taurus to -reccn·e the aspect or
Saturn from Leo.
Ill. Wlten the go\11!mmcnt. or Mor.ujl Drsa.t fell 1n July l979. Venus
\V"d5 ln Gemtnl and Mat'S was p~parlng to enter thts stgn_
lv, To take a n:t:ent case tu 19!:16. VenU!\ was In Gcm1nl from 5th May.
19!!6 to 4th Juat:, 1996 aud 3lsl ,July 1996 tn b•t September.
1996. During tlUa pct1od the followlug eveJals took place whtch
a!T~cred the polity or lndla.
v, Himachal Prad~sh Govcmor SllcUa Kaul was made to resign on
21~1 AprU1996, Ill tht"will<c of CBI wqulry agalrtst her ln houslng
Vl. CBI cllarge.-shccted tlve lnU\d.n!d person~
uacludtng senior officers
In animal husbandry and fodder scam tn Blhnr.
\'U. 1lu: se<·outt pha~ of general ~lct~Uoa of 11th Lok Sabha was
nmrrr.tJ hy vtnlem:t~ ami shoot at -slghl cm! tu Blh;jr autl part UP.
'>'Ul, Chnnclra5'.\'llml. dc...<oerftx:d as godrns'lH. was ant:'-Stcd on 2tut May,
'X. Gu\'emor ot' UP a.utJ l~cntla. MuU LaJ Vohrn aud Shtv Shankar
~1gned when lhcy v.-.:re chru-ge-she~:kd In Ute H<twnln case.
x. Preo.ld~ut dissoh:etl ! ()tJ1 l.o]( Sabh.a on l Otb May, 1~96 and
a.crr{Jtcd tJte rr:slgnatlon or P. V. Rao.
Xl. Th~ COnAfcss l'ru1.y :suflerr:d Lh.: wor5L hwntllauon of aj:~- carttr <mct
lo:.l clccUon!i nut only a1 the e~ntre but al~o \n mo5t or flu: !tHttes.
II ln~t ccuatrnl In I huyana. IUS<lm, K..'lmHhlk.,, MaharrJshtrn,
Punjab. TamLI Nadu de.
X1l Atal Blhnrt Vil.Jp<tl ~r B.IP v.'ll.s ~"'"'m In as Primt" MJnlster on 16th
M;1y, 1907,
xill. HL'> reign la~(r::i1 only fhlrtc:r!n rlaj'!. anti he h~ll lu I"C'!llgn on 28Ul
May. 19{)6.
XJV. The twenty ont: membf5r Front co&J.ttliln govcnmu:nt h:d by
H.D. Dcve Gowda tonk oath on l'i1 Junt:.. 1996.
X\'. Prtktstan llcploycu M 11 mts~Ues agatma lnd!a on June 13. w1th
capnblllty to hll Nt'W Dclltl,
xvt. On June l J. Supreme Court directed CBI 10 prt)Ceecl agatnst P.V.
Nfim!'ilmha Rao a.t1d hl5 coU4;agur:s In JMM case.
Now the que11tlaa Is why t.Tam:wJt of Venus in Gemini only b eo
enigmatic: .nd dramatic. In the bor&.~cope or Independence of
l.ndln, If Sarvu.staka .b cut along wlth Bhlnn . . ht.alm. lit. wtn be
observed that lD Moon'tl Bhinn.ashtaka, the elgn Gemini b.u 0
b:cro} polnL Gemini la al!io the ~t howte 1n Sarvutllll:a

flr,or icchntOutiS Of ~llologlr.:al Prediei.C\S Vol One ct.•trr or Vt."tTU!I ,,, GttriVIII
hnvlng only 19 bcneflc polnu,. whlle C.Uprlcom ls the •econd
weakest rnshl.
It must be remembered thnt in any 11:t-eeodant Moon ls t.he
miDd. while logon Jord i!l the body. Thus the transit of Ventl!i in
Gcmlnlln Moon's BhinDashtllka becomes, In Indian Independence

Rahu Lag

V~n S~t
Mar Planetary
position on
30111 January t----1
SLH? 1946

J11p Ketu Moan

Jup Milrs
position on
Sui October 1002

\len Sun

Jup l;.~a
M.:lftl Surl

27th May 1964

K.ew Moon

ElltrY ol Venus In Gem.t'li. Finer Tedlnlques ol A~rol.ogic;,aj PfediC1;;,ns Vol. One
horoscope, a case of pain to the mJnd amtctlng the body (Vena.).
'ntis crm CO!;IIy be cxplalm:d with parallel c;wmplc: In the
horoscope of R.1.11v Gandhi. In his hai'Oscope Ill 611Wnashtn]sa,!J(_l\fan.
fh~ Scorpio ~lgn has 0 (7.t:ml point. In hh1o Cltsr. flurnag Saturn In .Rahu
rlasha, the Bofors controversy finally led to his down (all. In h1s
horo:<.COpc wiUJ leo AS ascendant. Mars bc~un~.: the (1\llllCI" Of Scorpio,
th~ 4th house. In f4l-.c;e of politic~ tlle fourth ho~ represented
Utron~ In audenL time-~ fourth lord reprcscn~ Slrnhasana or the
throne or UH~ ktn~s. Another lnstam::c c::au be ~tn In July 1979, when
Jupiter w·ns in Cml<~r.r Which is lhe blank tmuse In t.he bhlnnnshtttkn or
,Jupllr.r or Mor;ujt Des.HI wtrh Ckmtnl as ascendant. Nalur.illy wtu~o hi~
1Oth lord Jupiter 1.tans1Ltcd Q~r the \\-eakcst hQUSC posltton. he hod to
ttult ;t~ Ptlrm: Mlni!HCI'. TnchlenlaU)'• at tltc Ume of fall of Morrujl De5at
111 Jt1ly 1979. 'kuu~ was In Gcm1n1 totally afflicted.
'nu~ Umlng of ~·.v•:nt!' ·uurmgh the: transH or Venus, l.hc a~c:ndant
tnrtl o( lrul\n., In Ol"!mlttl. tr;: Al1ogd~ra UL.'W <tpproac.h nuuh: possible by
systcmaiJc n::s~archt::'. Of K..N.R:lo . Ill lh!s arlide We are gotng to depict
even~ through five rahlcs chronolog.tca.lly Ll..rrnngcc1 from the year 1948
lo 1996.

Tabfu t
This tabk Us.ts tht' Important events thallutppencd In t.hc: hlstocy
nf lndl~ since huh:pemlcw~e. wllcu Venm< trnnsllled Utrougb c~nrtnl
and was tu•affittt .. d,
It tlhows lmport:otnt events when Venus In G<:'mlnl wns hea,·lly

It tlcplcl.s t~vcnts wllcn Venus. In Gcmlltl \l.'ilS umdiliclcd but 01c:rc
was atfltctlon dsl.' wh~rt< ln lhc chnrt. IJI~c Mars·Sntuna opp4.1sltiou.
crmjunctl{)IJ, S."lhlrll·lt"lhU conjmwtion ot upposiUon and Mars-Rnhu
t:OnjunNlCJU t'IC.

Table lV
l'ortntys ~v<:<nH> wht:n \l:nus WRs ainlf:IC~ct l!:'i nlso there wa~
nffilr.llou clsewlu:rr 111 lht: chArt ..

Toblc v
It ~how,., pn"'lt:CII\'~ lHUUCUC'e or Jupll~r tlurtng Ute tmnsu_ 'ntl!>
will ~bow t.hnt th~ ilffl1cUou to Venu:; a!> well as thost. ctcat'r.d tl}' Mu~·
Slilum·l~ahu f'l<:. ilrc: uuiiiO(:tl to some: cxt~ut hy the benefic a.spccl o(

Enlry of Venus in Gemmi

Sun Ven
Mel Rah

Pia notary
5th June 1984

Jup[R) Ketu Sat(R)



Pia notary
31st October
Moon 1984

Jup Ven Sal

M3B Ketu Sun

531 (R) Lag Vcn

Katu Mars

Entry of
Venus in
1996 Mer

Jup(R) Rahu

Finer T~noiQue5 cl ~rologu::al Predlr:tlorl!i Vol_ Ore

Table I
Venus Ua.amtcted • fto naj<Jr atruc:tJon el»ewbere
-,ear Date of ol liiiportun evon~
Venua la CitnD.lDl
I. 1948 Apr1130 to Sep 2 Uuci~~lare•l war between lntll.'l and F'ak1·
st.iUlO\'Cr Kashmir. ~.dctstan admitted Uml
the\r aroopg wr;re opc:raUtlg lu lwtunit
"SluccMay••• U.N.passed ~~luuonof13U1
Augu._-.t J948. thatful uroorKashm1rwouid
be rtecldcd by pleblctl.;. Th~ n:soluUon
cont..atned lhr:. !S~ds or
fulun: dlscord.
2_ 1949 JWle 2 to July 13 MoUnUJaltetl pres5urtt.ti1 Nehru to ap•
point V,P_ M~non as acting goVMnor of
Ons~iJ. 0! decLSion whld• nearly pn:dpl·
I.a ted a cabinet crt'it.<o, RRtl t\hmcd Ktd IVRI
;md sn ?rnka:>n offered their rt'.."itgnaUons-
Kris1m.., Mermr1:iimvlvmcnt ul Jet:i' Scan·
c.lal... Prune- Mitl15tr:r of li.K. Mr. Atlee lu-
fonm~tl Nclm1 Ullll l<rt!.lma waeo a com·
munlst a.nd he .should lx' toast'd out. Menon
hinted at commtwng suiCide
U) Convenuon ofdls-5tdent Congress meet·
1ng In Pittlla in ,June J 05 J who formed a
separate K!sau Ma~door PraJn Party
·1. 1987 July 2 to July 25 July 15. R,,jlv Onndhl l'Xpelktl V.C.
Shukla. Arlf Mohammed Khan. July l7.
v.r. Slng,h announca-.d re.c;lgnnt;tnn Crotn
Con~ Party.JuJy 18, Arun Stngh Un
ton Mlnlsterfor S~k for Dcfellct: ret.1g11ed.
Amllabh re!ttgned from l.okS:1bl.ui
3. l997 July W Rnjlv Gnndhl cxpeUed V.P, Singh !rorn
Cor~ Party.

Table U
Ven11allflllc:ted • Ko Major AfJllatlon eaewbere
Year Date fll Eauy Of lmpurt.aul EVI!!tttll
Vemta 1D. Gemltll
) 1953 JuJy 30 lo 24 A\lgu:Jt Crlst!'> tn Ka:!ihm1r - Nehm dismissed
Sheikh Abdull.i:J on 9tll August. Tills was
il greal scfbark to naUorulJ and lntema-
tionw policles of NchnL
2. I 955 July 4 ro July 2 7 Truvilnctlrr. Thm11 Nra.du Congru~ started
Satyagr.ili.t1 fur m~ orT'.unUspeaklng
art'as ofTtav;mc:.orc Cochln with Mildras.
, FlMd rn~rsln Bth:lr subrn4=r~ lnutdn:cb

Finer Techf'Jques of ktrotoglc.1t Precf.c.II005 Vol.~
3. 1957 June 2 toJune25 Chtt:fMlnl">t~r of M~ thn-atc:nl!tllfl rc-
Chinese uartc-.d hlllldJnga r<rad lnthe east
of Ak!l-1.1 Chin_
DIJ(erem:es O\'t'r languages dc:veluped ltl
'ViU"Ious parts ortnd!Jl_
iR.aJgopalachart pla!'cd humclf at head of
::m .agll;stlon III (ilmurofEngllsh;md lllnr~d
at t:e!os.:tUon or souUlcm states.
Nagn problem becam~ \'&:rf dillk'ull.
'lll!:.rt!- WU5 llCUtc slmrtag-: of food,
:Ndtru ::md J.P. Nilrnln ~mrtr::d crttc~n~! oth~r.
Theft was ll ce\'Oit bl TibeL
Communal riots httlke aul tn BlhM
'Madhya Prnde5h and UP.
.Joh11 r.'\aUU!I n:stgned • ac~tl of c:or·
rupUon ami being u. ClA ngcnt.
CrtSL'> ;;;nd 11g1t.ntktn In RC!"DII'.
'Fomli!Uon ofSwatantrat.n Pi!rty.
5. 100:3 July 4 lo July 27 Contn)\"cr.;y OVCI' 0\gtecrncnt Wllh USi\ eou
Volcr. nf Arnerlca.
RC &chly reslgued fruru C<lbl.uct
War Ilk!:= prr.pamtlons on A-.5nm-F.nS1 Pa
kbt.:w btmlc:r.
6, lfl'0-1 April ~S() Lo Juuc JO May 2 7, drnllt ofl"'.:mdltJm11al mr t.1l :\dt n 1.
July 25 tiJ Scp 2 lal llahi!dur Shnstrt !iWOm ill us Prlnw
.Jun~ 14, Punjab ChJd Mlnl~lct 1\.atn.ou
Tr-'>1$11' rl.
Rontl bullalng activity lly Cht11e."'-'· 1111
Sikltlm mHI BhuUul bord~.
r. 1968 JWit" l7lo July 7 Naga·s r.ollu~lon Mlh Chlnaln OV('r!lll"l\\'
~LimJnlslratlon oi'Nagllland.
:l2ml J um~. H..'lja:stJ aan Cl bbu: Ln.--:51 mlllnl
'2blh J uue. J:tood ~u uallon 'A'tl~.J H'd 111
~9t.h June, President Ru1~ trnJlll~t·tl m
-3rd July. Prtvy Pl.Jr.oies abolished.
ti. 19uU .July-:10 to August 2·1 F:1tcfui <:Vtalh a:!> ludlflu Nullt'lll'l r; ... ,
.~s splJt ·lndlmOandhl forml'd lwro '",'
Cong~~CjWJUlJt~l\';!lll~n.c. I 'n•..,lil1•n!
IncUr.-; Onmflll cllDF:Ie G.S.Dhtll,'lll ,u, 1u•w
J\ugu.,t !;1, l~;tnks nullounllst•d

Enrry af VE!Ilus- in Gi!rwnJ

Sill Vcn

Rahu Sun
Planctnry Mer
July-August 1<01u
ML!rs Jup


Oeathof Jup
Rajlv Gandhi
21 May 1991
5a1 Moo••




Planetary Mo'
position on
23June 1980
Oealhof Sat
Kolu Siilnjay Gandhi Jup


August I 5. lndlrit G<~ndhl fo~~d r.pltl u1

the llldlan l'\1\Unnal Congress Pnrty. See
th~ l}fane-t~ry cttsposiUon bclov.-:.
il. W70 t9 ~tny to 11 June Con;~n.-ss Party ElectiiJil, MISA etc.
~xlt. ()[ Morarjl Desnl from the Cf!nlrnl
Fln!!r Te:dmiq\Jes. ot AstrologtrBI PfedlC:Ions Vol One

10. 1973 Juu~ 2 tuJuuc 25 ~ S(:Oior judges of Supr~m~ Court
r<'slgncd m-er ~o\·~nuncnt.'s prnmollon
Mohan l{tun.u Mang.'llnm. C~ntrnl Minis·
I IT dJc:d. ht OJII il1r crnsh.
1 L 1975 May 5 to Juw: I I u UUmr ant.l Cujarnt :!>lal~ UIOU:S.m1ds r)r
studcnl5 rutd wrJrlters tOQk out marellc•;
to pmu:st ugalst ~plrallln~ iuJlatiOit llDd
;1/].i1lru.l Con~!. COmJpUon. Jal Pr.\k.m;ll
Nm'fltn ktl tt popuiJtr mowmcnt tn Atl1.u
ag;Uusl Congress. Huge clculonstrniion
aurl lnbour strikes ~re bccllrtlhtlt eom
I'UUII pli!C'!.
AJI these fnctor~ bCNIOIC pn:hHk In
Allahnbrtr1 High Court .rudgem~t nfJuur
12. I ()75 holdln~ Mrs l11dim Griu,fhJ gut II y
or COm.Jpl elt:clm:a] [ll'iLC!l~. Th!'i ltl ... ·
tone- Jmlgem~fll lcrl to th~ lmpo;.;1t!orl <1f
Nauorwl Emr:rg~1cy o11.Jur1t." 251Uul also
tlu: pnlmuiR<~tlon of w-.u::onllUI l;aw!> lilt·
der lhc notc,rlou!'< MISA IM;~Inlt!IJ;mt.:·r or
I ntr:.rrm.l Security Act).
M;ly (, f'Nc.r A.l\~u-a~!'r. Trnd~ Unlanlt>~ldcr rllt'U.
Ma~· ~t) Nnga 1'21 .u~ A."'i-Nllhly cll5..o;,olved.
12. lB8l Jtutc2toJune25 HUHdrc~ drO\Ioll\1!1.1 Oil JWJI! 6 tu •lll5
~·11 P>l-'i!or:llgcr lrillll ph.tu~cd luto rlwr
tn Rllu~r.
June 4 Uuton CcrmuunltnUun Mlnlstcl' S.rLDt·y
,June n Rnttlnl II Sarrdtte launcllt'fl on May:H
bumcd UJllll space.'altl, \'i!IC!ilJI cl)ll!!n!':i" kwlrr llllll
frJrruer Untou Mtiii:Hcr rl1~41
CAG 11.."Jl'H1 on Bntixgun dcmlwa.... 'iul;omll
tr-tl. Titl'><l !'otlrln wltok·nfhidi<!.W
w.1"' Ill July I ~lXE!I
MrtY 9. Polk';: Hill I nlllliHLJI:'> CII~;Jgl'llln ·H-1
lmur ~lilt h:mlr..lltl'\llljah.
F'<•t1U('r Pnru,. Mltil'-t~:r fi.ljll.'l."inwlllt '"'-"'
Ill! ;"i~~3.~l\'l'lW"IIII1' Ut C'XflCt'llH;:! ltlm!>f·JI
to th~ puhiH·_Ilt:"Wil"-kdlr~ll Ill•• hntllllhl:t~l
at Pt•nlfltlllltlur at LO'!lO Pl\1.
11u: pl.tlli.llill)' fl'"15l tsn11 •H timf' W•L" H">
g~n:n tn 1111: hum!;t·•Jpc
PV Xnr;hlluhn ltw IJIHII!lrmtuor,lv ~~h:-•·f••,f
~lrlt•itl nf c:ougn•.5s.

EnlfY vf V('f')Ut 1\'1 GO!'I'llrl/ ~ TtdiNqUO$ or AM!ofoglcal Predadiotl$. Vol. One
MAy ~iO Unm Shgnk."l.r Dixit v~:teran ~ngrc.s.s
leader dl.:t.l.
1•:. 1992 ,June:: I" to Jnly 17 A.... Vc::nu~ w.-u polscd to t:'nEer Gc:mlnl.
worst ever flnancrnl sc-am of the century
trwolvtngR.o;, •l5000crorl:S, In mudlgrt..'a.Cer
onf! is r.a1Wtg p«J~ fn Junr!' 1997 wUh Ve-
nus In Gt..'fllln[-oo(lnr)war> brouglu to light
Ln c::arly June. CoUuslon of b:mkc::rs. bro-
k~:rS and bureaucro~ts was exposed.
one ~·~tl shook the whole flnauctal sys·
tc:m to ttv. core With !.·u·
d unc 1·1 Chalrm.,n and Managing director of UCO
~utk adntlt~d fraud of Rs... 90 cmres.
,June:- 23 ~' raldt> by CBI on ltl'>5oclates of
Ui\J"'Mad ~fehta and Bhupnl Da!Jll.
,July 9 Minister- of St:J tc: of C:omrncr<::c P.
Chlltm\bar.uu restguC"ll o\'u hl\'t:~tmcut.
In l'"alr Gn,wUt.

Table m
Venu.a Unaffiicted • J\ffiiction elsewhere
Year Date oC &Dtry o! lmport.1mt £vept.s
VenWI in Gcm.lnl
~ ~1513 July !J to July I i Opeu arru-td rcbdllon by N3g.'is,
C"-D. D~hmukha n:st.gned ov~:r ls!iuC' nf
Pt•·l)ple of Ou)amt -stanec1 .~A11i1Unn C'l\'i!r
~. HI5B July 18 en Augtl~t lO DI.!T('rC"nt'C-sotKrlslma.\te·non Wllh MontJii
l)~l m1tl Kri~lummacharto\'erjet.!p scau-
~khru nr:L""U~t.·d Rajnjl nf l.rr'esponsiblllty,
Nt!llru's~r1ol.lsdtfferemes v.11.h G.B. Pail(
over l)rau 1ttuguaf',C'·
In July, Chlne:-.e UT:!Ops m.:H1~ r@l."'S:<-1\'t'.
ffiO\'C~ \n l.arlakh.
;, I% I J11ly 8 ro .t\ugu!'ll 2-1 Augu:<;f In. !\.1nst~r T.v-n Stugh IW"~"ln hl...
f~!!lt untv tleatll lu /\nnit~u-
•1, l!l05 Jlutr 21() June 25 lmJ•J-PalW.r..m \\"ilJ'tll RunnofKHICh,C'crt!>e
fl,.,: on June 3f)~h­
D1~~C'~l t:\tr In U1e hl~tory (•( Ill·
275 pr:<lplf- kllkd .
lll.ill COiiiiT1111l!S.
•.htllt' :l~1 f',lklsl~UI lrN>p5 reM)rtt'u to ltr~avr 1\rl.Jl~
ILl l11pur.t
5 1001 ~t.\r :. tc•.lwlt: 1 t\l'TlL)' ,.,-dlt"11 nur 111 l']t•rll ~lwh·ul rt••'s U1
M:ty t3 V. V. Girt ho~·c.1m~ Vln• f"rr-sldcnl ot lndlil.
9th May 7..-"lklr Hnss.-.111 d~:Cied ~idcnt ollndta.
May l9 tnillan nnd Pakl~laral.c,oldlers clashed on
Slnlkol border.
6. 1978 May 17 toJun~ ll MAy 22, Pc(lpll'!i Conference got nbsolute
majortt.y 1.n ekcUons In Miwram.
.Jun!! 18 Kar-nkor.uu hlghwaylltt.ldugG!Igtt I.VIth Pa·
kls-ta.n ~r:upk•2 ful5hmlr and Slnldang
OpalN, hawing lon~ tenn rep~rru~~l0115
on sa.'Urlty nfhn11n •
7. 1979 .July 2 to July 25 •hJiy II. opposition h:;;,nl~r
'I',B. Chavnn
ll"lblt'c.J no-cou!ld;mce 1110t.iollll!!,aist Oesa!
gr.r.nntn.t>HI, I k be-tr.l)'hi h Is polillcal guru.
July 13 U.N. 8<!hugurlf!. F;\J'.IIIr RA~Imwn nnd
Rumf•luh:nr fr.3lgllr.d from central 1:-abiiu~l
Jt1ly 13 Prtrru: MLnl.slr:.r Mor.ujt D~~~~ rr:~1p,11cti.
George 1·\•nl<lnd~.t. [jJliln\1 Partap SU1~
a11d P.Lt 1\;ull:illkll n~lgnect Cmm C'C"
~blnrt. Bolli lmu!ieb UdJounu:ll $UlL'dU.•_
July l U Oeputy Prime Mlttl<.tr:r Clliltilll Stugh o~­
"''gllct1 from r::-~ntml ~blltr:t and Jan>1!a
Party 11nd tu:r.rnyttl Mnrrujl D~rl.
July Itt Presid~:rtl ;l~k~d 'I' .B. Chavn.n 1<1 fo.nn tllt'
f'..(J\"Cmment. whol rom-,:oyt"d hi~ UJ<lhtllty tn
do s-o_
.July :m Pn:slilr:nt lrwllc.(J Ch;u;m Sln,Rh lo (onn 11
11 CW ~\·~mlllt!U l.

l\-t.l}' 20. li.N. balluguwt quU COU£;1~~51 Ill

11 wl rr.s(gtwrl from l..ol, Sauh ....
,July 2'il to S~p I .JUlie 23. S."IIljily G.-mollll rllrd In rl plan~
crn~h. Vt:nu~ "'' Urb urn~ 'olr.l.:!> retro~uJe
lit Gernh1t •llltl ""'~ ~llr.rlng T••un15 leo
n·ct:t\'(' 1he ll!'iJ"IL·ct of ,S;u um (rum LJ:o.
9. 1~4 •ll111r li'>tii.Jltly 12 f~I111•J.:tlrm1Uil.nlll. Vlt:l.' Pl'\'3·kknt <If UJP
Intllr<t Gr.mlhl bJ<>l lin uatl<m wlrk popu-
IJJnry 11ren: wrn; w1t.1espn:.1cl rurnnuP>
thnt lwl1r.1 GiUtdJU wt•uld unlr.:J!CI t.:oll:IU·
f\ltl(lll illlli J>O!;fpOIIC ckf'IIIIJI-:i.

Tal>le IV
Vt:!nus Affiic:ted - Afntctioa elsewhere
Year ouc;-art:nt.ry ot lmport"iiii'"Evcn~
Venus I~ Gemlnl
dIll)' W.llllt"W(·nu•wllo(<Hktl
I•~· Sri pHI \1hhnt (. 'r111grf'~., Ill lnnttN1 111
&tiY of Ventt$ m Gemm1 ~lner Ted1011C1Ue!> ot A5.tmloglc:il PreclidJMs Vd One
July 21 IAk l.)al (lre.sld!:Il L !>-uspotded OcVi tal.
July28 SiX W~sl &ugallloUulsters n:slgu~d.
July 29 !'.1ah..'U'ashtra g<J\"elTlmmt snnctlcm:oi pro!!i-
cc:uuon agill!il A. I{. Anl.ulny.
August -1 Abortive f\l.tcmpl. to higbjaclt Indian Air•
Une:> plane 10 Anuilsa.r.
August.5 l..ok Dill Pnrll.amemary purty :tpltt Witll Ule
n:mO\'al of O<:>orge F~ndCJ:. and Hmn
Vilas Paswan.
2. 1988 May 4 Ia May 22 Mny 13. Ct\0 report lnr:!lct~ri go\-emmeont
o'\:,.:or HDW submarine r:!c:nJ.
July 3t tn September Mily 15. numbcrol'tcnorisb su~nderr:d
IU Colde-n Temple· Clpt::r.IUUII CJ!ru:k 'J71Uil-
Mny 161o M.ay 20 Spate ofkllllug:. In Punjab.
July 13 J\SLV-02 cr.I5h..-d 5bnrtly a!'tt:rlllt o{(
.July I·~ Hellcrrptl'r crnsh ncar Vaishno n~:vl
July25 Oujru-al JX!lh::::e. v.'Otl on ~t.rtk~.
July28 r.:1tUou.u b:ulmlrJLoll<'.hnmp1on S}~d Modi
sl110t cl~ad.
ln!sat IC -sulfered il .!S(:tl,lac.k.
Augu~LO Stx ap~~!Uon partle.s ami Jana Mordm
launch!!c.l Natlonnl Frout.
En.rlhquakl! htt .!ie\~11 parts of nortllsuul
AugiiM 7 Pn:.:!.ldt'nf n1l(' lmp<lsed lH Nag;dand.
Augu:,;t 10 K.~m;~t.1.ka Chid Mtulstor H.K. 1-J~gue re-
!Sigur.d ~lVC'r pi mar- IHJ1plug.
Augu~ 30 Lok S.abh:1 ptl~·~o the •:on I ''-'"rrslaJ lkfa-
maU•Jn biU-

Table V
Protective innuenee or Juplter
Ycaf Date: ot Entry ot Important Even~
Vonm~ln Ckmint
L Hl50 July 7 lo Augu!>t I 0 Serious \lllf~n!ut·r·:s In \.--:ougn>~'!: • "'ehn.'~
tllffctt'llc-e~ wltlt Putu'>liU LtamDa~ Tfll&dCJtl
for. Lr~atmcull.lflllliiOr1(tr_'JaJ1!l WUh P..atc:l
when Jnh;r ~pn:=·os!>dl t.loub~ ilbr•ul loy• of Muslim" l.Cl\\~mil't 1Ju1hl. MaUer'S
crunc en 1h<r lu:.-lCl tn Augu!>t 19:i0 wllh
m.auoeu\·e~ Jilr dt'dlon!> "fthe Pre~luent·
sluv ofCougrc!>~ byTandou. TamJoulluc.l
<:<uppunofPnut ond P:.l.d NclmJ oifered to
n::slgn t!T'iu1Jon Yta.!i Nd 1ru's dlf.
fcr:>:11e~ With Pn-;l•l~H Rll,~lnra PmMd
11lso on Hlh~r whu thiT<llr.-ned to re!ijgn,

F;ner Todmlqu~ or Asfrologic3J Preaidions Vol Ooo
Nchru':s strong cllffi:n::rwcs wuh P;Hcl O'\l't'l'
letter's ord~rS to Musl1m ot:Il.cas. Vls!lhlR
Pa.kbt;m to ~I' pr1'lr pcm1~~~1un. f)IIT('r-
c::n~ or 1\rt'!ohnn Mt:nc.rr v.1lh Nc:.lrru OVI'!r
po-Licy em l\nn-a- l:Hcr offered to rt'!ilgn.
2. lf!60 June ti to July W l.."t ~ !!.Cnlc: OghUug broke out tn 11be't
between Chluc:~ and rebels. Chtna
stn!ngthcn~d rnllllary poslUons on Urc
bonkr of lnfllil and opened ~ on Nepa·
lese party ln viol.aUon or prm1slons of
duly -1 Curf~v In Oaulmu follmvtngdl~t urb:int:cs
ln the wake of poltc:e Oriug oil \iolorl
July "i' StTlkc of L't-"11lr.ll go\'Cnlmcnt cmplo:f1~CS
July 6 I-;S.!iCO li<tl Sc:rv:h "r:S M."Un! cnn nee Ordtnaltl."t:
promulg.1 tet1 - ~Lr1kr.s.ln ~uuuJ !ttl'.·Lro
July 12 l-"1rtngou violent st<lklugtruwt.l~;Jt ()ohl\il.
U. ltl£56 July J8 to Augu~•l9 Ausw.t l. oppo:;ILIUII Utuvcll OIOUOII of Ill.\
l'O nlldcnC'~ n g.""til 1~t C~LI udl nfMinl!'it ~r<> nl
lndJr.l G::\ndhl em de'loululloll nfru{ll:'t: whlcl1
wa~ l~nn~J :t~ Loc-trnynl of lndln. It Wll!.
feared coUarr.-e Ct( rupee: \WLtlrJ lcnll ro
collnp·.:e of ftulln11 ~coutlnt)' amt e\'entu
alLy poiiUc-.allml~petiiJcll('(', l\loUo11 r.'tl51i.Y
July 18 Ac.-uh: law rmLI nnJrr tim\ fallll j'•ruiJknL
Indira G;u1dhl'~ tll~cusslou.s \\11.11 C'hld
l\tl..n15tc~ of\':lrlous ~t.o1tcs.
July 21 lndt..1 pmll".stcd lu China (or tutruslon In
W~tenr. Mil.h.lle rm11 J::cr~t~nl ~t:tors.
July29 Bnnams Htndu Urrtn·rsity do:~t1 l.udcfl·
nl\c1y foll9wlng ,..-rJou:o. cn~cs of
•I. 19n May 2 to June 22 2GJUt August.. unportiUit c:h:c!Jon fur U1eo
po:>L o( Pr..-st(lcrll. of fnjihl nil
July 27 to &p I Wlrlch the wiWii• future t:(JUI~ or lll!tiOry
of India dcJ>Cllclr:d. hr thl~ dct:tJull. tho::
'Syndlcrw:' t'(.m.r,t.<;tlug o( MonUjl IA•saJ.
S.K PaUL Atulyil nmJ Nljn.IU•fl.o1PJll1
r.aU\>,It~!.ei11t1 fo\\'CIIlt fll. S:IIIJIVn ~rl)''WI.lllr:o
D.P. Mlshm illlL' yrtung Turk~ :>tlppoarted
V.V.Glrt,Uicc.uHIJd.alt: :srxm!>(JITtl byludJra
tiulll1l•l. Eh:-1.•Un11 tVll"l ltdd 011 ~tllh All·
gusl,l!wdmc: ofi.Jirth ofR\jl\'G:•nrUrl. H~·J

Enrry or Wtr.u.s If? Gtmllth Finer li!cl'l.noqUI.!S or Asl~lcat Pll!dldians Vol. Onu

Gu-tlosl thl.!i decr.tou. II would lmvr. been

eml of lut!Lr-.t Gmnlhl. Mn~ Gi!lltiiH s.ald
after thts clectton that old guard fo:ll dlsln-
h~rtt~ct. 1lt~ ume for pi.U'tlngofw-.Jyof tv.'O
S«tions o( Con~!> had come.
5, ltl74 July l61oJ\ugust 15 J.P.Na.r.llrtlcllauagltaUonforUJ~oluUOu
of BUmr A.~'Se:tllbl}'•
July 25 Nu-conOdcncr: mrJtlon f!galnst Union
Council ofMlltbler:s tld~tt:d
fi. 1990 .Jul!!' 14 to AugusL 7 July 13. Utn::~ Uuton ::Mlnlst~r.o.. Anm
Nt·.h ru. Molu.t. Artf Khl\11 "'nd Satpnl sub-
llltltcd re~tgrmtlotl Ill Jlroh:r.t agalnsl
Clmutl1.1n's tnldng O\'('r as Chl~f Mlnlsttt
uf Haryana .
.Jaly 14 V.P. Slrlglr offcrc111o 'ilt:p rio""n a., Pr1rne
July 17 llarynna Chief Minister Chautllllla re-
Jllly I B l"'re'itcknl's rule In JRmmu &.ltashmlr nf-
ItT t'lHI of six mont! I~ gm'l:nJor':o~ nJlt'.
August t Dr=puty Prtmr.- !\.tllu~>kr Dl!\'l LaJ dropp~r1
(rum llnlon r.:~btnr;t fnlliJwtngwtld cWirges
mildt:by him ilf!.lhl~t hls nlll~~~ 1n rut
Ull~t\~~W u1tll lh~ lllu.Wared \V(\t)kl!J of
A.Ugu5t 7 linton Govcmm~ul Ht'Cepterltlu: Mandai
Crunml~51f'ln rrC:hnlffil'lHlntlnns ~llrl dc-
ctdc~l tn rest:f'l,'t' '27 ~rcc:nt job~ for IJ.iWk·
·wanl I'! a ~Sc'!!. 11111 '!> tlivlrltn).t lmliau Soc I·
t'ly Into tlist.iltct cli\SSl's.
Augwat 8 Vll•l~ut 1Jil1C~'Ots rt>l'"k~tl Ellluu- and ~prrAJ•J
to other piirt-. ot Imlln.

Ycllii:!JI!LUH.t.liU!IJn..l.U.ULilL.l!!!twill!k!IC'C l tnnt!-lcnpc hns nltJsl
-&IJ!IIIfl~UllJ:O.k..J~t.Jll.ill.Q!!tll.;tifuh:~.. f'mm thr ~lluly p~nh:d here- it
IIIWil be t:kar th;1l ~~~ ;iffilcted \'ell\1'!. lt<~S- ptuve"d h~d for lmllii 111
v-:nluus ways ami nu \'Mtous tJt.:cH->ltltl" II II• <.~rmlnt. II lms r.:•11~d
!;Om~; d1iJ11gro.;;; trwarlabty, fmm some LtuJu•·ui'HI-> lookh!P, t'hnll~e In fl
maJor hL<olOr'lc-'.J.I ~rnor.
Tlu.· remarlmblt~ truili to he IHiflt'I'cl lb tlml whltr~ 11 I~ lh<' -r;luw
movln,:t pl:mr1~. their conjunr.llnu:«> utnl oppo..,llmu:-. th;at Hrt." lhr. l>;iscs
of ;tll nnuul<tnr llrt'tlh:IJcm. tht+ lmpmlntccc uf Vt'llll!'o 111 Grrnlnl. •11' r1 fnsl
movtu~ plum·• Ill H par1lr\tlm· m.;ht. I~ a lt.•llllly nrnUn••t illlli n•pltr:-r~hh:
ph''''" ••f n •..,..,,:r,·h 111 mlllt~lrnt~• h:o.lrnlf•l~~l!."'·

finer recnniQUIJS of A!.tloiOOICJ.l Pt Dclio::tJOt.'ll Vol Ol"'t>

Editor's Note
Th urulc:r-otaucl lhl5 n·-...-.....'ln:h 5(."C llll' s~rv;l!lhlHAA ;;mel MCJ<JII'!'
Bhlnnn!ilakli of the lndlau lmlcp{"ntlcncc huro-.cope.

Ra!shl Slli'Vutakii Moon's 86Jnnuta1Ui

Aries 30 6
TllUrtl!l -14 6
Gemlnl lD Q
cancer 27 5
Leo 27 2
Vlrgo 30 6
Libra 25 5
Scorpio 23 4
SagittnriWI 28 3
Cllprieom 20 5
AqWlrltut 29 4
Plsces ~ 3
Venu:o; the lagu.-"l lord ol' t hr.: hom5COflt' lu Gt~ITllnl ,;;;f,IC:filln~ •• t.t•rn
bt'COIIIC:!i lJOWerl~-s ;Uld If afflicted t:'cUISt~:!r p;llll lu the IIUIIUtl .
.SimUruly. whtn Venll!.l 1!1 under afillct1un 1n nuy othc:r mshL tlu.•
nauon (f\Ccs probkm'i.
\~uus Is In Gem.ltu (31 May 10 23 June.. 19971 ami th,. u.HUou Lt.
fac~d ~gain wlth rr scncs of probl~rns. fimmclal St'1utdal9, Orcs 1n D~Uu placr.s.
1, C.R.e. Cnpltal5 n fln.1nc:t' romp.lily wlllch promJsro more lntcrc-sl
lu lm•c.....,tm~ h1l:!i duped lhou.s<mtts uf lht:m.Chahl lu~'l' Bhau~rtll
!nftcr whom the com~my C. RB.iS uamr:dl U1c rualu a..:l"u:<crl. wcc;
brought lo lmUa by the Ccntrnl Hurc.o.m or hwcsU~1U011 from
llong'kong ern 8 June, lfl£17,
2. 1lH!re V.'aS <l very ugly fight bclwccu Sll.aram RHo Kr"..!.Ti ~uJ SI\JimJ
Pnwar 11'1 become Uu~ pn!t<.ldoetlt or the COlW'C'iS P<U"tY llle
<.:cmgres.s Pnrty which ha."i ~ poor rc:-cnnl of hmc:r clcmn<:mc:y ts now
going to haw dttUons ;tftt:r 47 yean-. 1\e.sti wms wllh n hug~
;j, 'l11e fight to become the: presJdl!nt of U1c Jauai..'l Da1 has become o
very unplc."1-'lfllll battle between two Yndavs. L..tdoo or Blhnr and
Shruml or ~t.1tllly-t! Pr.:tdesh.
•1. lu n yngua conducied In 'a lempk In Th<mJavur 41 dC\'Otce!.- died 111
a fin.! whlda hrukc out.
5, Some- N.C.C- hoy!'\ who lt.1d gone to Dehnaduu 't\~n: c.Jmw111~cl lu a
6. The worst ever ~ Ln a Delhi t:111~1 hou"!le ou 13 June In which
many people wuc .k1llcct. (Upbaar fire)
"17~ fl{ndu Ni!w Yt.oar (7 April. J 997) If 1996 U.t(l..'> bmf. 1997 u:'iU be
u.oorse bet:.WJSC of some r.IL'nr frighlcning trc11d.s. Vi.olr.'Tlce (s ul.'iible
Delhi docs not appear Ia be .safe. Untcss the JX>IlC'I!' and d!tmns

Et1!1y ol V!IIIJ.t Ill Gt!fnff!L Finer lectmiQI.Id of Asllo'.ogh:al Pre<bctlon5 Vol ~

cnoparaJe. terrori.Sl. aclwitics it! ~ copilal of India wlll ~me a

1. 'Ott: H1ndl n:port~d Chat ou 18.June 1997 thece.W't:l"
many 53 lin" tnclctcnt.s wtU1 four of them l::lctng devastating.
8. The go'lemur of Bihar gave pantisslon to U1e CBl to proceed J~g<illy
a,gatust the Chlc:f MlnlSI~r r)f Bihar. l..aloo Prasad Yadav, l.n lhc
fodder scam. along wtth the fonncr chtcf mJrustcr. Jagannath
(The amlldlty of this n!SeGt'Ch wa. usred tn 1999
tuhen with Venus in Gemini the KarglJ crisis begun with
Paklstan Utfiltnztors entering some other ClreO.S of

Sorrow & Splendour
-A Pauranic View

Dr. (Mrs) Lalitha Kuppuswamy

!\'lo:;t sc:us.1.t lomd Ill appea171JJ«::e, Sa tum Is the most fas<:hmUng of

the !)laud~ we ~~~ In lllmlu aP;tnllcJgy for pn::tltctlutc. both for glorious
ndtlt:\'cm~u•~ Htlll ;tl~o ~orruw~. It ll(lt tmly has nlm: Moon.s but is also
SUnO\llld•!rl by three CltC'11)ar tlllg:s Which form II sort of fr1Jt OF «:(lllilr
nrt,unfi It~•; PQrllon.
Planet~ havl! nstronrluU!!.'ll aL"llen('e. nu~y
arc. de-Ified ln t-llnclu
asttolo.~tr nml rdtglon lx'c.r\U!';I" of Lhcll' profound ln.llw:m:e nn e.srthty
Jives, lmltvl<hmlly 01:5 seen In natitl c:harts <Jnd. on the world we Uvc: 111.
Salunfs.tonucncc ts :natlc usc fJ( (or muudauc predJcttons.
S!•lum. th~ drtty. Sl'l'ms to hnvt! held a lllgh piHce ln Hindu
relfglan Ulldf:'r diJfcr'!nl n;;me!<. hy \'lrlu.:o; Of belng th~ blggc:st plauelsor
(Hcr.>chel, Pinto nnd Nt•ptune ar-c not used Itt Hindu nstrologyJ nnd nlst'\
being th~ ~IOWe,!;t planets. Its c:.ITccUve Impact on t~ITI!Strlal C1,'r:ntt> (.!>
f.cll for a long u~
It cau h\" sw·rnJS(>d thlll 111 t'n'£one Hge!>, when ollscry<u.lon Wii5
Y.Q~l'i2...Pll. Y.~knL.J.hc t.r<tnslt of S.,rvrn ln the 4th.....ruJ!L!:U.ll
hou~es ftprn the Moon anll th~.~ ~ro:~n..:.tmt i:!Jlit1UL_.rq:;.' eyrir.. knnwu a~
sadhe saott <-H!.=tln ~rnuml Ihe Mogn. mu~l h•we r:xc.Ued curlgslly Httd
~ltnr-cu t r.:..o otl!J2..1l' M.
1b undcrstaiJ•I II. ~"thave to refer to our Punlnall whlch Is (1\Jr
~~~~;:-- mi1krl.fti·OII vnriuu5 aspcclr> rmll dfc:t:L"> or
plrUlel"> Where Ihey
a~ told as start~ which cnthr-.ill us rutd, "'·Hh remelltsd mc•t!tures
rccomrncndcd. The re~dlru ml!lL'lllrl!s nrt! 1J1c methO<L~ resorted to, In
•:mwert an ndv~...-slty into a boon. IL Lo; sctcn~~ and prnctlce. fear ami
ve.ncrauon, which man aJv.ta.ys ha..">.

11h'· propt:r am me of Ull!.<. pl<tnct Is Slu'mioscllnrnh. "Cham• rucaus
movement nud -sltccrlCTill-. lugubrlom; p;)cr:. Saturn ts, 'IJ.'"e luaow. H slow
ruovtug plauct.

17~ Ter.hntQt.leS of As1rologtcal Predlction5 Vot. Onll
Skanda Purana:
Bplt.hets of Shani.
Vartou~ epithets tlscLI for S.'1tur-u tn Skwu!a Pu.rrutct an::

mft: :tl~~iHJ tR': ~FR1i~ 11ll:t

fq;;~i•r:tl!!l'llw,jJ ~: ~: Nut\·11'4'1:1
wrrf1 ~ -=nmf.f wrr:~ Fth=n: 11
Saunh. SfJamscfmrati,Mandah. Knshno-ananlenllro Yamah
Pishan(}a!ih ctraya5u(o BBbf'r~th ShthDvnra Pippalayanart
EJflaltl SJtanl NRmaeni PramnahKafe Srru3aronnaran
1. Saurih (son of Ute Sun), 2.. Sh.alna!shchara (siDu.t mm.ring).
3, Manda (dulJ or !;low), -f. Kr~hna (dMk). 5. Ananto (t?ndlessJ. 7.
Antnka (destroyer) 8. Yamah {r:nnt.roUer}. 9 . .Plshanya (, 10.
Cht:J.ya·suto (scm of sharlntd.'S/. 11. (reddish hrown) 11.
Shth.avartt (slcttcl!:JI. 12. Pippalayanah (who.c;.e abiJde ts lhe pccp.l.l
Men ~lwuhl ~memlx~t· lht!sc names of ShauJ hi I he rmwutug (tu
suv~ lhcmsclvr.s ftom lt!i wr..1th).

P~.dma Purnnn refers to other epithets such aa

I. Grahanam Graharq}a. 111e king among planets.
2. Sa.rvameshwarah. the- Supreme Controller.
3. Kolarupl Mahagrah. Ut~: grL·at planet In tlH~ fonn ofTimc.
·l. Ja.tirah. matt.~d hair, ~hiu cortnp!c:x •
.5. Vqjra rom.a, h;tir, lll<e tmn.
t3. Bhayankarah.. l~ letnlr for demon~
The slory of Satltm as st~lr.:d In this Purnmt Ls gcnernUy not wcU-

The Son or the Sun1 The Padma Purana story

5anJna, t11~ c:L1ughtt.."Y uf Vh•hwa.k;u-rru-t, was th~ wUe of th~ SUIJ
Antl hure him three ~hlldren, Ma11u V.Uva~la, \';una ;md lhe gmldc5.~ ...
\attU (lhe t'l\'t:r .,.,umnm}. Sanjlln who w:efi uot ;whlc h) hear Ute daullug
brilliance <If the Suu g(.1d {Sur)·a) orderetl her Ul~lld. Chaya (that Is her
own shadow or lmagr.lln look After lwr husb;!ml and went to the forest
for pcrfonnlug pcHa.tlcc. :\11sUlkJng Chll)'1l for hls own wife. Sanjna. god
Sun hcgot thrr.r. oth.:t dtlljtu::n rtamcly. 1\.lam•. Shan!llshchnrn
ami ..t d.aughh.'r, 'lllpi-ltl Uht: rl ...-cr-ThpU).

The Btllbma Purana

It states llml Sllitlnf\sdHtrya. lhe: s~t:uml son ol th~ Sun. brother
of M;mu. atralued plaru:tlumrl nnd is wm·-slllpi)Cd by aU.
Dwit1yo Yah SuthtJsthasya Munorbllrotli Sharnaslu:llfH8h,
Gmhntl'r'Rm Sn cha Lebha Voi S.;rvalokabhl ?rtjllaiJ

Slalnda. Puran~
According 10 the Sknnda Purana lt1t> U1c dcV•1IJOIIHI1ll \tlll•,.. nl
Lord Shlva tl1:1t gave tn Satunl the sL1t11s I)( n plaw:t.

Vo.rnb Purono.: Why is Saturnflerce and cruel?

Once Chnya "Wits angry WlUl Y~rnn. th~ 5011 or Sn11JIIA, h("l..'"illl!'\t' uf
her Ill treatment hlw;utl!\ her slcp t•hthln'n. 5hc lalcl it cur~r Dfl him
Wh~n gntl Suu cnmc tu lwmv of thl~ t:unH.:, lk. lit fltrll. c·ut~rr1
Shant. the son of Cha~·a. lo lxt"<l111C lkrcc: <md cnn:l. J\ ~.:m~t< WH!'O I Jut,.;
coumc:rcd wltl1 n '=llr~.
Vara/1 Pumnn n:fr.rl lo this aw.:cdotc

~ ~ tml111';1GP~itoi•P~ufi'rn:t
f:<l O?tl'if~ q~~t;'l 1t 1 .'1 ~II
Sh<Jmm Shsfrqpa ManfiDndosr;l'lnayD Kopa Prodtum:;tllltWfr
'twam K,rr.tradhnsr,rtrtli~<Hn'lhf! Mafl'lf!.li)<4f'tona Put! nil' n
IJltc nll Putnn1c s.torlcs nbout Saturn WIL'H we '>CC' !ten~ nn
nslnJloglotl prtm.•Jpk· of tntrrpn:-lut hm. 11w ~1ppoc;ltlnn r.1r !:iii I urn •lllil
rhc S\tu Is n ·wciHmown lln::<JdL~d cnmbllJ..aUou Ut Ulmlu astrology.

The Sknndo. Puraun

It relnforc:t:"s: this :story by !H'!YI11g lllllt ~\'ea !~IJd!> aud llcntuu~ ru-e
afmld o[ th~ looks of SlumJ lflspccts cc: :J~trntogc."f"S knuwl. r\o lwtug rvet
C...<;{".<wc::w 1l1c fury ~;~f Slm1U.

Brnhmn Vo.iv:trtn Purana: Shani's dotunward ga~c and larncn~.s.s

In Uu: Gnncrpallti Khcmdn or Drahahmo VawnrW.I1trrmn Snlurn t:o
tleph:ted tis;. dc."\'ntec: of t.nrd K.rlsltw1. r\t thr. hdt~l etf l.t•nl ShiV'.-.. L.unl
Vi~ltuu anti othc.r s~g\·s. Shan! wc:nt w hlc:::t.s nrut~o;ltH flt h~ birth.
Shnul stood tll~tc. t'\'4:tt ~s HH ltw Lh."c. wlllt g;ue tlowuw<nd, ttol too king
Rl llte uew-hom ~by, Ganc.-;;ha. Godcll!SS rntvniJ,n...-;lu·d ::illollll llll'
t'cason (or hb pl't:!ullac all Ulttdc t,"VI:-U Uti All i~'t:<i~lllll lilt\." un~. ShiH II
e\-pla.lnrd that h1~ wa.s uudcr a cttr-se l.a.lrt 011 him lly l1is owu wlk.
t.l;tuf")llcr ofChltmrnlhn. Otl<:t" when !ihc '\';Is approadttng ltlm, he lu~l
In mcdlt..1.tlon, did urJt tmUt:~ her prc.wucro. AI Hlllyct..!. ,he. hl·~·;t•ll
~ptrl~ua.Jly slnmg, cun;i:d hJm thnt ht•ncdortll hl!i cllrn.·t lnoll 111 n.nyQI14'
or onythlng would reduc-t: tltc !.lghlctl i•bJft'l Ia li~h·~.

Fine~ TotAniQu~ of ~lloiOQical P~chctJons Vol. One

Tfrvayo dlw<ht.1m cha yac1 vasmu trnJda sarv<Jm VlnfJshyall

Th~ wl(e of Shanl lat~r regretted her act of C'lLtl91Ug because she
realised that whlle In meditation. Shnru could nol have her
presenc:~. 8ul lt was too late to correct the mJstnkc comm!Ued by hc:r.
For lh!s reason, with tile welfare of the chUd 1n his heart. he. did ru)t
look at lhc child. aut Gndcle:t~ PaJvau lll!ilsttd that on a fesuve
occa5ion U~ llJ(! birth of u chlld tu: must ~c the t:hlhl. Sium1 had to
nccr:cle to the rl!qu~l. lk lfJOked at the child. 111t~ ~~-o.;ult waN ;1 &treat
dlsrtslcr. TI1e child'!; h•:nrt gnt ~~:vcrcd and wrnt rocketing Into GQioka of
Lmd IU"Lo;lmn while the ~ma.lnlng Jlftrt. oft he body, dn::m.:hed in blood.
wa5 In Ute lap of Pa_rv,.U.
Those who had _g:Hh~·:n:d ~l P;uvaU''i pl<1ce we.rr... pi1nlc stricken..
But l...ord Vishnu ~ac.hro tltc hanks of rtver Pushpabhadra ntui finding
<\ klug eleph;mt cut Its hcnd off, bestowing boons on the herd of
t~~plHluls al the ~amt~ Urnr:, and trnnsplanled It on U1c body of 1111!
child. The r.hllcl bc:c:an1t: allve but l'<~rvalt. "lllnoytd a.., -:>he wa~ wltl1
Shant.. cursed 111m thnl ht· \ltnulcl hr. llr-vold uf a !im!l:. Ill 111m. Sun.
\'amn, s.ngc J<nshyapa aud othc~ were augry with Parvau hccau~ it
was she: who hHd tn:!;l~tc;d lh.·lt Shnnl should look ~t the child, fkrulslng
her nl.!sl;, Ptu"1i'dl1 s<tld thRL a curs~ once utlc:red rould r1ot he lal~n
h<idt. Yc:t. il WLJ!; li~IHcn~d and ~he said tllal Salum would develup a

Kmclltl Kfl8njo BhavJslryoSJ

The SpldtuoJ $ldl.) of Sbnnl

Tlu~ further blc.s.siug (It' Go1Jdt~5 PruY.tll Wil~ (hit( !;;luml "J.'Otlld
hfl\'t": long llic, would llc: pe~rlc:~ yoga wllh lolcvotlon to Lon! Vishnu.

.Shanl th~ d6tttruyl!r of evilS (WQrship of p11epcd tNlf!}
Accorrl!ng to 13rallt11U. Purnr•a. th~ wurshlt) of sru:ted peefXil done
pmpcrly Dc-con:Ung to prc.~crlbt~d rlmaUstlc umlutt!r mlrlg;tlc!i the
m."lkflr. lnflucm:~c or Sllanl hi the horoSi!Of>C tl( an ludtvldunl ami confns
prospC'rlty. TI1en Lht!re l!-o n !>Wry; In IH:iC.ven there w11re cwo cn1el ~l'lJ151Jf
l(alt»hl1n. with t11c n<•m~~ Wt! ;u-e: fumU.I.\f with, ahou~h In a difierent
way. ·n1~y wen~ kftowu as. A.shwathtlul ;mel Plppala. Assuming lhc:
form o! pei:!pctl lrec.. A.<;.h\\';:llhlh;i flc,mure1l Bmhmhas who came near
hlm lo ~ul twig~ for .,;..•u.:rlnt.·c, Plppaln on tht: otht:r hanct assumed the
torru t'tf fl stngr:r or lht· Sama \'l?do oUrncUng. htudcnls wo.ntlng t9 learn
lht: Sama V~d:1 frmn hlnL lie: too would devour Utem. Th~ tmml:rer of
Brdhmln.s 5tar1\~ll ckcr~slng. &Jgi.~:; doln~ pcn•mce went to Shan! who
himself was 11o1ng scrinus ::orlltCUlO\ Ja~kc:rl him tn pill au cucl to the

Fil\el' T~niQUflS or Astrological Precf'dions Vol One 'lAHJFN Som.M· A Sp._.=--
alroc!Ucs of Mhwaththa and Pippala. Aflc:r- compkUn~t hh scrrlilmltl
Shanl assured tiu: sages. he would ltlll thr.m. llll' :wg~~~ 011 llw ollit-•
hand s.'lld that Shnnl could take the bl'nent of thctr uwn .sadl1wu• ,,,,.,
lnsh:a,J ofwruung to t:1)mpl~h~ h.Js 5orlhana. act-al orH'e_
Shant n~c:d lQ at:l nl once nurl went to thr. <kmou. A"ihW11II1IhH
who was In Ule form of a pt.>ept:tl trt:t>. As usual. Shan.! wus dl'\'OIIrt'cl
Now Inside U1c stomach, Shanl had a full .and stntla!hl ~;v.(' nl l11r Buluc
Of tlJe 5tOmnt'h or Ashwathltm WhO gol bUmf (O ~~lC..."i. -
Shau.l IJ1en went ro the other •lemon, Plppa1a. In leam llll' ~1141
V~da and was devoured_ Again Shant repeated the act of ll.'l\'lllf:! a lull
-and strn.lght gaze at the lnsld~ lining of the stomr'lch ol Pippcda wl111
ICln ~tlt humt to death. The great rlsllt Aga.:;tyo v.<a5 pka~d wllh Sh;ml
nnd bks~tl hlm w1th m..'"Uly ll<lOII:S. lu lurn, Shanl, !'><ltd,

Shaul offers boons

1, "\Yb~m·cr tpm:h~ the f\."'(.lK!l tree oo cycry S,'ltl.UJil'Y..[!:'l~.Uh\
b.~~\11 in hl~orj'~Q.tamUTU!.~ nnrl fd n:II•·Un)m Ill-;
truu hk., l.fl q_o;c.:J hy Sb~ ni hi mo;e.l[, •
2. ·whL;Jsot.~·er t:~kcs lla.tJt In AshuWitlhg JCl:."Pfi!ln wtU haY!: ll!3_,~cs!ll~
3. ·\vtwsot~\'Cr
touches AsluJJCtthJitD ln:c (Pc.epul) nftcr h~lh, 111 !111
man-Ling on Saturday wUl h:avc hl.s troubles r.<1U5t~d hy pl;jlll'lnty
ntlHctions mitigated.

~ Rmn ~ 1:1 'f.J.cH4~cc<"4~lXI1'l,l

-am ~ ~mu. "f'.i: ~ ~ Tilt
m~ ~ c\ m ~ ~:1
Mf ~ ·'flltflful 'i~~q('l W:ll
q=<qll ~ ~~~ 'lliH·t'f~Ff llr!m!l
• ••.$.. f1 •
O)iTl=tt.1"''..,.i=i~'l ~ ff1lT q !15'0~1 ;:;q qlf. 111

MmliN1tlwars myata ye cha kurvantllyasluvallll/1.3/tmJbllammr,

T11o:sham Sarvaam Karyaant syul1u P(J{Jtlamarlhblwva no cna
TMertho chashwal11lllB s.orrgyo V:Jisnanam ye .na•aan.
The.sham Sarv:aBni Kaf]laanlbhsveyumparo vara/1,
M<moavare lhu yiJ asfnvatfltnam ProlfJarullriiJaya mar1a~Joa/l<J
Aalbmbhtmlho chil TtiOshc:Jm Val GrotrtJpaDall v.·dP':'f!tl!U

PeepRJ Tree
In the Bhagavad Glta also, LI:Jrd Krishna c:quat~ hlffi"'\'ll wlllt
Pccrmt trre

\~bNthlp of Peepal "free ls sa.1d to bl~!. tl1e V.'Orshlppcr- with
progeny. Jr is 5ald in Brhat Slotrnrnlngkarn. that Brahrna rcsHies In tl1c
I"(IUl. Vlshuu ltt the bark. Shtva 111 the branches atul the ill1 U1e tllr.lle-'
hr the le..wes o! the Pcqtnl tree.

·~ m ~ ~:. :rtHmtu' :.:i~< 1t'i -q t

-qi ~ \+=H<lr. <1l~~cM if -;;-q: II
Mule Bmflma Thvachi Vishnuh Sha/lhoyam Shanlmro E~a ef'ra,
Pattrro Palhre Sarvadevaah Vassr.xfhelfBaya The Naman

Bkandn Pu.rana.: Saturn in thtr Zagrua, 2nd or 8th housD

The son of a s<tge by lhe name Plppf;uta and m•phcw of lhe farnou!-
rlshl. 'agya\'alk.'l. llvct.J in a t.."(~nd!Uon of dcslltuUon. wllllout anyone to
look after him, ln a jungle, One~. ,.-(s/11 Narr~dn cxplaJnc>rl to Plppl;ulA
thai all his mlscrles w·crc due to the 11laccmcut of Shilllt lu his lagn.'l.
NnrndR :">aht that S.Rtum In the 81h huu~e: tormr.ult!d IW(.U Uu~ rlr.Hie~
whUc ln the first or 2nd house ltt a :hotoS<:opc. Shant Is not SUtlll.

~ KflfT ~ f<f,f<J?{tf{i5H1t ~I
~ *''jfi·"ild ~ 01HH ;.f.lll
~ \1"-•~1iff: 11f.r-u ;;~~~d~lq!l
ir-l~i mG'ir •uq~f~r fr. <t>I(IJltJtl
ND Thwaylla dlrushlcrllwm klnc.lrlll• purvadah;mttwro .~nlom.
Parom 'rt>f!B Susanjai'llflam rt.r.,II(XJ/T(mt Vya.~anam Slmmu,
Janrrmsthana blllJ vmmjaathan ShanlfllJ Naa/IU ~ 5:3nshllyoh,
nterwavasrhammmam Proaptho mrtinyadhasrt /lJ K.>ntnnm

~&t•'ll'tM 1fu:f l'l ~/·rl~Q•H•f~t'l:l

'"t:;ql'ft f<4~1~01 ~ ~1Vft:H
Peedam cha kt~rlJ/f!e ash,am~rushrgan,
JanmastiJtJ V/sheshtm;} dvrilfl!!ayastl'lu flwthlipnra/1
Ptpplada, hlnwelf full of spiritual pow~r. lmtkoo ;.ugrtly ul Shant
:md rrom hls Jugh position \n the sky. Shanl feU dOWlL RlsiJi 1'\arada,
kartug th.'lt the humlllated Shanft might. In l11m, look slratght at
l'ljiphuln straight and destroy him. rr.quc::~tc•l Shflnlnnl tn rlu II >inti p111
llH· grt!at pln.nel In It!> ortgtual postttou lr• heavens, PltlfllatJ:t was sorry
ltrar hi'! had t'.nuscd the rnii or SbanJ ttnd <t'il\cd NamrtR wltol UH.-
rt•mcdy wn~. Narnd:ts reply was: plan~:t!>, cowl!., ktr1g;> uucl firnhmua.s
Art' piC<ll>ell when worshipped and wbeo lnsulted t.i~ln"l)' tl'c t1(f~wler!!>.
r'iiir.ltl:l nsk~tl Plpplada to pray to Sbnnl, which wn:-; dOl II' lhus:

m ~~ fq'lll:lll! ~~~
;p:rnl ~ !fiWJiq q ~~II

. ~ . .
HM(.m ;pmy '!lt"(lihl/4 ~~

~ ~~IH·~t1"4 ~ ~ fql:;)11
~ •lO{tl;;li/:1 ~:rrm vifJ11tcl I
~ ~i· fu ~ ;:)~ \ltll(IP~ ~II
Nrmr<Jsthf! K,.odiPa~riSU'mya Pr!P']tJiayn trama:srlwllro,
Nim)asl/16 Babhwrupany:J Kn:um:wya dJ:J narnu5lflttlfw
Namasthe Raudrud1..1hoya Nmaslht;a crraanthelo·t'lflya r;fra
Nomastho Yoma s<JngyatJ.'ffl nnm.a.s:o S;wmye VJbno
Nnmasthc Mu'ldasunqyaaya Sho1naishcnura namoslhllllitJ,
Prase.<Jdham l<um DhoOJesha Dheenr.nya Prartaflr.asya c/1a
Pl<!a~llil wrln til iS JiiBJf!l, Sltanl !JWII/$(1 a /JOOII I<JIIrt? I"'Y wiPQ rvctmJS!!Jtll ''''' 11111
to lroulJID child! on oatow .SI,\'Ioen yoar.~ of .JQO

~~in ~ tfh1 ,~1"11.,, 1 i'i•h'11

~41 ·'l'•4f 7rtn'GFT ~·..,·HI 1 ~-cffi II

Adtwaprabttlll no Pucdr; bunla!l.aam Soryunanri/JIIil

T/JtttJyaa t\aaryn~ MaiUUIIIiJttgtl sva.lwcy:J ti;j k<Jl/1cJtiCfrau:J
The ~cHatJon o( this srotrn on Satlltclays llr lhc nrotuHI.l\. rt~I\IIIJ.:
ull bC1th. ph•dng O'lt: Idol of S."llunl nuHh: ~,~r lrnn IIUV.TlWHfll'\ Ul otll •11111
balllJng w1U1 tll~L oU, offerlug of :stSamo :uu.l oU. g1ft of hlw '' • ••\\
pt:rftlrmlng homo ''rlth the twigs or Sham! ln-:t: <~m1 wor~hlp nl Sl1;1111
with blilt.k !i.~n1e oU anti blilck (dork blucl n.~wcrt.. hlii1'k ('Ioiii .1wl
nffc:rlug lnccusr. nre rcrommc..nclerl RH ••ff~.clWe n~m~cltnl mnH.IIH'!o t•J
uulllfy Ill dfecls of S.llum. Such wo~lllp ronftrs pn)spcrlly.

Slm.nda PumP.Il: Effulgence of .Shani

A !>'ory reft:n. to child Shani whiJ 01ner hls birth 1!)\tllt'll HI rlw f1·1·1
or bls. f.:t.tlu~r. Sun who had coru.e Lo sl!e hlm. But the Sun cown••l il~t•m
·.vllh a cloll1 which ho\1reve.n1Jd u.otsav•~ lhe sUu01Uon <'!'til~ h~L·t r.r tlw
Sun got lmmt. ll is for thl!i reR!iOrl lll11t 111 nil idols ~• lht~ ~1111. krl tiH'
not vl~lblt: and are said to he CU'ft:tt:d wltll kaU1~t

Shani lu Rohini
Enough rC:".cnr~h has been done In reccrJt Jl"..ill'"!'oo lo e.stHbll"li II" •
vallcllty of the astrologi<..'al principle t.hnt ailltcUon of Rohtnl hy ~~ 1111
cau~s g~at agony to a k!n_g; and hls kingdom. It 15 mt:uUour-cllll 1111
Skamla Pur..1u.a, Podma Punu1:1 nnd tl1e M.ahabharat.4. 'lllt~ IIIL'I
popular 1Ju·-5c versions n:lntcs to king Do....c;harntha who a~ H VIIi 11'.'11"
king rukd observing 0\e nllcs or dh.iiJTil.a. He wns l•>lcl by H~lr(•lr•gt·r-o­
tlml Satum"s aftltcUon t.o Rohtnl would cause Crun1J.1c :u1<l w·"ooo; 1(Hic
Dasharutha ob!ttmcted the path of Shant 6JU.I thn~~lc:ncd rn kill 1r hr
entered Roht.nt. Plea~d with the k1nt(s vnlour. Shaul gnmlc:tt hllrt wllh
tJ1c boon that nnyom: who took oU bath on Satl.mlay~ wvuh.l 11111 l11
troubled by Sluml

"illiURN ~!10"\L· S S(ll&""'our F1ner TDCh111QU~ oll\s1l'Oioglt::'ll Pr~Oftl) Vol On!l

rnl <ft ~IH). ~ ~ii'll~l ~ ~~

nnt~s••llRW.i tffio~flfl.:..t ~ ':l '1 f!'Fnll

rna va yo vn~c;ra prnplfrc Tha/1,-;ebhyangnm karc:hl vc;i.

r/Jasy.1ntJYndhrwn;am yaaavill/lpest:latt K~aryaa nacha thvayaa
Thl'i suppurts tlw. snulb lndlnn cu:>ttlm of taking oll bath on

Sk.nnd11. Puro.n.a.: Remedial nulasuros

Gl\'ing sca5oarue seeds aud U"on on S;uurday for n year 15o
n·•·onmWIHircl n~ n rt:mr.dtnl m~a!'lurc w kc~p :~way the atJvenw. cffccl~
01 trRn:-;11 nf S<thmt.
l·'t~l'fc•rrmmc:~ nf ShilnU- lmma wllll sesame • .sacrificial .sUcks and
Jll'c:-!!I~IHS 011 Salurdiiy Is ptesr:nted as an ruJtidotc against the:
r••rlorl 11f ':'t;\'Cn nnd a half yc.rm; Clr Saturdoy's rule on an huhvttluiil.

fnt:i{l::f tnfrt4d' Rit:~1 rt ~~

~ ~ ~ ~ wn fr. ~:tl
1~: §'P4~ lf<nl!J ~ 1t't
~i, ~n~<tftr:rtli +in~ ~r.rrn'lf<!lu
1f: ~lmirn<i 'AJOGMMiil¥4' ""it ~:II
~ ~ ~ m;n~ tmlS~:II
~ ~if.l ~ ~ ~:• m
~ ~lffi Llai"'PI m~ tl~:ufm
<r~ .\11r;<Jo~ ~ '1 ':J41ti1 fct;;.)qq: 1
:t'l~~iH<[it11 ~r ~ 1m ~II
11u/adlrnnam Karottwavam lohadnanam Cha yasthava.
Knrotlll t:!hlvasa slra.ldhyal! yaavadhvarsham trwnyaa hi :mh
Ral<stmneeyah !Wkrachchffl511!1 sanltalesl'lu sadh81vl} /11
Tlwayi gacllarapeedaljam SM~<fltilhtt chsrka ssmbhava
Yah KuryllSccl'lanlhikam samya~'lllilaf'IOmam ella bhnkthlthah
Vas are lhavu snmproplhu SHmidhbrshc;ha thalhakshulhalfJ
Thasya Son:Jhnn/ VDn;twnl SiJplhD Karyn Prnyuthnathah,
Thvaya mksha mDh13blla~a v.1ram cJmn mama yaccl1a~1.
Yoshchl'litholh pslathe tlithyam slttnWtJC//,Y'CJ VJs/Jo:lllatlra/1
Shan8lshcharalff1haa Peedaa lhasya nr~asham 9/jCChlit/l/

Pndmo Putanll! M~nl.tlg of Graha.

Th~ story ts tlmt when King rcqucstl'.rt
~hitHI In rl"CC c:rcalurcs from the tortnelltS he c.nused, the: Strl-'>-w(lr Wne>
1hH I • r1rulU1" meant to t.-atc.h. Phmc.-~ existed to tomtcnt creatures frL,m
"IJidl lht• tlHly t'S.Cltpc was prnycr once or twice 1:1 cUty.

F"tner TWli\IQLlO$ of AstiOJOglcal Pf~i~ioos Vol Oil.! SATUf1.N Sorrthv!. ~1-Jw

,.~fu mn: ~ w.1: tftc;lq-,1.1:. n:p.r.:l

~ '<li<P.lf'Gq':~j;i '1: 'IW'•lfC1 l"fR"t;l
't~fhlt:i ft.*lt~1 'TI ~ ~ '~ ~'"'l'ffilll
GrtumaniiJofllhi gran3an Sarvr1 grallan/1 PfJednkaroall 5mrthaah,
Thvaya proldhllm1dhom slttoJhrom fP.h paltr.hyiJiht maoava/1,
S.73Aalsm dvlkalam Vad f)t!f!daa mLJ~r/10 bfWv(JI/1 IUhJti~<J/11.

Skanda Puran.a: Thff Prayer to Shani

The most highly n~comtn(:uc.led prr\yt!r 14! Slum! Is gl\'etJ 111 ,,,,.
Slumctu Pumrm. Pad rna Puran.a also ?,IV!!S a 5lmllar Prayt<r- tu Shu 111
E~n hcnrlng It bctng n,;Hcd Is $1irl lo lX:- dfi~:"_;tclou~-

'-=~ flH<il'if ~fj TfT1RJt.i ~<-dP-'t~'il

"{{":'jU ~-l: :;tnt
1·;1 oftr.?P•:P{'!Ji'4 ~~'Wf ~I
~ f~-fl?f~ ~~~fiR~ '111
-:;q1 fm?iRim zrtifl-,~ .. ~,
~: lW1?mwl ~~1·)4Fl -6 ~:II
1Iir f.w:i ~llmTTzi f-it*'IG]I'! ~ ~:1
';fl1': q, 1•.11F 1 ~,q[ ·• '{•i11'11 ttl 1::fr~ II
~ ~ si4f'~ -a ~=~
"Ttir mwr ~ ,~ q;nr~~~
~ wf~t;tft:J ?f'Attp::J 11fr~~rli
~ ~s~ ~ '44?.fqlf.ll
av~ 9lWl~ ~=~ ;p:i!~,
~ 11-~1 \}'Uf. f<Jff::i;t[l't ~ ";i'tf:ll
iM1t 0:({m:q f=irl -:rpJ(t'!l•l ~I
~ ~t"f10£11il 41:(1.ltf1{i(04+{_1clll
uc!r ~ if ~P~ ~ ~rn w~,rw.v
~AL{itt:ij 1 :1.ll~~ ~11:-r:::ri'f.rrn:ll
~ ~<tim= -;m
~"11r.ll ~ ~,
-.~~~~~ !iiWii ~:hf ~= w~1~ih!!il!U
~~'!~ ~ ~a Wt ~ fm.llf;:;!n:,
<rliJ "''I[IJll'il ~ftrrm~·~~~
t;l't[~ ".!CfJi::lJl:;;;\'qJ II
TI •
f:Ct: m f41

~•::.'r..-~'"11 ~ •1~j t=k~"'l~t·n

~ ~~· it w.. '~·Jri>i. o:rn1~Jff:l

.. ;;.............
W, ~'i"GIGI,i•-l Tll
DhyaalhwtJ Saraswatim DeVIm Ganfln.:=JIIIam VillR'f·•~mm,
RajtJ Da:Ulartllhah sthO!Ilram StJurur!dlli1N1111/'akll10IIr
Namo Noclamayulctnry:J Neo/QrnpolaniiJfr,l;'>l ,;f1a.

Finer Tcdmlques ol As.troJogiCRI Predictions Vol. 0~

Nama NlrmaanSildtJhaaya DcrmJhasf1mashru jolaaya cha.

Namo ViSIIiialanetfmnt.Vli Shv'Dflk.odharo bhDyoanak(t
NamlJh plJfli.Jhogslfuriya ttthUIDromtJliyn Val n~mDh
Namo wthyam l<$h1Jdhi~arlllili1)'n Nithyalhaptl'laya Vai nsmah
Namah Kaalaagnl rupguya Krftwanthoku nornosiJIIIUl/t(J,
NamesiiJ Kolama~slrsayiJ Dum,'reekshyoDya Voi nsmah
Namo GI!O(;laya Raudrnaya BheeSharuJaya Karasf,·ne
NtJmo 1St !I Sarvsna .kSll~.::J ya VclltumM<ha rramaslh liUI o
SlityaptJiru n£Jmttsteslhu bhosksre bllayDdhayukn
At111odlrn>llle narmu;llluhllyam VflplJhsiJYriafM namosthuthR
Nomo M:rndngaUm l11ubhyam msJhrlnshaaya namo nom/Ua
Thapa!UJ dagrthadahaya nilhyam yc.garollll1ya cha
Names!he gyasnsnethraya ksshyapolhmaja sunave
ThusMo darJasl VGI ras)yBm rushto l'larosJ Tl'lathkshanoatll
DavaaS!Jfa msnuSII yaasil cha f.JilStJPl'Jkslrisaroosrpa<Jh
TIMJya vl!ok1tntJah saure dain}· am:Jastru Vrjsnt/ chs
Brallmaa :ohtJA·ro yamashch~loJ:J rsllayah 5tlp!f1DtharaKBBh
RillY" bhrnshtaashcha lila sorw lhnvn drshtyDa Vilokilllmth
De!han n~ar-JQraam;ro t..JwecpushechaivaRdroyaslhltwa
Raud171 Dl1rshtyan thu ya drshtnah k~hayam gacchantllflath ksh;maatll
Prasaadam Kuru mG saure ..,oroonheham thoo;arshrithoh
S~Ufe l(shamaswmpcrtJedrtsm SSI'WlblrtJthrJ hlthBByacho

Brihllt Stotm Ratnakara

A strnple prayer for Shout ts gwen In tlae 8r1hal Stutra Rattlillutra

tt4i-.,l ~~~sl faincl~: f~J~f!:l~:l

¥4<;'<'41<: 'YtHii"li ~ ~ -if lJRll
Suryaputra Dooruhad&ha VishaalaDk5f1nh Shivt:JpriyDII,
Manda cllarah Prasannsthmmm Peedaam daluJI/w mo 3hanlh

1. Th~ .slgnlllc:uree of'tlle many names of Shant. Skandn Purana and
Padn1.a Purana sbouid be made usc of for predlct1\o'C purposes.
u. Saurlb. It refem to the dMnc [l3I'Cllthood or Shan! "'1m ts the .son
of the Sun.
Ill. Shal.n11hchara (slow mavtng). llls an a.stronomlc:a.l f.act tlul.tamong
tlu: ntne planets we u~ 111 Htntlu a~trnlc>gy, Shaul lfi lh~ ~lu\\'t':!\l In
iv, Mllnd.a ldull or slow). One of the attributes of Sha..n.l on tile po~tt.lve
side Is ll lcad5 to wdl-wn..,ldc:n:d dct"-15tons whtch cannot be taken
lU a huny_ On the negatlve. Ll can glve a physical or mental
handlcap wh1ch makes one dull physically or mentally.
v. Jtrblul• (cbtr"k). ll t:<; left tu Venu~>. Moon 1tnd .Juplttt to gtve to
on~'tl personality hand5omene5B. 50lcnut.lly and majesty. Sharu
can and Is seen to have done Ule l'CVttSC or

111. .Anonlll (c:llilf,...s.,). ~IHIJII gives :Jug and rJumbk result~. ~niKI 111·
vtL Anto.1tn (dest.ruyt~r). Shaulis llJC llcstroyr.r or C\'ll!'. Tht! ({dlulltOII .,(
1.."Vil wtn differ fmrn lmilv1dual tiJ lndl\'lclual.
vtiL Yamnh (controllcrJ, Shmll ls lh~ supreme controlk1 or 1\um:m
llcstiny ln any horo5cope ;h::corrtln!! ttl lts aaul lhf'l':t•
Lx. Piabangnt tawuyl. II ts •• usdul htul about llw typ~ ('Umpk.'l.illll
Shanl can glvc-
t.. Chayn·$Uto (son of ,;hadows}. Pholvgr-aphy ls tht' U!'lt:> of c-hn!Jn. 1\
photogr.1pl1~r hH!- In hr...·e i1 good Sh;ml comhlncrl wHh tl1h('r
planelot. to ln11ucncc h15 profe:;..'itou.
xl. llabbru (r!:!ddlsh hrtJWu). It lr; ~ usr.ful bhlt uboul 1111! I)'Jl~
cornJlle.xtnn Shaul C<Ul glVr-
!..ll. Sbtbovnra (steady!. Uuk.r:11 lls •!<Hiler 1mm•:. Manda, IL lx·•·nm~-"'
obllious thai Shnnl glvt":5 durnblc ruul lasUng n~c;Hh!'i.
>.111. Plppalan.o.ns.b {whu~ 4\hollt: I!> lht: pt.>t!f.>al tn:t:l- II emphasis~ the
of tllt: ~...._-pal ~c.
,>:1v. Grahaham Grahanda. tJu: klug nmong pliinf'ts ·nu~ n11~1111111~ l!i
xv. Sarocunc.shwo.rah. The Supreme Cmttrollcr. Th.: mca111ng 1s. c:lt:a.r.
xvl. KalaTUpt Mahagrah. U1c grt:nC plan~l In lht: f(lrm of 11mc. In
~es of ~n·hes pubiL-.h~Ll by K.N. R:10. ;uv1 Lhm.e whom ht:
~utd~d. ttmtng of evt'nts In t.mnslt for jobs. mnrringe, birth of
c:bllru-=:JI and l1caU1 hm..e showH tlHlt Shanfs trnnsU h.l\5 botil
positive nnd neg<ttlve !;JtJe.
xvtL Jatilah, matted halr. also complex. Shaul p.l\·~ hair whllr. the Suu
>."VIII. ""qjra roma. hnlr like !ron. Hl!rr. lhc ty~ of lmlr Shaul gtve:~ Lo;
A1x. Dancwanam Bhayankarah. R InTO(" ror dcmons.Shan1 [l.o; the
de..,troya- ts n splr1(uotlls.tng plancL11tc: story of the blrlh of Shanl
The divine p<tret1lhood of Shanl should always be rcmc.mbcrcd.

How Sbnni attnincd plr:methood?

11u~ son of the Suu. tlu~ coulmllt"t ur the cutin: ~olflT ~y:r.tcm, I!•
enUlled by blrth to altaltt parcuthMLI.

Shilnl : d.l'c1utcd sido of

A no-nonsense pcrson.'lllty, Shilll1 15 dre.'lded because he Is the
destroyer or cvtl!i.

MARS in The Puranas

Dr. (Mrs.) Lalitha Kuppuswamy

Oil July 4. 19£'17. Ihe hu.lcpc:ndl':nL'I! o~y of tlu: liSA. n spaccCfilff..

Man. tht! Pallillmler landed ou nc..tghhourlzt.g planet, Mars. ·Sct-Oc
fx-t'ilmc Sd·filcf'', '5Md n sclcnt!~l. wilh NASA. lu tllc USA.
·nmmghoul m:;u':; hl5lOry no plnnct ha:> lnspln:d rruln: awe th.;n
tile ~Tars u.nd the h~-tltful glmc nf thr. Rr.d plnnc:f In the nlghl sky h:.s
both (a5elnalcd and frlgtucucd mau. 1h ;aUclt!ut cl\'£m~ U wns the:
Goo or w;tr, t:-alktl 1\r.:'.S uy Ulc Citcck~ :~ud Mars by the HUitliJIL"i, 'lllc
fl'los.clnat1oa for ts t>ecn In v:u·tl(lu& S<:lcucc flctton"S. radio plays :md
ruovl~ • n.ll iJLvolvlng CIICOUIIICTS wllll lhe Red planot·~ •ltntzens or
various 'Silcs, ~hapes antl t.-ouslstctl~l~~- Tilt: EngUsh novcll31 I LG.
\\cils's. hook 'the Wnr q{ t11c Worlds', a (tmmnnc act:ount of an uwns1on
or Earth hy octopu::.-llkc ~t.utli:Ub, l!{llh'HtlJ!'lf'.:; th~ mystic: :.;pdl Mnnr
ov~r hum:u\ bclngs.
Rt:c:c:nt !lCknllfit" Ul\'\:I'Ugatton"S }JOin I fttlt ~t 5lmJ1Rr1Ues l>c:tw~cn
Emth -and Mars .so much so that the sdenflsts believe thai orlJ!Iuotlly
M11r:5 ~huuld ha\·c hccn wiU1 ~:nrU•. laler on ll must have gol scp~uatcd
fmnt the: earth. Hlnrlu nstmlogy. n ~r.lcm;c of Umc lmrncmorla.l d~clares
Mars :ts Dhauma or lJhumi·putm. the ~(111 of Ea.rth.
Anynmka (born rwm tllo:- 11mb of Shiv<\ or bcmt from Ftrel Dhrumw
(S(•II nf the ear1ll), 1\uje~ 11\u-~rth. sou nf lht: r.m1 hi aurl al~n Monuola
IIK'ucficlal). Loh!la U~edJ.
He ~ ncry. /\ccortllng to Naror.liyo rurana. ~1a~ IS of c:rucl look.
young. hU!uu~ nnd 1\ckk.

I<JrJrodtklhilruno Bllaumah PaJI/HI/Jt'kasfl Chapala5tha Th<m

Gan1dn Pumno rlt"-~rlbc!' the hugt" ~;harlot o( Bht(m{'s son
[MiJrs) Is ••f lhc: C1)lour of moll en gol•l nni.J. L'j drHwn by r:lghl horses, o{
lh~ I!OJOUr of tJ1t fil~IDCUl5 of Ol lotus ~Ultll!i 001'11 of fire..
nu: wurld or Mungaln 15 call~d l.ahlln (RcdJ. II l& utnt< r.tyt·d uutl
full of WRicr.

'La/11!0 Navnrashmfslllll Slharmma£Jpy;;m llru !hosy;; Vai'

J\cturdtug jo MI1LSyn f'trra.rro. all piRnr..t:s have ,,rlgllliltt'd fnnu Ute
rays. lJ( Ute Sun.

'RIJ.isfulgmh.-utl• Snrvo Vrgvayaat1 Surya s:JmbhavtJlln '

L.ohlla (MHn:l 1.s the prodlll't of the Suu's r'<iY \:allt:d Sam~rtlhatm.

'Sarrwamtranastnu yo rosnmm Sa yoms rorutasyo Cha

FTom the Pc;r.opirntion of LOTd Shlva

PurntJCJ.$ lUte Skanda. Shtva state llmt when ~II Ullc wtfr. <lfShhonl h<:rsclf ~t tl1c 5<\crlflclnJ On~ <lf D:Jk.'lha. Silt v-el. gn:ally grief·
sjrtdtat al lhe los..c, of hls wifo:, ~tarlcrt dolng !:>CV~rc pr:nance :al th•~
Kallnsha 1110\IJJialn.. Du.: lo I".X~S!; or heal prorlul' tu tht', a drop
of pc-r':iplrnUrm fell dnwn on Ul~ ~rth from the forc-hc:td of Shtva. It
sl111ped as u chUcl. n:J In blJJy. wllh four nrrns. emil tin~ nn C'XtrnonHmuy anc.l start~d w~:t·ptnr,. 'l11c cHrUt look the chJJd ln her lap LUtt1
g;w~ hjm mill< nnd fondled him.

Besto\ver of Lond
Lmd Shlv;J wnfcn~d a boon on the cHrth lhaj Uu~ child wouJd be
known ;Jr~:.- her narnc:. nu~ ~hlhl would be Uu:: bcstowcr of lmld. The
carU1 toolc t11~ chUd a1td bruugh 1 lllm up. Siuccr the rhlld \•ms nouri~heL1
hy the cru1l1 (BimmC·Ku) he Is rnllNJ BIICiuma. lJhumi Pulm ouu1 Kuja. He
worshlpp~d lord Shlva <tt l\ashi ond attained lhc ~lnlu~ of a pl;;nc:l hy
the gmc~ of ShlVil
The btrth or t\ngaraJca. from U1c p<:n>plr.ttton or Shh~d and frurn th~.:
~'lrth 15 sftld to h;wc tnk(:n plnl'l! near AwmU IU.Uatn). Even tad>\)' IIH."I'C
ls lht.: shrhiQ of IJ1i:r. pl.nncl <d UlJaln. on Uu: b<mk of UtC' Sh£pra river. He
1s C"illlcd Mll11goln.n(llha.
According 10 AnC1l hc1· vcrnlon M.'lr.i WilS born from lhc drops of
bltmd of ford Shlva.
1\nothcr Pumnlt:: vn.rlallon ls thRt Shl\ll marrlcd Vik~slli,
dnughtcr of Himn~ak.o;IJCL One dny whUc lhcy w~rc cng~ged 111 plily~.
Agnl (·God) came there_ Etmtged nt lhts. ey~ of Shh1a blnt~d with
anger and a drop of hot W:ltcr from his c~'C' fell 011 Ute face of Vlk..:!Shi
~vho t·oult.lnnl bc:u·lt a11(1 threw IL A chlld wns hom ;~mlthe godcles!> of
emil! took II ancl (l!d It with mllk otnd U \lf',HI• ftmt d11lfl who l:il~t· •m
l~cmne Mangala.

Dt•1•f CJiutynt•utu wr.'IIUIIU" Mwt(tttltJ H:!>- Ill\' ~nil of HIUHtli f.)eui
(t'<•rthl wiJ•1 I'> 1111' Wlfl' 11l \1/,PI(H'I~IIrltl l11 Ills ltu:<itiUlllOII HS \'l11aha
M1-1r,.. '" ~~lh'J"'•IIY Hh'ltllllr.-11 wuh 1\nnlk•'ll'~- t\o!Hiflll.Y 1\i.l~ v.-as
bt•tn (tJr I llr bendll Of Ill!' W(lrtll lu 1lt<slm~· llw tk111m1 .f'uruka.
1\a.rrikcya, lht< <Jud .,( \\~H·. lh~ gc:111't-al l)f tlu~ nnnlc!i o( the gods.
lhougll•·;llll·~l lht• YHIIIiger """" f11 Shim ;m~ PiU'\'<111. ilf:COttllug let mo~t
IJt' Ut~ rur.UUC' lt.,~t.'lh1!'o. l .. dlt'lr ...... I,IJIIy in lltC' "it.~ll!'>t: lll~llhq• frJrmcd
hlm. 13rnhm.; tin·nugt!rllur 111 .... 111rtll In 1111"'\\'er toll he pr.4j'~,r-s of the gotls
fur 1-1 cUI'liJ)t~lcut h·;ulr.r uf 1h! 1r fnn·r.,
n1rukt1 ckmoll otllitlUI'Il lrttJU f3mhllltl 1111~ h<K)II 11f lnUnl)rtaiLiy, Ihe
cow1Uiou t~lug the\ I outs 111\' .... HI ol Sill\'~\ <iiOue f'Uuhl sl~j' him. Earlier
th1~ gotls IHHI rr:QIIt'o.;l,..ll htrtl Slll\'11 llfJ{ ltl liii[HI'lj!Uil~ P.arvau. ksl n
ht•lng l:x- hfJnt who wm,ld 1•..:. mt•n· fl'"''l'rful lh;111 nuy _god. Shl\'a had
('Ql)!;CUit!ll, Agrli (Fin: ~otH 1.&-'.)"3 !>-~;•til hy I fw got15 .I)
Shi\~ wah ;I n;qllt".st
UlH( .,.., 15hl\'<ll :Sh1J'III.., pr ttV'toh.:. uwm \IIHJI <I ~n. who Y.'(•ult.l t.I<.'Stroy
Tarak."l. P<H'\'.tll \\•,,S'\IIIIh SlttV.t wi11'Jt ltln'·C!ull r·;um~- She: kft lht! pla.t.'lj':
<1nd /\gilL .:1~St1111t11g 11:~ t.•rrn "' .1 lim··~ •.,~c-cl\'c:d h·nm lnrd Shlva. U1e.
germ. Uu<~l•lC 111 r~trn· 1111., lllrlhrl", lu~ tel 11 fall1111C> the Gan~a who 111
t\lnl pill It Uti•• llw n·nh fSiwru} t>ll thr l><iuk:s. 'Il1c:n: at·o~ n
:-oplctuh:mll:::- h".V \\.'llQ w.,-. l';.tlh·d Af}niiJfllwa (ptut.lw.:cd from Agml.
II hiiPP'''If_"fj 01111 "''" dHu~htt!r!i (of n I(JngJ Krftttkas combtg to
h;JIIII' s.<tw 1 111~ hll\' <iuJ 1:."'.-ICII •--allrd him her sou "Rnd ofT~d milk. 111c
(1hll<l il!i~ll ml'rl Hi lum::tl'lf ~l'\ mouths aml rcce1wd nurture from eac.h
v.•he.w•r lh' Is L"'.illt::'•l SIIWlmnlltluo ~hn~·tng stx mnrtu:~l- Bulin rucl lhe
r.llllll h;\<l 110 mulhr.r, li:ar h~ C4111JC from ld5 raUJcr alone. In course or
tlrnr w:ar <"ll~uetl bi!lWceJl 1\arlfk~!Jtl and Throka, Ln which the demon
\\'it5 ~lalu.
lltl'n• 151 ~!lll uuoUtcr- m:eau111 c~f lhc arlg1n of SkuudtL Shlva
cmltl~d sparks rr
llr'l' from his eyes. whiCh bdu.g lhrowu lnto th~ take
Sllnmwna. be-~ me !'i.x lllfrult!'-, who were nursed by the wtvcs o( Ute
sngc:-5. who ~lr~ ~c:eJiln U1c sk)• iiS Ihe pldadt.".s (KrWikru). Whc:n Parval1
-'SaW tht:~C bahlt!...._, she W"d& OV~r\:t)IUI! Wllh jO)' and cmbr.lCI!d <til Of them
togctlJc-r so farrlbly that th~lr sl~o; bodies became one, wb11e t.bctr 51x
ht'.'lCis runl tw~IV('; ;;nns n:tn.'1lncrl.
111 yt:l <tnuth(r lcgc1ut. Pi1r\'nll grwe 1n111 Aonr:. keeping the fot:lu~
of her uulwm !:lOll 1\orUI(cyo. Whlk n wa~ ~tug carried by Agnt ll fdl
lulu U1c GangH hcm:c Kumaru b ~omcumes referred lo a.s Ure ofTsprlilf!
of A9nl und Ga11ga, The Infant WR5 hroughl up by the stx Kritttkas
whence 11.5 name and had slX ht"<lds anti twch:e hanll~ to receive tl1c
milk of his stx mu~cs.
Another vartatlcm ls that Krunam Is the child of AgnJ (t-'fre) and
s~'O.ha ~Aynes wife). boru tml of Agrai's dcluslun thal ht: was malting
wtth the 5lx wlv~ o! ccrtaliJ sages. act\.Ullly lmpcrsunatcd by Stoaha...
Kumara ls known by \'llrlous ammcs such as Bllauma. Gulla (Uu~
mysterious), Mah~na (the great general). (Spear holdcrl
S1mmb1UJ (Oll~~ket born} Senapati (Commandr-.r ln ChicO.

l\ohu$ in different House5
'rt11~ rm~HimJ ul Mar... 111 •llfft·n·ur llmt~~:~ 111 Hll llllllvldual':o
horu5t:IJIJ~ ludlc-<:th''5 Ynfi!Jl.l"' o•ll.;-••1:-> i\"ma{1iyn Purnn11 01•'11111111., II lhU!..

l\ltan m lagn a WOIIII!b Ill lilt: imdy.

n bouse Iii!' l•·s fr.orhldrlt:u 1'1 Jl HI.
m house ,.,..lwl;u· ~ wl ~.o-rJorou:r..
IV house dL·vn[rJ ol llnppllll.'~s. full 1ol ~ull•·riur.:_
V hou~ tl•·prl\1•'11 HI W>'<ilth Hlld Sltll.
Vl hou9e Slrollg 0111(1 ('OilC(LICfOr of C'lll:'nl}'
vn houae Slllxliwd hy Wlff'.
Vln lu·althy ;tllll h;1ppy.
IX ho~e \\11'kt•d.
X boWJe karurll autl lw,we.
XI ho~e rkll •md "l'lf·n~.,pC't'h'tL
Xll house lmv '" trl \\11hmtl W{'idlh.

Tu~sday h ~wn•(l for l\1;u".S. Wht'Jl Ill~ hnght fn1111h Will I q ..:'IJ f<'lll~
rm a Tw~=-rtay, thi~l !lay Is ,utspiriHll'> for tile wnrshi(J uf 1\l.Hr.... 11 I~ t~rtlktl
J\llycualw Ctw!uotlti. Itt An$/Umr.-a Chalwll\l \'OW. vttrlow;, ''"'·'fill.!.!" <1rc
cujotuc!l to he mw:lt• JrJ An!;nrnlw. wldn-sslll~ him 01:00 Snn·n. tlw VJil of
P"<tn'<~lt. lhc: son of _gv (~lh). f\ujo.. LlJIHtwt_qrJ ~lr. Tiw ttlol ••f Attgamkn
15 10 be- rn<ltlt·· from golll "t Wiltall ;11111 11 ..,lnmlrl hi- ~·nl<mml ll~il. B I:>
cnjCJin'-'cl th~1 Uw ulnl he glw·u IJ~Ih ill :1 4'11JliH'r phJI•: 111 wltlt:ll rnP.I!,~ry (~
plat:' ell.

qrilfnf~ !Sixth Tithi)

Slur.!:' Sk;inll:~ wa:; illlll'lllllf'll ,,.., a·omtl..,llllkr·iu dud tHI ;}
Slul!lhtHilhL It '" n ":lcn:d tlll~' Jw l\111r~ 11 \ .. -;.IIJd th;~l wr.,r.... hlptn~ chc
pl;mrl ~tars on •• Sho5hli·7nill. n11~· ,.,111 g•·J Wl'1l141t nml "''"1.

Apulro labiiMf:J Putrctrlllti/liHIOPI dlmrutm lnbtmltr

Accord tug, to SfliL'O Purnna. If a prr.toll wor'>ltlp~ Sk.Hmla4111ll olfrrs

lamp el•' ;as gift~ n11 TLIL~"'Iny~ wltll l{rillllkn '"lilr, lw will l'lf.'l.''lma· n
Hrdn•~tyfmr whaJSt.' IJifl.'rilliCI.":o<t wiiJ Hlw.ay~ htrn uul lrJ lw I rill'.

''l1~ .q,~ J<Jo >.~ 'l·;; '11 ' j 'lll•i I

:fl'I~Rif~~ "l'Tf~r~..:m II

't\tii/Wu1 tllrWtll'iJIIU!!'Sflll S~:;md;lsyil Yn/.III.!J,11111f /Jo1/llll

D•IJ-1 1J ''.JI•In.1dr tf<'JII{JlJU'Ial ViJJ..SICI:Jrw ucllt 1 11/ IJio:J ~·t~l

MARS tr; Til~ Pur.JnD.S
Angaraka Chaturda~>l
If there Is rourtceuth llthi on a 1\t~5day. warship of Mars yJ~lds
mon: n:sull.s lhnn il hundred Sun e-clipses.

Ptli:lyrr to Mau
5'1~ 1 11;.11: ~.n) RifMI~ 1 il tmtjt'f:l
~ "l\frHI ~ l1t.l&iiG.I h~:U
.,.,.,........::nt c; • ..,.,..r=-:n.-'~
:![lifec1i 1R4>\11 <1'1q>~H1f~H: I
~~ ~: ~ •r-mt ~:II

1/fif'ffFIP.rir ttittr'WI !IiJ•iiiNi : ~

~·l4•=4fnf1 ~ ~: ~ -mm ':ft:ll
~ 01 fWl ct ~~- ~ q fq:!f~-.fnl
tR w~lft1 ~ fWl. ""' 41.i{Ji,'lll

•nimiw•fl~ ~ Fl"'li1 ~~ ~:t

~:J'<i~~f!'i ~ q.;,._•ki iii§S4~:11

AtrgDrtJktJh Slmhlllidfll)IO lof!iiJJ1lgD Ottarn Sutltllfl

1\IJntDro M.Jnl}illo BfllJUrno MD/18"-tt'fQ DhDnaprndM.

Rmnl'lanna Or:;hliliarthn Raoalmlt ROflanaf.hGnab

Vidh'lutlrprobho VmnilliiJrilh Xam,.do Dhanahrllt KuJSI!.

Samnr;tmapn.~o RokJflalln.$lhroRlll:rhayumokshanah,
Lahifo RaWra Varnashcha S.:rva Kannsvabodha/<ah

R.ahtlloms!y&dhaJo Hamtl Kurr(1sli GflJ/ltmoyak-a,

NnmMvathllnr Bruwmllsya Yuh Potllltl SaliM lllD111 nDra/r

RIMrtt ltlasya cna Diitlfb/JMJy'am diirldr;am cJra Vltm!Jhyoll.

Ohonmn Pwpnot• Vrpurum stttyom Cho•v:J monoromnm

Vomshodhyothalfsr.Jm Putram labhate na~tltrra samsh(}yD!l.

YorcllD)'t!dDiml 8htwmDSyCJ MIJnaa!Jm blltw push()Biialll

SarvJJ naslrytw pc•.Jdo dta 1'/lasya fltil/rtl krlhlJ dl'lrtNom.

(ITo"' S.h:mdo PvronQ)

Upgrahas and Mental Maladies

E.S. Issac

1!\'l.r. E.S.Ts.:~ac who hold.s a high 11nd n~s[KIII!'II•h• po~tllou t11 lhc::
lndlaJI Tck\'lolon. leaches astmlogy In lh<" 8h:-u7illyn \'\cty:. 8hHvi\nl
Q\·r:r an y~ar. l haw oc~n ~lhcr-111g ll<\ta fot rc~;uch In
Astrologtc:al Coun~lllng_ II w-.ts m•ly ~~~ Uu~ fh~l wrel\ ut l;d.11")' I 897,
whtlt' re-reading; llri/wt Parushttr /fora Shtv;lm. llwl I ~udcktlly "'fiJ[Ipc"ll
at the s'ttokas. wht:~ Ill passing. the s.o~tc i,Hm!>hnr mruttaw• the
rdaUon!'hlp bctwr:~n lhr: Sun. lhe MooH nml lh4: m}'"SII!rlou!:l- yet
unexplored UP!Jmllti.S. Out of curloslly. I tl)t1k out all llw horn~ope r,r
mental ~umc:nts, I hml with mt:. anc1 ch:1rt~d out IOC"'"flllou of Llpg~Jm."i
in them. A rlcl1ntlt: p<liiC'nl :o;l;uiccl cmcrr,lug. I rnll out uf (I"W-
N,~xltiH)'• llmugh t"Xl'lted yt'l <-~pprdlcnslv~ i-111\1 h'" f shrJv."l:r1
them to Mr. K.N. R..·w \lo1105l" 1us1an1 ~morkf. W•·n~. ·arllllanll you'L'L'
.strock rich maieriurI
Tbc:Jt' Wib no looluug llar.k Ull"tt:'Hfttr. My n:f.Carr:h pnpcr- 'vn~
changed fn1m AstrologiW'll Comlo;,t·lllllg r_n A[lpii~·<Uhnl nf Upgrn.l!il.=' ffJr
pr~dlcllon wuh f>pcclfle ernph;i5l!'. oil mt•JICa! llht()~:'t. Tiu·rdorc. 1111~
rc:.s~oilrch pap~r on upgraJII.Js ha:o:. bce-11 prcpnrr.f1.

!\Und rcft·rs lo tJ1c lutcgtaU\'t· funr11o11s tlilhe hr~lll AIHI psycholo.ey
b .. thc~~h"mnth:: sludyofthr; m1ud. nu~ lmpnrtmll f>ll'lllllt·~ of the' milld
~rc ~agnllluri or kn_ov.1edf!lr": niJIIUi11oll (lr WIIJ Hlld rt"l'llll~ Or ~mOIJOil.
CogniUon lneludcs pcn·r-t:lllol\. tllhlklll~. llll'mory i\llfl lulclllf.{l'ncc.
·~·dmlli)' 15th(" tmmch of mcchnrH•.- whwh clt•HI-s. w11h the rrro~n~tlnu,
ln";-!lmt::ut ;11111 1Jri~Vt:nl1ou nf mt'Uial ahunrmallllc::; ollulrll!->fmlrr.;.
Meutnl llhwss lu gcltl" r•1 JH>}'I.'Iutlo~~-~~1 tll~tmb;IIICt~ I~ lilt'
rC-51llt or i-1 pj•r.;ml'~ failUtt+ hi ('l)jllllg Willi lfh P':>jiUII':>lh11111L'!i, <l lalhltt~
111 CflfT)'Illg thr lr.larl~ tn Ilk Tilt' 11)1111 n·kro; IO II ':'>''rko; nr p5)'dlQ·')Itr;lnl
3lt'c.S:S~. TI1c:o filllun· •o ~~rry thr- loat.l 1::>111 be C!tllu·r •II II" In 111~ ·~tl._..· n(
lht: land or due lo ll1e lnlt~:t'~lll WL".lluh~S ol tlli' 111.·r:.u11.1IIIy. Or- U1cn:
could be il roll:' of mulllplc: fswlnrs In ~·a11SIIlg nwul;.l tll!it)l'dl·rs.
Well·in.ljul\leorl. hrii;uu:("cl P•'<'Pk n111 .il~• ~~·t llll'IIIHI lllslul'hntWl'
dl.lnng btg criS~:s ln U11:Lt llv~ Uu Ott· 11IJwr l1t't1ul. lll)'>ltthlr• r-w·r~_ntr~lll_h~->­
whn .show &tdjll!jlm~ul l!Ulkulrh-~ ~ml i1Jh''ll1T~I•W11 Hmllh·m .. rtm)'
brcak·dmvn c:vl!n willa \'t.:r)' Mrulll lt~ath Ill Ill•·
Upgmhn:; a:> m~r111n11ed Ill .t~lrolo~l~~~l h':\'1~ .Ut" th•• .ecl\'••f':'('

amsl1as ul platlcls 0111d h-ave- been termed malefic:!>. Sage Pru-c1:1har h£u;
unfohlc(l lhr: rormuiR of tht:lr caJoulauons tn IUs cl.asstc. Brlhol
Pa.m!iltu.r Hqru Sha.stra. '11wsc: tlpgro.J•cu arc: mathcmalic<llly senstUvc
poil\l'i whii'IJ c-nu be lo~lcd to the dot In Uu~ zodlac. No
prlnclpl~S Jt.'l\'ec lll'rtL spc:Jr OUl h\ ilU.)' or
iJl~ ;:l.5lJVIOglca} {ext$, whJch
lmn· ~"<lmr. In notlcr- so far on use or
Upwahas (or prcdtctlve purpose.
Thb lt>~<'<-trdl paprr I~ nfl alrc.mpl to cstabll.;;h U1e influence of
Up,!l/Hh<i:<> lu cnu~lng mcneal nhnnrmalllles ~ml tllsordcr!'i.

A~trological Pa.r11.meters
~1\'utnl nrll~·lllr.s such as. pl'n•t•pt.Jon. ihtuktng, memory, logic and
IJH•·lll~l'm't• rms lw •.·RsUy 1.:'5tllhlt!>h~d on the ba'lls. of trtt'd ond proven
rlo;lrllh,..~h~~• lWII!~"IJlk. Ho~"CV<'r. ('fJmbiHMkms for mental illness as
rn~·ulloJt~•l 111 lh•~ n~lnJlogl<:"nl h~ls nrt:' (t·.w ;m•l fnr bd'-'"CCJl and also
\'H~w· t1Jitl'1.
- It 1::-. U1~rcf01·~- uecc.i>5:ilrV
. t.:.. flr.~t cst~hllsh U1e
;tMroln~ln~l ~1st~ of m1~111i1l faculUcs.

A. The Moon
Thr. r-.tonul.s th!! fi\~h$1 movlnA plnurt In lh~ J:O<IIac. It ~ignilles Ute
mtwl. Ami rlu: rulud ; IIIIIUlrlb!,lll.ilhk ~~H~~·d. StreugU1 or
w,•;~kw~ss •Jf Ill.;- Mnou lm'!> iltn·d ~lmll~(· on mcnl.n.l health of U1c
11<111\'C... 'n1ough lit•• 1\l•Juu h1h uo cuemJc.•.s_ll gds o)fllt~ll:d \lCf)' ea.sUy. It
iJII hc;,t~s trauqulllty ol mlml. <-mollnua!J'C'<•ctHms. ft.""e!lugs. <tltac:.hments
i\ll<l JO~III<il •·omflatlhlllty wUh orhc:r!j. Au<l r~brl\'l' <ill. Uu: Moon Is the
l..lfr: forrc.

B. Mercury
II ,... ...1gu HI!: a I ur of 111 t dllg~ut.:c. aC!ulcmt.: tll~t"tpll ne, tuglt:.
mllnwtlll~. ku111l11g and npUI mh:' fot 0\f'qUIJIIlg kn11wlcdge.. Mcreury
;11!.•.1 ltHIIr~lt•51hc Jll'f''IJ\15 .. ~ .. l•:m. ~~~ t·ncmy h til~ Moon. Slgn.tftc~'lnlly.
1111.' l"m•.•llullllhl' Mooul d•Jt'S 1101 f~·~l nl ll•Jnl~ Wttll l"t'n<;OIIIng [Men:ury),

C • .Jupiter
h :>lgtUftrs profouml111 ldrr~t;-~ucllug. mnturlty <mil wlsd•)m. Jupiter
h'n(ls <lqHh to lh~ lm'ul;tl fm·nll\1'~ Jupllcr I!'! lhr counsdlnr:. Although.
JupiCL'r b IJI• 111\\'iii"IIS 1\h.-n'llfj', 1\krr'lll)' 1!1 Jill l'IH!Inj' Uf Jupllr=r.
011\'luu~ly. wt-..lom t'111111ut Ormrl!-th wit IIIII I he 11arn1w t•cmnncs ofloglc.

D. The Fifth Rouse and tbe Fifth Lord

'J')J~· fllll1 l1uu~· •k<1li. \\-'Uh llllrlltg,•ut•••. lhi.HI<lng and logic. It ls
;JI~o U1c hmJM' ,,1 mt:urai t•urlo:-ity. t;uhlf'ml:o.h•·'l lll'lh house and fifth
lqnJ (.'4111JIIl'(l wHh IH'JJf'fil' 1unw:nn·. t·u-.un• .!'Clllllll mcnlal health.

E. The Lngnn and the L11gna Lord

~tnmp; htJ!llil Hlltl :;!Pill~ lagLIH lurd tin_' IIIC' lw.,;t promolcr or good
ht••tllh. A W1'4lk lit/.!lln 1•r w••ilk lriCthl htrd m;1y IIQt proiC:l;;l the. nauvc
''\'•'II a~ltt-.,1 Jllllhlr alllll'llnlh_

F. The Sign Aries
J\rlt:'"S Is the 11~1 sl~.n c1f thr: tndlm:. st~Hytug
the ltc-....•ti nf llle
Kaalpam.siL Arlt:.!'l AlSH Indic-ate-s Ute ucrvous sy-3tcm. AITIIctc:!l Artes
stan In lhe nn&nl r.hmi r:lo~ nor pn;•more !>OtJnd menhlllu:alth.

G. Planets in Mrityu 8hagn

lnfccUon is c-arried by Uu~ planet!> 111 Mrllyu Bhagn. Planets
••.!l!•l_l(.'li.lle.rl mtd pl:mets R-Spc~Cll·d by the planC't!'l IJ1 r>'LrUyu Blla_gLi carry
malefic htflueitce wllh lhl!'m nnt1 t::ou!'>e lllnc~~- If In ;my chi-lrt plonel!> ln
Mrltytt Bhag;j lnfluc.uee the planet!. or houses tuvolvc:ct ltl mcnUil
facultiL:s. th~n ~uah a twtlw becom~ prone to m~nlal UlltL'Ss

H. F'nc:tor& Causing llt•hcalth

\lkll·t!stnhll!>hrcl :tslrnlug,lt::-nl fn~":ltl~ whlt•h Jll'lllllnlc 111-hc:ulth
:;huuld also be appll~!tl fm dlaguo!!ls of mcutal Ulucss. Titcsr. arc
summar25t'd he~ lrum th~ Brlhad I-'at·n.,JHun llom Sha~lln.
• A WCRit lflgHn,
• A \\'l;r1h lngii>J lort.L
• M.a.l~fics 111 kcmJm!'i runJ tnkonl:ls: rern:,gmdc tJIII".S rtre Wl}r!\!j_
• 1'\o m;uclks In hou~ ~.6 uml ! 1,
• fkucllt~ lu tht:": dghth huu~. llllilntllug l'lmmlt"lty uf llht~,r;s.
• Ailllctcd Jagnn lord lH Ute 13th or Uti! 8U1 Jwu~c..
• Lon1 of the dghU1 In the. l«grm,
• Maldl~ Ouruillt:tr-d anlurtd l..ngu;~ or th~: !.Rgct.'l kml
• Nlllctcrl Moon.
Timing of Mcntul Illnes-s
Nn mc~nllou JUt!'> h~ell ttUick It I Hll}' nf thr. 1-lst.-nlo~le:ll trXI!'o iliJOIII
Ull! Orne ttr OIW~Ct or the 111C~Iltllb dls.t7t":l~. f.\'•!11 Itt lht- Juww l'~s.c.·s or
mt•utnl utncss It Is uot easy tu wo.rk uul lh': <:.v.act lllllt~ of l!ltsel ••~ m[Jr~l
uflhc nntivcs dr.l not rcrTJccnbcl' the PI t:£'15~ dnlc:: rommciii.'CfllCJ It or
nu:nti!l complnlnl-;. But ;,nfroll;lglr=;•l due~ cnn be )(lt"iltcd If lh~: chart Is
rhnroug,hly scnnlnisetl and nnalyscd fm meutHI cHs.ortkr. ·ntc Umlng
('fill ht' worked out Uunugh 01c supc-rh :o.ystcm 11fDnshn~ which fom1 an
es:-;enll:il lup;n!dlr:ul of lmllrtll Ao:;troloro~ Only twn d:1sh;1 5)'5-lt:m:<. havt~
~'=" wurke(l Ullt In dclilll, ln this research papc:r.

The Vimahotta.rt

·ntis b thr. mC)sl lmport;-ntl rm•l mu.,t whlc:ly nppllt:'ri Jll1slm
prnp-otm<h~d ll)' ?-.-11-a.slwrct. It lms fl cycJe M 120 years. All the nht~
11lnm~I!Y h11vc SJlC:cillc: numhcr nf ;tlloUcd to ll1cm. It ~houlr1 he
t•alr.ulajt.•ll from Mdlr~tlA~h.H huHjCir perlud) ll1mugh Autanlashit l~uh­
r•!t"loHfl upto Prntyant:trda~ha (sub-~ub-pt:rlodl. F\lrthcr nocr tllVl!!lOII
nmy he ;tllcmptt=t.l only I( t11e blr1Jt Urn~ h;:u; l~c.n reJ:onkll nL'f.:ll!1'ltdy.

The Yoginl 03aha

11t~ ''t)J.!lrtl (la~llll IIA!' t;'4'1c: nf3\'i )'C:O-lr.t. Fur tlmtnA l.n Yogtnt da!.lu~,

U!iQrMl<!i:>. <Inti MLWJti 41.1!<7tiJIIl Fi~ li!ICN\IqUII:i of rutmi01J~I Pl'cdicfi(Jilt; \Ia One

Muhmlaslm ;wd Autanlnsha shouhl be calculated. Here tlu: \ogLnJ

rlashil ~~ bc.lng used as a, ccmflm:t."''tory tool to Vlmshottart dasha.
ln1trumentt: Applied (Divisional Charta U•ed)
l. ·nH'! 131rth Chart.
2. The Navnmsh~l Chart.
3. The Dn:ltknna Chnrt.
4. The Dv."Ailii5hamsha Chru1...
5 ~ 111Jtt: plruu:.l!'l, namdy tllc Sun, the Moon. Man>, W.crcury.
Juplw, Venus. saaunl. Raltu and l{ettL
6. The:! Upgraha5: Pari\'CSlt, Dhoorna, Chapa, Mandl and Gullk.
Vyi1Upatn. Upol'.ctu.

NotQ.: Yam4gtJntak, Ardhgprahar and Kaal have not been

Method of c:alculatlon of Upgrahas
Table One

Upaai"iiha r:ora <SiiCiiliBon

Ufuxnm nr Mrltyu Mars Lnng of Sun+ (1331.>20}
Vyutfp<.Ua ot P.~t Rnhu 36()D- Dhooma
Parfdhi or Parlvt".sha Moon lSOO + V!Jaltpala
Chapa. or tmtnu;:hap Venus 3W- Pwtvcsha
Upakelu nr Stkh1 Kctu Chap+ 16-:~40'
·nu~ oUter Upayraha.s art! bY dh·idtng ille diy ( suJl.rt3e
lo sunset) luto eight equal parts. 'I'hr Ctnt part belong."! t.o Ute turd of t.he
t.lny. The Sun for Sunday, tht: Moon fOJ" Monday, f,.'lnffl for 1\a:sday,
Mert:'Ulj" [or Vk.dnesday~ .Jupttcr for Thursday. Venus for Friday and
Saturn fnr Saturd.ay. Th~ part lE without a lord. The part coming
u1uJer Satnrn l!i called Gullk (or Mandl), that rukd by JupltcT Is called
'i'arnkautak. that comlug under thr:: Sun ls known a5 KcuU. or Kaaf&Jt!ltJ
au<l Uac: part ruled by Mercury ts caOed Ard.h.rnprahar.
Note 1 ln the table g1ven above the planets .:overed are: Mars. Rahu.
Moon. Vc:nus, Kctu whlcb an:: to be calcu.latctl accmd1ng to the
rnethocl ~hown.
Note. 2 Of the remaining. as cxplatm:d above anath~ talJte Is bdtlg
giVen to unctenJiand' bow they an to be calculated.

Table Two
LCml Cilculitlon
Guitk (or lll.a.GdJ)
Salwn Tile part lh:tt com~ undc:r Saturn.
Tamk.utak Jupuer n1e part that comes under Jupltc:;
&aaJ ot Kttuluda Sun 111e part that comes under- Suu.
Ardhoprthar Mercwy The part that comes under- Mereury

Night Birth
lu ca!te <>fUn~ ntghll.llrth, durathm of the ulgliiiSum:.c:llo S11111 bt'.l
Is rllvldcd lrHo ~tghl r:.qua.l parl5. The first part bd(ll\g'i In iht• j•l•lltt·l
firth In orrl~ from LlJe Jay lun.L Juplla- for Sumiay, VeJ1UI'I (ur 1\lf~t~d•~:.··
S.'l\Unl roT 1\ICt'>fl.ily. lh~ Sun (cu· \Vcrht~:'irlny, tht. MOOJI lor Til11NdM.
Mars for F'rtt..lay and Mercul)' for ~tur-day.

Method or or Up grahn

~endaut.s 0'1!;1 for Ul(" cmllng, moments or Ute parts bt!ICIII,Q.Ili.L!. "I
various planets gives the longUuUL!S ot Uu~ respecUve upagrah.>t~.

Controversy About Mnndi

Mandt Is <:nn.sldcn:tllo he different fnmt Gultk by soJTlt>, Wlscnlhr
thty amlulght arc of30 g'I(JIJJc.s ( 12 hcHirs) r..ada for a fl<ly hlrth. MH111II
I. At th~: c.nd of 20 gbatUe5 on Sunday.
2, AI the end of 22 gtmi.U\'5 {111 Mottdny.
3. At the anl o( 18 ghatucs •)•• "1\n::st.lily.
•1, At the: end of J 4 gh11LUc.:; ou Wcdn~day.
5. AI tht: end of 10 ghuttlcs on·nlllrsday.
6, At U1e ent.l of 6 ghntH<'~ un Fr1tllly.
7, At the end of 2 ghnW•1s on Salutdny.
In the cn:se or night hirth. con.c;t~kr the 'lo711Ues g\veu r(lr lh1' ~t·c~·
falling Ofth from tt!>el!. When llle di•Y anti nJght are not of !lO {lltatllf_....
c:nc:h. prnportlon:He altemtlons nm!'t b,:o mack. An n!i<:endmu c,1st lor
spl!dflc llmc as pu tlle calculatltiu here !!h·es Ute IJOSithm nl
Mandl. follow the Ulu!!'.lnUI\te ~and nl)tL• ihe emerging p.1t1t·m
of.locatton nr Upgrahas ln tl1c charts.

Case Studlu
Case One
1l1e nnttvc had a to\'e affatt nfta- which he lost hts mt:Jital balattcc·
nrountl Nov~mbcr 1986. He Is n,ot vtoknt. He gct5- bJccups aud th~u
1Usappcnr.- from home. l!i tm
under lrcntm~nl.
La~ lord l!i undc:-.r $eVen!. :tffilcUOn. Is IOt"at~.d In th~ ft'.mrtJI
house wltl1 U1e sl\:lli lord Satun:t and Is extremely <'los.e lo Raltu-lk11&
ruds. The fifth lord Jupttcr l!> ::Jffilct~(] by Satun1's aspl!Ct froJU the-
fourth house. 1-'lgnn lord. the Sun Is In tl1e gnp of R:llm·lktu In allltn·
tll~·1slonal charts. Mars ts tn Mrttyu Bh.aga antlls locatctl 1!Hug~ruusly
clo~ to the Moon. The sign Ar~es Is nlso n11Jictcd a!i ru;pccktl hy ~
planet ln MrUyu Bha~ U1oug,b ll happeru. to he MnnJ, Its a'14t7h:r,
Upgraha. and fhe Moon
The M~on l'\ Ule tv.-clfih lord po!'lltCtl tn tht- lhlnl hrmsl"' Wlll1
uP9raluls Chapa and Upakctu, Dhoon:m l.s al~ formHtJ! Hn iL-ds wtth
the Moon. Nalt5hatrn dJ:>posltor of the: Moon l.s Rnhu who ls tur:""''l'tl
e~:trcrnely close to tl1e lngna lord. the Sun smd is afnlch:d hy Sar•m•

Anor Techniques of A$1t010Qieal Predieliol'ls Vol OM

1o Docembot"
1955 Lag
casu One Jup
Ven Sunt.let Mats Parivesh
SatRahu Upl(elu

Lag Sun Moon Mars Mer Jup Ven Sat Rahu

04¢44' 24¢37' 15~5' 14°19' 28°14' 08°09' 19°53' 03~1' 24002'
Upketu Chap Vyatipat Dhoom Parivesh Gulik Mandi
24°37' OJC57' 2~3' 07a57' 2~3' 24a53' 18a52'

M11r Lag Jup

Rahu Navamaha


Vlmshottarl Dcuha- Saturn-Venus....Tuplter

(21. 7.1986 to 24.12.J986}.
The sixth lord Satum Is In the fourth houst: with the lagna lord,
the Sun and ls ln Rahu·Kclu a.xis. Saturn aspects the fifth lord Jupiter
ln the lagna. Antar dasha lord Venus Is aspccted by Jupiter. The
S<'Vcnfh lord Is afflicted causing failure in an affair. The rc:dt.:cmlng
factor Is Jupiter 1n the lagna aspecung the seventh house and Venus.
Mars Is ln Mrttyu Bhilga nnct Its conjunction with the Moon along wtth
upgrahas will not allow tht" mlnd to be nonnal.
Yoglnl Dasha - Sankata-tnka (Rahu.·SatumJ
18.9.1986 to 18.1.1988.
Rahu Is in the.- fourth house. the hom•e st.gntrylng happlness.Titc
st.-venth lord Satum ami ttw ~~'l"onrt lord Merrury arc o:tlso poslled wttll
Hnhu upsettln~ lht~ ramlly afr~trs. Si1lurn and R.ahu botl1 an: In the

Fi:ler TechniQues of Astrological Pr~ns Vol. One


Moon Sun
Mars Mer
Ketu Jup


Mars Moon

Kelu Ven


5.111 Jup r.~r Lag

house of Man> who ~ affilclln~ Ihe Moon ami both ~rc being htflm:uccd
lly upgrnha~.
The Moon Is afflicted by Up;1grahas. Rahu, the! nakshHirct
dh;posllor or the Moou, Is afnlctr.d, The sign Arh!s ls blemished by
Upagrahas. Mcrcmy Is affilch:n and Jupth!r Is 111 the grip of Upagmhas.
The lagna 1~ sc:vc:rcly affilctcd by Upagratms.

Case Two
She is a trained psychologisl. l11c nali~·c suddenly dc\'C:Iopcd
deprcSi;ton in Augusl 1994. ·n11s ha~; not afr(:c:lc:d her profession hul
only her personal life. She Is still UJtdcr treatment.
1l1c laga.'1 Is severely blemished by the presence of R.·dm-Kr:lu
axis .nud S.nttm1, Lagna lord Jupllcr is 11\-plm:cd In the sixth hou~
aspectcd by Mar.~ who In tum Is aspcctc:d hy Saturn. The Oflh lord
Moon ha~ gom: lo lite d!,!th houS4.~. l..agna lonl Jupiter Is In Mrityu
Bh.aga. Ketu ln Ute. sc.vcnlh house is RISO Itt Mrityu Bhaga. In the
Nnvarn5ha and Drckk~na. lagna lord Jupiter Is again aspc:ctccl by
Snl\tm, 11ll~ ~trogr'.Hie Mt!~UI)' or the blrlh l'hRr1 IS ASpc:ctcd lly

Finer Techniques of ~rological Predictions Vol. One

Sa~ Upt.;etu Mars

P~h Chap Sun r.ler {R)
GIN\ Ven


Moon Kc1u
Ohooom Vyatipal

Lag Sun Moon Mats Mer Jup Ven Sat Rahu

00~2' 23~40' 10"52' 27°)1' 08~31' 05°33' 20014' 29°13' 23000'
Gulik Mandi Parivesh Chap Upketu Pat Dhooma
13Cll' 1)1t19' 230.00' 07000' 2)0~0' 23°00' o1:oo·

Sat Jup

R<!hu Sun

Mer Mars

Saturn and 1\.1ars in Ute Navamsha. ln Dwndashamsha. lagna lord

J11pltcr Is aspcctcd by Mars who 1n tum is again aspcctcd by Satuml
Upgrahas and the Moon
Tilt~nfth lord Moon Is posited In t11c eighth house In the axis of
L:J)J!r.thas Dhoorna and Ch.,.pa. Upakdlt L'> also affilcting the Moon.
1'\akshalr.a dlsposltor of the Moon.. Rahu ls located with Parl\•csh,
Mandl ancl Gulik and Is also influenced by VyaUpat.
Vlmshottarl Dasha - Juplter·MaNJ·Satum
(13.5.1994 to 8.9.1994}
The lagn<l lord Jupiter Is In Mrityu Bhagn. po!iltcd In the siXth
huusc and aspcctcd by fo.tars. Saturn from lagna aspects Mars. Kctu Is
In Mrityu B11aga and from seventh house is aspecttng Saturn. In
1\;avamsha. Drekk.ana and Dwadrtsham!'ha al:;o. lh(:sc combinations
an: repeated. Saturn Is In the grip or upgrahas Parlvcsha. Mandl and

Finer TechniQUSs ~ Asttological PrcdictJons Vol. One

Lag Ketu M!lr


S1.1n Jup


lag P.l.lrs Kelu



R.'lohU Jup r.•er

Gullk;'L Vyatlpat ls also lnflucm:lng S<~tum.

Yoglnl Dasha - Slddha·Ulka (Venus-Saturn}
(21.8.1993 to 21.10.1994)
Venus Is lllc lord of eighth house where lhe Moon Is locHit~cl with
Upgrnha Dhooma and lnflucm·cct uy Chapa :md Upakctu. Vc1111~ Is
Hspeclcd by Satum from the la1{n.'l who Is posited with Gullk<i. Mmull
and PArlvcshA.
The Moon Is ;~fnlctccl by upgrnhl\5. Tite 1\toon's nakshatra dlsposllor Is Hlso .tffilcti.:d by up~rnhas. M.Ahadasha lord an1l Prntyantar
Dasha lord. both arc afiliclcd by upgmhas. TI1c sign Aries ls aflllclcr1 by
upgrnhas. Mercury and .Jupllcr arc: also In the grip of upgrohas. 'll1c
Iagna ls also blcmlscd by Upagrahruo.

Case Three
TI1e nati ..·c suffered a boul of depression Ln Jauuruy 1990. Sh1: h<is
hccn receiving regulAr tiT.almcnt ever sln~c ami has shown n~nUlrkahl~
TI1c Is nspeciC'rl by lhe sixth lord Saturn who Is also
t.'(AJroha$ and Mer.!ar Maradto.$ Finet TOCIWQUC$ or As.lfe>:ogieal Predictions Yd. One
retrograde and placed In Ute seventh house, Lagna lord Mercury has
gone lo the twelfth house: where Venus Is also postlcd who ts In Mrttyu
Bhaga. An exalted Jupiter ls located In the eleventh house wkth U1e
Moon. which Is a n:dccmln.g factor. tn the Navamsha Mcn:ury ht~s gone:
to the sixth house aspc:ctcd by ~furs. In drckkana and dwashahsha
also M~rcury ls Rffilctcd by Satun1. The Moon ls also affltclcrl by
Saturn ln the dlvlstonal charts.
Upgrahas and the Moon
TI1e eleventh lord Moon ls posited In hts own house along wtth
upgrnhas Upakctu and Vyattpata. The Moon Is In Uu: Nak.:ihatrn of
JupHt~r who Is also ~lmilarly aJlllctcd. Upgr-.tha PariveshR forms an a.xts
with the Moon ami Ju1>iter.

Sat tR) Rahu Chap

I 1 Septombor
I 1967
CasoThrce Von {R)
~!>11 Sun

JtKIOma Mill'S Kctu Gulak

Lag Sun Moon Mars Mer Jup Ven Sat

13°~0' 14°3/' Oo:90' OOC50' 21°37' 27~12' l1°0S' 1JC53'
GuUk Mandi Parlvesh Chap Upketu Pat Dhooma
26C11' 17°51' OZ003' 27~52' lt. 0 37. Oz¢03' 27°52'

Jup lag


S<~t Kctu Mer

Finer Teduhques of Astrological Pt't'dictiotts Vol. 000

Jup R&lhU



Vl!ll Mars Kelu


Mar Jup Rahu

Leg Moon



Ketu Mars Sat


Vlmshottarl Dasha -Saturn .Jupiter-Mars

(13.12.1989 to 6.2.1 990}
The sixth lord Saturn Is rctrogrndc and located l.u Ute 5C\'enth
house aspectlng the fir'& house where upgraha Gullka Is posited.
Antardasha lord Jupiter aspects Saturn from the eleventh house.
Jtipltcr also aspects Prntyantrudasha lord Man>. ThJs combln.allon IS
repeated tn the Nnv-.unsha also. In Drckkrum Jupiter again aspects
Saturn and Mars lnvolvtng the Moon as well. In all the charts Ute Moon
ls directly tnOucnccd by dasha lords.
Yoglnl Dasha - Slddha - Dhczn!Ja (Venus-Jupiter}
(23.8.1989 to 23.3.1990}
Venus Is In Mrltyu Bhag.'l. locatc:d ln the twclftJ1 house wUh lagma
lord Mercury. In the Navam...ha. Jupiter aspect~ Venus wllo ts posUed
wiUt Ute: Moon and Mars. In Dwadashamsha Venus f.s In Rahu-Kclu
ax1s and lS aspccted by Saturn.
The Moon Is alfllclcd by upgrnllas. It Is a \"arg<ltt.mllH Moon
associated with an exalted Jupltc:r In Uac birth chart ami mspc:·cted by
Jupiter ln the Navamsha. But Jup1ter Is also aftlJcted by upgrahas .

Uw;Mas tJnd Mootal MaJa<1Jes Finer Techniques of Astrological PrediCtions Vol On~t

Jupiter ts the Naksh<'!tra disposltor of the Moon as v.:eU. The Sign Arles
is affl1ctcd by the axis of Rahu-Ketu. The Lagna Is also afflicted by

case Four
TI1c native Is an alcoholic and addicted to drugs. She Is ,,.latent
and aggressive.
L.agna and the: lagna Lord Mars. both are afflicted by Salum.
Mercury ts ln the Rahu·Kctu axis. Jupiter ts retrograde placed In the
s1xU1 house and is aspcclcd by Saturn. In the Navamsha. the eighth
lord Moon is AspccUng Ihe lagna which Is <'!ISO tnnuenced by Mars from
the tenth house. Mars also aspects the fifth house whtch Is Involved tn
Raltu-Kctu axis. Multiple aiflJctlons influence the Moon. Mercury.
·Jupiter. the fifth house and the stgn Arlcs In all the charts.
Dnooma Mandl Rahu

29 November
case Four

Mer Lag Van r.o.oon
KMU Sun UP-';Ciu Ch:<:lp

Lag Sun Moon Mars Mer Jup Ven Sat Rahu

19°32' 13°29' 16t5S' 17°58' ()4047' 25°38' 11"33' ose37' 00022'
Gulik Mandi Parlvesh Chap Upketu Pat Dhooma
21 158' 20'21,' 03°11' 26°49' n;z9· 03°11' 26'149'

Ketu Mer Moon


L:ag Sat Ratlu PMlS

Finer Techniques of AslrOiol;ical Pr!!dictlDns VoL One

lag Ra•~


Ketu Jup

Mars Sun lag

M90n Sat Rahu



Upgrahas and the Moon

Tile Moon !sIn th~ grip of upg,rahas Chap ami Dhooma. Tile Moou
is In lis own 1\:aksh.atrn so slmllal' nffilcUon applies twice.
Vlmshottari Dasha- Rahu-Juplter-Jupiter
(3.6.1979 to 28.9.1979)
H-~Jm Is located In the d~hlh house 111 the birth chart affilctt11g
'Men"Ury. In the 1'\a\o;irnsha lt'lhi.1-Kclu axis lm·oh'l'S the Oflh house aud
is aspcctcd h>' r..-tars and 111 Dwadaslmm!ilm lillhu 1s ailllctcd by S<ttum
ami Mar::.. The rctrogmclc Jupl1er Is In U1c grip of Vy;tllpH1. Gullk.
Mandl. P·.ulvc$h Hmt Upkclu. 111 Drckkan01 mul Jh.lraclashnmsha.
Jupllcr Is lnllucnclug Hahu_
Yoglnl Dasha- Bhadrlka (Mercury} From 1978 onwards
Mercury Is the eighth lord located In th~ J{;thu~Kclu axis. 11tc
rctrogrndc Jnpltn afflicted by Upagrahas Aspects l\kr<-111')' from Uu~
stxth hOll!ic. Bhadrlk.1 will ht~ followed by Ulk."l (S.atum) Hml Siddlm
{Venus) latC'r. They an· affiletc-d 111 various degre~s 111 all U1c charts.
1l1e Moon Ls affilctctl by upgmhas. ·nu: alfllc•IJon Is multlplkd
bcc~m~c IJ1c Moon Is loc<ltcd 111 Its uw11 Naksh<1tra. 111 ... stgu 1\rlcs Is

U~mM.f 4nd ~ntal Maladies Finer Techniques ol Astro1Q9ical Predictions Vol. One

also In the grip of upgrahas. The fifth lord Jupiter is ill· placed and bas
muiUple aflllctions by Upa.grahas.

Case Five
11lc nattvc suffered an attack of phobia tn mid-1980. Subsequently
he himself said that he was possessed by an evil spirit. Has been under
treatment ever since. He Is still getting the spells.
Thc Iagna lord Venus Is combust in the fourth house and is
aspcctec.l by Mars. The fifth lord and the fifth house arc Influenced by
Jupiter who Is In the eleventh with Gulik. The ruth lord Is ln Sru-pa
Drck.k<lna with upgrahas Vyatlpal and Upkelu. Mars ts also affilctlng
the fifth lord. In the Navamsha. Mars and Moon are oonjotned l.n the
eighth hou5e. In the On:kkana. Mars afDicts Jupiter which Is repeated

Jup (R) Ketu

Gulilt Sat Lag Chap

Moon Vyatipat
1\Cancfi Upketu
29 Aug~t 1939
Parlvesh Sun
Mars Ven

Dllooma Rahu

Lag Sun Moon Mars Mer Jup Ven Sat Rahu

19°2S' 12°35' 10°49' 01°03' Z4°40' 14°1S' 10032' 08001' 07040'
Gulik Mandi Parivesh Chap Upketu Vyatipa Dhooma
09°38' 26"43' 0400' 2S~5' 12D35' 04~5' 2~5'


Mer Sun

R.ahu Jup

Finer Techniqws or Astrological Predictions Vd. One Upgrahas and Mental Maladies

Mer Kctu Moon



Sun R:thu Lag


MCf Moon


OINadashamsha Sa!
Ratlu Jup


In the Dv.'Rdashamsha also.

Upgra.ha.s and the Moon
The Moon ts located w1th Mandi and 1s hemmed by Gulik and
Partvesh. The dlsposHor of U1e Moon's Na.k...'ihatra 1s Rabu who ls -
afllictc:d by &\h1m.
Vlm5hottarl Dasha - Saturn-Mars-Mars
(25. 7.1980 to 18.8.1980)
S;stum Is In the twelfth house a!Oict~d by the axis of Rahu-Ketu In
all the charts. In the birth chart Saturn ls aspccled by Mars who Is In
the ninth houst: with Parlvcsh. forming au axiS with Vy-<ltlpat And
Upkct.u. !\furs also astx:cts the nfth ·lord Mercury who ls In Sa.rpa
Drckkana. Salunl·Mars comblntttaons an= rcpt"..aled In Drekkan.1. and
Ow-odashamsha also.
Yogin I Da.sha - Bhramarl...Sankata (Mars·Rahu}
12.2.1980 to 6.1.1981
Mars aspcclo; Kelu acUvatlng the axis of Rahu-Ketu. Mars and
Satum are lnflucnc:tug each other mutually. 111c: lnlcrllnklng or 1\'lars.
Sllh1m. H.ahu·Kctu Is repc.atcd ln the Drekkana atld the OwH(ht:;hamsha.

'1111! Moon hy po~tlhm Is t,.•t;HijQtneLJ wUJI Upgrnha. The MOon lS
also tlctnmcd by up~raJ1a~- II :1pp~u~ as. lf the l'.t[)OJJ Is hct11g
plr.Ssurt~d hy upgrnh<-ls, '11ar. Mu<Jn's Nrllt:shahn dl!liXlSilot l!i r~hu
wlw ls ~mlctc-d lly SRtum In nil the Chru1s.

Emerging Pattern~.
1. In all the cases of meuL-..1 illness tJu~ Muon Is amlctcd by upgr-.tba'i.
11ae M()(m Is hl<!atr..d Mth upg.mhil!> In four c:ases ;met I~ nl:>u
h~!nunetl hy upgr~lu;~ tn um: r.:a~~.
2, Na~halta ,u~J)()sllur uf th~ Moon lfi tnvat1ably cllher affitcted by
Upgralm:) or com1cct:.; ro Rflilther planet ilflllch:d hy upgrnhn!'i b)'
position, aspect or conjunction. Such a planet l.n tum uillucnccs
rh~ Moon advcr-:;ely. This appcncs lo he a comlllnauou QCcurlng al
blrtll lt5df.
3, \Vllen tht:: Muon l!!i locnlcotl wlUl up~rahali. lhc n.auvc !'.terns to bt!
prone to me.otal Ulm:s-s. Wh~ncvc:r- ll.tah.adasha, Antard~sha or-
Prntyantardasha lords, wllo an~ posited wtth upgrn.h;1s, lnflucncc
tJtc Moon lrrcspccUvc or lllclr natural IJU;tl1UC5. thr: Moon suffer
adversely nncl the J~RUvc ttucls tu suffer fmm m<:nlal lrnhalnm:c.
4. Even a naturr!l bcuctlc posited Wltll upgrol1as docs nor ~m to
c.'Ult'd the allllc:Uon but dllutt-s and at Urnes ~ only
5. Upgrahru; appear to establis-h adv~r.;e nexus luvol\1ng \".u1ous
houses and their lords or stgnillc-41tions and slgnlficnlors polntln.g
lo Uu: t.'iiUsc antl genesis of mental Ulrlt".ss.
6. Lord3l .and Houses In the gnp of \lp~.ilias c-.nrry lhetr lntcrllnks ln
the dM$ chart5 4\l!iO.
7 _ S."ltum 1Ciealt:r1 w10l upgrahas and U11luenclug the Moan causes
d~prcsston. Wl1eu Mars Joins fiuch a comblnntlon. U1e oati\>t
~comes aggres-sive.
a. When the Mootl ts ·surrowlded" by upgrnhos ll seems to CBU5C
phnbti\ as lrt r.a:se V.
9. The Rahu·Kdu axJs a11peats to be as mnlcllc as upgrahas when It
co~s to mental lllness.
Note: People wltll history of ment.aJ JUnes~ have not been
rorthc-omlng. Somt' who came forward br:crune hcsUanl IRtcr when
approached for further ~h

1. Grrhad Parsharn Hora S11sstram - Partdll Sitaram Jha
~ J(ltok Pan]nl - V. Sutmvm:mys Sa!dri
J. Ml!ology und K8rma -I'<.N.Raa
4 ThO Essurrt/l!l Psycholhero;;les- theOI'itt!i and pmc!icu by t!ttJ ~rs
5. PsychodtflamJc Ps~chlatry In CJiniCtJI Prr.d;ca
6 lntrodUCUtm Ia Psychllltry -Abraham ano Annarnms Vnmllere.
AmJctJoD of the Meatal faculties by UpJI'Bhu ~·
CUe The
lle:rcDJ')" Jupiter 5th Jlousa !ltb lord ~ Lapa
J Chap, Rahu Rahu Gullk Aspect of OuUkMandi Gulik R.'lllU Dhoom 9.
Upk.etu Jupiter with
Gulik & Mandl
II Doom Parlw:sh - - - Dooma Part\Uh - Upketu i
OuUk Gullk Chop
Mands andI

m Upkrlu Upketu - Upkctu Parivesb Oullk Oullk - Rahu

Ul VyaUpal VyaUpat Vya.Up;ll Mandl P..1andl ~
rv Ch~p Chap Ketu VyaUpat Dhooma Vyaupat - - VyaUpat

GuUkM.andS Oullk MandJ GuUkMaudJ

v Mandl Rahn Vyatl~t Oullk Gullk VyaUpal - M<lndl Ketu

Upkc:tu Upkc:tu
Note: Rahu aud Ketu have also beeu cc;msldered along wtth upgrahas $\8 U1ey seem to be equally malefic in case of
mental illness ~
-- ~
Don't be afraid of Mrityubhaga

Meenakshi Raut
(A published rosaaTCh ofMcenakshl Raut ln 1990 (Which has
been l(.ned by a writer ln !996) This has been slightly enJa.rged
by K.N. Rao under whose guidance this ~enrch wu.s
111C term Mrityubhoga UllllC:C'C5:iiH"tly strikes fem· 111 the hearts ur
UlllSf: astmlttgcr;o; wlm nt!\'l.:r ust:d IL Th~ Iruth Is tlutt s()mc u~tmlug~rs
\ltd refer lo u In lht" h{JO~ lhcy wrote. 1111mg 1\ ()tlt or many souUt
Indian booll~ on ;1strulogy. Mnh.'U'Slll P'.arnslmm nt.-vcr mcntloncrt
mrltyubtt:.g(MOJ. ''Ct. ~Omt..'Om: h;id 10 sc:e whether U wnrkccL II Is gtven
ln Pmslma Mnrg.
A.... t"ar as I krhlW tw oue ever :showL"i.. how IL was U!'cd ln ::iCtual
['Jrcdlr.tlcms lUI I 1lt•l U. fint In my nrllr:le •111 Amllahh Ba1;ht:han ~lid
later. lu lht..• Twyctly of a Pr~ir.llon a~ far l.>ac~k a~ 1984. In Ihe Htucll·
spt•.aktng,_ area r wrot(! (..1U1 au article lor Ule- lamou~ VL!lflUXl Vqay
Pam:hangCJ also, In lhc clghtks. ~tcr. worklng. undcr my guidance,
M~rulkshJ Raul wrote four articles on U1c u~e of l'ofrflyUIJhagn. which
arc rtproduccd here,
Bul Ill the me:mnmc. t tllsC:O\'c:rcfl thftl H wron~ U!'te: 4?_frurilyublut!JO
hy ..'iorn.t!(Jile u.tlw llt<l-<er IL-'Orked on (I (or !Jf!ltrs, luu cr-ew ..~ c.a.{noru ~n Llw
III..."Wt.!7 qJ l/IOS<.' who tltrJU[lhf tllut /h(y wen• I.H..'irt!l tuughl some gn..>at
sJXrcls. That apprehens1o11 must be rem-wad now,
I tRughl I• to sturlents or nstn1l<:~gy In the Bhn.muya Vldya
8hnw'an. New Dc:lhl. s.orn~ r:Jf whom u~~d ll ut thdr wrllln~s also.
The word mrltyu means death but planet!lln mrUyubhaga do
not. co usc death un]t::!.-:i ltldh..<:Jtlntt5 uf dc-r~th .-~ prr::scnt ln Ute tlnshrt
schcme-ttsc:U. l1tc:rcforc. ll.l -.11.1)' sudt rears.
two contrnstlng exnmples
nrc: being shnW1l Or:sl.
The word mrltyu.bhc'!11l shuu!d 1wl frighten anyom:. How It was
cltscovcred Is whnt c:n.uuol lk ~ATilnitn~•l by nny a.'ltrol[lgcr, Since tt 1s
glv-:n l.n some buok.., J ~Cflrchcd tn \'ilhl 10 sec how \t was appUc:d. r
found no rrst:~rch. rh~H 1 t.Hd my own antl Mc~naksh.l followed It up.
After 1 taught tt 10 mluly .mil m;kcrt Uu~m 10 produce u resc=an:h
co~tcrlug nsore ar<~as lllnn Met:lll-tk-'ihl diet. Nu progl'ess IJo.'llS made. Sec
I!Ontrnsting examples '3lmuld be sccu:
The first ~mple~ A Swcr11sh wom.'ln a~trologcr who t!oe~
a... trology wdl nr;ket.l mt• (o '~'-plnin why wns the girl !!>Ulfcrlng from

F'~t~et Techniqut:s of Astrological Pmclictions VoL Orw! Oonl be afraid ol Mnryublurga
some mUd sickness which no doctor was able to dlagnosc. I asked her
to check iC any planets were ln mrltyubhaga. She found out that the
Sun at 0302.2 was nearest to mrU.yubhaga according to U1c LHblc I hall
modlfted. (See part 2 ofMeenakshi"s artCclefor thts). further. Jupiter at
.28<'15 too was ln mrU!Jubhaga.1111s Romanian gtrl entered the d<lslm or
the Sun from 23 May 1996. No further det.Hlls about her ailment an·
In the second ezample not a single planet Is In mrituubhago. 'cl
the case hlstocy here Is mysterious. romantic ~nd spiritual.
Venus upto 23 May 1996
Sun from 23 :May 1996

Jup Ke!u Mms La a

Example One
~un Rashl
0 °22 16Feb 1976 Sat
Veo ptancts Sun and
Mef Jupiter am in

Rahu Moon

M.1f!l Sal Kc'.u
mash a

Example Two
Rash I
17 Jan 1974
Ven here no planets Nava-
Met Jup areln msha
Sun mrityubhaga althe

R:~hu Moon

Lag Sun Moon Mars r~er Jup Ven Sat Rahu

09~48 03~5 28°01 15°41 08°38 2411 34 13~48 05°1,8 04°41

Flnet TectWquas of Aa.trmogical Prtldicllons Vol. 0na

Mer Rahu Moon


ExamplelWo Mars

lag Sat



Mer 1.&11
Sun Mara

Sec the spiritual combinations ln the horoscope first. There arc

four planets in the 8th house with the lOth lord but Ln the 8th house
which generally means that Ln his pJreVtous llfe he could not co'mplete
hls sadhan(L But Mercury within the range of combustion shows some
cHfflcultles 1n this lJie's sadhana also.
From the Kcuokamsha. Mtthuna. four planets tn the 8th house
;m-: aspec:tlng the 12th house while from the navamsba of Ute
Amatyakaraka. Stmha. four planets In the 6th house do show the
kceuness of the boy for at ~plr-ltual so early tn his Ufe. The only son of a
t'lch father, he lost interest in shldtcs and lmmcrscd hlm<Sclf In
sadhana. Hts mother told me that he always said that he wanted
salvation (mukti). He dld his sa.dhana late ln the night and became a
n~cluse as I know personally. as he was the class mate of my nephew.
Sec hls span of ll!e.
1. Lagna lord In the BUt is \'ery good for sa.dhana hut havtng
exchanged places wtth the 8th lord affects his llfe !>pan very badly.
2. From JatmJnl's po1nt of V1ew. the lagna lord aJld Uu~ 8th lord ~ Jn
Chara and IW.1.sabhava ta.'lhl.s gtvtng hlm a short span of U!e. · !J)e
Iagna and the Moon repeat the same story.

A11e1 Tec:u)IQUe!'i ot r~:taloglcal Preo.:tiOni Vol. OM OonY De afrurd of Mnl}ubll<!g.l
3. In the V1mshottart, ll was ilie dnsha of the 8th lord. S..1.tum 110d lht:
<HIIlirrlasha of the 7t.h lord, Jupller,
·4. ln Jaim1nfs Chwu do.c;hfl. 1L was Mesha Mahndnshn anr1 Photllll
Antantaslta. k ; expl.alued tn my bool~. Prt."Clidirtg tllmugh Jutml.tli's
Cham Dosh.a. It Wd!ii a. period of ~me :5Uddcn happening.
fi. In SUtlra. Dasha. It was tJtt! dasha of Mlthuna whlch hns his
Bmhma and antanfaslm of Mcsha. hi:; Kamkamshn.
Vim.'ihottarl dasha
,Jupltcl' dtLSha U'O$ o&.ter Of I 3l May I 980.
Satum-Raltu U.l(tS. OL'o?r ort 17 Noc..oembcr 1996.
Sah.lup-.Ju~Sai was mnnlrt,.IJ on Ute night of fl:J/19 CH.?nw.m.Px...,- r996.
fn Jaimlnt<s Cham dasha
Mlili.J.J.Il!l J 914 10 1981
Vrishtt 198l lo 1989
Mesl1o 1989 to 200 l
Mt!shu~Dhu:tu l)t!!)W!Jrom 17 ,/utlu.ory 1996
Jalndnt"s Sth(ra Da:.sha -
Slarting jrorr1 Mesna I97oJ w 1981, he had next t11e dasha ofVri5ha 11pto
1989, Thl!:l1 ~ t.l1e dasha of MWtuna wltl.dr ts tt.i:s 1\a.rok.amsllCL ln.
Mi.tJw.nn ht! was rwtnlng UtJ? anl.ardll.Sha of Ml!shajrom August 1996.
HL-> C1y11 will be Jrom Mesha to Aflthtma and r1te antOJd.ashtJ of Mesh a
was the lost period ofhl.s life.

Thal extraordinary night

Ort the niglll of J8/ f 9 December 1996 ot abaut 3.a.m. pfrmt!ts u..~rt>
plitced a:n an cctmtJrdinary u-oy. Exc:c'pf \~nw aU plDnct.s U'<.'rC' in
DwiswabiiGJ..'O rnshi aspc.'di.rtg !.he Kamkam.sl1a lagna which ts A1i1JW11n.
I. M~ Wld Ralut Cn l<anya u..'C'tc asp..>dlng MUhuntL
2. Stm. JupUi!r Gild Mercui!J lvt'TC (n Dhanu and u-ere Q5/)t;"Ctil1!J
3. Satum. Katu wtd th1! Moott lL'I!I'l! tn Mc."Cnu o.nd lL~tn wpcctilt£J
He on flis as011 mcdi.tal~o'tL His pupils turned Upward. At .:).()Q, curt..
his mother dlscortered. r.hnt l~e WCl.S. 'lo more. Here no pl.ar1et l.s 111
Do not mn£m!(!J the role of mrinjublulga. u..•lllr.h lias a tnecullng Jwl
rt.t<r.d not cn•tlli! u.(t:ttr ofjalnlit.JJ.

fl~ Tel;tlnlqu~s of As.tro!aglc:a1 Prediclions Vat One


Oy M~,_,~ ~Jt/IF~flnmy I !l!i!C)
(CO/Iul!O'l ai .rJiidn ffom A5tro/oo1Cill M~gJ,Jt{ire rn t Q~ /UWiJ
111 every diBctpllm: E:Very re:searcber has h..!.!!. own method of
~~·arch. tt apperu'5 lh~l ln all ancient astmlogical researches not
mrrcly wa~ llwr~ <~ hrillliiul ltnr.l thon1ugh melholloloro• hut a code of
IIH-Irkhtg somr.lhiu~,t ~!0 ~ret. Wheu dt't!p lutowled~e ~ glv(~U ht the
ftnm llf sHUn:J taphorlsms) It cannot he understood by all astro1ogm12.
All cn~lr..«; hnYc t.o he decoded. Mnny brilliant astrologer.; have decoded
thl."m rmu c.1.plnlr1t'd U1t:m in many Indian langung~.. and also English.
But. how mu~h more ~m~in~ lobe d~codccJls <myone's guc~.
Slui.~ 11 IH 'IU'Ocult to memorise thos~ S."Ulskru shlokm; when
;l!:.'"llldlly prc•llf'llons are bc:111g given, there ls need to p~pare memory
t;olllt:l!->. Ml'. lt N. nao who ~;tught me astrology ami ts my ,fynll$hr!-gw-u
hal'! l!.Volvcd nlftn}' c:cul<:s, some ufwhlch hn teachr~-; others allll ~o~ h~
kct'p:-. ~1:c.:r~t. pa·mutstug lhal he: woulr.l te~ch them al the rlghl ttme.
Gor1 wiJIJug. tu lht• rtght pcrson.
Om• :mch m~mocy tablet he has taught to Vlshruad clas~s Ln lhc
Bhnr:ttlyn Vidyll Bh:n.t,.-un In Nc::w Odhl t<> rn()st u!'i('fl.tL \\hrktng with
him l lmvr< 1et~ml lh•H snmc !.trung ru:gauvc f<\ctors In a horoscope
nua~t he hlk.::n 110ll~ of. lf lh.'CCSS.'Uy nntcd rlown 1'-tlmr:=whr.Tc bdorc
giving auy prr.didlon. llc: lusl~lr; !hal II mu~l I~! limit" i\S ht: ~·mys fear
lul'lil-1 Ill CVCJ)' IIPfJk ~11fl CUt"llCI',

To substnntf"te it he quotes (rom T,B,"EUot:

~'Cwr shadow:> m Ute morning
fli.smg to m<:al !JOU..
\vw slwduw 1·11 U1c a:.'t<enltJB,
Striding htJtunrl !JC..I4,
' wUI shnw ..,!JoiJ .fear.
'n n hnnr1jial qjrlust.

·oo PAM tmo;srlnbty· Is his lnstructlons,

Wh~t Is B\:'1..1'? II Is a mcmQry;lh:t for i1 quirk il.!i!>e. .~!>rncnt ~r nm:·~
spHU or JI(C" Ili"PCJrdlug Ill J;llmlnl, Lei It l.w expli11lh~d thus:
h·•lIf L..uguil ,.r"td Moo11 :;w;. In Chara (movttblt) RA~hl ll glvcs Pooma
(fullt Ayu [Juu~_:!cvily) lf In SLitlm lfl:..:cdl Alpa (Short); lf ln
Dwt.swablllilltl !dual} Madhya {mcdlumJ.
lhl Slrnllnrty fnr ~~gun lord and tllr: 8th lcml It should be tlow:.
lcl Again similarly fur ~gu::t mad Bora Lagua lt should be done,
W1wn Moon l'i In Lagna or• 71h hQU~r: nnly -.wd 11om
1-"!~rm r.h•J\dtJ ~~
lnlv!n Jnlo ric-Cm\111-
Now ht)V.' 10ealt.•ulalc If ~y Lat;rlH 1~ Ul Chrrm :<>lg,n ~mtl the Moon
tu DWIS\\'nbhawl ~lgn't' Jalminl h:1s no douht ~\\'C:U II ami wrltcr'i of
horJks •>~~ Jalmlul imvt~ t:Xpl~ln~r\ tt. l1ul Mr;- Rno's m~thod 15 Vr.t)'
simple aHLI Ute IJt:!-L n~t·mor)' tablet. It Is lllu.5trntc-o h,.:n:-.:
Now '"Til~ PAM In unt: p1ncc uml t>1ke ln thr: r•e.-.:1 h1:3nt!.t!rtpt: (el:.3}

Rnar TechnQes of Astrologtcsl PtediE;tlons 1/ol On'!

all the: lhr~c f;orlor.~:

1. Lagna lurd I~ 111 Ch~rn Rru:ihl lPJ anliiJtc: 8111 lnn.ll~ In Sclllrt4 f<J.t..,hl
W. Nnw PAM minus PA gives M which t.s med111m Ilk.
2. l..<_gtl."'l lb lu SUll.rH ll\) MooH Dwl!:.w-nllh.Hv<i(M}. Nm" 1'..\M WIW•"' t\hl
gives P or fuU lift:- Now Utcrc ls coulllct bdwccn UlC'!>C 1wn. ·n., flr..;t
(al~lur .glvcs nn:dhun life whlh: Ute second fi!ctor- ~lvt's full llh·. ~.•
Uu• Horn LRg,n.a has to be tak~n tn.111 HL'CQutiL
3, Now both L...1grw nnd J-lora l....agnn arc In S!hlr.l, ~o II I!- 1\lptl
Then :r;omc oU1tt meU1ods -are to be appHctl to ~.:t.> If llll'l'•' ~~
lncrc~sc 111 lhe ~pan of llfc. There arc many Yogaj,.. Ayu mmhltllllll11l:>
Flml.lly r..hc: Vim~hoC1ari MAhrld~!'ttHt and JRlmtnl 0:-tsltll!'> flllr11rn& tsll!> 111
Jll:mct ~. parth:ularly SalUnt.
Ulal the subJcct·m~tter or thoese series. a piece u( H".!;('iir-:'h dul w '"'
lhe hom'>coplc clala of Mr. Rao, Is diiferrnt. lie invariably ;Jr-;1\~ 11111:.1'
whon1 lie te<1.:-h~s A..<:.lmlogy lo;a dLl PAM illld MH llr.r;t.
Let me first quote from h1~ publbhed nrttcJc...o.; to sl&i.JW 111.1w
cfrccttvcly he makr.-5 usc o!U1em Ill ILI!t rret.Uctluu...... 'fultc. Ute l'1l:.l' or jli,.
famous <!t:lar. Amii.Jlbh B;~thcha.n(ox"). (Sec Up$ nnrl Dt1u•n:s In
Careers} Her-e Suuls ~l/Sun Utai.Amllnbh h;ul mr.t wllh <111
1111s artide Which h."\d npp~..nred tn U1t' Oci•t.!Illbt:r 1983 ..,.,,1,. •II
The 1\strol~lcaJ Magozlnr:> created a lot of c:cmtroversy bul now· ""''I!
1uqu1rlt:s from any person mentloncfl ln th.: article wb!'tlH:I' I ht•
prrdlcUuu or Amllr-tbh'.s act.•Jdcnl was mmie ln nd\'ance. :-.L.; tncml h •. 111
noL More amusing Is the (net none MW the tcclutlCitl·mHrt,logtclll 11'''"'
mcntlcmed In U11: artJde (o
Slnet: Mr. ~m has told me tlmt he h.a.5 rn.1.5scd MB qultL~ nf1~11 111
Suststs Uutt those whn l('..ti.Ill iiti~logy from him mmH do n\M ~wl 7\IH
to avoid the stuptd, ~omet111le$ fr<tt.lC, ml~lnkes he hil!-1. comllllll~ll,
Slowly, I S.'lW wlth hiUl hundreds of horoscop(!s lu wtuda I my~t;ll
marked MD and Mkcd him how Jt would aff~ct the. pcN.On. T-k 11!1fl 11w
th."lt it &Jmdlrncs Rlfectcd a pcl":'i'On and somc:ltmc..o; nat cllc pe~.111 lutl
hls family; deslln.lcs are l.nlerlln.kt:d..
Now hefore ncluallnstances are gt\~n ro show how dfr:-1·11\'l:ly Ml1
work!s ll b: ncces'Sacy t.o stress thn:c polnl"i:
~ The Vlm.o;hottar1 nm.hada:iba nmst he w•orlcr11 Cllll ~=•un'4'll\"
bt:cnuS(: we have tested 11 only 011 the basl!l nl IJtl..,. d<~sha.
b .. All rhe dcgp-..,..;s or the plalld.'j mu..l Lagn..'l mu~t ~ •:nlt•ul.tlo-tl
t!.. MB table, M m~me<lj)r ~(which Will I~ AIWII
subsequently), ha!i tu 1M: <tppltecl strlcUy.
In the reseRrt!h J have dOne under bls gultL'UlCC, ll appe-ar-; 1o 1111:
that the planet's nwneroWp and kurakatu:a tslgnlflrntiousl b•·•·r~m1·
ImpOrtant factors 1n decic:llng Ole re!!Ullt. of MB,
Glven here ls fl horoscope (ex: CS) 'Rhcrc the prohlt.:m or h1rtl1 ••I
~h1Jdren was to be an.alyst:d.
This person's mll!Ttage had tal<CII place t/11 21·7·1983 111 1111'

O!>tll be llffD'I'i 01 MtiJ'tUbh~ FIMr TotMiq~ ol Astlo10QI<:al Prcdlc:1i01\!1 w.t Ono
Vcuus.Jupltcr p~rlocl (13-3·1983 to 13+1 J ·l985) and lht:re<lfkr for
many months hls wlfc cnuld uot com:clvc. Balance of Saturn Daslu=t: J
year Sth Montlls. and 24 days.
1. Now tn lh1s horoscope Ute 5tll lord una!IU~tcd. Bul Satum's
tllspnslwr. the Moon. iii tu conjuuc·Urm tn Man:.. Vt:llll~ <'lfld
2. TI1e 5th house has no affilctlon.
3. Jupllr:r. U1c naturnJ Putrolcarnka. l'> n:lrogt'3de (lml with KchJ_
4. From Jupiter, lJ1~ 5th house lh'lS Mar.s wh!c.h Is g~nerally nt.ll guud
for the health and v.-elfnrc or chtldrcu.
In Na.vam.sha
a. SlJ1 h1,usc Is \'r.ty budly :tffitcted wtU1 Snturu ••ml Kdu.
b. Tite Bt.h Jon! Mercury ts In tl1e 8U1 ho\IH~. nut g(IO{l for ehlldrcu
c. From Jllltltcr. Mars Is tn the 5th house.
d. From the navrunsha Moon t&orplol ag._11n. lht• [•th hou:!:>t' hn5 ll..'lhll
anJ fl:"Ct:'ivcs the aspect of Saturn.
In Saptam.s1t4
:il. Kctu Is 1n tile 5th bouse or Sa11tarnsha.
h. ·nu-: 51h lnrd or Saptnmshn (Moon} is affildetl by Mars ;mel ~;dum.
c. 11u: SUI huust= from Jupiter iu Saptamsha hu a debiUttted
Venus a.spcctcd by Saturn while the 5th lord Mercury has Rnbu
with tt aad is a.spccted by Jupltcr.
1.L Sapramsha Lngrm Is .tmletcd hy S.·uum and Mars.
'l11c. wtfe of lhls ~on had loc of difficult!(!~ In dtlld l~lu.~t tu
Vew•s~upltcr pcr1ud and nnr.r medical ex<~mlnallou It was found tlutl
alter 91./mc. mcdlctll tn:.,lrncnl she could concclvf'.
Then came Vcnus~Satum period (13-11-1985 (u 13-1-19~9).
Sn~um the 5Ul \l)rd favours lhc hlrth o{ childrl"n. 1l1c wlfr:- vf fhls
pcrs.ou cnncetved lWII:'I: durl~ litis perlCJd hul both ttm8 th~r~ were
rniscarrtages.lllc horuscopr: of the Wtfc 1:-. 1111t \.'CI)' ~ontl (mm lhc polul
of view or r:hil,lrcn. .
Hut the point that we: 111 our R!'ltmlogiL'KI <illiilysls 1~
S.'l.tum. the 5tb lord, Is 111 Attityuf>lwga..
Now R qur.sttou arls~:;. If lht• 5th lord Is 111 Mnlyubl10go. do~s It
atlct;t ~hllllren? TI1e qucsthm r,s wortl1 examining wllh 'ill op-en mind.
St-e I he chart (cz.6)ahmgslrk, \'.1: n.n: •kJibrnHdy wil hht:Jidlng
some Jt·lruls. But lt will he scc:n two plauct~ arc In Mrilyubltu!]a.
Vcnu~ ;mr1 Mnon..
Shr hii:!i heen nlllntng Vcnu!S diishn ~suet~ IY77. Sht" hHt! tu l•wr
some problem arlslug uul of quarrds wllh hct hu'3t"111JHI, \~:11115 111 M8
mny m~an lhl! Karakatwa.s ur VCJiliS (lllHII'Ifl~l'l bt•IJIJ! lafft't'l!."tl, Thl.'
lmubk IJeg;uJ with C'hlldn;n In Venll~-1\·Tnt)r) p•:ri(•J. l"ltlt•_·rwl-.r I h,. 5th
house: has Jupfter aud lhe 5t11 IOJ'd frl1m L..1gnn. \'rllm>. ll-o <tspt••·h'd l~v
Jupllc•· nnd ih th~ 5lh fium Juplh~r thnl": an· \'t:nus ;uul !-;lUI.
More ex;!mVk~ ,-.·tlLhl';~l\'t~n lniC'r. IUU!ll!.:ttN..IIi!ll.$!!U!..H 111anN h
ltL"''113. .JL'lfl'~t~Jll~lllu~c h~.J~\'11':-!.t\11\l. 1111':. k~crrtlk'tHfliW !.!.Uiu:._nlt~ll\'t.
~-l.oJ.f{lth.trl._MQOo lrnoLhr.rlct!.:..
Finer Tecl'lniqucs of As.lrol~ Predictions~. One

Jup Rai'IU Moon



V1tn lag Sat

M..1f5 Ketu Horil


Lag Jup
Kelu Amitabh
Bache han

Moon Mel' Mats

(March 1990)
TWo condmslons Umt can be clmwn 111 I he nppllc;ttiolt of MH nil.":
1. It:dT<~(~ts lhe ~iguificatlon of lhe pbmct conccmcd and
2. Affects the OWliershlp of U1e house of the planet conc.~rnccl.
These two principles Tcp~al thcmsd\'C!'i rlurlng lhc dashn ;md
anlan:lashH. nf the planet In MB. When we ~peak of the da~hH we ar~
applying only Lhc VlnlShottarl mahadasha here aud no other dasha.
Now (EJI:, 7) tl1c thn:e charts gtvcn may be scc:n.
J. In I he tllrth horo~opc thr. 5th house: and I he 51h lon:l from Lagu.a
arc badly affilc ted.
2 • .Jupiter being In l..<~gnaT tllc ~c rcsull!"i R.<> from L..ngn.; rt'pc:al
3. Titc 5th lord l'rom U1c Moon Is \'r.ry b.'i.dly affilcl\.-d.
Now, the Moon ls rhe 81h lortJ. 1111s shows conJugal fclldt~·· "11tc
Moon. Ihe Anlrtrdaslm lord brought In a lot of tcn~lon In t hdr rlcmh'SIIf'
Who I~ rt~~ponslblc for lhc: IJlrth of au Invalid ~~hUd? 1lw father
alone't' ·nu.~ mother alone? 01· ooth Ihe J»in:uls"! Whal Is lhdr fate wilh

Don~ t.: tJfra/f1 oi Mr,ryuCftngn F"~ne~ Tech nlqueJ of Alilrolc;oale:lf Predlc:tionll Vol. Ooo
thl5- Ul\'lllld chllt.1 ha\'lltg become such a serious fltoblem? The (JUnrrd
IJ~:twc•~H lh1..· llu~buncl and wtf~ became unbenroble but rlld not end ln
J upur.r l!'i wHh Rnhu. An• I the nx•~ or R.'lhu/Kclu is along thr.
lagraa·~\'C!Uill htt\l:s~:. lu Juplhtr·f~llu (1983 December to 198•1 AprOI
tlw lllt.,hfttH.I-wf(~ tdaJitJn:>hlp ncruly retl~hcd a b~king point and the
ffi.'~ni<~ge :;;un·lvr:d ~omchow bt'l'&u5r! Q( Ute aspect Qf Jupth:r on the
7Lh ll(lm•• • •llld the 7th lortl.
A (!ucsUon IJ;Iturally arise."· Wha.l. about the wtfe's horo5('0_pe?
In the Navamsha
o. TI1c- 5th house ha!S Mars Utuugh u Is aspc:cacd by U1c Moon and
b. Tile .l11h lord Venus Is wuh Ketu :and Is aspcdcd by Mars and t11e
Sun. It Is nls-o ln the 8lh hou~. So tcrrtblc ls the affi.lcUon;
lL From Jll[lllr:c. tl1e Stillord Qf the NHvilJrejhn, 1s the Sun conjolned
WlUI Rnllu. •
In th!!
The Saptatnslm presents the most picture.
.;-1. ·na~ 51h hou~ from Lagna an'l tthc Moon ll'\ a!>pec.ted by Saturn
who In tum ts coJljoltU!d wtth Kctu.
h. TI1~ 5th lord Venus Is with Rahu n5pccled IJy Saturn.
~.:.. ·n,c 5th hou~:>t:. from Jupiter is aspected hy tl!o own lord 1\'fs\ni, So
lh~ malclic tnfluetlce of Murs m.:1y ~said to be less.
Here Moou Is tn ~m. aspccUug 5th hou~c ltl Navamsha and
~:oujunct wiU\ Rahll. In Sltptamsha Moon ls ln ~sgnn. '
Wh!lt l.s tlu: effect or It? JupUt!c ls a natural putrakarnk.a 1n
a~ln,)lo~·. His clo5e as.50Ck"ltlon wtf.h Is bad n5 II \!;. The JupUc::r-
IWtu conjunction h.-·1s thus become worse. ln turn the Rahu·l{etu a~
f;aJ)}; ..tiCtng; the lagna-seventh house IDds.
·nus horoscope bdo~ to a Delhi artlst·pal.nter who has settled
dovm ln Paris havlng mnrrlcd a French ·woman. He mnrrled late aud a
wontan thrc:r. years senior to hlm In age. tn Jupiter-Muon perlud when unty daughter was: hardly two years old (1981 Au~ust tQ 1962
o~ct:mbcr) docto~ gave the final vcrt.'llcl Oml lhetr daughh::r who was
puTOy lnvaJJtl physit"'-nlly had al~ bi.-"Cnme part.iy lnWilld menlillly al!SO.
11\-:o <1gony of lhe pnrent~ lncrca5~d which was m'ltur..U, Jupiter being ln
Lagnn awl al">4.l l.rtgnA-Iord the f•\thr::r feU sick also, suffulng the agony
and Ills work. output of pcdntings 1 fell down steeply.
nae hnro-s<:ope of the wife (£~ 8J shuu!d ~ sceu k.eeplng tn mind
tl1e discussion of.thc horoscope of the husband. Plrst, br1e0y lo rashl,
lhe 5Ul house has no malcf'tc aspccl and the 5th lord Ia wtlh two
bcnefl~. Ven~s and the Moon. which Is vel)' good. But the 5th hou$:
from Jupiter rontalns Satun1 aspccred by Mars. Same ls the poslt1on
from the Moon whJch ts conjoined wttll Jupiter.
. lu the navnm~ha, Uu: 5lh htlU5e Is fl!'lpccted by Salum fmm the
8th twusc while the: 5Ul lord Jupiter is asp~tcd by Mars. From
J upucr. S<ttum and Sun nre tn the 5th howse l'l:t:eJvlrtg lhe! "9$J1t:CI of

Finer Techniques Gf Astrological Predldlon~ Vol. One

Mer \len
Mars SUn Rahu

Exampte-5 Sat
Rash I

Jup(R) Laqna

Lag Sun Ven Sat Rahu

23°57' 05°31 00004' 09002' 09'122'

RahiJ Sun


r.tan. Sal
Mer Ke!J.J

Mars. The 5th lord from the Moon Is Sa tum with t11e Sun and <Ispcctcd
by Mru-8.
In the saptamsha. the 5th house and the 5th lord venus. receive
the combined aspects of Saturn and Mars. 1l1c 5t.h house from Jupiter
Is free from any nffiicUon while the 5th lord Moon if> with Kelu. From
the Moon t.he 5th lord Is Saturn with Mars.

Mrltyu Bhaga
But fue most strlklng point of this horoscope Is Utat Jupltc:r. here
Is putrokaraka. doubly. being a natural kamka for chfldren and also the
5th lord here ts ln MB So ts Ute Sun.
Now the dasha periods of husband nml the wtfc may be seen
together to see why and how their ten.ston Increased bet,.,·een 1961-
Husband: Jupltcr-Moon 28-6-81 ro 26-12-82.
~: Satum·Sun 11·4·82 to 24-3-83.

Finor Tocmiquos of Nlrological Prcdic:Gon& '\ltil. One

Lag Sun
Sat Jup


Mooo \IQn

Moon Sa1lRl
1\ 041 ~
Met RahU

Ven 2.8'3:
Ref Bluo Saru

Kc1u Jupffl)

II has I'K'C'll alrl·acly slatt•rl that husband's Moon is tn MB, wbUc

lhc Is 111 T\lll. The:~· IW(l colnclckct In 1982 when the doctors
wlk"~ !:i1m
<kd<m·d lh<ll t\11· .-.llml'lll of lhc chllcl w.ts tncurnblc and the mutual
tcuslou bclwccu the husband Hlld wlk increased.
l11c man·lagc ls survl\'lug because In the horoscope, of the
hushawl Juplh·r Is aspc·c~tlug llu: 7th house: <lnd the 7th lord. Whlk: tn
lhc wlf~·:; huru~"'P<" Juplh~r is HS.Ileei1Hg Uw 7th lord lu the 6th house.

Timing a£ event
Wtu~u wlllllw dkt·ts ufa plRm~l he fell Is the primary qucsUon. It
t:auuo1 lM· stnd is uCit H llfr·luu~ dT~r·l but rmly periodical. lb Ume 11. I
have h~cn taught lhrc,• mcti10ds.
H). In the: d;u;h<l ~ml <lutanlasltn of tlw planet lu MU even ln Us
praryamam da5ha.
h). W1wn lhl' J>l'rlml. (lfl~lm or ~W1nnl;asha nf ll1c lord of the rashl In
which <~ phm~·t Is MB I!-. placed.
All lilt·~ p111lt'lpll"s an· 11111:!.-Tr<ih'd lu th~.; Ju,.usr:ol~ (Ez. 9) ~lvcu.
l 'l'h15 pt·rsou \\";iS runnln.[!, th-:. r~nod ol SIIU. M;u~ Ill I ~) when
ht~ clulcl dcvelol•t:d a skill cJ1-seas~ which .lpJ~·nr~d fnghlt.!llh~ as It

Veo Son P.4i'Jt MCIOI\ Kelu
t.lafs. MB

Eample • 7
s:u Mala


Jup S;u Lag



Mer r.,t-llfs


Saptlmsha Ketu
r.,oon Sal

Jup Mer

IT'~'>cmblcdleprosy. But the dalhl hm. nwn:om..- the Hllnn·ut.

2. \Vhl'll this~~~on was nmulu~ L\·tru"S-r..kc-cuf)' (whkh will last llll
July 19891 his v.1fc dr\·dnpt:d,. st•rlmas problem Lu !he 11t'ck. Why
L'> Mcn!Uf)'l I-'or two reason. L'\atal Sal urn In Cam-cr Is <tllllcHu~
the 5th llou~ ami the 7th lorn. M('rt.~lll)'. nsp('('lc~l hy Mars. 0111
the ml)rc: lmpm1RIII rC'.-t~u L"> tlmt Ma~ 1s pla~d ht lhL· r..tsltl of

Rahu Example-a
25Aug 1933
7.30am. Lag
Sat SunMB
Paris Ketu Moon

Ven KehJ Sun



(of the female}

Rahu Moon

Jul) Ve.n Mer


(of tho femalo)

Sun Kelu
Sal Moon

3. Transll Safum front 5;\gill<!rius Is i:ISpccung M<US In Geminl and
1\kfl.'llty 111 VIrgo. In May·Juue 1989 whcu Mars ln transit was In
Gcmlnl llw probkm J!nf aggntVRtccl.

F"mer Techniques of Astrologlc:al PretfiCtions Vol. One





A housewife
Example 10 Mars

Moon Sun Silt

Mer 1~17

The conclusions that can be drawn an:: that a planet ln ro.m.
a}. Affects the house In which he l"> plnced.
b). Affects the kara.katwa of the :planet. Suu (faUu!r), Moon (mother.
mind) Ivlars (brothers, Iandi etc.
{'). Passes on Its influence to the lorrl of lhc house In v.itlch H Is
\Vhat happened tf tlle wife's horoscope Is a\'allflble aud the
husb.1.11d's Is not there because birtlt details an:: not known? Since
dc.~ttnlcs arc Interlinked Ute event .still be traced.
'11te m:A"t question Is what happens If a pbmet In the: horoscope l.s
In MB. but there ls neither the dasha nor the ru11ardasha of the planet
In MB nmnlng?
TI1e unfailing principle taught to me Is ohscr\'e two points:
.a). !.tilu:...slll:ncdQd ( ciMb.t'll r.QnJ'11m:!J ~~d by a p.l.lms:!
In MA?
b). Arc two makfks ln t.rauslt aspccUng a plane! In MB?
If the above t\\'O conditions at"!." fulfilkd some mJsimp takes place
whlrh looks like a. blg tntg~~dy. But onr: need nol be alanncrl.

Finer Technique$ of Astl'ologfcal Prediction$ V~. ~


1982 Lag
9.01 pm
Mars Lahln"'s

Ketu Juj) Suo

Ven Sal


4Docomber lag
9.01 pm.
MMS Raman
Ayanamsha .
Ketu Jup Sun
12'111' Ven Sal

Given here ls the horoscope of housewife. (Ez. 10)1b1S case had

become very sensational tn the last week or December 1988 ln Delhi.
I had returned from the Bharatiya Vldya Bhavan wtth Mr. K.N.
Rao where. he after teaching hls students Jalminl astrology, had jus•
retumed home. when outside hts house: two ladles met him and one of
them told, hlm that. her husband, the proprietor or the cinema in Deihl
had been ktdna.pped at gun point on December 24th. Mentally he made
the horoscope for the prashna of 25th December 19.88 evenJng around
pa-hap$ 5 P.M ttnd told her that her hu!;band wns safe; aliVe and would
be brought back horne by pollee tn the fortnight. On 5.1.1989. the
husband was rescued by a pollee party from the clutches of dacofts or
the notorious Chambal valley ln Madhya Pradesh.
A!3 usual. the horoscope of the kidnapped proprietor of the
clnema was demanded but there was no horoscope. Then the w1le's
horoscope was gtven.
Here rn.'O points ace noticeable. On 24th December 1988 when her
husband was kidnapped, tran:-lt M.iJa was In Pises a~ti&U the
housewife's Saturn in MB ln the 8th hou~ Satum from Dhanu was
also aspecting natal Saturn In VIrgo.

The lad:• was nuuling Venus-Vcnus-Jupttcr. Here Jupiter '5
aspec:tcd by Salum. who Is hi Kany;t ancl In MB.
Thus conditions g•vcn lu~rc arc fulfUic:d. Now, the 8Ut house
n:p~~ N;Jnjugal happiness and here lhcrt- is r:xchRn[!r: hctwcc:n lhc
7th and 9th lorcls. In thai sense- she IS lucky to haY\! a prosperous
husband. Bul the 7th lord. debiltt;Hcd. Is wUh lhc: 9th lord. ll Is
generally sc.en Utat lu a gLrl's horo..scopl: lf the:: 9th lord is lu ihc 8th
house her marriage bccom~ unfoonunatc. Ht:rc the 9th lord Is wcll
placed, hut the pres~or;e of S:ailliiLliL.lffiJtLt.b£..B!tLho~.W<Jlilll\tlllr
which cannot ~nd should no! he ovr.-rir.:tnktd.

Why You must the correct

A gtrl hom in 1982 with Kmu in hfrUyrJbhoga hadjadnl pamlys£5 ln
hkrrury·Kctu wnod in Ocl.ober 1997
According t.o Raman aycmumslla Kalu will htlL'C 12° I l' dt:grL"l:!s
which will be 01"11'morc them ll 0 whidl Is tlw mrltyubhagJmfor K-=tu itt

(JFK Junior)

K.N. Rao

The prlnr:e ts dead, American prln~ abouqvhom

we knew !.0 lurk In ln~lla tlll our nev.rspnpc:r.; crurlcd Uu~ headline that
tht! platte he had been lrnvellln.g tn \\.'il~ unt:raecztblc. Cunc: thm an
avaLmche of news covt:mge abouL htm and finally the: report of hiS
deaU1, falling fmm aerial height~ LillO <Ul ocean lo cntl up hisllfe wJth
h~ wife cU1C1 sl~ter-111-law 1n " wat~ry grave-.
Wise Ul retruspet!l. an Rlh:rnpt r:ouhl still 111:: marle lo 5Ce ll all ln
the nvatlablc horoscope. prc:;umlug It to be con-eeL
ln the USA, reported lndinn uewspapcrs, his dr!alh was bclng
romp-arctl ICJ U1c tn'lglc r:ml l.•f Prince.-..... Ula.1m. ll nr:l.:1;r nppealt"rl to
lntllilll5 to rompare lhc twu. Hindus t:lo not excu!:io a woman who
dlsturbs ~n entire: family whru she UIJI ol' a royill hom~cllold for
hr:r own physle<i.J~sc:xuu! nr;c:ds.
,JI{fo::Jr did not hllVC 5UCll • .Jl LIHS;'!\'OUI)' rcpUtJ)UOI\. Indian
llt.."W:Spal)(:~ had sympnlhy for nlm. The storlc~ of hl!i sto.y In !ndln hi
th(! ~lgltUes, we IIC\'l!r huc:w nbHtll. were n~colkckll ;md lhc luve tlu:
Prince tmd for ImUa, partlculnrly hc:t· '1p1rUuaUty, were recalled and
The mllln rt:ru~Qu rnrl1a hnd such ovcrwhclrnlng ~ymp.R.thy for 111m
wa~ U1e fact that he was thr !11)11 of Uu: fnmou6 Arnt-rtciln pn~sli.Jeut.. JF
Kcnncdy whom lntllans remembe.r WIUJ love aud resp~d.. It shocks th~
lndt..'U1 to hear of the US publJ5hcrs brlng out C'VCll three decades ~flcr
the~ tkAih of ?rt:!'it;knt Kc~nnNiy his rto: s~ntlal~ ;mtl not ~T.n allow
Mnrllyn Monrue to n~st p~cr:fully 11\ her grave. Comp;m-:d lo nll lh;n
wats- JKFjr's tow profil~~. Old Amttlc:ms like: II In thc:lr nmutry kuown
fot bolste1-ous blasts of high l>llblh:Hy?
Amrn~an.o; hav~ nlway~l hnd a hunger fo1 ruyn.lty nnd n wnt1nulng
d)'nasty which U1cy nt:\'t:r cct.n luwc tw:c.-tu5c: of l.helr h.l5tory. ln the
Kcnm:rly!i tl1cy saw -:;omethmg of tlmt Ir..tgmentru)• shadow of royally
which rM.kc:s one fed lc-55 plcbl;m.
What W<!3 II that nmtlt! J){ not lnke to IKJIIUcs a•· run lor U1c
St;nate. when It ~"'TIS olfcn:d to him?
Wrllcr. ;1ufhor. nr,IIJr nnri wllh • as a BHC story on him de!ittibeti.
hi'\ o;c1L.;;,e M humnur. ·wry. •Lry aut..l droll·, hr: seemetl to lut\fe moved
(Jrllllcssly, wtth tl1c cnormCJU!!o weAlth he had. Only now. after cro~lng

lhc age of361n~ sl!cmed t(l be maturing. ~altl a US ~utmur.ntalur Ill I Un•
CNN. M~y bt·.
TI1e only cornparl.slon of JKJo"jr that ~an b•~ mruh: wltll Prhl•~l':O.:<.
Ol:iUa Is a horotH:"Oplc nne. hnth ltaiS ;; 5hnrt 5pan nr 11!(1. ·tn~ Prii!I'I'S!.
wtUs h~ Dhanu a sho11 Spall which I tnlsscll uollclu.l,(. 111 tlw
C"n5C of JlO::Jr It r..'Ou)d nol have b~~n ~ccn, R5 nQ 11nt- •II'>''Ut>-"<•1 hi~
horoscope Ull he rlied.
Tite horoscope af the Princes~ wltls no bcudlc IJJ k~ullras 1U11l tlw
eighth lord in U1c t11lrrl hous~ heavily nlfitr.ted Waf> wh;al I ml~srd. ta·r
fatal c:nrt. It is fl short span nf life nncl herr ~odhe :;onl( WR!o 011. In 1\c:r
shodnsfw.rrt.:SIIrl. If HCC\H<ltr., Jupiter ami RHhu lu lhr r.l&hlh hm1h~ ;111d
Satum and Mars uppot<lng each other show U1c tcrrtblc car ucl'l~kut. II
was JupHcr-Rahu ending or S.";;lurn-Satum bcgllmlng. bath ~lll.tWr'd
tl1e tragedy. In her btrUt horoscope Jupllc:r Is In hc:r .5ccoud 111111.,~· .. ~
U1e lagna nnd tl1~ fourth lord nnd S<'\lunt L.:, hi tht· ~-=ental hnu!....! ,,., lt11:
second lord. In the ~•s~ of JKFjr. II \l.'il:'i lh~ p~rlod nf Saturu 111 Ill!!
seventh hOII~~ Ill .Shi'Nilt.sltarnsha mu1 the HJIIiltCiiiShH of 1\krr.UIJ'• lit~
sr.c:omt toni.
lt1 JKF;Jr's hlrth IJoruSoCope. Sa tum t~ hi~ IIUitalulln thl: tlflh hll•t~o:'
aspcctt"d by Mnf'j, lht' I(Jitrtll lord uf \'chJd~s. ,\>!ci•:Ul)'. Lhc ttlli;'IJII;l-;11•1
l(trd h. <t mnrakil a~rlin lJJ the third hmtnr~ r.•f ~bnrt JCJIImcys flul 111 lit~·
alry house, Thla.

JFK Junior's plo.nctG ln Mrlt¥:ubllrutq

M:my riC'C'<~ri~ ••go lh~ word MnlyuhltrJ!]rl lnt.rlguw me lwf',,u~· II
\\rdS given In !rur:h ill I c_...t'e(kut lxlok nS the /jmshJiil MCUfl. I rotllttl utlwr
\\.Titer.; refer lo U hul n:ml no r~.flrch. I mmk a r~sc.nrch whldt w ....
complele br.forr 1£•80. l guvc prerJir:tlon"> qn 1Ills hat<l't #lflcr nt•.1tllly I~~~
U11!" defti'\."C.S hecrsuse no horoscop\.".!1. will have Ihe •kgn:r-J. mertll(ut••jl 111
the 4-ahlt: ns th~n~ will fllwnys be some mtnule.s less or more.
In .staul_ylug this r.vr;-nl in rclrosp~·t, one em lcan1 sumt• lfl~<;on-..
Pu~t murtrm n:sc::~n:h~s hH\'1:' ~~<llllrlhnlrd to lhe progrt-s..,;. nr' nwd!l·,,l
~C'Icncc.So ll shoui..J 1)1: 111 astJ·oJuey.
tn my bool( UPS ANT.l OO'•Vl\'S JN CAREER I hav..- fli"('ll llw
lhJn•~·•cupc o( Uh~ f<J.mou~ ludl;m nctar. t\mlt~bh B.1rchhn n. In whn-..r·
C;l~i! [had given ;,(f\rtllC'~ rn•di~UOII abulll Ill~ f;•llal :u:--r;l&lc-nl Ill Jnlll~flJ'V
1982. 111 July 1982. he n~arly dtt<:d_ His Sun. IJJ .\frilyubht1!1ll. 111 tIt;.
eighth hnHS{~ was trnmplcllupon by tr.msllttng S~lllm.
( lltcu wrote uut a re~~an·lt p~per hi llludt t'tJr tht< V1:>I11J~J V!Ju~
PanciiWlgo .:>omctlmc. In 198•1. later. ~kcnall5hl Raul wrl)ll' oul :.J
~~rl~ of ;irtlr:k~ for the k;lrologlc;ll• cnllllcd -The~ J.urk!i
Fear· l\'OU cun stt Ut<~l In the wcbt\11~ Astropnnoramn],
I tRu~ht it hl my stuckuts t111c ~~~ wlwm luduclcd II Ill Ius nrltdr
allll <Hwtlwr In hl5 hook. TIH~ rcSt:arch u11 Mn has to he mud• ht·ltn
th•w Wh<ll hao; hc~n rt(•Ut' o;o fru- and -"'()me Jli;~llll~ an: ml~sr:jl Sot·~· lit~·
huru~np~ hclng u:::1~:d by nmuy. Pn·o.;umlug tltar H1 be 1 ~·m·••t, ~···· o.;11nw

~ 13
I, M~~ury Is In MB.
2. Mill'S (Tij Is nle.o m MD
3. Now cnloulali~ longc\1ty roughly lor a qulck conclusion. In th\15 ~:msc
hnm lagnn ht:comc:s lmpnrt~nt. TI1e Hom la.gnn. may be .Mcsha.
~. TI1c horoscorx: belongs to Alpa-Alpa category. The upper Uroit of
longe"1ty am be 47 year-$.
5. In nuy ~~se.. f::t.lallty musl man.lfe$L cUt&.~ U1e age of 36 nnd before
47 ·l If Uti.-; quc:sUon t~~; lnvesUgated U1~ answtt becomes dear.
fl. Now cllneb it. In transit Sltunl ls touching both plulcbl tn MB
while Mar.t bon M.:rcury.
7, In tlfJrth~m India, thr.aunual honx:npe Is pn:pan:d for shcrt •tuh~k
pretllctlon~. In what I ht'lV~ l>r.ron-: m~. then: t.s Moon 1n the 8th
hous-e <Ulpt!Cicd by Satum.
II Is n comblna Uon for drowlng whlcl\ lt WAS a!tf!r an air accident.

JFK Junior ~ov 25 . .19'60 Tirn.e; 12!2.2Mt ZorteJ 5~00 OSU 0
Longitude: nW02 l..a!ltHdc:; 3BN53 Lnntrl Ayanam~: 23:18
A.os l§:S~_RJ~hu is close to the la(n&
Su llil:3~} Mo O.:&:OB MaR25: 13 t /.frityubhngaJMc 19:56
IM.dtiJ.Hllhruzgj J u 12:30 Ve I 8:35 S.;, 22: 19B!l..l..I!Jll.i_ Kc 1B: 15
J"nior JFK was lu lmtm In e;uly dghUe..<;, r<:portctl Indian
tU..'W!'.papcn;. He hvctl 111 l'ahargauj e~~t of Delhi. not meant for
ar1stncrats. Favourabk nm1 h~art mov1nlj ncrount of hls years In lnrili'l
hav~ nppcared In Iudla. Tiav~ ~ llh1:d nc:ar Umt arcn rmd !>0 mnny
pc.+oplc from t:rnha!';Sics. al9o US. us.etl lo ct~me lo me_ No one told me:
1hn1 JunlorJFK was In luella collccUng material on Iridian demucraL.')'.
He lltl!t Ute then Prime Minister ot india, lndlra Ganclht and also the
Prcsldc:ut. Zoll Singh. both of whom. according 10 a te1cvl9lnll
pro~mme faUed to lmptt's.." him. For lndlllm>, he WR!!o. the ~n of
t1"tsldcnt JFK whC~m lmHnm; Io,·ed aud admired. When J was a child. II
w<~s FllR who won adrnirnt1on of Indian~. In my m1ddh.'! age.. 11 v.'tl~
Preslckut JFK nflcr which then: has br.r.ll dUter ho~llllty or lmtUT~n:nre
towards US pn."!ihlcnLoo; with tl'clr anti·lnd\;t !SiiliiCC,
So, the dr.nlh ofJI'l\ ltullor 1.!:1 the: dealh ur the son of <m :admired
"ut.l lo<l1::!rt JFK ~~uhn; ·
Bul U1at Is t\rc. Newspaper reports abouL him
Sunday, July 18, 1989. New DclhJ
H:cnn~dy Jr'• plane mlaslDg
A ~mall plane c~m)'lng John F Kr:rmetiy ,Jr to MarUtd'5 Vlncyanl wr1••
rcpt.Jrttd tn1:5slng ~;u·ly on Saturday, an airport olnr.lnl said.
Jamie Gf\spnr. an opcrauous sp~~lallsl at MarUm'~ Vrueynrcl
airport, saJd 1\en.ucdy~ plaue w·.ts suppuscd 10 aN'Io'C lnsl rll~ll hul
n~·t'r did. It wnsu't lmmr.dlftlely k:tlOWll hnw many pn~~ertg~"S Wt"
AP. "~"I ·nlbW)' IUS!
~csday, July 20, .1999, New Delhi

Finer Techniques of AsltOCogical PrediCtions VoL One THE AMERICAN 'PRINCE'


25 Nov.1960 lag
12.20AM Rahu

Sal Ven Sun Mer


S<!l (R) Lagna

Annual horo-
scope J--Ra,..._h-u-t
Moon 1998


Vimshottari Dasha
MaNe Nov 25,1960
JuJJu Mar 24,1980
The dasha or the fifth lord or sducation and the writing of a thesis brought
him to India.
JuJSa May 12.1982
JuJMe Nov 22,1984
Ju/Ke Feb 28,1987
JuNe Feb 4,1988
Ju/Su Oct 5,1990
Ju/Mo Jul 24,1991
Ju/Ma Nov 22.1992
JuiRa Oct 29,1993
SalSa Mar 24,1996
Sa/Me Mar 28,1999 Died in Saturn Mercury

THE M~ERJCAN PRIN~ Finer Techniqu-es of Astlolog:car Predldlons Vol. One
A charm10.r who loved tndla IJayshr~e Sengupta)
ThL~ an: ouly n few people In the wnrld, whom once you mcc:1
lht~m. }"Clll c-annot Jorgel. John Kennedy Jr. W311 001~ O( them.
It w-a5 lu the winter of 1984- Usat l mel hl.rn lu a ~mall dllmer
ho~lt•d by J. R. IJ. Tht."'l ln U1e Thta guest hom;c crJmpk1\. New Delhi.
TI1e dllmer was arranged Inn hurry by our frii!Jid SujH Gupta at whose
huu&e Kennedy ht'.d lande11 Olle evening. i4Sklng for J. R D. T'nln'!!O
t1 ddress.
·Jno· whu wa~ coming lo New lJclhl the: following dny a!iked Sujlt
to ~llT'dU~c
fur a snli\11 gnU1er1ng for dlum:r to mr.d htm. Sr.etug John
Kenm~dy. so taU and handsome:, one forgot to pay mw::h atlc.ntlou lo
J.R.D. ll1<' llo~t-wclll Almost.
FI"C8h looking and wtU1 disarming candom, he shoolt hancis with.
C\"C'.I)'one. ~mying soll:ly '"Plea~d to meet you. I am John-. "rbn could St'C
he. lonk,~d like hls f..'l.mous molher:- Jacqueline.
Despite IlL"> famtly and part'.nt.age. he strul'k yu11 HS
unhs.::iumingand approachable. He sm.lllng nJJ Ute whlle. obviously
toli!'>Ciou.r; of hls good looks. spcdally 1115 prom~.
He S;ilt1 he was trnvciUng nll over India but we W\"::-c told It was 11
CQllllllctdy unofficial vlsll. m~Hutng he would br. gotng pi;H:es lll~:ogulto.
Uc. Mid lll' wnntcd lo sec lhe real pcopk• of lmlln Uving In Un~
,•mages. -How an: ynu lrn.vcllln&~"r Some one R5ked. "By b1lln and by
thlrd class,· was hJs reply.
He hncl confided to a guest earlier In lhc cvenlnl! U1at his mother
lind told hlm lo ::.ct'- rhe people o( lndln In lhc vUlRge.s. for whkh,.hc
woulll lmv~ to tnwel by train.. And by travelHng in UUrd daB'S. he was
,!!ling to ruh ,.;lmulrJe~ wUh lh~: common people:. •• fcal nut po~>lhk
f!Xccpl In wtnkr.
~what dCJ ytJu llkc abou{ lud{aT I askl·d hlm. trying to engage him
In n t.•onvc.rsallou. "Oh everything. .. I llkc 9peclaUy the •pirltuallty
or the com.mou people,•· he said.
He Wel\1 1:01L "I have visited I!!ICYtJraJ u.shra.ltl!l and I really liked
somr:. or
! lnvr. you #J,Qm~ ro any ashrams In the ::xmUl'•' And hav~ you mcf
Sath}~., Sal B;~ha'r I n!>ht~d. "No.~ wa~ hi'- 'IT. ply. After il (>HIIM~ ht look.l:d ·should I?~ I IOicl him. ·1 thml< ynu shcmld h\·c;tusc: he: I!W 11
hi~ ~uro. )'uti kuuw.· ·twill. 111 cny uc.:d. 'r'lsll: h1~ IJroll!tscrl.
l.;ltcr, w~: talked of many things lnchHHHg ghost~ an£1 we nskcd
hlm Wltdher he b•:ll~~·t.•-d Itt llwm. II•! •111.1 m1t sny On)-1-htng bul r:onjQyt:!.l
all th11 b1lcs of horrnr th;JI we told him whlll' clearly rdlshtng huJiah
fOtld. I k w"s very n'rlous to know ubmat lm1l;m ghn"'tl~ whu llvc:tl In the
ltl~ f'\111't'111 ~ltl frt~nd w~~ tltci'C' tHo hlll slu: was uu matt'JI-
~·tth~r In lnllk"i Hl' In ~·lt•g;Hirt'. Shl' al!on look•.••l llrt'd h•:C'.Ilu~~ .-;ht: hBd
Ju~l th•Wll Ill fru111 Anu:rlL<1 or Eun'llc lhM :.-.;ullt! C\'1•11111,11.. Juhu
1\1"'1\lll'd}' .Jr. lw'l hr,Mcrl 111~ alfcuUuu or nil tlt~ wnmcm 111 lht" r11om
I hOII!;lt lw W»~'> lii:l.rtly 24 y~~u-h oh!.

Flnt!r Tochnlques or As1~"Cal Pre<lictiOns Vol Ona THE IIMERIC.•IN PRlh'CE
n.~tay ':t(l ,r111,v 111r~•
JFK Junllor's 60 quiet dn)'!l in Poharganj
By Vl.J 111y 1'ewart
NEW DEUII: .John F Kennedy Jr. who diS.'lppc;tn:d Into lhr. fh"t-ll
blue:!. In hl8 light plilll<" off MarUta's Vlu~yanl Ill the US OVCI U1c
w~:ekc:nc1, h.·ul .o.;penl 00 fJ.Uit•l days In nnnnymHy In 1l1e dingy byl;rll~ of
Dt!lhl"s Paha.rgauJ 111 l9R2, hoiC!c.J up In a hotel w1U10ul H phmu• •
UIISIUWCU, IUlWii!;hC<I ond dad 111 i1 pair of bRltcrcd jCRU'i.
But what hmught Jhc son uf Ama-Jca's loved 1-'n'-o;hlcul hcre'i'
What madl" him scour the llltk Janes ~Uid bylitncs awuud Lodht
Colony, Paninmt"nl Stn=o:r nnd Conmmght Pl;tcc wtlh ju~t fto; 150 In hL-.
fJ(•d~t to .!.;~~ lhrongh <i cl;ty'?
·ur wn., rr-qulrr.d lo suhmU <1 proJect paJY.> ou lh~ fuiH'tlouln~ uf
lllt!l.m tlt!ITICK'Tm·y ItS )mn ol Ills nr•rlrrgrmiuiltc slmlic~ ttl Bmwu
llulvr.r!:ilty. lie~ W<ml.;;d t:ompktt~ mlonymlly.... ;;~ hC' rc.:~ll5cll lu: cnuld
t",•cpcr lcut''.! 1t·nl lmll;w vlhirlllt:~· uuly by rnl"lllug 111 lh•~ crow• I.· ~tys
burcnucrnl Vl~tw Bnmllm Gupta. who ctp~n~d up Ult' ~o~.'Orld of I mill\ [
him lllrmg Wllh Touy .J~'Itlns.·ul. llt••n 'Yo'tlrk1ng (or lhc US r.mb:t~'i)'
But lh;H Wll:i Jusl his stalccl nbjr!'Cll'IL!. JJ'K Jr had ol!te-r hl1•:ts
1\~~;:n10 slt;d(t' Orf lllr' Tl\l:~imr.nlcd lifestyle or :1 ·wyal~. :1IWil)'~ Ulllkr 1111~
gl:u·c ~Jf IHt: lights. lw fu11l<Hlc the cmlmssy to keep In touch with Ill til
Ami lm>h>tcrl lu: woulcl dtoosc H. hotel Hll by hlrn~t"lf. H1~ dhl... 11 mlll-
desr.·rlpl Shlvalik Lodge in dL.ugy [hy 1083 ~tnw..lard!>) P·rih<lrgmtl.
whl<:h dt1~ not •:\'en tl\1ot lllJW 1u Its original form.
•Jfc ~umed lo n:vd ln belug n:bclllt•us. Whir.h ~'tPI"Ins hls
111-sl~t~ui'Ci nn \\'\.'3.r1JI~ U1~ ~fill! .1•~111~ (or w•·t:~ . 1101 !iilliWln~ ;mrl
lu·r.plug Ill~ IH~tr !nul-\. 111 fa•·t, Ia• hruught Jllsl thrt:'t' ~tl~ of clolhr.!'t with
htm: I"CL:ulb Mr Gupla.
Which III~J cxpi~IIIS. why JFK Jt niW'tiYS IH1vcllr:d Ill l'll.'kl'ly
anton('k..o;hnw:s, rnn kt11~ m1 t:Kt·~ptlun ouly twl~-e by tnwdllll~ In Mr
Gupta's nld flat C'at: Hut wh<:n pmi.Of"'l)\ Ll!:mnnt.L:r.l, hr: ~'~"lllldn't rdu'!.1'
htcakfas1 llw!I.HJfnL.;, tron1 PTime 7'-JinJ!-.Ier lm.llm r.:u1t.lh.1 anti Pr(~ld,!nl
GI.;Uii .i'.Jttl Stu~.h - holl1 of wh1d1 111mccl out to be: lhomughly t:vc-:ntful.
rll k t:auu: ttlll of ltH,';IHrap.:.~ll UhaVi'ill 1'1-Cr.iJilrln~ lw~vlly. He tolll
me nwl Jr.s11. Cll:mlJI tonk him h • <i beotrlJUg r~stll woulctu'l leave hlru for
20 mhlllll':;. P'-'rlmp~ . ht: n•lsuutlt:~to•Jd fln-: lmllau slylc ol tK'Ing
nff~:~"ll•••t..'llr:'.- Mr Guphl ~~,Y~- L.'lkl', IHwlng ~re~·dlly lmhlb~d lht'
ltiLIIn:-.1•• tlt<IAll:o:. of lnLllon •km•.wrno:y, h~ fll.H"-"''il.ltl'!~l 1\L-. Cautlht (•••
St:\'t'l111 t'mbarrn~51ng J)Oint!'.\ • tlw ltt:.~ti tn ImpOst'! tl111 Eme~ctwy.
comt)JUou . tHJIIctty and the lillllall prohkm.
But his fr-c-crlom WHS. sltmtllvcll. Ills morht<r • ~aC'IJLI~IIuc Krm1c.d)'·
0TW~~b- the nrsly pl'l""oiJll JfoK ,..fir WIJithl ObL~y. \l..':i5 sahr.dukd to nrriVI!
111 Ddhl f1\r hrr omv.ud ]I•UJTIL:Y I•) Jatpur to \'l!<~olt M~h;tr:lnl GayRirl
lkvl. U:-t)"S J;ilc:r.. 11 horl'llktl J;~rqurltm~ <trrlv(':d lo :>t.t her ~lHt
rcSt:rnbllr"tg 11 ural··allc:fl. ·n,c
moltll"t·tn her toqJi, over. lie was or,1t"IYd 11
thorT.•IIP.Jl wnsh Ill lh•: 11•.1 llurel. m~k,·d l\.1 lim• II , ... ,. nml rorhhhku In
evl"II l•:t•ik. ttlwilrc.J~ Shtvnltk LmJg:('

THE AMERICA~ 'PRINCE' F'lll!!r Tl!dlnlque~> ol At.trologd P!odictiont Vol. One

He may have grown up for the world. ForJacquelbu~. he reronlncd

the lhrec·y~-o!cl boy v.·ho s...-.'Ung his Uny right ann ro :>-alotr:: his
rallu:r'!i J)<ISSlllg (':(Ukct. 1'hat Wil:i 1963. New htstory TCpcats Usclf tn
NOTE: Rohu so close (O hi$ tagna. may /tape git"ICTl ttlrn t11.CJse
strL'ak.s of bohi!1Tllanlsm whlch. hi!' exhlb~d ln. lndltt Wht.'1l h~ stayed In
l'nllargaf!l ln Shlva.Uk lodye, till hJ.s mal.hcr came to lndla and pul him
tXlck rm rigltl trndc.
The !l.ntrre Rohu guL~ tmpulsit.oc whld\ led to hCS
dcciSfr:m lo J4J wfth only 011c year~ aperienre a.s a pilrn. l.o~d Yama
L'111c..'rod hJ.s plane Wid a wrong wc:a!llCT mport did Che l'l;".Sl •
.Wt 1..1.!5 rrmL>JTlbt..T". lt.c;ed and lik~-d India's spiril.uality. CNN
described hfm as an Chrl5tltm.
Composite approach to
predictions and use of
Mrityubhaga (Part-II)

K.N. Rao

Mcr an t:vcnl, !_!..!Jotl tlr bad. ha:1 lilkt:u Jll"l'c wllr.lllt.'l II WH~
predicted by an nsu-o1o~~.- or not_ e~:r:ry cou~kuuou5 111u~t
e~lmlnc lhe d:t~t~ ;mtJ tirnw r:-onvint:lng condut>IOns, ~\·en I( H Is fl pt..•!- I
mortem t!JlJlr<lls,tl II hclps rutu~ predldUons [!IVr'-" lot his i.\\\'11
il!ilrolngt~ ~kill " depth he would otll~lWI~c uot aoqulro;:o, It lh~lrt:>
corn::ct n. lnl.Siake, L1J~cover;. r.hlnk In one's ;;!l'>lrologtc:l•l :;wmnur-y
But. such wr~ nol the CHSC' herr. ·nit: pretllcllon MW 1101 gl\•cu h111
I he larnllty or tlle ··vr:nl WOi~ rorl·~~n. L;;t~:r Wht!ll IL fll;j ltappcu I WHill.'
to M~ennkshl Rnul In Bhulmncshwar who hnd orlglu.Rlly lur.lwktl 1)11.,
horo!'C'Ope for hcr series -rllcn Lurlu Fe:tr" hul IUtd ~tn\IHeJ II IIIII o)l
re-ar. The genllenmu whu5c lmro~npc II I!;, her fallH.·r·r. rrlmul, ;Hid
h<n'ltlg 5e'~U her a..-; ;m ·a~t.rolugcr" ~<tpable of t.>XpbtliiUI!! a lhtug or'"'''·
Tiu~n thco .snmc fear prompted hrr to uwlt dlscussltlll uf !Ills ll<nu~·on•:
In her scrlc.s.
'bung nstrologcr.oe<tn be brtlU.o.nt m~ they ~It without lnhllJIIJ•m~
and tltdr lrttulliou perhaps wrrrks fa5t~. Bur U1en they get n "bauguuf
rmm tho!5e. who have known thc:m i\11c1 c-annot ac-cept U1cm In Ou~ll' new
rnk of n~trolog~. Bul when Mcennk:r>hl omitted 01is horo!ir.opc~ nud
even s~;:ul. me 11 me~~~ UmJ. !the w;u ab!'>Olutely afrnld of¢ nb•JtJI
It to Mr.M I coulll understand t.l&~ nwk-wardlle!>!S of 11 nil.
That JU5Uflcs thls ~rlcs, whlch IS lll ~ Wiil' Ufl t:Xh:IISIUII Cll
Mc~uak!ohl''> 'The~ Lurks Fe.."\!"'.
TIIr: horoscopes of Ole !at..h~.r who suffcrt:d tile lrnge..ty arul u~~.~
younger slstcr o( Ute boy arc gwen here.
What Is mc;mt by lh~::- composlle llppronch Is that Ole l'lnmt: ~\'1!111
~hault1 be lc>Ok~tl at from tlUTcrcnt ~y~tcm~ ~uy Vtm~hoU.arl. Jnllutul
Dashas. ThJika IAnnun.l horoscopel nnd tr.mslts; u· (amlly hOI"O!U:opcs
an: avalL,ble the.')' should 'IJe m;tde use of. The f."tmous rt.lj JyolbhL'\ 1•1
cartl~r decndc.s bnd th1s great ndvantnge or not merely knawlng lh~
entire barkgruund of the nP-tive who$C horost::opes or the mcmbe~ uf
the .cuUre fa tully as wcll. The result wa!i an lutcnstve tn-depth
(:rJmt.wsiiL! app1oach to astrological prediction..,.

M~· lntcullou Is nnt tu um1t:r-mle Uu~ great astrological ubUity of
"''-'~t' t"-'J-Jrotl,:;.hi5 many of whom I met and mauy of whom have
lmpr"t'sscd me:: as men of lm(JCCC'3ble Intellectual honc~ty. E~~pt'rtcnccd.
~1<11kd ;uul Vl'J)' f.:lst and ~nerally ilt.'Curalc Ill Uu:lr jUtJgemcnt <1r1d
IISS.CSSIUtllt or huruseopc~. Unl. lc:l me ;tlso n:conl hc:n:, Ulal glvt:n R
~trnugcr's horuscJJpc, they took a tr.!c.UUonal "view"' of sins, vlce!s Hnd
rrimt:s nnd cont1cmned people.
My nwu vh:w hns undergone n lot •Jf dHfcrcnce. \\bm{;n who
would b(' court~srlus. ht earlier decades nre today suc.:cssful T V
••rtt!>l~. ;lCf.rC"S~cs. ;m<l distinguished In pubJic relations. Th hand the
r:ulln: l'thft·;.tl eocic of aur-lc:nl iimcl'; on thr. one nail of women's
.;;exmsl chasllty and lgnon:: hr.!r many lalcuts. some of them man)'
-:>plrutlr.m~d. ts IO ·~norc Utr. (~J11t~rg~m:c: of Ule ~rtt'.W WOU14«1M or lh~
posHndt!pcmlcnce tl'il, ~s carccr-consctous a.."' her nulle counterparts.
-lh1r: it h:ts lcri lo di~strou5 mnrriEJgt:s. 1rucr H is th~t ll has
t:n•<ill~ll a uew d~s tlf Wthful d;mghler-. who look aftc.- lhcl.-
pitrcut.s bcuer lltllll wus.
But thcu I ~to not ml5~ warning womcu that ln a
~<K:Iety llnally It t...w; the mnlc-rnanufacturcd soclo-mornl t:odc that wtll
h<"= lmpnsC"d uu lhr.m ttml judr,cmc::nl prcmout~r.d nu them ou IIlls bash>.



Mil~ Juo .47 15

Sun MP-r(R) Pu\1".1·
Kt:Ho ~tilkO

Jup Sun· 1'\~hl MC!Qn



Rr.\•c:rHug to the composlh:: a Jlproadl see U1e horoscope of the
f<tthc.r of a boy who died tn a t:ra_,c accldcnt on Scplcmbt:'.c 15lh. 19S9.
Tht~ boy's lwrn~C"opc Hot being avullablr:; U1r: c~nl Is bclng traced
1lle story must begin from 1987 when the- fatJtcr of the boy gnve
me hls horoscope~ 1l1e aflllctcd 5th house mul the Dm;hn of MMn/
Jupiter could mCiln nn)1.htng. No OCC<l1'1on Most! h> glVl": hlm
pretilctions. Once when he had mel m1~ In DelhJ lJt 1988 he \~s Bs
though suffering some mental torment (MMn/R.-'lhul. 'lltt~n lllo 1m
pn::dlcUon wa~ given. lk v.oenl back lo Bhubaur:~hwar and Ult'U I
k~mt ahuut th~ tr.Agl!! evt'!lll.
The~ cveut 1s bcl!lA tral'~d Uuough compostlr. n[Jpronch Itt U1e
abs~:nC'c of t.he boy's huros.cape.

l. The h1::cl\1ly aJllicu:d 51.11 hou~ \\ilh tlu:. 6t.h lnnl. 5<\hJnl~RJ
nspcctlng it V.'lt:> m11 n hiippy knrhc·~nl iou.
2. From Jupilcr. llw ~th lun.l ~rum l!l ~spt>dcd hy lllc filh lrrtr1,
violent Mars,

IMre.IRI :5.11 !Rt



Vcn(R) Son
Rahu Mttr(R)





Finet Techniques or Astmtogical PtedlctJons Vol. One

T~its on the Jegna of the father


Rai'IIJ'ls on
15Sopt. 1S89
Sun 1\'.ctu

S..t.IRI Mt!f("l
Ven ML1r5

3. 'lltc OH!ihn Is c•f thr. Moou, tom of th~ Hth hnusc rrom Uu:: 5th
house. Th~:" 'Stth-ptrlocl Is of lhr: nih lord Juplkr, In Mrityubhnga
ln which period th~ ncctdcnl took pta~.
4. In Snpt.nmsJm the 5th lord. Jupiter, whose 'i\llrpertod he wns
running, Is In the 8th hbu!'>l! aspcctcd by Mors rmd Siltum-
5. On th~ d<~y of the acchk.nt S.'Itum W<l5 In S.1ghtru1u.s tn rhe 5Ul
hou~ from lhc: birth hoJ"m~.<:Cpc and Ma13 ln Virgo w~s on Jupltcr
which 1!' In Mrttyu-bhag.n rccclviug lhc m•pcc:l (If Saturn In
6. In Jalm!rti"~> Clu~rti Ul\:;ha II was Kumbhl•-VrtschlkR from \\rhcrc
the pulr~·kamk.n wat> In the: 8th house. 11msc whu kJmw ..JaJmlni
Astrolog_v can worlt on It furth-er aud sec how Jalmlnl's Dasha
SJ5lcm only conflrm~ Vlm!<hottart Dasha.

l. What can cdrogrnde 1 llh lont a.sp~cl•~d by Mercury {also
n:tmgmtk) mc:an? Titey arc altm~ 5/11 mas. which Is slgnlflcanl
2. Jn Orekkn1m: Mc:n:my ln the 51h a.spects U1c II th hcm!'ie whUr.:
thr. lllh lnrrl. Sun Is wtlh Kclu. Doe.." It lmltcaft lhe. lr.JI$i!dy'.•
3. In Ch:u:a Oa!Sha Ute ~;~,lrl w<is nmnltag Mf"~h~/'1\tla. the 11 U1
house from I.agna conrnuung the 11th lord Itself, lu Jnimin! such
events her.omc vtslblt' vccy fnst and tJu..'Y lnvruiably confirm the
Vlnbhottarl D<l.!'ih.a n:~H.lln~
tn fact I will go lo the e.Aicnt of ~ylng lhnt Jn.lmlnl'n ..·arlous·
dashas l~lupolnl an r.vcnt nt n gtnnee whUe In Vlmsholt41rt the
i'lJlproadt crm somcttme_<:. become drcumJocutory.

Composite approach to
predictions and use of
Mrityubhaga (Pa1t -III)

KN. Rao
(CoiJect!CJn ct <Jrt.ic;le$ tram The ~slrulflglca, mei}<Uirre ~uns al t990)
Was u ;'l.£\ e.arth-shah.Ing evc:nt? \e~ ll was ancl 11. could be for
anyone wbo had madr. such a huge fortuuc at so young ;m age. Agalttst
lhls filloulcl he rerncmhcrcd the bar:kgr!1uml, lh«l twice:, OTl(C In 1987
<-Jlltl the11111 198~ llmd m<tdr. adwmt~c: p~dlt~Uuus uhout lite! WaHSir.:.'<·l
Cmsh o)f liSA. 'Jltc t)r.;t was made wht'n l w~s doing work r;on ns.tro-
mt·h.:~•rnlngy nnc1 In the Wndustrm Tlme5 tn!l!tvlcw QfScptember t!),B; I
hAd gtlllc: •.•n reconi :! Ul&ll. Th~ s~cond ts co11tatnetl tn my book.. Ln
all these c,;u;es. t had got my clues from the horoscopes ol some ItaJL1ns
whu r.ommltccl me whcmwcr they vb;llc:-cl ludl:-t anti, whose hcnvy
Investment 111 shan~ in USA ha~ bc~n to them both tllelr source of joy
and anguish.
My ~1Qry. of cour->~ hen:. I"C'"olve.s rouud ."ln Indian family. Hct"e I
ha\'c tl1~ ;ltl\'imtage of h<tvlng lhn:e hnnl!.l'Oilefi Uu-nugh which I can
~htlw rc3pt:ctlvdy how Ute t;ompo5tk approach c--.u1 ~ doue. A
prc:dtr.Uon wm• given. When H was fulfillccl lhc C\'Cnl \\"ilS traced
lhmllbfh olhcr hnrns{:o~. fiP-;1 nf the fnlher ~ntl l.'lh:r, tlf fhc $Isler.
younger 10 tl1c ,young man whom l had forewarned.
So It Is a combtnat1on of 01 pn=dlct1on futnllc:d and supplcmcntazy
tltlitils gkm1•:c1 fhfl:lllgh post-mortr.m r:.wmln..'lUQn o( oLhcr horCJst;opcs.

The Prediction
First ~e Ute horoscope of tbe bo~~
1111': father nf lhl" hoy who~a: horos('npc wm be ~tvcn later, '\\"aS
ChlclSecreiHry, Delhi AdmlJUslnHicmlll Ut~lobcr 198•1. (late S.C.B;~1P<ll
whe~ ulcd In Au~ust. 10971 I had ~l\·cn hlm a prcdJctlon of some
eleVAUou Ril<l on 17th OciJ;~ber, J 98·1-. he \Vils appointed Chid Secretary.
He ami his two chtldren, cldcr one a sou ru1d Uae younger. a. daugher.
nnd hl$1 owu wtrc (Mrs. S.C. B.1.Jpal} have tx--cn takl.n~ at>trologtc-aJ
con~ullaUons fmrn tll~ fOI" flt".Jirly eight )'C<lr~ ntJW,
H may haw: bcco Mcrn:h or Apr tl 1987 ur sllghUy tatl·r. wh~u I he
!.On whom I wtll c.all '".'\" vl51l~cllnclt.R from I .ondou and watltr!d to know
something aliout htrnf>clf. Hr; \\'<i~ pu~!>1rtg lhn1ugh ftc"llm/S.-Hum

Compruite approa;;.h to Fln~ T~niqt.-es of Predic!ions Vel One
period both of wWr-h an: aspet.' by Mars, U1e 5th lord ln the 6th
h<>Ue;.e. 1\W) qucstlorts ~tnn:lt m<: rtml l il:ikcd him. ~1\re you neg1ecting
your studlcs and arc you buylngshan~-!1?''· The nnta'U"dasha could be or
Venus, followed by the Sur15 (OctolJCT. 1987). SatumJRnhu In
Dashamsha are lit U~gna and the lOth house while U1c Sun. dcbUitntcd
In L\br.t, wa~ aspcc:tcd by debllltat~ll Mars. He ~nil'l that h~ hitd been
negkc:llng ~huiles ami thai he did luclulge In !<>pecul<~tlon. I had nc,
lukUug that he had hf:CJI doing II uu so lar~ n s.cale a!!s to neglect his
'jtudlcs totruly.
1 ntlvtsc:d him nof t., lmlulj;!c ht f;pecui"Uan for 5orneUme ns
ndtllcr the Dashns uor trmtslls v.'L!rr. (a\•oumblt: ror earning money.
Ht>avy losses C(luld f-Jrovc di:mstrou!'o. I lf1ld htm..
I hml three oU1er ~asons lo rome In tllls conclusion:
a. ln Cham Oasha he woulcl be nmrung T\lla/Knn}';i. ttmm K.nuyn
t!(II1CI!IIIri10UII uf plancl~ ln lh~ 121h huu~ COUld not be a i)r.t1ntf of
b. If 1 h11:d Tr1kuna Dash;\ "ltartlng from Slntlla aud calculated It Ukc
Chrurt Dash•• be tween the 26111 and Uu:~ 28th year It would be Mi'lkara
Dnsh;; from Wht!rc fl nmct"ntr<itlon of plnne~ would he In lhc fllh
aud l2th hrJu~1!!..
c, lrl went by Vlnu>lmtt;ui Oal'ha IH: was soon to nm tuto the ~llb-5ub­
pcrioll nf S1111 whlcll WR5 tn the Mrit)'ll·hhaga. 'lllr: Sun In M.B a~
Oth ((ml r.oultl bl! c:n!alingan upseltlngo:pericncc for hi~ [i\lller. The
9th also ll1!UIQ. t.h~ hOLISC ol hlgh~r ctlurotlon t'ould prov'-! bad for
him. II being a Lakshmtstharu~ wnuld It "ffect finance..-;, in thl<;
sprt.""lllHUon? ·1111! plact"ruent of Utf.!· Sun In U1c 51h house- In
ilashamansha asp<.'i~trd by tScbiiii.Jh:«l Mars seem~c1 to 1:onfinn lt.
Anyway. U1~ boy kfi fur I.(IIICiou.
Sumc:Umr.. tnw;ml:s tht': f~M,·c:auluf lhr.lhircl wr.dt uf Oc;tohc::r, l9B7
thr. father of thr. IJ<)Y c<um~ to consult m<"- The hoy hnu lost 250
lhousanl1 stl'rlJng. lie told m~. How dirt ht• ll-UV~ !ilj nnn:h mom.-y?
Spcculnuon, \loo'OI5 lhr. <J.nswc:r.
And lh(· t19y !lilii Hl!'in [;1\l(:cJ tu hL"> c;xnmtui\tlOI\. Bul later made a
cmrr:~r. On 28-2·l9f:tS the boy b~c.:un~! e quaun~£1 cllruten~u acL"'unt.nnt
.lll LQndonand Is nowc)nployelllnn b~bank. Upt,o U11::.was the prediction
gtvcn and fulflllerl.

Father'5 Horoscope
My curluslly ~lllT(;d. I Lrltd Lmclng the o;\.-cttt lui he horo~opc of the
boy·~ t'01thc.r.
Ik h;~d JUs I star1erlthc d.uoha of Mt!.n."tJl)', hl.s 5th lord whlr.h was \n
11Jc 81J1 houtoot.•.lf tl1e bay did h;Hlly In cxamtnaUnn In Mf:Il:lll)'/~krcury/
Mar!i (OCtober 19971 t1 11111 n<H !in rprL~ lnt!.. But Murr; Is. fnun Mcn·uf)'
r~lsn, the- 12th !Ol'd 111 the 121Ja hnusc. More lutctcsUugly. (rom lhc: 5th
h•l\l:!e. Ma~ lhl.! 8th lord. Soo 111 the f'r;nynnl"an11'1.sh01 o(Mrm> lhcrt=
Wfl'i a clouhle rJis.n~tr:r 111 I he CiUl!Cr or lhf' br)y,



Sat (R)

Ven Moon

1----t Oashamansha t----t

Jup Sun KI!IU

,lup Ratw


Sun Ma~
Mer KciU

In the s~plnmsha. Mr:n:ury tHat~ phmd ortm~tuess) ts the tilh toni

ami M'lrs. lhc: Hlh Jurtl.
lu Cham d ..'1slm. It wafi l<.Ruya/Mnknm fwm where pu.lmkn.rako.
(McreuJ)·IIu the 12lh house awlth!!! ~·t(,J(JJI nutl ~hu ln lhf." Srh 1lhl "'
tJJe dlslltlCl wnrry o( U1C rntJH~r for Lite son.

Finer Techniques or A$trologlcal Predictions Vol. Of!e

Lag Sun
R.ahu Moon Ven


Man So'

R1hU Moon

Sat (R)


L~ Mars
Ketu \f@f1

Lag Jup
Ketu Mer

Dreshkona of
the sister t----t

Moon Rahu

Variation on a Theme
A wcll·known comhluatton for Onancl~l dl~~stsa'!'i is MercurY In the
2nd houst:MDCCted by lhi\LMoon. A variation oru ln the saptamshacould
be Moon/ Mercury with rrntlcfic assoclaUon in the 2nd house saved by
Jupllcr·~ aspect. 1l1at ls what happened r:xactl}~ Thr: boy s.tved whatever

fine~" ledln~qve$ of k.trnlogiall Fredn:t.oM Vol 0~

he coulcl ~uul has uow made 11 career.

Sf•ter'li Horos.copc
Now wh;H llo~ the sister's horoseope revl•,:u? Sh~ \Va5 passing
U1rough JUilltr.t:>/Moou 0986 to 1988) and h~r Mooul~ 1t1 M B. aut how
wm It '~~plalufue c:llstress ofh~ elder brother? This can be seen UJ Utrc:t:<
n.) Ill dn:.,o;bkcmn. the Moon I~ In the: 8U1 hou~ i\Jtd Meroury In 01e 2nd
Otting Into the dast'ilc;:!l dictum o[ Mcrcur,,. In the 2nc.J CiS!) bv
M9on from thr.. 8th bou"'c. ws;lllmUlnnntltllnl1!1.
b) In Cham r:i.a.-;ha If wa.s Makitrn dash a from whr:~ her l3K, S.'llum.1~
ttl the 2nt.l Caprtcom whUe the 11 Ul hl'lu~ coutaltl'$ Ketu.
c) 1ltc su h- pertod In Cha.t11 Dashn was uf Cancer from wlu:re U1e BK ts
In U1e 8Ut house U-'~pc:ctr:d by l\tars aud Ycnu5-.
Be!ore I conclude thl5 anklr: kt me n:~pccLfuUy mr:ntion hen: U1ttt I
have .r~pplted Charn Da!>hA to fcm~k horu~:-rJpc r::rnclly :ts l do to male
horo-~pe~ and thm Chura Da9h.n nl!i!d not he applied dtfferently to
(cmal~ hCJm·sr.opes. But I wlll kc~p my mtnd open aHtl uy tlle mcllwd of
Mr. lblngach;u:yn who:;~ melhorl mlly he :!;UJ)Cnor. A g~1m1ur. :!Cholar
sllsnuJ~l~s lunu~ rnul.!h gr>:atn J.Cst fur nstroluglcal te~ru·ch l.han those
Umt sm:r·cly thwriS~: nmt do n~;•tlllustrntc wllh pmr.:tle~l horoscope,
From The Astrological Magazine of 1990

Post 1SCTipt
17'U! fatliL'T' U.\15 a l~ty natJI~ rncm arul had strtlll!J p.-lnClplc:., Ilk~ a
good Bmhmln tlwl he wo..'>.
nu~ u•ife o.f lllls rrum and rtl£)l/u.•r q[ 1J1c younyrm.m• flhClllttal
loss had been p·redicled nnd dl!iCU.SSl'CI r.s a gfllcd writt.•r, The yotmgrnan
is a .finance wlz.ard now. Hol!ing /Qst o.Jortrrne ln .stoclc e.K.Chnn!Jt~. tm has
berome wt..coer:


Meenalcshf Raut

How fRtAI nr how less fataJ wUI be the period of a planet I.IJ
Mrityubhnga [MB.I ts U(lt ca:sy to prtdtt:t. But If rnnn}' other fa~tors are
alst~ dnngcrous. the dasha of U1c plantl lu MB can h~~ the htl!,lnnillg of
i\ major m~hap or n tragedy.
[have been ~:nutic:mtd lo observe lhe foUowtng:
~. Generally I! a bi:ncll~. Wla$J'ccb:d by a J11ilieftc, 15 in MB It may
proW! mildly troublc:st)me.
h. Buj 1f such a benefic ha3 malefic: asSOCiation It mey p~r,;c
c. On the oUter hautl. lf JupUer lti a~pecUug planc:t!i In MB clHu1ces
of surv1v1ng ~rtuc~'lt pcrlod9 an: very brtghL
from Mr. K N RHt1'1,1 cJ:da tv."' contrnsUng Instances are showtl!
In 1979. Ute 14u.1y of U1e horo!'icopc £x,l (a) and E.x.l(bl wns
n.tnnlng Moon-Venus, She wns llospltallR.Cd twice and operated upon
twice during rh~ pc.rtod.
U1~ r.Hsc history was: ln Moon-Mercury she had devdoped-
serHms nffllcllcm. 01pp~mllciUs. ll was c.onfioll~:d tilfough medlclnt.
But lu Moon-Venus It burst and she hovercti on the prcctplcc of death_
1Wo uolcwurthy pr;lnt:; hen: arc:;
n. 1\vo plam:t.s urc tu MB Venus and Mercury, but bath m~ nspeckd
by Juplkr,
b. &llum v.-a:r> In hi hliO when f>hc suffered physlcally m&d nearly
ttled. ht 1979 buth Rflhu <4Tld S.,tum wen:: tu Lc::n lnHlf>UUng, her
uala.l Mtreury hi j\llli nnd from Stllum a:spct'h:d ht'r rn\tal
Venus also In MB.
In 1.982, ~he hafl com~ 10 com;;uU 1\.tr'. I< N Ran when she llHd losl
hOJ>es of sun•tvlng,. Wha1 [";tn nn asll'<llnger do"? Bul hope h;ul c."dstcd
ln ~ rather cxtmnrdlmuy way lu Octohct· aud N(lV\:IlllX'..t 19fl2 M.!l
cxplatul!d lome. Strong planetary grouml5 c.-~1sterlln thl5 case for hof](:,
Ill OctoUt:r 1982. shr:o wa5 pas~lng through M.-.~-Mr:n:ury period
<tml ~111' 11~11 to Ulldcrgu a l.llln1 ope:rdllon Wllhln Um.c-c: y~nrs. The:
l)lauctary poslllun. frtghtculng, was aJso not wiU10ut hope.
Now Sat unt 2 .. 54'. Wi1S gutug tCl tr~usll V1:uus hi unil!}nbflogn. Bur
lhrec b•:ncflc..'i .Jupiter, Vt.•nus. ami Me rem)' were there too Hrnt souu the
Moon would trdnslt lulo M<.'-~hil and n1so ii~pcr:l Vt~nu!i of tlH,. blrtll

flnet Tc.-chnlqtJe$ or "-~lrciOQI!:;ll Prea..:noos 'iol. On~ MRJ f'r'U8HAGr1 (P.\F1T - I \1,1
horoscope on tht day flxed for her U1lrd surgical upcmtlon. Doctors
hnd told hr::r relatives to be p~p:u-cd i(\r lhe W1)J"'.it 1\!'i the ~h;:tuce.."> of
survival In such cases were one or two percent only.

Strong Palata ofL&gnu.

NoW lhe !ltmng points tn the horo~e..,pe are:
a The Lagn.1 has <1 bi!J1l!flc l.n UH~ 12Ut house anrl a waxing Mooa llr
the 2nd from tL
b. SimHarly tl1e 7th house h::t~ nn malcOt•, theBih house ls hlunk aud
Kctu t.s tll the: 6th hum;e. Mal~ncs Iu 3.6, 11 are good fur Jongt:vlty.
c. In ker1drru. there are. twCJ bcru.:fi~e Jupiter aud M~'CUI')'.
d. Both Lagna lord £1I1d tl1c- 8th lord in kr:ndra arc. also aspcr:trcl by
..Ju pIta.
ln 1982 then: was uo d<tngerbut ten or twclveyears l:tter tJ1cr"
would be v:as lhe t:<tlculatJoo, a.~ noted down In his ~glsll:r. l11;:
. prt;dlctlon prov<..~ cor:ra:t.. Th~ IRdy sun•h·cd the o~rntlon and d~ht
years h11\'c sim:c pas~d. Her health. of c-ours~. lrr m;-t1utalm:d lhr-ou~h
liLl\.'lng sald Uml!r.t me now give the modlflcd tRhlc o! Mrttyubhru;a.r;.
J wa~h1 Um.LlUs bi!"~UnlJ~'II.t.rl~.Jl..mUWdt tlJ.-_ n~Uv
rtlter 1l I should do l! boldly but wilh lnlt"JI!!c.lunl h<'IIICsty. AI lhc.
moment I am ustng U1c table as It 15.
1l1c m:cd to modlfy f11~: dc:~es (lf Mrtlyuhlmga rur pl;mc:t:s .<ttl~es
because of U1e following facts:
a.. No plrulc:t will lx'. ~y c:xacUy twenty d~~(-s In MeshR Sl!; for 1tw
Sun lo be in MU. II wJU be some mtnutes man: qr lc...,s.
b. DiiTr.rc.nt ayanam.shmi are usffi by dilli.~nt astrologers. ·na.·~ .1~
mon~ tl1~m :;fJt hunrlrcd panchanga.s In India ~~~c:-h gh'll1!! flllfcn:ul
degn:es nr pl.~ut":ts. We have fo\lowc-.rt the: O!JCUIWII~ht~ ul l..i!hlrl
which has gtvr::n w; :!>Uh:>lau!lally cor-r-et:l n:sull!>.
t:, Birth Um~: llOtcd could tn• 11\iit"CUtalc. Some n(•,x!blllty hn5 (O tx-
lnt.roduccd und the bt.rtb t1mr~ corrc("kd.
d_ Wht.:-11 a Vdrticul<tr c:vcut Ls 11(11 o:.~phll!lcd t!iL~ily lhen: CUIIIl1 1..1.=
some dl.ff~renL~. minor lhough, Ul the blrt11·Umc and consequcully
tn the d<:~n:cs or Ulc Moon. Mt:rcmy ami L."lgua PIH11cul;uly; to <'I
k~~r txtenc tn tht~ de~~ of the Sun nmt Vt<ull~: 1\1 n stLU le~~r
l!Xteut t.u lh~ dr:gn:c~ 11f 1\!.: itlltl 111 lhr l"~!,(: uf Si-1111111 awl
Jl!pttcr U1t• dlffcrclll'C wlU he 1J1c lr;!st.
r. In the t'a~t" nf RRin.l '11Uil(~·lt; ••nly- tnu~ lw)t mr:oo:ml Rahu lrr1~ giVCII
us result:;;.
r. 'ntc bl~cst probkm rrcalcd Is by M1UH11. All r'Omputcrs In !Jr.lhl
an~ glvtng, the dq~rr.cs ,urrt:n:uUy .wd we (:an rely ou UUIIt'.

Sch!lmc or 14odUic::atlon: Notes

Mr. K N Rao admit-; that ht• h~~ used
a. Jn the tm.SC or the Moon, MCTCu.ry and ~nu lldd or deduct
forty minute' and $Ce whether Q. fatal event ls expl1llncd.

MRIT'r'UB.'"I.4GA (PART - 'VI nnor rocilmqu~ or Astr010Q1Cal Pri!C'idions Vol. One
b. ln the- cue of the Sw:~, !t should be UOW14 tw"fttlty ntlnutes
either way, plus or- m..ln'tl!ll.
c. Saturn. Juplter, Rahu and Ketu too t1avc to bet corTeeted upto
• minimum or 1ft minutes ellhc:r way.
d. Mandl as calculatccl by an espcrt can be moctUlc4 Ukc Jupiter
at the mO!Jt. But Mond.i b mostly calculated ~-

Test lt; ThGII test it

I. &,.; I( I he: dgsha. <ifllarda:>hn or ~h prtJtyanluto. dil!lhn ufn pl:mel
rt:\'cnls m• uupleae;ant at falnl event.
2. Tc~t II furth('r hy ~dng tf a pli.U1ct Ill MB ~ itt assoclattou with
<mother plauct to v,.imm It has. pns.scd on lt!f malcftc funcUon..
:3. It and se-e when aspec:Ung or tnmslting planets ~ In MB nnd
wtlcn tit~ uuhnppy cvcnl has lnkcn place.

DfJ uoL O\'ertrrtphru! th~: rol~ of MB, BuL do not overlook It also.

A Reverse Cause (~. 21a) and &c. 21bJ

Jr.L-:t rcL'<!rSC' art tltc pritadplcs 1 l!ru~ !lloou. in thi!; case Mr.
Rao made no predict.tDn. only ht.:! told me prlloatclu iL Is a L-ery
crilical ca..o;c, 'This young man lS 1Duablc.-, .so sp(ritu.oL •. Lt:·cU'".
Tu.'O tunt.~ some VlSIUlU·saha!!.traruullJ\m re!dlnlicms u!crc
arrongedjor hfrn and both Urnes he somvhou.r could not CLlf'n
fHictld Ill Wilt. that OJI irtdJmlion of:samctJlln.g slni.stcr? "111~~
nr~ UHJmcu.s. When somtth1ng ls :spct1ally arranged for
someone ami both Umc5 h~ fnll~ to turn IIJ>I ~~~~ hnv~ not to
glvr. any astrological prr.dld lou. DesUny I~ hnllcatlu~
somet11111g pcrhnps.~
In thl~ horosc:opc otl1cr tlutll planets then: we~ two raml points
whldt wcre n~:~t tllught to me ·~nu:::re ts no hopt;-, told Mr-. Rno In me
pcr.:tmnUy. ''blll I am under lnstnu~uon~ from my sptrttual gum, Swrunt
Pnrc!.J'rulJJ.aJlda Saraswati never to make such pn:dtcUons".
In the. horoscope gwen. this pcr!i<)u was running lhe fta~ha of
Man;. When he lkvcltlped som~ nllntr.ul tu the: ~tum.ach IL was not
~Utllri~tug. 1t1 rhc dasha of lh~ 5th lord one cau hnvc "shoolu ruga"

whldt r:.•n mc.l111 :o;tmmu:h nllme:::nl ur ev~n e<~uct.--r.
\'Jas Mars, a a ll1f\J'al(&"1 al~o ? Yc'>. was the answu.
"I low'}'' I n~kt:d him. "'i'o'lnn. 1~ lht! b.~t yogokwtlkn for Cancer
U.!>t:cndant atul ho\Y hns llc become a mamka7 There are some speclal
t>onsldcraUous. From lagna tlu: Sun nnd .Salunt an: lhe 2nd and the
7ih lcrtl5, Fn1m lhe Moon It Is Veuus. Few Cauccr l~gna. Vr.nus r:<\11 be
b;ttl llahu uucl ~tum cau Lu: brul • uncmul\ttonal maraka.s for auyouc.
Ther't' ts some mot'!:! ~oc.BITh to be don~ In cklt"rmln..'ltlon of
maroJ(a...o;:, Bul hnw lw wL.,ht:tl hl3 astrologtcal n-arllng ro ~n wrong. He
wanted to give up il!ltrtJlog.v rrumy Umc5 but some sntnts pcrsuallcd
him n()t to do lt.

MI?ITYU81iAGt. (PARi - I'Vj



30 Oct.1962
Ex. 1(b)

\fen 6:11
Jl/p Sun

The prediction old not f;.Ul.

Notnb1e feo.turea
a. lvm pla.nds Vcnu~ rutd tl1c Sun were In MH ami tht:lr ~-uh-pcnods
coming tun.: nfter .-;uoU).("r 111 1987 nntJ 19M till alm(Kt Ihe entl of
b. Mars the dasha lord \.\'<15 lhe maraka hcrc. How. It Y.'38 nm clt"<U' to
c. Stune ICS.'iClU!; taught tn me on uHe of pl;uwls in MB arc:
l Plauets ln Mll glv~ mRX1mum trouble In Ute ~ub·pcrtod5 of
marakns. lntert-sungly tlle plruld In 1-rtB doC-"5 not bchilw.: so
rrtai~"\"'I4'.:ntly In tt.s own dnsht"'.. H acts Sl) only In ll~ aniilnlfl:.ha.
it If th~ dashas of the 6th, 8th or J 2Ul lords <i.J"C on. tbe sub·p~r1ods
of planets In MB arc tmuble5omc.
ll1 If bcneflcs an: ~s~ctlng plau~ts In MB there ls almost 110 troub!l:
or \'cry Uttlc.
t.L Nf:1W tn lhl~ horu!>t'OflC Venus ts In MB :mil has the company llf<
Moou and rnalr=fic Mnr&. The Sun tllough \\1Ul Jupll~r ts
aspcch:d by S•llum.

Rash I.I. Modified Table of rlanets In Mr1tyubh.lga (~ nott!S) ::j

Sun Moon Mercury Jupiter Venus Sa tum R.ahu Ketu Mandl l....agna ~

~cl 20 2.6 19 15 19 28 10 14 08 23 01 ~
Mit hun.,


~ny<l 24 II 28 18 04 13 16 23 22 14 02
Tula 16 26 14 20 13 04 03 22. 23 08 04

- Vri5hichk 17 14 21 10 10 06 18 21 24 18 l3 i
N Dlumu
Me<!na 23 12 06 OS 28 19 IS 08 14 22 10 a

Flnet" TechniQUe$ of A.strologlcnl Predu:;bQns. Vol One ·'-'Rin'UBH..-.GA /~Rr -IV,
Now on Janmuy lOth l!J89 the pk1ndnry po~lllons wotd1i be as
Hcrc Mm-s havtng trnnsltcd ovr.r lhc Sun 111 (MUJ. At Ulc cmt nf
Mars Dashrl thl!o young man dkd ill J:tJIUAI)' WH~. tl mad(! C\'l!f)'UIIC ur
us unhappy. He was a 1twt•.ablc man auri hn~ lr:fl br:hlml a t>wc~l
Now Utes~ contrastlu~r
Instances provf' th.11 when hcncUes nrc
lmn~lltng O\-cr or aspec:ting plancls In MB lhr.n; li> llop~-
But tto alarmist view of pla111~ts ill MB sltoutil be laltcn unlc~
l.hcw an~ otlt~r nt."ilclle combinations In .a hotv~opc,<Jnlt.U!.£illJ
IJ•~!}t1J!..!lu:1r...sw-or-rlm~. \\.~! hav~ ""'·-en no instance Clf n
whole Jn~hil of H plaaU!l ira MB h~t.."'l.lmtug l:r~d.
A wamln", also les!!lonft, to me are: ·n·y tu malr1t~1ht 6<Yifl m-.1r
:1r.cnratc prcctlctions our of whh:h 20'~· 5houlrl he hrlll!nnt: Utcn lliiVl"
20~~ llt"Ar iiCctmltc: pn~dldlnn:>~ 111 the rcrn.111\ht~ 20'·*-' }'~11 nnt~l go
\\'TUug. Only (iod b perfL'Cf, A.-;!roluf'.._V Is H ~lr.ncc: of foresight as no
other sclelll~C Is hul astrolo~t:f'i; musl h~w llu:IJ· llrntlatlou. ~ln~

Wlu~n ;'Ill n•r.nt lm~ tal(cn pl;wr. and Zl corL.c.ullnr tell!< aboulll. seck
fl \'HIILl e.'(pl.nnatttm for ll ='lfier ht ha;,; kfl. H mu~t lJol! rt:tro~prcllvdy
Th'O o;tta;h tn~tnn·~~-- an~ hr;ing glvl·.n from ,\1r K N Rfio's liOl~ antJ
rast-mnrt•:m o•xplmtntirlll being h:\7..o·uLit•IL
This 1~ lhc horoseo~ IE-.~3) ol ~n lntHan who ··~n lnlo fl11ncultii':S
ill a lorelgu c:nunlry In ,Jun~ HJB~. Nc)W set· that II In Lite
pr.rlcJ{I of Sun-H.<Ihll whlr.:h ~li\ricd IH fl.1il.rd1 1989. RJ.thu Is w1U1 llie
I Olh lord 1\'tars am1 wllh Satunt, llwrc Is 110 bcnd(o: C1Sprct on lt.
In lransH. S.."Itum vm.~ In So1~11lartu~ in Juu~ I!J8U ;nnd ~1~n; In
G~millllran!;iltll~ ovo::r f~hll- ·n1c cvr:rll ts wdl t:..'pl:1h1ed h.-,rll wullth~
hdp nf I he- 11ilsha ;lfiiJ lranJ<;II5.
1~1111 mul th~ IOih hml fo.l;u~ ;arc In lhl.': 12th hnu~. a inretgu
11lac~ with 5<41uru. ·nrr. t~veut W.l~:> , \'r.ty well.
Hcl"r: ls mmlltl,!r tr.tlJIL' ~~ (E..~.41. Till:<- Is Ute lwwsr:o~ nl ~ larly
burn 1n 1961. Her faUtl't' Is \'CI')' pmspe"fl)US. She rnaaTI.:d In Hl84 wHh
11 \"o:ry wa·ll-plnl:"t:d young mau. She h h-:n-o:lf V(."ry well ~dllt'-iltr.d. She
lioH1 H ol;,ughler nfh:or mMrlagr:. But Ill Juaw 1981) her hushmul dlr-d 111
an accide-nt nnr1 sltr- bet""amc a widow. Coult1 thl:<! havt~ tx:cn prrdlch:d'(
-, f~lU!d !lOt h~w.· nrcslictrd tr ~~y.s Mr: l{au "Hut Hpply tlu~
asltulo~Jt·;JI lct'lmlqucs kll<lWn to yuu·.
I pro~l"ckd to do c;o out: by one: Ums;
"- Jt L"' ~Hid lhal 5Lh lord 111 lhe 71h or IJtc 7Ut loni In tlu:~ 5th Is ~<l
for m.UTta~e.
To what cxtc-ttL 110 onr- I~!' cslabllshl:lil conclnstvdy.
Bnt It ls ~n hi this c.~sc.
h. II Is said lhHI Uli! 7th luttl Itt Ill~ 9th Hr vt~·~ vc~ Is IJa(l f(ll
mamagc. To what ~'-it.:nl It h 5n; tn ht: ·~s1nbltghl'fl Olll~lusiYdy,

MRJrYUBHitGA (PARr ~IV) Ftner 'ieeh"!Qur=~ of Astrolog<c;ll Predlclicl1~ Vol Olle
But it Is :sQ t.n this case.
c. One \'ety satlsfa.:lory c:-.-pl.rumUon Is Uml the 7th lord Mercury la
wHh thr.. ('i!h 1nrtJ Sun (the lord \lflth Mat'3.
d. t\ .supporting cxplan.'ltion ls Venu.5 !tl1e slgntllc-alor for v.vrldly
~njo~"mc:nt..<> lndudtng, mnrrtagc) Is heavUy a11Uclcl 1n the 9th
e. 111e best o.-planrtt.lon Is thnt the 7th lord 19 with the 6th ami 81h
But since we an: ta.Jk..lng of planets. ln MB here as many as !our
pland~- Sun. Mnrs. Mercury and Jupiter- an: ln Ml3. The 7th lord ln MB
\\oil h IV."D olht:r plnnc::-l:i, Sun ::.nd l\o1ar51n MJ3 all ~oujOlned may bt: a rare
ln!-lnnL~"- But hr.n: Ull! 7111lord h..tmself Is 5paUcd with two other plaocls
lu MB.
The •~onl took place a.e. !'Oan ns -Jupller dafilha started and In
Jupltcr-JIIilllc:r~Satum the lragh: r::vr.ul tnuk phu:t~.
I!> lhnt ltu~ muy ('.Xplnllilii<HI '11ry J<'s CIIRra dasha. nle C:\'C:Ul
lm)k plnc~ lu ~rlta~Thffl. From Karku In the 7th housr! arc Snturn and
.Jupt1c1: Jupllct Is In f\'IB. 11 dltl o:un.,gc n!" soon R5 I~ d~ha ~t.nrtc:cl, The
aulnnJa~ha Is of'fulo which l5 a bl;mk hou:-c wHh pin nets on ~llhcr side.
Anri H is U\t' Hlh houSl;. (rom j~ lagrUl, the house of widowhood.
11ll5 ls ofcourse a post•morttm cxplanatlo~ But It must be: done
fnr rutun: n:scan:h. In n:!'>l!aTCh lhe fund:tm~n!nl prluctpk!S of uur
r'lllt:lcnl tl."thts must he adhen:d to ~trlclly nnd from thc:lr appllt."ntlon
mu~l nnw new rcacarch.
Editor's Note
l. It 15 nb51JIU1cly ncr.C-'55n.ty lo nor.: th~:- blr1h dash:l of a pc:n;on :and
noh! how iUlrl when: the lonis of M•."lhailitsha aut! anlz\ttl:1sh~ are
2. Theu nr:t~e 1I plAnet Is lu mrllyubhnpa.
3. Do not u:;e Hny a!JWlctnaslla oU1cr Ulan the Cllitrapaksha.

Caution and Wnrnlng

L Agatu rcrnrmber thnt there is 110 such thing as Mcdlrof .o\s!rolog!J.
II Is only n ftgrnt'nt of lhc: lmnglnal1on of an aslroiQgr:.r who In
framing the syllahlls or
an a5tmlogy C!lltt"Se tl~ctl UUs lcml,
2. Wimlr:\"cr I~ CIJ\'Cft'd undu ''ArWtla" has bl."c:n h:m1cd Mt!dlro1 a_.,
J\s.lmlo!J!J aud n!-trolog~TS haw been hluff~d lllto ~ll~llg thnt U ls
branch or Hl11d11 nstrolo~y.
a. Mnkn use uf mtityubltCJ!/U uot with ;my ft"~r ~ It I~ ouly a point of
•L A w~·lt.ct dcvt!rly tilted thls rc..."'C'.nJl.:'h a11d dcs~;rtbt'l1 II. a5 II :subtlr::
polnr In hl!; v.T111ng wUhoul evr.:u tlf'.kcQwledgtng lus d~I:Jt lo the
Orst c:vc:r n-sa!3rcll on mrilyubhaga of tWs o~JlfUt)'• '11115 research
V.'R~ prurlut:~·rl
111 19S~) ;md ~ftc:r 7 ~·cars It was jllng,uu1~1!d.
5. flr.!ol Judge: the mrmlka 111 a hurul>r.upe ami tht11 lt'$r.! t.hc

Rn!!r Tedmiques of AstroCoglca PtedlctJOnr. Vol Orm MRITVUBH•~GA (Ati~T • IVJ

Jup MOOf'l
Sun Van
23"30' W37'
Me~ I/...1J


Jan 10, 198.9

Moon Ex.2(b)
M.:tt Ketu


Rash I
An lndiiln who l.1gru
ran into ditficul-
1---~ ties in a foreign 1----~
country In Juno
Ex. 3

6. 1r Uu~rc ts no li:.Ir ,,f H rnrtrnk.<• mnulk5tltl,t.!. lh<'tc UJ;l\' "Ull IH'

ht~lth trouble's or othc:r 1ype~ nf rni~hap!"..
11lr. rcsc.r~rch tlll rrlrli!JIIh/lflfJU will 1.11' ,•rlsily umkn.lon.rl 1111\liiJ!h
thl!'i flnal l'.xmnpl1:.

MRITYUBHAGA (PART • IV) Finer l'echnlques of Astrologleal Predictions VOl. Ono


RMhl Rahu
Jup 1961
11 4 15' Ex.4
820'~ Moon
Mer 10'27

Me.- / Lag
Ven Mars
Ketu Sun 15C07

West VIrginia

5.11 {R) Jup (R) Rahu


Lag Sun Y..ioon Jup Ven Sat Rahu

llJ39' 07{151' 20°47' 06° 58' 15007' 13°44' 190 t.4'
Applying the simple rules o£ arishta
let the Moon be examined l1rst 1Ex.5J
1. In tlu:: 6th house. the Moon Is In close conjunction w1Ut Rahu.
2. Both Mars ancl s~HIInt ttrc at the S<IJT}{': degrees aspccting each
3. Both Mars ami s..ttum aspt"d lhc Moon which Is already t~ffllctcd
In the 6U1 house.
4. Jupllcr a bem:OL: b retrograde Rnd Is ln U1c 8th house. Jupiter·
Moon pct1ocl from 21 July 1997 Co 20 Nov, 1998 had lo wntch<;d
5. Now comes U1c cntdal IKlfnt. Jupiter l~ being aspccted by Venus.
6. Jupller ali"C'ady In the Sth house of sudden and prolonged Illness,
get~ r.nhRnet:d mHlc:flccncc.
7. Now, 111 Jupllt.'r-1'\toon period, he .-tcvclopcd sertous pain In
sloma{'h and was nearly dying.
R He \l.'as removed to a hospital where afler lO tlays of prolonged

Finer TechnJQu~ ol A.stro!o(;ical Pfl!odidio:\s VrJ. Orh! MRITYtJBHAGA (P~RT -IV)

lre.alm~nl he rer:ove~d sllg,htly.

9. II had fo h.appc~t ln Juplt~r-
Moon pcr1od.
10. By normal prlm:lple:s of artshla lhls could hnvr been foresct!Il anal
J 1. Yet. lht'. ("~~me ~erlt>u!iuc.s~ could also hiWt! been seen If U1c most
ht~a'>11y affilctcd Moon IS .seen and It ts noted U1at It Is tn Uu~- 6U1
12. Ar1ti I1J It, th .... ba.d O\l;·ucrshlp of Mars as rhe Stlt lord.
13. VIrtually thcrt Jupltcr In the 8tl1 house and l\1ars ns- Ute Bth lord.
show the tl:mgcr.

Now the 1mbtlc polnt

Note.• Lhut Vr.'IUJS ls in mrityuhhnga and aspects rctrogmdcJupl!er
H1 1II •? 8t1t llau...,e.

Now examine trn.nsitl5

Exnmin~ ll1t"!" lransit to ~ce why ll had to bet.--ome :so .ser(oHs.
I. On F!':hn HH)' 1. I~H. S;Hu m. W<\5 al 21 rlcgrcc·:; 111 ~kc1a:1
asp~·t"lllln I hi" !Hrt II 1\tl•tm al 20 degn.~.
2. Mr)(lll Fllso tn Ml..'t'lla wa~ ~~ as!X'cting the tn.nJ1 Mouu.
~. 1\olnn.> h1 Kurnbha aba a-"'f~CI...'i lhe birth Moon.
4. Flwilly uotc rha r .Juplln Ill J{umblm is a5J>eCTIH~ Jlt•lllwr ll Lrtlt
Juplfcr nor hlr1h ll.h•NI

~.l!e..!!..ffitl{Q;(' IJI I_J_IJ• ;,lrti, t,otl1 tt.!l_!l_J.!t[Jii,:Ot:_t[IJl!!! h1111."1' Iliff/ lh('
Moon'.s mle i11 prmo•t'ltii!J tho .. JJI"rr.ou.

Ketu in the 5th
and in the 9th Houses
(Part I)

Shiv Raj Sharma

My book llte ,\fy~tenJ o.F Rolw in n Horos('Ope· ll':cl 10 many
hu,ulrlt-~. /\m I wrtUng ~ slntllar honk un l\1~1u ur nnl'! ln~plfr. or the
pressure of office work I ha\'~ hccu wrUlug tm Ihe cffc:t!IS of Kttu. I !~re
I nm ~;:onOnlng my~lf only ro stucly of Keru In lhc 5th and rht: 9"' htJu~
for l.hL<w pape-r Is conHncd to n Hrnltc:d area ami Is n mlcm·study only.
Slgnillcanee of Ketu: Certuln nltribulcs mentioned about K~ht
in four books. Jrun.ktJ Bh.a.m.nmn (JB), Charnalkar Chlnto.mnni (CCl,
Brilml Po~lwm Horn Sha.'itro lBPHJ and Phr.lladi..-e-plka lPDJ are being
1~ lnt;.lUUBtlPD; MutysaL•c,Cam gr Mt."'Cnm•two, the fint avauua of
Loni VIshnu. (BPHI
2.. other Names: De~c::Jidlfll,t UUtk or UlC Moon. Dtat,li,Jll's tall.
3. Motioa: Thl'. a\·oage dnlty motion is lhre~ minutes. Kdu I!'! alw-.1ys
rclrogrndc but ls somcUrncs dlrccl woo.
4. Results: J\Jwc1ys mnldle-
5. Role Is Utat nf anny/soldler.
6. Residence: Forests, hvles ofwhttc: nnt!. Uetm1tl!51·
7. l>lre<ltiou: South west.
8. Time fur- quick result.!l: two lo lhn:c muulh.s,
9. C&Bte: Mixed nr hyhrit.l.
l 0. Cloth:. Ra~~ or lotn cluU1. pl! doth. vnrt ...g:tl~d elrJUL
1 L Colour: Smoky wtth b1uish tin~.
12. Represents: Anlmnte bdnge. (J"ecl.W
13. Gem: Nthtmnnl !Blue- ~em. nmel.hysl leaidwyol
14. Disease: BoU, lunmur or ulcer. lr.ehe:;.. ~mall pm:...
15. 1'cmpc:ramc:nt: Wtndy.
16. Mis~Ilaneous: l.cathc:r. lumger. hslriU~cuc.:&:, IIRrcl!ihlp. p:•iu.
cut~mic..~. frilull amt lric:klucs~.
17. Fortwu1tc Year: 42"' year.
18. klpecb Dov;nwanl ~v~.
19. Where benefic~ Encl of 1\Huy-a. Vri.r;;ha ;t1l11 OlmLI\L 1
20. When bcn.::fic: lu thl'" ru!-!,111.
2.1. When d~ttoWl: Whr.u a t.·omc:t ilflpcHn;...:

flnoc Tecnruqut!$ of h1r010glca1 Predictions VoL 0110 Kl!!u In 111a Sl/1 & l!te 9rh ,.,.0/Jle-1

22. Cont.a.lner: Earthen pol.

23. 'J"r"eea: Snu\Jl tn:~.
24.. Volcc:/Speech: Sharp. acerblc-H violent

The slgnlfl~ace of the 5'., hou•c in gtmctol

tmiJJ M<zna-"»rzonri: The rn,1king of a good mind, sou, mantro.
edu('ntlon', the womb and Its cond1Uon ami rm!IUcs.
From SonXJrtha Chinlamcmi: Son. mlnd. wJsdotn. tuflllst~tshiJl.
mtttttm. nr.arl. l'LL'C'kU (<'\ S(:llSC of dlscrtrnJnaUon born of divine wisdom,
fath1:r or- paternal feelings.

Tbe algnifienocc or tbc g•• bOU$e In general

From ~fanasagarl: lncHnntlon towMds rdl~iou, lnhlltlvr.
undcn;fm)(tlng ol' things a.nd events. gQod chru-;u:lr:;r ;md htc.:llwll1un.
pUgrlmagc. re:!:j}Jttt, rr-Wtrd. affection ant! coufhkucc.
l"rom Saroarthe1 Chlntam.anl : 011c: sulrllu~IJkl Guru.
rtcvuHtm. rellglnus austerity. charity, yoga.

Gcmi!rul indications
(inlht"r (not~: Lhal llle 9LA house lo for father). luck. gnmdson.
klnrln~!' ;uul symplithy. gaJn~. thigh. mlml. plcasurt:s ami maternal
Exultation and debtlltatlon
f:~mltcd In Vn:schUm. M<tlllntrll\(IIt.a t5 Dhauu, I)W'O :sign ls
Vrl~llllt..1 and t:-; tlebUll~lctl 111 Vrtsha IBPIO.
Rc..crult.:J of dehflltated Kctu
U.1.d ~havl•)w wroug Ulcll.rtattons, dcfccuv~ eyes.. 51!p<tJ~tlou
Irom I hi~ :-;pousc. unhappln~f-. rou~ physl<:iil fci\turcs hul vh·tory ovr.r
t:ur.mlc!:>. (MS)
l\t~tu k.alls to fulfilmt•ul of de:slrt:s while Rahu glvc.s t'L1Ur.tgc.. IJBI
Ketu ln t.hc 5'JII hou.s~
From Monru;ogarl. Clash bctwct'n broU1cro J1!5liiUug In Ihe 1knth
Clf one of thl':m, wiud~· complaints. distress, fewer son~, employing
~l"\'rtnl5, g<ihllng &up(J<)rt from Viti' lou~ .sources In lt'arlous ways.
From Jataka Bharanam
Mi!'vry rlut.' lo lnll, !rJvr. for ~lhllll~~. lc!is sous 1111111 daughler.;,
-slnmlnH 1.0 work. hurt. wounclln lhl" nhdomcu.
From Phaladecplka
Ln~s, d~Tt"..llSC. dc~lh l)f 50115, !'f.nmM:h dl!>!.e_. Cnlcl IL1lll~,
foollsbn~s and L"VII mln.Jtdut_L.!..~, po~sessloJJ by splrn (psychical
cU~t urhant:r.:l.

' II t.ln ~ 111!'1-T hW nnvMm~l'tM port-.a,:J, Ke!u ~ alr.o bec.otT.t- v.:rrgo!Qnt!l rn •uat taS¢s
; O.'roomal.i~allll~ !11e .vert! LlleD lu l<eru i!."ld 1! 11.n.cnllt~nf tJ5es m 111<JIICI;m~ pn:!OICllons II
11:1~ lo ccmtot::. wto~r~ .. ppi<Drartr.l) ,. .,.ry f'9i'1Ur lr~M~lod u e"'I~J•I tt'II!•~Uor;s or tilt!: 03.,1.n,t
"YI'ntr WtHdl atleel rwlltons- af'ltl I ulan; Dr1tJma~ r:lu fl<!!vet llloll 10 al'f~ v.te<Jtll'!r-pat.:em

From H.N. Katwe
WldU:d, Ulncs..'i, frm- of wat~r;
From Dbuodiraj
l.oss of ~o1rs. ft:Ar from klug~. lrn;s of rc~pcct, lrrcllgl.ousness and
d•:vlalton from rlghl karma.
Curu1lng. Impatient, less Mn.•• than dnughters. galn from frnud,
atom;•ch dlscat>t!, lulling brolhen. tllr'(Jugh 'nantms/rn.ntra..-.. pllgr-tma.ges,
lutc~L to llvr:: lu forel~n couurncs. Kctu tn Slmha, Vrtschika, Dh.anu
ami Mccrm will gtvr. l1applnes17. Ex011•cct tc,~u• c<m confer mjnyoga.
L NuUt:c-, It ts the !;th hour:;c wlrlc.h h~ l)C~U rck~<l lo ~.!i Uu: house
of t"duc.:ttion.
2. He wn5 u very hrtlllru11 a5tlo1o~cr who seems to ha,·e ~ollecled h15
rruHcrial from 'ctriOll!' trarillJr:m~J souJT:cs which we do not Ond ln
l!lt! book_~ \1oT ~Ht.J.
3 . .1\ 1ilsttngulshed astrulo~:_~L'1' of Mahara6tr.l \Vh~ work~ ~ not
iW<lllablc In mmslaUon.


Kctu fn the Sth hous~
Strmmary (lf •Jll· obs<:n'i\tlons rrom IJll' r:a~.s ~t\1dle!ci,
f'arctmclcr5 which must be ilppUffi
l. Rcscan:h musl be done on n C'Clll'iltC' horo5copc:s. ..,1th d1vtstonal
hvroscop\:.!'j propr.rly prcpnrcrl. A mr.rr gl<m~~~ a~ tllc hlr\h
horoscr.Ipc c.u I ~tvcfntrly goutl lc.ka. r~ul II L"i I hi! rltvtslonn.l
horoscope.!'. thai clartfy the mea ll.ffcr.tro ravoumbly or ac..lverscly.
2. Stul'r. I he 501 hnll!ie js nudnly 1::ouccmc:d wHit U1e hlrth <lfchlldrcn.
>IJh'Ut frurn ullccr cvettts, Jupiter must he. t:'.MlltUtt~cl lnvart:ahly.
;j, Su('h twn·foltt ruutlysls of Kr:'lu lu the 5th hou!.C nnd Juplt~r 1s
very hdpful In balam:ln.g astrologlccd analysis

Example One
K~hJ 1.11 the 5tll house Is dchlltlutcrl and urmopcctecl lu tlle birth
Kt:lu·~ th~J)O"l'iHOI; VciiU!!> Is
ubu t.l~hllllntl!d <tnd l!<> wiUI the 8th
lotrl. Sun. lu lhc 91h llomm. Ihe other housr. fur ~hlldtc·u.
In the navanLShCl
Snlunt Is 1n the 5th housr:: wllh Suu.
111r= 5tlllord, Venus l~ under double nffilctlora. There L~ Ihe n~l
rtr Jupiter CJn lt.
H~r marrtag«:: gnt drJnyetl. l'or. a Hllldll wnmnll. nmrrl~ge nl thr.
Hgc ur 35. !~ nol normal delay.
The ..SClptanuhe~
U rt:"·c.uls n dlsrnnl plctu.n: (lrt.hc 5~ h house.
TI1e 51h JcmJ. Mn.n ts ln l!ae Sua bouse.
Till! 5th hout.e has Rab.u. dcbl.l.llatC'd Moon and Mcrnuy whlch 15
tn:ateil n!'; n eunru.+h for the {1\Uj)()~es nf rh•ld blrilt.

Finer Tedln.lques of Astrological Precsictions Vol. One ln the 5()) & /he 9th Hou~t


Example One Jup

25 September
Lao NP3p 112 Mars

Rahu Mer Sun

sat Ven

Jup Sat
Rahu Sun


Navamsha ·-

M.;us Mer Moon


Sal Ke-tu Sun

T\b$ Lngna



In the case of an orthodox soclety Uke that of Asians. becoming .a

father or mother with two years' of marriage Is a normal oc-eurence. A
delay in child birth somctlmcs gives valuable clues to the Umtng of
She got manied vety late and the dasha then was of Kelu And the
anlardasha of Mercury. The dasha of Venus. her 5th lonl came: too late.
KetrJ In lhe Sh & the 9th ~ Flner Tedlniques or A.stto1ogic31 Predictions Vol. Ono
She ls chlldless.
Ketu is 1n the ~nuslan ra.shL She stud.Jed human1t1es and learnt
She 1s the youngest of three chUdrcn of her parents.

Example Twa
Here the 5th house ts n:cdvtng the maximum concentration of
planetary influences tn Ute birth horoscope.
Exalted Sun and Mercury ln the 5th house wlth Ketu is productng
an excellent rajayoga.
Jupiter from the llth house Ls aspectlng this. This person has
done very wcll as a doctor.
Ketu's dlsposJtor. Mars is in the 3rd aspected by Saturn.
A Hindu from a good famlly. he has chosen to Uve with a woman
openly, defying all conventions. The woman also became pregnant.
The nauam.sha
lt 1s showing his multiple sexual relations. He was threatened at
one stage with dire consequences by some persons. He mellowed down
butts unable to get out of his habits.

Ven Mer

10 Mlly 1958
Moon p12NPJ

Sal(R} JUC) (R)

Lag Rahtl

Mars Mer Kctu



Rahu Sun Jup Moon


Flnt~r TI!Chnlqoo.s cf P.Wol~l PI'CCfetlons Vol. One

La~ Mer Kelu



Sel R:lhv Sun


Ketu In the 5th, if aspeclcd by mttlcOcs or with maleflcs shows

unorthodoxy. It is happc:ntng In the 5th howse of the birth horoscope
and the lllh house of the na\".tmsha.
lu U1ls case Ute ;;.aotamsh::t docs promise birth of a chlld. The
\\'Oman he was living wtth bccamt: prq!n~nt. Being a doctor he
ma1mged lo get lhc prcgmmcy lennluttlcu. Later he rlcedved the g1rl
who wanlcd to many him.
The nature of education
A well-known and traditional c:omblnallon for a medical carttr
whlch has come down from lime:; is;
Kch1, Jupiter and Sun In the nnkshctlrCLo; of Ketu or the Sun gtvc
a medlc."'ll career.
ThC'rcforc Mesha, Stmha and Dh~uu which contain the nakshatms
of Kclu are the points to be e.xamluctl.
SlmUarly. some oUter naksha!Tas have beeu gl\•en Importance:. tr
the 5th house falls 1n these places or If Ihe 5th lord Is In the-m. If not a
medical career, a keen lntc~l In mcdlc:<il suhjecl!> mRy sull be there.
The horoscopes of some of IJ1c mc.-dlt'"rll representatives fit into this
astrological parameter. In thJs case. mctllcal career ts obvious.

Example Three
Ketu ls In U1e 5th house. ~In's cllsposltor. Jupiter. ls ltt the 8th
house and not merely rctrogrndc but Is n.-cdvlng the aspect of Saturn.
Lhc 6Ut lord from the 6th house. Sonu• misfortune Hbout children is
clearly visible.
Jupiter. the 5th lord of the horo!-i(:OJX!. also a naturnl putrakaraka.
Is retrograde and recel\'es the aspect of Sa tum.
Saturn aspects Jupiter ru1d tlll' 5th house from Jupiter.
nte 5th lord from Jupiter k> lhe! Moon which I~ again In the
naksha.lra of Ketu.
tn the ~ Ketu I~ ngatn tn lhc 5th house with the GUt lord
Mars whtle Us dl.$posltor, Venus Is wlth Saturn. 8th lord and rccdvts
the aspect of Mercury from Ute 8th house.

Keitlln the Sth & tM 9th House-l Finef Techniques ol ~leal Prod""td.ions Vol. One

Jup(R) Moon Rahu

Example Throe
1 November

Kocu Ven Mer

Mal'l Sun

Rahu Moon Lag

Sun Ven


Jup Mars

l<ctu Ven



Sat Rahu Lag


In the saptamsha the 5th bouse has debU1tated Jupiter conJoined

with the Sun which. ln Itself ls not bad. The aspect or Mars. the 8th
lord or the saptamsha reveals the hidden story of the tragedy that
occured ln this case.
He got married. tn a normal Hindu trad1Uonal way and :soon after
marriage. his wlfe became pregnant.
Fmer Tecflniques of As!rologk:al Ptedidlons. Vol. One Ketu In tho Sth & tho 9th Hou5o·l
He. a successful buslness-man. went on a tour. Whal lmppened
after that is tragic.
1. HJs wif'c was pregnant when he died In a car aCCident.
2. His wlfe gave birth to trlplets, one son and tv.'O daughters. The son
and one of the daughters died while the surviving daugltl~ is deaf
aud dumb.
3. The presence of Ketu In the 5th house not being favourable for
male children proved correct In thl.s case.
4. Much worse was U1e fact that two out of the three children bom
died In the womb of the mother. The 3rd one who ls all\'c:, ts dc:af
aud dumb.
5. A bad Ketu in U1e 5th house may be a curse of some previous ltfe.
6. When such a Kelu causes Uae deaUt or cl:illdren, Ll Is invariably
7. Ketu ln Ute 5th house Cs a wcU·known combination for abortion or a
disease of the womb in a U)()(flan's ltoroscope.

Example Four- The dignity of" the 5th bouse

TI1e excellent 5th house with as many as four planets m;pectlng
Kctu In the 5th house. which is lhe house of dignity, should persuade

Example Four
29 August 1922
p 162NPJ Sun

log Mer
Moon Rahu S31
Mar& Jup Ven



Met Jup


Ketu In the 5th & ths 9th Housa-1 Finer Technique$ of Prediction$ \kll. One
us to look for some other signillcant factors ln the horoscope.
Here the planets of democracy. Saturn. is aspectlng Ketu tn the
5th house.
Let a quotation gtven about the results of Ketu tn the 5th be
reproduced here, "'Ketu (n SUnha. VrischOca. Dhanu and Meena wlU glue
As the only chUd of hts parents he got huge properties and a r1ch
business 1n cash crops as inheritance.The extraordinary 11th house
shows all the great v."'Calth he has.
He has five chtldren, three daughters and two sons.
All hts chUdren are prosperous. "Jh.Je to the nature ofKetu. he has
more daughters than SOilS.
Unaffltcted Ketu in the house of Jupiter. whtclt ls the 5th house of
dignity. gave him something more.

The d.lgn!ty Ketu gave hlm

He jotned actJve politics ln the mahadasha of Ketu whlch ts with
Jupiter tn the 7th house of the dashamansh.a.
He became a member of the Indian Parliament (1957 just as the
Ketu dasha was ending).

Mer Rahu Lag Sat



Mars Ketu V&n


Mars Mel

Ven Rahu


Sun Moon Sal

Finer Tedlnl(lves of A$1rcloglcal Predictions Vol. One Ketu In 111!1 5th & tho 9th Hcr;so-1
Then a member of the Leg1slatlvc Assembly ·•f his state. Ill 1962.
In 1969 he was a cabinet minister of his slate.
ln 1977, he was agatn a member of the Lcgl.slatlvc A-;.sembty ofhls
state. In whole of the dasha of venus, Sun and Moon he has had
success In business and moderate success In poUtlcs. Yet. his
Important polltJcaJ contacts and co~rc1al prosperity are excellent.
Add to all this Mars in his own house and the Sun, with digbalnln the
lOth house, which ts its own house.
After the death of his father In 1986 (Moon .Jupiter) he was the
sole toherttor of all the wealth or the family.
All this got multiplied when he started exporting cash crops on A
very large scale to foreign countries.

Example Five - Yocl Bhaskara.nanda

1. Here Ketu ls ln the 5th house of tntultlon aspccted by Jupiter. the-
9th and Ute 12th lord.

la1J 10L

Rahu Yogi Mtltll
Bhaska rananda
01 December
04.25.38PM Kotu
Jup Sun
Moon Mer Ven

2. There Is no other aspect on Ketu.

3. But Kctu's dlspositor. Sun Is tn the 8th house with Mercury :tnd 1s
receMng the asr>ect of Satunt. ThiS explaJtts why he was
umnan1ed and had no· children of his own as Ketu in lhc 5lh
house and an afflicted 5th lord In the 8th hou~ were JIClt
favourable for a life <>f marriage.
4. Ketu revealed to hlm his divine splcndours. through astrology and
scriptural knowtedg~ ftrsL Later tt gave him deeper splrihtal
c:,.,:pcrtcnces. I learn. from K.N. Rao. whose Jyofisha Gum ht was.
5. To thiS. let what has been writteu tu this iSsue or the Journal ln
Ute art.Jcle on Gajakcsarl Yoga be reproduced.
'"When exactly his guru took satn<ldhl t do not remember except
that when his Jupiter dasha started his spiritual e:-.-perlcnccs came inll
torrential Dow and his lnrultlon became tnfalllblc. Kctu tn the 5th
house a5pected by Juplter the 9Ut lord of guru. he often explained
himself. was showing all Its promised resulted. 1 had met hlm In his
Jupiter dasha whlch, when over. led him Into a totally dllTerent ltfc."

1\!!l/J In tna 5Jh & the 9Jh Hou:..."-1 Finer Tedln~ues; cf A!trnlogiCOII PfedlcrtOm• \'Dl On.e
Conc&turlona & Ob5crvatlona
Some C(lnclusions ru1rl obSt":rvntlon!l nrc being gtvcn lo help
n:arJcn; understand U1e case ~tudJes being pttl'!;ent~d. The book "711!!
Mystery of K~1u fn 11 hornsoof~,.ls he lug palt.cmed on Ihe mo(lcl nf tllt!
M!Jti.tery oj Rahu tn a hDro5co~.
L Kelu ln lhe 5th house dcnotcsl!..D.!:!.d.b.!~whlch gets rdlcctc:d In
unortlJOdox mnrrtagc of U1c ~un concerned or one or hls
cllll~ gwerally
2. It l5 in t1CCordan~ wlth the act:cpt.ed clru.sical principles as the 5th
house repn::;cnlr> both traclltlon and progeny. Many horosropefo
am he seen v.11h Kc:tu In the 5tl1 houM: or persons whose dtllrlrru
h;w~ hod unorthrulox .tnan1age~> from the ludmtt J)()illl of vl~v. Ill
Ute ~ustc-cuuscluus Hluclu r.ol'tlnlunHy where we tuwe al:;.o
regional CllllSidcraUons. Rctu 1n lhc. 5th hou~ lm~ to show n
dc:p11rturr: from trndltlons.
3. On U1e uegnUvc side of Ktlu, a polnl obscrval wns, 1\ tendency to
have exjro-nrnrital reJauon.... h l!.i doubtful whether now. when
[)~rm.l6~l\'CU~SS has lkcCim~ quJit: W1£le.-;p~d, SUCh i! potnl C:Ul be
<\, An c:-xltnston or perml.slvcness. In modem
worltl Is lli!!UJUM<t1l:!tt.
wllhuut marrying whtd1 Is a t:ummon fcatun: of Wc~tcm life.
5. Profcs5lututUy. K~tu 111 lhr. .5th favours nu:dtca.l carecr. It cau br=
exrcmlcd 10 one's chUdreu one of whom may bceome a doctor.
e. Kctu Ul the ~tlt gtvc:s more dnughttn~ than ~ns.Or the- d<:"I\tll of a
~hlld. particularly ol a male child, ::teems to a vet)' conunou
1. Dcbllilnl~:ri Kctu In llic 5th hou.s~ &c.ans ro be gener.illy gooll both
for ntilniilgc and the b\rth or male children.
8, Eldest or youu~~l? Some f'olnbl which !>houhl be: leste'l deeply
El«: bas~d un tllc oh:-.erv;Utm•~ J h;td mMde ht my oouk t/:(! My!Wtry
qf Ratw. Lt.kc Jupiter 111 the ) llh house wh!ch c.rut naakc one the:
first or Uu: eldest chlld or U1c parents or tu U.s sex. Rahu also does
that. Tht~e Is, however, R dtn~.n:nC'C'- Rnhu am gtve nlso lhc
posiUou of U1e ;.touuge'>l of the slbllngs or the youngest 1n Us own
r;o:. v,rhcn Rahu Is til the 11th house. Kdu will be ill the 5tlt
9. fiulU~Y-2.l.fu.I\JctillQffi Kt:tu In tl1c 5th ron g,l\'t: tcchn1ca.l, sciill· cdnc:auon. In Ihe! house of a benefic Ukt~ Mt:roury, Jupiter
or' Venus. lt can gi\'C an iudluaucmtov."ards nm~ arts. lltc:rature ett:.
Trndlllonnlly, Kelt.t In H1l'i po'1111on hns been fnvoun::d for m~dlcn.J
1 n. Sex of children; Kctu In tl11~ 5lh hns not bt:tu C.·wourcd as far at,~
r.hUIIn:ll are t.•outcmcd In cJetcrmlnlug the sc~ or l.hc chlld. Kctu
Ut<:llue."l. 11 seems. w favour lht: birth of lcmillc children tnore.

In Hindu nstrolngy the <td of ~yulhct>ts needs sln:s.'>ing and nol
laking the IHc:ral tntcrp~taUon or a slnJ:O~ comblnatlou. It 1s to be done
hi two ways:
The horoscope as a whole should bt! anmln(d and the synthesis
TIHm the dh:tslonal horoscope& shoulrl be u.:1mtm:d along wlth
Ihe: hlrth horosccpe for tolru synlhe..,l~. It thcu b\:come.'S n!!t!cssmy not
ttl work on wrong d.Jvlslonal horoscopes..
Titc obscrvnttons gtvcn here arc- the result of t'h.UtJlnatfon of ml:my
hQro!>Cf)Jle- lltey shtiU!d nol be trtared ns dogma.-;. ·ntr..-y should be
tiikcn as dcpt:ndablc prtoclplcs.
In th~ nr.-t p~rt. cffc:ct~ or Kctu In 5th house rt.Ionc nrc: IX"h1~
shown through dlffc:rr.ul homsc<1pe.
In tl1t: parts lo folluw, ~lnce <i s~r!es mt J<ctu ha~ ~en planned ft'r
th~ Journal. numy ot.lte!r aspect~ of Kdu In diffcrt'nl houses will be
111rs 1~ n resa>..n:h, :m cxpJomtlon. It ~hould be th;.H
uo ouc. C!.Xccpt God can ullc.r lh!! fiurll worlll on any aspect or
lmowlcctgc. parUculruiy ;(IS(mtom•.
·nw pape.- cmu.:lude wlth the ubsc:rvatlun thnt n goud 1'\ctu 111
th~ 5th aspcctcd by n benefic. t11e 5th lord or C\'en a b~ncflc cau gtvt!
e!d.mordlnruy powi!TS of lnf.uiUr.m. I am rcprodm:tn.g some partr. from
U1e artlclc of K.N. R.'lo., tn one uf U1c ~nntlJ1g IS!'iucs on G:!.j<tker.-ari \'bg:.,
where he \\Tiles ::~bout hlsjuotlsllagum.

Ketu in the 5th
and in the 9th House
(Part II)

Shiv Raj Sharma

In I he JournuJ of Astrology a n:~arr.h was produn:tt on c:fltct5 of

H<dtu 111 U1t: :~nl ht.m~c.Sumr: of lh~ couc=h•~iou~ rirm.,.n rrom Chnl
... C..'lUsllt"-<11 research become applicable lo Kdu Itt the 9th lmuse. 1\vo of
them c.•n be considered here:
·stnce 3rd ls Ute house of younger co-oom. n malcllc Rahu here
dOffl uot. let uny olhc-r ~!hUng be. bom af1er him. Titus he:: mn.kcs tbc:
(lel'SOtt youngest. in tlH~ famlly. Wlu~rc Rahu ts under bene.fic lnflucrtces,
IH~ ln;\l~t':!> one cldc:>C ur eldest In the sa.rrn: Rr.l\. 1111s stmly ~rvcs a VCf1.
u~lul purtlo~e: 111 n!Cti0l"al1on nr the horusr.os~ aud fiXIng uf lagua by
~imply F1pp\ylng th~ th\.tmb nd~ thal Rahu hl3rd l"wu~ wouttl wvc any
lliH! flf lhc followh~ rcsulls.
J. One Wt•ult.l be: younge..o.;t llJ the [arntly. or
2. Eldl"~l. Oi
3. Eld~l In Ute same: 6CJ\, or-
4. In U1e same sex.
After CX'ilmlntng U1e results of Rahu 111 the Srd house, If we begin
lo cl\am..lnc tbc n:.sults of Ketu 1J1 tltt: 9Ul house, we. cau <lrrlve at a good
TI1e m~.:l(t sH~Jl Is tu c:cmstdcr the:: slgulficauc-= of the 91h hou~ In
gl'IIt-rnl and condition o! Kctu p.art1cularly Its ~xaltation{debllltattcm
I" II:'-

Tbc slgnlficnnce of tbe 9t11 hoasc in general

From Mana.sagari
lndl.n11Uon IOW'<lnls religion. tntuttlvc understanding of Ottngs and
C\'cmt~. good dmrnc-ter and lnclln..>tlon. pllgrlruag~. TeSpecl. regru-t1.
aifec.:ULlll nml couOtlcm~c.
From Sai'VIlrtha Chlnta.manl
Ob.,-. ~IJltliJ.llll.srtt1 Cum, devotion. rdlg1au5 austcnty, chnrlty,
G>Cnera r Indications
F<-tlher (note that lhe 9u• house· Is for filthcrl. lur:k. gr.mtLwn.
kl11dnc~ anti sympathy. galns, thtgh, mind. pleasures and matemal

Finer Tedlrtiqu{J5 at Aslro:aaical Predlclioni. ~ Oro~•


Pn.rnmet.ers WbJch Must be Af'pllcd

L Re!>e:lrch must be dom: 011 accu•~tc horo!>crlpe!> v.1th d!vi~lowd
horoscopt'$ pm~rly IlTeJ>-arcd. 1\. mere. glance at the birth
horoscope CHO glvc ratrly good l{lt•n. But It I!> lhr: dlvt!'i!UilRI
hor~opeo; th."t dar1fy the <Jn:'ll tdTI."cted fl'l\mmlhly or ;uJv~rs('.\Y·
2- Sine.; rhe 9th house l-; matnly cnflCt:!med with f111h"r. ludc.
grnndchltdrcn ilJl.lrt from n•hcr ~·v1:111s. Juplkr awl the Suu musl
be: cxHmlncd lnv-.ui..--!bly .
.:i. Suth two-fold ruutl)'s.l$ or f(d\1 In til\. 9lh hOIISl' Tind Juplh·r awl
Sm1 Is 'tr'L'TY helpful In balanr.:lng ll.5trolo£J\:RI .
.Exaltation o.nd debilitation
Exallerl ii1 Vr1~chtltH, MoolatrtiHnm I!. Dhauu. u\vtl ~tgu I~
Vri~htl\;t and Is dd~UHi!lt.,."iJ ln Vf1.s1m. (BPFII
Rc.sulb of debllltated Kau
Bad hch:n1onr wrong Llttltunflnas. tkfttllve. cyt~~. ~(.p;mltluu from
1J1c 1>pOu1>t':. nuhappl.nes~. n:1ugh phy~lcal features bul vlclmy over
cn~mles. (MS)
Kctu k<lds to rullllmcnt of cle.sln:~ while llnhll gives n)llragc:. tJUI

Confirming E:lrUer Researches

A.o; an tJ,7lmple (t:;:ocamplc ~ix). huru!it:oi)C Is LK't11~ giVt'll herr. awl
dL"''eU!'>!.t![}, IWtu Mahadasha wa..'l D\'et tu 19 Dec_ l974.
,Jupiter mah;-~dn:>ha ami U11c nnl:nrL"l~hll~ uf 11u·. V<'mas. Sull and
Moon mn rrtlm 1982 to 1987.
I. Applylngtht• rc-'5-Cnn:'h on Ra.bu in the 3rd house. tJH~ lnti:,rmallon
<walli\hk Ls th.flt Ws the; youocc;:st chtlt1 q( hi!:. r•~n!Jll~ awll!S nlsll
\'QUH£!~1' or two trrothro~. The ~· .sibling 15 11 Slsle:r who t5 Ute
eld~L. llt?{t Lht:rc Is n broUtcr ;Ulcllle-1::. 1111: l<tsl ;md ynuugt:~l ''hlld
flf h\5 p;u~nls.
z. The otht:r- resc.·u..;h. father-'!t dealh. whlclt "PI~•m~tl 111 lhr. Tula
SaukmnU Issue (October 1997} of Jomm1 of A.<itrolo~ aL<;{IIlppllc.-.
Ills fnt.her dl~d In 1985 In Uu~ dn.'ihll of JupUer Which b t•lac-c!•l Ill
U1co 7th hou~~ from the Suu mad U1.:. aulnrd;ashil of V~uu.s wlllch ls Ln
U1c 2mJ house: agaJJt froot lhe Sun.
Some points far examination then will h;~\'c la h~:
I. Ketu's pn-..5r.UL"e In lhr. 9U1 IWIISC wtll tlCCd 10 IX' wah:hco do~dy,
1f U1cre ls the aspC'C't of n malefic. on 11. ll •:"-il.n ufrccl th•• lnng\'v1ly 'Jr
Ollr:'s f<~ 01cr.
2.. In such a C«l!.~ n clo~ cxamlnatUCJLl r1r U1c Sun un<l U1~ 9Ut houM·
from It should also be c;»amlned.
3. Thr.u the I".XRIJllllatlnu or
ll~e Hill lurd shuultl ;tlso be dum~
4. This. -'lhoultt lhcu be chcl'ltr..:t:l ln the clwadasharn-'>11ll,

Ke!U In the 5lh & the 9th House-It Finer Techniques of As.lroloolc:al Predlaions Vol. One
Example- 6
In this c-~sc. Kctu In the 9th house is aspected by Marn the 6th
The 9th lord. Moon Is exalted and L~ receiving the a~pcct.<; of two
The Sun ts debtutated and n'!cetves the aspect of retrograde
The 9th house from the Sun has two malefic aspects of Satum
nnd Mars though the 9th lord from the Sun. v•ntr:h Is Mercury Is well
associated and aspectcd.
The dwadashamsha does not show slmUar affilcttons.
111c father or thf.s person len his mother anti d!ed when he had
crossed the age of 30 years.

Jup(R) Moon
Example six Ketu
p81 Seattle
5Nov 1952
Male; (other details
~hu not given to
amoeal the identity
of this person)

Mars Lag Sat


Lagna Sun Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter(R) Venus Saturn Rahu

15° 17' 19' 27' 28Q49' 24° 14' 11°·'1' 23°08' 23° 48' 27Q 44' 23° ss·

Mer Moon Lag

Kmu Sun

Jup Sat

Rshu M.Ys

Flner Techniques of ~trologlcal Pmdlctiornl Vol. One Ketuln tho 5th & t/?8 9'.11 ~II

Example- 7 (3rd Mo.rch 1965, Female)

Ketu Is In the 9th house exalted. aspccted by own lord Mars{R}
from 6th house and Saturn from the 12Ul hou~ as Ulc 12Ul1ord. The
9th lord Mars ts retrograde And In the 6th house(dlsposltor of Kelu} and
Is aspcctcd by Saturn. Sun. Venus the 12th. 6U1 and 8th lord
n~~pectively. 1ne aspect of benefic Jupiter. Moon and Mercury on Mars
gives some relief and docs not deny b1rtll of chlldrer1, Pu!ro. Kczraka.
Jupiter, in 2nd house is also good factor.
In Nava.msha
l11e 9Ul house Is aspccted by benefic Mercury and SatunL l'l'lars
retrograde 9th lord Is In lOth and with benefic Jupiter which Is a
saving factor.
In Saptam.sha
l11e 9th house Is aspected by benefic Moon and malefic SatunL
The 9th lord Mars in 12th house.
This $hows 9th house signlfications arc more towards negative
Since the 9th house Is a house of orthodoxy, and Kelu Is exalted
Lag Jup Rahu

Sun Mer
Sat Ven
Moon Examplo-7
3rd March 1965
Fomalo t.lars.fRI


Lag Mer


Ke..'V In the Sit! & the 9th House-It Finer Techniques of ~leal Pfedlctlons Vol. One

Rahu Moon Sun

Ln~ Ve.n Sal



She lived together with a person wiUtout marriage and became

pregnant. In the ortl1odox Hindu SOt!iety 1t was a clear violation of
accepted social nonns.
lt is conflrmcd by the position of Kctu ln Scorpio In birth
horoscope and also 1n Navamsha wtlh the Moon which Is the 5th lord
of pregnancy. It was a. case of pregnancy out of wedlock.
The child dted, which ls confirmed by 9th house affilctton ln all
the three charts. and also exalted Keh• whtch ts not a favourdble ractor
as we have already seen when Ketu ts placed 111 the 5th house. Tite
same logic should be extended to Ute posltlon of Kctu tn the 9th house
If there ts affilctton to the 5th hou!'ic ~nd the 5th lord.
I. The 5th lord of the birth horoscope Is Moon under heavtest
2. The 5th lord of the na\'amsha, Moon t.s aJso afJltcted
3, The St11 lord of the saptamsha. Moon is also aflllcted..

Example· 8 (21 Feb. 1963, Male)

Kctu Is tn the 9th house with its dlsposlter Saturn and is conjunct
with Mercury a.nd Moon and Is aspected by Mars (R). TI1ere IS aspect of
5th. 7th. 9Ul, 12th and 2nd lord on Kctu and Saturn. the 9lli lord.
In Narxun~ha
Kctu ts again In the 9th house and aspected bj• Mars from the 6th
house. 9th lonl Satum Is in the 2-nd house and ls aspecled by Moon
from 8th house.
In Sapu~nuha
Venus Ls aspccUng 9th house~ the 8th lord. 9th lord Mars is in the
2nd house and Is aspccted by Mercury from the 8lli house. Aspect of
Lagna lord Jupltcr on Mars is a savJng factor.
Here Ketu ln U1e 9th made htrn a drug addict and he drinks
heavily. He married a Brnhm1n girl and there also ls marital tension.
Retu ls In the 9Ul conjunct with Moon and Mercury conflnns the
research vlew ror marital tension.
1. The 5th lord of the birth horoscope ts Mcrcwy under heaviest

l<etu In the 5th & the grh Hou~ll


Sun Rahu
Jup Man;(R)
21 Feb.1963 Ketu Male


Mer lag


M~on R.nhu

Sun Vc11

Lllg Mars(ll) Ven


Rahu Moon


Sat Mer

2. Tile 5th lord or the navamsha. Venus is hi the 6U1 house w1tll
3. The 5th lord of the saptamsha. Moon ls aSJXCled by Mars.

F".nar Tochniqoos of ~ttologieat P~ons Vol. OM
Example • 9 (13"14 Oct. 1959, Male)
Ketu is In the 9th house In the Meena rashl, and ts a.spected by
Sun. the 2nd lord. Kcht's disposltor. 4upitcr. ts tn the 5th house Rnd
also Is aspect.ed by Jupiter.
In Navamsha
The 9th hou!>c Is vacant. The 9th lord Moon l.s In 7th house.


Moon ~

13-14 Oct1959
Male ven

Sal Jup Mer Rahu

Mars Sun

Rahu Moon Sal



Lag Mars Jup


L&g Rahu Jup



Ke1u Mars Sun


Finer TechniQues cl Astrological Predictions 'Vet One Ketu In tfte 5th & lhe 9th Hoose-11
Moon Is aspectcd by Jupiter from the 11th house. Juplterl.s 2nd and
5th lord.
In Baptamsha
Kelu In the 9th house with Venus. lhe 8th lord. 9th lord Mar-; is
the 8th house, which sho·ws exchange of 8th and 9th lord. Mars
receives the aspect of a benefic Lagna lord Juplter from the 4th house.
It is a good sign.
AD three charts reveal the good promise held by 9th house. Here
Kctu In the 9th house gave th1s pcr.;on a happy marrtage and two sons.
It has been ob:5erved that Kc:tu In the 9th house gtves domtnaUng
son~>. This observation is clearly limited and Applicable to country
where orthodox famlly and society respecting cbll~n generally do not
defy their parents arid do not go against their w1shes.

Example- 10 (30 Sept. 1953, Male)

Ketu is ln the 9th house aspectcd by Satum. Kctu's dJsposltor
Moon is in the 8th house conjoined with a benefic Jup.
In Navamsha
9th house: has lagna lord Moon and Rahu. 9lh tortl Jupiter J.s In


Examplo 10 6

30 Sept. 1953
Rahu Von

Lag Mer Sun


Moon Sun



Sat Jup Kelu


Fint!r Toehniquas of Asl:tOIOgieal PMdietions Vol. One

Leg Jup




Mars Mer Moon

ven Sal

the 4th house with 12th lord Mercury. Mars also aspects 9th house.
In Saptam.sha
9th house ls unaspccted. 9th lord Saturn Is ln the 6th house with
benefic Mercwy and is aspected by Jupiter.
Here Ketu ln the 9th gave him happy marrtage. It Is again
confirmed by Ketu's position both in BH and Navamasha. charts.
K.etu in the 9th here again gave him 2 sons, te. domination of
Ketu tn the 9th and rurthcr combination or 4th. 12th and 9th
house both ln BH and 1n Navamsha chart ga\oe hlm unorthodoxy due
to foreign travel.
Evmple • 11 t7 July 1941. Female}
Ketu Is 1n the 9th house with Mars. Ketu's dlsposltor Is Jupiter In
the 11th house with Saturn. the 8th lord. Jupiter ls aspected by Moon.
Juplter Is ln bQdhak
In the Na()(IJ"rUha
9Ut house has Jupttcr. a badhak planet. 9th lord ~nus ts ln the
2nd bouse and Is aspected by Saturn.

KchJ Sal Mer{R)

Mars Jup Sun

7 Juty1941

Mooo Rahu

Rner Techniques of Astro/OciCCII Pll!dictlons Vet, One Kstu In the !Xh & 11!& 9'.1'1 HouSI.)-11

Moon Sun Jup

Mar(R) Kctu


Ven Lag



Sa1 Sun
Moon Ketu
Mars Mer

In the Saptam$ha chart

9th house ls aspectcd by Jupiter. Ninth lord ~nus a badhak Is 1u
the 2nd house I.e. in Kutumbha Sthan ls under afiltctlon or R/K axis
and 8th lord Mercury.
Here Ketu in the 9th In the BH gave he~; divorce. It ts also
confirmed by having Mars conjunct with Ketu In the 9th house.
No Chlldren, sec the role or a badhak house/lord's role In this
connection. In all the abo\'e three charts.

Example· 12 (29 July 1951)

Kehr Is In the 9th house v.1th Venus and Mercury. Kelu's
d.lsposltor Is Sun In the 8th house aspected by a benefic and tagna lord
In the Navcunsha
9th house has Its own lord Saturn and is aspected by Moon.
In the Saptam.aha
9th house Is aspected by Sun and Jupllcr. 9th lord Mercury 1S In
lOth bouse as is aspcclcd by Lagna lord Satum.
Here Kctu in the 9th house gave him 2 sons, t.c. domination of

Keru In the Slt1 & too 9Ul Hoose-11 Flne1 Technlquos of ~trological Prodldioos Vot One

Jup Moon Mars

Rahu Sun
Example -12
29 July 1951 lien

lag Sat

Rahu Mars tag


Jup Moon

Sun Kelu

Sun Moon Rahu


Jup ven

Kcrtu M.oars Mer

In the BH and In U1c Saptamsha 9th house/lord is aspccted by
lagna lord. In the Navamsha 9th lord In the 9th ls a saving factor.

Fmer Tectln.quC$ of As~ofog-.::;~1 P~-cidlon~ Vol Onl'l Kcru ,,., 111e 5111 $ me 9/fl Ho.~t Jl

Ketu in the 9th house ar; per ClAssics-

From Manasagarl
I. No distress, calamtty ot trouble...'
2. PromL">t: of the birlh of i1 san.~
3. Lucl;; lmprnvl!s v.11cn ow: 15 In touch wHh people l.n lowly posiH{ll\5.
+. Dl.sln:"~S due! to brolhc:r nr .stsh:..--
5. Som!! ctiscasC'.s in tlte arm.
G. His 11ttcmpts to lmpmvc: himself through pious ac:t<t Is mot·k"d ~•,
Sm:h alfc:mpts too nmy bl~ fmlll~!i.
' Do rot tJr.e lt ~~~~rau·r
;( V.:.~ fll!~fi'ebft~ .:<!•1'11 to tcm~mtoar E:d•10r
From ..Jataka Bnaronam
I De~troyer o( lllrnl~nlors.
2 11u~ dc~ln: I.J) lt~\'.:0 a :<>on.
3 Gatn and lo~:>s <md hilpplfll~5 01ml. tm.happln~s from pt:"tlj)k In
lowly pn!illlons.
4 Dls.t::t~c= Ju the arms..
5 He "'111 ~ mock~d ~t for lh~ ~harlty he does.
From Phaladccplka
I W!1!kt~tl
2 Dm~·~ lnau':'piC'Ious ;:!Cts.
3 Dt:prh•ctt of fnthcr,•
4 Lat:klcssncss.~
5 flovc•rty.
G l)(~rntks olhtT5.
H.N. Katwc Unknown Sources
I K.lng or mlnl!>lc.r lfl ltlng, *'
2 Ht'llglous..
3 Klncl
4 Intelligent
5 Fame nntl glOJ)'.
I lrrrllg.Jou!:-o.
2 Wlck~d.
3 Is oplnlon<ttcd.
4 Angry.
5 Crillci!.C..'i otl1C'rs.
6 QuHrrd:s wtth bmthcrs. 11
7 Strou~
8 Pruud.
• fifl1~ rJc~tfl af f;;t/IBf Cill'lllt! 51!'!!11 ,'11 ll".tllr C,tjCS
• ",.:>1)~•#1 Clf ~r..od;ah:<l will'! C•!l'-t'llc;~ 001!'! tt~ •t~f!rl(! EoN;.r.
• it.'! t1001 tt:-o lro, Ecr.:pr

ln any method of InterpretaCion If 1111." lller.11 mcanlng L"' trtltcn l\!'lt
hiis hc:en glvc11 h~rt' no onf! C"".tll tnlcrpl'cl ,, lloro5{"0p~ pnJp!!rly.

l'(olu In lhl} Brn ~ tfor> 9rll HOI/t.e-11
Predit'Uon Ln astrology 1s au ;ui of synU1c.s1s. CompllnUons of all Ulese
piin~lplr:s h1 one place ;~s ha~ been duue by some Y.TilCt'S gtves us a
chancl! II) elL.<Itlinc .pos~iblliU!!et. Bul IIJ be <tble to arrive Rl !>t:lmc
ch~Onlllvc rL-suiL'> some ~tandard parameters wtU have to be loUowcd.
Tiu: mcUwtJ uf ctolug U lmt> hecu :.tihowu In my hook. ~ Afy.stery of
Rahu in a Horo.'iCope. In thl~ ~"lpcr some pnrnmctcre nrt' being gl~n
to uudcrstnnd the c-ase sludlc-5 bdng p~nlct\.
I I~~unJnc the posiUon of K.;tll In tht' 5th or the Olh hoU!;C by llr-51
seeing which phtnel 1.s tl1e lonl of l.he houE.e Ul whtch Ketu is
2 Now CX."imlnr: the t~mHUon (J( the dlspo.sllor of Kc:tu.
3 f.xamln~ fhe ll~p~cts on Kt:hl and the lordship~ uf thnse Jllmu:ts
!'rom lhr. lngnn.
4 SL'ntllnttt•. lhc result$ of lhc plauctJO a~~lah:d wnh ltelu.
5 Jnlt-r!lnk t.h~ proml!ies of other nou5c with the rcst1lts arr.t\·ed at. It
is Wl'Drl~ trJ pronounr.~ nny judgement on Kct11 ln lh~ 5lh or 9th
ho,J!>c ;o,~ bctng lrrcllglmJI'i tr
lh{' lOth or kmmastl10T1a is

My Obscrvotloo5 concluded for Ketu ln the 5th house

I. ·nu~ fulluW1ug, nh!lcn·nucm have l~en ob~rvcd hy me. aud lt Is just
hkc a ~tutly Ht a gtmcc,
2. (3\Lt WI! ~ho\thl not Jump lnlo Ihe condu~1on wllhoul stuttytng BH,
09 1 07, VMJ!l" chHrt aml tu 5th lord/5th hou~Sejantl Juptta
3. Thl-. will hd1> for tJu: ba.l;mce prediction,

1. lkm 111 lht": :Sih g1\'r. mloL·thudoll.)' 1n mmrlng.: cUJu~r fur self or to
ouc of the dtilclren.
1. either- ~xtrn mant11l relalloH.
ll. lMllg togclhcr.
Ill. rruminge oulsldc community.
t\1_ tJ.cJllf1r Age of l)pOUSt:.
2. f\~tu 111 till! !ith g,cncrnlly make cUher sclfdoctoror one ofhls chlld.
3, (I) Kclu In tllc- 5th gcucrnlly gi\'e more rlaught~r nr 50n or daughltr
Wlrh <1 rllfTt•rcncc of om•, !!,g. 2 son 3 dnu~-tlHcr.
Ill) t.os~ uf son 1.'1 n.l:;o ~cen or ab<"u1Jou,
4. Dcllt.lllntt:d Kctu, unnspcr:tcrl ge1tcrally gh•c happy miuTL1gr. and

My Observations for Ketu in the 9th house

I. Jt lmd nb5r:rwfl tl1Ut. Kdu lil the 9lh ami~Ced !!IVe uuor1hmlnxy
cllhn 111 rliMring~ or dut: lo foretgn or due ltJ as gtvr.u In lhc
•lbscrvaUo• t.s,
2, K~htIn tile 9th glvl" domination (]{ son,
3. E.-uLIIC'd ltelu In the: gill 1!1. ntLl a stt.Vil"ll~ factor_

f1Rel TI?Chnlques ct Predlctl01:n Vul Onu Kclu In me 5(n & (h'!t Pill Hoo!.<HI
4- Gen~Uy n101ke sdf y~llllg.~st or ilmoug slhllugs or umung,
sex. {Shrl K.N. Rae>·.s pnuclplt! for R;1hu In 3nl hou~cl.

My Conelusionn o.nd obaervoUone

Some t:ommou Ctlllt'lusluns aud obscrvaUous ~n: h<:lng gtvcn IH~rc
for Ketu In 5U1 and ln tin:: 9th l1ousc,
L An amlcle~t Ketu In thr: !)tb house dcuoll".s unorthQ1Ifl~.
2. It b f>een t11Rt lf l(eh.t In l.he 9th holl!jt: b tn tht: blrtl1 ltOrrJ!!iCiltK~ or
the IL-1.\'rtnl<>ha ln the foUowtug rashts: Mcstm, Vr1shr.hlk or
Mlthun;t and If Mercury. l\foon ami/or MaTh nrc <:Onjuuet It kmls
to the- following rt'.sulls:
ol) 1ll~te ls Wlt1C ~tn..--ak Of UIIOrU10du:..)' Vl:iihlt> IH 54l01e ml:a Ul'
act.Mty u( nn lndMdual's Ufc as also ml:'nt1oncd below.
b) I( 1t hupp<:ns in the birth horoscope and repeal'i l.n the ruJ\'il~hn.
then the rn:mifestnUon of such a teuclcnc:y ts certnlrt.
c) TI1ese results. can be ob~-en.•ed even 1f It occurs only ln till! b1rt11
horosc.ope. but with more plands l'mlong Mercury, Meo.m ami MH~
~dong wHh ;abo\'c: rn!:ihl {Mesh. VrtE>Chlk or MUhnn<l}.
Other tendencies which bc:cumt: promtuent a.~: IIVIug lugeuu~r.
c7ctrn-marltal, drug Rddlc1.ton, mo~ thRn our mnrriagr.. mnrr lag~
out~lde one's cru>h.: orcfJmmunlty. IU:ht In lhc: 9th ha!'t h('cn !!>tt.:ll l•) give:
diVOl'C\! ~~n in OrtliOUO:le fatnllle.s.

Abbreviations used:
BH BrtUl Horoscope
D9 Navamsha
07 Sapt.amstm
012 Dwadasa.m~ba
BPH Brihal Pnrasharn Horn Sh;v;lm
MS .l\
JB JalaJ<.a Bh.aran:un

Saturn Mars Combinations
and The Khastriya Personality

Rajesh Cltandra Dadhwal

Part- I
CMiwvoryam m<wa shrustam Guna Karma V1bt,l1goshatj
Soy~ LorcJ J(rislmn. mccmin{l tltrt' tl1r• .(our va.nt..u {Br'ahmin,
Kllastrlyn, \li:ll!.ltya and SluulraJ llm~ b~"'~-"11 crt.•atcd by Mco on UuJ basis of
tJIWUU,~snnd imnnas.
-The Gitl Ch·4:H

(11h.•OI.l5en•atian ofll-u· wrl(cr L~ O!J manytrnditiDnal astroltlgers

tn l1 •l~[fi~11t llKlY L'Cr!J lJccurmdy. (( Wl!J progws.s· 1.5 made- 1n tills
rllrecrJon. lhrmrgh statt~.. u.:ar l~rtng. we mau be ahll! fo unmvel gcnr:llr
codes CJ.sttCJIOfJCc:titly. 'll1L.. mdhorl IIttS becll.{otmd to be u.scful, fll nadl
lllcrctitttc'. tl~ rradlcunshct of Ihe lag11a f.s sald Lo tl'L<eal ull thL5.
Mm-s ~nd S.•lum combinAtions :lut\'C ~-d\\onY~ bel"..n Vt!J"Y fnsdMUng
subj{:Cl ol' stully lly :astrotogcP.l pnrttr.ul:uly ro1r ncclrlmal~. fatnllty <Uid
nW"l"sstvc lc:ml~:ut.•les. ll. llll.'rcfort":. th~Onllrly shows a p;~r1tcumr
clmrac.:ter15Uc- ltnlt of hurnnu pcr5otmllry. ha U1c Hindu cast~ system.
thls comb!nnUon mm;t thrrcforc- dr:notc: B klmshlrty<J or il khnshlrJy-.-t
Ilk-: pers-onality. This may lr:l bt.: an QVc:r:-tlmpllflcd t\ppro-rtch.. ht
t.hc!-c pt•pcr; illffr:renl ttSpeNs or Mfln; S<=tr.urn l'OmblnnUons. will be
ll~CUS~ctJ Witlllll tll~ fr,:tillCWMk of claSSIC parill11Clr.=rs. Th With,
11m foUmvtng li!bles Will form lhc fabrlt:' of dlscUS:ii(JII for Each Lngnu (Based on Pnnsluu-a)

Ausplefou!l- M~lu1, 1\ar·kii, SlmhR. Ohanu. Mr.t:na H)Vt:)
lrulW!ph:ious- Vri~Jm. Mlthuua, K.auyn, 1\1la, MRknr. Kumbhn
Is~ I
Mtted - Vr1S1.:hikrt (one)

S11tnru for Each L.-gna (Based on Para.sbnr.a.)

Auspicious- VrlstmhhR :Rtld TWa [two)
lnnu.sptclo~ - Mcsha. l<nrka. Slmlm. VrlschtkH, Dllanu nnll
i\11:'\·rm l.!>l"i:l
Mixed- Mlt.lltlll.a, KRil}';l, :l.lakar all(.l 1\umbhn (!burl
Finer Tedlfjque& of Asttological Predictions Vol. On.o Sstum M11rs Combinations
Mutual Relationship between Saturn and Mars
Ills well known that U1c Moolatrlkona rash! of Saturn Is Kumblta
from where. the ownershtp of the lhe 3rcl •md the lOU1 houses by Mars.
makes him an enemy of Saturn.
Stmilarly from Mesha. whlch is the Moolalrikona rashl of Mars.
U1e ownership of the lOU1 and 11 tb houses by Saturn. makes him an
enemy of Mars.
The concluslon Utat follows. lncvUabiy, from this is that It Is an
unconcealed rclatlonship of cnmJty which can be c.xploslvc. Vrorn lhls
Oows the other tendencies or heroh;m, hlood-thlr:st, ambition.
adventurism. acclclents etc.

Their Castes
By nature Mars reveals quallucs of heroism v.•hlch Is assoc1atecJ
wltlt army. n•lers mul \'ICJ!c:m."C lr.ullliunally which ls why Maharslt.l
Parasha.ra has given to Mars Ute caste of a 1\:ha.shtrlya. Mars rcpre&:nls
anger. crue1ty. ficklc-rn1ndcdncss and largc-hcaticdncss.
Salum Is a shudrn. Lazy. lean. long-hodlcrl etc arc Ihe descriptions
of Salunl's na.ture. But Salun1 shows ckmllnaucc over lower classes
and In a democracy a leader of masses.

Saturn-Mars Effect on a Person

What then will be the result of Sal urn-Mars effect on a ~rsonalil)'
Is the S\lbjcct m:tttcr of this paper.

Lord R:amn'a Horo:sc:opc

Th start w1tl1, let us have a look al the horoscope of l..ord R.'Ullil
whom the Hindus worship ns tl1c grc~tcsl Kllashtn'ya. Uut !he Ulnrlus
clo nol remember lhe caste: of lncamal!um; and great st-tlnts and yogls.
An lncarnatlon of Lord Vishnu, l..ort.l futma. had all lh~'lll~m of his
great family because of Jupiter In the lagna wltll the l:1gna lord. Moou,
fonnlng ~m excellent Oajakcsari Yo~. Out lhc aspect:- of Satum anu
Mars on the lagna and the lagna lord made him tllc great warrior king.

Sun Mer

Lord Rama Moon
Ex.amplo One


Saturn Mars Combinations ... Finer Tecflnlques of Astrolog«::aa Predidions Vol. One

as he is remembered . To understand this nature of Lord Raina we must

refer to the \almiki Rrunayana where he 1s portrayed as a paragon of
Khashtriya virtues, wlth the grace and Idealism of a great king. He
appears to be totally different tn the RamcharUManasofthe great Hindi
poet, 1\llsida.s.
This the traditional horoscope gtvc:n In some commentaries of the
Valmlkl Ramayana In whtc:h the descrlptlon of planets at the ttmc of the
birth of Lord Rama ts that five planet were In Swochha meanJn.g In thelr
houses of exaltation or own house. Those who Insist that five planets
should be In exaltation are miSsing the signiOcancc of the word '"swa'".
Here Jupiter. Venus Satum and Mars are exalted and the Moon ts tn his
own house. (sec example one)

The Other Horo::~copes

Other two horoscopes show how the prtnc:1ple appUcs and can be

Exnmple 1\vo - ~ DiDesh Singh

Raja Dlncsh was born In a. khastriya farnlly of Kalakankar. ncar


RajaOinesh RahP.WS
Example TWo
Ket Lag

Jup(R) sat

Pratapgarh in a very rtc:h zamindar famtly. It was not a princely state as

on the aboUUon of the princely states after Independence. no privy
purse was given to that .state. 'I:C:t. some people addressed Raja Dlncsh
Stngh as raja or even ma]l(1raja. Here the tagna lord. Sun. 1$ wtth
debilitated Mars and receives the aspect of Saturn which is exalted 1n
the third. housc.1\Jla.
This horoscope is authentic. It ls gtven without name in K.N. Rao's
Pn:dlcttng through Jalmtnrs Chara Dasha and wlth name ln hts book
Astrological Joumey through History. Mystry and Horoscope. Here the
degrees of the planets are not belug gtven as there Is no technical
discussion of any aspect or the horoscope.

Example Three - Ex-Prince

In the thtrd case of the eldest prince of a famous Jndtan

Fl1'1C1 Toci\Nques of AstrologiCal PredlClions Vol. Ono &tum MMS Combir.D!Joti.S


Ex Prince
Exaple Three


principality. II Is tllc Iagna lord. Jupllcr In lhe sixth house that comes
directly under t11c Influence of Srl.turn and Mars.
TI1Is horoscope 1s from the horoscope bank of K.N. R:w who h<l5
perrnlttc1l me to usc It in a very llm!lcrl \v;iy. It bdongs lO om: of the
most royal famllics of India.

Example Four- (Here- the identity is not being disclosed)

The features noticeable nre:
1. In the birth horosco~J(: the lagna rccch·cs th~ il5(l«t of l\1an; while
U1c lagua Jon.!. Mc~ury Is 111: tile mshl of M.ars aspeclcd by Saturn.
2. In the navnmsha Mars aspects S."l.tum In U1c 7th house while U1C
7tll lord. Jupiter is with !\-tars a.ud Is n:cetvtng Ihe a..;pect of Sa tum
from U1e 7th house.
3. She halls from a roy-,d ami m<1nic:rl lnlo ;mother royttl fRmlly. "01e:u
her late husband rose very hlg1• In lmllnu politics alsn holding high
admlnlstraUvc posts.
4. The comblnat1on of lhc •Hh and II lords :tspcctcd by the 8th lord
show her and ht:r husbaml's rich lnlu~rit;mccs. She belong:> lo that
Qlder generation when Kslmtrtf.t.s lived Ukc l<shatrlyns and were

Mt!r Ven Mars

P-41 El
Ketu Example Four

JlJp Sai(R) Lag


Finer Teclmiques of Asllological Predictions Vol One

Sat ~ Kcl

Example Four

Mars Rah Moon Lao

rulers of U1dr s~ates. with U1e power to puu.Jsh people ln U1elr stale
and realize revenue.

EMmple Five- Anand Singh

This horoscope ts taken from K.N. Rao's book ~Astrologlrnl
Journey through History. Mystery. and Horoscope· (page 74). In this
horoscope. the lagna lord Is Mars aspecled by Sc\lunl. MSC factor ls


Example Five Ket
Rah 25Sep 1934 Ven

Lag Jup Sun


Example Slx ·R.N. Singh Deo

TI11s. horoscope ls also from th~ same above book [page 175).
Lagna lord SAturn ls In U1c Rashl of Mars ln the 3rd house. In
Navarnsha (nol given), Mars Sa tum are together In 6Ut house aspccting
tagna lord Mercury.

Elcamplo Seven
ln horoscope lagna lord Sa tum ls with Mars in the 9th house.
He is from a very rich Zamindar family working tn Ovc:·star hotel as an
e.'(ecuUve. MSC factor can he noticed Ill Navam.sha chart also.

Finer TcctmiQUM of J\$trologlc;al P~ictions. Vol. One SstJ)111 !.b~ Combinar10ns _
Sun Mer Mars
R3h 5;11

31 Mar1912

Jup K.el


Log Ke!u
Example Seven
28 Dac 1953

Sun Sat Moon

Mo..""'' Mars

~mple Eight
It IS the eighth example that reveals a combination of a RaJpul
doing lhe work of a Raj put. He 1s a h.Igh-ranktng police officer doing the
work of looking after law and order which Is what Raj puts did ll!i a blth
right. Then he still has a lot of family property in his village where the
family Influence has wanted only, not vanished y~t.

Ke1u L.EJg

A Raj put Polteo
~ Example 8ght Jup(R)

Sun Sal f.tan>


111ese horoSCilpe!> led rnc: to furthel" lnv~ttga&lou tntcl the: comblm:d
of Saturn Wld ~'Iars on khastrtya pcrsonnliUc:s. In JndJa,
whe~ we have att enUre ca.t;te of kha.striya, tl11s would be a g()od
starting potnt was a natural conclusion. Slowly. I looked lnto Uu:-
homst:o~ of khastrlyas and thdr fcnn111es to see tf Satunl·Mar!>
lnflueuces on th~:lr lngrm or lagn.'l lord. dtrccUy or lndlrer:tly wns
prescnL or uut. I am a Khsalrlyu myself and t notlt:r.d the ~tum·MRrs
connection 1n many horoscupe!i ot f{hF\:;;trlyas,
111c llm1h::lllnvcsllgnt1on bdng drml! In lht' flrst p01.pcr- has to kerr>
me C'Onfinr:a1, thc:rdOn; to ·ca5lt "fdlostny . L.rtlcr, I t'-W1 lmmch Into
vaster nn:..1 of lc/ln!itrfyo like quuJJ.J.y In lhc c.n!'e of tho!Soc not lJom In
khastriya. &'Ullllies.
It t5 true. tbat l.n the times In V.'hlch ~ Uve klto..St~a ur
El~hmlns-or frlr that matter mcmhen. nf au.v othCl' r.asfe h;wc- nmvcd
aw~y from fhetr cnstc mouhl dJ5tinctly In recent dccudC's. Bul tJu~n few
t.kt:adc>.s agu. khctslr-tyu.s u."":-rc kho.s!rl!JU.'S It\ the- scnsr: uf hf'!lug big l~n•l
owntng clm.'SC-s w1U1 U1c:1r sntall annles. weapons ami huuUug. Many or
them wt:re rnja'3, big :zamlndars or, even !amou!l dnr.olts Uke Mau
Singh. whQ hal-l e.'Ullect t11c c:;rtntordlnary reputation of t~lng « \~'
large hearted p~rson with :$lrong prinrupl~. When he wru.o shuf dc•nl
nftcr the pollee harl got hlrn pc.ttsoncd , villagers. who had received
generous help rrom htnt. wept for him. H~ hud bccoml'- tllcgcnrhti)' hrr(l
l.ll hlB ltfcumc. IUs bort;~tseopr:: b uoL at,'ilil;,1ble.
A 5YflOnym used for Khsatylrn l5 R.'ljpul which however has <1
spc:cial menntug, llere -R:lj. mean~ kingdom Hml ·pul" mcJolulug tnUr~
or, Ulc .son uf a king.
TI1c example uf lord Rama ls both tlf that of a Klt:>atrtyn •md
R.'\lput whllt! the scroml ca~ of Rajn Dtnesh Singh ls also o( a
Klt!slnlyn. 1l1e U1trd, or the cx--prtncr.: of n !Jtafe fs lhal or n Rajput.
These horoscope~ hiWC be(!tl given bc.rc ouly 10 lllustrdtc my
obsr.niaUon that ln Uu~. case of castc:-1\hastrlyas one Important factor
~t'.c:rns to he tlle influc:m.ooe of .Mars and Sntuns on the lii#!JU"l or tbc laguu
lord or both.
111 the t.<t'lie of Lord R.mHl_ ll 1:1 Uu~: comblm:r.l luflawucc nf lhrte
exalted piOJICU. on ht~ !Agna and lhe 1ag11.a Iotti. Tilt Lu1lucucc: uf
rmdc:ncs 15 whul astrologcrs wUl see h~ been use two oul or lhr. Um:e
r::xalted planets an: nud-:0~. Snturn nnd Moo. The ability''=' l.njun: •md
get lnj~d a5 gl\'en by MatS and Sarurn can make one the darLlng of a
c.mwd. II wns !io In tl1c case of Lord RrunR, hut not. at the co~l of his
ttlealtsm as exalted JnpUcr m\151: a5scrt ltRell'.
In Raja Dluesh Singh's case. II was hls kfwstrlya wh1r::h gt!ts
ln U1e thlnt cat>e. the simple: polnl betng stn:s:sed, Uu~ MSC factor;
Is ~hown and tlle full lloroscopi: ha."' Ullt beeu r~vealr.d nnd on oo for
U1e oUter horoscopes gl\"cn above-.

Finer Ted111Iques of Asttologk:al Predl(:tjons Vot One
Khaatriya Fam.Wea a. The M.S.C.
In th1s paper the abbreviation MSC will be used for the Mars-
Saturn Connection throughout.
As has been stated earlier this Investigation ls being done by first
taking up the examples of those who are bom ln traditJonal KHSATRJYA
ramilles among the Hindus of India. 1ra.dJt1onally. lt is only the
Khsalriyas of India a whole caste that has been identified with
kingdoms, rulershlp, admln1strat!on. wars. herolsm. army. use of
weapons and akhet (hunting). Can the MSC factor be seen over a
period or some generations ln the famtly horoscopes or Khsatrtya
Th investigate this many horoscopes or Khso.trl!Jas were collected
and examined. Here nine horoscopes, slx of one famlly. of three
generations and. three: of another arc being given to explain the
lmporta.nce of the MSC factor 1n KllSO.triyo.s.
This lnvestf9a1Con ls being! lrt1.o those fo.mlHes who describe
themselves as both Khsatri.yas ancl also Rqlpuls.

Example Nine - The First Generation

The Hindu tradition is to destroy the horoscope of a person after
his death. Among the Kh.salriyas this has been a well-known tradition.
Yet, from the family archives. the date of birth of a dead ancestor can be
found out in some cases even now. In this horoscope. the date of blrth
could be obtained but the time: of blrtll was not known. The horoscope
was prepared without the Iagna. What. is rwtfreabl.e here ls thDJ. four
planets, Mars. Salum the Sun and Men:wy are together in Karka. This
gtvcs us a wide variety of possible Iagnas which wm show the presence
of the: MSC, factor. The lagna can be Mesba or Vr1sch1ka.. .Mithuna or
Kanya (Mercury) Makar or Kumbha (Saturn) or Simha (the Sun).
It could be Karka itself. If the birth lagna of this Rajput of the last
century was anyone of the eight Lagnas. It would show the tbe MSC


Sun Met
First Generation Mats Sal
2Aug 1889
Exam pte Nine

l<eW Moon

Saturn MINS Comblmt!ions ... Finer TecMiques or As.1tologlcal PredidJOtls Vol. Ono
Ex.ample Ten - The Second Generation
The lOth horoscope ls that of the son of number nine. Here, both
Mars and Saturn being In the Lagna the MSC factor Is present. There Ia
no doubt about the blrth time.
Many divl5ional horoscopes of the horoscopes of Rajputs were
used and \'try lnteresu.n.g astrological factor revealing the MSC factor
was seen. But that is not belng discussed. The examlnatlon h~ lS
confined to the bare horoscope bccaU5e the larger purpose of thJs
paper 1s to ln.vesttgatc: Into the gunas assoctated wtth Khs(Wiya.s
whether or not one Is bom Into a Khsatrtya famlly.
Jup(R) Mars

Male Ven
19120Aug: 1915 Kel
01:25 Ni\ht
Example ~tn
2nd Generation
Rah Sun


EJcample Eleven - W(/e of Horoscope Ten

She is tlle Wife of number 1tn. Hert the lagna lo:rd. Sun. Is with
Mars and is aspected by Saturn. TI1ere Is a mutual aspect between
Mars and Saturn.

Mar Sun
Ven Mars

Wife of Koro-
scope Ten
Exam pte Eleven
23June ":l923

Jup(R) Moon

Example Twe lue - Third Generation

He is the .son of numbers 10 and II. Here Mars and Saturn are Ln
the 8th house the lord ofwhJch Is Venus. In tum. Vc:nus has exchanged
position wlth Satum. The: MSC factor ls present. but ts getting dlluted

Finer Techniques of Astrological Predictions Vot One


Met Male Jup
Vcn 11 Mar 1944 Rah
Examplo TWelve
Kol 3rd Generation

Lag Moon

after tv.'O generations.

Example Thirteen- Third Generation

(She belongs to same Family}
Daughter of 10 and 11 and brother of number 12. Here we find U1e
lagna lod Is with ln the 8th house. Here too. dUuuon has started

Ven Sun p,t.ef


Jup 4May1950
~ Third Genera· Mlrs
tion Sai(R)

Moon Kec

Example Fourteen - (belongs to same family)

He Is son of No. 10 and 11 and brother of No 12, 13 and J 5. Here
we lagllif. lord Mars Is In the Rash1 of Saturn whch has exchange the
house Venus. MSC factor Is pn:..c;cnt. but In a diluted form.

Example Fifteen- Third Generat!on

(She belongs to same f.·unlly. she Is daughter of 10 and 11 and
sister of No. 12. 13 and 14)
Here Mars In lhe 7Ul house Is aspcctlng the lagna and the lagna
Jord, Jupiter who Is with Saturn. The MSC factor Is present.

Satum Mara Combination.: ... Finer Techniques af As.lrological Plllclictions Vel. One

Jl.lp(R) Mooo

Mars Kct
Ven Example
Date of Birth
Rah 1-1-1953

Sun Leg Sat


'VI!n •.tars

Ket Female of Moon

MCI1 Third Genera-
tion of the same
Sun 29130 Jan1961 Rah
Example Fifteen


&camp fe Stxt.en - F.owth Gcrumxtlon of the- aame family

She 1s daughter of No. 14 and sister of No. 17. MSC. factor became
more weak. It has vanJshcd In tagna chart and !ound 1n Navamsha
chart only.

Jup(R) Ven Sun

Rah Mer

Exam pi I)
Moon Sixteen
Data af Birth
4th Generation

Sat(R) Leg

F.ner TechniqueS of AstrologiCal Pt(!dietions Vol. Ono

Jup Mats Ket lag


Exam pin -

Moon Sun

&amp ls Seventeen
He Is the son of number 14 and brother of No. 16. Same
phenomenon has happened here as wtth her sister's case.


Data of Birth
Sal 10:00 am Jup

lag M.ars Ven Moon

Rah Sun Met

Another Kshatrlya Family

(Here arc the horoscope of1\vo Generation~ of Husband, wlfe and
thelt tv.'O rumghter)

Example Eighteen
In this horoscope lagna lord Sun Is with Mars, the Sun has
exchanged the house with Venus and Saturn aspecung Lagna from the
4th house.
&ample Ninteen- (Wife of No. Eighteen)
Here there is a peculiar lnerconnectlon. Flrst took at Mars In the
12th house. From here ts aspects, Saturn tn the 6th hoU$C through Ute
7th aspect and then ~speets Jupltc.r. the lagna lord In Mlthuna. In this
waythe Mars-Saturn connecUon wlth the lagna lord Is established.
Example Twenty
(She Is the daughter of No. 18 & 19 and sister of No. 21)

Saturn Mars Combinations ... Fmer TedmiQues. of Astrological Predfctions Vol. One

Jup Rah

Another FamUy
Eighteen Lag

Sat Sun Moon

Mer Mars

Sai(R) Jup[R)

Ket Wife of Exam pte

Example Ran
Nintcen Moon

Sun Mer M3rs

Moon lag

E.xamplo Twenty Rahu

Jup ven Mer{R)

Sal Sun

Here Mars in the lagna receives the aspccl of Satum whtch

completes the MSC factor.
EXample Twenty One
(She ls the daughter of No. 18 & 19 and sister of No. 20)
Here Sa tum and Mars have exchanged their places but there ls no

Flner Techniques of Astrological Prcdlction5 Vol. One

Moon Sa1 Lag

Mar$ Ketu

Mer Vt!n

connection with the lagna or the lagna lord. Only the lagna lords
presence ln the rasht of Mars may be: said to be an over-diluted MSC

I noticed ftrst the Saturn-Mars-connection tn the horoscope of our
fam.Uy. Being a Khsatrlya. I felt that tl could have a genetic meaning.
Then I noticed In the horoscopes of Kllsatrtyas of other famtlles the
MSC factor repeating with an amazing frequency. Certain differences
also became evident. Where H was not direct. it W<l!'i lnillrttl In each of
those cases the lagna or the lagna lord came under U1c MSC Influence.
But there was a very percepUbfe difference. F'rom one generaUon to
another the MSC factor seem to decline. It seemed to be In keeping wtth
the changing llme..cs In which we lhre.

Older Geaeration
ln lhe case of older gcncratlon, born slxt1y to eighty years ago, It
appeared to be pn:domJnnnt. It seems very appropriate as the
Khsatriyas of Utat generation did all Ute dulles or a KhsaJriya. ruling.
commanding. fighting, owning lanrl and havtng fire arms. Known for
thc1r power in the counlry slde, lhey were: Rhio known for their cruelty.
The Hindi film has c:ventoday a char.tcter "lltakur" who Is a Khsatrtya.
TI1c I-llndl film goes to extreme ln portraying the. TI1akur as arrogant.
rull of family pride. armed with dangerous wca,ons and wUh a small
group of armed men ever ready to commit most heinous crimes to
please their master. Saturn-Mars dominated personalities arc what
they are. But It Js Ule Influence on the lagna or lhe lagna lord that
becomes n rclevant ractor here. It could be seen In varlous ways. Where
It \\'as uot very convlnclng1y presenl In the birth horoscope, It was
present ln the n.aks/tatros or dlvlslonal horoscopes. Sometimes Ute
n<l\'amsha revealed 1t more convinclngJy.

The Second Generation
Ln the second genCT.ltion there hM been n t:ousldernblc decline or
the MSC factor whlcll can be e::Jq~latnetl as lhc Rhsa.trf!4o. moved from
the mral places. where lhcy dotnJnntcd, ro the urban arcn5, whr:rc t11ey,
like any other castes aud ltl(e oth~r citizens of a metro1,olls. have uo
distinct Khsnlri.ya Identity of theirs. This siP.,ntilc;mt dl{)'"craencc was
vLsible tn lhc decline of the lnf1cnC'e o! f,.·tnrn on their lagnn ami lagna
lonl aJong with Saturn -5 ond JWm Kctu 11'-i~ influencing Lagnn or
I..agna lord or sometime otlu:r !actors.

The Tbird Generation

There was further tktlluc ht the MSC fat•lor lu the lmrnstopc!i ur
lhr. lhl.r-d g~nerr!Uun ur Rhn5tr1yu~ hom and bruught In ctUe3 whcr(
rhr.y u-..r.d In rented htlWi(!..~ .Rncl took up Jnbs. Tiu: former cmpluycr lmd
become nn employee. lhc rcrmt:r village hos.s. who w;ts a fen-or, wa'2 R!!
ordinary cltl7en as anyone clsc_ Uwugh the HlruiJ ltims slll1 r:ome Qul
with the outdntt'd theme:- of a t=rud and proud thnkur. lt Is u't'll known
now that In the vtllagc. 5iL1c Klt!:oi1tr1)'Rs h41ve been repla~~:d by )hd~\tils,
Gu.llars nurl KurmJ~. whose lloroscop~ '8houJd now be scrutlntu:d for
the: ~15C f11ctor. ln the study of the 'lata hl!>Ututc of SOcial S~lcnces tn
lhr:. rr.port of the-Second Backward Clm;scs CommJ"SSlon ( 1978} lhts fm:t
has bc:cn brought uut.

Tbc Fourth Generation

MSC factor totally \'1H\J5llcc.l ln lagna charlb. buL surface tn
Na\'amshilo chart almn!'illn li dUutc:d form or 's<1m~llrnc ll was present ln
the: Nak..-,h; or dlvlstnmtl horo~cupc.

Part 111
Who Ia a Kbsn.triya now?
TI1e quallu~.s and kannn.s ot, !{hS<1.lrly;t, V,\it;hyas ancl
Shullrns IIC\'Cf' cu~ In any hnmnu :mckty. 'l11ey need no r.nste links. In
the mr.rcr:muy fUld ttthnolo~lt-·:d a!,it': we: u.n: 11\'iug ln. ll Is the IXJishya
nm1 shudrtJ tr.rilts thiit »n: ma.nlfesUng ln suclal ltfl~.
Wht!re lht:rl ~ lh~ Kh.sutr·{ya. ch.•mcJlf (l~sem? It l.s. illlL'>fe.~ting lu
see it now 111 lh~ howscopes of polltlt:al kadcrs. pollee and army
officer,, Lht' neo-rtch house-builders or the Cltleti.
Thb n•1turally has Ia r.akcr one from KIU>otrLya to -a Kh.satriya Uke
personality of our C1'8,
My gultk & guru. Slui IC.N. R.1n ~hO\Ir'Ct\ me somt hClJ'Oi><:Ope!i IU
which my lhc~H$ or MSC faclor lltscus~d must acquler IICW nteanlng,
He gnve me some more horos~::opc and guide me. ln enlarging_ the U1c:me
I'Jf OJt:a,

Finer Tedlnlqueu. of Astrclogical Predi<:tlons Vol. One
A Non·Kshatrfya with a Strong MSC Factor
The first horoscope has all that was shown In the previous paper.
The lagna and the lagna lord both come under a very strong lflfluence of
both Saturn and Mars. AddiUonally, there ts the aspect of Jupiter from
the 6th house on the J.agna lord, Moon.
This person was born in an orthodox Brahmin famUy. His fathCT
was a puritanical Brahmin but was drawn lnto politics ln those eacller
days of Independence of India, when Brahmins dominated Indian
politics. But hls grandfather was an uncompromising Brahmin of an
ern when 13rnhmlns had to llvc like Brahmlrn> only.
TI1e notable point here as ~hat unlike the cases discussed In the
previous paper the MSC factt>r n Jocussed on the lOth house of karma.
This can further be confinncd by looking at the dashamansha
where Saturn-Mars Influence on the lagna Is clear. Jn h:m. Satum
aspects the lOU\ lord. the Sun with an exalted Jupiter. and Moon ln the
9th house of luck. He has been a prominent legislator of hls state and
has also been a good Chief MlnJstcr lw1ce. He won many a battle and
lost also many--all electoral battles and tn his fight Within the poUUcal
party he belongs to and outside lt.


Sun Lag
Mer Examplo22 Rah
A Brahmin

Jup Sal

lag 5.:11



Saturn Mar-3 Comb.1narions Finer Tec:hnlq~ ol Astrological Predidlons VoL One
Mars In the lOth house l.n the birth horoscope with the 1agna lord
shows his high ambition and abiUty to administer hls state with
competence. Aspect of Jupiter ts that element of ldeallsm which Is his
Brahmin trnft which he lnhcrited. 111ts then becomes the portrait of a ruler. Ruling a Kshatriya trait he ruled like a Ksftatrlya.
fights ltkc a Kshatriya, talks like a Kshatriya but claims vc:ry Tightly a
Brahmin descent.
From the pada lagna, Makara, '1.1/e ftnd Mars and Satum tn
kendras with Saturn being ln the lOth house.
Karakamsha lagna, which Is '1\Jia. has an exalted Saturn W1th
Rahu In the lOth ltou~e aspectcd by~ planets from Kumbha.(Jalmlnl
In Indian politics. the son succeeding the father or the mot11er.
starting wlth a political advantage ts a well known phenomenon. HJs
father too was a politician and rose much hlghct: than his son !n
politics. The dwadasharn.sha of thts person reveals U1e MSC factor
The lOth lord of the dwadashamsha is Saturn aspected by Mars.
There Is an excellent Gajakesarl yoga In the 4th house with the royal
planet, Sun, joining it. His father had unrl\<illed supremacy for many
years in the polltlcs or Ute state he belonged to and was the Chief
Minister for mrmy years ttl1 a disasler led to hls exit and later, death.

Example • 23
Not Birth but Karma of a K.shatnya
Insistence on birth tn a Kshatriyo. famtly Is not necessary 1n our
lnvestlgatlon of the. MSC factor. Jt Is the karma of a Kshatriya that
need~ to be cmphast~d. A Ksltatriya ls a fighter not necessarUy wtUt
weapons. Flglltlttg clecUon ls a Kshalri!Ja karma. In a democracy,
Salunt the planet of mnsses must come lnto prominent play because
an election ls a fight to wln votes which arc to be had from masses.
ln this case. these conditions arc fully satisfied both tn the cax of
the faUter and Uu~ son.

Kel Sllt(R)

Sharad Pawar

Sun Mars Ral'l
Mer Ven

Finer Tec:Miques of Astrologtcal Predictions Vol. One Sarum Ma" Combin:~t.JOns ..•
Th reinforce thJs Kshalriya Uk~ elem~nt w1th the MSC factor
dominating the karma t.v.-o examples of Amcrlc.;rn presidents can be
taken up first.

President Franklin D Roosevelt (Example 24)

1Wo horoscopes of US presidents. the most powerful men tn the
world show a different aspect of MSC factor. When In 1932. President
Roosevelt was elected for the flrst time America passed through Its
worst depression. He was the savtour who came out with series of
legislations and brought about a mJraculous economic recovery. His
reputation soared so that he won elecuons tlu~c Urnes more,
cstabllslng a record of four succcssl\·e terms as US president. ll was In
his 4th term that he died. During his first two terms. the greatest world
powerv.'as the British empire with powerful USSR ami Gennany vying
for V.'Orld supremacy. 'TI1e American policy of keeping <tway from world
politics dtd not reveal to the world the might of the USA. In hls
horoscope, Mars In the lOth house receives the aspect of Salum. He
fought and v.un elections like "" modern K._.,.hatrlya and was also tu
chArge ofthe American na\'Y for nine years. again a Kshat.rlya function.

S31 Ker Moon

Jup ~~~RJ

Birth Horo-
Mer scope of
\len of the USA
Sun Example 24

Rill'l lag

Sun U,g
Mer Kct

\11m Roosevelt Sal

Jup Rah Moon

Sa!um M.ars Combinsriolls ... Finer Tec:Mnlques of Asl:lo1oglcal Predldion5 Vol. One
Then as US Pres1dent he was perhaps the most powerful Kshatrtya of
the: world. when USA 1ntenrened In the second v.-orld war after the
Japanese commuted the mistake of bombarding the Pearl Harbour.
ln the dashamansh.a. Saturn and Mars both aspect hls lOth

Pre:Jfdent .,J.F. Kennedy (Ex.ampJ. .25)

ln tho case of Pn::sJdc:nt Kenm:dy, hls lOth lord l5 tn the rasbi of
Mars recclvtng the aspect of Saturn. He was a hero of world war second
which made his election to the American Senate easy. Later tt helped
Mars Sun Ket
Mer Ven

Birth Horoscope Sal

of John F

Rah Lag

him become: the US pre:;ident, agaln a most po~-eaful IU;hatriya of the

world of hls ttmcr.
In his college days he was an athlete. In the play Dclds he Injured
his spin~ and haclto be treated alway5. It became an lnctirable ailment
of his. His life story reads Ukc that of a Rajpul warrior of India.
lils sexual ad'o·entures and the llnking 9f hls name wtth the
famous actress, Martlyn Mo~. ls again a Ksh-atrlya-tirut. Kshabiya
kings had many wwes and concubines. This h> clear f.-om his 8th
In 1962 he nearly took a declslon to attack the Russlan ships
canylng nuclear weapons to Cuba. The world was sa'o·cd from the
dt.sRster of a third world war. He dlcd like a Kshab1ya, not In a
battlefield but through Intrigues against him. Again the 8Ut house
shows all Utls. Tills again like a Rajpul story_
Till now. the mystery of hls assassination remains uncovered
because If the facts are known it may do damage to the image of the
USA as a democracy.
Sec the: fourth <'!Xamplc, again not of a Kshatriya but of a person
who has been peformlng lhe duties of a Kshalriya professionally for
many decades, wfth honours.
One of the main dutle..<> Kshatrlyas were petfonnlng was soldiering.
Here Mars bc:comes a stgntflcant planet and the lOth, 3rd and 6th
houses and thclr lords. W! have thus to enlarge the traditional concept

Finer Techniques of Astrological Predictions VoL One Saturn M;us Ccmbln~t.ions __

Moon Rah

Sun S:ll
Mer P119970no
MaB Example26

lag Jup
Yen Kel

Lag Sun Moon Mars Mer Jup Ven Sat

16~1z' 10020' 02Gl1' 2~11' 213011' 03~51' 25~1( 10"12'
Atmakaraka Karakamsha
Mars Kanya

Sun Mars
Roh Sal



of a Kshatnya hy taking nil these three houses and their lords.

l. In Ute (ourtlt horoscope sottll! clear featu~.s are visible. 1l1e lOth
lord Is in the 3rd house: with the 9tlt lord.
2. from the Karnkarnsha. Kanya. the lOut lord Is in the sL\:th house.
3. But. Ulough Mars and Satum aspc.:ct c.1ch oUter along the 2/8 axts.
Utey do not Influence the lOth house either !rom the lagna or Ule
4. From the Pada I...agna. 1\tla. Sa tum In lhe IOUt house ls aspecten
by Jupiter. GnaUk<traka.
5. It becomes clear only In tlte dashamansha where Sa tum the I Olh
lord is with l\~'U"5.

Saturn Maru Cclrn.btl'llliJans Finer Toctlni.Que~ or A&trologlcal Prfdk:tions Vol. 0..0

Part IV
lfW'I: du furthr:r tuvesHg.atlou into the comblncd influence:; of Mms
6. Satum on K.shatriya persouallUc:s lu lntlla. It has n deep m~.rutlng
because MSC fac-tor on lagnn. lngn:a lord. lOth house or lOth lord
«:annot make a pet'SOn tolally K.5hatrllya I would Wte to take my ~der
back to Wrd'ti horoscope to that d~ other hou&e~;. wo hm~
t.he tuflur.11ce of M~ factor one or othtr \1.-ay, whtch gtve us wtde
mcauing UHJ.l why thls MSC rac:tM 1s getting diluted genc:rnUou after
g~crnuon. tf (h~ horosco~ ru-e uoL makhed l»roperly .at the ttmc of
Thus 1 ['ondude my paper on the. Mnr::~·Satum connection (or th~:
pcrscnt and shall take up tills for rurthet deeper pl-obe 50IDC ot.her time
ln future.

Your caste fs ln your- ge.nca. any aeJentiats

t.omfon OcL IS: Scientist~ ha\~ dlsc:ovt:rei..l a pattern of geueUc
diiTcrenc:t!l that underpins the caste system In tndta. 11tctr rcsenn:h
.oshow~ thHt each caste has devdaped a. dtsttnctlvc genetic profile
btCUliSC or llttk lnlcr-caslc mHn111g.: aud lht: VilrllltiCJI15 In the e>O<.:Ii\1
peaking ordcr ac~ also mirrored tu the. DNA
Led by Dr. Michael Barnsh.nd of Utah University. sclenli5l!:i
stud.Jed geneUc: nmt.erlill fmm 2.50 people from 12 castes In Andhrn
Pradesh to find Uml thelr conr.:lus.lcms nrc partlcui.Itrly tn.u: for mt:u;
women's gone!' suggest U1cy have ~am~ :social mobUity. Hindus ore
sl..raUfied ln(o 1\f'<)und 2.000 ca!ites Mid ~ub-caste:;. each grouped lutn
five varnas thaL dlcat~ a pe:I"SQtt'~ ac.:cc~s lo education. occupatlon and
status. Th study how deeply t.hc:sc divisions had affected them. tht!
sc.lenUsts t:M"Ulllncd thclr rnilor.homlrlal DNA, 'lvhtch ts Inherited only
from mothers •. nnrl ,, chromosome..<>, Inherited only from 'lbl"l.r showL"l1 that. a. mnn·s O.NA l.!s hJ.gtdr .5pc:cl0cd to his ca-.te.!J, hul
w1Ul women this phenornenun wa.o less pronounced With tl1em, DNA
Lyptcai or unc <:.ash~ wn..r; Mmcttmcs found ln othc:r ndjHinlng caRte.~.
The dl~avery !"tuggcsts thnl womc:u t'ccaslonally rnlln)· rn~u from
higher cmHcs. pmtluctng 1:hildn:n whn lnhr:rlt Uu~ hushaud~ c11~le.
"'1111:: stntllflC'.Hiou t,f tht: Hindu ~•5tt: ~-y~tem l!o dttvr.m by wumeu,"
staled lhc rcs~l1er~ In Nalure. a S(! juumal.
• OdotM '~111 1!i9ll. /t::klfl AGO Nows Pllpcr

Astra Sketch of
Dr. Rajendra Prasad
(3rd December 1884 -28th February J 963)

Deepak Blsaria

't1ac cwn huu.!ie$ nf Par!l~ttHt!lll lratl a spr.dnl Julut sllttng on

llt:t'l!ltlbt.!r. 9 1996 to celebratt' •the 50th ruut1\'t'l'S<uy of lh~ Or.;r
S¢i.Sitm of Lhc ConsUtuent Assrmbly. quite fm-gctting. the fnlnlly
n:membc-rcd ll2tl1 birth ~mnlvcr.;.ar;·. just 0 d:~y:; before, o(
Dr. Rnjendr.l Prtl~ifd. first Cht'l1rmfln of U1b Con!.Uluent Assembly
and U1e first President of the hldlan H1!publ1c from 1950 lo 1962.
As the splril of fN!1:dom fighters was 5tlrrr:d by rtgour of fPrr.lgu
dnmtnaUon. lhc clcctorntc hml no he..'llt:tllou In ek1:tlug pcrsnus of
pro\'en mcrll from lht-:m. BuL. the eleclton of many talutcll uutl sUU
sotn!! pitintetl JXllltlctans of tollay ha~ rtt.ldc Lht' \"t'.t)' ckclomJ s~'l:i~m
a target of public cr1Uc1:ml and t1dleult!', Surrly, lhl5 ~, thr. dght time
to astrologlcatly and hl~tonc..·dly ei~oj1!.1!>•~ th•. dnlma <\nl1 Its •lrnmauc
p~rsanae a:ud dcmonstrrlte l.lte dt!'rrlrll ~;diL.Ilty of Astrolog_v.
The horoscopes of lhcse rwn _p.:orlo•1s (l( pn11U<·Ians ~hou!rt aTflC'CI
the sharp conl.rnst hl tllclr psydu~ ;mel lflrolt'!.l'J'· so ;~l!>f• lllll nuunl:u11~
chart must tndlcRtc dr.grnll<ttlon of tht< n&lud <illll duu-ut-lC'r o( the
populace. Dr. R~cmlrn [.Jrri~rl'~ he.Jrnst:uJIL' ;t~sum<·~ r>:"IC:ViiUI."e. Ln lhls
contc.n ami Is used In Ull5 paper <lS t111.: lll~lf\lmt:n( rr]l astrologicnllUid
hi510rl•:n1 problng lnll) thi.'i "n-.<1.

The Mnn and hu Vldon

Ou i-lllli.lyst!s nf W!:i vl~W!> and c~'t'llb eompUed fn,m hi!. 757 po1_g~s
autn!Jiogrnphy. 5pcl!chc::s <t.s Prc~t-dcnt. 11\s wriii..J1gs. 1md thai o( hls
(:<mh~m~JJ<u-1C::!i "net from lutr-n·lc:W!'i Willi hi$ rnmily member'S. Ult:
plr.:tl.tre c:;mcrgc,s of •• s.hupl". d•..:{llc:stcd. twnr.sL cullect•·d. prud<~nl.
Mcr-lflc;-tng nnd n:llglou.s trndllfonnl1!JI. 1\ mnn a( cntdltto:\ nnd tdc:.dism.
A G;mtlhl:uJ In the lmc scn~c. tokrnut. ves,rcmrinn tee rLitallr:.r who
followed the lnd!kn trad1Uon of re:5pecUng ami consulting hl5 (~Jdrn. for
lll.'ljor dccl:slons. A hum:uust fir51 ami the Natlnnallst lmcr.

The Horoscope Analysed

Be-5olrlc.s, the annly!'!s of his psy~hc :mr1 his locnln.g_v. Ius Ufc c1:~ncs
covertug his rur.'ll r:hlldhood. brtlll;.u&l EtCHtlemJc tlChlc:vemcnl5. legi'\1

Astro Sketdl oJ Dr. RiJjenata - Finer TedmJq~ Of klrO\ogiCOJI Pt"'lCCalcm Vet. Ona
fTJ.\Cllcc:, untiri!ngtravcl aU over the: country to chatn nat1onaUsm 1n the
maS-GCS. hls dtf(et"('.nccs wtth! and llil'i role In the Congrc~ and
the Frtedom Movement. term~ ln priSon, .Authorship and PresldentshJp
hav~ b~en analysed through compoBUe te.chn1Que of Parnshnr1 dashil nnd JnlmHU Cham da!ihH.
Thl! astro ~ketch ofhts life journey from a remote village of Bihar to
Rashtrnpatl Bllavnm adds new dJmenstons to personaltttes of famous
men of yore and 11:\"C.als lntc:tT!5t1ng .angl~ to coonovcrslal l55ucs or' the
With the hCJrobCope mad~ from re.l.lablr data <I.Jld on applytn.g tl1c
l....'lh1r1 Ayana.rnsha of 22 11 15' 02'', we hav.: been able to get
pratyantac dasha results, Tiie horoscope wa~~. obtained from SmL
lCam1nvnU. the daughtcr·lU·law of Dr. Prasad, who ll\'c-5 ln PaUl.a.

Tbe PTomlac of tbe Horoscope

For anaJy~tu~ the ru;yc:he £\Uti ltlt:<lltlgy rrnm " horol'iro~~. primarily
lhc lhrcc trines 1,5.9 hous~ slmuld La: aua1y~d with thelr lords.
'111<: lrlue!3 cumplemcnl each olht!r and Uu: tukrmlugllug of Ulctr-
lnfiu~ncts ntnkc the ps}·ch~ The t110ughts nmlldea..t; are gencratt:d (rom
U1e fifth houS<: but tbc:y art' -'>ubjcct lo tht> .5~:rutlny of U1e: ninth house
which Is the f:tH1.$CI~t~e ketp~~ and Ute. lli~Uon ~ taken lly lhc Orsl
hollSc!. A tltottghllffi!l be turuerl down by the con.!!clence ami even If
pass~d by 1l, lllt! lypc (')(action ancl the force of ll Is tlcpcnrlcnl •m the
fir.;t house. tt11s 1~ the w-ur!dng of th~ p!.-ydu: lhruugh houses S.D. 1.
Bc~hlc::- tht! p~r:hc lrbauglc: or1.5.9 hon~!:i. Jupiter. Ute karaka fur
vtrtucs, righteousness, reUI].lon and splrltuaUty shoult.L be assc:sscd ami
t:Jromlned with tht• nh1lh house <lHd lhC' ninth lord l•J so: U1e level of
respeN llte person h.."l!li (e~r ll1e nomts of t11e sOdd}'. Its traditions and
convc:ntlons (parnmparn). Moon should be st-cn ror delt.>rmtning thn
sffitc of mind and Mercury for thr. tulcUcr.L

Jupiter: The Vlvot of tbe Horou:opc

Jupiter ts the htgnn lord pl11ceri hl the rashl of hl:l Crse.nd, U1e
royal Sun. Jupiter In U;Q nnct AquiU1u~ I~ cun:ilckrr.d af> good ns In II:>
liign of I!X:illa.tlon, C;'l_nr.r._r. 1;-mm l.hf!'O \-a.nrng~ po~ltiJ1n nf the ninth
hnu'Se 11 aspects lh\• lagn:\ am1 the fifth house. raLI1.1llng its lnflucnce
tm 1ill the U1n;e l.rlnc.f!. II i\.ho a.c;pr.:1;ts the fifth lord. JupHeT Is Ule
stn•ngr:.sf pb:inct of this horuscopc wtlh bhbl Plutl 4(1!60 and l<rul!Jin
17:80 ami ha.s rnudcred Ute lngna lord strongest wltl1 a strength of
~.7 n1p<1~. 1t exnlt~ ln th~: mwantHlHI rmt.J ()Ct:UplC$ Its nmoltr1kou.a
rashl 111 numy dlvlslUIIlll r.lmrb, tn tln~ IJirfh chatt Jurlltcr Is the lorrl
of lagna and the fourth hous~. Tilt: fourth hDU!K' represents 'Rajya
Shnhnsan' (the thrund. Tn the ruwam~lm, Jupiter Hs lord of ((Jllrth
and t'l..,.l!nlh hOU!..:: go~ I() tllc ciC1oltutl• huu!Se of g<uu~ iU'id U1 II.!> slgn
of cr.tltallOJL. .1\s 01c scvcniJt hnu~c b tht'! h:olb from It l.s nlc;o
seen for r:--arcer, <mel is ollh.:d the: hl'l11~: of pat1ilpmpll. 111c cllvt!!ilou c1f
Ute hou~~ In the u.avam!lhu chart should uol mak<~ lhe Astrologer

Finer TechniQut.-s or /~trological P~te::iens Vol. One Astra Skei1;11 of Dr Ri!.)"J.'Idtn -
take major dt:V1nt1on from hts line of thlnldng as a dlffcn:nr:e of ju. 'jt n
few mlnotcs ofi.en chru~g~ till': na\l'rul\Sha lagna. rt l"> f!UfJr:ult ro fuld
an old boroncope wtth an aocumtc:ly recorded Umc blrth.or
Nevc:rthd~s. we h;;.ve a very ~lmng Jupllcr domlnnt~d hnrosctltl~ ami
therefore lhe IJet'S<JU .should hn\'t' all posltl\'t: fcatwcs of JupHcr. A
Jupll..arcan lndced.

Morcury Man conjunction

Tht: combination of the 5th nnd lOth lOI'dli lu lilp,mt limns au
exccll~nt RaJ yog,1 proml51ng high r.kval1<m. ·n11s combhl:itlon ts
asp«.tctl by the ~tron~ 1ilgr1a lord Juplh~r fi'OIIl tht ul11tl1 houst:. The
skJUs. dcXtc:rHy and speed of ~1r.rcury t.:umi.Jlned with U1e energy nud
fJOWCr or
1\'lars hus lo make UH! ~rson sucecss(ul. cntccprtslng nnd
famous.. Mars as the lord of the futh hous.e in lngna Is good and as
lhc lord of Uu:: 12th hous-e ls b1\d for th~; h~Jdy. M.1.n; g;wc him high
fever quite frequently ~nd;;1ses l;ly Hs po~IUon In t.agna and 115
aspect on Ute fourth house and on l{r:tu. Its lmpa~t on U1e p::syche of
the person, ln ~nfcrrlng a rel!glm1.5 liiitl upright dtspO!iiUon was
posltl\'t <tr> tl workcrl like llre lo purify the r.harn~:tcr by \'111m: of Its
J()rdshltl 11( l>hattna hnusc 5th ;ami Muk~ha IWII~ 12th. Mc~ury uu
Ute otht:r hand, Lb.~ lord of lhc 7th home (Knaml nml the I Olh hol.l5e
lt\rtJmJ guflk... hlm to fh~ worlrt of mnterL"lJ CfJmfort. He l"(:cch~d U1e
mercury dH..'\tl.i! under the Vunsbr,tta.rJ d:~lla 5chenle al U1e age of GO
Ill July. 1944. Mr..rcury rontroll{!'d by Jupiter J,taVI! him AulhoP.ihlp In
194•\·46. Chalnn::Ul5hlp of the Constllucnt Assembly In 1946. Food
Mlill!:oler..;hlp In 1947 ;uuJ Pll;"Sidert~hlp from 1050-19()2, lie wrote In
l94 L that In 44-45 yc.'"W-> or his marrtcrJ hfc. he: did not stay wiUt hiH
wlfc for c.:V\'111 4•1·-45 months. Durm~ Mt:.n:llt)' dii!iha he could ll\'c with
Ill~ wtk «nd family 111 Odhl antl u!S-l." th~ r~Jy<tl c:umfurt of ll.,shtrnfliltl

Tht! 9th lord lo the 12th

Suu Ull! 9UI lortlln 12th lndlette.,;. liJsunctJun lla r.·,reJg•• 1£UJd. Sun
he~ makC!> him .1 slatonnaJI of IJJI(!rualJOIUll rcpUit! bul lh~ aspeCl or
S.1lUm from the ~th hoii!W CHII.socd ob.o;.l.nlCll0115 !u uu~ exposure <UlLl
pmjecll<m he deserved.

12th bouse is tb.e house ofsncrlnce~

TI1e !}th toni g!Jhtg lo the 12t11 hon~c also tndlrnles Ulc s."l•.:TIIkC-5
mnde. for uplll1ldtng UH~ p~r5orfs prullclpl..::s, lllcol~ro- rutd ~rarrunp<lta.
all nf which nrc n:J..)rcst·ntcd b.v Inc: ulrHJ• huusc. ·n•ts. f'<ua IJe r:le."lrly
!-i~~u frorn I he ~vc:nts durhag the ;uunrda.~ha tlf tx:rtods of the n1nU1 lord
S\Ul wbtc.h has g•JitC to the twt:lftll house. In Uu: omtrlculaUma CXHUl ur
1902 R;ijCll b.abu hiJol -5IIJOd nr.;t In lhr: Unl\'f::INty. In t!JOot. nga.ln he
coppi!d 111 Uu~ f J\ E:\1lnt: and tltl! thln.l cort5~cuth·~ lime 111 lite BA E.'C'"r~m
al!'itl Ill 1906. Wtth hi~ ;~c;!Ciem1o backgmumt he could haw: casUy ~ot ,,
~uml timtc:rnrnc:nt joh, which w:ns aspln:cl by \'lrh mlly <1tl In tlu: ell Us I

Asfrg Skt'ICh of Or. RJf.tllr1m i=tncr Tccnn~UM of A.s1rclogiCJI Pttdlctio!t• Vol. O•til
e.nv(I'(')umc:ut he was In at that Umr.. Bul the anturda~lm or Sun ln
Maluul~sha ofRuhu from 26-2·1906 to 2l·2-1907.1lte 9th lottllulhe
12th mildc hlm g~ \lP the Ida~ o! .5t:T'llng under the Brttl9h m.'lsh:rs M
he foulld It degrading and nolacceptabh:: to W!i con&eience. represented
hy the lllnth hom;e. During thts. ~UIR.ffin!1h~ tn November 1906, he
dropped U1e Idea uf (!<>hi& Rbroatl to writ~ the tCS exam a~ be did rwt
want to go agalusl the ad\•h:c autl cxpedatlons o£ hls llat"etd.s
repre.'it!nlcd by the ninth hau~ as nlso ~cause foretgn trnvcl was
constden:d against t.he n::lJ&'1oU5. c.onvcnllorutl and tradll1orud norms of
the time - n::pre~utetl by the nlnlh house. Again durlng the antrudn~ha
of Sun ln the mahadasha of JupUer from the 2-2-1920 lo 9-12·1920,
on Ga.ndhiJI's call lor boycott of Govcnunent. lnsUlutlon5 Ukc th(.'
~gtslaUve As~emhUes. Coum of taw and Gqvemmrmt school5, h~
sar.rUkcd lUs wcll r::stnblisherl ami growing legal prncuc~ t11rough
whJch he wa.o; able ttl fcr-.rl hlm.'>df mul Ills family; heal~ removed hla
dUidrr.n form Ciovr.mmtmt schools aiJ(I withdrew his cruulldithtT~ fmm
clcctlons or Nuw:mb1~r. 1920 lu Uu: ProvluctaJ l.A!g.l.s1aUve J\sselubly.
Althougll Ute bQycott5 were wlthdravm. a year later, by U1c Congress.
Rnjen babu dld not lakl! any new case after he bad publicly decbred to
bayct'l"t the C•Jurts of lie worltcd only on one case of B.abu Hljrl
~10.1 of Burma. ns he hau tommiUcd to htm that he W(IUld not leave:: hlm
ln Uu: l~. ll\ the m1dL1le of lhc au!!, and as h~ had a.cccpted lJl(.' case
before the non-coopcraUon mnvcmcnl was launched. He dlcl not attend
court for nlhtr t:asc n.Jlc::r hls rlr:darnuuu.. he ttt:ltt
cr:rlll~1t:d ch:~llons to U1c: ?rovlneilll or Central ~gtsl.atum after lllli
dcc.l:irHUou. NtJlJ\lH~ cmt.1d dlstrncf hls mind Mf, well (ouudtd on
tm1tHluuaJ prh11f.'lplc nlld hclh:fs. lmbi~d from our culaur-e. 1111s Is
clctuly llldk~;~lr;d by au U\'l".fhf:aring Ulllfh huu~e <lUll tlunllll!iUOU uf a
stronf! JupUcr 111 hls horo3copc,
l11r. anrordasha of .Sun bruughl him fo htgb po~ltloru> from when=
he made tho li.'let·Uiccs. After thr brflHant sucr.t"."iS In cdm:atton, he
rtL<>r..arrh:d the Govcmmc::nt jo\1 flJr which thl~ ctluc:-allon wns bastcall)'
deslgucrl; and -again he gavl! up lus htC!taUVt- legal pracl1ce when at the
age of 35 h~ had b~l"'rne a Natlo nn1 lc.-adc:T of reput(.' and n brtlll;mt
laW}'t:na:s wdl. Ag::tJu ln Sillum-Sun from 31· 7·19:35 to 12.-7· I Y~6. ht"
reae!hed Ute tUgh~st position ilttlurllaH tould think or ~s U1e Presl!l~ul of
the Ctmgi"'I:Ss • the p:lrt)' wlllth najoyt:d mass bnl!k!ng, hut t.usteo:ul of
CXIlloiUng the ~td~nt~hlll ur th~ CuUg,Tt!S!.'; ror cousolldnttug his group
ln the party at promoltng hi~ chosen ones he h:mdc:rl over w11h g~cc,
ttu: t"n:..:rlclenl~h.lp lo Ja\\'Uharlal Nehru rt1H.J whole heartedly supported
Ium during h.15 ll!nure as PresldenL ln 1936·37, in th~ lnterr:st of
Congress and lndla though Nehru was :.t:ron~ opponent a11d a~ will
be S4..~n lat~r how he tO<Ik ud\'otntagc opp<uinnlsUc;;lly to s1lfle Rnjenbnhu
and lbt: lustttutlcm 4Jf the ~s1d<!IIJ uf lwlla.
The anta.rdn.sha o( Sun came during the m.11Ulclashn (I(
Mcruury from 2-1 1- 1950 to ~i-9· 1 ~51 nnd this ttmr: Ri\Jenbabu had
oc:.cupled tLt bi&fllesil affic~ of the C<luntry rut the Pre~td~1t of India. But.

f)ner Tadlnlq~~et~ or A!!ro!Q~J.GSI Pred<tlon:s Vol 01\9 A!Jro 51-;Gtch of Dr. RiJICJ'il!!tJ
saerlficct..l th~ right-; of lh~ rn·shtcnl for petlCC Mill lutmtnny. tn the oflh1: NaUon. by .~uccumblr!!gli'J lh!! pres.~ures ar1d m.mocuvrtngs
o(J•t.Nchm i\ftcr rlle dt'J~lh ofS.-.rdar Pntelln De~:~mb~a· l950, II ts a wdl
ktUJWJl fact tlUJl Nduu's Prtme Mltust~hlp was a girt ofS:ud;u Piitcl as
Ute President of the Cr:~~ wn~ (Q bccume Ul!:: Prim~ 1\llnlster. With 9
fJUl (I( 12 Sardar Patel for PrcsHicntsblp th~
dtnltc was obV1ous, but nl the n:qu~r of G:Hnlhljl Srmli\rWithdrew as
u cOilh:ndcr. tl IS <1l!>n :i wctl·kuowu fact llmt Sardar Patel was
lnslnunt:.HUtl In lhc HJIJ)(J111Lmcul of Rajc11 b..•lm as PrcsLdc::nt though
Pt.Nchru lrlctl ht5 best lo IHlYC Dr. S. Rndhakrlshnnn or C.R.
r-<Jijr~gopalrhurl ~~~ Pn:~ltknl ~ml ~'PPO~II Rnjcn t-.abu tn c)~ctJon for
Pr~ldcnl••hlp IJI Wo2 <U\L1 1957 al.s•). Pr.Nrhru t:uus.C1Udared Prlme
MlnL..IerShlp, IJUU;'llJy by dl!oot'd.rdlugand we1lkcn1ng the llkelyrontcndcrs
mill UH~u ptuJI!CIL!d an lmagf' u! <111, I.Ildl5pcns~thlc Prlme Mlnlsttt- nfler·
Nehru who',• v.'rls n WMt)'ln,g lhnught nnd nil r~long p,roomed hi~ dynasty.
Titr: mle or tht' Prc..std<'.lll In lire co:astltuiWu '"''s mlslnt~qu-clc" by
?t.Nc:hru wllh his<! ilnll il~ertlv~ 1acUc.s, Rajcn babu as~d
011 umuy •Jl.'t:astorL'l mtd II WH'i ofh~n fnuwl lhl"' PTcslclcnt and Prtmc
Mlrtlstc.r gtving dlffcn::nt st<tlc~rn:nl5 on the snme ls$uc. 11tn:JU~.h his
ITUHltrlly n.nr1 t<•lcr:mr.o:. f<Aj~lb·thu sac:orUlc:etl hts rtgh~.
Tire 9th hnu:~c t; tlu: hou~c nf graml drlldn:u also. Tiu: nlnlh lord
going to ttu: lwelfrh al-so 1ndlt'nl~ elq)Cl\~!i Oil Un~m. 1fc lll:lrrlctl lllnc of
lrls grand dHughtr.r.;. dudug lal5 Pt~sldr.ntshlf• bul n;fuscd lo utlllst!
R.'15htmp<~U Bhrnvan, Ht: dill nol itllnw dowry ro he g~wn In m;UTI;Ige5
~lUI glftc:d only khadl !i-H~C::.S SJlllll bly him, rfc: Juut a tllfft:n:nl 1\.Jichtll ror
his lamlly member~. the ~':pcu~cs o( whJch wen: borne by hun. On tllr:
luvllnUon Otrd"" fr.1r rnMTifl~~ •Jl IlL'> g,Tt11d d;tughh:r.:>, lre had got II
printed Uta! tiD gUl.:~o would be ncceptcd Uilll did alot acCl!pl glfl.s from
guests. He-wrolt: to the Prim~ MlrHslcr rcg;milng U1c cll."tpoim.l of pcr:~mn:d
~lfls ~vcn by fnr•~l,<~n dtgnllnrlcs tu htm ;mel hls famlly which v:~re
1lo11nlr.d to lhr Potnn lllliSCIIIn aOcr he: h~trrclr:tl nvt!r dH1Tge as the
PI\":Silf~nt. lk Ic:fi ror PniiUl dlltl .... Jt:lliCd Ra!ihlntp;ul Bhawnn on 13th
Mny, 1962, lhc •.lr1y h.15 h:rm to gr.l. uvcr without retnlnlng
Husht~patlll Blutw.-Hl r!'llt::ll fM ;1 t.!.t.y 1k cont-ldt.:red hl"> monthly sal<U)'
t"lf R_..._l(lf;OO/· tno blgh -,-n he ~iCL'"L.""fJio! only IU.2.'i00/·. liJs sur.ccssc.r
Dr. n.·uihal<rl~han Collowccl h\s c.'\.-.mplc:.

The 6/12 A1tl.5 in Birth ChArt

The StHI/Snt\lm opposllin.n on 6/1'2, ilXI'i t•long '~1th 8th lrml
M(oul1 hl Ott: !!oilciJr Is largely, Il!!lopo ll!>lhlc fur hi!) UJ healU1. Vcuus £15 Ute
siXth lord from Moon w~u; alsn n:-spunslblt." rur Jus frequeur bouts ol
lllnr:s~!>.111e nlulh lonl Sun anHkes hlru u :-~talc.':ltmm of tnh:nmllormt
l't'JIUic but Ute u.spect u( Saturn frurn lh~ ~1Xtl1 hou!'le caus.ctl
ob5lructlons In U1..: t::\-posun- nm~ projc('tJon hl' dl"Scrvcd. Sahtm 1he-
i$ccolld and third lortl g.·we htna rncrU.;d ten~lons on nC"'.Coul\1 Cti Ulc:
rh.:pleungwcallll ofhlsll:wumbhtt. Be Jon hi.!> brotl1~r lu Saturn/Venus/
Sl\turrL HL"i hrorhcr looked affcr ht.'i c~ns~ ;md that of hl5 flllllll:V

AS:IO Sl>r'Jicrt ol Dr RrJ)endra F""merTecnnJq~ cl A.stro:ogll:al Prelf.di005 ~- One

memtxrs wbtlt he Weis in jaJl.

'01e four plllnrn ol' Nchn&'!'. mlsconcelved tdr.aJJsm wc:re·Soc1allsm, Non-niJgnmcnt n.nd S!:cu.lnrtDOl.

Sacl.ull'lm meant tu blm ntplr.l StH!IallsUc h:glslauou"5 for ccmtrols.
Regulations, Cc:Uhtg. ReservaUons. Ucr..nslng and NilUonall!!lm of all
sorts resulting In a large, fat, c:~1ve, lnefficJent and cocrupt.
govcnuncut machinery spreadln.g lts tentacl~ lo stlflo posiU~
entrepreneurshlp ond ~-uf!oc:ttlng the free now of mnrlc:el foree1o .. Th~
prnctlce to accommodate us many ministers Ill> posslbJe, flO that they
remnin happy-and suppartJvc wtth bungalows C'.ini and5ccurlty-start.::d
tn Nehru era ;Uld ~came more and mo~ pronounced wtth 11me. There
are 245 C<!nlral Publl~ sector undcrtilldrlg5 1n tl1c country today where
pr~C!ItitH;; money tn the tuuc of R.!>,l, 72,500 c.wrC:s ~vt: l>etu tnv~h::d
wtth hope: of uo retumt. and Uu:se umll:rtJiklugs Otgaln rcqutrc: furUn:r
lnvestmenl for relHtblllbl Uou ilnd revival. If U1e vnlut: of the rupee or the
1950's and eo·s when mosl of the lnvestmcnt3 we~ made 15 applied, the
figure becomes mtnd boggling. BoUt tho 1..'Cntra1 government and :;talc
gavcmmcnt cntcrprt'le'l hl\\o-r:: become a hunttng ground f"r th~
uru~crupulous PollUclnns·bm.tnes~mutn Bureaucrat-Crlmln."ll nexus for
tbt slphorung of easy money. The cntcrprlsc5 art quttr: at pn.r In
com1pUon am.\ \ncffictcncy wtth the spoUetl govcmmcut machinery.
The fifth pRy co~3lon ha~ found ovu ~tamng n:~ultlng In under
pcrfommnce nnd have sugge5ted retrenchment by th1rty pcn::ent.
'lbe S<M!1a11sm almed i\ I Ciwibi Halcw (poverty i\llevtatlon). a populist
worn out vote catching._slognn cQlncd by and utlllscd In full by
Indira. Snnjny nnd Rnjlv, his dynasty nnd Its residue: Namstmha Rao
proved to be just another false pn.>.rnl$e. U ._.. conunon k.nowJedge that
very little runds or Ute Jntegmt.ed Rural Development Programme reach
U1e needy. The Nauon;tl Cllun~ll of Applied Economic Researeh came
out wl01 n humnn devdopm~nt profile of rurallncUa towards the end of
November 1996. whlt:h s.ald thai About !'IUctc:en percent of India's roral
populauon earned R-'!,3/· pe1· day n:1tl nuutha e!ghtetn pr.rccnt only
about !is.,5 per duy, TI1e Planning Cornmtsslon report estlmntes that 2S-
37 percent of Jmlla's. total population should ~ treated a5 below the
poverty Unc. Thls Is what 5octal15m induced ~lght ftvc year plan."- have
been able'" do.
lnd1.'1 come-s out poorJy tf you see the vttal economic tndkalOI"'!$-
Whllt hulla\i GOP per head t.s $300. China Is exactly douhle. with a per-
capita GOP talc of $i20. Even PakJ~tau has R mte or $520. let alone
JupRn. wluch has n per capttu GOP rotc of$38.120. wblc.h Is more than
hundn::d tlmcs that of Jmllas, The olhu Asian Ugcrs are nlPiO mile ahead
oflndta- Singapore ha!!o $32,878 South Kr.:-t'~ $!1,910 1 'Tha1.1and $3,250,
the PhtltppLnes S J .200 and ll1doncsta $1,2. J0. Curtously. tl1e per captta
OOP r.Ue of Vle:tnnnt. ~ country which w:t~ cmelly btttlered by \
unleashr:d UJc Frauc~ aml tlu~ USA for ovc:r 25;. with lt!i entire

Fll'ar TedmlQtJe-s ot A51to!Qoical P~t'liictJOO• On !!I A.oil'fD 5;.ctdl ol Or Rs}!:IY.I'ri!
lnfm5truclureand evctl agrieuttumllrutd dc:wastattd l.s the: same as thnt
of htdla. Perhaps B:.utgl!ldcsh l5 the only c.ounlry In the n:gl.On wtth
\o\'hlclllndia r.oulct compare tt.e.df to ltB ad\"d.lltage. ln Ute ltghl or this we
cannot blame the colonl;aJ mle nr the populnUon c:.'<plo!iion. Utt blame
~quan:ly rests on the cctmomlc pollcles pu~u~d. lt was a mockery ofOu:
past go'·cmmcnts when Dr. Manmohnn Singh stnrtcd to r~~ th~
~conomlc polfctc~ Which Wt':n: fOl)oweJ ror forty years, by deconLrO\,
t.lerc:....;ervauon and dcregulnUon and began the process of shtrung the
·t.-ronomy from a command economy to llbcrallsaUon Md globallsatlun.

Our trysl wtU1 democrat.")' has also been equnlly dl.sappotnting.
Except for nlnetcen months of Indira emergency. though ~-c h.!"lvc be.=u
ilblc lo sustnln lhc c.-.scnUal5 or dcfTlOCracy, we have mlscrobly Ca!Ied tn
gt\ltug It a respectnbUity. Then: 1s a need to undertake a major surgery
of tl1~ dJsnblt:d electoral i5.VStem seriously wounded by crim1nallsal:lon
or poUUc3, '01c nppolntmclll ot Uu:~ lwu add!Uonal clccUon commJs!iloner
not only violated thr- cou!.'iUUJtkm but nlso seems to ha..·~ vlola~d cvt<.ty
uu~ af th~ htfutmal rulc:-1:1 a111l al"t:<'pted cuuvc:utlons.. Ute press largdy Is
under comrol or lmlwrttiallsts who In tum rut: under control or lh~
<.'iovr-mmcnl In a COmmHnt.l ctonorny. Om-tng the reign of Nehru
jaun1al!t>l:l rccei\'Cd Govcnuncnt bungalows to ~ep them at b<ty. AU
thlli led to the ronr:entrntlon of poollticnl imd ~nc>mlc powc:r In th~
Pnmc Ml!lhdc:r aud U1crefare li ts appropdah: t.o L...UI Ute PaUtlcal
Sy~tt:m democracy with dlclulor.shtp of the Prime MJnhner.

Titls much publlc:J.scd IIlD'I.'Cmcrtl has faded away ns It was n Con:t,
The crltlcl!>m ag.nlt~t I! 1:<> that lhe member countries were mostly from
tlJe socinll!.t hloc and ln re.:"lllly nHgn~d. Tile ~putaUon or J'awah;-tl'la.l
Nclu u 35 Uu:: ouly lndiitu lead~r wtUJ t1 d~ep wtdcnamullng o1the forces
opc"mtlng tu lnlt:nmUou;-~1 :dfntrs C'lfHmhlr.d ,.,1u:n the Chlll~l"; ntt-.ckL•d
hi 1962,

Articl-= 5llel l!l!Jr:tlll!i IJ!I lo prornole hammny. ln U1e spl.rU of
common brother lmod_ What we saw In 10\!, Punja.b nruJ Ayodhya
Willi a ~:suit of JlCIIIJkH.i nl<moe\'eurtngs vc:sted tntcrests.. The:
regklrut.l1!ml nut! t:nstc:tl!lJU spn:~d hi n:ce1U tUnes Is quite contrary to
Si:Ctllru- ldcnl.s. A Wffll{ rutd uudcau- Govcnuneul policy ou U1c:: seculru-
l~~ue ~ the: ~u~c ()( otll prublt.m.<:i,
The popull:;Ucrlll)' evolvr.d Nmcc:pl.!. Ultr. m!Xetl comumy :;howed
the pel'\Jlircr lnc11:lll PoiHiol.m~ lruent for rtxOLtL:UUtg whJch led to a
l!crlouu crts1s.. No doubt lhcrc Is tlQ dcm~K:r;wy olhcr than lndL, wht:re
I>OIIIlcal corruptl(•n hnos: cmdcd the. dr.nmcrnllc• system lo lUI extent that
lliJI.trnh:n$ the pollty HnrJ ~-utToenles Ute drvelopment p1or:-css.
One who love:S lmllH'.!> ')asl and h1dlo'5 present c.':lnnnl help R!:oltblg

JtstnJ Sl(eJc:ll o.'Or R~JOndta flm.rt T«fmlqoos ol Astrological Prcdldlom VOl. 0~

llltru.elf Ute U."lt,glng quc:!itlon how come n f;ountry that shoutd hnve
gtven fO the world so much has gwen .!Ul little - Hm"1 come'}
Rlljcndra Prd~d w·as nppo~c:d to rnplfl :mc\allstJo legtslaUon'!i,
During the struggle for lndc:pendt:m:c Rajcudm Prasad o:prc.~tl hii5
vtew:'l fre~ly aud coru;tanUy ln the columns l"f his Journal 'Des'. He
·wrote hi~ autoblogr<1phy. froml942 1.0 1944. His book 'India IJtvlded'
denlt wlll1 (undume:nL"ll comm·un;u Issues tn 1946. From 1950,
rc:strit:Uous werr: put on Ills publtc ultclilfices ~cause of the h1gh office
t.hal he held as Prestdenl nf India. In his fonnnl speechc:!i he had to net
as t.he mouthplt:cc of the Govr.nunt~nt. He helle\•ed that fhe foumlatinu.s
fJf tile freedom of the C'Juntry COL1Id only be lattl finnly by c:oustmct!vc
work In lhe "rUh-..g~ by $tlmulnUon of ngrteulturc, extension of collage
IJ1tlustrlc~. tmprovcml!nt of cducn ttonnJ system. promotion of comrnu.nal
untty. removnl of n>llgtous nnd ca.ste bRrrkrs ond gcncrnlly hdpln~ the
~pic to better l1\'tng. lft.he educ.'1.Uorlr!l and S~:Jdal reforms mooted by
him wert' r;lvcn proper wc~ht. perhaps the moral fabric- of tl.Je counlry
wuutd nnt h('Vt: hccnshattcrcd by lhe pt'oplc who were ~·pcdctJ to rear
ami -.;treugt.hen U.

The Birth Cbart

JuplteT ls the l'JJOiro\llfl!! pJnncl u( tf115, Olhcrwtse weak hOJ'05\.0pC,
\lo1th regant to henlUt. The k~:ndr..iS are the pUlars of the htgna. whkh
represent!; the body, Rahll/Ketu on lp7 u.~ or 4/10 axis weaken~ Uu·
pUlars of l..:lgtl~. hence! nat good for health. 'llte Mercury /Mars
conJuncUlln ln L.agrtn ls also nCJtgood for physical wdl·be:ang. MllrS the
Slh ~turl 121h lord In tln~ <:onjunction·wuh Mercury hanns the Lngue
und the Mercury as well. wnh n:ganl to health. Mercury IS the m;u-aka
~"tcvcnth lonJ nnd 11 becomes a maleLl~ a.."l conjunct with a maldk.
However. IJ1c protcctJvc a~pcct of Jupiter Is· there. and. the \agna. lord
Jupiter n:maJn.s unhll!mt~hc:d. The 6/12 a.'Cls ls. t:mphasl1l!tl With
prl"-l!.~tt of tltn:c planet~ und ~1oon, ;ill of wbtcll t!I'c
re5pnnstb1e ra.r hl& fn:qucuL bouts ofUlnCAAes a."> ab:o Venus \\.110 Is-also
tcaJ")('Ht:slhle fur pnor hr.nlfh 15 lJH: OUt iHld eleventh l<>rd. lu lht
ba~hgrouml or a mtll(';l"tX!S!Itm1stk I>IUtUtr. Ihat c:ttlefg(!S, wah regartl to
h~;:nllh fi-om rumJyos15 t:Jf I his charr. a 1irlghl 5tck on t.hc c:m."Cr front hi
clearly vlslblc. Ra11u \!J t.h1~ tcnlh house l!i considered <!.'Wellen I ful' rtsc
in ltfr.. The conjuncUon of Mal'!i 1he IU1h Jm-d nnd the 1Olh lord
aud 7Ut lord - k~:=nLlra and trtlwnn - lrll<'lgna wllh lht! bc:ncf\c aspt"ct or
the strong L1gna lord. Jupiter frOnt tlle Jl.iHt.h hou~ ls an cxcdlent l~j
yog.'l comlllu:Hlrm fur rl~ In life. Kt:tu, 111 Ute fourth hou~r: largely glves
the effect of Jupiter, II receive:~ <U>JX:<:l of ouly t.he 5th and 12th lord
Mar5. Titc a5pccl o{ MRt"5 a... tht• nfth lord {S cxcclknt (or elevation, 11tc
Jupl!cr, Men~ ln.lli.Jcn'='c on the fourth house of RIU~lmhas.:tn pmmt5cs a
posiUon of prcsug~ so doe~ U1e I Oth tonJ M~:reury to lagna and the
lcuth hou~r. with Rahu. Thoe. stxt.b lord Venus ln U1c clcvcnlh hnn~ 111
us nmullrUtoun rm>hl prontlsct; g~lnt; tn ec\ucntlon comJJelttton. law·
cases ;tnd oUlCI' arr..a!i iudlcal.r<l by the Sixth ho\lse. The -:xaltcd aud full

finer TOCflnlQUL!S ot Ait:!tlh:JglC<ll PredldiOnE Vet. QJ1!!

Moon 111 sixth furth(r ~uppotls. these ltldlt:.-lllon~ but the S;ttunl/Suu
cuujuncllou on 6/12 ax~s as raot fiOOd aml hultcates pt!~ccuUon,
ob:>lr"Ut:Uon~ ruitl blemt~h~ 1hm\1gh encmh·~. rlv.:il.,, lntrtguc~ - Wl
unavoidable aspect of the pcrsoJ\alJUe~ of person$ In public life. llms
the! birth clulf1 promls-:s iJ high rl'>e In carc:<!r ludlcalcd by ;1 ~ll'ung
lngna, 4th, lOth and 11th houEJ: tn U1c. back drop ofwcnJc hc.l.Jth ilml

The Moon Cbnrt

Moon Is mcalk.:l Wllh thr ututh illHI lcllth lcJrrl; she: yogk;H";lk
Sillum. pmnllslug htg,h elcwsUon hnl thr. pfl~lllcm of Moon uu Sun/
$<t(Unt a~Js 1~ IJOI gof.H.I ~~~~ ht~ulth. Vcatus as llu.• lttgu<J lonl 111 .slxlh
lntllt"atcs 111t: ~U'ong Ga_tlv~sad \i)ga w1U1 exalted MtlOII ~mel
JupliCl'ln Ll:o promise ek'-iltfon wuh focus on flr5l and frJuJih htt\PW Q[
R:ij Slmha.'>Un :'tl!to. Th·~ \b;i. \.~1~i •md Ubh~yncherl )Dg•J~ ;u-c ~ft•ill,g
solar yoftlt'i lu thl! IJorosr.xlpt::, prombln~ high posiUon. WIIJ• \'1.'1111~.
Mercury, Sun and Mnr:o. ln 6,7 ,R frl.fLn Moon lhi!re Is " pMt Adi11yt~J:t:l
a1so. 'llt<~ fourth hmlst~ h;-Js Jupiter aspe~llng Uae lr.nlh hou:w and ns
I hf'rl" Is nn C) I h t'r n!"()rt'l £)11 I he four tl t II Oil!'. I'! I I I!; I ~lldcn~d Sl n111g. "Ill~
!Cillh lwuse ltatlliS{l<'l:t 01 Satuc-11, the lcuth lunl ~lltl JlltHtcr IJU~ ro1111l1
lord .ond lht-rcJon~. HI~ <1IMJ In Ihe MuonL•Imrt nl~o lht~ nU•:ulln11
l.s trnmcd!lttcly dn\\vn f•! I hr.! I -;1. 4th. UU1 and tOrh h(tu~c-~. n!l
pronuslllg r1sc l..n c-ruccr.
The Na~amsha Chart
11u: lagzu·1 lord of \he ttnvo m!'ih:-1 also mnv.-..s to the uinU1 lwu~ iL.;
111 Uae r:H!:ic: of the Jaltm;t Kundll. thull emplm!'ilslng the: lluk bdwcc!u
the ninth ;-~w1 the lagua. Again, tu navam~h.flrllso lhc fourth huUSt' h1l!l.
connrcUou with ,Jllplt.:r. ~upltr..r 15 lh~ luurth illl(l so~oc.nili tonil'.\"illlcd
In the dcvcnlh pruml.sln~ c.xcdlcnt rct>,lll!> u( U1~ fourth the
S1."''enlh h01.1~C'. bt:..sldr:"-5 lht' 1tnr.tka JT~•mlls.. 'Mu:~ fnurlh hfJII~ it>
canslrlen,>:d 'lt•: hcJ\1!'.1.' (If R<Jjslnnh~-an ttud the: r:Ju!lt.rtllon uf tl.s '(Jrd tu
the r:le:\'L"llth lnrlJc-,'\les high p(ostUou !.0 lln~ Uu~ ~nJrnUon of Uu~
~.vculh lurtl In\'cnlh :t:!-\ the sn'enlh hUil!'C' 15 lhl! tc~lllh hou,.r' rn:1rro
teuth i11Jcl IS ;tlso I(IIOWTI as tau· hou~ or 'pwlrrpruptr. 'f11(' scvc:ulh
hous~ of lla\·'lUJ15IUi ls rnatuly seen fur I h~ !iprJU~~. Us pltlc.:t'fliCIII It I !Ill'
dc\'r:nlh lwu~c 111dlt:'"-Jft>s good for .!:'pousc ;\t kn~tlu JupHcr m.tln d.<i!ohn
pcri(nh; nud ,Jupller sllb-•lashR pt'T10ti'So. R:ljb::m5l dr-:vt, U11· wife of Or.
Pra~-;ld W<J!!> slmpl~ •lrt,·l dl~ntfh:d ttl Tllr,nno:r ~utcl tln~!>!'lo, Tile lun· •JI
·;wUvr. JXliiiiC"~ clhltml ~PJw:tl fo hr!r, nnd she dtd uol Join ll~r hushmnl 111
IUs fH)IUIC'al act IV lilt·~. She: kept llr.~lf In I he: hackgrounrl iUl<l left IWI
husbnud fn.·e to p11rsuo· IH~ polltJcru am1 soci.Hl aelh·luc~. Jiowt·vo:•. shr
lr-'lnc•l hc:r.sclf umlt:r fimulhl,ll r:uut 5pc.ut loug per1orl~ In tht" ~alJ;~rrn.,ti
Ashr.1m.. ,\stric-t tt·{:"!; pn:.mll~~~ lhrou. 11u:~ ~re llll ~t'J"\.'nlltS Hllil tilu
hnrllo rio tn'C'I)'111Jn~ l1crself. Bnl she V."n5 hnppy :md hl~r11mr r"OII:'>C'IOII!-
<Jr IIH' p;1n th;:H wrum~n r•;m plo;y in llllfldlng up n n~tlnu. llurttt~ lin
IIOII•l'IIIJflC!'<\tlOU tnO\'t.'IIIC!IIl llA!fo"S Sh~ toc1k <Ill nCliW p;nt ~he WCIIt 011 <'
ltll•l.. Sh•! lh•t:ll fo1 OG .)"!.'IUS as 111~ wife attll r.-.;pi.J t:1l jus.t a lo:w nwulhl

As:ro Sketdl of Dr. Rsjendro .. . Finer Techniques of AWologlcal Prediction$ ~1. One
before Rajen babu's death 1n February 1963. at a rlpe age. Durtng the
Jupiter mahadasha. though Rajen babu. as usual, stayed away from
his house but he was able to earn well from his nourishing practice as
a lawyer and he could afford to call his famlly to hts Bungalow at Patna
freqnentl)'. It Is said that he ean1ed Rs.4.000 per month which should
be equal to Rs.2 lacs of late nineties.
The navamsha lagna ts affilcted by Satunl and the navamsha
lagna lord Is conjunct wlth Mars. Besides the separation from hls wife
due to his political actlvltles and travel he got Into a financial ct'lsfs after
he gave up his legal practice. He had to sell his ancestral property to
clear debts and for sustenance of his famUy.
It is rightly sa1d thai a publlc man has no private life and the
sufferer In most cases Is tile spouse. The combination of an exalted
seventh lord and RffitcUons by malefic at the same time Indicates a

Ketu Moon
Sat (R)

Birth Chart
Birth 3.12.1884
Time 08:30am.
Chappra, Bihar Jup

Lag Sun Ven Ranu


l.agna Sun Mars Mercury Jupiter Sat{R) Rahu

17°07' 19009' OS0 56' 04°26' 13004' 2!J015' 20001'



Ketu Moon

Sun Lag
Sat (R)

F'rner TechniQues of AstrologlceJ Predie1Jon:s Vol. One Astro SJ.:ett;h of Dr Ra}endra

spouse who lived long and was d~oted but the married life was gtw:n
low pnonty due to commitments to the Nation.
Sun tn Sagittarius in the fouL1h house of Navamsha Is good and
promJses high poS1Uon as here It Is placed In th~ house of Raj Slmhasan
fn a friendly sign and aspects the tenth house. Ral:m tn the tenth .In Lh~
house of Mercury IS always good for the eareer. Ketu, being a shado\\'Y
planets gives ~ffect of JupUcr. Moreover. the tenth lord In the ninth of
the Navamsha is a kendrn.-trlkona combination which Is good for l.he
tenth house. The sixth lord Satunt In tagna indicates the focus on lhe
siXth house ofNavamsha also. Tims l.n Navamsha also the 1st. 4th, 6th.
lOth and ll U1 houses arc dominant indicating rtse In life. The C.>.'llllaUon
of 4lh(Rajstmhasan) and 7th lCarcc:r) lord Jupiter tn the c:lcventh nouse
points to attainment of htgh poslUons In the NaVllrnsh~ also.
In the Dashmansha chart. U1c link between th,. first fmd tenth
house. as seen In the birth chart and the Moon chart. can also be seen
as tl1c dashmansha lagrua lord gocs lo the lcnU1 house. nu~ twelfth lord
exaJts In the ninth house. thus ag, establlshlng a link between the
twelfth and ninth house as seen In the btrth chart. The tenth lord exalts
In the sixth house and lherc Is an r:xchan&'<= of the sixth and tenth.
Rajen babu occupied constltuUonally the hlghest posiUon.s as tl1c
President of the Congress from October, 1934 to April, 1936 nnd then
again \\1ten Nctajl Subhash Chandrn Bose resigned at the 1)-ipurl
Congress Sesslanln 1939. agatn In 1941 and as the Chairman o( the
ConsUtuent Assembly and ~sldcnt of lndi.."l from 1950 to 1962.
Altl1ougl1 hl..s sclecUon was unanimous there was opposltlon from
many. This is lndlcalcd hy the exchange of the exalted tenth lord Saturn
with the ~b.1h lord Venus. Vc:m1s 1s .Uso the lagna lord of the
Dashamansha lagna. The {f)urth house (representing Raj slmh.asan) •s
also strengthened wtth the aspect of exalted Mars. and of Jupiter from
Its mooltrlkona rash!. The placement of Moon in the fourth house and
ilie fourth house lord Sun In the 9•h house wltll lhc Ofth lord Mercury
and exalted Mars, also lndJcate hlgh poslUon. The Dashmansha also




Jup Rahu 531 {R)

A~tro "SIIgtr;n a! n,- Ri!Jendro Flnet Ted'lnlqve$ of ~lrnlogicaJ Pawl~ Vol. One
show.;, tht emphasis on 4th. 6th. 9th and lOth houses as Uu"Y
.. are the
nm~t lnllucm•t<cl hoHscs by ~trot..g anti exalted planet.,.
The Drcshkonu
l.n tlu: Dresh.korm chart also Ulerc: J!i a llnk r;l( the 12th nm.l 9th
huuse like In olhcr charts. The lngn.'1 lord 1\W"s Is conjunct wltlt Ute
nlnUt lor<l Jupiter In the: nlnth honsc. Tite fourth house Is 3Spected by
Us lord Muon unci the lurtl of tenth house- l!i placed In tenth. •rttc thlrrl
house ls aspe:ch.':d its turd Mercury which Is plat:<:d ta lhe ululh
hou~ wtlh lagna lord M~ rtmi Jupiter Ute ninth lord. His brother
worl~i..l In A f~nk which 1s ~lgnlf\cJI by the strong mt"reur\nl lnOucncc
(Ill lite tlt1n1 hou5c.. His bmlhcr wns wt h..lci1lll'1t and i1 nrttlonnllst like
U;.j~u bai.Ju which t:; lru11c(!lct! tty cr.mjuncUon of Jupllcr With the UtlnJ
lord r1nd 1ap,na lord amJ lls a~pect from ntnU1 housl! 011 lagr-.1 ani..l Ute
lhtnl house.

The Da•hu Patttl.l'n

Ra!na. ls very w~:ll pl.accd 111 Ute LL!Olh house tn Virt{t) lu lh£! bttfh
chnrt, II f'> not :t:ipc.r;ll.'d by OlflY pland. Uu:rdon.- ll grwc.. thr: df~cts o(
Men:ury.. Ill uu~ N:tvrun~ha chart It gor:s to Co.ncr:r IL whl!::-h glvl:5 good
results. HJ5 brllllnnL nc-a.!kmtc achtc•.,.·emcltts were- In the Rahu
mahaflasha. I3ut I he general resuhs of Lhc mahadasha lord have also to
pr!so; :mtl M) R:"hu alt;Cl g;-J.v~ I:Wjen hiibll Its clunadni!StiC&. llPS and
clowns. rlccepttous. lutr4_!ues and surpr l~ lutts timllms ~md Httt.!ll1htslm_
ln~upltcr mnhada.sha he studlt!d Law and became Dodol' ufi..Hw,
t~~tnbllsh•:ct himself as a su~ccs~fullawycr lu tltc courts ofCaiculla and
latc-r In the: Hl!,rh CQurl al Patnn. In J'-lpllcr /Kctu nnrl Jupl1c:r/Vt!nu.s h~
goa U1e opportutUty w <tss.lelatc and work wtU1 1\ GamlhL 1\ctu.
ln.rgely gives the: I!O'ects of Jupller. Gandltl)l's influence dw~lng tbc long
slay wllh Ilim In Chnmparn.n LBihnrj nt."Hie him chnnge hls life style and
flually he= gav~;: up htt<> growln,t! le~81 prndlt:c to follow Cnnrlhljls PaU1.
Juplh~r ht nhtlh lmllcHtc-.s ~ad Guru 111 GHilllhlJL. RAjen hahu W!l$
n.n ldl:'al~5t- and tt flcdtcah:d WIJrkcr. GmttlhUl writes In his uutubtgraph)•.
7h,_. story ojmy e..\perimunrs wiril tmlh" ~urfJ l<l~hor ba.bu rmd RnJCndrn ~-rtc a malchlc::ss pitlr. ThdT tkvnUon' II lmpt:~sstble ror me to
lrtkc n single ~t•;p wtUJOut lheir hdp-- {Cl~ptcr xull. Compnnions Page-
.Jupiter Is thr. strollg~l phmc:t or the hom~t:rliX:. Ill all Lhc dl\•lslollru
P..hnrH-.llso Its HSSOt:lallon wiUl lhr. ruunh IU.I\1~ r~\·c:als the lhruue nr
~"""'' or rHithorit)•. Tite jolts uf Ralm In JtlpUcr/Rahu 2/12 from each
ulh•1 r lr~m~f(Jrrtlell him lnlo ;'l t'tlfll.J1J\11_-r.:;i;1l pttbllc ngun; mut lh~ ~h~tdow
ur S1H Urll luu.J liJ fall .snon...
Sa tum
'11tr. $;1l\lm nt;-lhrula.<;lta hrnu~ltl with lt. 5ltug&lr.~ Intrigues.
tmpl'I':!•JO!llt:"llt fllHI diBeasc. S;ll\lttl Is ~lru~J,nnlc {1lld Kltal suu11s Ill tltr.
stxlh !louse 111 r.oujuncUou wtth !'.tuun.. II gave tts shun: of m~•W

Finer T~ues of As1Tal~lc:ll Prwiaion:~ Vol One
an;'ddies. The ~'lHaUon of Saturn in tht" deshamanstw and Us
exchange with the slxU1 lord Indicates nttalnmcnt ofhJ~h po'iltlon5 h11l
with troubles and Intrigues.
Me~ury the repr-esentative of t11e UtteiJ<:cC hi co•~lllllr;:tlou with lhr
lord of the flfU1 house Mars, rcpro"..scnUng lntclllg~cc and rc;;p~:clcd by
tbc of lwm,,;lr.tlg~ ,Jupiter mi1d<! h.l..'i tni~Jkcl fun~:"Urm ln
consonance wiUJ hL"> 1nteWgc11ee and knowledge. MdU...,Poujabl, ICS
F.:x-Chlcf Secretary of Bomhay Siate who hnct workr.rl Willi Dr. RllJ~IUh'o\
Pr".ns;HI ~llld Sardar P:ltd wrllcs irl his hool<. 111~ lt1dflmll:1hh: st1nlnr.
-rhe S."U'dar was happy that fuljt'tldr-.t Pra~tl. w\11.1 IHul ~) much Ill
CC~mmon wllh him and whu lmd collnboratcd wHll him 111 c\'c.ry polltleal
~~.rtste~, Wt.H• unMimon:;ly t:lct'lcJ.! Pn:~ldcnl ofU1~ A-.SC':mbly. Hl5 profound
kii0\1.1e,tgc ofmw, his persorU\J 111tr:gnly and Lmp<n11n.llty. m1d hLc; urtruffi~d
tcmpt.-r m;ide h1ru ntl lrirnl Prestd•!nt, as wt!ll at. -..HI <Jdvt...,cr ~lund I he
~-.:lll~to Lhc many members who cnmullcu him·. (Cilaptm·
XIX HtJge laJ Till! inrfomi:nble SordorJ ·
Mcrt'Ul)' matuJy ga\'t: him lht.: n:::.ulb or ttle: lr.lllh hL)II!i<! :md lhn
~vcnlh hou&: [Lq IL h~ tlu~ lordship of lhc:'St~ house!< Ill Ute bltth t:hur·l.
II L'> ~d~o
IJ1t' Navam::;hn lagna oml lOth JNfl. U gave him Allthor:;hlp.
Mittlst~rshlp aud PresldtnL"'hlp ~!> a.Lso ~ fnm1Jy life_ lit: \lr.ri!; iiblr tc) sl1\y
wl!h his wlf~. (1hlhlrcn :mr:l granrt·clJUdrC!n ln l<.'lshtrnpaU Eihawau. at
Ihe rtt(e ui 60. •dier a Ilk luug cklilr.hmcnl.
Vc:nus tl1•.• ~~U1 nw'l 11 Ul Jmtl Is 111 Us mooll rlkl.lii:J m51tl. l.lbra In
l.h~ lllli hoU5('_ Till! pt:rlod (of R...thu/\'t!IIU!• ltro1Jgl11 111m from hi~
vlll<-!gc• /'..c-:or.rmlat ~lUI Ihe- sm.-'111 towu Chupprn ro Cal1c111tn. 111c pr.:rtou
was; .':Spcul In llu: m ... lcsth: Prf!5ltlr.uq t:nlWge marl<cd hy g~Yat
adllc.vcmcuts amidst cltllsl cmwd of call·ulla. Jupltcr/\~11\15 bruught
him in close contm·t wltll Mahatma Gandhi. 11ll!t 1~rhH.I gavr. him the
!{t~w~ of:-. n~tlonoJ kad~c £Uld he cumc ln th~ lime II~L TI1c Mercury/
Venus pl:'r!od g.Av~ him Mlnlskr-;blp :md lhc: l'r~_s1ilrut.ship ~llil lllr.
5plcminur ~mrt ,glamour aUr~ch~. Vc.r1u~ also g..•v~ Ltlm \'lclurlcs it\'~r
rlv~tls, ~ucc~css in cttmpcllttons pubUcHy <Hirl glory :t:<. It 1:> the 6U1 lord
In tht! I l th from l;tgna: ami ~~~emu! lcml 111 ~bi:Ot mul .slxth lnn.l 111 31:'\t.h
from Moon,
l{du In the watery slgn of Plscc,'j crut5c:d congestion Ul Uu~ r:h~st.
·nu~ ch~sl 15 n=prc:>t:nted by IJlc fourUl house. 111~ HSf•cc' Qf Milrs frc•m
laglln Ignite:; rc\·cr. Hr: died of congestion lu 1\ .u1d
llad scr-luusly fillkn ou celnm•~uccmcui of l<ctu dR~ha 111
JuJy H)Ol.
So fn:•m t.hc dMh~ pnlt~m ~m~rgc,'i the life pnl lc.m. Rahu giving hi~
rt::;~.:s and!Jllti <d!-o(l •• Jupiter £!t11l!>Oihlatlng r•ll lh•.• g~l
qW'IIIU~~ mul OJIIOWIII~ Ulcm to flower (Juc 10 Its :;11-cup;tll aut.! placcru~ul,
Sc\U1r11 tc.sllllg ltlm with mh;cr'lcs uml Mc::rc:ury flnnlly c:onfen·lu~ U1c
n:ward ~ftcr tht~ trst

Annlysit; 'Through Jalminl
The ;umlysls through Ute Ja1.mlnl system reveal the ~e.
Th~ t:omhlnatlon or the' Armnlumdm with the exallecl Amatynk•trak,
Muo11 and their mutual aspect wtth the Putrnkruaka fonn one of the
lic.:sl rajyoga.s fJ( Jal.mlnl The mutual aspc:\..'1. of Moon and Venus Js
another good rajyoga. The Atmakaraka. tutd Amaty.lkarak are In tlte
ninth from the Karnkamsha lagna.. 1be ~cmuJ from Ka.rakarrullm. has
Vcmu; the Putrnkarnk:1 with aspe-ct of Jupiter, the Matr1karnk. Moon
Lhc Amatyakarak and Satunt. lht~ AtmalcarakA. The sccourl huu~e fnun
t<arnkrunsha Is seen to tlclctmlnc the profession.. Th~ Atrnakaraka is
llr1kcd to the ninth how•r:. tfma: crJJToborntJng to the aM.lysts through
th~ Para!.lulrl !-t~h!nt. SrmtJ;ufy, th ...• sccrmd hou!-te 1ndlcales high office..
·rn~ C<Jnjunotlou of Atmaknra.Jo3 and ArrmtyWuirnlc lndlc.'llc~5 the d-:cp
111\'olvenJerlt With the work muJ the Alm.aknr.3k.., and Antnfy.l.k.-t.rilk
c:onJIIIIctlontmpll~ that wllh the chan~ 1n dasha there \\1ll ~change
hi -s1:1t11s re-presented by Amatyak~u-ak nlongt.vtth ch.1ng~: lu status of
!:df·r\:prc~~~nlcd hy 1\tmnk:ctrnkn. Cin;lltkarnk in liaWu'l tud1c.at4:s Ill·
ht!.atlh aud U.s cuujuuc:Uou with D;lr"<lkaraka shU\.\'S lllslniiCt~ from
tipoust: or 'pou~ Uvtng away 111 a jolnl family. Tile ParJ!k.araka. ht 8th
trnm AlmnknnJim .1nri Amat.yaluuall; lndlr:.urcs the ncglc~t of spouse aud
Atn1akar.Jk.'1 and Amatyn.kar.-tl\. 6/A In WJoiflCCI. of Pul.rnlotr.tka ind~te
1he: n~glcrl of dlildren n:s well. lie hctd h l.!i brilltnnl aeademlf'
IH~hkvcmc:nt:> til t.thm 1lashll from It~:~ tn I 905 U!i hi!> t'utr.akamk!\,
Vr.uu~ 1!:1 r.wourably pl;n:cd '" 1..1\m\ which Is lhc 1mmllrlkoua m:ihl or
Vl.':llUS. 11te Put.raktar.aka. 'kiiU!'; I!> ul!.o :rlSJl1.'l'lNI by Uic ~ombi.nauou or
Alltmkar.•kn nmt Amaty:1kl1mk. ·n1e Cham d.1~hll of VIrgo rn!>hl was
fultuwcd hy tht! daL'ihit or Llbrn. VIrgo r.ashl Is twelfth from PulrctkarnkH.
lk lost interest In sludtcs ami wasted tln~t~ ycatlol. H~ was away front
hl'i children r1mtng Ihis ncrlnd. He rcjolm:d c{llll1!e. to study Law and
tlld ll:gi\1 IlrntUc.c lullic r:rJUrts of Calcul(;.j 1\lnt<tkar~ka. ancl Anl<ltyakar&
are ninth from VIrgo Nlnl h repn.'~!l11 ~ Judli:iilry. 'n1c l..c-o d;t!'ihu r)r rUne
years from 1914 to H'i23 W<t~ U1c period when llc cam~ 111 cnnl.act with
Mahalm;t Gandhi .tmd cmcrgcd ns a Nnttonal lcndc:f". ts U1c lourtJ1
m5hl from Atmakm-nlrn an•l Am~lyak:-u-ak. ll Is lhc ututh m~hl fmm
l:•~Jaa... TI1e bcn~nc plancl Jupiter. Uv:: M~ttl~ u-.s,taccd In L<!'l. IL l.S
d!:'\'CUth from Pul.rnkHrAko. ~nd Ihr. 9UI (rum Dnraltat<U<a and Gu.:tllkiunk.
He wa.s also able to earn wcU durtug uu~ period. lltc peTiod between
I ~~23-1925 wns not goorf as hr had to fncc a lui of oppo!<ltion. Cancct I~
the cl&tht.h rn.-.;hl from 1i~turlau1. D;lr.-1karakt am1 U1e GrutUkaro~k r111d
the twdlt.h from MtllTI~uiD<. In Gemini dushn, he viSited Europe -and
h~td tiHT~ncc:s with th~ Cnn~s ICS'!clers. J\hnraknr~kn and Aumly<tkardk
arc twt:lflh fmnt Ctcmlul. lu 11-\unls he became. the <.:ougre~s President
111 J935-36, Thurus 11a~ both nud Amntyakarnk a p~rhJd of
cuntrover.olcs and lcns1ons,
The Arl~tlas.ha wus Ulcre for et.ghl }"car.> lrom 193610 HJ44. ArJr:s
Is UH~ twelfth rn5hJ from Alnm.karaka and Amat~·aJcirnl(. It was a ~rlod
ol tlllfJI1~1H1JCnl. lllu~s ;md ~truggll!$. ·nac Plscr:s pc:rtod wa'* from

lS.l4 to 1951. IL Is the dcvcntJ1 from AtmakHrnkn ami Amatyakarak
111r: rt:rlod gave him authornhlp. ch;oirmnns.hlp nr the Couslituer~
As-sembly. Mlnlstcrnhlp and tlw highest oiUC"C! or the count.')·. as lh•
President fnr ,..,.., lt:.rltlS during J\quarJus dash;~ n.ntJ a.'Ould sl;:ty w11J1 lu
wtrc r.nr1 frunlly IH comfort. Darak&·rnlka Is Ill tht: clcvenU1 from Aquarlu•
ami Aquarius 1~ the tenth r<Hihl from Atm.1knrnk.a ~nd Amaty<tkm'11k
Tile la!Sl dasha was or Caprkom. Capricorn Is lht: ~t'tllld \ums.e frot1
lagnaand from'L Da..rnkaraka Is In U1co twelfU1.ltgavc scrlou•
lllnt~'> fo him, he lost hls wtre .-lur1ng I he pt"r1od. Ills ~k....\lh occum:d II

The Rurul ChlZdhood

Decamber 1884 to .Afarch 1894
Ills was~ comfcJrt:~hk c•hlhllwntl wllh hlr.julltl family In Zc~rntl:-.
VIllage of Blh.ur. Ills grant! falltc:ors htuUu:rChamkrlal W;IS the Dcwau o
H.1lhla Est:•lc for !Hi---30 years. Rajt:ndm balm hud rhree .sisters and ow
hroU1n. One <slo;ter dl~d lu chJ!dhooll the cldt'-5t bec-ame n wtduw wh.:-t
f~Jcudra h;lbu wa.s Hvt• ycm-s olt1 rtml she sblyt;JI wltl1 him aU hl"r II(,~
The lhlrd '51skr tlh:d ehlldl~M•. His brother Babu Mahendra P'ra&id w~••
ohh:J·to him hy clghty~;tni r:~n'l n source of strength mtrl suppnrt 10 him
In hb :iulublugrt1phy, 1~1-=n habu gh·t>~ a lucid <\t't:tJIIUt <lfChc trmlltluw
and rltuill.s followed Ln ht.s vlllRgt:. RccltatJon of Gcem .nml Rruil.'l)'an
l{nmJliH. M~:la~. g_11mr;.."' nncl ~oclol ~ngagcmr.nts \VJ:n; pcrhi1p!> lonkt••
forn·anl IC1 \\'ith a 51:1154'! of gntrly by 111~ vULtg~~- Lt!e bcgarl at ~ul\rb.t
ami cndcod at sun:;.cL wulwut even an nppl~ ot o:m.sumcrlt:>rn to dl5lllrtJ
At the Hgt: c1f 5·6 hr. sltlrkrl 111 learn altlllltlwl~ 111 Pc~l;m from U11
Mnulvlsaht:IJ 11f hi:-! \'lllngc. 'llu~ tr.adrhag startt!d cctt~tlllllllnusly will
lh'=' ctlslomal)· ~hauuug o( 'Bisntlllnh' mtd cUstrtllul1ouol sweets 111 tlu ~tyh· rolk·w~rt by ll fck<:n payment lo I h•: MrHIIVl5tlhcb. h
1802·£13. _,, lb~ <t¢r. Hi it yt:rtrs II '11.~:!:- lim·~ I(• '>Lrtrl llf'> c•hl('<lll•m h
EnAU5lL The chtllce feU an Chappra whe-re Ills brotJa;_lr 1.1.-a.s !.IU~tytng, h•
WH:!:> taken thnc. 'rh1.'> was hili hrsl 1r.1111 Journey, Ht!;. adml:><tlon to llh
st:hc.ul Ita Chapprn was tleh-ty~l hy niH' y~r tllle l•llllr !.liCitkll dc:Jtth n
hlE- u11ck ln a Clloh:ra cpldcml<:. '11n~ lo~ to I he l~utlly tllsnapl~•l tllr.llft
111 hl5 hou~c: as hl& unck ltad slwuldc~co uaost (lllht n:spou~lblllly Rnc
Ills r.·uhcr wao; not 5-0 rc'>ponslblco. It WDS 111 Rahu/l(nhutSatnm f.rurr
1\prll lfli)2 lu U\.:lo~T 1~'92. S;ilum Ill•: ~t:J'Qnll lnrn gofuJ,t lr:t .:.lxlh H
luumful for the h.'1Jlltntbha_ 111(! r.~cond IH.oU!.t l:<> •lbn seen filr iUIIIa
<:dttC'<U lou. ·n~~~ Chard da~ha wa!i Sag.tlt.arlus/~•glltarlus when hi~
un~k dlccl. Sugllturius ha$ (~lmtlkfunk. Ill:-; '>httlh."S w~r~ dl~nlPh'd ;uu
ht• In~• 011 )'t'.al' durlng &orpto rta5l1;1 fp.Jfll D<"rcmbcr 3, 1892 tc
Occt::mlu:~:.L 18\K!. Pulr.1k.'1mlm 1$ tnll1•~ l!!th rmm &tl'lllt.i
Early Ed1tcatlon
With tlu: <llll'«:t ol f{.\lne/JIIpllcr 111 April 189·1 <illcl Llhr~ fl<lt>h~
un<kr uu~ (.'liar<-~ llash.a frtJI\1 Or.CI~Illht:l' a.
l8B3. lh(' {lmspc:t:l!
n( hl.. cdiiC:aiiOII hod Lo IJrlghlcou. Hr W•l~ bn•ugltl IQ CllHppr.t au<
;Hlmlllr:•lln Slanclrml VIII. whl~h wn!; tht• ••nlrnnr.t.• d.nss lo '.K"hul.•l. Hl:

,II~~ SJi~CJI o1 Dr f\;:if(:r,dra _ finer Technrques t:tf AstroiogiCiil Pr130ld!OnS \ioJ. Ono
brother at rhat time was In ilir.! 1st sL'Uldard I.e. Matrlc, ln the sam!!
.school. lit:· !>Tl'Pd firs I in lhe annual t:JC<Jm In March 1895 ilnd was gtvtn
a double promotion_ He was U1e VlmsbottJu-1 d.aBha or
Juptlt:r/Mcrcmy. Mt~ury ts Uu: k."1.17lkil r()r education. It Is observed
I hat durtng the clashn a( .Mercury UH: pc:rson does wcll tn education
unlc.s, Mcrr::my Is badly afflicted. Mereury Is the 7th and lOth lord of
this horosCQpc nnd is conjunr::t wtlh the nftillorrl tn Ls.Jgnn ;md Ills the
ftftl1 lord with !.r....,·cnlh nnd third lord in I he 8th from Moon. Jupll1:r. the
antnrdashn lord~~ the most powerful planet ol'thls horo~cope. IllS both
» natural and a fttncUona.l bcnt~fic:. lu Charn dnshn scheme It was
Llbn1/Aquar1us. l.tbrn has l?uttai<Ju-ak and frum Aqua.rltl!!! Put.rakaraka
Is In the nlnlh. II WiJS Rilhu/Jupllcr/ Kcllt I hat folluY.T.d Kclu being In
tht~ rashl of Jupiter gives Uu: dCct.•t of Jupiter nml Is aspccted by the
fUUllord Mars from lagnu. and due lo hl~ position In Uu:o fourth house,
lt ls to gtve good effects wilh rr:.go.rd to tducntton. When hL" brotlu:r
JOlttod tllc college ln P<"\tnreln J 80~. 11 Wri!:> il~~h..lcd to ~h.J(i Rajen b;,bu to
Pai.Jta. He v.•as adrulUed to tbe T.K.Ghosh Academy lit PaUla cn U1c VI
-standard. '01e pratyantar d.a.sha ot ~nu& brlngtng him to rown,
.'lfarrlage {n May I 897
Ue wr.s IU<4rr1ed hl..Jyc:sta muulh In a K.atl.rl ~Agnnl-a lc:rm used (or
dccuonal agtrQiogy ha Blhar) during Ra!Ju/SatUI-n/M~tcury under the
VIam;hottnri ~heme, MCTCUry 15 lhe scvcnlh lord, Sfttum t.s lhe 2nd
lord_ The 5C:cond hou$C: l5 also seen for marrlag~ as It tll!!
KiJtumbh and Rahu J.s a rU111.iml marriage: maket. Under Cbara daB.h.a
sc~hcmc: ll was l.lhra/l' Uarak.arnk., ts. Ill the tenth hnusc: from
P!ocr.:i aud Libra 1~ lith from Darak.araka. IUs wtft' was brongl1t one. nftt:r marriage to hls village as per the norms prevalent.. Hr::o could
vl! hl!i wife In the viU~e dur111g hi.!) h(llid..ays onty. He wrote: l..n hl!!
i1Ulohlogro:~phy, tn 1941-42, U1a1 durlug 44-45, :rears of mard.l:!ge. he
dk1 1\01 eVen :o;tay fot 44-45 miuths With lllb Wife... Darak.nraka ln do~
<!'OnjlJHc:tlon wiU1 Gnatikru'ak.. p~rlmps lmllcntes wife lJvlngwlth a ln.rgt
numh<~r of rdallons in a joint family. It illl'c> ml!<mlcmg~cpiimltou due to
The S~tback-Patna July, 1897
I IL'i brotllt'.r pn! the t~A c> ami slnflr..d to cah~1tttn for
further studies. Ult:rdore It was dccldcd th shlft Rajcn bnbu to a 54:'hool
In llnltm11. lie had rltfficulty in l'oplslg wtth the ch;"~o.gcd ami hosUie
cJl\'ltOill111!llt, ht1Unlly it.rtd later feU 5\ck... lll~ stay ln Hnthua \\o'ilS for siX
moulhs. lk could uot wrtlc the cxnm <lnd 1t was decltted to hnng him
hack lu lhr-. ~chool In Clmppr.l. II was ••1!00 decided that he repent.
stanrlnrd IV. Ul\ls he lost one: yt~ar. TI1c Vlmshort:nt daslm wa' Rnbu/
Sah1m/t\clu nmJ Hn.lm/S;l.tum/'km.l'i. As the. antan1a~d1n lord Is tht~
ll•~tenntnlng f:1o1nr, Saturn tlu: <t'utartLa~hil lon.l hr:n= C4-&Use.."i dl.!irupUon
ln clluca.Uon nlld Il.1hu, l{,~tu, S3,1unt and lkuus are ~lhlL15lbl~ for Ills
-s~rit1u:ot lt1 lhh; hnroS<~opc. Hahu/K~tu by their pottiWm In 4-
10 nxss. Saturu. Moon and S\ln (or being un 6{ 12 ~. ·vcuu~ ilB U1e
sixth lord and ~l;u~ of tw~Itth plm:cd 1n lagna cm~e spells of

illness. H is Jupiter only \loitlch gtves him respllt!. Me.n:ury ~ the 7th
lord 1s also ~pab1e a( troubllng hls health. Mnon ln Ll1c sixtJl bouse In
t:cmjunc!lon wuh Salum Hud a~pecl~d by Sura also Indicates •• ~lc:k.Jy
borly. Jupllcr, tht> strong ln.gna lord could resl5l the aJlllctton.."' of other
pl.Rncw and gfl'.-e him n ure spnn of 79 years and a tall nrtr.llmpres~tvc
pbyslque and cxal!..erl MCJOu gave hlm ~"Pr~sst\le eyes.
In the Cham dasha scheme: :U wns l.tbrn/Plc;ce!l, From PIS<.""eS,
Putsnkarnka ls ln the elghUl hou~ ·nu: m01lu da~hs ra.•;hl Uhrn ami ~ub
dasim rasht Plsc~s have &-8 reL'ltlonshtv. thus lhc .sd.backlncducatlou.
Recorrery Chappra July 1898 to July 1900
R."\jen tub\1 writes trtlt1.s HU(O}}IUgr.iph,Y lhi-11 he fell n:jUV~:TUih:d c;m
hl!i retum Ia the Ch.appra school and reg,uncd hLco lust conftdenc~ lie
bcc:une the monHor of U1e cJas"S. His sturllC"S progrcssr:d well In 1900
when he carne In lllrll stJunlani he f40t lhlrrt I>OslUon. Durtng this
11C::rltul nn nctvl!'iC 1lf hltt hmll1er, whu \V:iS ~tudylu~ ln AJiahabwt1 he
tlt~cardc:tl fon!lgu cloUu:s anti ~Jw..-t' Utcu. Ull ltt5dtalh. he tlh.lnot wear
(ore.Ign clolltc.s... Rahu/Satum,/Mars ;md Rahu/Salum/R.ahu, tlJe
Rnhtr/S.'llum/Jupllcr p~rtod cornmcn~d from Fcbnuuy. 1899.
Uu:n:afler. from July i899 the Rahu/Mt:TCIHY period 5li1rted. In the
Chata dasha 5-eheme tl1e per lod was Ubrn/Arle:s from Dc:ccruber
!t 1698 ro Oeccmhe":T 3, 18~9 and Libmrf'nums from December 3, IB9!)
1<1 Deccmhcr 3, 1900. the ~tnd h~lwc:eu Deccmh<•r 3, 1898 lu .July
1899 w~ bad for his hC'altlt as t.hc= rna111 r-cishl dasha 15 of the rash!
whlch ts !ltxt.h from Atm•dmrnlm ami ~ub-d11~hu rashl ls of U1c t21h
rashJ from<a.mkd. ·nu~ Thuru::. J.N=dt\tJ ll• main r.u!thi diibha pcrlotl
nf l.lhm wn~ not bad m; U1crc Is J!OOd RnJ yuga fonnlll,l! ln Thurus havtng
1\lmakarai~R aml J\matyalmmk intd J"l'<~dviJJg che aspc::c.:l nfl'tllrrlkamkn-

Close Bbnve vritb Deatb

Chappra 1 March 1901
Dur111g tl1ts period, wltUe he: '-"'tl.s \\-TlUug the Hnount ~ lb~n:.­
was an outbreak of plague. After Ill! hiJd ilppearr.d Ln twa trclpc:n. he: luu..t
SWI!IIIn~ ln lh~ ucck nnd high fc:'\'er. His falhc:r m!->hc:d fmm hi~ vllln~c:
ftncJ him lu the: IWliS(:, I It! w~~~ o.Ju-ecl hy hl5 falhc~r thmugb
1\yurvcdn nml nnturopatlly pmctlccd by his htf.hc:r. Ticc df~ea~ nmtc:lc:cl
him In Rahu/Mcrcury/Rnhu and lltt' t'IIJ~ nnd rdld t:rum:: 111 Rahu/
Mercury /Jupiter. The: .strongJupllcr pnwldt5 protection ftom the ninth
hou:s.e.. It also n::pn:~nls (atta~r. ln Chru-a •lashn ~lll.!'mc II \VOI5 Ubrn/
Gemini fmm D~cmbct 1\. 1900 to December~. 1901 From Cemlu.l
Atmakarak.'l Ls hi th~ 12111 and front l.lbra it Is In lhe Bth. But he !ilood
fu-st In the C\Y(I papers he had appt!ll.rt<d a~ Llbrn lms Putn!kHrnk Rod
from Gcmtnl the Ofth lms£"ik.
R-.Jcn babu topped tu the matrioulatlou o:run. II \..-as 0\ hiB
ndtltvernrmt hy nil t;UHu1:'\rd5, fclr a hoy fTttm Chnppr.1 to stand first In
the 111alt lt!ulaUun c'..wm. r:mulu-.:ted t.Jy a UniVnl'ilty umler who!>e
jurMicUon Wt.!rc C'-..alculta. Bengal, Orl!>sa. Blhnr. A3~m ami Butmn.

A'S!rD Srltrctl ot Dr ~emka RJ'er TcK;.tlfllq\JeS of Asttcloglcn1 P11!dicUoo$ VO! One
nits W05the Ume that a boy from Blhar bad topJ)(."rl. The:
vlmshoUar1 dasha wae> Rahu/Kdu/\kuus UJ)to M>uch !902. Ott. ttmr.
when he wrote the exam. Rahu and Kctu, has been analysed eHrltcr and
are fuvouco.blc for educaUon but not gootl for health. Vcnu~. the Sbrt.h
lord of compctltlons Is In thr! 11th, the house of gaJns. ln u~
montrrlkol\.."1. rnshl. Rahu/lktu/Vcnus was followed by Rahu/Kctu/
Sun UJlto May 4. 1902. It was ln Sun prntynnlar dnsha thnt thr: re~ulls
w~ announced, ·suu gtvmg him u.amc und glory spread far beyoud hl!-
place of birth, Moon prntyantar gives hlm n sudden t:'hangc n9 It Is. the
el.ghtlt lord exal(cd In sL~h fomdng H vlpan.:r:tn mjyoga.
lf wns durtng ~hu/Ketl.l/1\mrs hr: took ndmis:>lou to 0H" e1IU51
PrcsidLmcy college of Calcutta and f~ll ~lok... lr WiUi Librcl/C~n~ frurn
December 4. 1901 to December 4. 1902. Cm1cer Is. th~ 10t11 rn.sht bolh
fmm Putrn.karnk and from the- ma111 dashil rnsh.l hence lrn,; to give the
full favourable: result!> of n wen plAced PutrnkHi.l.k.
The FU"!It. Vl.:;ft to Calcutta
Jwtt..•- July 1902: r~tJ(~Hhahu wrllt:s lhat he suff~rctl fmm high
fcvr.&- and could not reacl1 Cnkutl;• to ,I•JlJI Coll~gc on t1mc. lk rc.Ruhr.d
Cnkutta wfUJ hls brother qullc lnte nftr.r opening of lh~ colh:g,c. Tht!i
OJ.'l'lf> his tlrst vbU H.1 CHIC!ullo. Ncvt::r befon; lwd U1ib li.tmplt:,
nusaphlstlr-.aled, }'.lllllgt>II':T .slcppl'rd out of the conJlne:; nf Bihar lllh'l a
C()!<.mopoUtnu clly likt~ C:•kutln. On ~llte•·lnJA Ius dat>~room. IH~ slnn·tl
at hi:-; da~~ma~cs ill ~urprh1.t:. Tiley were ban:At~ad~d. fHitl dn:~"t>~d 111
\\~strrn lrouscrs amd ':!Wrts. Tlu:y must all b~ i\.ugln·lm.LJ.1It~. hr-
f:andurlr:rJ. \'~t. tn hlcs HSIUJlL<>hmcut, nil lh~ shtdc.nts IUIAW\~rctl to
Hlndustanl names durlug the rrJII call !Rajr:udta Pra$1t..l's tH\1'11 name
was not caUcd out Must~ring eourngc. ltc ..stood up tu Inform lh~
lt'Ct\ln:r. The l."lltcr starrrl nl hts nnnl :'lftln-, lie w»s dre.•,scd In :l ~lmpk
1\urta·p,VHjrtma ant.! cap A5aJV.'U)'S-\\'ili!J llfl'>'C tiUI t-.:ilum tLJc Htl~mlal'ICI!
o! the boys of Marl.r.lsn &hool~ lJll! kctun..'1" remm'I(C<J curtly, prolJ<Jhly
miM;lkJng htm ouc from tlml ~roup. RR.jrndrn Prasm1 irL'ilslcd 1md g.'lvc
h1!1 mun~. Now II WnS lht: 1111'11 uf l'\'!:lt)lbody In th~ dass lo turn <UHl
swr·c: at him for his uam~ wa:> nn C\'crybody's lip's. A !itudcut C<llled
RRjcudm Prasad had ~tood fit~t 111 the University thai year_ Thl!
nm!SSion wa!> qutc.kly r.r:Jrrt'>.~Cd. llc WJJ3 lnfcctct.l ln Chflppm ltsdf
h~ore n..~chlng Caleltlt41. llt;:Pould ul h:nd r.ollcg,r: for ·Hi rlr~ys only as
the rever [rom tnalilrlil ~tOirt•?<l. latc:r 1\l$ CtJIIllllJOJl dt:tCrlt;'lratc<l.
&fun: thl! Autumn lln=ak he: c~•ultl mllege fi:,r only !'i-6 du.y.s ln
Rl.l. Somehow, he wa:o tl'ikc-11 had.: (11 Clmppm t1ur1ug twllrlny~ whh:h
were uf our mouUt. Fie rcccwercd. llut a~nh1 l;ecfunt: sick <In reach tug
Calcutta. The Vlmshottarl rta..'3ha wns Ralut/K~tu/Rahu upto &plcml'x:r
12,1902. fht:n Hatu.t/1\clu/JupHer roii~Nt·cd by IWlu/Kclu/S..tHm
from November. 3 1902 nahu/KL'1u/S<itum <1re unfit'>'Ournblc: for
health. Under Chru<! IL wns Llbl-:t/C~'illC\.."'1" from o~embL-r 4, 190 I ICJ
flrccmt~r 4. l~J02. l.lbrn Is sixth from J\tm.nkarnka and Cancer Is
ctghlh fmm l..agna ami Guallltar-Hk. FI'Um Juuc 4, lo July 5 Ull' un!>hu
wn~ lJbra/Cruu;er/Snglttarltt!>. Snglttnrius hn..•'>Gnatlk..ual< IUld ll Ls lhc.

Finer Technlqu~ ct All:('llogiCtll Prt:!dictlon~ Vel Ot10 .o\llro Slrolch of Of R3Jf'tldr;l
ci.g)lth m6hl from Atmakamk:n from August 4 In September 4 and U1~
dnsbll wou; Lihrn/CClnttr/Lro.
Cholc~ of
The subjects taken by him In FA were EngtL~h, Pen\IM, Hl5tory,
Logic. MnthctnaUC!\t, Phyt>l.cs and Cheml.!ttr)' dearly 1uillc-atcd by
ltilluei\Cr: of Rahu/Kdu (mahacL'1Sha/nntmTJnsha] gtvlng r.fft:Cl5 or
Mert.'ury aud Jupiter and lhr. a~JJCct ()f Jupiter frnm the u1nlh hoUI$C': ot
fifth house~

An Achievement Again
Calcutta, ?threh 1904 to June 1904
H.: ltlppcd ag:-wt 111 thr: FA of tlJe lill1vcrs1ty. IL Wa!ll a
rcmarkalllc ~chJcvcmcn1 l.mle~d. lk'.shles tltc. ~d1olarnh1ps tJtat he was
gctUng many mnrc wcrr. aw:mlr.1l lo him. I Jr. sC"cmt:tl the highest ntark:s
lll t~n~.lls.h, 1-'crsL-uJ, Logic ami olhe:t art snbjccls, but did uul get the lrt MutlH!mnUC5 >11nl &!lcucc sul!Jcct~. Jup1tc.1· •• spccls the llftll
house and Mc.rcwy Ls '.'oilh the Oflh lonL TI1c influcnr..:. of non-tc:chnJcnl
plam·ts b mort' uomlmutt on the (Ulh hnu~t!. a~ oUu:r than Mn~ no
t.edutlcal phmcl !Jillut:nrt..~ tl1e llfth haus~- lit: wa& later told by bl5
&:oleHcr: t.-achcr Umt hr: 5honhl hnvc nplr:li for Sr:lcnc~ nnd he, In n
'"''Y· de~<~rlr.d Che Sc:lt<:nt:e filc.ulty wbu hHd great'i!.'tpcctnUOil9 frum hlm.
He was ..:onvlnccd thnt Sclcm:c would he l>cHer for him nnd apphcd for
n chaugr::- bul how I!Qult.l plnuclilf)' btJic(-111t)n5 go wrong.. He finally
studt 10 Arts afit~r t.ryLng Ute t!h~HI!,l!U\'Cr 1(1 Sclcn('C, ca.sufllly. ll \111"19
Rahu/V~nus/Ra.l1u In Vlmsllott.'ltl. as dlsctH>fled an ~..:ccJ!cnt dnsh.o for
af'hlt:'V\.'mcnf In the a.rea IJ( C(ltii:"-"Wm (r;>llcnw.ri by Hnhu/\'enus/JU[lll.a-,
111 Cha.r.l dH3]Ul scheme It W;ls l..lbrt•/VIrgo/Aqu:.nun. Llbtn Is Ute rnaln
d1t.Shrl msh\ when; R strnng Pulrnl(ar.>k Is t•l:wcd. Vlrgn Is the 5llh·
1lnsh11 ra!ihl, whld1 i!'i th~ t2th rn!~ht from l-'lllrilk;t.r;~k awl A•ttmnus ~
!he suh-suh·dm:ha rn~hJ which Is fifU1 Putrnkaralt 011111 ~ :lSptdt~ll
by Putrak.u-ak.. Putrakar;ij( Is In the 11 U1 from l...agJut. Ulc-rel'orc gatnful.
The ncg.1Uve tmpm:l ofthc sutrd..,~ha fJflhc 12Lll m-;hi from Putmk.amlt
was not fdt UL Aquarius sub-sub-Jash;l am1 Ubro m<Hil llH~hH dul! tn
strong RaJyoga fornmtlon In ;mel Thuru~ and Is ;u;pcrtcd by
Putrnlo;:smk lnot for ilC'<Hkmh:to Rlmlcl.

Calcuttn JlUle 1904 to De~c:mber 1904

RJijcu bnbu writes In his aulobto~phy that he lo:st tntt:J~t In
a:nms on jninlng HA. although he ~tutlled wtth t"Oilt::c:nl.mtion nud
:1ttcndc:d U1c classes n:-gnl:trly, hul the nmhlllnn nnrl >:C!;L In compelt":
WfiS not llu~rt:. HI! Joined the~ L>nwu Saclety rm·med hy Mr S.'lllsh
Chnudrn MuklttJj~c. the: objccuv~: of Uw. soclt!ty wns, hcsltlc~ hdJllttg
sludr:.nLs In their st\HfiCS to tnculcnrc: m!JrnJ ''-altii!S In lhcrn thrrJugh
lectun.."i' onallllc::n:•il tuple-s ruulthroue,h 'Ckc:Ja 1-J<"llh' . . '11t~ kclun;.s wc:rc
hy pmmlncnt personallll~s. twice R week .. He \\711; ~c-uvcly eng.1ged In
Utr. UlhOirl Club h1 C~kutla <Hnl1u :.ospre:-uUng lis Rdlvltlcs ;md ;Usn 111
the Uutou ol tJ1c ~ollegc. He coutwllcd a cnouUlly Nt."ws.-l.<"tlr.r tssued hy

A!tto Sicoo:ll of Or. R~~nt1ro Fillef Tedlniquel> ot t'utrolagd Predldions Vol. One
th~ college union. He \ISCd lo read about the congress w1th Interest nnd
read lc:cturc5 o( Us lenders tn Ncwspapcn;. He u~ect l.o go to pubtlt:
meetings and hea.rtl promlncnt p~ople l1.kt: Sh. Surendranntb Bauerjc~
speak. It Wil!'i the lnflur=m:e (lf'Dawn 5oel~ty· ·which gave: a nm.v dt.rccUou
to bls prloriUt:s. lt was Rahuf'kuu.sjJuptler lu Vlmshottarl from
Scptcut~r 1904- to January 1905, under tltc Chara .sdu:mc It was
Ubm/Vtrgo/Pl!icc.s. From Pk"'l'C.oq Putrnknrnk is 1n eighth then: 'P\'a5 to...s
of .Interest in sU.uiJes. Vlrg(l ts also uot favourable for c.:~runtnaUou
oriented srudlt:s as lt ts 12th from Pulrnkarnk but Pisces Is the 1 1U1
Kliihl from 1\tmakarnkn an1t Anmtynkarak and Vit"go lin~ fifth.

Calcutta 7tb Augtust 1905

On thts day he pa.rt1etpattd 1n a big pulllte mecttug which was for
the Bang BHt\NG ta movement in pmtcst against the dlvlslon of
B< He altC!.luled many mccung!> tn which .spc:cche..'j Wt:Jn: gtven by
Slat Sun:mtranatJl Ban~tC', Shrl Dipus Chandsa Pal a.ud Shrl
AurobtmJo (ihrJ.sc_ He d~scrll:>c!! tl1c year 1f.I05 In hL"i autobiography ;tl!i
th~ year of ag11allon and actlv1Ues other than academics. The vimsh<lttarl
da:1ha Wt'l~ Rahu-Vcnm>/S.'liUm, Rahu/\rr.uus/Ma-<:u~· and Rnhu/
Veuus/l{c:ru. Uudc•· the Ch!U<t l.!ashn ~ht<:me ll w·4~> Whr3/Lihra.

Patua September 1905 Vltnsbottarl- Rahu/Venw;/Mercury

11u:: first met=t or Lhe Bthar1 club was held In in September.
1905. MrShalffutlln WM made lhe Prc'Sidcnt. Rajcn habu wa.:; g.tVL71 the
re5ponslb1Uiy or dmftlng the nhjec:tiVl:.S of the meet- lk pn:p!'m:d a Jmtg
lecture in English and rec'itl IL It V.'Hs d-ecided ln the meet ID mohU1se
etuclcnts In t<lWn5 and to fom1 U1c1r OLl~atlllatlons In college!- ant\
:sc:hoo19. II Wlll'i Ia nmkr: It an a(lQlltlcal Ufl:lnlliSitlhm. He got
more n@rt!581Vc.-ly and <lt!cply luvolvcrt In the acUviUes of the BUtarJ
dub. Fie. mobilized 5tudcuts In ratna. He made M~ Sachtdnnand Sinha
and Babu Mahc-5h Narnynn mtmbr:r-; of the club. Titc: tw~ v.-cn;
publl5hlng Bihar TI.mc5 In l110!ic ~_hey:<> lie .,,ms only 20 years oltl then.
Rahu/Vcnu~/Mcrcury are all capa.ble to gtvl! him such exposure. Umlt:r
the Cham_ scheme It was Vlrgo/Lihra/Cruacer. VJ.rgo \!i 12th from mul
5th from Alm< ;mrl fl.nlHtyRkar;~k hul Ubm hds Pulrnk;imk.
Cnncc:r l!i lOth from Ptllmk1tmk aud third from i\lmakamka nml
11tc Cuugn:.!$~ Sc.$."11!JII wrcs held ;1l Uanar-ti:s Mu•masl.llt\ December
1905 whlch h~ could nol nltt'nd n.:. ht' ~!'; pn:parlng foi" the c::mm.

January 2nd, 1906 • Btrtb of San

Hts sou Mrltyunjay wtt~ hom ou thls dny. H.tihu ~ tu the fifth
hoU!;e of Muun Chart and In Cham U was Vlr-2..n/I.Ibrn/Sag.Utarlus.
Llbrn. has Pulrnlrorak .Rnd Vlf"go ~ ftfth from Almni<Biaka. S.'ltllrn waa
transll~ng At}l..~tli"lU!> <l!if' hi.$ OOh hfJu.:;e ru1dJupllcr~ 1.1tlU!. 5tll
house Ill JUlt£ 1905. fllx mMilh~ bclore and 011 U\e th"I!C or hlrt.h Wot!'i
n:trngrnd4-:- lu hl~ ~ixtll hous~. 1hu~ tnflm:nclng Ute Offh house nlsu.

Fit~ Techntques or Astrnl~\cal Predlc!J<:nr; Vol. One "-&ro SJcl!/rll of Dr R111'Cildf'D

Tb., Hat·"'Tick ln Acndexaicto-

Calcutta Aprll1906 to July 1906
ln!:>pltc or lhc.'ic diVCJ1'iions. he !>tootl nrsl hi the: Uut..·crslty In the
B.A c.x.~un also and bct.ooarnc clt.glbll! for :mm~ more scholn.rshJps. He
C'OUld have gof a gOQd Govcntment Job 01\ the has~ or
hb ae-c\demlc
itchlt."\'1!ments after c:omplcUug his B A. but he and his brother hrul
decided Umt tltey would not r-;.crvc the J3r1tlsh Government nlthuugh the
family was hllrtl (Jre!~SI.!d for mmtey. lu~t€:ad ll(: jnlncd MA and BL
{B<ichclor of l..awl aflcr lt•pplng In lhc B A. ll w;c; R..'lhu/Sun/RAhu (rom
April 1900, and RAhu/SunfJupltcr (rom J1mc 1900 under tlte
Vlmshottrui dnshn. l( In JOr h. Sun ~5 ~lh lord <Jnd Jupllr:.r placed ill
the:- 9th hnusr: ilrt: quue c.1pable of glvmg lum ~u~h netueve.ment:s. Sun.
Lhe flth lortl makes htm !k'lcrifie-e IMierlal ga1t1r. and 5tatus for hJs
prlnc:tprc.s.. Tills •~ \Vhat Sun Lhc 9Lh lorcl going lu 12th • lh~ hmtsc tlf
sacrifices nlsa ml":an. llmkr the Ch;n<l fla:;ha !lt:htm~ II V.<l~ VlrWJ/
l.lbrn, from Ucccmhn ·1. HJU5 h"> Scplcmlx:r •l, 190o. 'DH! suh·dn.sha
r.t~hl I!Crltll.l ur Ltlu;1 prumls~-> ~:xt·t~llr:twt\ In ctluc:ftUotL It wus only Ln
Llhra ~ub·tlasha of mnllllla .. hot or vtrgo UJat hl' COltll.l RC'hlC\'C; land
nmrk. During I h1' u! h•.T o;uh •'s In mnlrl rL'lshn of VIrgo hi~
cdUC"BitOn $Ulfi!n:<L

Catcutta- November 1906-

Vlmshottnri Do.~ho Rahu/Sun/Venus.
Among lht" mnuy rll\'t'rt.;IOIIS rmm his. mullllt' r•riu~allnu Wil~ 1111
tll:!plraUou hi No\'t.'liJI)I.•r I ~0(1 to wrih: lhr hnl1;111 Ch·!l Service CX'r11tl In
Englnm.L I Bto fh:rl~l•.•ll , .. , wnll.' the ...~""m Wil"'- t'nr.numgc,, lly hL!i bn•lhcr
:md ~lhe.r pmm111~111 pcrs.m_..., Llk'-' Mr S;H'hHI;mnud .SU1ha, ~1bu BrtJ
lushrm~ llu: famOll!'i (rr:cdom llghtr:l" IIWi tile rauu:~r·ln·law or
u;~tlollfll h~mkr .1~1 Pr-akm.;h :\'umymL
Mm~hl l.s,\~nntll. Dr G~cH:!:ih Chandrn imd others. II~ a11d hh
hrolhcr c::xp~clcd sl.nmg ohl~t:IIOII~ hum Iheir pareuts. Tile cpl50dc urDt
Gan~sh Chntu.lrn Y.'a~ nls1.1 111 lhclr mind. For lhc reason thnl Dr
G;m~h Ch.=uJilriJ ltHJ Vl!.llt"d ,, r•.:.rclgn Cl)lllll ry fllt:fe Wn~ n rnuVt: Ill Uu
cummuutty to l,>O)'L'olt all tllosc who <c~UCJtLit>rl nluncl1 ! hy h!m am:
mRlnl~lncrl Olllnk wilh him. Tllr lunch wm• il11t~m!cc1 hy RaJr>n hab~t ;mr
Ills brolher nl_!;o In o( t~alill" h;w. Ra.t~n babt..s bmlhca-.. ln·lH\1
wrolc: lu him llmt Ll he liiJ('S nut tkny having luw.:h with Dr. Cian~o;l
Chuwlr-.t hc wt:mhl jt'V•!n' all !lr.swtlll htru. Or. Chamlrn's un.l•
'-'tllllo: W1'15 t.hAI Itt! htHt vlo;atJ:rl ~ (orctgu cttliiJlry .nw:1 had not IHtdcrgou;
Utrough t.hL! purtfir.illlon ruual au4l th:il of f(RjCJI hohu that he had luucl
with .a p~:rsou who lmd \'l::>llr.d n foreign counrry. 11u.~ plan for Ute forci_~J
\'ISH of Hajen Uabu. U1crcfurc \\ns kc.:111 a wcll-gu;mlcd ~rr.t. Afic
mol.Jtllsauon o! moues. flu" cloth~ wr.r~ ~Utdwd ~lUI lhc journc:
ilJTIUlg("rl, R:tjcJJ b:-~h1.1 .rlOd 1(\n:'c o( hl'j frkncl~ Vlsllcrl a 60 yc.<r (11•
llrnhmlll astrologer h) flnd out UH! cluuwc..-; ortheir Vi!>U l(t n (orclgl
couutry, TI1e A.strolog~r t()ld his frhmd Sulthtlt."1J VL!mta, Hull he (Suk.hdC\
v;ould shortly go nhma!l. !-k told Rnjcn babu that be woulrl go itftcr il lc'

As!n) SkEfch ol Df Ri!f'JfldriJ R~ leetlnlques or A.!1ro5oglcal Pred.Oions \~«,OM,

yc:ars. he prt:dlctcd no fordg.n Journey for one of Uu~ n:malnlng two ;md
to the other po~~ibUJty in lntiTr...rus. Thr:y aU laughed ~lhls p~dtctkJn.o;
as lt was R.1.jcn babu v.•ho was all set to go and th~ was no qucsUon of
ht!l friend Sukhdcv Pr.-tsnct Vt::rmu got~ ••Just In a. few day!> Rajen babu
rccetvcd a tclcgrnm. askln~ him to rush home as his !nthc.rwns unwell.
He and hts brother reached and fi'Jund lwo problem-"' - our: ~ lht:
lllnel1sorhts fnlher find ll1c ~ct"ond was thnl Ulclrsec.ret plan hod leaked
to theta.mlly ~uJu.n.gtn a pendemolllum. Only on aMUranres
that he would not go nbroad be was allowed to lea\11: for Cillr.uua.
Meanwhile. Sukhdcv Verma h1s frlr::ucl, to whorn the ,\.$trnlogc:.r hnd
predicted wuuh! shortly gu nhrmul'. ~tart-=:d to look fur upportuntu~ to go
abroAd iuspltc o( ~st~lancc from hiS [amiJy nu:mb~rs and SCHIT1: money,
Rajen bHhu ga't'c hlru U1e clolhcJoJ au" lhc m<mr.y he harl arranged ilHd
sent him abroad, 11-wn:s only with Uu~ sr.holarshlp money he ~ctvc::d ln
li.•OT he could poy bade psrt of Uu~ borro~d money. It~ f~utSun/
\btu.~Jn Vlmsholt8rJ. ·n1e Charn <.ht.!:>h.u v,.'aS Vlrgo/Scorp\a. Sun ~ tn
th~ l2tlJ from lagna. ·n1t: Sun antartlat-illi! ma.kltag 111m s.acrlflcc for
pa.n!nts, cknrlj' showing lllt! re:sull5 of9Ul lord in the 12th once ugam.

Calcutta - December 1906 -

Th£ Pofit1car Sltutxtlon • Coragrus
He bcaunc. a volunteer for Lhc Cougtcs!:l Sc.sslon hdd In Calcutta.
Dadabhn.J Naarojl WU:i the Pn!$1dent or lhc Ccmg~s. Lead~ like
LoJunany-d Tilak. Lala Lajpatrat. Dll,lll Chandra P"dl and Auroblmlo
Ghusc were of Ute UIJt'.ral group. F~rnxshah Mcltta and Gopn1 Krl!ihnn
Gt:Jkhillc ~'l:ll: brarnlcd rt!i co•ucrvattvc:s 11mJ Sun:ntl.r,tn;.tUt B::u·•erJt:e
and Pandlt Madan Mohan MalvJya were called moda3tc-s.

Ze~adad- Fl!bruary/Marcb 1907

IJJs filtlu:r wa:i umvdl durlug Ralm/Sun pt:rtod. Sun Is the ~Jth
lord 111 12th. 1\C' pa~scd away '" Rahu/Mnon/Man!l ltt february 01·
Mnrcb 1907. RBhu ls in I he 2nd house from the 9th hou..~. sc:cn for
futhcr, tn the btrth chart. Moon In ci'Jnjuru::tion with Sntum !!). ln the: 7th
IIOU&c from Sun.. hence a rnarnkn ror faU\er, 1\tnrs l.b 2nd from Swc
Memo ln the D'W'ada!.hm:ansha ~ lhe: 8th lord l:n 6th with Moou. Rnhu ls
ln ronjuncuan wiU1 n debilitated 5atum sn th~ eighth house aml Mars
;md Moan 1n lhll sixth ln Uu: Dwada~hmatlsha Chart. Under the Chnra
£Cherne u Wn:'\ Vlrgo/Scofl)to/ Scorpio has BharUknro.k and Leo \s
Ute:: LOUt fonn BhartJk.m-ak..

Kursuyong Mn.y..June 1907

He. with .a few !rtend!j, v--ent to Kursuyong for tl rhangc and to
pr~~ (or'Lhe~mcster e...-am to beheld ln ~mber 1907. He dld 110t
do well ut aJl lu Ul<": M A exam he wrote lu Dcccmbc:T 1907. He was
worrt<:d aoout the family. hla Tcspon:t1bllltks anrl hlS rutun:. ll was
Rahu/Moon from January 19.07 to July 1908. Moon is r:onjunct with
Saturn In the nlnth house ft'Om Rnhu. Bcstdc.s lndlcaUn.g U1e e<Jc.nt Qf

F"II'IN l6d'lnlqUM cf A.!>l~lall PrediCiio:lJ vet. One A.!fro Sketch of Dr. Rf3jan&a

lhe lleath ofllls faU1cr It also lmUcates a pcsslmlstic mood. WUh the Oth
aspc(1t of, the Moon ts .a.spcctcd by R3hu Md ts eonjuncl. "-'llh
SatunL IL was Vlrgo/5.1gittarluri. SagH.tarlu:i l5 clghth CromAtmaknmkii
1uuJ Am:ttyak3rnk aml G!Ultlk;u<\k It$ then:: In Sagtttar1us. Saglttru-lu!f
dasha were always eventful and damaging for h1m.

July 1908
He sUlrled lO teach ltl a cQllege nl. Muzzafarpur. He taught for one
session t.e. upto March 1909. 'llu:: period In Mux:t.afaJT)ur was not
satisfying as lhc pmfi!S~Ion cUd not appeal tu him aod the college dill
nnl have deslrr.d nnthlence rlue to Its pn::cartous fiuancial comlitlon. He
Wt"ld back lo Calcutta ln March J909. Tile Vtmshollart riu.sha vros of
Ralm/Mnrs. Mars. Is the 5th and 12th lord in lngrm with Ute lenU• lord
Mereury. from Moon It i~ ln U1e eighth house amlls 12th anti 7th lrrrd
(rom Moon. Und~r Uu:: Char.t scheme It \\lfl!> Vlrgo/ Aquar-Ius. Aqunr1us
I$ Uu: lOU) r.tshl fromAtmakaraJta and J\Jnatynkarnkand U1c fifth from Rahu a1 lhc end of Its dasha deL-elves hhn m> as Ihr.
lmrninsOlaJI Is t~oucc:nu·d. Rnhu I!'> In the I Oth lwu!>e frnm1ngn<' .and In
the 501 house frmn Mum1.

Birth of his Second Son - Db110anjay

On 1st MRreh 1909 Ills ~oud sou W"c!S bqn~. Tilt! Vtm~hoUml
dnsba was R~hu/Man;/Venu:;. Rnhu ls 1n the:: Oflh hnu~ frmn Moon.
M.tlr.; l.s tllr. Oflh lord frmn lilgna Rml V.:Hus. frmu Uu: clc\'CJith house
a9JII:Ct3 UIC~ fifth housr. rroanlngun. ~hu l.s lH t1JC llllh lnJm S<lptamsha
lt~g1111 RJltJ M~.r:s ltml V~IJII!'> nspt.:d lh~ flfth htwN: of fn;em
~levenUL ·n1e tr.u1~1ttng S..1turn was in Pisces from whL'1"C It m;pccta tlHl
fiJth houst fmm Monu <tml the fllth Jonl from lngml. In ,July 190".-l. thtH
Is, four months O'lltr.r lhc birth U h1Ul~llcd thr. firth hnu:ic' fmm ~~~~~~.
Jupll~r Ls lu the clr,.hlh hw1st: from lagna. 1\:i II b! rchu~r.ulr.
ll aspects the Ofth lord lrom the 7111. house, The SC\'CIIth house Is alst.t
seen for lhl.' ~~;oml C'hlld as U ls th~ thln.l from Uu~ ~evt:nth,

AAclmls!!.lon to B.L. (Bachelor of Law}

lu March 1909 he look mlm1s8lou tu CalcuWL In Lhost days Ult':Tc
V.'fll'c: IWn t".X>tms ((~·r HI.. Out ht: lmmcdlnltly pa!>Scd ;mel ror Ihe other he
~lartr.d In JliT.parc. By taluug admlsstnu tn HI. al this !>table h~: lust thrl!c.
yeaN-as he could have douc this af•cr his BA ami couhl havcj(Jlncd two
yc:tn> of lnlcrshlp wUh H lal.V)Icr for pmctldng In High Court thl1:'t! ycaT
back.. He hull Ulls sc:tbdclt tn llitl\u·Moou Ut Vlmsholtarl &. Vlrgo U!
Chnr dnslm.

The NaUonDl Beene

Durlng lhl5 period over 2.000.000 puvcrty·strlckcn Indian worker.;
~mtgrnled to foretgn CtlUHlrlt!.. Mo~l: flf lhr:m went lo the pl;tnl:illl•)ns of
Ceylon aud h-taJay. Many also weut tu·Mnurtttus. 1\-inl<lad and F'ljl, nrui
to South Afrl~a. Ea~t Afrl~ ami SouU1 America. To m:my or Utesc::

A~tro SketctJ or Dr Rii]'fnCtOI Fmcr TCclMI\QUO$ or ,A£.LiclogiCOI ProdlCtiOOI Vol 01\t
places they went as 'Indentured worker5. wWch m~anL pracurolly U"tal
they were. serfs. The 'indenture' V.'i\S tlle documeut whicll cunL""\Ined th,(
coulrnet made wtth the wnrkcrs.
MJ\UIJ\NA 1\BDUL l{ALo\J\1 AL\D, writes 111 h~ book 'India Wim
Freedom' that U1c tmpcriRll!>l :HUlude and adm.tnt.strntt,.r mc:nsun:s ol
l.tml Cun.on. Lhc then VIceroy of rudl<UI raised tl1e tndlan PolJtkal
uurcsl to m:w heights. ·nu~ disturbance was most marked lrl BengaL m:
I.A.nd Curl.on pald ~JXclaJ nttcnUon tn this provintt. It was polttlmllly thr.
most advanced part of Jm!la. mul the Hhtd\ls. ur Beugal luul tnkr.u ~
leading part ln lndlnu political 1905. Lord CurY.on decided
to partiUon the paovtm.:c l.n the bcllefU1at Utls would ~'Cakcn Ute Hlndm
aud create a pl..•rmancnl dlv1slou bctwc:en U1co Hlnrlu5 nnd t.h~ Mu~llm5
or Bengal. Br!ngal did UQI lake lhl5 mcasurt! lyln~ down. 'Tho-~- was an
U11prtccd~J11 ¢J t)u u,ur.!il of polllit"-til nmt ~volu11QnRry cnthusla5m. Shrt
Auroblndo Gho~h left BaroiJH am1 came to C.r1lcuUa to milke u. the cr:utn:
of hl5 ilcllvHh:5. Hts paper ka.rrunyogl be:cnml! symbol of nauonal
awnkr:nlng anrl revolt-. ln those dit)o"'> the n:'\'olutlim;,ry ~mups w,-n·
rccn11tt:d r.xdu;>SLvdy from the Himlu mlddlt' cl<i'S~c~. lu f;tc:t ;1l1 the
r~vufutlowuy I!NU.I>S \\'(~n~ lhr.u adJ\•dy Hlltl-1\·lu:<.llms. Tiu~y Sn\11 lhnl
the Btltlsh Govcrtllttt!Ut was u~Uig lhcmumllhc Muslims were pl.,.ylug.
lhr:. Govemml':llt gttmc, EOlst &~a.l hnd b~~:omc n .'icparntt' proYincc
aud Bamficld Fuller~ ·who w·r~s then Uc:uleu~ull • Q(lvt:nlor, Oftt~tly tmld
th.-:\t the:. Govcnunent look~d upou U1e Musllm community as Us favourHe
wife. AL·r.unlillg lu !vlaubtua Azoll the n:voluttnmlrles nt tltnl tim<~ fell
thftl the Musllms \1.'1:'n: nn IJIJ~Iude lo Lhe Rltl'linmMIII oflndL'1n f·n:erfrtm
i!IUI must. like oth~r obs~cle.s. be n::movro. One oU1cr factor ,,,Ia~
tt!spousiblc fur the- re\'oluflnmutN:> rlll1tlke of Musllm:s. 111c riov,~nitncnl
(r.H that til~ liUIJIJt;al awnkcnhl.JJ atnuug lht! Hindus of &n&Rl WH~ ~c
great that no l·llmtu otll~t:r could be fully trustt'd In dcalltu; wllh tlt~c
n.-vo lu II rmruy HI.~ t "'lU t' ~.

Jaouury-Febru.ary 1910-
GopaZ Krlshan Gokhlc &. Tho Deep Introspection
Whll1: ~tutlylng for U1c B.L, t"'.Xatn and stnyln,g ln the: mess Rnjc11
B~hu was nskrd h• llll~~·t Mr. Gokhk. the f<!mmH; fn:c•lum Oghter. M1·. w~ louluug fur :i··l gutKll!itmkut.s from BLiwr for ptoltl(.>tlug hl!i
~:Jcl.y, R..'ljCIIlln~ Ballll anti UIIC: ur lit!" frlr.nds \\'CIIl. tu mcr.l him. Mr;
Gok.hle 5-R.Id lhnl I tuww yuu arc brUIIauJ studcuts. your legal prrH!Ut:c
will ft! yr:_tu huge: we1lth ~nr1 you t·nn live 1n IIIX\H)'. ,.rH1 c0111 owr
(junil)ows. c--dl'S aud Ha\1e !.t:r\'<ll\1~ bur )'(IU :ct~ ()bilged to y(lur eouullj
amt !illtc:e you are bnght lht' ohllg-aUml Is rut U1e. more- I ruo belonged tc
11 pour ftm1lly oml UJr.rr WHS a lut of dcnmml nu rm: hy rny fnmlly tu t:arr
lllltllorjk nfl!!t Ihem- I mi1dC' nil fnntlly mc:mb~t-:..-:>tlrtcr by do lug the wur~
llf lhl• ~clcty for my couulry. 1l•r- rm~cHng sl.ltl"t'd tlw con~lcnc~ ol
RltjcnJrd Brtb\1 ~ml lun .-. Impact on htm. fo'or dH~. h~ ~u.ld rtnl
~lap. He gavr. up r.auug allll cuuhl IIlii couctmtrnll! on studies_ l-It
thou~hl over Uu.! m<ilkt. ;i dt:al. he. finally wrolc altm~ lcttt:r to hJf

Finer Tecnnlques ol/l~rologtcal Precldton~ Vtn One A~fr!l Sl\clell of Dr ~dra

brother and sllpp~d lt under hls plllow. H~ brothcr did not 5ay anything
after n::adlng the lcttt:r. It was dc(:tdctl lhnl they go tn thc:lr vUiage to
~onsu1t tlt~ lad II!~ of the hou~e. HiS ils.ter. motltu and oU1er memb~
~renrc:d n :H:en~: which m;ldt: hlm shelf lhc fcler'l. He did uol give lUs
accl!ptnnet: to M1: Gokhk i\lltl tll.d not Joln hls Soch:ty, It wn!l d1fllcult Lt•r
him fo itppe.-u- ITJ the aL l:::vun.. He .somehow fln!\S.C:cl IL A {1!\V mouth$
after tlte Gokhl~ cpi~CJclc Ws motlttt fll~d. perhn~ ln 1910. It wns
Juplrcr-.Jupltcr·Kc:tu Ul .Jul\t~ 1910. J\t. rhe time of Gt1khle episode ll
Wnt-i .Jupllc:r-.Juplh:r-Salum. ~;tturn nmjlltlCl his t.~x;:~ltcd Mnon lias lo
hrtug iultn,!;Jlr.ctllm ~~t1tll~~l11 pa-.-l)'iltlltnd;l:;lw •:au5rd I hr. tlci.!lll f.lf Ills
ntuth~r as lktu Is In lhc {omU• lwu~c 111 lht' Rash! o{Jupllt'•·· In Char
Da5-ha II was lh.: muln ra'ihl alii~hi1 or' .-go and '511b-m!ihl do!ih of
P1sc•:..> till J uuc 1910, Phl'csls Uw t'lghl mshl I rom 1\falnkara.lw, Jupll~r
ITprescnlln~ (t.JntJler ~nrl home. f'to;ccs lr. ~spe•'lt•lll:'ty llitiHI, Mtn::ln)'.
the Darakarnk.'1 and Mars !Jte.

StArted Work wlth the Onset of 5Atnrn .Antardllshll

He wa:r- lnkr:u f\!. au a~!ii~ISIUI by Mr. Shnrnsulhucl;.. ;1 kuown
lmrrlstet~ Usuafly. lhc stucltiii.S ur taw gvl allatcht'd tQ a lwown lnwyc•
for nnmc-Ntkc and pas.'5~d their (:Xilffi, Rajemtm &\hll ntt.l nol !JQ llml.
Uc "1url~eu h.rm.l. I Ic l.t~Sot:d ro n:nch Ute h(1U!!.C (1r Mr. ShHm.!:iulla.. r:Vay
momtn~t at 7 a.m. after r.ravclUng tn trnm :1 L"'nstrtembk dis! alice nmJ
walking~ mlh:. He made norc:-s (or Mr; Sham5ulhutla nfter rcllglou!;ly
gotug through Utr. l:asr-~ for lltc tlay 1111 JO A.m .. thr.n he wcul wlrh hlru
to ilic courts. ln the he gav~ tulllons and l'OUld. rctun1 b.1.clt
home: nt 10 p.m. hupres..<>ert hy his hard w·ork. ht' \\"iis ~tvcu <1 rocmt 111
Mr. Shamsulhmla.~ house.. During this JJC.rlrx\ he Pf!S.scd hi& B.l •.
EMU~\ Mr. ShSlm'iulhm1u WH~ appolllh:ri to E>•..:r.ut!Vc Coun~ll or lhc
Go ..-.;ntor of Bc,rt~tl. Mc111y of his. old ca~c,.. wo:~ gJvcnlO HaJl'tHlr.-! Bahu.
lu Crllc of tilt! casc!J gtvcn fo htm IJy f'!,1r_ Shalll!\ulhudn. the ctlet\l
~d a senior advoc:..1tf!.. IYJen Babu bnll rll ;1ttrod Uu: court :Hi th~
uollce camr: 1~ him rlue to his slgnnlllttl!l In f{'rorc1s of th~ cour!. Hc1 WHfi
\'t'l}' wdl t~r.rtklrr.d. 111~ hl":arlng WfiS In the ,;uurt or
Justice A"illltiO!!';h
Mukherjee, RaJcu~lrn Babu tCJ<.~k ()UI tt:Jolmlers INarlr~l alrcr tO:jiJlllckt!i.
J\I!;UP.e Ashulosh rt'rruidu::fl lhnt II ~lcndm Babu h01d ~Jme mm't' o(
Uu:m, he WlJUid ~.quire his books for consullnUon. &ilJII •tfh:r !11: wn~
f.l\'cn a llroposal, through n frlcnt1. nT the lru>tAn~c PI' S•r Mhuh1~h
Mukherjee, lo te.'lch as prof~.ssor ln Ute ~,w ('ollcge. Sit Ashutos!t u•as
the Vh~e Chnnc~ltnr "l!>o. lliijcnclrn B:Jbunc,•cpltd tJu:o offr:r. In I hr. yenr!"
thnl followed Raj.:nd1-a B:thu WiiS ilhle tel rst;1bllsh hlmsclf as a t.'<lplllll<'
WWj't~l" and \lr.lS respected by Judges nnd senior lnwycrs. If!! ni~O
coultuucd to pl<ty an n.L'th•e rok In lhr: Bllllu- Club. UlllHI" f'rovlnc'la1
c.,n~css. H~ \t,•as.l'r1!5ldent of Bthari Student ConunHtcc at lis J\h111g~r
Session. Ill April 1912 Blhar bcca~ a separate lndt:pcndcnt :;lntr:. lu
1912 hr: wa~ out: ul' Uu: Orgilnl~r oflh•: Htudu Sammr.lilu >;~I Calrultrt.

Stortm Earning at the Age of 27, Calcutta.
August 1911- Vlmshottarl Dasha • Juplter·Satum·Rahu:
Cha.r Dahsa. • Vlrgo·TttUTU.$
Durlng- this period he stnrtcd h1s lcgnl prm:tict• J\lpltcr. th~
m.thadA:!>ha lort..l Js r.he lagna lind Lu mntlt represenUngJud..lcJruy tn tllc
Janama Knndll andaspccts.lhc 2nd houS<: from 8th tn U1c Oashmanshn
turllcatlng lm;onu::. Satunt. lhc: tmlarctasha lnrrl Is Ult lord of lhc 2tu1
wcnlth and 3nJ tffnrt~ in th~ 6th (leg<~l m;;ltt-r.>) lrt the Jumna l(tnullt
Hfld H ls Uu: 9th and I Olh lnrd t~xalled 111 6th In Ihe: Dashmnnshn ami
the Pratyanlar dasha lord Ralm Is In the I Olh In the Kundl1. All
combined hnrl lo push·strui his c:amlngs, VIrgo, the rnsht dnshn Is Ill!.!
K.•rk:unsha l.agJlt'"l liJ1r1 Thurus ls IJ11~ nlnl.h 1t"l~hl v.·ltlt ~ kiV1 AMI<
n$ptcled by PK. 1lll' dasha .R.17hl h:l.d promke t_o gJ\•e benellet..:l.l p~r1od.
J\MK J\l{ ancl PI( combln."'iUon fonn un ~t:cllc:nt Rnjyog" :.~:~ nlc;o UH.!
mutual asvect of cx•·lllcd Moon ami Mooltrlkorm Vetm::>. ·nu~ favournblt!
dlspos1Uon of Mat.rl Karakr~ (Pos1don g1v1.':r), Jupiter ;md lluvtng asp~L
uf a ~tnmg Venus is n combhmllon ro1· Prcshlcnls. 11tc I Olh (I"{! In
Amaty:. Karkumsha Is '1}\UnJs ha\'hl~ cx-nllccl AMK. Muon <Hitl AI{ with
<lspr.ots of Vt.~nu~ the Pi\.

Bihar Beptembur·October 1911- Juptter-Satum·Saturn

He Went II) coUecl funrts ror the Hindu University wtth ~·lalvtyajl.
Saturn making lum go for public Sf!t'\•Jce.

Calcutta- December 1911

Th~ All-1ndl" Congress Committee Session was hc.ld In Calt!ultn.
R;-\jr.u Balm W~5 ~hD~n mcmb~r or thr. /\lCC hy OlhRr Pro'•lnt-'ial
Cougr-e~~. lu 190i -1908 U1e Cungrcs.., Qrgautsatton WilS quite weak.
F'rom Blha.r very fC'.lY pt:ople partt~!p;atcd. mo~l of whom wt:n: lav;yrr.i,
BUu1r prQvhtt!lal Congn::ss was form('d 111 ln07- 1908.11115 orgartls:ltjon
had 5t"parntcd !rom fknp;al ProVIncial Congn·:s~. 111~ ruprt'~o.;enmttvt:.s or
Bihar Pruvlnc~1J Con,..,.-c:'i-'3 wne cho:scu, J{."'lJt:n Babu o,;..-..H!i rtt>1llc ;t
represcnti\Uve of BU1ar l'>rovlnctal Congress fn1' ml!mbcr.;hlp of l.lH~
AlCC In Occcrubcr. 19 J l. he was mad~ a mr.mhcr 1tucl conlhlliL'"ti tn
J~m;lJn n mc:mhr:r of /\ICC l_lll his d('!nth.

SeptcmHr 1911 to M1ucb 1914

Tin~ pt~rlc~l wa!> spc-nt lll lt'gial pr.Jctlc~ Hr was nt1l~ to t.slabll<ah

Doctor of Ln.w
Vlm.shottarl Dasha Jr4piter·Mercury
JOAprit 1914 to 15July 1916
ln August·St-a>Lcmb(.r, 1914 ht< work~+rJ hal"'d r~_w !'~lief as ll
vnhmtccr r1ur-tng thr: dcvnstntlng_ Oou1t In 13tluaf. ll& frl~ml~ !'iu.ggest~d
that he should np,lr<lr- In lhe ML (?.·iiistc,- of Law c..xam). He sta.rt:ed
studytng for 15· 16 hou~ a d11y ;uld 1>asst..-d U In U1c fust cUvllilOil. Anct

~0011 ;~ficr s\lhmllh:tl hh fksr-arch I_.Hpo:r lo hccurur: .1 Unclvr ol lo~IW,
The M;tllmiRBhll Lord J11pllt'l' aspl'd~ th.: 5"' IJrJII'>t", lliLh lunl tlllll
Mcn:11ry the flfth awl ~corul lord from Moou. f'tk'rt:Ury Is with I h.: fifl1t
lord from lngn;~ Mar5 :lnrl ha~ asf)r:ct of.luplrcr, tilL• Knrkn for .Judlntmy
from tile ~·r.. VIrgO Ua~llH Whldl \V1LG lhc 12"' Ra~hl ftlllll 1'1( gul !JW't Ull
Dt"ct'mbc-r 191·~ and the Leo dnsba hli\'Ulg..Jupller ~lK ~omm~·ur.t'tl. H
Wu!' l...t'o·Vlrgo from D.::cemtn:r ·1. I~ H 'n ~eph:mbr::r 4. ltl Iti aru.l l.luriug
lhl:r. pertod h·~ v.'TMc:' rh.: e.1Um1 mal gol .Mt~•·c.s;,. It w;1s Leo- L.!br.! l.b} Lo,
J I'" fturn Pl\ nnrl Ubra lws JJK. H l' ~l\n~llecl 111 -stucltts durin,[! Utt• l.lhra
OiL'>h;1. harl (l Jl;j(J !):lldt rlllrlllg Vlrgo. Uu~ 12"' ·"''' J~lhl rotiiUI !iUC:t:e-55
In ~u:<ukrnl{"-'> while work lug at llu: ng·~ or~H wht•u Uu~ 1lnslm uf 1 1'1' I rom
PK <:•m•tut:m•cd, tmkt•d llae Ch<'i:- tiH~\11\ o;;r:md~ \'llllUl', G-.w•llll.Jl
rdunwd LO ludln In l915 ftolll South J\frtc-..1 111 March WIG U1c IJI!:,fll
Court. 5hlHt•d tu P<llllrt mnt !;.0 dlrl Hajcn Babu.

At the Age or 32 Excels as n Lawyer & To us Up Public Causc-

Vlm.shottarl Dasha Jupllcr·lfcfu (Julg 1916 to June 1917} C,tar
Dt3Shl"'l Lco·Scorplofo,.m 4 J1Jn.e 1916 to S March l9l7
lu 5.-:ph:mhr:r·Or'totx.-r W W a Unwer~lty Bill Wri:o. prc~nh~d hy thr:
Ceutml Couucll. IL wu~ veltcme:llly OJ1PtJ~d. lbj~n &hu nmbUl~tl
.5\spp~rt nml urg:mlscd HgltnUons .c1gn1nsl U, .I\ n:solutlon In thi! A!Unrfln
Congn:~s ('(')mmltl•:•• m~l ~~ Lu~knnw hd'-I.'I:C:n D.:r•:m~r 2t5 In ~\0
19lti v.-<J!'o p<l!!i~CLJ ~aln.<.~l rllb biJJ. l...aLL'"t" Ulc bUl hnd to llc! llra~UC"HIIy
am1,n(lt~tl by 1he rf(N<:mmcnt. In tiH! Lut·know sts...~lou llajt:u 8:ab~1 SRt
llt:');t w a pt:l":iPII who was tn lnOnc:nt·c grr-ally U1e de.-;Hny nf R.tjc::n finhu
nm1 IndiO\, HI! wnr, Mr. M.K. Gandhi. R.'ljcn Babu n:cnllcd U1al hr. W'il'>
lmuwu Ills :st..ntlt:.:s In Sout11 Mricn. C:Jlstlhljl was n!''JUC1;1ccl tt)
~prn.k bt!t he 1UiJ not and s<~ld he wa!:i suH trying tQ und~rstmul tile
$llllaUnu, '11tc ~mous Clmmpm~m res.o1uuou against the lw.Hgo
f;·lrtnl:r!>- w~s nl!'l<l pas!>cd 111 thlf> -st:5S1ou. l{t!lu ln thr: Hash[ of Jupllcr
lta5\ l(l gM~ tht: dft~L~·~ or Jupiter It lli'IS llle a~pt.l~t or M<ll':'i :ll~n w1ltch l!i
rcspoll~·lbk for acuvatlng aur\ hringiu!( RaJcu Balm mt the road~ (m-
Publtr- I::JHJs•~. Kl'tu 1n Ul~: C'lghth j1om Juplkr ludh;atr:s l.hc chongt+, In
Ch.u·rtJ!-.h.r1 ··li!·IJ the U:o R.-:tsl tl.ashn IsM U1•~ fourth Ra~hl from AJ\ :and
.AMK. From ~~ AK and AMK Lin: In tht·. 10'1' \md from Scorpll) N< ~ml
AM}{ ;tr~ In the 7'• •

On tht1 Fntot Truck lu Lco-SaggitariWt S lf1cr.rch 19J 7 to 4

December 1917; Ju,pttcr·Kctu Continut!d till June 1917
During. I he- ~oo;..?IO n " n'4JUt"!>l wa!'t by n gtuup (.tl'
\IICUrus of ah"'('n::JUe!. tu o~uu.lhljl fJJr vl!iitln~ Champru<m. Gruu..lh!JI had
told R.'lj Kumar Shukl:t a victim ro me-et him at Ca.lcuttH In Mards.
GauclhUI wrntr. II \WH> Rllj Kunmr Shukla'!'. pcr:o;UR!'IInn whtr:h brought
111m t<.1 Clmmpamn. Ou Aprll I 0 HJJ 7 GaudhUl n::-wh<!d P:-ttnn. R.;j
Kumar Shukm strnlght nway look him to Ii!ljen Bnbu's bunglow. ~jw
Babu V....!S r.v;.-..y lo Pur1 ru. he. ~.-a~o; not tnformc-d about GnndhUJ's visit,
Rajcn Babu's 5el"'.'ilnt look Gandhijl fnr on~ afUit! m.·tny peasant client:!>
Fl~t Tocttnluuc; of As.tro!oglcnl Ptedlc:tlam \!of, Ono
Whll boarded In the lawyer btsngalow ond t:J·eated Gandhtjl aho lUte a
pea8rult. The f>tii!lt rught Galldh.iJ' left for Muzzafarpur w1U1 Shukla. On
ll ~ AprU O;mdlUJl met and explaJnt:tl hls mlsslou to Mr. Jam~ WUson.
Secretary BUmr Plauter's AS50CI...1Uon. In tlte evening he: met. lawyers of
Mm::zMarpur whQ !JroJil Lele!grn.m!; to BrYltishor babu aud Rajen &bu.
On Apr1LI2, 1917 be wrote a letter seeking tnlervlew with Mr L.F.
Morshead, CommJ5.5iQner of Ttrhut OMslon ami en-operation of the
lncal adlll.inlstmUon tn hl!i mission. On April 13 he: hAd an lntcn•lcw
with Morshc::·Hi. On April H>u' O;mtlhljl wa!i e!iketl to leave Uu: pl~c.:~ by
U\c Dlstrlcl CummJsstou~r. GRntlh!JI refused aml said he W1l!!9 tJreparccl
to go lt) JaU. RaJen B-.bu aud Brlj Klshor Babu had Joined hlm by thb
t1mr:, Gandh!JI wkr.d them and the othtr la,...yer.s occompanyln.g hlnt
what If I go to jaU? Tht."Y said lf all go to jnU more 1nwycJ'5 ~ ili1--re to
fighllhe CWiC5. On April 17. tl1cy formed group~ CT.> go to Jail ono:: ofta
U1~ (lther.. Rajen Babu bct:ame leader of oue .;1f lhe group and Brtj
Kumar Prasad of the CJther. On Ap~ll 1 B GandhlJI appeared til the oourt..
·nu: famous Champaran Court which '~ 5hown a:s a landmark
achlcvemtnt tn aJI books a111l lllms on Gandhi. Oandh1Jl t\raftetl a
n:prcsc:ntatJon to the Vkcroy and the tc:am n! lll\V)'cr$ recorded 20000
ttl 25()00 statements of Canners evr..ry day Cruro early morutug uU lat~ a
nJghl On Aprll 20. 1917. U1c GQvc:mmcut withdrew the case~ agrum~l
Gnndhljl. It wa" u vtc:tQry bldced for Gaodhljl I\nd hl.!i temn.. The Leo-
Sagglta.rlus period did brtng change afttt turmoU for- Rnjw Babu
Saglttru'IWi ln tht au~ from 1\K and MU\ mfidc him ncgl~t h~ 1~
practtcc. He stayc:d ln Champacan for ten months.
The period was of :5trugglc: and physical d1E'comfort but Rajcn Babu
c:mergcd n5 fU~ pcl"50n niter the and lund work with Gamihljl
111 Charnparan.
Vlmshottarl Dasha • Jupiter-Venus (From .21 June: 1917 to 20
Februazy 19201: ln Char Dnsha Lco-Caprtcom from 4 Decc:mbcr 1917 w
•l September 1918.
Venus In U1c l1 1;, In lt.":> Moollrtkona. &-u>h1 and U1eM.ahndasha toni
Jupllcr stron~ and ln 11'" from venus. The period had to be good.
·n1c famous Chrunp:mu:s case got wtrlc mcdla covernge. 'l1lc Brltinh wHhdrew the t:R~es ngnim;t OandhiJl fllld with the
luterl"i:n~uec of Ut~ Gnvcntor a ~:nnunls~lon of IUftl.llry WCl!i r.omstttutr.rl uf
wh!C!h tiimtlltljt war. nl5o mmtr. il member by the lkltteh. 111c Inquiry
commutr.e. fcmrul thai the .sJluaUon WU!l much wut~c U1an reported,
G:"!ndhljll1~5 Wrltlcllln hls auiQblog,raphy lhal he. V."il.!> ~alisfltrl with the
SUPilOrt he ~I.'CIVet.lln Ch<unparan ~nd developed a Ultlng ror BOlar and
lru~l In UIC lcadet"5 1~ BrlJ Klshor Babu anti Rajcn Babu who wue
n\way5 with hlm. l~aJcn &bu !'oitt~ycd there for tc:n mcmU\s nc~ccUng his
buomlug lt:~nt prncllcc. I h: lc~amt a Jut and chaugt!a.l a Jot. Ht:: started 1u
eat foud cooltt'!d by perso119 of all cmtes, he washct.l his clothes and
dcan~d ulcnsih;nnd strut~d to tn1vclln llln! cla:r.t.. A 1\Jnd of confidence:
In the ut:lh· life-r;tylc:: and lll Gandh~l aud lu& d(Jctttne of non-"1olence
developed 111 He tntally to Gnndh.ljl for the way he

Rner Techniques of As!rofoqic::at Prl!d1Ctl0n!i 1.'et Ona
hnmllcd the Charnp;m:~n flght And for t-onfldcm.-c In Gaudhijl'e;
lt'.adenhiJ), hr; always r:mlorstd hts vtnvli WI~C)IIl\'Lll~lly. .luplh:r-\'r.rH&.s
period 1s quite- competent to Etlvc- such tc•.mlts. On one lta.ud he was
successfuJ RS n lnwyer and on the other Jmnd Cnmuns l:t!o ~ Fn=ednm
Fighter. but then da!ilL'l-:» lu.o-ep cha11B,11~g. Thr: LcCI-Cnprhcom ptttod Is
~;ugg~~uv~ of 01cs~TC5ults as from Lc:o AK ;md AMK nrc 111 n1e1 to••• tlml
from i\K ~wei AMI< C<tprlr.<ma It> lht~ 9't. Ra~hl.

December 1917
11tc All hlltlk Co~ll£!tt!SS Commllla:a~ Sc!.~l(•n Wils held nl 0\)CUIIll
and wa!l alh"Jldc-d by a l.Jtg c.lclt'gallon ftnm OU1ar romprl!.1ng mostly
(M:"a.r;.,lll!i- rrona Claamparan Ml~. A.IHIIC Bt;S::tlll \ 1,".a!> Chc hcslllt:llt ol thb
Cougn:~>s. Hajr:n Balm md Mr. J;-mumi:U Oaj111 for Cllt• llr~C lim~ hnr..
Lntr.r Raj<:ll f'k-tlm »1!1-0 allcmkd lhc spc:ciHI ~~~~siull <')f Cnugn!!!O~ Ill
Bombay, In 1\prll. 1918 ltr- W1~u1 10 l11d11n· In altc.<JHI llac llttHlu
S;:unmdnn, lie ~' of the Orns'r'lr.w. llml lor l\"'r111unill uulty .1nd lo rt:li11n
mQrnJ \'ili\Jo;'" nnd to pn::...~n·c our tldl cult IH~ll ll~riiA~r:"w :t natiorrnl
langu.t&.!J,.e •~Ult~r th.rtJl f:ngllsh Wll!. r:"-<s~!"!rlllnl. From ltulure lie \Vt'lU wHJ1
G,-,ndh1Jl II) tile S::tlr.unmtl.r'\."ht-alll ;wt..l rrom tJ1~n: ~o 1\Jh•da Ill Gu_larat
lo panldpMc In th1~ 1\h(.-dnngitalliCIII. f-1~ mt~t Sardrar Vall;thhal P;ltrl (r,r
the fiNt IIUW llr.n:. Til<' IIIUIWd lOVI! :IIIII rt.'Wfi"<J tlt;ll 11(\Vc.<h.tJK'<I tllt'l"C'
g.n:w with Umr: nmt lht"lr friendship lasted Ull tlwh- dc11lh:>. II~
parUclpah:•l in lh~ Sj1':cU11 Sr.-<;~i"n nf llu; Congrt_~!>- ln Bomlmy In
Scplem~r 191 f.L .Mr. S~lyt'cd lf;t&111 lm.lHil \lrr'l!> thL! Pn·~lt.kul of llt.:
Se..5ston. In 1hr. ~~..-~siOII fill· MrJul;~guc - Chclm~lnnl rdorm~ w'"rc
r.llscus.~~d. (Montci!Ju~ was tilL' Mlni--.tcr.{nr India ir• II1C' J~rii£!;/1 CoL\."TliiiN"III
OJld wrd Chernis_(orci lltt.! India, V(C<!ro!J. T1l1!!.i<" n..jorms LL'<'rt." Sllppo51!d
IQ be aimed Q( prr.•pnrin.!J lnrl.iufor l'h·· odom will& Dum4n(qn SlniU-'i.]
1-lr. L''Oulc.l do hi~ lt'gnl pradicc 011ly from M:~y Ig ll3 tu Sf~pl•~mbc:r
1918. In Octolxr·NO\'\!ntbt~r he nUcwJed lo (Ill!!" l)f hi..; frW11d~ whu v.rns
sl(:k. H~ bmul:tlll his friend to P.1t11a fn1· t:r-~itmcul hut th~ frknJ •lkd.
'011s was hi Jupltcr·V•:nus-1-{, H;l.l&n Is 12'" lrnm \b111~ ;m<l 2'"' li1•m
Juplt~r. 111 D~ccmbcr t9 1B. lu:: RttrHth:tl till~ J\11 h lllli-t t.:oul:!,fl!...;s C(IIIU1111h~•·
St"-':'-5ton at New Delhi. Dur111~ thl~ fJi.'' lull llu~ RowiHII repor-t WilS
pn:.senT·~rL 1\llcr ~~e-lvin~ tht• Hm:•.:t:cn n•pnrt tit<.• Jmrel'lal Council g:w~
Llh· Govcmm-.·.nl climln<ll flOV.\"P->. In I hr. h~glunlnf! ~;~f H.• l!:.t lh~n· ~n:
Wide ~PI'\<111 <~gttaUon All 1".1\'t:r Ill•! L:liUtllryHfl,.,IH~I Uw ({{!IVIII14 1\• 11 Wllldl
cmpow~red U1c GovcnuDc.ut ICJ us.~ 01c lnw mc-ruH fe-r cmcr~1lCY 1lurutg
w;:u c\'ell for lnleruat .. gllallou. 11tls wu~ Wlllcly prnl<:.-c;h:d, O;uu1h1JI hall
prctposcd a HarrAl ~tr1ke.1l1e st.rll ..c uf6"• Apt II t919 ,.,.~s lumt. t"'Jill[llr.te
<md !iucet:~sful. 11tls surprl!'it"d c...-t:"ry one 111dudln~ ll11.:- Ol~'lfll~rs Afo It
was beyond tl&Clr ~~xp..-cti\llc:Jns. 1111;; g,av-.; cu1 I•Hitr-lfllnn of IJW n~l'l&.
(.~;:nulhljl harlrmd thr: pow~ror Ius IJilllWIICC 0\'cr cllc IUilSSt'.!'>. How the
lle\1/".>; <>f hnr!HI couhl !.'prcml lrl ltlL" \ll&tlcnkvdupccl ,,:oniiUJIIII~IIfiLI
system of Uu: :-;aUml lwt:.:~utc H pu:nJc for Ilit" llrJUsh aulhurltk.~ rtl!'it!.
lllt'n; \l,ll!' 11 namom thai Gandh.IJI ww; ~rro:.o;h:d r,~u lh•: llny ,_,l th.;
~trike.. RaJCll B.ribal m~la~t.l In r·\fJml_l:t)' IJlll Wlll'll hL· fiiiiTlll r.OindlciJI WH'i

In r\hmc•l::~bad he Wt'lll fn AhmrdabHtl from Bomaby. Fr<~m Ahml!dahad
he carnr In tr.Un to Hom bay wtth GtmcihLJL GnndWjt wrt,lc hls dccts1on
tosuspond the Saty-..tgm.h lu ll1~ lrillnlt:<.clf. ·n1e reaS(IU for lhls decJ~IOtl
was the whle:Spn~ul \'lull'lll't;, lu l3omhHy he p...u-tlr.lpatc:d 111 Akhlll:!.hnrtyn
Hindi Sammel;m nnd th~u cam~ bar:k to Palu.a. During the Juplt~r·
\'C'nus pt.:r1od R.1jcn B11hu worked hard lia the Htg1a Court also. He
r:~rncd a CO(ld n:pi.JfiH10n and WiiS \'~ry popultir Wlfh Ihe ,Jlldges . .1\t the Umc h•' ftCCl•rtkd prlorl~y hJ t h~ r>onstrur:l1ve public w~1rk. He
Vlslte(l Ch<tmpar.m to lool( after the: &hnols ~etup during Ius ~l•ty With
ti;unlhlll lu 1917. Hr. atkmktl Cougrcs-5 Sc~;~tnn ami many mccls
durlug lht• tx+rlV\1 <twl got n flHlloual ~l;ttllr('. Ills tr.g;d pnacUcr. \\'"~S
tlomtshtng. I k was <!arnlu},!, H!-1.·10001· ft munth tu BJ20 whtch should
he uvc~r Hs. 3 t.-H.:s a monlh W(]rth trnlr.y In h.:rm:. uf 1JI1YII•g puwcr. Jn
Chnr Jasha !>chcmt: II v.~s·Aquarlu~ ;md lt~o· Pl~t'..,;. From AK ami
1\MK Af1unrtus 15 10'1' Rnshl ami f>t:-or~~s lh~ 11 "''· From 1.(:11 AK •m!i AMl{
fire In lh~ ((I•• _

Vimshottnrf Dasba JupJtcr-Sun from

February 1920 t() 9th December 1920
g•t. lord ill 12'" lrull~alt: ~criOt.·~ ror .. l~111!:W. UurllJg lhJs IH~rlmJ
RaJcn Balm n:nmlau.:tl m~t:uptt"d Ill u t.·uuli ca~ 1t1 which :\1ulllal
•m•l Mr. C.R. Das w.;:.rc also part1c-lp:.t1ng. l..oJ._ Manyn TII01k rllcd during
thl!S pt"rhld. During lhlo; porfm! ~Jt:.n Bahn 1!1!t.'ldt-d In conlt".st ~lccUon
for mt:mucr:shlp of llac: Provtndi11 CIJI!Udl (rum Ctnunpamn iu U1c
clccUcm~ whb:h \lo'I;Te I~;~ he hdrllu :>;o\lr:rnl..-r Hl20. Vnr lhb purpo~h~
~·tsllcfl Chnmpamn tW(• 1'1r thn•l' Uiucs. M;111lana Shaul~! All, an
crnlnwl ka•lcr. r.amc lo PaUL'l 111 t\11rll. 1920. 'J1acrr. \1/as a hlg l'ubiiL:
nu:cUug. Hajn1 l3abu ;llso achtr~~~~ Ihi~ mt~lln,g and ;umounrt~d thai
tf th~ c.,u~n~ss tledLk~ to hmurh thr~ ~nu-Co·Ojlc:a"<~IIUII Muvc:rncnt. h~
wlllj•Jlll II. He \VA~ wdl awure U1at 11115 t:ottunltllll"Ut would tnr!.A.It that
In· would IHWl' lu ~h·c 11p his booming It-gal proellt'c: whlt:lt pruvlctcc.l a
llvtn~ f11r 111m •1Utl hi~ f.<m1ly nnllalwt h1· woultl bo: rcqulr..:d lo•lrop the
plan ot c•Jnh::.II.Jl.J.! lh.: ct~cuon.s ..;clu:llulcd f••r :.;o~·crul'h'r lfi2l.). ·111c:
VlrushoH.arl llilshu wns Jupltcr-Sun·Jutllll'r the:: perii"Jtl when l1c. look
Uu· t•nn:tal dl'.CISiiJ11 oi lu.s llic for uphol<.lm~ rnmal valm.•.s, lu Char
Llfl:'iha II wns U1o·Arl~s rmrn 5 M<il'l'h 1920 to -1 neccmlx~r 1920. Lct1
lin~ J\llltt•:•• th~ Mntrtk;u;llta iltlll Aric:~ Is uiuth frntn II, I!'> 12'" fmm
1<-.ntw.ul!:i-IU-1 l.agnu ami Artc~ 1s lh~ cll£1lth 1~!-ihl. J\rlcs Is Ofth fmau
l..ngt~ •IIIII 1-:n lht· nlnUl.I\Tic..-.l!othe l2'k frnm .r\Kand Ai\1K. In Augu5l
192(} lt."lj~ll U.1hu W~6 made 111~ Chnlrmnu 1.•f tJu~ Bthar Pn:lvlut.:laJ
Cougn~~~- Ht" n:tlcral~ll h~s. (~nutt.ll.Jlll!nf ltl lh~ unn·coopr=rnUon
mrNc•mt'fll. LJurt11~ lhl~ IJCrlod ht! Wll!'i .-,lllktcd by lll~h fc~r hut
-,caml"lww lw mau;a~r!ll to rcnch Blul.g:tlpur fnr ;, mr.r.llug. ·na~r~ was
rJUfr_·r-eHI~.: 1Jf •1plulo11 among tlu· O:tJWc!;s lt"~<kr~. It Is. ntJt ca5y
tJt•d.,;JIIII lr,~ ~~\'r!.
ll(l lilf~':'l :SI.IUn::r:' 11f I:Hnllfl~ till' Vl:I!;Tnll~ ur thai time
wr.rt• unr rt!m1y t.·, fuUuw tlac: lwrdllm; lJWI~u:;cd hy GuuillJijl. ft"ljcu Babu
wa.s. ~tll for II aud h\! was convintcd lhar Gandh~jl's appro11ch ""'s th~
rl!,!hl R)>llronth. IJurlug 1ht5 ~~~rind R.'ljl."n Oahu swy~d for lJiltlC' :.tmtc
Umr. lu /\nm(Blharl for lhe Seth H<~~l Mal c•{ Burma case. His S\Jn
Mrltyunjny.\ ~uffc:red from Ko.Io. Azh.ur ll1t:rd1Jn: Rnjtn Hnbu \'l~IH:d hts·
hr.usl! frequently. Suu the amarda~ha lord. ts ln etghth from lhc fiftll
hous.c and 12°' from Mars thr. fifth lard. From Arl~:s PK ts. In tht~ eight.
The Inquiry rt:pmi of Huut ~rand that of the Cl) ou aiJnciUL:.<:>
lu Punjab le-ading''' LhcJallanwnL, Bngh Mn~~~crc was publl!ihcd 111 th~
b~glnulng of H)20, The Khlla!:'lt commllh:~ t~purt Wil5 prcS(;IIted 111 Aprtl
1920. lu till: ."\ICC h•_•ltl !<o(J011 a.fl~r lhe Puujah and
Bt."lliUitti. S~!.!>IOII
lilitJafnt r"port.s wer~ discussed. After th~i n 5(let'la1 ~csslon ol AICC was
hdd In CHk1111.1 ln Scplcmh,~r hi !920.

Viprcct Rajyoga pcrtudfrom 9th December 1920 to lOth Ma.n:h
1922; Char Dasl1a Leo-Taurus 4tlt December 1920 to 3rd
Septcmbe,. 1921; Lea..Vemini' 3rd September 1921 to 4th June
Jltpllt•r-l'..fooll form <UI tXot:dh•ut rirtjke•>HII ,;-,!\tl .11111 lh..: 8 1 ~ IOnl
nmlt('tl hi G1" ;l Viprc\~1 l<aJYOArl· Wlmr r•"!>lllt~. IIH~ .·onnr('lltm or 6 11 '
hem~ uwl sL-;ih lwu~c llrlugs. 1.~~~• us tl:>;llmlllo:.+. ltltJcu B<tllll c:uuhl 110t
Jllknd Ua:. AJCC Mmmll Sl'..,~l.::m hdu 1t1 Bumlmy 111 the IH51 Wt:ck nl
O•;r.o.:mhcr 1920 a_, he fell ~ick In l!u: ~llhlnht~hn nr
8<~ 1 lttrl.llu !ill\111, Itt
C!har Dtlsha UIC' !>lib p!!r10lJ or-nutl'\JS hrd. AK. TI1~ rnshl d..iSlHl whlth
hos AK gt\'•~s 11-uublc~. bl·sllk-ti. T;cmrus •~ th1: 5L'\lh ft.'l!lh~ frt1m l.A~na
HJII1 itb·~ from G1l..allltitrka. Afler illlll.!!'.!'t, Ill l-\:hm01ry t92l lli~I'"TI Eiah11
w••nl In OI'IS~';l wtlb Gaurihljl to Or~m1S1.' ri"U1!I fill Ute lnmlnc hlL
pi"OIIl~. l~rwn Orls.:!-1-;l tllr.y CHine In;uJH where lhr /\ICC nll~'llll!.\,
took pl;~t;c u11 ~\an·h 21. I !121. Ju thl!i mr:t<l a liltg('l lo cullcct Rs.l ctnrc
(ul' lite Til;;k M~uwtCitl F1111d W11:• fixed. Ralt'lt lwhu lmvr.ll~d oicu!llvcly
bdw.;ocn ~u-ch and Junr:o and tlXr.l'd~d the trugcl for the Bllwr
pmvincc:. ~1QtJ(J, lhc: i\JJI.unt~~hn loni. :-i Hotlllfill kamk of lr.l\'d mmk
htrn U<tvd. Till! Bornhay ~!:S~iou or A1CC w;t_.,;; held In July 1~21 iUIU
Rajcn Dnbu illtcmlcd n~ thj; bright fmul ~oll~wr from DUtHr.
In the wintl~l" of I ~•21. t h~ vi~l nf l'rlru~t: of \\~liC."'i \Vfl5 t~lug
urnmgr:d. i.,{lnl f\r';ullng hmJ bt'L'OUII: 1h1: Vh:cruy. J\gam RJ.tjt:n Bahu
1171\'dktl ~Ill !Wt:r Blluu·wtU1 Ci.runlh~IIHt lllmlu-MustJruunlty. It .!ppc;m:d
nl lltls Junctur~ lhnt lh!! lltlprLwcmr:ul ICtJUhcd lu Ute Htltdu·Musllrn
unity hno been ::tPhlcv~·l nncl lite wt.)rt-.1 w~_.!-1 ovn. A progr..-munc W.!S
made ((It CIJ;.ri\.I.JII ['ulllh'H.Y lUll I Ul~ hHyrutl nr lvrd~ll dotllc~. Ac:cordlu~
lu ft"ljcn U;lbU C'~lll(lhlll wn:; n vtslonmy arid hnd I hr. rort"f>lght olS hi I hr.
IX'glnulug ufthc muvctttt~ul Ill' h~tl ,.atd thai lilt~ N<tHtlllitl ~lwol should
b~comc ehorl[lhl 9..:hQC•Is. And t111:y wnuh1 be cng~g~:<1111 priJntollug the
knuwlrdgc:- nnd lhe 11.·~·1Jli14Jllr!- lie V.'liS of tlu- \·Lew. lh;il llti'11:T lht- ~V••tj
cltcuml.'.limt:'cs uuly Um.~ugll Ch1ark11a.. lhc cmploymcul 10 youth could
h~ given mul the fh~p~mlr.mT nn U1r l1rHI;;h 1\tlmllllstrnlloll retluacll. Hr
hdiC\'('d II ml thi~ r.df-cmp\uymctll wnuld ~c.twt ul(! htt:om•, fttr tin~ 1nu s:s.m-
Whleh wuultl ullc:vialc ptwel'ly as uulc~s pt'opk arc rc';t'tH!tl rnmt alljcd
Finer ledl:niQLieS or Pred.dions \lol One

pov('crty. no moV~l'nt could b~ successful.

In the- beginning of Octabcr. 192 I thct"C \tr.l.'l tl\c meeting or U1c
worklng committee. u w<ts ll~~tdcd In this Jn<!eltug lhallu the l)eglnntug
f)r NIJvt>mlxr U1e•re woul~l I)("'- a m~;.t:Ung or th•.: AlCC- On this pQinl Mr.
Vljaya. R-.ghaVflchnrt, lhc.· Pn:.sieh~ut hntl dtJTcn;:nces w1U\ Moulid Nehru.
who W<Hi the Minister Mr. Vljit}'fl R.1ghavachar1 decla~d LhaL tht~ N~
Delhi mtcf w•1uJci not ~ held. Moulal Nehru satd lbat he had no
anUmr!ty f(l chrmt~c the dcdslou of tlu~ \\brklng Cnmmlttc:c:. Malmlm~tjl
suppoticd MoUial Nehru.11tc mcd was finally held In DeihL Mrs. Annie.
f\t;"~'>nn\ wns ~gatn:st lh~ dvfi dl5obt:dlt:m•~: mo\•cmcnt from tl:Jc lxgluntng;
lu hcrwr11fug!1 shchatl onr.c wrltlt'tt Ihal (landhUI repn:scnl~ lhe forCe.'i
.,.. drlrklle.•.;s, 1111.! Vh"r:ro~· Y,'ll~ Wt)rrlcd ~bc•UI I hi.! Vl$11or lht: Prince l)r
\\~lt-:s. 1'ht:Govr:n\tllt"JH Wn!. hying tov.-l)rkflut a ~dllr:m(.'nl wtt.h Cougress
oo r.Jwt peace was erwur£"d lh•'· visit o£ U1c Prince.. The V1ccroy
hnd s<tid lu~ was J)U:r.t.letl ;u\fl pea'plexett. far a sdtlemoul t.hc Govr:rnmcnl
IHH.lpul \hr. t'tiiHIIllou Uml Cun~rc=s~ should stop boyc:oll of the Prince.
II wa~ \kl'lttnl tllill llJc~ (.jo\'CrHitltlll wuulll hold " t:tlllfacttt:e 111 whlc:h
11ll ~~~ues would be
Tht·. \r<.•'-'c1·nmcut offtol"t'd to ~k~tsn ;\II the rmlltlcal pti!'OncnJ except
lho!"-t~ who w•:.rF' :-un·,... tctl for reaellug lhl.' FATWA (SptrHunl Dl'('n:t'), 11H~
F<~lwa J>rlt>oner~ lnduucd rh~ A.ll Broth~'Tf:O- Slnc..•e lJJe urn~ of arrival of
lha~ rrl111't: \\':15 ilp]~ror~ch lug lbt~ GOVCJ1tn1CIU did IIOl tit emU WOitJlWhllc
IO fi>IIOW•UJ) lh~ matle~r afl~r (',;uacfhljl lmd made lhe rdc;u;e of All
nrnthers illl ~·s~Jitia} f'OlHll\lon for Oirrlvlng. at •my ~eiiJclT\I!IIL l\1.Rhiil.:runjl
wns [lr tJ1~ VIew thilt UH~ All Brothers rcprc-scurcd tbe Muslim cmmmunity
;uarJ ~uyst~tlknw.ut w!thnullha~m wuuld I~ nu~anlugless. Mr. Dt:shhandhu
c.R. 0115 w<~s v( Uat! vlcw that OamlhlJI should have unt lust this
nrrorhmlly nf hcudlug lht: uiJ\'t:lllmcnr to tlo what the Cougrcss wants,
Mn rdt:Hf>•: frnm I he• prl~'m J)t'.shh<mtfhl.l. C. R. Da:; llad _...aJd IJ1a\
Mnh<~lm11jl tnu.l hun~l·~d ~ml hlundt:.'n'd.
In Nov~.tnb(!r, 192l, lhc mt'CI II)Cik ploc.•c lu Drlht L.1ln l.Ajpal full
w~s m<Hk the f'rustdanl futjcn Babu wa..~ sick during this p~rlod and
wa~ 111 C:lmppm. thr.rdnn: •~nultluul artr.nrl. 1'he! Vlmshott;tn clnshn wa!'
.Juplt~r·Monii·Kt:IU, Moou I~ !he f:lo:l• lurd Ill u'". Jupllr.r the l.agru'llor·d
mu.I Rctu 111 fout1Jl always gfl\'l' lllru lll·lu~alth. Char dasha was of Leu·
Ckmhal. £rum I.eo the AI{ Is 111 Ill~ lOth aud (iemiulls lhc 2'"1 Ra~hl from
AK rtml hilS the ast>t!t:l t1fGK, Mnn-. Rahu autl 1\ aud J\K IS tn the 12~
fmm O~min!.
In mJd Novcm~cr. l92l, tJ1e nr \\'ales ~cht!Li Bombay. ·n1e
Ghn~ll<~n ami P;"~a'set~ wdcom~d the! Prhlt:P. ;;.mJ Himlus aml Mu~llm!>
protr:~lr.•l. '111r.l"r. was, \'lcllt~ll~(. flO tu 60 prrsons were ldJir.<1 iHHI 300
lujurt••l. ·n1r. Gnvcr:tum!ul •kl'larc!d S<~wak IJal Illegal. Crlmtual Law
Arm:mlmcnt Ar.t n.nd Sr.dlllon Meeting N::t which was cnfo~cd ln 1908
In f1cng111 •vil5 cnforr.etl In n\''"'~mher IY21 to ~ounlor ltu: nr.Uvllir!s ,_,(
Collgt·e,;,~ Sl:vak Dal and 1\llllnfat St."'\•al( Dal. Gandhijt was interested tn
lhe COil!ilrur.-tlvr. work mnnr.. lac dcle5ted VlOicncc or ll!l -&)rls. Fo•- lhe
Individual <~nngn:ss workL'rs. Us~ rollnwlng r.ouriiUons wen: tatd II) t lc.-

!UlQuld wear Khrtell fll) Hr: would worlc for Hlndu-Musttrn Untty. {ltl) He":
sh(luld give up untouchability aud should have: faHh In Ahinss-a, 11tr:
Con~ would nol be re<;ponsiblr:: ror looking nftec t11c fnmlly or the

Tbe AlCC Annual Scs!>iou at Ahemndubud End December 1921

Sardar \hllnhhai P;at~l ,.~,.!> ~lccted Clw.tmmu of the RecC:Jlllou
Commlt.tcc. Tht• sc.•o;.:>Jon hnd n~uml'd much import;m('c b<:rnu5e
Gand.h1jl had prombecl SwarnJ w1U1In ont year:. C. ft. Oas. Ut~ Pn.:1Wkr1l
dcct wn~ :sttU behind bc'U"iS and thcr-darn hl5 <Jdtl~ss was read out lly
Hi\kim 1\lm;.~l l{h~n of Odhi. n11': Con~-:o;!! dccldcrl lo sian Civil
IIISt>lwdh~m~r. <~lld Ciandhtjl ~11s glvt~tl Clu· JlUW~rs uf 11 dl~tulnr. f.\'t"f)"
rnau ami w·onum w_.:s. e..'dwdrtl to jtJirt tile Sc\'--1 D:!l. to del}• lla~
tmllwmcr:.s nml to cuurLimpr1~onnwut. Gaudhlll wa~ tn det:hlc whcrr.
.;-tvll dlsob~ol~;nf.'e would bcgtn, ~f..'ltllrrn11 Hw.rnl t\1ohlnl moved n
n.~ilhlllfm Ch;ll lht= go;H or rn:""\·•lnm Strul;(glc ·should be made
lndcp~ut.h.·lll!e lu~tead of Sw.-tr.~J. Oattdh~l opposed iL PandH M:tt10JJ
:\1uh:m Mal\•lya'.s propo&'llto pa.rtlr~pl1tl: 111 the RountJ 'P.lbk Conference~
wn:o .-.lso ~j~·-ctt:ll. H~Jt!nclrn H<illll with hi~ rldr.gallnrt h;Hi particlpatc•l.
It WftS dr.cllkd to hold H mt:diliLt IU HolllhJly Ill rhr. mlcltllc or JrmUill)',
1922. RaJC'n B~tbu ~tlcmlcd lhl~ mcdln~. GrUJdh~ll lledared he has 1111
hope from U1e Round 'J1:ible Conferenr:.:. H W<t5 ~lso rl<:r.lrkt1 to ~usp<:nrl
Satyag.rab.'l upto 31-1·1922. On telllm from Bomb<ty llitjen 13abu
l.uun=tl all ov~r Blhflr for mobtlle.ln~ ~upw•r•. (or the dt<Sobcdl~uc:c n ...._·wurki•tg comrnllll'C ffil"l ;il Sur;~t iUid tl~c1lkd to stru1
s . ~Ly;t~hH. J~ljeu B.tbu \V;L~ In P~prt rtfr••r ltl,; lvltr of villi1gt.'.... In the
Mu:tY.f\farpur tllslrlt:l whr.u he n:""Cd\'ccl n rcf,'ktlilm Chc.rc lhn1 the
\\brklug L'omtlllllr.<.' mer.llug lf-11\!III,M IH-'ItJ ''' Surnt. 1It' ntSht•d Utr.rt' hul
bdon:" he could n~FH.:h on fcllnmry -B. 19~:.!. vltJklll dl:-tlllrham:("s flrlrc::d
It pin Cl~•n·l Ch;uu;l p1 ovul~~~~ by r he pollt't' lh lug uu a pn.tecS!)~uu. thr
peoph:.. had n.~l.-dln(l!d wllh vtol•;nr•· ;utd, burttllhr poiiC'c :stallouJ.mclu:tl
will' l'Ot11ilab1~ Who Wen" no! ;j(h_ewcd li• Cf:lml." '-"•' C'umdhUI Vf'\!'i
r•·ofoutully !.hockc-tt ll_r I hr. ">I' Ol'CIHTCII~(':~ :mrl felt 1IJ;.H hl' coult.l lUll
C'OHT}' on ;1 non-\'lolr.ul ..s1nt~(' In thifi ,1lrnn""lll11"rr.. :k 5I1Sf.Ji'.nd~rt thil
cf\·U Lllsohcdlc:nc~ <'nlllJlrll!!n ~t ll;m loll. Whcu Hajcu ilillHI me-t G:mdlll.ll
In l.i:udull. GnudhiJI nsl~cd 111111, "l-lilW _ynn hr:1ml my tln:hlnn'r R~jcu
Bal1ll .,cnhl. wyes·.nauclhlJI ··xplalm··· rnr <t Wlllll' iHid lhc:u askrll. "Whal
have: YlJU (1) 5aY itOOU( ll'r r(;-~l'-'11 B.,bu~ ~1lt:lll'C ('OIIV•")'rd tu Gaudh!jt
that he Wt'IS rtJSI\ tlis.tlppOilUNI it lUI d~IW.H1•'m~il h)' 1lt•i•1..!>1£)Il,
ct:-mclhljlrHiKt'cl him In think .-.11 fiiAhl <II Ill Uti' II tall< lo him tit~ ne:xt Llily.
Titc u~t tlii}'. f~jcu BnhtJ wid ltlrn lh~t tlw tkl'l~lnn ro :.;uspencl chn
movcmt.•nl. was lhr •·tght rlcclsi•Jll htil (inutlhlji':T tlcctslcm had ups<!t llu~
bulk of lhe ~;nngrcssmc=u. Som•• flll'nlb .. r5 of ll1c Worklllg CUIIIffilttce
thought lllal the !\llilpens\ntl ,,r
rlic- rTJIIIJt·m,m! W<h a ~lltitl'itmU«> rdrr1H
at a lim~ when the JWl~<' (•f \'lr'tory w;1s wen wiUtlu ~~~ ~s11 '\VIty
shouhl a vloleul <llllhi"O\k dn·hh~ lhr. f;:ttr ol lmlln·. fhtt.y r.skcd.
lr.adcr<J like Ulla 1..-"'.)Jk'll Rat wllu Wt!l e lll!hhul prl~m bar:.. pmlr:slc:tl

Fl!\e'r TC!ChNQues of As~ical Prndit:tons Vol On!!

vehemently against the tgnomiJllous and Ill umcrl rcrr..:-at. llu: stniMh:
had nrou~cd ~nthustasm ~moll~ tht< l>r:ople. who Wl!re Jlreparecl Ia
und~rgo 5ulfcrtug and s.acrlllt:-c. The Govc:tU"tlcnt had been ba10ed by
thl'i new lypc: .,r re5l!>li111t'C. the- Governor or Hombity' k"liCT dc:cl::tn:rl
publicly tbat Gandh.Jjl's movement hRtl scared the Brltt;,h Gm••:rnmcnt.
Hut Cor G~u•lhiJI. the Chaurt Chaurn riots WC".re il wanting th:Jt the
cmml ry WPIS 11ot yr. I pn~p-.rl'd fof" c-lvtl dtsolx:tllrnc~. The: people welT.
•·arrte1l n\\~r\y hy ~~u1hll!;lil!;m, but the:)' lind not ll<'t'U trrlllu~d <twl
orgr:mlsctl f01 thr.! nohlr: type.• or stm~lc:". Wllh his uucntmy ~rt of
n::;uiing th~ [H.•opll• mind. h•; fdt lht~ ~ln~t· ror mm-\•tolc-111 re.!:!I~Umce
hold lliJI Lc1:11 j"mrpr;-Jiy )'rl!'p;tn.•tl.
1111' Cllattrl l:lHwra WHS Hll CfUJltlCJU r\1H1 If mcm: or Uw.m UCCUI1l..'"d
IJu• t1o\'l~rHmt!ll• waa1tl1l ''Oall~ tlowu•m 1.111.! p~npl~ with II!!. thumkrbolt;c,
aml would lll<Hlt Ill<!- m•w,~mt•nl ;omd •lcmornllst· •JIL~ w~opl~. G<tJHihtjrs
moVf~mr.lll l'trultl lrlllmph outy II II WiiS cullrllll'lt•tl 111 n uon-vlolc=tU
JmUIII<!r·'S whidJ r:IJ;~IIt'II!Jl·t.l the lkmo;h ltlgi!UIIlly. Tlu: \r,:nrklll.Q. C(lntmlHe~
Ht:t:c•pit:tl (illtlllhUi':o. <kl'l~tnu mot~ tmC or p•J!,IH"LI l111 111111 thtlll rrum

Gnndhijl's Constructive Programme Chnlkt:!d out l.n BardotJ

on 1 1·12 F"~bruary. 1922 andflnaflsed in th~ working
committee meertng at Delhi
l, Atk.a~t our:' non~ mr:mh~r~ w~re lo hr: ;ulmllh~!l who hdlc\'cd 111
Tn1lh ;wd 1'\nu-vlrJh·ut:c .1..1une... OJ't" wlw dt"oc.., uol contrlhult.! lhi!
Annunl tlo11a1Umt -!illoultll&<lC ht: •nn:r;Jdcrcd n f',np;;hlc wnrk<:J·,
,, TitL~
-· t:cmgn:~s worker!". rslwuld \Vl'4-lruuly khmll Hllll'">d au rX!411lple
by sphuliuf.! kluull hlm&!lf,
3 Nnt1onal sdtools !ihoutd be htcrr.ast<cl. Ph:~ung ill Go..-emmcnl
:rochn(ll, !'ohouhJ uol IX' done. 'lb JlTT.lmrJit .mol mrikt: Nal!lui.HI
Sdlnllh itlllflrllv•: r.mphH ... b :;hrwlu he (.tll/t'tl (Ill gm:.•) qllllllly ur
•t, 1b work for uphf1rnL~llt or Ute weaker sccUou of t11c socjcty.
!i. rrcahthlllon shouhl be lmpkmr::ulc:rl. 1\) ;u•hl~·c Ill is plt.<kr.tlng may
I><" tlnur. nl l.irliiCJt Vcutls.
6. TI1c Panehayat !i)''jtt!m should I)C made. more cuccuve FHid n:llnbk
su ti1at nu: c(Jnndcm:c uf pcuplt! Is nmlnlaUtcd lu 1\ttd for
disputes the pc:opk nre not rcqulrcll to g11 to lh~ BriU!>h Co11rts.
7. ·n1c \\'tJrkcrs should \''Ork; fnr r.onllal n·JRtlonshtps With fll'Oflle of
ill! ~ct:tlon5. E\'r~n li a BrltJsh('r- 11:t In nCl:d a.nrl sick he :s-hould be
heiJ~ccl hy thr. Cougre...;!'\ m:tnolsls.
s. TI1~ work or cu!h•cUug Funtls f,,t 'f)(Ait Mr.mortnl Fuwl .should
t'uuU11111:. 11H~ PmVIIJr:Jru C'{JI\~rt·);.~ Cmnrnlllc:c .should tH:nd tane
(rJUrtll or 11:-. t:"Qilo:ctlou to AIJ lu~111n Coow-~s C'ommllta::.~:.
\I, II lllt•.,l! ~:.luUou ;tn-o req'llln:ll lfl hr nmctld•·d Uu~y W(aUid bt
tii5CUS.:'iCd Ul th~ AICC,
ltl. l'm\'lslon should be mntlc: to rchnh1lllut•• tho~ who jflltl Congrc:s~
nflr.r gl\'tllg Ill~ Gii\'UOIUU:UI M~fV(L~I~

Th~ .1\JI lluii<J Cuugn~ss. Crmuulllt't S.;!.!!>l<m WHS hc.-ld t•ll Fchrttill1'
25. 192!2 011 lht' Sh IViU'Ulrl day. Tht- AlCC COOifllt'llt:~ll lls ddlbera.t!Oil5
with B;tk.!m 1\jmill Klrau. a~ thr dl-.lrrnl'tt\. Ci~ndltljl pn:~r:me-d lh\.'
n.":SOhlUOJI5 for ar:c:'l'pliiiiCC n·g;trd 111g SIISpctlSIOll of ~ly<i,!l,r'alH! lind lhC"
C(Jn!Hmcllvc pmgr.lmmt·:nw ~~·~'thm wn~ ;1 Mnrmy which m~mht-rs
from ~'lahan&~IHrrl and Bt•ug;tl mAfk vtrukut arwt~~ on Garr~iltjl Earlier
the: suspenslont1fthc SatyHgrn.ha •..vm• ~trougly crlllcL~d by Lilla L.1Jpatml
nml M··•tll<tl1\'c1ln• whH v.·~~r•.• ht prlso11, II ;ippc:w:d from lht+ rc.1~tlo11!'! of
m-au,:.•II";J!ll:r~ lhal rht.•y ;,II WtH·lor n~nl!J\'al•lfG<uulhiJI froru hls pot<;lliou
of ilUihoruy. i\IIL•f oh_IC'C'IIntl .. lrom Dr·. MutJjt': itiHI othe-rs o11l(i much
rh'halt llH'Sf' I'I'!.II111LIOII~ ul tlu~ WHrklllg Cnmmllh:'t• W<"re [•·•l hy tht'

AICC. ~!r. IU.:. lli1i of1ltl' As~ll'l}ll"-·tlltn~~-s rm·t H;iJl'll Bahnttlld lufomu~d
hllll 11JHI ull f'o:;!lllrtl h'itcl('r:-, \WI'(' !,(UIIJij Ill !)I' Hl"lt~Sinl 1\ll(~r Ill~ IJ.'llrl
lnf:CI all left {•lr IIWIJ ~'"=""PI"t'lh'•: prrwlrrl'<'~.
Jn~plln.1f JlO'>I IJIIIII'IJII'IIlll( ll"ll' ":-IJ ug_~l••. IJ11~ rriiVCI 111111.'111 llllr-'JJSillr~tl
n~pn~s.~iv~· mr."'l!-un•.., l-l!!ilill .. l tilt• Ctlll~n·ss. ·n,,..Orlu~h J•n·s~ null
Pari!UntL'lll W\·n· ..... ~·r·wly 1TIIJL-n! 1•f 1\lr, MHUIH~ll':. 11u:· ~cen:l<iry nf
St;JtC ror hui.J;r tor ln ..... nfrll.-..,.:i li• lht• ()ll!4rt'S~. l~tnlt:.t L\l)yd Ocnr!:):e
lh41IIJ.thl II \\';1~ iilh' lo 1111' I'.'<Llln:-,.1\'c." 1111.\"llll"f' ur l:il~lt:nl anu w~.stcnl
lrlnllt'tlt'•~" iutc:nB'tlw~mL t':1d1 u1hcr. 11(' ll~t~ugllt 1::11~lif>h ~du('<ilimr Wil~
like pounng m:w Wlltt: 111 oltl lwt Ill:, 11UJ!>-l,' lmiUt~ h:ul bursr aud
iutnxic<UI•Jllluvl ~pn·:•d lllmttglu•ultt.c l.twl. OwiiiJ! ''·' pullll•: L'l IUt"lfim,
1\-h: Monu"gu..: nr~lgrh'll from ltl... f)ll,.lon Mnn•h (J l£122. On 10~· Mnrch
l9?.2 Gamtlrljl w;1~ iHTI:SI~d rllld fiii\•'H Ill Si!h;u-m:tU J;uL Ou r~~dvlng
lhllS lll!W~ R~Jl'll 11Hhll nl!;hCil Ill !::illlrJIOIIHII.
Ou 17"' ;\tudL. 19221wg;m lht" hl~lortl' lrlnl wlt!L'I•l~sl<.'d for JOU
nuuulc!>. Rnjc:n hahu Wtl!i prt..'-"t: nt LllCfL' Gauclh~IJ was c.lmJgtll wllh
~.tUS!t1~ ill.<,a{fcrlloll t.w.~,!lo tla~ Go\•ermwrll by publishing lhn:c nrtlck~
I.Jr 'Young In din'_ \\'h.Jlc ftll'<lt.llug- gutlty 111 rlie= l•lrrerg.;o lte rn!>C 11.1 su bllme
lu:l~hts of !'tincc:rlly <md rt·uunc.L>i llo11. H~ Ci.Hlf!!:<.:O.ed Ihat 11 h;uJ h·~NHnc
lhc pas'>inn With 111111 to prt·;r~h dlslllt!\'llnll 1nwart1s lh~ exlst1n.g.
UtJVt:niiUI:III ;nul lllal hr. ~:ruhn"S,:d llu: III"!J!jt"t'\llloll t.'tiiHit:rnnaUou of
whal lttcppcuct.lrH MtHir-~:;. fi<JOlth-ly c.111d Ch<mrt• t:lmura !lr lit~ uuUnt,:c:;.
at bumbrty, w[ ~hCttJltl h~Wt: kiiClWll lilt.' t'fJII!>'.'(l\l('m'C~ til ~Wt)'(lll\~ ur lily
~t.-. I lmuw 1.11~.1 1\nrM I wns plnyntg wllh fire. I r.m tlw rl~l~ <~nd tf I
was s.el fn'~ l wltl ~ull t1v tht~ ~•m•·- •
·1 wanlc:d lr1 avoid \lllllt·uce. N'cm·\'h)l••ut'\:' Is llu: r~1 nrtwle [Jr my
rnllh. II If> ollfiO tha: lo1!;1 ttrlh'k u! mv cn:cd. Th;.cl tn llUll(r: nw rholt::r_ I h~d
(:.ltht+r lu :s11h111H lu a !>)'SII'III wh!~h I cuu:.tdcr IHHI flour Hll tm·pambh•
hnnn ICJ my r.owrlry, or ltlcur the rls.k •:Jf tht~ uu~t! fmy ol til)' p~oplc,
I.JurstJugforth wlleu thc:-y uwk.r... lnml tim truth f.rurn my lips, llwow that
my pcoplt ltn\'c "iomr:Ume~ gotu~ mad. I nm tlc-~ply ~l:trr)' (nr 11 nrul ~m.
Chcrdore, tlrn· to ~uhmlt nol lo :i l!~lrt penniLy hur 111 the- hlghesl
pt:-n~lly. I c.J<> IIIII a~k for .HJ1Y mr.rt·y, I riO cml pk~d o111Y c-;~IC:IIWHIIII:tiiGL­
,Il 1115 statement. whlcll he n;ad oul, ~~~ surumnl up. ~lllrH't" rt:IHkrnl n
:sl:rylcc to lndi.H r.ntl l~ngl<lllli hy ~ltQWIII~ 111 llllll·Ct•uprratlot• lhr. way
uuL of tire tiiUl<liUJ<~l strtlc: 111 whll.'lr b'Jlh t.vt:n: ll\'lllg. 111 my humblr:

As:ro Ske:dl of Dt R;J}endra .. finer Tecnnique!i cf As:rologla;l Predk:tions VOt One

oplnlon non-cooperation v.1th evfl t!! a$ much a duty as coopemtiun

wllh good. But In the past non-coopernt1on has been ddtbernte1y
expressed tn vlolenC(! to the evil deer. I am endeavouring to s.l1ow to my
couuuymc:u Uull\'lol~nt nrm·coopcr=,tton only multiplies evU. I ;un hc:rc
therefore, to lm•llc and submit cheer!ully to tbe highest lletudly lh:H Ci\U
be Lnlllc:tccl upon m~ for what 1n taw Is a deliberate crtmc ~Uld what
nppe.nrs lo mr: to be Ute htghcst duty of a ciUzen. The on1y course open
to )I'('IU, judge, ls cll.hcr to ~trtgn your pctsl and dlsnssoclnlt' youn;r.l{.
from the tvtl. lf you feel U1at U1e law you a1-e calkd upnn lo admtntster-ls
»It c:vll <illd lh;~t In rcallly I ;1m lrmocenl. or Inflict en me the .scven=-sl
penally. If you feel lhM the ~ysrem itlld the law yo11 nn" -a~:o:.~Uut ltl
mtmluiMer arc gootl fur the pcuph! or lltl~ r:ouuhy unct ttmt my Hl!l h'lty
Is. therefore. Injurious tn lhe puhUc w~l~.
The country Wtl8 stunnt-d by tltc har-sh sc::ut~nr.~ passed em Gandh!ll.
1l1e ;"lward of 5txyl· lmpnsonmcnt. l11c people rc~llscd w1lh o o:,IJor:k
tllr•l Ul(' r~~domo(uu lru.llvhhmJ WR!!:>tiJif~ in lhc hlUld!i nr~ Gmt~mm"nl
whtch had sent a MallnlnmT Ute= tlpo:sUe of lfnle aud uon·violeuce to J.lU,
'Otc tyrrumy ol foreign ruh~ must end, till!)' felt. and the Congr(•ss must
he fully :mpporit.'"fJ openly or secretly.
Jupltf:f"·Muon Pr.rioll cm2r.ti ol\ l0·4·l922. Wh;ll d1attgt' 111 p<r.;itlou
I he: GaJilc:&'ll'l YogR COIIIIt:Ckd Wllh ltLt~ .stxUIIIUli~C aud Vlpll!t.Ctt<Jjyuga
glvr;. F"mm ~rcty nnd !'t:curHy of a SUI;"CCS..'>hlllnv.·y~r he bt:C<tmr:.- n man
of Ute masse:::; t1 r~ubllt: figure. n nnU(Jnal figun: amillbl Intrigues.
ccltllroversk.s atul lt:uslon!i. If furm~ awl popularll)' Is to he:- ~en. Itt~
!,!rtln~ll. n .. t If Wl'illth. ~CCLtrlty. rnmll!y amt mcntill pc.;u:-.c t.'i to f)~ judged.
he ll"':\L 'T11c. period rn;-tclr. ll.1jcn Ui~l'll tr.w~l n lot, 'l~vd t.s the tlfiiHTf\J
kilrakliltwil nl Moou. Moani.R also Uu: lrtrd or Lhc tlllrct house fmm Moo11
Lagtw, Mum& !'iiglliO~!; lht: kllmtl and Salnm Whlr.h L~ l'!fHlj\IIICt With II.
the Ctmrklt<t, Much lrt the l<hmll [lt-umoUun prugrnnu111:
wa'li ntlttlt.' lh•t•ugh lhr. dfort~ r> Aai)U durlu~ lhi~ 11-t!rlod. ht Ch»r
It wns I.<~0·11ltln•s "'ud l~·o·Gcmlnt. 1'.wms 1.!4 J0' 11 from ami hAs /\1{
n.nd MfK. II Is tltr. G''' Rao;hl from L.a~na. Gcmtnl l-'i th!! 7'L R.1shl from
l..a~rt:t 2••i fmm AI\ ~uhii\MI( "lind I ', ... lrnm l..eo.

Vimshottori Dnsha or Juplter-Mn.n;

March 1922 to February 1923
Ao; per M:.harl~hl Parashar from U1t.- ntth hou5e, fall from pmtltlnn
i5 alw ...ccu M<t~ tllc~rdarr. ns. llu: !)'~'~ ;mel l2"' lunl t~ouhl gl'l.'r.. stH'h
n~!>UIItio In lb Aulanln~hll, Tht• close cotllum:tlon o! McrruT)', 1he 7'"' ~nfl
I 0'" lnrtl •u•d 1\t<in. in l.-"'!grm g.Jv~· r1"il,' to l1 Rnjyog.1, lilu~ mbxtl rt:~"UIL'>
r"(IU!d be expected. Ulllt~r tlh~ Chnr ~r.llemt:.·Caur:t=r ....... s fromJWJI!
•L I ~22 to March 4_ 1923. C~Hl•~cr •~ the 12"' from l\.m:. (MK I~ ;Jiso ~ccm
;t:r;; 1ho pnsutott ~ivcrl Hmi B''' lrom 1..•1~1\."l ami CiK. 'l1u-: cnmhlur:d
llldlt:dtLnll (rum Vlrt-rslwllarl itiUI ChHr. th~rdnt(l I~ rau (nun IIU!'ilttun.

The Government Actiao

11HIUtSalldS of ~n.t.'"· ltll'ltu.11ug CirmrlhUI, Wl!n: clnppetlln prlsmts

Faner Techniques !lr Astrological Pred.dlon~ Vol Ono

for nn otht!t otkuc~ Umn thnt of loving t"OUilhy mut striving to
make her consUtulloually luct~tx::mknl.·
Congress Rift
Rajen Balm went tu l3lhar amt organised ~ meeting ofTlsc Hlhnr
Provtnclal Cougtess. Usc B.'lrtloll atld New Dellll re.soluUous were
ao:cptcd In Ute meeting ond th~ ConstmcU~ prngn.unme £15 cnvl.sagctt,
1n lhc..'5C resolullon!i was start~d. ·n·~ re._'>(llutlon of Mr .MUTij~ or
1\fahamshtrn wlllch wns not pa!>sed In U1c N~w Dellll i'\lCC meet fow1d
tlCCC!ptanc:~ Ln U1e Mah.ara:shlrit. l\1adbya Pradc.sll Congress
CauJJcU. Thus. clearly, the lll~rna.l rill:. In lbr: Congress cnuh.l be seen.
Soon a.Jkr. his rc:tun. fmm Detht Ra!cn &bu wc:nr to A'i~lll with
Pamllt M.aLhUl Mohau Malvly;"* and '\'lsltc:d lhc: pl.ilot-"C~ where U1c:
Congress work~rs were au ackee! 1uul I he Cou~s offices were humt.
Unda- the Constl1.lctlvc Natlou Building Programme. U1c Cougrc.;s
wor1rers plcltclcd the opium shops aud as ~plum wns a nmjor revenue
for the Omc1 muciU Ute ptckdlng wa~ dJ!rillkrwcd by fon.--r:. R.1jcn Babu
later vl~Hed i11e repre5slou atfect.:d pl;u.-es ln Blhiir aHd found t11at U1~
pl':Oplc were :;Uil ru1dcr terror thH~ to the rulht~s.o;. repression by the
British Government. RHj~n Ba bu U\cn cngagcct htm~u· wllh the
cunstrucuve nation bulldlllg ilCUvltk~ more acUvely ami t:ullcctcd
funds tu May nnd June. 1922 for lite Congress Sc~slon to be hdd In
Gayn ln Deeembc:r. 1922. He c:vulcl not attend the 1\ll:C meet or 22nd
~une, 1922 111 Luc:know M. 1..11! g-9t l~l~lt f~r. TI1e Vl..lmhotcal Oa.!'ioha
WB5 Jupllcr-Man!-Rnhu.. Mnr.., as alwnys. gavt'! him high ft!Vcr as It 15
coujunct wtlh Men!ury In tha= ~1gnJI. IGlhu Ln n e<UUIOl bo': good
!l."..r healU\. RRJcn B.1bn mntlc a. l.rrgl! n!port, durU1g tills pcrlad ()II
Go\'emmc:nt repres.!ilflll whiC'h Wlls puhll!;hcd 111 the:- Sl".art'lsll~ht
New~papcr', Ill! visited OunJ·k.'l-A:igh. ncar Arnrllstu 10 ~c the Alu11l
agllaUou fol" the posscsoo;lou ot Gu111dwara pxvpe1·t1~s. Fmm Aturtl~r.
Rajcn Babu, Pamllt Mnlviyn nnd Ha..k.un Allmrul Khnn wc-nt to Mnltnu
\"'here c•Jmmmud lo::n~lon. nfkr rioting hnd llart'cl llurlng the 'Thzfrl
pro~s!CHI (Mui..Hlil1lml H.1jcn Babu Wli.S inlciiSI!ly muvr:Ll lly tl1e stunt~
he hcant of Inhuman arts ol batharlsm and the sight5 of lht! aftcrmaUL
Shtr.e Mullan WR~> a Muslim majority area, II was HU1dU5 whn hart
suffered mt,sl. Wltllc !>')'TilflHihl:!illlg wllh r.\1 und hnldltlg mL~L~tlllM,!i
bt:IW\":1!11 mcm~rs of buth the l'ummuulllc:s ami with lht: law eur<u-cutg
agcn~lt's Pa.ndlr MalvJya ami ItitJcu tlabu auvtsed lise Hindus to fomt
groups to J~fenct thcmselve..., In~:.·~ ~f attndts again Dur1ng Uti~ \·1~11
to Multan Ha1en Babu foLU1d for Uu: first tinn: Uti! dl..ffi.cult~ ln
brc.tlhlng. 'l11e.Vtm!•hottnr1 dash~ was Jupllcr-Mm·s.·SRtum. Augl;st 4.
1922 to Scptcnthi:t 25, .1922 (ollrJWCL1 hy Jupltc:r·Mars·Mentry fm111
Sept. 25. 1922 to 14°1 Nov.!ntbc..r, 1922. ~fat5.-Sat mHl Mu~·M~r arc
111.seasc gtvlng planet!> (or thio; horo~ope, lu •·hm ll vms. Caneer. Cnncer
bcing 8"' irom lAgrm and GK. Mta n:tunt1Jtg_ Crum Mullnu, H..<Jtu B<\bu
gol busy, In tlrcp;utng for Use Atmunl Scsshm or Ute! AJCC at Gaya,
Bttmr of whlc.h hr. WH~ Uu~ mnlll or~'Uthl!r. M~ulwhtl~;. IJJt: dlvldc tn the

Cougrcs.s hat! tkcpcucc.L 1'ht!re were p~o11h: whtt rhought rhal lhey
slwuh.l uul gu ng;tinst U1c ndv1ce of GandhiJI by &tarung civil
dl'Wbcdkncc rutd there WC'l"C Uwse who Wilnted to stan lhe t:i\•11
dl!tobeillr:nc~ \1>"11 hout ·wnJtJng for •he rclc:n~e of Gaudllljl. For lite pt(!ss,
lhl.t; WH~ U1c most 50ught after news. The p~•p1e who were In fil\'flur of
cutf)' 1u tlu.· lc:gH;Iature:; were brruulcd us Pm·Changl!rs and Uw!>~:
agotnst II ~s No-Ctwngcrs. Prominent ~monj!. 1-'ro-t::hangus wen~ Mr.
C.R Das. Mr ~hlll l.Hi N•~hnt nlld Mr. VIUtal Bhnl Pah~l (BroUtcr of
S.1rclar VallabhnJ Patr.ll nud In lh~ Nn·clmugers ~roups WC\1.: Shrt l{;Jj:J
Rajgop:l.ll'lchart. San1nr V..llahhAI Patt:l. Dr Ans;ul. Shrl Jamnali1l f}ajnJ
and Dr Rajl':ndrn Pm~"\r.l. Gnn!.lhi.JI k.-.rle_~ <uthC'rl;!ur.r. to lnnh awl
tusUr.c )l'ld tmpn·~!.I!'Li l:Wjt!JI l~bu J!rt'...ntly ami h~.! hnd ht_'{'OrnC'. his
dl!Voled D1rnp<'U a.lnu from Ch;lmparnu. where Gandhljl had dr.mon::;.t.rntc·d.
Urnmgh vtctory. 1h~ pnw•!l" nf non-v1•>1~nl 5lnlAAk- Sal)"-fl~mhu·s
gn:alc-st t..rtumph over ou~n·s hcrtrl. In a husule c-n\'i.n)tLmc:nl, the AtCC
tne~Uug tnt1k plntt Ln Calcutt-a 1.11 Novcmbd. I &22. Titt."l'e wen: h!!<lled
e.:<chaug~ h~:;twc~u lhc h\'rJ groups. Nn-Changcr<i ami Pro·Changc:.r:..
All ls~u~ \\'l:n" po~lp<>nrd fi1r dlscu~ston In the: Gny;l Mt~ct to be hclrl In
Dcccrnbcr. 1922.

Attnek or Astbma
Just a few d;tj-s ~ron: the: Gayn Sr:--~slon f-{ajl"n aabu got nn atf<'lck
of A'ilhm;L 'Otc Vlm!:>hollurl dm;ha \\'iiS. Jup·Man.· Veu B0U1 Mars AAd
Venus as lm::; br.~:u tlcscrlbct! carHer gt;·c di5casc. 111 Char It rcmn.tnccl
Leo-Cancer: The ~ldl!nl of lhe fi.ICC &.5-..'ilon Mr. C.fL 0~5 dcll\'t•n•d
his ~pt·.t:r:h In whkh. he raisetl tile c-ontrov~~tnl l~!>ue ol' ~ntry ro the
Lcg.tslatu~. This W#l~ \'eiH:mtntly opposctl by Shrl H.t~,fi1 Rsq~opiih~hnrl.
Dr. n..'ljcmtm Prasad at1tl St-ul VniiRhhal Pilkl In thclr!>()Ce<:h~!'i. "J11c-.r~
\V<l-'i ht:aled •llscltsslon (ur dAys. The rc&olullou of c:ulry to lhc ~s Jdr:attd by twn lhlrd mR]Ortty Ill \"Utlng. f\h· C.R. Da~
~tgnr:d. Allthl5 happened ln tile: da5lm of "ctlvlsct <wd cncrgtscl' Mars
Wlto 1s In do~ ~nnJuncl1on wHh 111~ 7'o. and to'" lorrf Mereury In l.agn01
ill th~ lull'uscopc of Rajr.:n Babu..
Vim.shottari Da.sha
JUJlller-Rnlm from fc.hnwry 192~'\ to ,July 1925. Rnllll 1\·tahadasha
from July 1891 to July 190~ wn.s filUnd favournblr lor cduc.:1U0n. 13ut
Rnhu's lmpad has 111 dumgc~. wllh Rnlm csl~hllshlng 2/12 relationship
with 1\mhada!>ha lunl Jur,net and gcttlttg th.::btll~lcd tnthe Oashmnusha.
At th~ o.e,e of 38 Dnshmansha assumes lmport.'lm:t" for tr·.sults on the
profes::-loual rtont- With Maul:.tna Abut lWam A7~f.I'S effort!.. who WH$
rde.a~tl rmmjn1lm Jruma.ry, 1923, the clforts started for n c-ompromise..
Fot lhc F~hnnuy meeting of AICC CR. Das aa:::epttd to pros1de. The
press gave Hdvcrse r.omm<:nt!O. Pandll Molllal Nehru :5li\rted th~
rampnlgn fClr th!! Swnr.tJ Party Cormcc1 IJy Pro·Clmtg1!r:r.. 1k o-muounced
that 111~ would •H cend U1e J\ICC meet on 1\'tny 25. I ~23 {o dts-euss th~
disputed He :~dvtscd his supporters to boy..-;oll 11. 1111! dlvlslon
In the Con~rc:5:5 \1/ld~:::ned ruul the party started 10 gel wca.k

Fmer ledllllQu~ <'A Asuolog~<:al Prt.'CIIC1icns- 'Vet OnE M:ro ~~·e!r:Jl or Dr RaJen;1{';

·nw Coc1.1s ~hltlt"£1 liJ Nagpur when~ 'Jul o( ~rrognm:e lhc l-\rllrc:.h
Offielal.!> I~Rd dcd11rcd Lhe: dtsplnr •Jf the N~li•·,u..•l llng In Lh~ Cl\'illin~s of
the city a.c; a {:rtmhl;il offC"n~:c, pmu:o;halllc wllh nn· tmcltmprisnnmr.ur.
Forgetung tlll' lnlt!ruHI rtn nml rlstug Rl:ww~ rhc party ltllC!S lhou~llu..l!i
c.ourtc~\ iliTt..'~L. &•Jc:u l3:1bu with 111~ •.klcgHUon !rom Blhnr wa.c:, tlwrc.
111.~ ord~r pmhlhltlng J)n)c~slnJL'i \V.:l~ 10 ·~p!n· on Augu~l, 11-3. I!:1:2::!
On this d;.y <t largi! prorcsslou or volulllt!t_'l"S carry tug Lhc IUJlhmaJ lla~
marched. pe<-!ttltdly through the Civil Un~!'>. ,\n ulum~lum ()U
Sr.ptt:~rnl~rs, 2. t92:3 111 t111: fHI\'c:rmm:nt was glvr.u lhm rhc S.atyngrr\h
WUUid br. n!'l'l\'t:{l uuk:o;s I h" pr"bitJIIC:rs WC!TC' rcl~~L'd, With Ill 24 IWUP.
The lr;kphnll('" llur..s l>u..-.a~ hetwt·.~~ 1 Nagpur-lJt'lhi-Luudou nlll1 hr:fon·
the 'D' hour thr: ordr:!r o( Uu~lr rdca;.c was L~s\lcfl, It W~5
upro Ht'" Novcmb.:r. :!:..l. IJudcr the Clmr sr.hcmt.• II '""·i1s l~n- Leo (rom
March 5.19231a Ut't:t:mhcr 4. 19~\ bnth. [avQUmblr..., fmJt:n B,lbU3cHvdy
moulded hirn.seJI" tn Ute work of Gandhi ~va Sang.h lontted by N•)
Changers. Mr. C.R Dass rc:.m:krcd hb rc.slgnnUon aJkr bnt~r o:l"IL'lilACS·

September 23, New Delhi AlCC Scal'iion

l\•lnul.:w.a Ahul Ki1l:uu At.iid was th.•_-;lgu.nlr.d 11\co Presltlclll of lite
&.sst on. Maular m ~lullHmnmd .!\II wa~ tt":1casecl Jus! tx:Iot1~ lhrll. Rnjr.'ll and (•lll~r 1\\.-Chatll~cno cxpcC!to:d Uml he would ~upport 1hem mul
r.ppoS\! the entry tfr Ihe l~t..fl.,latun:.s. Maul.aJ~a Muh~mntHd i\11 cumrJttrl~cd
rlmt lu~ h<HI il \\irdi'.S-=' nw:S5agc from M;rh.1tmaJll.nJatl ami rh~ derl511111
now 1~ to lk· t.akcn hy hha. ·n1r:rdon::. ~J<~u Babu ~ml !:iantru P·.lfcl !lid
not oppoSt• t11~ rcsoluttou 111 New Delhi m~~ct 111 favollt uf cut ry w Ihe Bu1. 11ru::t~ h;p:lng- Tll.lHjr:o his vtc-ws public ~garrJJng ~HIJ)' lu
kgtsl:Hures. RaJcn Ballu dld 1101 cV•!r t."lll(t-.!>t :an clcctlnuor l•hllt .a l'fl.S.C.
H!S- a lnwyt.:.-. ·nu~ ru'\vly formctl wtng of U11! Swaraj P.u-ty uudcr MoWat
Nc:hru and C.R. CJ;~~ sw~:pl tlu- pnllfi or l92:J. ·na"' i'\o·ChBugcr"> dtcl not

December, 24. 1923 Kolllmtdn AICC Congress Session

Vimshottarl da.sha; Jup·Rahu..Sa:t from 19'~ November. 1923 ro
6'1' April 1924
Hnjcn 13ahu fdl slt:k jus I t.Jcl"ore r he ~·ss!ou •u•tl •'iluld !IOl go.
R.1hu and &Hunt Hrt' flOlc-111 sll'kncss gM;,. Ill hts horos-cope. IH Chitt
Canccr·Gt!lllllll Slnrtecl from 1)~1: .. a ml Wil!> lip to Febnwry a. Ctlnccr hi
l.hc dghtll Rnshi fruru l..agua. 0em.lul l.!'i rtu~ 7 1" nud h:oJ.:; a..-.po:cl of OK,
Mars Rilhu ru1i:t 1\cru. AK Is. 111 till! 12''' (ro•n Gr:mJuJ Hr wa~ eho~H~.u lht
P~.slckm of U1~ lllmH lln·rmnll(lr1 trfi:Cl I lis ~po:-t•r.:b ~'<'\-"' n·~d by ~hri
.Jnmml 13ajaJ. Milulm~ Muhammad. All wns chosen Ute Pre:Sh.lctiL
TI1c dt!clslOII of cutry tu th(" lcglslalure was rallfh:d. A ucw pro~rnmmc
for Hindu-Muslim uulty was prcseulcd for l<h;ull prt)IIlllllr•u. a
BO<:i n1 w-~ mmle,
Till! Babu flljrJ 1\tal L'H!:t<~ op.;n~d nn 2.., Ji\nunry, 192·1. ln~pll•: of
hlslllnc5~. f~"lJen Babu prepaml for lh~'- f.lnjl!n Bilhu lmrl proml~•!cl
Bahll IIIJr:i Mal thnt h~ .,'Oirlrl Ct')rnplel~ ll1is case a!> he WiJS. lllVohiL"il 111 U
~stn;r Sbolr;h a! Or. Rf; •
from llie very beginning. E¥cept for this thae was no ollt~ case taken
by hlm and the old cases hn.d flz:ded out
·Ga ntlhiJ I \\'aS operntcd On J;mu ary ·12. 1924 at the: Sasson Hosplta1
In Punc for nppendlcJti5, Rajcn Babu had gonl! to s<:~ 111m lu U•e
hospital. Rajen Babu nddre~!t~Ll <:l meeting at P;:~ltH\ (lrl hl.!i n-.-tt1m and
mformc:d the gatlt~rlllg that OamlhUl was not ha.ppy over his td~se on
heallh grounds. On fchru~ry 4, 192-l, the omr.r for the uncondlUonaJ ()r Malmlrna G;uultu v.-as issm:d. nu May, 1924 R&tjon Babu
remahtt!d eugabaer.J in U1~ Babu Hljrl MaJ t::l~. He worked hnrd nmt !Sal
for long hours In the Ou march. 1924, Gautlhtjl nrrlvt~d In
Bombny. And stay~d at Juhu forconva.lescen~e.
Vlmshottari Dasha Jupttf:r;Rahu·Men:ury
With lhc on5Cl Mercury Pmtyantardasha. Lhlng5 st.Hrted lo look
up for Rajen &btl, He wa!> greatly rellcvr:ll wh!!rl CandhiJI supported
the srand taken by htm ~grdnst lb~ ~:!lfry to kglslatun:. On Aprtl l l,
1924, Ga11dhL prepattd a, draft statement Ln corua~cuon w1U1 Council
cntty. QandtUJI declared .t.hat he was. still In ravow· of the five boycotts
ami entry lo the legislatures wa.~ ~aiJL.,t the prlnalples of nOU·
c:o()per.aUon. In the r.har It wa.s Cancr.r.~\rl,~s fmm Apr11 4. 'l9!l4 to .June
4, 1924. Beltr.r Uum Caucer·Gt:mlul arul Cam:r.r·Thuns!'i.
The communa1 slluaUon was tense:. GandhlJI, In bls ortlclc:s
tiiuUyGc:d lhc lilndu-Mu'iflm tensions- lt•., ~:auscs and cure. In on¢ 5Uch
:utiCle he wrote lh.a.t M.us1lm.!i rut bully!. and the Hindu~ are roward!!., He
dcd;trcd that only those people 5hould be chosen 1n the Congres5 who
follow all lhc nvc boycotts. lt tmplted that only those members had a
rlgllt to be In who boycotted. U1e Law Courts ~UI who!le
r.hllclrcn were not ln GO\'erlunent !'>tlhools [Ill} who h:tve all the
Ullc:s glvt!u hy I he l1cl\'cmmcnl 11\'l who wr.rc: not lu U1~ Lcgl'iiHhl~-!'1. (v)
who boycult~cl ron::lgu t::lulhe.s aucl g~d!S, Titus, utcs.nlug that .rill
Swru11jlsts who hatl gone to the Ltglslatures wen= requ1rcd to quit the
Legl51nturc rn leave ·Congress. On MRy 22 1" 1 1924 GandbUl and th~
Swarnj Party t.ssucd scparntc stakml!n~ on entry to the L.egls13llm'S.
In lhls tense 9Uuauon AJC(.;. mctl W"fll!o bcld l.n Ahemedabad on
June, 27, 28, 29,30, 1924_ OautlhW was ()(the VIew- that wheu tht':
Session was not going orl. the AICC h<ld the authurlly t() nmcnd the
ruli!S nmi II wasmJtagaiusl the fatmdJngprlm:lplc:s. MauL\n., Muhanunad
./\11, thr. Pn'!Sidenl ot this Session n::fcrrcd Ute qne.sllon t4) th~ members.
the: majority W<t!l \\•Jtll Gandhi, hut the: h:usiou W"dS dearly. vls1hle frons
the narrow nuu-gln which dt:~tdcd In favourofGandWjlln the referendum.
Mr. C-R. On.s ilno Mr. Motllnl Nchn1 walkt:d out wUh olh~ In prot~L
Tit~ othct rewluUon..-. aJ.o.o, could paa~ by narrow ll1.t'U'gU\s. Grmdh1J1
then muwd a n.'SoluUon ro n:move lhat portion of the passed ~luUon
whtdt t!cUJroiWtl lhc members, mostly Swar.ajlst for not ob!.ervlug all
the boyt·ot.ts. He said, I h<~vc dum~ lhls. us had the abscnlct".S who
wnll\t'.d out Wl.!lC hero, my a-c..'i-oluttonH would not huvc p~d. TbC!
m~llc.r was discussed tiU lnte at oight. Titcre were nuUty a<;tjustment!i
<h.:t:cptcd by Mi'\hatnr-tji, He g:wc ;tn c:root1onal spt:ech the stopped for a

Flfl4lf TOCI'Inlt~ll"~~ c' ~ltt\lt"Cit:nl Pw•dlr.:lle~!• V1J1, on~ .A~ta sto:[lrcr' o1 Or. R.wrr.::~• _
few minutes while speaking. lJl hi~ Hrllcles Also he wro~ •lbout this
meet, thus, though I got the mnjorlly votes but I would call Ull& my
defeat. At Ule end of the meet many l)r<lpo!Siahs were flnallsc::d to ct!Jutl~
lbc: 11tand tnken IUld brtng bncl( the: Swnrajlnl!.l. It Implied lhal tho~~ wl1o
did not the boycott.!. could JOin UR Congrus, The hlwyeru
who sre rntltnbera or the. Congre~~• ccmld now p111.ot1oe In Law Coum• find
ConQrelUUMn could contc9t electiCJnll to 11eck. entry tn tho l~ghdnturr.".
lnapttc of thla Rol,Jcm Bnbu 8trlet.1y !allowed the boycultb. He did not hlke
nny caae nor he contested clccUon,
CornmunRllllm IIOW held Ole :5tage. It Y.'l\1!1 fed by lhc pn\tolUlf(e or
the Oovemmellt. rl\'t~lry·Am1 competlt.ton between the eomrnut.llUc:f) (OI'
the: paste or mlnistcrs an.d other hJgh offices grew it.nd officlali'Hvow·!\
were encouraged by the O<lvemment. Communlll~m. lhue bec.Rrnt: ~
means for obtllinlngjobs and posts of vantage and ll \I.'Ba explollct.l by 11
clae!S of pollUc:lan!J who t111r.rl religious dognmr. for thctr own pmpo~r..
0Bndhljl'lrlo'rote In 'Yo'U.J1il:aiSta· w\'1\: art: lntolenull tuward!j OUI' CJPI,tJm:ut.'i.
Our own countrymen nre ruled wtth dl!ttrUat. They simply dn uol bcllr.vr.
In our non-vlol~ncc:. Hlmlusaml Mu~llllUi,lnmn.ny p1aCc91UlY~ pruvltlr~l
lUl object lesson, not In non-violence, bulln vtolcncco (Artlcl~ by Mnhtlttlln
Oa.ndht U1 Young India dated 3·4-l92"l
ln.Augm;t, 192.4 wtdc!lpreud rtota broke out ln th~ Country. On
Augu!it. 16 GAndhijl left Ahcmedaba<t for Delhi 111 c:onntcUnu wlfh
Htndu-MuBlim settlement on communal riot~. In \Uung lnt\1~ lu nn
n.rttelc cnUtled Gulbiuga OoneMu.d' OnndhUlnppealed for lllndu·MuhUm
The lnt.mJnl fights In Congruo wt~ continuing. Ou Seplember-
6, 1924-, In B lct.terD to MaUlal Nehru. Grutdllijt emphaal&ed tllc de~too
not to dtvlde the Congres!l, 1n a Jettu to Roja.raJgopalllchurl, he at.rn8ed
that we must 11bdlcate power D.ltogetJ1er, lfWt: have faith tn our m1111!10n.
On September 9·10 rtot!! wok plar.e In Hlndu5 were .eYacuuted
On September 13.:., 1924, riots took place ln Ahemedabad. On September,
1?, 1924, Oaru:lhljl commenced lll.s 21 day At Muhanunad All'!:
house ln Dc:lhL On October 8. 1924 Gandhljl broke the fust Muhammnt.l
All presented GandhUI wttlt a Cow purchased from a butcher. Gilndhljl
rond~ed the tcptes~on tn Bengal and appenled to ·tlJe peopk fo
prt.:::icr.>c: the peace. In a Jotnt statement With the SwaraJ Party leoders,
n.gret:mcnt on concetttd actJon wa.s a.nnounced·suspcnslou of non·
cooperatlon nnd Spinning Franchise.
Active work was ncvt.r bauned by Ihe: Con~s In th~ locnJ bodies.
It was decided that Co~ should contestt:lectton and talc~ control ol
tJ1e Munlctpal Admlnl9trllUOu.s 'kllabhai Paid hAd bee:(! me U1t!: President
of the: Ahmedabad Municipality and Jawnhatlal Nehru of AUa.habarl
Munll;.lpallty. lnPnltm Mnulnvl Khur!>ht.:d Hu~snh1V.'t.ln fur the Ccmgre!'t~
by a small mrugln. &:l!SlUvc commu1tal questions w.::re lu the
election. A call was taken along to votc-r.J by hl5 Hindu opponcnl
.Mr- Hussain decltned the. i!hlttnnanshiJl and II \lm5 forced upQII Rnjet
Babu. After havlo,g tken pu!!thed tntil the officr of the PresltJent of lht
A.s:_,l) Sketclt or Dr. ROJDOOrD Firt~ TachF11quo.~ CJ( Astr-oloqacal Prodldi0!'1fl Vol. Ont~

Palnn Municipality, he approached the task wUb cnlhu~lar.m and ilppllcd

hlnlsd.C ton~tmt1ousty to the cond!Uon of tllt: tovm. BuL h~
came up against the: ba~;tc problems <lf nnances. TI1ctt \'lfls ~~ much to
be done. 1l1e dminagc: system "¥o'3.5 prtmltlvc, Open drnul5 dtschnrged
dtrty Lnto cc"spClolo;, which owing to ~page hmt polluted the
water 5Upply tn the wcll!i, Cll!ruldrtnkJng water was il\"ailable only from
tht~ rlvc!r. The roads \Wrc 1n n shocking cond1Uon. MUit was broughtlnto
thr: t'.tly Md clh;Uibuted under unhygh:nlr: condltlon5, The Munldp;il
r:;wcepen; were hatlly hou ~d Rlltl undl!r de bl. 1lll" lmpruvcm~ nl derrumctC'd
a good dca1 of I!Xpendlturc. But the:!: munlclpa\Jty had limited powers to
mlb~ U1c n~e.·1.s-ary funds, The members or the munlt-lpnllty wen~ mJlln
favour of aLidiUonal l.iJ.mUon <Uld for rals\ng lO<lllS. lnsptlc of his bt!Sl
eliort.s. R:ijcn Brtbu coult.l noL gt=t r.h~ u~ce!>sary cot~pt!ration from the
Govemmenl. He felt U1a1 It\ tJlt! prevalUng ctrcum<>r.Finres very little
lmpmvem~nt could be done_ H~ wru.cs, ~ondlng uurscl\'e5 ln a hopeless
position. Wt! tcnclcn!d our restgn~Uon aft-:r an year"!> expc-..rtm<:nl \Uil.1bha1
Patel OliOIIC ~u:hiC\"Cll OIIISI~<WIIng SIIC:r.~~o; tn Aht:m~dnh;ul Munlcipnllly,
Rajt:H Babu ;ttlelukd the AICC Bumhay meet nml 1hc Bdgauu Session
of AICC 111 Occt':mhet. 192o.\. A Khad1 cxl1lbJUon wa':l orgaws...-n by him In
P.atJm. In th!:' of 1925 he got cngn~d In milking report on lht"'
pllS5lblllty or mccttng Ulc dC'IlllUli! of 13udt.lht~t mvnlu. r~lf" CIJIIfrtJl uvcr
UU! Bodhgaya h::rnpl~ In March, 1925. Jagdlsh Chandrd BO!>~ atltmdrd
th(! Ccmvocatlon ofl31hru-Vldynpccth organised hy h\m. Itt Jupiter Rnhu
pt"riud Raj~n Btlbu fouud lHmHdf dec:etvcd by dn:um.5lrulce:s. lie was
followlll~n p<llh whtch he conretvect wns the nghl pftth hut ~uu he v.<Hi
ptJHlu~tlluln coutmvcr.;lcs. RRJ~II B."llm hdtl !>tnmg vkws ill!tilillst r:utry
to the Jcgtslotun:.
He must do as Gandh~l had lnstntctl!d hlmjtl:.;tl bcfon:goln~ to the
.Prt!::IOn 'ikc.p Hp the constnaot1'."l:' work •wd y(lu will be prt.:pnrhig the
pr.!oplc: for Ut\! s.·uyagrnll'!- IJe: ~\at Bthnr C011fj0!"'$!':i Commllft~ to adopt
U1t: cousltucU\'e porogramml! and preB.scd Uae Dlstrlct Congte55
committees. to work nr:Uvt:l~· for Jlromctlou of IUwdt illltl rJso thewOTk 10
rclaHhklll;tlc. thr.lauguJ.shlug Nalloual S..•hutJI~. Rujcu Balm realised Ihut
Ut>IIIY Congres~men, who we-re agg~s!.'l\'~ Ill U1clr oullook and v,-.mtt:d
c1u\cli. result.~. HJ tlJC!m, Ute construcnve programme. madl" Uttlc nppcal,
Th~·y ktt thai It was a slow proCC$5 and deiJUln.d~ n !Spirit o(path:nceaml
~<\t'rlflcc. whic-h flt{1 niJt suit temperament.
A.l- U1e clectt..rms lh.: Sv."aJ";.t_l Party. under MoUlal Nehru a.~ad C.R.
On!) g.l)t fnrty 0\·c scats um!c:r Ute Ccutrnl l.egi!;lithln-- 1'n 11rove tht:kr
tihmd 011 cnlry to the legislature:;, thmu~'h skUiul maurn:uvrlug thr:
party was able lo gd some majorll)' t.lcc1slons. compclllng the Vkct'.J'oy to
USf" hts C!Xlrnordtruuy powt'r uf veto, They cl~tmcd II ~r\lcd to ettrh UlC"
Oov~nllnt"lll, whldl C'J~lld nol C~"lrry 011 by u~lug lhc VU:c:::rrJy·s
c.:~tr.1urillnary JJuWer(Hl f\U Usc occ-ar; tb~ pt~oplc- 1.1f tll~ C(JUiltry kl
wns :r.umt AAll~factiCtll that U1c naUrmal po1nl ofvlc:-w ·wR~ llelll~ forcefully
.-~qm:!SM'il hi lhc 1.<-~l!>hHurc:s. ·1111~ heiJlt:d to kc:cp up lhclr tuur.ilr;. ftut
It 1.:mald 1ml h~ lgllon:cl that lh~ {l!llout uf entcy• lo lh~ 1.<"-&islatu~ w-as.

communalism. caslclsm 1mrl rcglOIIilllsm. ·nH! Mus,IIU lcJ1gt1c rmd lht:
oU\er cmnnnmii1 partks wert~ able lu piHy upo1~ IJLc fcaN of llm Mus.lhn5
and generally rchlmt:d c<1nrlldntcs w1tl1 commurmllcallfll~s-
n.c M:thadash.-l or t.hc mCJ!:it favourable: pl.lnet Ill ti1e howscopc or
Rajcn Babu Jupiter, C1tml! w ;m un Augu~t tO. J925. During lhls
dashH or 16 year~ Rajcn Babu established hltn...'4:11 £t~ 11 SUt.:•:css(ul
IR\Y')'~r and made a fortune. He also cstHblisht"tl hlm!iclf ao; •) Nntto11nl
Leader. The Wll~n.laslm modlfltd tbc n.-stdts dept.·udln.g Ot\ thr::u p'""e.:.menl
from the 1\lahada.!.ha Lord a.nd Ute reli1tlon~hlp wtlh the!: Mahrulastin
Lord. With 1hc ~!.lvauccmenl of n,gr: U1crc Is 5hlft Is prlorltks and. .:.;
change In Tn~slf. ·Rnl ?iltm' aecClrrl1n.l!)y thr:re l« o ch<mgc In fot:ll!'i fir
plilHdHry htflm:nt:(,, For e~<-HTIJlll! tlu~ Rnhll Mahatla~hu pmvetl
c:xceclllugly for m:atiC'nale <tc.:htcv(~lllclllS, wln•lt:a!i' the Jupllcl'·
RAllll prrlot.l pnwcd bad uu I he J!llllfc.s:wmal (roul. /\':1 c~-plalucf1 <'ru lll!r
als(l Rahu-.Jup hav.: 2/12 n:laUonshlp ami Ill Ou~ Lla5hmtlll.!ilm Churl
Rahu i.5 t.leblll!nll'd. lnJusllt~:.r-ll;shu ~·t·rlo£1 U1r: contnwt:n•y rd~Un~ lu
c:nlry to!sL1.t11re rt)lliiHUc:'tL /U the eiiJ ofJupltc.T 1\f<lhiHia~h;L Rrljc:l1
liabu srood al the c.ross-ro;uj&. bolah::d nnrt ru.'rg.lll:•ll!-4.-rl. lie" llacl
dropped the lck.a of entry to Uu~ lc:g,1sL~tm~ ns II \>r.ts ngnlmr hl!i prluc1pk.~
Uc h<ul gtvt:n up hl!i nourlshlug lc,g,.'ll prtil'IICe ;o)~ lhnt \\<iS ilgalu~l lhr:
dl.n~cUon of t11c: uou-coupcraUott. Ulllkr the Ch;mlasha schL•.mr ,afkr
tile fn'·~mrahle Rash I dnshn of Leo for 9 yenrs whlr,h ls U1r:- tl'" lGI!-Ill
LA.gnn <'!nd lUi!> a ~ln:m.g Jupller Hs Ml< awl the uspccL of \bu~ ... ic. Plt.
Ulc Onsha (1f C;lncct which Is th~ 8°1 R.'\shl from l..."'ijml anll fn•m IheCK
rmrl OK srm1r.d fmm o~cemb~r 4. 1923 Ia Ucr.t!mh•T ·1. ~~-12."i t..:..:UJI'I~I" Is
the 12'~ tas.lll from :'IU<. li.1K. ns.5L'lted •'Airlll!r ;t.Jw lms. been foiiiHI w he
lmhcntln~ posltton.
'1'11c Saturn Mallada.sha
Sltlurulu ktlltWrL to ;til fur tt.s ~1)' a11tl grtd ~1..,111g JliOj)cn~;olllc~
Ills p~rtmp~. lhc mosl rcm:ultcd plan~l f~;~r lhls rr.a~n. 1\~opk ln lhdr
melt:~n('holfr. moQds and ~rouble an: ~;ofte-n n.-mJmkd c•f lh•! lll-cUi:~t-" of
SttllJm_ lk II grid Or mlSe.t)' thruu&h I'O\'I!rty, los~. ~1-..n-<lllLIII ftH1ure..
h umlltH llou, abuse. lsolrtUon. tll.scasc 1J~1lll)' or \\1IT-klnJ! nf rclr>tloushlps.
lh~ rt!..'iJmll~lhlllty Is <'ouv~nl<'ntl.)• po-~s!it'fl m1 In !:).,I urn hy 1111~ mmt sldt~
furtu11~ ldlt:rs.llu· •h:~crlpt1on ufS:1t11nt ~1\'C'll In Urllmll';n~slmr I lu-ra
Shasn..rt. ts as (t)Jluws. It lm~ cutrtt.'iatc!tl uml lollg phy<tii!Ut'. hn~ ta\\'tty
L'ycs, Is wtndy In h~mpt:mmcnl. has hlg h:clh. 1s ln1loknl unll lnmt:. lis
a bod-: ~~filthy gmund, ll:; lastc Is n~trlugcut. Sill lim :;I~Ytlfi•:--" gno:(. Th•:
caste gh'1:.11 l.., Shudm illlt.l neul.J'al. It lm!'. ,,., •'iln)' t)UI lhc t1uty llf
t..Jrc1 Shwa. Rudra. It ts also called \~rna.
J\11 pl;mcls hcsiPW holh good iillll 1»111 rt:.!>llll!'i, Satunl Is !he rlruwt
lhnl l'rtn gl\'c wl.sdom •md ~plrltuallly. Jl •.'":lll glvi! Hll good dftt:l!; nl~u.
d .. p••nJ111g on lt..<> plaL·<!ml'nt aw·J lorrl.!,lup Snrurn nntl JIIJ1IIcr :tf"l' so
r•owc.dUI lh;\1 1\ulhlng_ vf any cum.~quciJ('' take.s plnl:e wlthu,il lhdr
blessing .
In the h<ln1St'•1[W nl R:•trn 1'\nhu Sttlum hl Jhr U"' htmso:- alii! Is nmllo;lml (rc-:Wt1tr;l rmm the £~lshl•lhcadl. Ills co11)•uu·.1 with

Astra ~ Of Or. Ra~ , Flnet Tt'chnlquet o1 A.sttO!OQ<::al Pre<netlDM Vol. 0~

Moon. The only n:dcemtng ienturc t5 that lt ls cxahcd ln the

OMhama.n!ha. Thi& ls ot slgnl!lc.ance ln ea&e or the horo~pc or Ra,Jen
Babu a5 he received the Saturn MahadSAba nt the of 41~ tht!i crudal
period ln hl!l career.
Whal thta type or Satum wlth afillctlon!ll ln the Jllnma Kundll And
Its ext\lt«Uon ln Ute Dnthmansha CIU\ gJVo, Lel us eMmlne.
Bcztum·Satum horft gTYt .tug....t
1~25 To 11" AUJUit l028
With the 11tart of thC! da5hlt. Satun1 cngag~d R&jen Babu in hectjc
tuurttJ.g wtth MtthRttn.a Gnmlhl all QYt!r Bthar tUl MRhKliMJI flllntcd due
to exhau!it1on. He wal'l forcc:d to tnke reqt ln Patna. lt WM wblle
Mahntmnjl wa:~ rc!tlng. that the AlCC Stsslon ln 5eptembtt._1921S took
pl~cc In Patna. The Swam) Party Wa!l virtUally hnml~d o~r the
Congress Orgnnt!l&tton. Rajcn Bnbu then ~:oncentralcd on the natlon
buUdlng actwtues by engagtng hlm!!-elf In lhe ~Uect1on of funds for
Khn.dl Promouon, Thc:rc v:c:n: ~me pleal'}smc even~ ln an othcrw1ae
deprtesmg pct'tod like the rruuTbi_qe of Rltjtn Babu'!l eldt:11t &on
MrltyunJay to th~ daughter of Shtl BrtJ -Klshor Prasad.. The communal
tcnslon waa rising with 1ncrcn.te. 1n Arya Sam8J SbuddhJs and Mu!lllm
convcr~1cm!t. Though Rajc:u Bitbu WiUl stQ;nln.!lt entJy t.o the councu~. he
campaigned for the Coum:U of State e1cct1onA on R~cept:tng tho
respon~iblUlj' for the campaign l.n B:!har. Oandh1JS. scmehow mana,ged
UU the Kanpur Sc5alon. l'liter that he wa& advis-ed to rest for one year s,t
Sabarmatl by the Ooctons. Some people interpreted tt as a political
Sanyfls, Amld!5t rtvalry. reud and tntrlguee the Congress Seasaon was
held at Ka.upur ln Oec~r. 192-5. It WM presided ov~ by Smt.
Sru-oJlnJ Nwdu. lt w,.a prapo!led by Shr1 Motl1a1 Nehm tha.l the
S\lr'SJ'ajlsr~ wUl put up the demand for Swaraj in the LegJ~aturu and tf
It wn!!P not agreed. tl1ey would qull and get engaged In the ComtruoUve
v.·ork. Any way, the Jan-March. 192.6 Session of the !tate and Ccntnl
Assembly WB5 to be the last one before the elections of 1926. Shrl
Ja.yakar, Shrl Munjt ll.fld Shrl Kelkar restgned from the Swati\j pn.rty
and fortiied a new party. The <Aituatlon changed Cor the good lor Rajen
Babu W1th start of Mercury Pa.rtynntar dasha !rom January SOU', 1926
to -\'" JuJy, 1926~ Jn mnrcb 1926. Rajtn Bsbu lnvllctl Shrl
RajiU"BJgopalacha.rt for the Convoca:tiQn ar1drt:as In Bthar V1dynpeeth.
Rajc:n Babu publlshed a. book ·ecorwml~ q[Khudc· rlurtug this period.
Latu, during 1926, Rajcn Babu ct>ncentra~d on Kh~ril Promotion
nctlvltit'.s, Many cxhlbttJonB were o.-ganL-i-ed. In the Summer of 1926
fb\Jll!l ili'\b\.1 ~WL"l,Yed ln a hill resort wlt,h GatH114Jlln My-sore. After- that
tltey toured south far KhadJ and Hlndt pmmot1on. Wlth the cla:tlons,
ttppmitchl0#(1 Uu: Country was grlpptd by clccUun fever and mounting
~~ommumd tt:n!SIOn. ruot~ tcXlk place lll K.oh.:\t. M~th~tma CiRndht and
Mulmnuur.d AU Yl$ollt:d Rawalpindi to hold an lflflUlf)'. Calcutta witnessed
i\ m;l.jor communal rlot on Bn.kar [d day a5 0 re.o..,·ult orwh.lch the khilaL1.t
,.,,mmHh:c $1::pu.rnCcd, Uuc trJ r-lfi bclwr::t:n MuUJH\ Ncl~ rul.d Lnla Lajpat

Fmet ThcMiques. Ql Astrt:Jiogrc.:ll Pr~on• Vol. Ono AUtO Sife.lch ol Dt Rajerrem
Ral, Madan Mohan Mnlviyn and L..'l1n Lajpat Ral formed a n~.:w party.
They roughl ng;Urt!'il the Cougre&& CHn.dltia.tcs, Motl.lal Nchru\4 c:l\Ar.teter L'lr{teled. Caricatures Wci"C! made nJlll obscene: lru1guagc li!;Crt.
lkUglon w.u1 u~c~l by t>OUUc:lnus lJ) ~ortl'bat their rl'o'ill!i, Cow~Stauglllcr
wn5 a t~Cns!Uvc: nttd dcllcnta Issue which wns mo:tl apiQited IJy lhc
poUUctaM. Blhnr Oo,·enJJllcitl hud rn;.cdc a 1!!>1 or vl.llage$ ~·here cow·
.sl.nughttt had talt~n plnct earlJc:r. there the Hludus were not allowed to
iiHcrvcuc and where If. was being done for Uu: flrnt tlmr:, objc:c:tJcm by
the Hlmlus ~ould lk: rat~d tilnLtus pruce~slc1u~ oni!Side mos-ques wtlll
band and songs wert! o~lccted. The cduc.atcd a counl or mcrnbt.T..'
of thclr &ltgloo In Govcmrnent job!'>, Dlstr1~:t l3onrds. 1\htnlt:!pilllttes
and the membr:~htp \If the Couuctl::.. lh1111 ~-ns ~o::XttlOlh::i.! hy lht: Brllbh
for dhttd1ng aud wcak!!tllng lwllau~. For U1c c.le-1.'Uot1., Ilajc:u Babu tUd
beetle crunpaign!ug fat" the Congres.5 cnnd1dntes, Whllc: tnwdltng
hc;t.wccu PunJIIa ami RnHchl, RaJ~u Bahu mr.t wtlh llll ~~·4:hfr.ul and wa~
hurt. He rem.11ned unwt'll for two to three weeks. lk tl~~·c::lop~d swelling
nu face after 10 day~ of tl1e ncctdcnL 'nil'. Vlm~hottarl l1asha was
Sa tum • Sa tum - Vcnu& from 6'• September, l 926 co 9 11' NL.1.rch, l927.
Sa tum Is In Ibe: 6'"' l\[luo:;c ·nnd Venus m the G"'' lonl. S(tlum -Venus ilTt'
0/8 from each otllt~T Vcnu!i n:pre.senb Veh.tcl~ and 6'" hnu!\c attttJc:utt'.;_
In the Char dnshn scheme lt wns Gemini ·Arlr.5 F"rum Jum.· •L HJ2G In
Llc<:cmhcr -\, 1920. Gcmtnl l.!> Ihe "fl" ~~~hi froutl.:tgun. il.'iJX'Ciccl hy t<J<.•
Mnr.<$, Rahu anct Kt~fu auclu Is Ihe ~··• f\a5hl frurn J\K. Arl~ ts tht" 12"'
Ra'Jhl from t\K u~ptclt1l by Ml\ {VthlckJ.
1\ fc-;w day~ lx:forc: Ulc t1u\Vrth;HI Sesslnu hi ()('(:('.lnhr:r. I ~l'-fi. Sv.ra1nl
Shnuldlum;uul was ~labi>Ct1 lo t.lccilh by :t Mu!>llru (uud;uucutatl!ll hi
Delhi. Mutdan~ Muhnmm:1d Ail ~ltcnrlt.:d the ht."..'1.rlng of Lhls mnn who
kJiled Swr•mijl. thu~ furthc·T widening the- llludu·Mu.sllm dlvld~:.
Tht= people of lmllll wen~ illw-.ty:s. Llc:nuuullug more powt=r~ .for tlH•
Oo\·em.mcnt of their clcclcd rcpl"'C"!'Cn(i]Uvr a5 nathlngcouM be nchtcved
by tllcm dllt tO the llllllm\led pUWtr-5 of the \IU:cmy nlld the Go\'cruor~.
'fb look lutu lht!!ie dcnmmJr;. Uu~ Brlll!ih npJICJlJI!cd "cunuul..'lstou c<tll~cl
th~ Slnu.m DJnamL~-.;Iuu lu 1927. All ovc:s· India. pc-oph: •;ut ac1oss. the
party IJne-5 to boycott thl5 c-ornmissll1n as all 11.5 mt:mbcrs Wt"n: Ur"IU!ih
~1ndthc:n: 'I?R,.
no lndknn A c.jnuen."Ill'.:~ W<'-':i urJ!(JJUsct.l by f\."ljcn
B:tbu 111 Patna Wtrh Mr Alllm;un as fhc ChalmliUL

Encounter with J:nvahnr LA! Nehru

Rajru Balm writes tn hi!! autoblugmphy that the (ur-dgn tclumcd
cnthu'>la..,.tlc JOI'o\.i"tharlal fitlggc.sCt'•l todmng~ Ill~ cryn~n~<>'i oiJjt"dl\'l'" ll'
Ccm)•letr:- fn:edmn. With tlu.~ tnflut.:nc.:: ,_,r OJ:"prr~~tug &ilurr& ;ttuJ 1111:
Prntynnl;u dA~ha or R:Ll1u, H.'ijetl Babu oppo5l"rl him 01\ grcuud Lhal. the
Country wn:; 1101 ycl JU'CJ>Rn'd ami uur shnutcl lllrl\'c ~kp UJ1 -skp
Ulct-cforc tllc oh.Jct:U\'C ~hould rcmalu Dut!llttlou Statws at fhl!~ !!>UJ.~c ;ti
th1s was tbc objective ol Gokhlc nml C'u1nrlhl -to <:~r.hlt•vt: ::.df nah: Orsl.
H~ .-L.r.(l oppn'icd tJ1" moUon on r-nw -!';mu.e.fltlcr put. up t.1y Mr. S1inl~
A;yt!ngar ruuJ Jawaharlal Nehru. Dr. AH~rl was Uh! President or U1c

A.s:lrn E.l<ef.c/J of Dr RaJendm Rner ll;dlr.iqll.e$ or Predlt:2ion.!i Vol One
Metlr.u; AICC Sf.!sslon wlwrc lltls tlebatc IUolt place. Garulltljl also
Rll.tmlr;d thl!; Sc-t>slon hchlln lJc..-ccmlw.r. l927. l3csldC"S lht:>. the S1mon
Comm.is9lou Issue aud lht> ls9ttt:s tc~¥mHug Hlltdu-Musllm unity were
discussed_ ~-tlen ~bu lnlo:n hi~ l'r.mlly lo tht' Mmlrn.!'l St~s\on.
Tite}' wcnl Ill Ram~I'>Vl'dr.un and lhcll to Srl Lanka. Titc Vlrrulhottari
d;;:-;hi1 \Vi\!' SOltum ·Saturn- Rnhu from Octohcr 5, 1927 to Maroh, 19,
1928 Rnhu gi\'Cs pllgrlrna~c-:;. R:tltu ill RI!Jen Babu':; horosCOJ}e has
bct>Jt fuuntl (avoumblc e:x,:cpt uu the prufes~I(UJi4l fruut i1!7 II l$
dt'bllUntcrJ In tht! Dn~hm.'Utstm. Rnhu also d~notc.s (OJctgncrs and
Foreign C'l)untry. In Char Dii~lm It wns Gemini - C;1.prtc-om from
Dcet,mll~r 4. 1927 uprc. June 4. L92.8. Gr:rnhtl l!l asp~l~tJ by GK Rahu
ami I<etu and Caprkont Is 2"-~ Crom L."gn:'l.. 111c rC"ason for his sickness
allcr U11!" olC'CI(h,nl mtd tl1o healed d!!ll.'1le pc~rhaps W.l!lo th~ GK'-.s.

The Flnt VL"lt Abroad

A.. mcr1tioncd tarllcr. the ouly r:asc which R.1.jcn Babu hat!
rul.alncrt due to the prtor ~;"ommlUilt"nts. hcfon: U1~ non,t:fJO(XT.Jllon
mm-ement. \ViU1 l)f Sltri Jtnrfjl's. Thl.s r:n~c was ~rorrcd to tltc Pr1vy
COUr1CU and Uae hcarlng was to take pl<n:c ln U:mdurl- R..'ljcn 13ahtl ldt
by !->hlp \\1lh a sermnl some Urn~ In Juue, 1928. The Vlmshottm'l ruisha
was Satum ·Satunl -..Jupll~r fmm Mnrt"h lH, 1928 lu 11"' i\ugu!:it.
1928. Jupltr.r tn Ute gu. from l~gua lucttL~a1t' lungjourney' Saturn the
Mn!li.H.hwhn lord am1 amnrdasha lord I~ 011: 9•J• rrom Moon. In C'hnr It
wu~ lhc da5lm of Gemini • s.;,~ltllnhl5. Gt~mhlJ If' Rspederl hy r.K
Ma~. llahu and Kclu aud chc Sagtuar-lu~ ta:-!hl has GK. 1\tru-s, Ral!u &
Kdll, 'lne {1a!>ha of Si1ggllarius Is ~ld to be nn c\rcnlful rln~hn. Gl\ 1.5
alb.o !!fl for Ut~ ~L~ House Like lt::gill cn!>e--.. dL~s(. ru::cidtrtl
relations, etc.
The he.artng In umdon lasted for 20-22 dnys, after that a compromise
was struck between th~ lwo parties, thus brtngtng lr1 au end tb~ last
t~o:;c:: of ~jen Onbu. Oandhljl had gtv~n him rdc:rtncc of Ito mil Rolnl'tll
and some other lea de~- Rajc:n Babu attended a peace me(! I.. He went to
Swltz.e.dand ;,net to Gratz. 11lcre he was taken loa gat11cr1ng. He entered
lhc balJ nnrl'people ~tnrtcd t.hro\lrlng chairs and pushl!d tb!! org:utl.->cr5
nnd the .spcaltcrs Rajc:n Bnbu wns hurt on the: head and wounded. The
lnctdenl 'W(l5 reporter! In N~apcr t11 Europe and In lndJa al.'>CL In
Satum·Salu.m.Juplter, tlle da!\ha wn~ of .M<trs an~ Ill Char
S.1.giltarhl~ and Gemini. 'lllc impact of Mar.; vms still then:! when he
went lo l.Qudon hr Ond a member of ltlil cutour.lge S.'ltya Naraycn Stngh
hnd dlro In a Motor Car acrldc nt. The body wa9 handed over to tltem 3
day5 afil!r' the accident on cmuplc:tion or an lnqulry. The same night he
kft (or Ed•!'Jlburg. Wlth the onset of 'P.·tercury onlart!Hsha from Aug\JSl
ll .... 1928 thing~ start~d to trnprovc-. On his way to !\ltru-scllles to caii!h
tht: Ship 'Multan· lu the lhlrd week of Augu!il, he: hart 12. dayfi In hand.
Dmlng lhl~ pertud he vlsttcd W.nicc:. Rume. Ekrllu antl Muulch wlthuut
nny problem~ though he hnd an attnck of A.<othma on the sbJp. On hL~

n:lum to lutlla In Seph:mber 1928. f<.itjl!tl H<ibu strn1ghf llW«y w"t"nf I•
Ahmedabad to me-et GamlhiJL
·nac &rdoll As~Uiil 1011 w-.'1~ o,·er. 'rhl" ::limon Comrnl!')slon WR5 cnnlltlJ
back W!Ullhe OllSt:l wtukt (U IH' buy\.·oUcd. In Purtiab. williE:" Jlrvlr:~UIIj
again..'>l the Slmon Ccmmlli~l(ul, ~-dct I..ajprit li:iti got lhef:\tal blow -t.vcr:
blow hurled at us would be a naJl In U1~ I':Oiilll of rhc:: Br1U6h Ernplre..
said t,"lla l..a_lpiil R<tl, lu U.P. J~wah~rlal ~dant ,\.15(1 goL a Stmou 1->Lh
lJiow, ·nat~ Slmuu t'!)nunL~,ICJil CHtlll~ lo Bthnr 111 D~r.cmlx:r. 1928. wher
Rajcn Bal]ll had urganL8t'd llaoc boyr.:ott. During rhl~ period an All part
meet V.'i\!0 hdd where Mr ,Jinn~h wmtled J /'j re.."Clv.''l1on ln the Ccutrr
As~ctnbly. M.rJuykar wrc> &tgaLH.... lll, Ev~n Mr. Moh;1mmcd AH's pruJRt~r
was Alter 11Jis Mr. Jl!JJJ.all put hts fourt~en conrllUous ou hl!hit
oflhc Mu-~illm:;. Anlnllu~nllal ~cuon or Uu,I\Iw;llms st·paratetl (rom lh
t:uugn::!'>!i af,r.t 1111~ med. Pam;lll .Jaw~lmt I.Hl ~chm. 5uhl1~!5h CIHHII!r
Bo•u:! aud Sltrl Ayaugar wattlo:::d 1o usc compklt' huiL'Jwlldc:ut:r. us lh
tiL•manLt rutd •!tilers thought 111r: •kmiJIILI fur 0LTrtllulon stales ful' Ut
time bclng wt11> rnL-rre ,"lppruprlttlc.. Aflcr the Ulln111n ~~run. Gnndhl
~t:aned 111 glV1.! mon: Umc to the CCJUgrt'..% \ll1lrk. I(IJjr_•n llulm ~pen I mo•
or 1929 Ul 1\hndl promot1on and bC'I)'C'•rlt of fClrelgu ~uuih. Durut!_t thj
pc:•·lml H;l_)(~n H:-~bu had to hnh1 on lnqull}' ,,~illrast ncrson~ C'lose ro hl1
as thCH! wen: allcgatlott~ ()[ nt1s.appropr1Hfllm or I(IHHII IJl"\'cll'lplll!!l
fullll5. He hnd to lnkr. action agiJill~l n [r:\\'Whlt•h grt'"dtl)' dlsturbed hln
l~Jen Bnbu .,.,~<i5 ;!lso bl\'OI'.'~LI tluriJlf_~ jh\!. pt:Jiotlln ~llkmcnl ofi<\IJOL
tlh>put~s UJ thclhW Factflry iltJ;unslll'dpur. Durlug lhe Saturu·Mtrrttl
ll-t'r1od. be!ildes the pnpcr wu:rk dtmc IJy him for lhc ln!]ulrh:s, h'= ~1!­
\lllUtc: a book ('alled ·Non·Vlolenc~·. but t11e m:mu~:.crlpl waa ln!.t nutl U
IKmk cuultl uo1 hr. prlrllc:d. l)urlng lhlspnlml nl 1929, tlt~ Uli~al SlnR
CuttSpltat.)' ca~ w·.t-s umcls Ln m•w:,;.
ln NO\'t:mbcr, !929, Rn.t~u Balnt \\'Cfll J'ut lhrcc wcd~s to 8unu
While rdunllug he got u.n iiltac~ t,f 1\~lhmrt. lk bad to scma111
C~lcuUil ror re:>L Jr~pllc or I line~'!>. h•: h::(l ror Muug,·r IQ ath'ml CJII: l31ht
Provtncta.l Cau.fereuce. He bt'c-etm~ Sl"..ri<.Hisl.v ill nqil (,;uhl n(tf lJiU11r:lp\ll
lie was trtk41n to hL~ vlll;t~ Zecmd;IL ror n:~t. He 110\jJ(j tr.:('O\'e-1' (lllJy &tfl
26''' Janu;uy 19:30. lu the rneom wtltlc: thr /\ICC J;lltnrf. S(!s.-slon tor
JlliH!t: lu U1~ h1st week of D~t~111~1. J ~:.!9 whlr~h he r.ouhi 11n1 <ilkml.
Vlmshottarl Dashn U was Saturu·Ml!lt!llt)'-Muou llptu 16Ch OC't.'~ W~
•md S..\tum-Mcrcmy -Moon £rom 16- !2-29 to ll· 02.~ 1930. Srctum·
tlzc 2"'1 lortl tn sbtth and Mercury the 7'1' lrmlln Ihe l...'lgnn. Uoth Salu
nnd Mcrcwy a.rc M.arak:ls whJch hm:r; e!.tabltsh~li rclnUOil.!hlp with tJ
Lagna and the ltou~e. Moon Is thr. f'll~th lon1 In .!it>:lh and Mii
the 51f. and 121lr loro ln t..agna can gh·c disease. Umlr:r the r.:har da$1
':>Cherne U was Ganlni-Vlrgo from Oc:~embcr •l, l929 lo ,Juttc 4. 192
BoU1 and Vlrgo are aspt!cled hy Gl{. f<ahu Kr.:hl ..In f1
L..·t.horc Cangref'slt V.'D5 decided to orga.nJse Satyng.r.ilia. II \va::. ;umqtmc
llwt un '26'~o Jauwuy. 1930. t:he Nation wnulc1 ('Clt:hrntc, IIILkpt"udc:u
day. Tile gowlt was emphasls~d. -;voult.l be t:otnpletc lmlr.p· 'l'
working commltt~e mel nt Sab{l.nlU\11, Dnndl mruch ,..,.,s OnnJIS«

!<.etro ~r:ech af Dr R~'!YK!ra _ fln!!r TachniQ~ of Aa1101oQic:sl Pteclldloo& \lot, Ono
Gnmlh.IJI was to reach Dandl on eu• Aprn. 1930. &fort! that Rajen Sabu
~uc.nckd lhc. Alec mcel at Ahmcda.bad. Th~ meet wn.<; domlnntul by
Motilal Nehru and Nehnt. t.he Con.gresti ~tdenL Ule
session. Rajcis ~rbu toured 8lhar- with Jawnlu~rhd Nehru. When Uley
were ln Chappm, Bihar, a teh:grnm \f,o'IlS rt."C..'clVcd lhat the Satyngmha
could bo! !lt..-,rtw on 6'l• Aprtl, it130. lwjcn Babu made n progrnmme for
Foreign cloUle.or; Prohibttlon-plcktttng of Uquor shl)p~ and the
agUa.Uon for nbollUou of th~ Chowkld.hari l.ilX.. I.JJ hl..S aulobtogtdpi.Jy
Hnjel\ Habu wrltt'$. nbout women p:.rtlc1pnttng In S.'llyagr.tha und of a
young lady who dlclunl know·thr: w~y· to her huu5c n~ she: had never
come out of 11. When h~r hu~tuuu1 could uul come to pick her up. she
Vfit!t und made Yoluott!crs run ru'Ound. Sun1ar llatrl \\"RS
bcfor~ the S..'lly{lgrohtt coulrl.slnrt. Gandhijl and Jnwabarlru Nehru v."Cre
aloo Strrr~lctJ, Rajen Babu'Wlis pulln·Chnpprn.Jall ond Uu:n shifted to
Hazar! Baglt JaiL He re..malncd In Jall for 6 monlh15. In JaJJ Rnjen J3abu
engaged btmsdf tn weavtng tl1e ·dotlL. Afkr release be slralghl went' to
Bombay and tht:n to Allahii bad for- Uu: worldn.J.t commlltce meeting.
Mc1Uial Ndsna dlt:d Sn t.uc:kHow afte:r rth~ AUah:lhnd me~t.

Gandhi Irwin Pnct

From the dcrn:md (11' complelc lnd~pendcnc4! th~ Congn:ss working
c-omm!Uee reconc:ill!d and declt.k.d to lutv~ a pact w1Ul Ute Brlllih.
G:mdhJ,II wanlcd the Oo\'amncnt to hold an lnqutry by an Independent
t:(lun In C}J luto lh~ l:l(Ct.':t~fi commllh::cl by Govemm~nt machlntt)'
tiurtng tht: Satyngmhn Mr.lnvlrt wa'i not In f.avour o!evr:n boWing such
mt Inquiry. Sardnr Patd wantefl Ute malkr of rclca.o;c or land laken by
Gt~vcnuncau clur~ug 11!pres~lon In t";ujarnt strongly wllll the \'k"t'ttt)'.
B11ck.ln E-nglam1 Wtnslon ChurchUI hall lold the Hou~ of Corrunon~
111c lo55 of lndin would bt:. final and f.·unt ro us. I could not fall to be a
p.vt Q( i\ procc:;~ thrtt wuull1 n:ducc -us to a minor pqwl!r·. In Ji\nuru-y
F'l"..bniRfY 1931 Oandhl_fl held sr.~lcs of meetings with the Vtceroy. lt'"\jctl
Bai.Ju nnd other leadcnr h.aJ ~nrpcL!I In New Ptlb.t durtng tlse period.
GandhUI tllo.;cusst-:d tl1c approach to be followed aruJ the stand to be
ti'lken un \~,uiuu~ l~sucs tn tlc lncnrporntcd tn the pact. G;mdldjJ \\'SS
gradu:1Uy liJ()~Iug f•Uth In llrlU~h Ju~tce_ 0LJ( h~ hatl fallh lu Ju.sf1ce of
Ideal!'! or lrulh and nnll-'Vtolcncc:.. lit! hcllevr.d that thr: method o!
vlolcncc wus n~orally wruug ~md puutlcally ur II Ilk u~- tf ouc man "ras
\tilled, nnother would nlwnys tukc hLs place, He believed that vtolcncc
.'\.lways f'...flg_endered _gret.~ter OJIOience_ In th!! Greek leSCnd 999 wnrrlors
!;pruut£d out of lhe blood of ~:Very warrior killed He bcll&-:vcd rJutt to
lmlulge tn pollltc;d murder-s W':t!l to s-ow U1e drngon·s tccUa.
Ht~ bcllcv~d tn Thlstoy"s advice that tile tsropt!r melhud to paralyse
;m Clppresstvc. Govt:mment was to rc!usc truces, resign from all ~rv1ces
<md 1:-tt..yroU lns111Ullons sUpJX~rltng lhc Govemmr:ont~ f-Ie bellcved that
such a progtam.m~ ~uutd compel cU1~' Govenane-ut to come to tenns.
Grun1hJjl the Poet tn Fcbn1acy 19a l, though many Con,ltl"C"Ssmcn
wen: sml h~p~y hut Gauclhljllhought lhat this ~s the only to move way
Flnor Tochn~ ol At!tulo:JicOlj Plodlc110!t> V~. Ono Alita SJtfltdt IJ/ Or RNondm
ahead. Gru1dhijl wa8 under press\ll"e to pur the conl1Jtlou for p-ardoning
Bhagat Slngh.. who n wn~ u.llcgcd hatl kUied the olflccr n:spauslhle for
thr. fatallalhl bluw tm Lala UIJI!alral, Lord lrwlu refused but o!rctcd Co
postpune th~ hung,tug to nflcr the Kamch\ AICC St'$IOrL Gandhljt did
not wan! to take rhtt. favour. BllUg."ll Sltlgh vrct!~ hangcd a few da)'5 before
Ut~ l<ar:tclll AlCC scsstnu In Mru-ch 193l.
R."ljcn Bahu kfr for Ch11ppra lite day the p;u:t wa~ signed 10 attend
lhc: rtuirrlf•gc: tJf Jll!; ~m Dlummutjay Uta I vety day.

KanchJ. March 1931 AlCC Session

Sflnlar Patr::l was chosen tho Presld~nt for- thts mee.t. After his
return rrom Kar::i.chl, Rajeu Babu ~pent most of hit. UJnl! 1n gctunkt the
Co-workers n::lcrutcd n5 p~r U11.: lnvln • Gandhi p~H~f. He tnured nllt:wcr
Bihar for this propose and for prumollng NaUnual De\'Cinpmeul
;.u:tJvltJes. He Abo \'l.sUr:d Gujrnt to hdp S<ltdnr \o~1llabhul Pntcl. lie
attcnd~d the \\brkiugCommUtct' mecJIItg HI ami fcll91ck. Utc.rt'
ln the Vimshottarl dasha of Saturn- Kc:tu. h Wlis Kctu- Kctu
from 22'•' April. 1931 nnd S"lum -Kr.tu- Venus. fmm 15111 ~t.1y, 193l Ill
2 J •• July. 1931. Under the: Char dash a schc:tnr II was ~mlnl·Gem.lul
from 4u.June 1931 to 4-. Dtccmber. 1931. ~miulls lhc 7'1> Rash! !rom
G K nnd Is t1spected by Gl< Salum ln tJu-:· st.xth gives dlse<l5e. Kclu In rht:
4"'. 1\cndm Is b;~ct ror henllh aud Vt:uu~ ~s Ulr' siXth RIUI t!levculh lord
from Lagna ami the sL,·th lord plar:cd ln 5b:th from l\i~Jon Is qullc
.::ap.nble of gMng health pmblerm;.

Round Tuble Confucrncc

Gandhljl rt:adu:tl t<:nt-,rlAucl. It wms " dr.t•r.pUou. ·nu~ Govr.nun!!nl
wauh:d to takt>.I-ecou~ to ha•-sh tm:mm~ mu\ was In uo mood to ,ve
away anytlllng. The policy of rllvldc 0111d ruk was Rdoptcd. All Uu1
d~maud o( Mustlm~ We'll' ;lt:'t:'t'plcll. Special prlvUcges for 11Ic Harljnnli
were otiUlOunt."ed. 1l1c Cougre_o;!O fO\Ind ll~df ln the lurr..h.. It s(l)
divl•1r:d on the Hiudu - MusUm Issue. 11\e CW(~ could urriVr: at a v-.Jgue
bureauc::ratlc annrnm•:cmc:nt of no r:onscqutm~.:. It st.1tcd tJmt tl1c
C<1n~s could gd lnlll •m'!rncnt CI1C': Mu!'.ltm!i mul the: otlter
mlunrlUc:s which Is In U1c IHit'~l of tho N&illon. Th~ cmulllJon uf
fHnn~rs detcrtonUcd lti UP. As lhc..-y cuuld nul sell their pruducc at a
fdlsonablc prtce to pay the Zamtmlars who. 111 tum t.-oullt uot pay to tbe
Government. In Bcngotl the Gov-=n1mc..nt baclu::d out from Its
commltru!!..nts mil de: tn the Gam1htlrwtn pacL Hajen li.ibu \vas c:aUed to
;11tcnd lhc Bengal Provlm:Jal CouucU meet .lf Mushtrnb:uJ to 5m1 out
fhts probkm. ln thts s.ccuatlo, It WE\S dcctdctl IQ lwld n meeting of the
\\Qrking CornmlLtcc on tilt: day ol the arriVal or Ganr.lhljl 111 Bombay,
R."ljcn B.1bu reached llombity. Khan AfJ(1ul Gaffur Khan Jnwnh:u-W
Ncltru and many other leaileri wen= am:!itcilon thclr wny lo Bombay.
OIUl(tlUJI on h~ arrival !>elll 10 h:l~t to Ute!: VJccroy ro1· an
appolnbn~nt. R.··dcn rialm cmne back Co Patn.1 and while Ute l~lhar
Ptt>vlndal Congress mt!d wns gotug 'lll to d~lclt' future course or

,A!"'.ro Slm."Ct! of Dr- Ri),-endra FP!\1!r Tedmiquos of Aslrtl!O\ Predtction:a Vol, One
a.cUon. the pUllcc milled nnd orre:;h:d H.i'ljen Bnbu. GiiliiJh.ijl wn~
aJTI:stctl on ·1-'1' January 1~32. The Saty; continued even with Ill•:
leaders ln Jall. R.1)L'1l B:lbll was rclc-.ciSt'd t.n July 1!132. He reu SICk. It
was th~ rlnsh<J nf Salum - Venus. Vc':t111K. a.·mm 30'" May 1932 lo 6m
Dcc.emb~::r, 1932 Satut11 aud Venus giving 111m In Char 1t was
Thum~ Ptst:r"-<>. From j\1Jl.y 4, 1~32 lo O~:IQhr;r •1, 1932. Thun•s havln~
U1e Nt and P1sce5i aspn:-t.rd by Rahu- Ketu ~uHl GK Man..
The Prisons were- luU -:wtl tlu~ n~tlon was being sway~d by Utr.
Congress. fa•Jr:ll 13abu wcllt lo \';u"'ulrt.SI lnunc:dlatdy. after rclt::Hift ruul
ril;&yetl with f'Hrulil Madan flrlulwn Mal\'lyH lor mum: l-Ime. lie: l;itc:r wcmC
I<J Bombay lu mt':e:l l'tautlltljl duriug hls (Hst uuto dc:alh for Ihe <:aust" of
II HI' ljnns. FJ-Qill BnrnhEl)' RuJt~J\ Babu wen l to lh~ south w1th
Rajnrnjgu[mlactmn ~m1 \·i~ll~d KcrnJa. M..1.dms and Anr:lhffi Prnrit:.Sh
tt,·~':i~;rlbl':d ~.f' slronghnld~·r:tf \HII•JUI;'hnbllity. "'u:)' lnt;d hanl IIJ {'!;CI 011'
t~:mule l:iot•rs lhmwn opt!n IQ llarljans. 1'hcy rnct wllh 5omc suC:CC$S.
TJ~t·y also fi)ught for Hnrl,l~u·s dgiHs to U!'.~ vtllag,e Wclli.-. Whlt!h amOrlf
ou1cr pnvUL·~ W~I!O grdtlh:t.L Aft~ GrultDllJI's liC!Sr 01~ CountJy took U}:
Gandhljl's HntiJrul mowmc-nt cnthlt.t<IMilC' BUJ"!r, (>lc,lg~~ci ttl l"cmovt
tlsls e\•il by nmlnt~hUng ~xl ~lnliWI wllh Hnrij~us »t\tl wutk1ug rm
thdr wclfRre. lb•JcuAalm uth:mlcd U1e mccllug of Hal'tjau Scwak Sangh
ln New Ddh1 wht:r-c he: go I an of J\sthmn. nut ~on recovered ant
went to Allah:Jb."ld lo atlcml th~ U•1Uy t.'l•nfr!n:nt'~ wht:n: leader-> o
lltndu Muslirru., Stkhs and Chr~t.t:trl.ti WCP! prt:sellL Tile tic bate CaJTle(
on ror three week!! tn AUalwbad wtUwut any result due In lh1
unc:ompmml~lug nUitutll! or lhc mhuu·tllcs. Whllt! ltiljc:u \\ta!
tr.wclllttg from Allahabfld tl> Cakutrd, thc:.y got U1c new!i that the Brillst
Gon'ITim<:nl hn"·e ngr.:c,t to the demand of the Muslll'rni lo give llrcn
one-third rcpre.'lentnUon In th'= Central Assembly. The dcttplion by lh~
BriUsh hccamc clearly Vb>lblc Hml thr. concept of Divide rHul Hul4 amply cle:u-. In Ctlcullo~l R."ljcn Babu co\lected funds for th•
ag1U\Uo1L He got an ctlcrJlt.rn~Ulg re~ponse from wherever he: wr.:nt
Between July 193Z to December 19!3.2 lta)cu B:dm cllw.~crl as a k1..~
fl~i1re of lhe Cungrt'.ssaflcr hav\t~ ~•:u :slth:J\u~tinficr Ute Gaya Cungres:
111 1922. Uc: wa~ numiuatetl Cur the CuugJU>s presl~oknt.'>hlp for l.ll•
Mard1 1933 Cungl'('ss Sl.~~:liHJJ 111 Orl~s.• lmt II coultl not lake place. Bu
Venus y.11h clevallon, h.m..l to gtvt~ dl~ums~ al~o. During these stx montl
he fell UJ twice. He 1:.{\rnpcd at Punt" durtng U1e f:t5t of OaodhiJ1. H•
loured ~11 over .soulh fm- opentng temples. alll!ndcd ~ets ln New Ddh
and l.n Allahabad for U1e Congrt."fis and colkotcd a huge amount for th•
ag;UaUon. Aga.ln
Jn January 1933 RnJro Babu wns ~stcd ;JgEtln And sentenced L
J 5 mo.rlth$ tmp•l~uruent. G:=tndh!JI <}gt\ln fasted unlD death tn Ja:
during tltls period.

Slcklle51S AgRi.a.
Rnjell Elabu be~mr. ~rltmsly Ill tulhc Or:~l
wcck{)fJuly. 19331n
-Saturu • Vcnu5 .Mne5 from 12"' M.Ciy. 1933 to 19'J•July, 1933 under tho
Qlmr dO\~h;.~ scheme 11 wn:; 'l'.r~urus, Caprk:orn front March 5, 1933 to
August 5, 1933 ;-J.Tid Thurus 5agll:tnrlu•., from A11gust •1. l933 Co J!\tunuy
3. 1933 THUnl~ h:l!'l AI\ au<l C:nprJeorH t,; the 2"' Ra.<ihl (rom Ulj.J:1ta. MK
Is lhc clgltUt fmm Caprlcom. Saglllath.l~ hao:; GRand U1c aspect of
Raltu ami f{ctu ru1d 15 the clgltth Rnshl from 1\K ilnd ;\'\lK. A_e; r:nrhcr
found Sagillarlus wus troultle~r•me Jor RAjcn Babu. futj1!n &bu wml
~erlou81y Ill 111 &pt~mbL"l' hls family W'ii5 caU~rl lu U11: tlrst week nf
Se-ptember. Later. hn was shHlro to the' t>~lnil ho!ipll;11. Hl! ~lmwrll so111r
lmpmvr.mcnt and w~~ hruught b;;c:J-. teo ll1r jotl. lmt with lhe tmsd tJ(
wtnl~r hr. g(ll <11\ attack of Asthma am.l t~1s 11gHlU se.dously Ill. It was
tk{!lrktllu shill hhtl agai.J• lo lh~ hospltni.TIIt: dasha Y."t!S Sal·Wn·Rahu
uplo .January 193o.l ltnd TiH.r·us Slglttnrllts 'IPIO .j•oJ Jimt.m.ry 19~~-l. II•~
11hm\'r;d some impruvemcul ill .ln1111mry 19~H after:~ lnl'l! spr.ll of lllncss,

The Earth Quake

On t 5' 1' ~ouunry 19:H. ,, clrr.ndf1ll and flr.w;~liiUII~r:tn1hquakc
shook l~lhar, h~~wlly tl;unngln~ Uk f!nll propcr1y. H.ajt'll BRhu wauagcd
to n1nu.~ out of the llo.~pltfll ro the Cl[Jl'll. &trnt• portion of the ho~plln.l
bullull•g al!iQ r-t;~llilll~et.L ~tliny rmrf::_i flf Patr13 repnr1~d tmu~c •!oll.up~~!:..
Siner:: Lhe IIJllc~nlre w:-.;:; In I\Hutgl~r. tolll.l tlc\'O!iiHUOu took place: Utcre-
·nle dttsh<& wns S;; 1 • Venus· J uplll..'r from Jiluuary, 9. 19:H an< I nuder
Char da.!1hn ~dwmr. II was 'lauru:s • &orplu fmm January:~. I ~34. With
the fa'I'Otmal.!k dnshn Rnjcn Bal1u wns rdl'~~·l. lie fcm1:d n:L'lp.,'>e llf lh~
d~.t;eru;.e due to the upsef c-nu~d by c;uihquO'ih..c hut he not_ only
n:covered, but ab.c• 1 despite hi!> wc.a.k lh.'alth. lnvoh·eti himsclf tn the
work of Bihar Hcltcf Committee nC whkh he was made the Chairman.
Gancihijl. PamlU Nchm anct <:lth~r Iemler~ \Tt5Uc:d Blh;ir fm· the: Hdtcf
\\m"k. H<:lJl<l1ld <1clll:tt tou~ were r¢!r:~tvccl from all ow:r the: world. 1\ book.
cuustsllug thr. uamc uf duuor.o. r-au Into 400 pag~s. Followlug lhc
tnrtJtquake flood and mnlnrla .!:itntck Bihar to ar1tl lt;J lte; orul~ mJo;~ry.
f.l.njen Bnbu"5 '""J.)Tk t'lS thl! ChnirmJUtiJf lh~: Rd1cl Commltlr!e was ,;rea tty
In May 1934 a meeting w·.ts hdd 111 P;:aLUil to dl~1:u~s Ut~ poUucaJ
strategy. Dr. A11.'iarl and ather kadcrs attended the CJongrcss nnrl
rllsconunucd th~: Siil)-n~rnlm nnd thcrefort: the ban on II Wn!i lifted. It
wasdecWed to hold U1cAICC Scssluui.Jt f:Sornlmy. R..rljcn Balm was rn~dc
rhe Pn:sldcnt. TI1c Vlmshotllu1 d~!>hn w;u; Saturn· Vl'nm; • J\lp. S::~h•m
exalted In Dat~h.mau5ha. Venus in MonHri1Ulr4'l sign 111 1\.uudah
and JupUer as the mo!'l powcrltJ1 plaJt('t of till~ horoscope harl to glw
hlm this pos!Uou. Ill duu U W<•s +r1Um1s t.1t1rn fmm .lum~ ·llo Novc:mhr.r
4. Thun•s has AK .uud J\.,.\1[{ and Libra PK Ihe three aspect ench uthet'.
Though Lfur.1 Is ulxth from AK but It as 11 tA from ~,gmt. Bc.stde Utt"
R."'ljyog;~ gJvlngcamblnaUon orv.~nus -Moon mutuiil a...c;pcct Is Ihere..

A&rro SI.~ICII Cl Dr. RIJiel'!drrJ finer TecM!quM ot Altrolaglal Pl'ldlc11oc\a VOl, OM
Death ofBrothcr In .JtaD.O. 1934
WUb the Oll!'let of Satum·VelnW~ Satum from 13'~• June, 1934 his
brOther !IU\rttd to 5UO"c:r nnd died aftcs- a brld Lllnes&. Venus. the 11 u.
\ord tn J 1u. mprcscnht tbe elder brothe~: Saturn l!! In the etghth boll9e
rrom Vt'.ll\l!l, l\ftet the death of hJe broUler, Rajc:u Babu !uund tlull hi$
brother was under huge debt as loans to meet famtly rc.!!~ponsibUIUc:s
were taken by him of which Rajc:n Babu W"..ct unaware. Even tC their
entire land. the mtll which was nmnlng at n loss ll.lld other property
was soW, at111 Uu:·n=paymcnt wns not posslhk. Seth Jwn.-.. ntal BajHj and
Seth Ghanshyamda.s Btrla took the responslblllty. RJ•.J~:n Babu gave all
hl!:11and, mut and property lo them ftlld they n:ikcct him to Ponccntratc
un th~ Ymrlt fnr the Naunu. hmUu·.r died tt w~fi Thurus- Uhrn
ht Char da!Slm scheme. 1'alln&5 l.'l Ute- 7u, Rm>hl fmm 13K. Suu ;;ud Libra
tn C.he 12~• Rn~hl rmm BK.
Rajen Babu tt:mah•ed occu1:Ucd In Che Rd.Je( work. Qm•·1ts were
made. wcUs rlug arul road~ r-cpal.t'cd ilfi the threat uf floods due lo
diSb.-'llance caused by c.nrthqunkc. was then:., Tl1•! problem cn\l!;t:d by
e-.uthquakc:.. floods and ept.deml~ was also hamUeL1 effeeUvdy by the
Relh::fComm.lttl!e.. A tnustwas coach: \l;lilllefl QVa fuud3 ot lJ•e commUit"e
with Vallabhru Patel, Jamn.:tlal Ba:JnJ <~.Ud R.."ljen Babu as lht tn1ste~!!t.
lu lhr: AICC session of Octob~r. \93-'lln lklmbtty. Rnj~:u Balm W<J~
taken U1 n tJrocc"slon. Since II wa~ a ~~sslon UHU took J)blc:e after a three
ycarn gap thcn.o was much cnUuL!Siasm. In llls Ptesh1cutlal nddtt'.s5
Rajen Bubu emphasised • ..cuvc l!yn.amlsm. noo-vloh:nt mass action
ani! u nctdlng !i'"<icrificr a.<t lllC (1,11 h ror rn·.rrlom. A'<; luls hccn mc::nlfonerl
earlier boUl rhr: Clt.:u dasha or
"nnu-us • Llbr.1 and Vlmshott:Jrl or
Veu·Sat are fuvour-.ble ror altithlllllg thts higlUlO!'illlon. hut nul goocl for
ht:~ltlt. RaJ~u fiahu bccau~ ~tck ha &mhay Jtsdf mad tcnt.alllrtl uuwdl
t111 D~:cc:mbcr. 1934. In char !rom November at the dashn dtangcs lo
VIrgo. which ha!i the aspect or Gl{. Rahu and Kctu.
Congrc..-.s did vc:ry well lu the c:lc:cllons held In No-.·cmber. 1934.
Raj en Bahu came lo Delhi ror lhe Congress 'Vorking Comm.IHc:e m~ct1ng
l..uJa.Jtuary l935. Hh tour pro~rnmme to dlffett.rll statN ~·s tht" Congress
Prestdcnt 'II.'en': 'bdng finall~d. Dr 1\nsart arrnngtd a rnecU~ wtth Mr.
Jlnnah to sort oul Ihe- crlttcaJ Ulndu · Mmdlm unity l~urr. Mr Jlnrmh
wanted tn discuss U1e ~tter only w1U1 the Congress l'~.slclcnl. ft'lJen
&bu rnf':l hhn several times tn o:n alt.emlll to reso1v~ lhc Issue. In hl:i
tour progrHnUltl! of Jhc Stales. the. first \'L~ll w·aa scltcdulcd for Puujah.
He got wet tltt.."'fl'. and had .to srny ln Lahme for quite some lime ilfl hL· tell
:!lick, Sal-Ven-SAl and 'Thurus VIrgo W1:TC c-onunulng. Later h1.s rout
pro~rmnmc v.-as flnaU.sed for .t\prll to Jun.~ He could kt:ep the Schedule
this Ume. He t:avr.Ued by car ln l(aruatalm and ~tahar.!:shtrn. Every
wh~ he was tAk.:n Jo pf"()CeN~Ions.
In,may. 1935 a t.-.rrlble earthctuakc: struck Qur:tta In lhc North
\\'est. causing wJdesprcnd dcstmctlon. He visited Qw.:tta for ll1e reller
work. Durtug mon.<;t'lun. he coulrl nol four ns he remaiucd unwc::U. J\s l.he
AJCC Scsslon ln :Madrns was Oxr:d. Rnjen B:~bu v~tetl lhmU Nadu,

Fmer TactmiQ<tea cl A1trolo;JI!:BI Prodldlcns Vol One Al;tm· Sltatdr c.t Dr RlJ,•cnrtnJ
Kerulr. a.ncl Andhrn Pradesh afrc:.r rhc mon~oon. tn Bombay the: 50 ye;tf!l
or Congreas were celellrated In lkt"embc:r. 1935. Rajcu 8abu v1slted
Bombl\Y n!l. the: Cr.mgre!!l:; Prt-s1dc:nl. The dMha 'Wn5 Saturn - Sun -
J.,_puer from l\:ovember 27 1935 t() 12Y• Jnnuruy l936. ln char 1t WJUl
'1\\urutt • Cnncer from Seplc:mbcr 4, 1935 to F'ehnuuy 3, 1936. The
Anmull COugt't".!t!l Sos!:llon wna pustpmcd to AprU. l S36 RS Jnwnhnt lal
Nehru WEU! chosen Ute Pre•dtlcut nnd he: wne In Euro~ nurKtng ht. wife
Kam\n Nehru, who dh:~d In April. 1936. RAj en Bnbu went to Allahabnd to
mett Pnndlt Nehm on hla rttltm l!o lndll\ With the ashei!J of htl\ wife.
Beforo the Annual AICC lllcknow Se~!!.lon n \l.brk.lng Committ~e
m~tlng; took pl.a~ in D~lhi. RolJe.n BAbu 1m<1 Pm11Ut 1\:~hru hDd ditfcrencea
ou many IMue~t 111 thut mecUnJ;.
Mr:r the t.m:kuc1w Scl!u'llnn, Rnjen Bnbu In \\\lrdhn with
O~ndhijland fmm to NRJ.Ulur to nllc:mt lhr. AU hulla Hindi Snmmeum.
A PRrllrunentary c:onlmlllcewas romu~tJ Wllh Samar Pille: I nB the: Chalmmn
and Rnjcn Babu·und Ma\llnnn Atad aA·mtmtber.s, Rajr.n &bu ~tnyed In
Bomb."ly Cor thl5 work durin~ tht' rBIHY •ca..o;on o( 1936 as &mbny sutted
hht hcnlth. The reKt of llle year was r~op~nt In preparnt.lon for Ihe elections.
l~Jen 8~b11 came w Patlutln JI\J\Uary 1937 ~ud \Ciun:dttll ov~r Blhar for
the elc:cuon cnmpntgn. Out of 16, HarlJan reurvr~d seats, 15 were. won
by the: Congrc:11s. Dlhlir election h:ad gohwer earlier; therefore Rnjen
Babu went to U.P. and MP for t:amp;t.lgnlng. He also went to Maharashtra
ond Ka.matak.a. Congress won In Bombay. Madrns. Madhya Pradesh,
U.P. Bihar, Or\ss.a nud M!Srun.
Jn Punjab, BeugRI·and Stnd many congreaamen wnn. In NWF tha
Congress ·was In majority. Au AICC mcetmg tt.Jok plnec to dlacuns the
Btand lObe taken a!tcr clecUon. Gandhlj1lnsl.stcd that unless a~~Surancc
wao; recc1ved from the GovemorB th:at they would not uso the provl!!!ons
of the new"consUl\.I Uon to dlsm!SS tllo ntlnlstrlas only then the COngre59
tniJmtrtes !Jhoutr;t assume the office. They hnd fo a~~ume office by April
.1, 1997. Ali parliamentruy <=om.mttter~ member. ltajen WM
ret!llOOSlbh: ror c:ler.tlng leadef'9 ror the provinces. In Orissa nnd MP the
Ieadct5hlp le!lue lrwulved dc:batca, lnDghung Wld coufltr:I!'O within the Tite Congress refused to .form m1n1strlcsas Uu: Go\'enlOt9, ln
Bihar. the Govcmors appolnted Mr. Mohd. Yttnus. an lndc:penrtent
member, who ba.d the support of members o! Jama.Jt-Ullnna. It v;;1.s
rumoured that when Mohd. Yunus could not brenk the Congress by
tnviUng elected membet!i, be then ·rned tQ get HIU1J:m mettlba-s. Babu
Jagjlvan Ram a Harljan member was offered .Mlnlster·ship, but he
refus~::d. After three months, the: Congress li.1gb Command nllowed to
fomt MlntstrJcs after a settlemeut wllh the Govemmc:nt. Rajeu Babu
wn~ given the rcspOn.<:Jfbillty of t:hoostng Mln.lsters. 1\:f; pcr U~ n~w
~nstltuuon. Blhar hnd scpanHer.t rrom Orissa. Mu!!l1m League ml5erl
the Issue of les~ MusUm.s 1n U1e 1.\.~nJMtry. fl. VW<l!l A th~It..kla.s joil. TI\e
lhtsba was SRtum-Moon Mars. Sorm l.he NWF mlnlslry re5t,;rlC.ll. «aJ<::n
Bnbu wcnl Utcrc lO set&!~ the tll~tlt&te <'IS mr.mbcr or Ihe: J'~>-cttltumc:ntmy
Conunlttec. ~tc.r, be got dr:C1J1y lu.,.tttvr:d ht!';!mts nu bmd Rdom•~

~~lrG ~~or Ot. Fll!(tll)dra Flr!er T«.hnlqu!!S ol A!>lroi~IC<ll P!"!!OiCtioM Vr:A. Ono
with Carmci5 i.Uld Landlords. Dunng thl!; pcrtod. Govind B..-illnbll Pnnl
rcQUC.'iOlcc..l hlnllO ~Omc Lo 1<:\npur t6 re.soh"c the worker's dispute <md he
wr.ul thtre. As U!illai he- fc::UIU, wtth the: on5el ofwlnh:r tn l937 .. Hc: went
to hls village. Zccrndnl for rest and lalcr to \Y'dt"dha for Ute CWC mcellng.
On hls way lw,clr; (o Kanpur. he sufferer.~ food po~onlng um1 fRlnted
twice. He had to be carrleLI on a stretchr:r. ·n,e slck.ncss. conUnu~u and.
he could not attend the llartpur AJCC !!ie!.!.Lonln February 1938. Before
the: 1-larlpur Collgress ll1, .M.tnbt.ry b:td rrt;lgned. He was ln U1e bospltal
ttU th~ last wtek nf March 19:l8. It WB!i Sntrun-:\tars-M~ rrom II'~>
Ft:hruary 1938 Ia 6'" March 1938. nlltl Sid·Milrt\·Rnhu ltJHIJ 6"' Mn.y,
1938. In Chru It was t'\1-lcs- Gemini from August 4 1937 h) AprU 4 1938.
Aries Is tht' 12'1' Ra~hl from AK and GcmlnliH15 lh~ as~c-l or GK. R.1hu
nnrJ Retu and Ills 2.'" 1 from AK {MaraJ<I ~nd 7'" from L.agna tMarnkl. UU(.t,
he wcnf lo DaiJganJ w1th hts family to atlcnd the- Annual oscsslun of
Ci<mdhl Scwa Sangh aml I hen to Purl with hi~ family. 11s1Jm f..Artynntru-
f:tlVIJl~ him pllgrimagr...s, H~ w:-ts nclvl!>t!d r~:st. lhcn:f• he wr:nl {u Na~lk"
tu summers. After fil<!l h~ ....,.~ut In Bomb"Y to attend till:: C\VC ;:md again
f(!U se-rluusly ill. He .sulf~red trom Broucho, wtth high fevor
<IIH1 t.(lugh. ~tl~:n BHbu ~ct!h'i:d Sat·M:us-Sal from June 29, 1938 to 1"'
Septc:rnber, t 938 Snt- Mars- Mcr from 1·9·38 fo 2.8-l 0-38. 1<~111 P.rirtyiUltitr
dnsha upto NuvemlJt!r 38 Hill I Vt:UU$ uplo J~uuHry 27. 193~). Umlr.r I he
Char &heme U. \lo'HS Aries Cancer from Aptll •I 193~ \U Dccr.mbcr -\,
1938, In hif> horOSC('P~ Mrtr>, S<Jturn an~ nlll gLtOll for hl!a.llh :md whc:n
cumblw~tl wlth Kdu.-Mcr-VellW> hr'ld to give d.tsert~~ Arl~ [s thl! 121''
Rasht from AK and AMK Cancer the 8'" from l..'l€)lll,
In .hmumy, I !)39, tl1e CWC met 11t 1\ardoll. Snrclnr P:ltr:ltlroro~d
Pattabhl Sttaramtah for Prr.sltleutshlp, ·111r.t~ W;l~ clccuou. Suhhn~ll
Clmndrn Bose- wc1n with a good margin. Thr.n: WC'l"l' m;u.y who dh1 not
a.ccepl Sublm~h t:hnmtm ao.. <;e- Vl:t:WS In the ewe Rajen &bll Anct
lJih~ n:!!lgncd from ll1t> CWC to fnciUlnk :)uhhn~h B:tbu fn ronn ot CWC
or )U!~t c-hotc:e.. fuljcn Bnb\1 wcnl to \\~trrlhll for the CWC mt:"cL Sllbh.-u;h
Bose could IIOl COI111! ~:;. he W'<lS sl-ck. llarrd"orr UlC ewe mt:I!Llllg wa~
cllt>ml~~ll. ·n•e Ncwsp~apcn> Puhltshcd all !iort.c; of stolic.! 1J1at GmHUHJI
Wa!io ngnlll:st S11hhil~h 13\~!n!. 111r. rtlpurt.&~!';!tlll IOC>It plm~e Ill Mtu.:h,
lfl39. GovltH1 Ballahh P;mt presenlr.d lltr- 1rtpur1 n:solullcm.'>. S<.lmt'
pr.tlj)lc misbehaved wllh him. !:inhtlil~h Uu~c wa~ .,ld-; hr: delJvcrcd h~
~IK'cch lylttg tluwn. The ttex1 t1rty hr: ~r.ut hh n·~l!:l,li.E\t1uu. 1lu~ t:orumlltcc
·nct'C'plctJ lt. Rajcn Babu was hooted. shuul~d Rlld mnuhnndled but he
~(1)0(1 hi!> gn:mwl Dr VldyHchr\nm MJ11~ v.'<l!:o mruk. il member Jn\\"Rhorli\1
r.:chru refuseL.! ln ho;om.:- a memlA..-r. RH.Jeu .BatJU w·.r1~ to ~l!o!i.Utn~
r~ldtnt-slup :JI tlll~ jliiU"tUJ't' Wh..lch h~ li~Cl:pt~ri. lt."\j~n Br.bllil!\ the
Preshtt:ru lut<l to expel Sullht1sh Cha ndrn Bose from C\VC on dls<·lplluary
grounus. S111Jha~h l1nhu formC'(J lh~ fmwilrll Uloc.:k. With \he cl;t!!Shii ~f
Salun1-Rnhu-R:-tlw frtlm 22'*1 M:m~h 1939 ouly lrouhl.:-.~ were ~fon~ for
f-<.'\jer\ B:.bu. Satum Is c.'al.llt'd In D.;i5hmiln~tul ;uul f~hu tkblllt.'\lC'tl,
Saturn I:S llH~ ~lgtll from IWlu [.hJ~ \1; (HI lrl lhc Jannm Kuutlll 1\!J
President Ril.jcn flallu went iiH 11J\11HIO \nlulJit!shoottng, lu M.P.
Mahnrn':lhttn nml Oris~ Ihere w~re llllern:tl rifts and the snuaUon was
getUng uul or cuntroL All Siln:s oi charg~ wcrc l~:VeUc.".d agaJusl him.
H;ljcn Balm had to annoy m<tny to tf'lkc:: ;tny clccl~tau. Th!: t't!Ucfsm from
the s<!patated groups nnd the lnflgtu.tng 1n Congno:.s$ c-ousc:tl lol of
tension. Rajl:'n Babu writes thl!i Ume tllc Presldcntshlp Wa5 quite
problematlc. ln char il was Arles·lco (rom Dccc:mbtr l93a to August
1939,, Leo with MK making him U1e Prc..-shlcut hut this llme Uu~ m:•ln
dnsha W<H> not of'li-luru~ w11h Al< awl J\MK but of thr. 12~· Rashl fmm H,
The Congress l\.'tinlslrt~.s fell In November W39 and then.! wal!i 110
allcrnAitve.s 11 wa.-; cl.c.dcted to h(•ld the: uc,x! AJCC Sc:sslon -at Ramg;;u:-h
(Bihnr} In M:t.rch 1940. R."l_)en Balm got engaged lil 11.5 pr~!pa.mUou. ·nu~
R.-ungarh resoluUorn; again facllscd on the C!anstntcU\'"C work.
On 1llelll~'I'Th1Uttn;\.l &·t'nr. Gcnnany harl rnph.lrt!cl Pnlnml. Bdglum.
Holbmrl. Or.nmark ;tlld Norw·ay Ull th~ surmner i'lf 19•10. N~Jw It was tl1c
tum nf EngJ;mil nl~. 3Um~n:u hc:avy casualJtlc:; at the hnndsvf
Ciermauy. ·nu: Chamber-lulct Government In England fell.
l11c CWC rllscussc-d Ihe wu.r In I ht: \\'ilrdhn Sc:;o;lon mul the Pl•nc
&sslon, Congn:'-S5 wns crltld5~d ror supporting Euglantt Ill vmr. llitJI!H
aabu feU stck ngatn tu Pun~ 111 .June 19-10. It wa.s rltngnosed o.s
pneumonia. 1-i~: W(:nf to \\hnllm ilnll stared tllcn:. 11e alsn W\!111 111 J:dpllt
nud aucl ~l<tVt!IS llu:n: for u mpuih. It was here lhal he started to
write his 756 pag~s aulobtngrnphy. fl was Satum Rllhu Mtrrury from
::zs•n Junt: l~HO lo 1&'• Novt~mbr:r 19•10. Mercury nu•klug, htm wrllt'. In
Char 11 was Arh:s·ULna trom At1rll 4. 1.940 to D~l·cmt>cr 3 19-10, Ark~ 1s-
l 2il• from J\K and I.lbrn th~ slxth both capabk of gtvtn~ oortl1y cllscCimforl.
Ubrn has a strong PK mnklng him t ..'litl!.
111 lllc ,\ICC m~t hehl 111 Bomtlay It WLL!J der.tdecl Ul lulllll'll lhr-
Satyngrnhli, 111f' Con~:;~ wa:- ilsktng the BriUsh Oovauuwut to
;uumtiiiC\' thctrsliunl R-lltl pollr.-y fur huJta·~ lndcp·cud~IICC 111 thcch~ug,cd
Cltcll ms lances or wm·. The GrJVCnlnll!lll Wf\9 fl\'OII.llllg such a ~:on IIllllmcll t.
G:mdhiJI and Congress hmJ fnllh In U1clr ~atyngr.-rha~ fnlth 111 u·,,:
uuanued (}C(•ple'.s fight wllhout \·lolencc:. 11JC: BrtU~h th()ught orherwL~
In word.s of Rudyru-d Kipltug -rt1c responslbtllty ra,· govc::n1U1g India hi1s
hecn plac~:d by th~ tnscnltablc •Jc:c-rcc (I{ prcwtclcut'c upon til~ shcwlr1t'rr:l
of the Brlll~h met~. Undoubtedly lo the Brltl!'ih. ludl~t Wns lhr r:ruplrl!'s
pcutHlr:st posse--.sion. IItty cnmc to C'XI'lull tile cuuqttctcd t'Oillhu:ut. 1t1
tnkc up the while mau':w burtlcu with U1c uushnkcat11r: couv1cllon t.hat
theirs v:-as B mce born f•Ot rut~.
In lhe AICC St:-~stou helJ l.u H&u-l.har Myso~ 11 wns lwp("d that the
BrltL">h woulcl romo:o tn tci'Tll5. IC\jcu B~hu altt!ndcflthr Scsfitnu mullhcu
vlsll~d Vislri11tapat•mnr. Cuwwk Anti Cnlt:uW•. ·nrt<.rc wrn~ set h:tck.
f-{Jot:; hrvkc fi\11 111 numy pluCC:!! lu Blh;u Sharif. MAll}' wen: 1\lllcd,
Whl"nev•~r c-nrnmunnl rloL.-. hml(~ out In Olllnr f~jt"n B;'\llll lla~h·netJ
lhcrc. lh! Wrt~ -..ltl't<!kcd by lhc ht:.:LTI_ n~_wllug ~~ues. There ~!i !tlrJ1C
~•k \'I•Jkm:\"' tn Pnr-rn Wh<'l"t" many w~re klllcd. Hnjen ~1b11 \V\,nl Utt•rc
nnd sl~yctl rot :t lnllg. o prrtoll to ~~<•ntrul tilt stltwttotl. Form D~ct•n 111:
return~d ln Jt,We 1941.
The Congress was expecting utleast freedom with domln1on BtatUft
ror India. ln Ylew of the crl!!l~ England WU!i in. due to the: wu.r. In March
1942 Sir CraJroni Crlpp• lliTM:d ln lndiil. a.nd dlsappolnte:d everyone. He:
stmply offered more powers to th.e atntc and.Centrnl Aa&embllet. CWC
rejected theaa propo•al•, JApan WRit roovtug and England. wu
LIMhle to c:opo up. The~ Brlti~h Government ndopted the Seore.hcd Ell11.h
Policy by dt:!tmylng Jill boat~ and et~JtabUshme~ta on the coa~ota1 area11
of lndiR to that l! the JMpane!lc lAnd they get nothtug.
The: Yc:n.r 1942 Wfl9 momcntaualn the hlswry ortmUan Struggle for
freedom. Rajc:n l:!Rbu wae engaged tn touring. He nt\cnded the r::wc
meet1ng at Allnhabnd and then came to \\'ardha, E'lcryonc (olt that the
confrontation wtth the BrtUsh wa a tnunlnent. The hard~llners wanted to
Ia!«'! help of Germany and Japun to defeat England. The non-violent
Congrcs~ a~&o ~B tn n mood of t.aldng .some bold aggres!ltve l!teps.
lndlnua had lOi!t all faith tn BriU&h Juatsc:c and Br!UAb crecUbUU}' wat~~ at
the ~!bb. RQ,Jcm Babu toured between Aprll 1942 la~t week Blld
June l942 •. 1n Pntnn he fell ~tck gftu retum from Wardha. On 31" July
1942 he took H, meeting of the BlhRT Prcvlndal Even the non·
violent Gandht.Jl had turned bitter Bgalmt th~ Brlti&h. He told hla
CQUOb'y men to do ar dlc thte Ume. On 5m Augu!ll 1942 CWC mectini
took place ln Bombay. On 7V" Augu5t AlCC meeting wne held and on SU'
Augur;t 1942. the quit lndta rcacluUon wu paned. The leaden were
arrested RuJcn 8abu was arn:st~d on G"" August 1942 ond rernntn.ed.ln
pri&On tlll 15'11 June 194~. R(1.jcn 8a bu prl!50n term wn.& ~omtort.D.ble thta
t:tme, He wrote bl.s book "lndta DlvJd~d" and biB Alltoblograpby or756
page. He wa~ ill dur1ng Saturn .Jupiter Saturn· pet1od from May 30~.
1942 ta October 23'u, 1942. The nAtion witnessed one of the WWit
fam1nc.a tn Bengal tn '1943. Tht &.atum Mahada.sha ended. em 9111 Augu1t
1944. It vm111 B bad po.tch of 1~yean wtth Ulnes5, Intrigues. uneerti!J.ntie.s
ten!l1on and an the top of that th~ burden of Cortlgn doroinatian,
Achievements were there. he ho.d hi !!I ups and down as preald.ent or
the Cortgre!o~ and as member of the ewe. be was one of the key penon
1n tlie Congres!r- t.he PFU'tY enJoyed mass support. Sa.tum.Juplter'
perlod though sp~nt' tn Ja.U could be tttmed ali eamfortnble and
producttvc. He wrote book!\ and etnyt:d wtth h1s companions. He bad
volunteen~ to type his works. Hla ·close B ssotl.ates were vnth him and the
JaU authorities WO'C 15upportlvc t:t1ougb to anow hb chlldn:n nnd grand
chlldn::n to visit him often. He dJd not fall seriously lU during this Saturn
Jupiter pr::rtod, A i9 yt:.arS of troublesome perlod 15 ahlo tndl1:a\ed In the
char da! was Gerntn! from Dteember4, Dec.oembe:r 4-. 1931.
•fuurus from 1931 to 1938 and Artes from 1936 to 1944. From GemlnJ
AX ami AM.K arc ln the 1214 and then: 15 aspect of G~ Man, Rahu and
J{r.tu. 'fiturus hnr; AK Hntl Artes 1:5 Ute 12."' from AK aml AMK. Rashl
rJasha whc~ AK ts pi need or AKt5o In l!i~, or2•.,j nm gc:ncrnlly unfawumblc.
'By thr ~::nd of Che Sceond 1JI.\)rld Volar Brttnln n:all!kd thalll could
uol cUng to httlk~ much longer, 'Tbe labour Pr\me Mlnltifer, ClernentAUee
F"lfW:I' TEd\~Ues of A.tlfGfOQI~I PredldlMi "'JJll On<! 4Itrn SAeldl ~Dr Raf,!ndra
dccla~tl UHI.t ttl:seu:ss1ons would be lu:ld with lnrilan h."ffdcrs regnrtltng
lh~ r.ountry's ConstUuUou. anrl tl:u.· lrrtn!5fcr or power tv h1£Han h&rtd~­
Fn:~dom \vas 1n sl€,ht.
The Dash a of ftff!!Tt:Ury from g~o AugU$t, 1944 t.o '91.., Augllllf, 1961
Mercury L!5- the 7'1'1ord and the 10.. lord, 7'~- houo;c L--; the h!Jitsc of
Pntlnprnpti. Since-rots 1011 ' from 10'" U'lt! lOii> hnll!>~ -slgulficallon.r. ore
-also· to br. seru. Thre 7~ -and 1011' lonl Mercury b ln do5c canJIUICUon
wttla lhc rlfth lord Mar.. tlnts folmlug ;m acellenl Ra.1yogil. 1,u~ fUlh lonl
rcp~ul~ S;ulf:ltll knrm~1s. II~ r.nnj11111:11n11 wllh 7•• lol'l.l <filii Hl'• lnrd
In Lngrm trnlle<it~o; postttnn ami ~J,lm)' thu:: to 1-hc I{JltuUt!l ol lhe past
births. 1la~e iUWf! to lltalll{esl In lhe d.otsha or Mel t'ltty, 11Jc 7' 1 hou~
r-cpreseuts thr: spouse nts.o. In tht: dashR of ~1('1"'('ury T~jcu n.~bu could
'5I"'Y wllh hi:~ fnmlly In Ute Pntflt1al RilshlrapaU OhAWiHI. 1-t.ljt"'J Uabu
V(TOII.:' fll hls :wlobi•J[tr.tphy Ihal In Ult! .\-4-45 yea~ of hi!. ntiuTied Ufc he
cuul£1 slay for JU~t •14-45 monlh wllh his wt!e hut Lu Mt':.n'tlf)' rlnsha he.
could ;tay wltJt Ills entire f~tmily. .Mt!rcury as 7UJ ltwc1 Is ~ Mnrnk :u ul
thercfon~ ~·we- ll:s fllmrc of dlsca!>C ;tiSQ. In Nn\'am:;hil M~my ~u<::s tc,
1)iurus the: housr: of Its frle-ud ;md 111 Da!:;hfllaltsh<• agaLH In the huusc
of hts !•·tcutl ~turu. In hath !he dlvLslonal chru-ts II Is In tht' B"' house.
Under the chEtr <.la~ha ~heme: II w~a,. Plsrcs (n.,m L944 IIJ !951. the! 1 t 111
Rash! from AK l'uhl 1\MK lhi•ugh $'"from MK 1-~rom 1051 lh 1960 It ~.l!S
Aftuartus whic-h ts the 101" from AK emU AMR antllhe 7U' from Ml(,
l\l the Umc: or onset of Ml"in;ul)' da~ha. Rojcu Bfllm wa~ dcr.pty
tn\'ulvctl tu wriUug hi!! nulf•blogmphy luj.1lll'lnd hb !amour. book 'ludta
Dlvlrl~fl' Afrr.:r fele;os.e (rom Jall 0[1 15-fi~.m. h~ W'\~lll lO iillt:llfl the' ewe
meetlug to dl~t·u~~ the \\',well ofrer. Front thc:re he weut lu Slllntla but
fell stck on rdunt to Nr.w Oc:lhL lie Uteu went to PJ!mtloa!d slnyt'd Utcrc
for two lhre-: w~:,:k5, Hl" complclcd hi~ tloJt'k 'lmJin D1Yidr:-r1' th~:re. Hc
lnta-colh:cled fuucls ln f<:tjMtltan ;llllrl U1r:u r-etunu:d tu Ill.;. vlll:t&te. From
OttDbL"T". 1945 ht! ~galu foun:d for 6-7 weeks fdl 51ck and hm.l to be
1Hkc:n to f-'alna for l«'auncut.
Thr. dfm·t s uf Ihe: BrJIIslt Cnhtrtr.l mlsslon whlrh vlslled Imila In
Mru-t::h. 1946 Called. Ev~11 ~o lhe prvpo~l>- (or ~kcUon~ to- the Central
and prcwtndaJ 1cglslnl1on and (oJ' I he fommlton of an lutr.rlm naUonnt
f!ovcntmcnt due- to the boyr.olt by Mu~llm lc:-tdtrshlp.
In the: lnh!rlm Covr:mmenl Hu: Mu~llm leagu~;; tJJd nnl {1fir11clptH~
11u: Crlpp!io mlat>lon U10ught Uul ~1lJsllm league~ denuun1 fnr Paklslan
was not possible. Mr. Jlnnnh threatcucd Direct ActJon. LMge -scale
rlollug touk pl;~c.e in Calculla 1Nhcn- l :lOOO ur more bncll~ Wt're found
ou road Rllt.l seve~ aud Ul.llllY lloattug 111 the gnuges. RaJcu Bahu vtsll~u
Ca.Jcuttn. CWC n~ccplc.."rl the- 16"' Mny pmposnl of lh~: G!Jv~mmcul.
EVen ~fore lndepc:rukiir.c, •I Cl)nsfl!uc:ull\s~.:mhly ~v-<;~s fMrnc.t In
July. 19•\Gto frame tit~ Con~tuuuan ot'lm1lt1. Dr. Raj~mh<l Pmsact wus
declcd IL-. Pn:::;ldtlll. Till.!; wa~ <l h·thut~ 10 his Ufe of ~Inc~:=-. ~ct"lcc to
the nauon whusc very sptrll he seems to c:mllQdy, Titc llr-sl X<i':Slon ofth~
CQn-~tttucnl A!Wt!mbly was held on December 9. 1940,
ht Ute lntertm G4Jvcrnmcnl Hajr:n Babu 1.),.'1t5one of the 12 mlnlst~rs.
He 'o\'3:; gtven the Food ru1d Agrtctalture l)(lrtfolto. ThlE> was a job of
own heart. Aud he tntmr.dlitlc:Jy ~el to work. Tit~ couult'y w-ns then gotn,g
through on ncule food shormge. rutct he dn-w up R plan for better food
produclJoJL But the problem of cammutlli!U.m could nor be ~d.
Hanifylng rlol~ rocked Calc:ulbl i1nd htter nt th~ lime of lmlependenc:c
U1c maduc:ss ~t:n Is unpardlll!:lcd tn world hlstory,
On November 1949 thanks to th~ consc1cnt1ous labo\ll"S of tbc
Con5tltuent As~mbly, the people of lndla gave unto thcmsdvcs a
Con5LilUUon dedtcated to the Ideals of justice, liberty. c:qualfty and
tndla became a Republic on Ja11uary 26, 1950 and Rajt:ndra Prnsad
wns ~w:om lll-ID> Ute: first Prc5td(mt. It was Mcwury -Vcnus-S:iturn froru
27'" Odobt:r 1949 to gtt. AprU l950. ,~ 11 three cNpable o! gMng this high
posUlon. lu ChA-r ll wa.'> Pisces·C::~prtc:urn. Pl~es; I~ 11''' Ra:.tU from AK
m•tl J\MK aud Cap1·1ccma the 9~".
As per c.oustltuuou the Pre$Jdent wa..~ to b~ elected IJY ffi(!mlJers. of
the 5!&" Lcgl!llatu~ .Asscmblk.s nud Central Assembly. After th~ clccuon
to lh~ aasemblle..o;. Rajen ~bu was dectcd with hlgh mnrgt.n lrt both
1952 and 1957. In 1952 the: dasha was Mcrcury·Moon•Satum and ln
l9571l was Men:ury· M~rcury.
RnJcn Aabu had wiU\ Prime Mln1stt.r Nehna on m~ny
1~'\Ut:~.RaJc:u Babu as Prestd~nt wt'tlle regular ldten; which were kepi.
eonf1denuru, The. maturity or the~ knd('rs did not let uu~sc'crencc
cumc uut ha the op~:u to the fSress tmd puhlh.:. Mr. Chakr.P.1Ihar Saran.
Uac: ScctcttU)' of the president. hM nuw published th~ lcttcr5 In l5
volumes. Thra Slnhn the gmnd daughter of RnJcn &bu wrlle9 or two
Interesting anecdotes tn her book 'Ra.5htropnU Bbavan RJ Cha.ha.n Main.
Rajen Babu wanted to 'Wl:.lcome 1\.k Eisenhower In the tradU1onallnd1an
style by pcrformtng Arti on the <:nuy door. The Krarld 11aughtcr.; wen:
msslgued the ta~k. AU v.--ere exclled. There W<l!$ dlsaptl<Jintmcnl tn th~
ramUy whc:u t11c Millt.a.ry Secretary to the Prestdcul Informed that the
Aart1 welcome hns been dropped, on the adv\5c of Prime Mlnlstcr Nehru.
lmjcn Bnbu "'-as Informed about U1ls by Uae.f.amUy. n!l usual Rnjen Babu
kept hl'i c(lo\. Hls mUitary Sec:retnry conveyed hls mes.sagt! ro PM om~e
thai the welcome would be tn the traditional' sryle only nud It happened
thaL way.~ Stnlm further gives an <~.~:count
of an lmlidttll tu 1961.
She \l.T1t~5when Queen £llzabelh vlsUcd New Delhi two lady members
of the we~t.c:mlu:d Nehru family !mrcastlcally com~uted on the lady
members ot the trncUtlonnl &DhtrapaU shaking hands with lhe Duke
Rlld the qucc:n,
As ~dent, he: conUnued h!!> lift: of dcdic:aUon. Dt-spUe old age
and fraU hcaiU1 he kept up tus pcrsonal contact with people all over
luclta. He toured by raU for ilbout 150 dnys a year. nn.tu ~tclppiug H.l
smaU raUway -stations to meet the common folk.
On 20''• July. 1961 Rnjcn Babu vomited blood. He WHs1n a scclous
t:l.lndlttnn. HI! wns e;1vcn blood and remained u.ncortsctous haemorrhage
was Gttspcd~:d. The doctor were helpleSS~ He n=mnined tn hospital far ll

Fltl~ Toclmlquos ot A.Htclogfcill Prt>dictiolls Vol Oo!!

dnys and rctumetl ou l'' August. HJ61. 'lltc: Vln~ltottarl Ua.!iha \V;is
Mctcury·SntumJupltcr upto 10'.. August 1961. Kem daslm was to start
from lOili Augu5l 1981. In Chnr It wa_<; Caprtcont Sag\llilrhL«> from De-c 3,
1960 to August 4. l96l. SaglttarJus ng;Un giving him hcnlth problc.m.
Satum and Mercury an: l\'farakas. pc:rh&lp!S th!' pmtyantar dRsh;• of
Jupiter saycd htm. R&ljcn Bnbu"s folmn wnS~lo ~· OI,'Ct on 13~ May Hl62,
R.tjen B:tbu hild rledtlcd not to rdnln f(;•shlr.'lfJHU (·Hmwlln even for n
t!ay more. Ht.. lefl for Patn.a to stay In Sadcqu~l. A!.lu-oJ.J11. When aske•l
how hr: felt he sah1 like a schoolboy gotng on hollrlny nftcr wriUng his
exams. 1lu.~ Vln\..'ihottirl d.ilsha wns Kctu-\ll:uus Man:o and Ch.i1rC1prlcom
-Ubra Capricorn is. t:'lghtb from MK Libra ln sixth from 1\K rUHl AMK.
In Scptt'mber, 1962 f~j~ Babu wife p."lsscd nw.Jy. Kt'tu-Vcnu~­
Sahm1 rmd tn Ch<1r 1t ""''U.S C.1pricom- Llbrn. Capncom l!' 2"" (rom liK.
and from Libra AK l.s In U1c clghU'l.
au F~bruary 28"'.1963. IU>J~II Babu w~ fi.Chcdukd tQ \I'ISIJ Ult=
'P'.\Inn University for a hm~tlon. lie wus suchknly wk~u tU. 111 lhe
cvr.nlng . Thr: do~tors de..'icnb~tl his 1:ondlllrm ;lS ~h1U5. The F~mons
klt.tologer Pnndll VL<Jmuluull Jha was {.-ailed. UJijt:ll Ii<ibu ltrenthc'l his
la~t at 10 P.M. Titt• Vlrnshott..trl dashn ,,.,~ Kc111·Vcuu~;· M~rc11ry. Mr.t-emy
;n.!i M.,rnk nlso killed him. In Clvv It wns C"pr1r,t:~nl -VIrgo. Thu~ c:mktl
the tstory of the uoblest lndlall\'alue& ami trailiUcul5 acuJ ~>f llll&lml~hlc
lck.nls Umt fill c:\'c:ry fndlan ,,ith pride ;:tlltl will :tiWil)'!:> Inspire the nation.

Books b;9 Vani Publications
e. Lc01mtfindoAstrolo8)'EuU1 0 (1995,1006) Cl ~ISO/-, USD 19/·)
Aptimi'!T of Hindu A.stlowQ1 for the b~inm!.n .tnd a r!f~lhl!t for the adV311«d ct~wu
of l!lUotogy.
l.; Astrology'Dtmtnr""KhhcWh~lorTime [] ()993,1995,1997,1001,
:ZOOS} 0 Rs.l20f~US02V~
Ttta boo!J:: b uand.w! r!feJtoce. 11 glvL-s Un1e tt'~t!d principles en~~lllo\tcd in
S....rukrit !'ihlak;u, P•~'l:flted in o1 tabuw fom) iU\li ilhu:ncing their appUcatioru thumgh
m;my htuo~copl!'s.
J. Upnm1Down41n~rccr 0 (199Jandl995) 1:1 Rl.ll~/-U50l5/·
Hew t() l!lllke tfr~rtive and 111\'~t::.Sflll pr~riicttcN rortndhlidUi\~ b'/ making uu of th~
double tfamit of Siitum iind J11(1tter along W\lh Vimlhott<ui dadu h!!'lt. ·shcUilripurty• is-
ttl~ ;~ttainment ofsb:ty ytoiln tlf 119& ltlt ln is cel!brated with lp&ia\ Pooja. What
h the\1 exi)lAnoltion fo1IL Rtlo ~1pl.ilil:o lucidly in thb mo!.l pnpuL1r bo-alr nf hi,,
.oi. PbnQtt 01nd ChHd~n D ( 1993, 1996, I ~S,:ZOOl, 2005) 0 Rt. 120/- USO t OJ.
The mCISt onqllloll bonk ofF...tll whJch c.m b~ Ll9!'d to predkt wh~n ·' chl1!i will b!!' hom,
by ~[ng the Vl.rmllottan d.u.ha .and tlit mnult.tli!!O\Ll tnusits of four plam~u ~AlUm.
Jupitfl. M.m .md tb.:: .Moon.
5. Predletlngthi'oughJalmlnhCh.'\r:. D~h;>, 0 ( 1995, I ~6,1005)
0 fU. leo/· USD 19/·
Th~ mo.ct rtvnlution;uy ~~~•u~ which ~ntitlts IC.N. Rl.o to immotrality Is thu bo~k.
It rev~al.s IUt! of th~ :t~wl1 hru.u~ Atma, Am~ty.,, Bhr.~trl, 1-tiltn, f\ltn, GyAnti a.nd Dilril.
Wntcrun Jaimini did not lmPW the u:t- Clf CHAP....t DASHII in the lut th:e:~ thoutaJJd yea1~
or more nnti\ itlo ~;amf.> out with thu bQok. Once ronvillrcd they 3Ct~pt!!d thii tfi!!'d fund
-after &ix mantm gJve tD Rao a go'd med.ll nyillq tlut fm tJu~~ thou1J11d jle.ll~ ru~h .ll'l
orlgino.l wad: on J.ilinini b.!d b~con don~
6. Predicting thro~h omd J;l.lmlnl's Ma.ndook ~ha
LJ (1995A 1991) Cl Rs.I5D}·USD 19/-
A revoh.IUOMlY tolndma.rk in U1e .utv.mctd phMe of JAimhti p1ffiictfv~t $Y~~m an~
written with th~ con ect m!'a:nillg cf Suti.u. Thit use ofKmblmshii h~:t b 1'1\D~t ~tinull~'iJig,
origm•1 ill\l! l!ff!!!cUV!! toot for pr!!dictloru.
1. K:amtundltebltthlnH!tJduAstndogy 0 (1997) 0 lb. UlOJ.USPl9/·
TM theoiY of l:o~rm& ~hGulit b.- und~~rood .u ~plai.Md in th!! ttindu miptttres,
"'Pt<iotl\y Jyotuh. Achl41 uudy ot rom pili~ of the borosct~pe!. of both the births of four
nst'"!. ;u~ dU:tu!!:"'d ~mo~ogicrllly foT tht fim timf; Thh is th~ mou rtvotuUomuy re~utth
arui now tl.u bei!n u:null!tt-d into !tuuilll, Gwnan and othn European l~nguag~.
8. Olpt Into Dlvklle., ~~ogy:and History t:J ( 1. 996) l:l fU. I DO/- USO J9/·
Th~ boo\: u nom the poiln Df view of lf'Aming the tedmiqu!!..S of a~trolol]ical
p1~dlctim~ ;md nndmt.\ndi.J1g and i.s A p<~IIUttiOOng t~u·.;m:h which o!Xplairu why lndb
1urvived iU tuJbuleJ1t tillto(\1 nf o~ thouMnd Yt'ID of inv.uion.
9. TheNehruD)'null' LJ (1993)0 R,, 1001-USO 1.5!·
f,ltroportriliU o~ lndl,m'$ mo~t &n.mOIU. polltiCAl f.i'.mity. The teclm.iquca 111if!i1 it1 l.hlf
book ~lld the us~ or \'!Clip~E'S a~ mon Uieful to mak~ pte!dictloru l!hout ~ople. poll UruLu l:t
the high ;md the tl\lghty.
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