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Maybe if our Worlds Collide (We Could Be Together)

Posted originally on the Archive of Our Own at

Rating: Explicit
Archive Warning: Choose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Category: M/M
Fandom: | Bangtan Boys | BTS
Relationship: Min Yoongi | Suga/Park Jimin
Character: Min Yoongi | Suga, Park Jimin (BTS), Kim Namjoon | RM, Kim Seokjin |
Jin, Kim Taehyung | V, Jeon Jungkook, Jung Hoseok | J-Hope
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Bikers, Biker Min Yoongi, Waiter Park Jimin,
Diners, Flirting, First Dates, Falling In Love, Road Trips, Runaway
boyfriends, Motorcycles, Motorcycle Sex, Riding, Anal Sex, Anal
Fingering, Begging, Smut, Fishnets, Fluff, Homophobic Language, IT'S
ONE TINY PART, This is a no angst zone, Min Yoongi | Suga Is
Whipped, this is set in America, Top Min Yoongi | Suga, Bottom Park
Stats: Published: 2018-01-26 Words: 24707

Maybe if our Worlds Collide (We Could Be Together)

by Sharleena


Amidst one of his lonely travels, Yoongi meets Jimin at a diner.

For some reason, Yoongi really wants to run away with him.

"I work in a diner, I'm really bored and you come along with your lonely biker aesthetic and
ask me to run away. It's cliché."
Yoongi swallows. "Is that a no?"
"I didn't say that."


So. This is a belated birthday gift for Tati <3 sorry it took me so long.

This is literally 28k words of Yoonmin flirting, falling in love, being soft and nasty as hell.
Ya girl needs softness too.

A FEW DISCLAIMERS: I love motorbikes, my dad used to be a biker, and the feeling of
riding a bike is still to this day something I really hold close to my heart. But I probably did
fuck up some terms cause, hello, ya girl is Italian and english is hard.
SECONDLY, I've never been to Marfa, never been to Texas, never been in America. So if I
said some wrong things or if my research wasn't good enough, please don't kill me.

Hope you enjoy this!

Come chat with me on Twitter

See the end of the work for more notes

The thing about America is that it's huge. You travel for five hours, you're still in the same freaking
state. You travel for a bit more and you get a different time-zone. America is weird, Yoongi thinks
even if he was born in the damn country.

Yoongi's hands around the levers are fucking cramping after six hours on the road, thighs hurting
after squeezing for too much time on each side of the fuel tank. Traveling on a motorbike feels a lot
like the American Dream if the American Dream was a fucking asshole that tries really hard to ruin
your day. Then again, Yoongi loves it for that reason as well. For the exhaustion, for the moment he
takes off his helmet and can finally breathe clean fresh air, skin heated and eyes stinging, his energies
drained. That's the moment Yoongi knows that he actually traveled, that he ate miles and miles of
road and can now crash in a motel somewhere, sleep on a real bed even though the sheets smell of
cheap detergent.

Yoongi knows that by now he won't have to wait much before he sees the town that he will stay in
for the next days, sun slowly but surely lowering, sky turning a little redder, his thick leather jacket
keeps him warm but where the sleeves ride up a little, the exposed skin of his wrists is freezing, a
hard contrast with the warmth inside the gloves he's wearing. Yoongi stirs his neck, rolls back the
clutch lever, the bike speeds up, Yoongi's muscles clenching against the force of the wind.

The temperature drops quickly, what they say about the desert being cold at night is true, but it's
bearable, it's still summer after all. The road is empty, the asphalt in need of some fixes, but Yoongi
rides easily enough, throwing glances at the scenery, at the sand that starts where the asphalt ends,
going on for what looks like miles, but then he sees the town in front of him.

Yoongi doesn't know shit about Marfa. Only that it's in Texas and that it is tiny as fuck. All he
knows, all he has to know. It's not like he'll stay much, just as long as he needs to before he finally
gets the call from Namjoon and he can move along, join the others, have the real journey start.

Yoongi slows down considerably as he enters the town, looking around for a place where he can eat
something. He might have to ask for a motel or a B&B or something where he can get a room for a
couple of nights. Yoongi can see already that this truly is one of those towns that haven't changed at
all since the 80s. The roads are large, so are the sidewalks, no one seems to be about even though it's
a Friday night. Yoongi sees an old cinema, still with the old type of sign on top, the white one where
they would attach black letters to let people know what they were playing that night. The whole
place feels vintage as fuck.

In the distance Yoongi spots the sign of a diner, red led neons spelling 24/7 and an arrow that points
to the building, blinking lazily. Yoongi drives there, already dreaming to get his hands on the
greasiest burger and fries they have.

The parking spot is empty except for an old Ford, so he stops the bike, kills the engine and kicks
down the kickstand, groans as he pulls the bike back so that it locks in place and doesn't fall over and
finally gets off. He sighs as he feels his feet finally touch ground and his muscles twitching
underneath the denim of his jeans. Yoongi takes off his helmet and hooks it under his forearm, takes
a quick look in one of the mirrors and ruffles his hair, a little damp and flat against his head until they
get some volume, green locks falling messily over his brow. Good enough.

Yoongi walks to the diner, stumbling a little on his steps, legs slowly getting used to walking after so
many hours on the road, he unzips his leather jacket when the heat catches up to him and pushes the
glass door open. Immediately he's hit with the smell of coffee, frying oil and grilled meat, Yoongi
actually takes a damn lungful after having breathed nothing but fuel, smoke, and flies in his mouth.

He goes to sit in one booth, as far as possible from the entrance, near a jukebox that looks like it
could need a little cleaning, there's an old man sitting at the counter, eating eggs, bacon and a bagel.

Yoongi sighs, relaxes in the seat, flicks off the table a crumble of bread and shrugs off his jacket,
then he grabs the menu and starts scanning through what the diner has to offer him. They actually
have a lot of dishes, even Italian pasta, but Yoongi needs meat in his stomach. His eyes settle on the
double bacon cheeseburger with side fries, in the picture it looks delicious. Maybe that and a beer? If
they have decent beers, that is. A new song starts playing from the jukebox, The Beatles. Yoongi
smiles a little to himself, it always feels funny to listen to Michelle in 2017 but he likes it.

He hums the song to himself and doesn't notice someone approaching his table.

“Can I take your order?”

Yoongi startles a little at the voice of the waiter, but he clears his voice, “Err, yeah,” he turns to the
waiter. “I'll have a-”


Holy shit.

God bless America, God bless Marfa, Texas.

The waiter is nothing but gorgeous. Fucking beautiful, really. Even with the shitty blue and white
striped shirt he's wearing, probably the uniform of the diner.

The waiter looks at him expectantly, a small notepad and a pencil in his hands, short fingers, a little
chubby, cute in a way that has Yoongi actually choke on his spit.

The waiter arches an eyebrow, blonde hair parted and suiting him immensely. Yoongi swears he sees
God for a second when his eyes fall on the boy's lips, pouty and plump and pink. He's pretty. He's
fucking pretty.

“Shit.” Yoongi breathes out, not even meaning for the word to slip past his lips.

The waiter's eyes widen a little, there's a subtle hint of makeup on his lids, then he presses his lips
together, clearly trying to hide a smile. “That's not my name.”

He has a nice voice, too, what is this abuse?

“Yeah, no, right. Sorry,” Yoongi looks at the boy's chest, where a name tag is pinned to his shirt.
“Jimin. That's your name.”

Jimin gives him a small smile. “That is my name, yes.”

Michelle, ma belle, sont des mots qui vont trés bien ensemble

“So, did you already decide what to eat or-”

“I have.” Yoongi coughs awkwardly, just a tiny (A LOT) bit overwhelmed. “Err, is the double
bacon cheeseburger really greasy?”

“Depends on how much really greasy means to you.”

“Really fucking greasy.”

Jimin grins. “It's really fucking greasy.”

“That one, then.”

Jimin nods and writes it down on the notepad. “Drinking anything?”

“What beers do you have?”

“Only bottled ones: Budweiser, Heineken, Corona.”

Yoongi hums, not really sure since he's not a huge fan of neither of them.

“If you get the Corona I'll put in it a slice of lemon for you.” Jimin says, Yoongi smiles.

“That a special service of yours?”

“Really special.” Jimin says in a hushed voice, leaning down a bit, Yoongi feels himself moving
closer without even wanting to. “I do it only if I like the client.”

I need to, I need to, I need to, I need to make you see, Oh, what you mean to me

“Then I guess I'll have the Corona.”

Jimin straightens up, writes the second part of the order on his notepad as well. “I'll be right back

Jimin throws him a glance.


“Yoongi.” Jimin nods. “I'll be back with your order soon, Yoongi.”

Yoongi watches Jimin walk away and his mouth feels awfully dry. Jimin has a small body, all
slender and petite, but his thighs are strong under the jeans and his ass is- well it's a very good ass.
And that's all he's going to say because he doesn't want to sound crass.
Leave it to Marfa, small ass town in the middle of a goddamn desert, to have a hidden jewel like that.
Yoongi scoffs to himself, he can't believe how lucky he got to even have his eyes blessed by
someone who looks like that. It only now occurs to him how bad he looks, with dirt and sand on his
jeans and shoes, sweaty hair and probably sporting an exhausted look on his face.

He sends a quick look to the counter, finds Jimin filling a cup of coffee for the old man with a
pleasant smile, he moves to the glass container that has some sandwiches inside and he takes one out,
walks to a grill and he puts the sandwich on it, pushing it down with a spatula, humming quietly to

Yoongi looks back at the table then he lets his eyes wander to the window next to him, finds his bike
where he left it, neon coloring the black paint red. The songs stop, another one starts, one Yoongi
doesn't know, it's a jazz one, with hard trumpets and piano keys accompanying the main melody.

“Here we go.”

Yoongi looks back up, finding Jimin putting on the table a plate with the burger he ordered, it looks
even greasier than what he expected and he thanks the world for that, fries still frizzling hot.

Jimin then opens the cap of the Corona beer, puts that on the table as well, he's carrying a smaller
plate with a slice of lemon. He takes it and shoves it inside the neck of the bottle.

“The special service could use some finesse.” Yoongi says, Jimin smiles at him.

“Oh, but the customers I like are so very rare, sometimes I forget how to do it correctly.”

“Mmh.” Yoongi wets his lips. “Should I feel honored, being one of those very rare customers?”

“Of course you should.” Jimin looks out the window. “Is that yours?”

“The bike?”


“It's mine.”

Jimin then twists his head around, bites his bottom lip as he looks at the counter for a few seconds,
then he easily slides on the opposite seat of the booth, propping his chin on the palm of his hands.

“You travel with it?”

Yoongi nods, elbows on the table, leaning a bit forward, Jimin's eyes light up with interest.

“How much?”

“How much I've traveled?”


“A fucking lot.”

“Name me a city.”

“I can name you full fucking states.”

“Yeah? Where are you from?”

“New York.”

“Shit, really?” Jimin scoffs. “Lucky you.”

“It gets old pretty fast.”

“Easy for you to say.” Jimin's smile grows wider, his eyes turning into crescents, Yoongi's stomach
twists. “So, what, you out there traveling all of America?”

Yoongi shrugs. “Why not?”

“All alone?”

“You see someone with me?” Yoongi asks, Jimin giggles and Yoongi swears he's honestly about to
fall in love right here right now in this diner.

“Doesn't it get boring, traveling by yourself?”


Jimin opens his mouth to say something but, suddenly, a voice is calling him loudly. Jimin groans
and gets up.

“That's my shitty boss. Enjoy your meal, Yoongi.”

“Thank you, Jimin.”

Jimin turns around and makes to leave, but he stops and looks at Yoongi again. “Where are you
staying tonight?”

“Still don't know.”

“There's a decent B&B on the main street, they don't ask for much and the rooms are clean.”

“Guess I'll go there, then.”

“And we have a really good breakfast.”

Yoongi grins. “'s that so?”

Jimin nods, “Oh, the best. Our eggs are famous in Texas, you know?” he cocks his head to the side,
a cheeky smile on his lips. “We make a damn mean coffee as well.”

Yoongi nods, pretending to think about it when in reality Jimin could offer him cockroaches for
breakfast and Yoongi would still eat them. “I guess I'll come by for breakfast, then.”

Jimin looks proud of himself, that's for sure, satisfied and cocky. “I'll see you tomorrow, Yoongi.”

Jimin walks away and disappears behind swinging doors and in the kitchen.

Yoongi sighs, another song begins and he finally gets that burger in his mouth, humming to himself
when the grilled meat and fried bacon meet his tongue, cheese melting easily in his mouth.
The room that he gets for the following two nights is actually big and with a king size bed all for
himself, the bathroom has a nice looking tub, it smells of those soap bars that they sell at Target,
although he's pretty sure Marfa actually doesn't have a Target.

Yoongi throws his bag on the floor and lays down on the mattress, sighs happily when his back
finally relaxes. The bed is comfortable as well, this city is turning out to be a fucking miracle.

It's not that late, barely ten in the evening, but Yoongi is tired after a whole day on the road and all he
wants is to sleep. Before he actually indulges in the idea, though, he takes his phone from the back
pocket of his jeans, swipes his thumb on the cracked screen and quickly goes through his contacts,
tapping on Namjoon's and putting the phone to his ear.


“Hey.” Yoongi replies. “I'm in Marfa.”

Namjoon chuckles. “Fucking Marfa? For real?”

“Your fault asshole, you're the one who told me to start getting closer in advance.”

“You're right, that I did, didn't think you'd stop in Marfa.”

“Ain't that bad.” Yoongi says, a pair of brown eyes popping in his head.

“You found a place to crash in?”

“Yeah, it's actually pretty nice. Cheap, too.”

“You got it all figured out, brother.” Namjoon coughs once. “You called for a date?”


“Still not sure.”

Yoongi groans. “Fuck, Joons, really?”

“Hey, it ain't that easy to find a day that works for twenty fucking people.” there's the sound of a
door opening. “Look, just stay put there for a while, go sight-seeing, I don't know. I'll call you when
I have a date and you get back on the road.”

Yoongi hums. “Okay, man. Whatever, I guess I'll just sleep the days off.”

“Do that.”

“At least the burgers are good.” Yoongi mutters before ending the call and let the phone drop next to
his head on the bed.

He closes his eyes and starts opening and closing his fists, fingers hurting after all those hours where
they've been only curled around levers, he feels the calluses on the upper part of the palms of his
hands. But he's so tired he doesn't even take off his dirty clothes before he curls up on his side and
falls asleep.
Here's the thing: Yoongi might have taken a shower, put on decent clothes, even went to the length
of fucking styling his hair... that doesn't mean he's feeling more confident.

As he kills the engine of his motorbike and takes off the helmet, Yoongi tells himself that he's got
this. Then he dares a glance at the diner and sees Jimin gracefully walking from table to table,
holding orders of food in his arms and still looking like the sun decided to literally kiss him at birth
and confidence is just a word that Yoongi can't even spell.

Still, he's not a coward. And, he's hungry. Jimin did promise him very good eggs and Yoongi will
have his eggs.

He gets off the bike, helmet hooked under the crook of his elbow and he walks to the diner, taking
note of the cars parked in front of it, there seem to be more people for breakfast.

Yoongi slides inside the diner and he sniffs the air a bit, smelling coffee, eggs and fried bacon,
waffles and the sweet scent of maple syrup. There are people a bit everywhere, sitting at the booths
mostly, half of the counter and stools free. There are mostly young and middle-aged men, wearing
suits, probably getting a quick breakfast before heading to work, but Yoongi sees two families as
well, children squeaking around mouthfuls of their pancakes and milk.

Yoongi sees Jimin filling a jug with hot coffee behind the counter, so Yoongi goes to sit on one of
the free stools, the stuffed leather cushion is soft even if the leather is a bit worn by time.

Yoongi takes one of the breakfast menus, waiting for Jimin to finish what he's doing and taking
advantage of the moment to try and come up with something eloquent to say. Maybe a witty remark?
He can do witty remarks, his mother always tells him what a fucking smartass he is, he's got this.

“Good morning, Yoongi.”

Yoongi looks up from the menu abruptly, tries to smile and reciprocate the greeting but suddenly his
mouth is made of sandpaper and his hands are clammy and Jimin looks so fucking beautiful,
cheerful, with a kind and genuine smile, blonde hair pulled back and he's so fucking smitten.

“Shit.” Yoongi whispers, Jimin snorts.

“You keep saying that. Is that how you say hello to people?”

“No.” Yoongi coughs awkwardly. “No, sorry. I- shit, hi!” Yoongi wants to disappear, now, he
wants a goddamn sandstorm to swallow and destroy Marfa right now. Well, that's a bit selfish...

“Hi.” Jimin giggles. “Slept well?”

“Yeah, I did. Thank you for recommending me the place, it's real nice, Jimin.”

“Good to know.” Jimin gets a clean mug and puts it in front of Yoongi, then he starts filling it with
coffee. “What would you like for breakfast?”
“You said something about your eggs being famous.”

“I did say that, yes.”

“I guess I'll have those, then.”

“Oh, you're trusting me?” Jimin leans on his elbows over the counter, closer than Yoongi expected,
his breath fresh on his skin. “I could've lied to you.”

“I'm a very forgiving person.”

“'s that so?”

Yoongi will not lie: Jimin could literally pour boiling coffee directly in his naked eyeball, Yoongi
would fucking thank him.

“Eggs it is, then.” Jimin straightens up. “I'll ask for extra greasy bacon.”

“You already know me so well.”

Jimin grins. “I sure hope so. I'll be right back.”

Yoongi can't help but smile as Jimin walks to the kitchen, a natural sway to his hips that has him kind
of choking on his coffee, earning a weird look from an old man sitting two stools away from him.

Ten minutes later, Jimin comes back carrying a plate with eggs and bacon still warm, steam
disappearing into the air.

“Here you go.” Jimin gently places the plate in front of him. “I'll be back, you enjoy your breakfast.”

Yoongi nods with a thankful smile as Jimin picks a notepad and walks away to serve a new customer
that has just sat in one of the free booths.

Yoongi doesn't waste time, he is actually fucking hungry and those eggs smell delicious, the oil on
the bacon still frizzling. Yoongi gets a good amount of eggs on his fork and tastes it, letting out a
small pleased sound. He had better eggs but these are fucking nice as well, soft and salty enough,
melting easily in his mouth. Marfa keeps getting better and better. Yoongi focuses on his meal, the
bacon is crunchy and delicious, the coffee warm and bitter the way he likes it, the day started

“Enjoying everything?” Jimin asks once he's back, immediately refilling his mug with fresh coffee.

“These are good eggs.” Yoongi says around a mouthful, he quickly swallows it down. “Real good,

Jimin hums, a satisfied smile on his lips, he leans in again as he was doing before, close to Yoongi's

“So, what are your plans for today?”

“I guess I'll go around, see the town.”

Jimin tilts his head to the side a bit. “All by yourself again?”

Ask him out, Yoongi's brain tells him.

“I'm afraid so. Unless one of your lovely customers is willing to give me a tour.”

“There isn't much to see in Marfa, really.” Jimin worries his bottom lip for a second, Yoongi's eyes
following the movement. “It gets boring to visit such a small town by yourself, you know?”

He wants you to ask him out you fucking idiot, do it.

“Yeah?” Yoongi clears his voice. “You know anyone who might wanna keep me company?”

Jimin smiles, he opens his mouth to say something but he's cut off by a loud voice.

“Jim! Hurry up!”

Jimin groans, his head falling down. “I fucking hate him.”


“My boss.”

“Who's Jim?”

“I am.”

Yoongi arches an eyebrow. “He can't even bother to learn your fucking name?”

Jimin looks at him and shrugs. “He's an ass. I have to go, so just ask.”

“Ask?” Yoongi swallows. “Ask you what, Jimin?”

There's a little hint of a teasing smirk that spreads Jimin's lips, eyes bright. “Ask me when I get off

Yoongi tries to bite off a smile, fails miserably.

“When do you get off work, Jimin?”

“Eight sharp,” the boy pushes himself off the counter and licks his lips. “Don't be late.”

Fuck, Yoongi is so gone.

Yoongi used cologne. Actual fucking cologne. The expensive one Namjoon got him for a birthday.
That smells of citrus. Because of a date. Jesus Christ.

Yoongi is sitting on his bike just outside the diner, waiting for Jimin to come out, he taps his thumb
on the cigarette he's smoking and some ash falls on his jeans, he brushes it off. He even dressed up
nicely, a clean white t-shirt and his favorite leather jacket. He has an extra helmet dangling from the
handlebar and his own hooked to his arm.

Yoongi clears his throat, takes another drag of smoke and, he will not lie, the nerves are ending him.
Okay, so maybe he hasn't dated in quite a while and, even when he did date, he never took a boy as
pretty and funny as Jimin out, who seems to be way out of his league, so consider him a nervous

Suddenly, the door of the diner opens and Jimin comes out of it, quickly spotting him in the parking
lot and he starts walking to him, smiling and looking like he owns the world. Hell, the world should
belong to someone like Jimin. And without that shitty uniform he looks even better, a loose shirt that
hangs off a bit from his left shoulder tucked in his jeans. Yoongi might die at the end of the night.

“Hello.” Jimin says, his eyes falling on the motorbike. “I finally get to see this up close.”

Yoongi leans back a bit, cigarette hanging between his lips. “You like it?”

“Don't know jackass about bikes, but it's beautiful. What model is it?”

“Harley Dyna Low Rider.”


“2014, 'cause the one they made in 2016 is shit.” Yoongi pats on the fuel tank. “She's my baby.”

Jimin arches an eyebrow, looking utterly unimpressed. “Really? Your baby? Do all you bikers get
turned on by motorbikes and treat them like a woman you're trying to swoon?”

“Damn right we do.”

“And you all call them baby?”

“I do.”

Jimin smirks. “Is it an honor reserved for your bike, being called baby?”

Yoongi clicks his tongue. “Depends.”


“On how a date goes.”

“Let's hope it goes well, then.” Jimin notices the two helmets then. “One of them's for me?”

“Yeah, take this.” Yoongi gets the extra helmet off the handlebar and hands it to Jimin.

“If you travel alone why do you have two?”

“You always carry two helmets, you never know what might happen. Helmets break, after all. Get
on, here.” Yoongi points at the passenger seat behind him. “Hook your leg up there, right foot on the
footpeg to lift you up.”

Jimin nods and puts his foot on the metallic handle.

“Hands on my shoulders for leverage.”

“Why does this sound so complicated?”

Yoongi chuckles. “It ain't so easy the first time, for real. I've seen people fall flat on their asses.”

Jimin snorts at this and he puts his hands on Yoongi's shoulder, lifts himself up easily, left leg over
the seat and then on the other side of the bike, he sits down and makes himself comfortable. “This is

“So, never been on a motorbike, I assume.”

Jimin nods as he starts putting the helmet on.

“Okay,” Yoongi kicks back the kickstand, now keeping the weight of the bike and Jimin straight
with his legs. “If I turn left, the bike will lean down as well, even if not by much, you follow that
movement otherwise it's gonna be messy. Feet on the footpegs, your hands either on my shoulders or
waist, your pick.”

Jimin clicks close the helmet's strap under his chin and quickly wraps his arms around Yoongi's

“Okay.” Yoongi snorts. “Waist it is.”

“How close do I have to be?”

“The closer the better.”

Jimin chuckles. “Are you just saying it to have me close or is it really important?”

Yoongi scoffs, he takes the helmet off his arm. “I wouldn't lie about this, kiddo. For real, get close,
otherwise it's uncomfortable for you and makes it a bit harder for me to drive.”

“Okay.” Jimin scoots closer to Yoongi, his chest flush against Yoongi's back. “Where are we

“You pick, I don't know Marfa that well. You must be hungry, I know I am.”

“I know a good place, haven't been there in forever. I'll give you the directions as we go.”

Yoongi nods and then puts his helmet on. He starts the engine, rolls the clutch a bit just to make
some scene, just to feel the engine rumbling beneath him, he hears Jimin giggling even if the sound is

Yoongi lifts his feet up, the bike moving easily under his commands, turns it around in the large
empty spot of the parking lot to get back on the street.

Jimin is a fairly good passenger for a first timer. It seems stupid but, most of the times, having
someone who's not familiar as a passenger can be a pain in the ass, the added weight and a stiff body
change completely the way Yoongi drives. But Jimin is doing good, except for some bumps of
helmets here and there when Yoongi stops in front of a red light, but that happens. Granted, Yoongi
isn't really driving fast, both because he's still in town and because it is still Jimin's first time and, shit,
a fast bike can be scary. But Yoongi is enjoying this. The warmth of Jimin's body, his arms wrapped
securely around his waist, the sudden bursts of excited giggles, they all make it really fucking nice.

“How far is this place?” Yoongi calls when they're at a red light, voice loud to be heard over the

“We're close!” Jimin replies. “The railroad ain't that far, maybe five minutes?”


“You'll love it!”

Yoongi trusts Jimin on that.

He was expecting a pub or another diner, a decent restaurant or maybe just a burger joint. Instead,
Yoongi finds himself parking in front of a food truck that has the words FOOD SHARK written on
the metal and on top of the open window where people can order food there's written that they
accept cash and cheks only.

Yoongi kills the engine and kicks down the kickstand, he takes off his helmet and ruffles his hair.
“This is it?”

“Don't judge a book by its cover. Food's amazing.” Jimin takes off the helmet as well and gives it to
Yoongi. “Beyoncé came here to eat.”

Yoongi blinks. “Beyoncé?”


“You convinced me, I'm excited now.”

Jimin lets out a short giggle before he frowns. “Wait, how the fuck do I get off now?”

Yoongi snorts. “Okay, here, give me your hand.” he says as he raises an arm, the palm of his hand
up. Jimin takes it, “Get up.” Jimin does so, standing up on the footpegs. “Now, pull your left leg
back, over the seat and next to your other leg then down to the ground.”

Jimin frowns a bit but he follows Yoongi's advice, slowly and carefully until his left foot touches the
ground. “Oh!” Jimin chuckles. “It's easier than I thought.”

Yoongi hums, he puts both the helmets on the handlebar, leaving them hanging off the levers.
“You're actually really good.”


Yoongi gets off the bike as well. “Yeah, you're a natural.”

Jimin makes a small pleased sound as they make their way to the truck. “Good to know, I was
actually afraid I was making it hard for you.”

Yoongi bites off a smile at the implications. “Nah, you're good.”

A man's face pops up in the open window, large and a little bulky, with square glasses and a pleasant
smile. “Evening.”

“Good evening!” Jimin's eyes scan quickly on the menu. “I'll order for you, too.”

“Go for it.”

“One Combo Plate, a Marfalafel and a Hummus Wrap.” Jimin looks back at the man. “And a
Mexican Cola. Can we have them to go?”

“Sure thing.” the man disappears back inside the truck, Yoongi can smell something delicious,
maybe grilled turkey?
“To go?” he asks Jimin, the boy nods.

“Yeah, I know a nice place where we can eat, with a good view. Can I bum a cigarette off you?”

“Sure.” Yoongi gets his pack of cigs out of the inside pocket of his jacket, gets two out and hands
one to Jimin.

He takes his lighter and puts it close to Jimin's face, the boy leaning on the flame to set the cigarette
alight, he pulls back with a puff of smoke. “Thanks.”

“I didn't even ask you yet.” Yoongi says, pauses to burn the tip of his own cigarette. “How old are


“I'm older than you.”



“That ain't much.”

“I have three whole more years behind me.”

Jimin rolls his eyes. “That's not-”

“Drank about five hundred more liters of coffee than you did.”

“How much fucking coffee do you even drink, that can't be healthy.”

“Ate at least two hundred more burgers than you.”

“You need a new diet.” Jimin says, smiling from ear to ear, looking so happy and carefree that
Yoongi feels his chest fucking clench.

Jimin's eyes fall down on the collar of his jacket, the boy puts the cigarette between his lips then
grabs the hem of Yoongi's jacket, feeling the leather under between his fingers. “I like this jacket.”


“Suits you.” Jimin tugs at it, pulling Yoongi a bit closer. “I like the smell of leather.”

“You take a lot of liberties.”

Jimin shrugs. “'s that bad?”

“Didn't say that. You're just-” hell, Yoongi has honestly no words. “You're just unexpected. I like

“That's the plan.” Jimin gives him a sweet smile that contrasts so badly with his behavior. “Maybe
I'm after you just for your bike.”

“You don't even know how to drive it.”

“I'll sell it, get a huge load of cash and buy myself a nice jacket like yours.”
Before Yoongi can say something back, the man comes back in sight, offering them a plastic bag that
has already vapor condensing inside. “Here you go, kids.”

“Thank you.” Jimin takes the bag. “How does Beyoncé look in real life?”

The man barks a laughter, clapping his hands once. “Like a goddamn vision, I tell ya.”

Yoongi gets his wallet out and already sees Jimin trying to argue but he shuts him up with a look and
pays the man. For the number of things they ordered, the price is quite cheap, but the smell that
comes from the bag has Yoongi's mouth water in anticipation.

They get back on the bike, Jimin seems to already have the hang of it, they manage to get the bag
with their dinner safely between Jimin's parted legs, as he leans in to wrap his arms around Yoongi
again the bag has no way of falling down.

“So, where are we going now?” Yoongi asks, starting the engine.

“Out of town, on the road.”

“Basically in the desert.”

Jimin pinches his hip, making him yelp in surprise. “It's still on the road, the scenery is nice. And you
can see the stars!”

Yoongi just shakes his head but he still starts driving, getting back on the road and leaving the
railroad and the SHARK FOOD truck behind them.

He drives slowly for a while until they stop in front of yet another red light. Jimin leans in.

“Show me how fast your baby goes.” he says.

Yoongi feels his fingers hitch around the levers, his thighs already squeezing against the fuel tank.
Wordlessly, he starts driving again once the light turns green, keeping the speed moderate like

He sees that they're about to leave town, so he lets go of the brake lever and grabs Jimin's arm,
tugging at it. “Hold your hands together!”

Jimin does so, intertwining his fingers and the grasp around Yoongi's waist gets tighter.

As soon as they are out and there is nothing but road in front of them, Yoongi pulls the clutch back,
shifts the gear with his foot on the pedal, the engine roars and the bike speed up, immediately gaining
momentum and eating the asphalt.

Jimin's legs close around his hips, he's flush against him. Even with the roaring sound of the wind
breaking against them and the engine rumbling, Yoongi can still hear the sound of Jimin laughing, so
excited and breathless. Yoongi never knew that his travels were missing that sound to be considered
perfect. Now he does.

Yoongi keeps the speed up, keeps driving for probably more than he should have, but Jimin doesn't
stop him for the most of it, still laughing at times, Yoongi can feel Jimin's body thrumming with

After a few minutes, though, Jimin pinches him again and Yoongi slows down considerably.

“Here.” Jimin says. “Let's eat here.”

Yoongi pulls on the side of the road, stops the bike and kills the engine. He takes off the helmet,
brushes some sand off the visor and hangs it on the clutch lever.

“This was amazing!” Jimin yells, Yoongi turns his head to take a look at him and finds it helmet free
and with a huge smile on his face, cheeks flushed and hair wild. “Oh my- it was so fucking

“You liked that, uh?” Yoongi asks, smiling along and taking the helmet from Jimin's hands.

“I loved it! Holy shit, it felt so fucking good!” Jimin laughs. “Shit, now I hate cars.”

“Good boy.” Yoongi pulls down the kickstand, pulls the bike back to lock it in place and he gets off
the bike and he holds up a hand when he sees Jimin trying to do the same. “Nah, stay there.
Actually, scoot back a little?”

Jimin nods and scoots back on the seat to the very edge. Yoongi then gets back on his motorbike,
this time facing Jimin, half of his bottom on the fuel tank and the bag full of food on the remaining
space of the seat between them.

“Oh!” Jimin claps his hands softly. “That's convenient! It doesn't even tilt.”

“I had a different kickstand installed so that the bike stays straight. It's a bitch to use but useful as

“Are all motorbikes this comfortable?”

“I mean, it's a Harley Davidson, they're made to travel long distances, especially low riders like
mine, they have to be comfortable.” Yoongi unties the knot of the plastic bag. “Mine isn't even that
comfortable. The Road King, that's a fucking amazing bike for traveling. Large as fuck, has even
departments where you can put your luggage. The passenger's seat even has a backrest.”

“Why didn't you take that one, then?” Jimin asks, eyeing the closed boxes of food.

“I travel alone and the Road King is fucking expensive. Besides, the bike chooses you. Like the
wands in Harry Potter. The moment I saw my baby I already knew she was the one.” Yoongi gets
the bottle of cola out, there are two plastic glasses on top of it, then he opens one of the boxes. “Shit,
this looks good. Which one do you want?”

“Let's split everything.”


The food is fucking delicious, that's what it is. The tortillas and hummus are amazing, every
ingredient just right and they both find themselves eating in silence, just humming at times and
laughing at each other's blissed-out faces.

Jimin picked a nice place, that's for sure. At their sides there's just desert, going on for miles,
lampposts lighting up the road and the spot where the car is parked. But above them, the stars are
clear, the sky without clouds and the moon bright. It feels peaceful, quiet, secret even. Yoongi finds
himself more at ease than he's ever been.
“How long are you staying?” Jimin asks once they're done eating, bellies full of Mexican food and

Jimin has his legs parted, an arm slung over his thigh and another one of Yoongi's cigarettes between
his lips, still a bit shiny with the food's oil.

Yoongi leans back on the fuel tank, lets a blob of ash fall down. “Don't know. I might leave very

Jimin gives him a small smile, it doesn't last long. “Marfa is a shithole.”

“It doesn't look bad. A bit old, maybe.”

“It's boring. Small. I've been stuck in here for all my life. Did you know I never left this goddamn
town? Not even for vacation.”

Yoongi's eyebrows rise. “Forreal?”

Jimin nods, exhales smoke out of his nose. “My family has never been very rich, we've been
struggling since I was a kid. Then I finished high school and started working, my mom got sick and
they moved to Dallas.”

“She's sick?”

“Oh, it's not bad. Just- she needs to have a decent doctor near, for check-ups, so they moved there for
it to be easier.” Jimin stirs his neck. “So I stayed back.”

“Why didn't you go with them?”

“Oh, I had this whole plan, you know?” Jimin giggles. “I was gonna work for a year or so, get some
money and then run away and live in a huge city somewhere, maybe Chicago, New York, L.A.”
Jimin shakes his head. “Instead, I got stuck here. In a shitty diner of a shitty town. Seriously, this
place is so boring! Once you learn the only two cool things about it, that's it.”

“What cool things?”

Jimin licks his lips. “Well, there are two pieces of contemporary art that are pretty famous. The Marfa
Prada and Marathon Target.”

Yoongi frowns. “The what?”

“These Danish artists made a tiny replica of a Prada shop on Route 90. There are actual Prada bags
and shoes inside. Then someone else did a similar thing with a tiny ass Target replica.” Jimin squints
his eyes. “What else? Ah! They filmed Giant here, the one with James Dean?”

“Well, damn. I love that movie.”

“It was in the fifties, don't get your panties in a twist.”

Yoongi arches an eyebrow, then. “You sure do look pretty, Miss Leslie.”

Jimin blinks, confused for a moment, then he remembers the quote from the movie and a bubble of
giggles leaves his lips, eyes squinting adorably.
“Pert nigh good enough to eat!”

“Oh, God! Stop, you're terrible at this!”

“Everybody thought I had a duster. Y'all thought ol' Spindletop Burke and Burnett was all the oil
there was, didn't ya?”

Jimin wheezes, slapping his thigh.

“You're tearing me apart!”

“That's not even from the same movie!”

“But it's a good fucking quote.”

“You're a James Dean fanboy.”

“He was hot as fuck.”

“Oh, did you touch yourself to James Dean when you were fifteen?”

Yoongi kicks Jimin's sheen with the heel of his booth, making him giggle. “Dude's dead, don't be
disgusting. You've got the mouth of a sailor.”

“And you are terrible at imitating James Dean.” Jimin flicks the burnt cigarette, it lands on the
asphalt. “But he didn't have a jacket as nice as yours.”

Yoongi chuckles at this and he looks at his side, eyes wandering on the desert, a chill wind rising up.
When he looks back to Jimin he finds him with his arms crossed and suppressing a shiver.

“You cold?”

“No, I'm good.”

“No, you're cold. Here-” Yoongi starts taking off his jacket. “And before you say it, yes, it's cliché
but it always works, so I'm lending you my jacket.”

Jimin doesn't hide how pleased he is by this as he accepts the jacket Yoongi hands him, he puts it on
immediately, wrapping it around his slim waist and basically swimming in it. It's a bit large even for
Yoongi, but on Jimin it looks huge. Which is doing actual physical damages to Yoongi's heart.

“Fuck, I really love this jacket.” Jimin sighs.

“I'm not giving it to you not matter how much you praise it.”

Jimin, honest to God, fucking pouts.

“Only until we're back in town, then I need it back.”

“Fine.” Jimin smiles. “Thanks, it's really warm.”

Yoongi nods, ignoring the chills on his bare arms. They stay quiet for a bit after this, their knees
brushing together, Yoongi's hands itching to reach and hold Jimin's smaller hands, to just touch him,
even if for a second.

Fuck, attraction this strong is dangerous.

“What are your plans after Marfa?” Jimin suddenly asks.

“Only one plan.”

“Which is?”

“I'm waiting for a friend of mine, Namjoon, to give me a call. He's a biker, too.” Yoongi rubs his
neck. “We've been planning for a while to do what every biker should do, there will be a meet up
soon with other bikers, some of them are good friends of mine. We're planning a full trip on the
Route 66.”

Jimin's eyes widen at that, a smile slowly lighting up his face. “No way.”

Yoongi grins. “It takes more than fifteen days to follow the entire trail, some parts of it aren't even
that safe to travel but- shit, it's the dream, you know? Joons and I have been thinking about it since
we were fucking kids and it's gonna happen soon. There's still a lot of logistics to solve, but we're
doing it.”

Jimin lets out an incredulous laugh. “Wow.”

“Yeah.” Yoongi sighs. “I'm just waiting for Namjoon to give me a call and tell me I can join them,
we still don't have a date. Until then I'm here, I guess.”

Jimin's smile softens, kind of falters even. “He could call you at any time, yeah?”

Yoongi's own enthusiasm really disappears in a single moment. “Yeah.”

“It must be real nice, Yoongi, to do this journey.” Jimin looks down at his hands on his lap. “Must be

“You wanna tag along?”

Jimin looks up at him so fast Yoongi is surprised he didn't pull a muscle. But then Yoongi's own
words register in his brain and- shit. He did just ask Jimin to come with him. Jimin, the waiter he met
yesterday. But, God, Yoongi wants him to come with him. To ride on his bike, to hear Jimin laugh
as he speeds up the engine, to feel Jimin's body flush against his, to eat Mexican food on the road, to
talk and talk and talk some more.

Jimin blinks, Yoongi doesn't dare say anything. He guesses he must've scared him.

Jimin heaves a sigh, he leans forward, his hands settle on Yoongi's thighs and then he kisses him.
Yoongi holds his breath, tenses up at the first touch of Jimin's lips on his. But then he closes his eyes,
his own hands move to cup Jimin's face and to his neck. Jimin hums on his lips and pushes himself
closer to Yoongi, tilting his neck and opening his mouth for him, letting a small breathy sound when
Yoongi's tongue drags against the roof of his mouth. Yoongi loses track of time, doesn't feel the cold,
his entire body just overwhelmed with the feeling of Jimin, Jimin's mouth, Jimin's skin soft against
his fingertips, Jimin's breathing and warmth.

But then Jimin breaks the kiss, eyes a little unfocused, lips full and red. He looks at Yoongi for a few
seconds before he smiles. “You should take me home.”

Yoongi blinks. “I'm sorry if-”

“I have work early tomorrow. It's late.”

The drive back to the town is slow, no fast riding, no sound of a roaring engine. Yoongi wants to
take his time, enjoy this whilst he has it and Jimin doesn't rush him, so he drives slowly. But Jimin
keeps his arms wrapped around him anyway.

Jimin gives him back the jacket and the helmet once they stop in front of Jimin's place, the building
looks old but well kept, a condo with six floors, pots of flowers on the balconies and large windows.

“You should drop by again tomorrow.” Jimin says. “For breakfast or lunch.”

Yoongi nods. “Want me to take you for a ride again?”

“Maybe.” Jimin presses his lips together then he leans down again, just to leave a small chaste peck
on Yoongi's lips. “I don't usually kiss on the first date.”

“I ain't complaining.”

Jimin rolls his eyes with a smile. “See you tomorrow, James Dean.”

So. Yoongi has been thinking all morning. Actually, he's been panicking but still. He's been thinking
and panicking. And he reached a conclusion: only a fucking idiot would leave Marfa without Jimin.
And sure, Yoongi might not be the brightest person around, but he still has a functioning brain.

He parks his baby in the usual spot in the parking lot, kills the engine, his bag well secured with an
elastic rope on the edge of the passenger's seat and he marches to the diner.

He opens the door, spots Jimin behind the cash register, waits for the man who's paying for his meal
to leave then goes there, facing the boy.

“Oh!” Jimin smiles. “Hi!”

“I'm leaving now.”

Jimin's smile disappears. “Oh.”

“And you're leaving with me.”

“Wait, what?”

“I'm asking you to come with me.”

Jimin frowns. “On your journey on the fucking Route 66?”

“I'm asking you to come with me everywhere.”

“We met two days ago.”

“And you usually don't kiss on your first date, rules and common sense mean shit.”

Jimin tries to speak, but then he closes his mouth again.

“Okay, look.” Yoongi takes a deep breath. “I don't care if we're basically strangers. I want you to
come with me and you want to leave this place. You don't have anything holding you back. But I
can promise you- no, I can swear to you, that I'll do everything in my power to give you an
experience that you'll love and never forget and I'll make it good. I'll make it so good for you, Jimin.”


“Come with me.”

“You're such a-” Jimin groans. “You can't just do this! It's so-”

“I want you to come with me.” Yoongi repeats. “And I think you want to come with me as well.”

Jimin looks at him for a long time, just staring, barely even blinking.

“Jim!” the cook from the kitchen calls, Jimin's boss. “Can you get a move?!”

“One second!” Jimin replies. “I work in a diner.”

Yoongi frowns. “I know.”

“I work in a diner, I'm very bored and you come along with your lonely biker aesthetic, asking me to
run away. It's cliché.”

Yoongi swallows. “Is that a no?”

“I didn't say that.”

A man comes into view, leaving the kitchen. “Jim, fuck's sake, can you hurry-”

“That's not my fucking name, you goddamn pig.” Jimin says, spitting words like venom, he turns
around to face the cook. “My name is Jimin, it ain't that fucking difficult to learn.”

The cook looks at Jimin with wide eyes. “Are you- do you want me to fire you?”

“You're not firing me, I'm leaving.” Jimin quickly undoes the buttons of the uniform, shrugging the
shirt off and remaining in a loose cotton t-shirt, he throws the shirt on the cook's chest. “And by the
way, your Caesar Salad is shit, you smell like a corpse and fuck you for checking my ass every time
I bent over to take something.”

Jimin, ignoring Yoongi's incredulous look, walks away from the cash register and grabs his wrist,
dragging him to the exit of the diner, Yoongi is only able to follow blindly. Just before Jimin slams
the door open, he turns to the customers, who are all staring amusedly at the scene.

“Oh, and by the way!” Jimin calls with a wicked grin. “In the kitchen you will find more
cockroaches than food.”

Yoongi splutters as he sees a woman spit the bite of the waffle she was munching on back on the
plate, several of the customers staring at their dishes in horror. Yoongi can only hear the harsh curses
the cook sends them before they're both out of the diner, Yoongi now taking the lead and dragging
Jimin to his bike, almost running to it.

“Are there actually fucking cockroaches?!” he yells as he gets on the bike and hands Jimin one of the

“No.” Jimin replies, he puts his foot on the footpeg and then lifts himself up on the bike. “But good
luck to that piece of shit to keep the business going now.”

Yoongi starts laughing, feeling exhilarated and giddy in a way that has his head almost spinning.
“You're fucking unbelievable.”

Jimin secures the straps of the helmet under his chin. “Fuck yeah, I am.”

“Okay.” Yoongi starts the engine of the bike, his helmet not even tied yet. “I'm taking you to your
place, get some clothes, whatever cash you have and we're out of here.”

Jimin wraps his arms around his waist again, holding him tight, hands shaking a little and Yoongi
starts driving.

Yoongi is waiting downstairs, his bike parked on the sidewalk, Jimin is in his flat taking his stuff.

Yoongi's not going to lie, he's feeling a little restless. He knows that this is fucking reckless, rushed,
even a little insane and that, whilst Yoongi has nothing to lose, Jimin has a house, a town that he
grew up in, people he knows and probably loves. Yoongi leans against his bike, quick drags of
smoke from his cigarette, the heel of his foot tapping nervously on the ground, expecting to see Jimin
come out at any moment just to tell him that no, he changed his mind, he's staying.

“Fuck.” Yoongi hisses once the ardent edge of the cigarette reaches his finger, burning the skin. He
lets go of the cigarette and starts sucking on the burned side of his index finger.

The front door of the condo opens and Jimin exits, carrying a small bag with him and a smile on his
face. Yoongi feels his heart slowly calm down and the panic fades.

“No second thoughts, then?”

“Hell no.” Jimin says, Yoongi gestures at him to give him the bag. “How are we gonna carry this as

“It's okay, for now I'll have it between my arms on the tank.” Yoongi says as he starts getting on the
bike. “Then we'll just get a bigger bag or something, put our shit together.”
“Wow, you're already giving me a drawer?”

Yoongi snorts and nods at Jimin to get on, the boy easily sitting on the passenger's seat, already close
against Yoongi. “Your bag behind me is digging in my ass.”

“Already complaining?”

“No.” Jimin props his chin on Yoongi's shoulder. “I'm really not.”

Yoongi can't help a smile as he gives Jimin his helmet. “You're ready?”

Jimin secures the straps, rises up the visor and Yoongi can see that his eyes are already squinted, it
means his smiling. “You better give me one hell of an adventure, Yoongi.”

Yoongi shakes his head, gets his helmet on and starts the engine, pulls back the clutch, shifts the
gear, curves over the fuel tank and he drives, fast even if they're still in town, just to hear Jimin
laughing beneath him, the vibrations of it can be felt on his back and, as they leave Marfa with the
road in front of them, Yoongi swears to himself that he will give Jimin an adventure and more.

Their room is right next to where the ice machine is, its buzzing can be heard crystal clear and
Yoongi fucking hates it. He really wants another room, any room, even a fucking storage room will

“I want another room.” he murmurs. Jimin sighs.

“There are no free rooms, Yoongi.” he whispers back, making himself a bit more comfortable on the
bed, an arm slung over Yoongi's stomach and his head tucked in the crook of his neck.

“We've been in this motel for how much?”

“Five days.”

“You're telling me that in five days no room cleared?” Yoongi scoffs. “What's this, the Hilton of

Jimin giggles, soft puffs of breath breaking on Yoongi's skin. “We won't stay here for much longer,
stop whining.”

“I'm not whining.”


“I will sulk. I am the best at sulking.” he pauses. “Pouting, too.”

“Yeah? Show me that pout.”

“I'm not pouting on command.”

“Aaw, come on, pout. Pout for me?”


“Pout for your baby?”

“But my bike is parked outside.”

Jimin slaps him on the stomach, making Yoongi groan a breathless laughter.

“Don't try me, Yoongi. Give me that pout.”

Yoongi heaves a sigh. “This is stupid,” he says whilst pouting, Jimin giggling at the scene. “I have
never pouted, ever, in my life.”

“That's so fucking cute.”

“I don't know this cute you're talking about, who is she?”

Jimin snorts and another silence follows. Well, as much silence as Yoongi can get considering that
the goddamn Ice Machine is still buzzing and if there's a noise that really gets to Yoongi's head is a
buzz, a never-ending fucking buzz when all he wants is just relax with this fucking angel he's been
blessed with but no, the ice machine is there. Right there.

“That's it, I'm breaking the fucking thing.” Yoongi tries to get up but Jimin just groans and pushes
him back on the bed. “Jimin, let me go.”

“You can't break the ice machine.”

“I can and I will, the noise is driving me insane.”

Jimin hums and opens his eyes. “Well, we can always make other noises.”

Yoongi chuckles. “Oh, yeah?”


“What kind of noises?”

“All kinds of noises.” Jimin rolls on his stomach, giving him a lazy smirk before he gets up on his
elbows. “What do you think, mh?”

Yoongi doesn't have to reply as Jimin is already settling on his lap, shifting his ass slowly over his
crotch. “Sounds like a plan.”

Jimin pulls him up for a kiss and Yoongi finds himself wondering as to how he got so lucky. He's
never been a huge believer in the American Dream but damn, he found himself something
particularly similar to his idea of it.

Jimin cards his fingers through the mess of green locks of Yoongi's hair and makes a small sound,
pressing his hips down more insistently, his tongue licking Yoongi's bottom lip.
“Can I ride you?” he asks.

“Fuck- yeah, of course. Wait.” Yoongi leaves a small peck on Jimin's lips before he reaches for the
condom and bottle of lube he left on the bedside table that morning. They might have to buy another
one pretty soon, actually- Yoongi found out that when you're stuck in a small town and in a quite
frankly shitty motel, you tend to kill time in the easiest way possible.

Jimin lifts himself up on his knees and quickly gets rid of his boxer briefs, throwing them behind him
without a care. Yoongi squeezes a decent amount of lube on his fingers (Jimin likes it sloppy and wet
and Yoongi is not going to complain, not for one fucking second).

Yoongi rubs his fingers together and then presses his mouth on Jimin's neck, on a bruise he left there
this morning, he feels the other shiver and grasp at his shirt, small hands clutching on the fabric so
tightly even if he's just getting started. Yoongi also found out quite soon that Jimin is sensitive.
Again, he's not complaining.

“Shit, you're right, though.” Jimin giggles. “That ice machine is loud.”

“Yeah, you're gonna have to be louder than it.” Yoongi starts rubbing his fingers along Jimin's rim,
he knows it's gonna be a bit loose already, it hasn't been much time since he fucked Jimin in the

Again, they have to kill time somehow.

“So that we get another noise complaint?”

“I sent them noise complaints because of that fucking ice machine.” Yoongi pushes a finger inside,
Jimin tenses for a moment but relaxes soon. “I don't see them trying to fix the problem, so.”

“That's- that's different.”

Yoongi hums and decides to focus on his neck instead, arguing with Jimin is useless, the kid is
stubborn as hell. He gets his lips on that same spot again, already red and sensitive, sucking and
teasing the skin with his teeth as he works another finger inside Jimin's hole.

Jimin gasps once Yoongi crooks his fingers and he starts pushing his hips down on his hand,
throwing his head back and baring his throat. “Feels good.”

Yoongi sighs against Jimin's neck, keeps working his fingers inside and out his hole, Jimin's skin
getting pink and his breath hitching, the small sounds he lets out are growing a bit more desperate.

Yoongi's learning them all, memorizing them like a song in his head, he knows that once he'll start
fucking him Jimin's voice will grow higher and louder, that he will moan his name and pretty pleads
will slip past his mouth so easily.

“Yoongi-” Jimin whines, Yoongi doesn't need to look at him to know he's biting his lip. “'m ready,
come on.”

“What if I wanna take my time?”

Jimin scoffs. “What if I slap you on the nose?”

Yoongi snorts, making Jimin giggle. “Why my nose?”

“Cute nose. Makes me mad.”

Yoongi frowns and pulls away from Jimin's neck, still working Jimin open with his fingers. “My
nose makes you mad.”

“I want a cute nose, too.”

“You- Jesus, okay, I'm not even gonna ask anything.”

“Good.” Jimin smirks. “Less talking, more riding.”

Yoongi pulls out his fingers once Jimin bends over to get the bottle of lube, getting some more on his
hand, he unwraps the condom and rolls it on, then he starts smearing the lube on his cock, Yoongi
hisses at the feeling. Jimin is looking at him with his eyes lidded, lips red and parted.

“Come on.” Yoongi says, gives Jimin's ass a hard squeeze. “Show me how you take it.”

Jimin's eyes flutter for a moment, then he lifts up his hips and guides Yoongi's erection to his ass.
Yoongi knows him by now, he knows Jimin gets off on having Yoongi in charge, loves giving him
this power. Yoongi would lie if he said he doesn't like it.

Jimin slowly pushes his hips down, Yoongi's cock filling him up inch by inch. Yoongi's fingers dig
in the meat of Jimin's ass, he groans at the warmth and tightness that engulf him whole once he
bottoms out. Jimin makes a small sound, his thighs quiver for a moment.

“Mmh,” Jimin rolls his hips, bites his bottom lip. “Yoongi-”

“Feels good?” Yoongi wraps his fingers around Jimin's dick, thumbing at the slit and growing hotter
when Jimin gasps and starts lifting up.

“Yoongi, please.” Jimin closes his eyes, cheeks already flushed so prettily, lips shiny and so red that
it takes Yoongi all his strength to not just surge up and kiss him silly.

“Please what?”

Jimin whines, the sound goes straight to Yoongi's dick.

“Use your words.”

“Want you to-” Jimin starts moving a bit faster, opens his eyes. “Want you to tell me.”

“Want me to tell you what to do?”

Jimin nods weakly, clenches around his cock, Yoongi keeps teasing the head of Jimin's dick.

“Why don't you guess?”

At this, Jimin lets out a pitiful sound, he bites his bottom lip and rolls his hips again, still softly, still

“Please. I-” Jimin's words get lost in a moan when Yoongi tightens his grip on Jimin's dick, his
thumb smearing pre-cum over its head. And that's when Jimin's eyes get impossibly darker, his jaw
clenched and his entire body tense.

“Want me to cum right now, Yoongi?” he asks, swallows hard. “You keep- keep touching me like
that and you'll make me cum. Do that and I'll just get off your dick, I really know that you don't want
Yoongi feels his lips stretching into a smirk, a shiver runs down his spine because this is what he
fucking adores about Jimin. So pretty and pliant, treat him how he wants, praise him just enough and
he'll be the so obedient and good. The moment you make him wait too much, that's the moment
Jimin looks the best, so cocky and confident, in charge.

Yoongi puts his hand on the back of Jimin's neck and pulls him down for a kiss, Jimin wraps his
arms around his shoulders, moans when Yoongi licks in his mouth and pulls at his hair.

“Want you to fuck yourself on my cock.” Yoongi raps against his lips. “Want you to show me how
fucking good you take it, baby.”

Jimin gasps, his dick twitches in Yoongi's hand and then he starts moving, lifts himself up and then
drops back down, gaining rhythm and clenching every time he lifts his hips up or rolls them.

“Fuck, baby-” Yoongi moans, his hands on Jimin's ass again, squeezing the flesh and helping his
movements. “You feel so good.”

Jimin reaches back and puts his hands on Yoongi's thighs for leverage as he keeps fucking himself
on Yoongi's dick, face and neck flushed, eyes closed and wet lips parted, breathy and high moans
filling the room.

“Wish you could see yourself. Looking so fucking pretty for me.”

“Yeah? Pretty?” Jimin opens his eyes, looks at Yoongi and smiles. “I'm pretty?”

God, Yoongi is so intoxicated with how Jimin sounds right now.

“So fucking beautiful, that's what you are.” Yoongi says, his own voice breaking when Jimin
clenches around him. “You're being so good, baby, taking it so well.”

Jimin makes a small sound, cups Yoongi's cheek with one hand, slowly letting it settle on his
shoulder. “I'm good. Your- fuck, Yoongi, please- your baby.”

“Please?” Yoongi presses his lips on Jimin's neck, parts them and sucks on the skin, his tongue
lapping the sweat. “Please what?”

“Fuck me.”

“Shit.” Yoongi grabs Jimin's hips and flips them around, pinning Jimin to the mattress, he thrusts
inside and Jimin whimpers, his legs wrapping around his waist.

“Like that, Yoongi.” Jimin breathes out, moving his hips to meet Yoongi's thrusts. “Feels good.”

Yoongi swallows, he feels like he could already cum at any moment with how tight and warm Jimin
is, looking so pretty and fucked out, struggling to keep his eyes open.

“Fuck, what did I do to deserve you, uh?” Yoongi manages, Jimin just moans after a particularly
hard thrust.

Jimin has his hands above his head, Yoongi sees him opening and closing his fingers and he gets the
message. He holds his hand, intertwines their fingers and Jimin makes a content sound at that, his lips
curling up into a smile for a moment.

Yoongi leans down, nibbling along Jimin's jawline, he fucks into him harder and Jimin chokes on a
moan, arching so prettily beneath him.
“Oh, God, right there- right there, please.” Jimin sobs, his grip on Yoongi's hand tightens. “'m so
close, Yoongi.”

Yoongi fucks him harder and deeper, every thrust has Jimin whimpering and clenching around him
until Yoongi leans down to kiss him again, it's messy and sloppy but Jimin's lips are so soft and he
tastes of that cherry lolli he was sucking on earlier. It' doesn't take much longer for Jimin to tense and
then cum over his stomach, his body shaking with pleasure, eyes rolling back with Yoongi's name
being repeated like a mantra as he chases his own release, so close he can feel it burning under his

When Jimin opens his eyes, looks at him and whispers yet another hushed please, Yoongi lets go,
spilling inside the condom and squeezing Jimin's hand as he buries himself in Jimin's ass.

“Christ, Min-” Yoongi groans, he presses his forehead on Jimin's chest.


“So good.” Yoongi swallows, slowly starts pulling out. “Always so good, Jimin.”

Jimin hums, when Yoongi looks at him he finds him smiling at him. “What?”

“I like you a lot, that's what.” Jimin sighs, he looks content and sated. “Was I loud enough?”

Yoongi takes off the condom, ties it and gets off the mattress to throw it in the bin. “Could've been

“I'll just scream your name next time.”

Yoongi snorts, he goes to the bathroom and quickly washes himself up, then he takes a towel and
walks back to the bed, he lies down next to Jimin and cleans up the mess on his stomach.

“Hey.” Jimin pokes Yoongi on the cheek. “Guess what?”


“Now we can hear the damn ice machine again.”


Yoongi throws the towel on the floor with a frustrated groan before he drops back on the mattress. “I
fucking hate this motel.”

“Mmh.” Jimin rolls around, grabs the lighter and pack of cigs that they left on the bedside table and
he takes two out. He puts one between his lips, then props his chin on Yoongi's chest, he hands him
the other cigarette. “But it's all part of the aesthetic.”

Yoongi frowns as he puts the cigarette between his lips, Jimin holds the lighter in front of it until the
tip is a scorching red.

“The aesthetic?” Yoongi asks after he exhales the lungful of smoke.”

Jimin hums, lights up his own stick of tobacco. “Yep. The road trip aesthetic. Shitty motels with
neon-signs, shitty food, shitty everything. But stellar fucks.”

Yoongi chuckles, Jimin's eyes are shining, he looks happy. He didn't look this happy back in Marfa.
Yoongi likes to fool himself into thinking that maybe it's thanks to him that he's glowing like that.
“We're gonna get away from this motel soon enough, I swear.” Yoongi says, he pushes locks of hair
away from Jimin's eye. “As soon as Joons calls me, we're back on the road.”

Jimin grins at this, cheeks pink. “Yeah?”

“Yeah.” Yoongi smiles, swipes his thumb over Jimin's bottom lip. “I swear it.”

A week later and they're still in the shitty motel with the shitty ice machine that is still too damn loud.

Yoongi is lounging on the bed, staring at the ceiling as he listens to J. Cole's 4 Your Eyez Only (a
damn good album, Yoongi is sold).

Jimin has been outside for a while now, Yoongi can see from the slight gap of the open door clouds
of smoke.

Admittedly, he feels like shit. He basically stole Jimin away from his old life, promised him an
adventure, new places. Instead, all he's been offering 'till now are late night rides on his baby, this
cheap motel and sex.

The song suddenly stops playing and Yoongi frowns, his phone starts buzzing. Yoongi takes off his
headphones and unplugs them from the device, then he answers the call.



“Oh, Joons.” Yoongi sits up and massages his neck. “Everything alright?”

“Everything is fucking peachy, brother.” Namjoon laughs. “It's time.”


“I got a date.”

Yoongi feels his heart skip a beat. “Shit, when?”

“Five days from now. We start from Amarillo, at Jin's diner.”

Yoongi blinks. “Just- five days? And then we're off?”

“Well-” Namjoon scoffs. “There will be shit to do before we're actually off but you know how it is.
Preparations are half the journey, right?”

“Yeah.” Yoongi smiles. “I can't believe it, Joons.”

“We're almost there, Yoongi. Almost there. I'm already in Amarillo, actually.”
Yoongi rolls his eyes. “Of course you fucking are. Jin has been treating you good?”

“Shut the hell up, man. All I'm saying is, you can just come early. Tae and Kook got here yesterday,
too. Hoseok will show up in two days, so-”

“Alright, that's cool. We're outside Lubbock, so we can just leave tomorrow.”

There's a short pause on the other side of the phone, Yoongi can hear the noise of maybe a truck
driving by. “We?”

Ah, shit.


“I might be bringing someone with me?”

“Oh my God, you finally got laid after all this time.” Namjoon whispers, almost in awe.

“I'm hanging up on your flat ass.”

“My ass is just fine.” Namjoon retorts with a plain voice. “Whatever, just get here soon, it's been
ages since I've last seen your face.”

“Don't make it gay.”

“Kiss my ass, prick.”

Namjoon barks a laugh, Yoongi finds himself laughing along. “I'll see you soon, then, brother.”

“See you soon, Joons.”

Yoongi ends the call and basically jumps out of the bed and goes to the door.

“Hey, guess what?” Yoongi says as soon as he's outside.

Jimin turns to him, a half-smoked cigarette between his lips. He's wearing one of Yoongi's large
shirts and a pair of boy-shorts, peaking just beneath the end of the shirt, nothing else because Jimin
can be shameless if he feels like it.

“The ice machine broke?”

“Better.” Yoongi smiles. “We're getting out of here.”


“Joons called.”

At this, Jimin breaks into a smile. “We're going?”

“We're going. We leave tomorrow morning.”

“Yes!” Jimin yells and lifts up his arms, jumps a few times on the spot. “I'm so excited, holy shit!”

Yoongi smiles, he lets Jimin hop around in excitement without saying anything until the boy cups his
face and drops a messy kiss on his lips.

“Yoongi, it's gonna be amazing!” Jimin yells. “It's gonna be so fucking amazing!”
“Yeah.” Yoongi puts his hands around Jimin's waist, pulls him a bit closer. “It's gonna be fucking

The thing about traveling with Jimin is that he truly is a great passenger. Yoongi has had more than
once people sitting behind him on his bike, he never felt particularly comfortable with them. They
don't have a solid grip on his body, don't know how to follow the movements of the bike, they can't
seem to learn how not to hit the back of his helmet with theirs.

But Jimin? Jimin seems to be born for this.

He's light and tiny, so he fits perfectly on the back of Yoongi's baby, he holds his waist firmly and
squeezes his knees against Yoongi's thighs, if the bike tilts he follows the incline of it.

Yoongi guesses it must be simply because he truly enjoys riding his bike. Every time Yoongi would
cast a glance at the rearview mirror he can see Jimin's eyes in the shape of pretty crescents, his
cheeks high, meaning he's smiling behind the helmet.

Yoongi never felt the need to have someone with him during his journeys. He's always been
comfortable alone, no passengers, just him and the road.

But the next morning, when they're back on riding, the sun high in the sky and the heat forgotten
with how strong the wind is against their bodies, Jimin's legs pressed tight against him, Yoongi
knows that he won't be able to feel comfortable driving again ever again. Not when Jimin's body fits
so nicely against his back, not when Jimin laughs every time Yoongi makes the engine purr, not
when Jimin lets go of his waist just to raise his arms up, hands caressing the wind, his shouting
almost getting lost with how loud the air and the engine are. Not after Jimin, Yoongi could never.

Yoongi kills the engine once they're in front of the gas station. He takes off his helmet and sighs,
Yoongi dabs the back of his hand against his forehead, where some sweat has been sticking his hair
to the skin.

“How much longer do we have?” Jimin asks once he removes his own helmet, he ruffles his hair and

“An hour and a half or something. We can take it slow, no rush.”

Jimin pouts at this. “But I wanna get there as soon as possible! I wanna meet your friends, you
always talk about them.”

“Yeah, but-” Yoongi pushes down the kickstand, the pulls the bike back in position and gets off.
“you also get incredibly pissy without sugar, so I'll go in that 7-Eleven and buy you something whilst
you give my baby some fuel, mh?”

Jimin grins and claps his hands happily. “I want the Cinnamon Roll Iced Cappuccino.”

Yoongi chuckles, he shrugs off his leather jacket and drops it on the seat of the bike. It's too fucking
hot now that he's not driving. “What else?”

Jimin shrugs. “Just get me some gummy bears. Ah! Actually, no, I want the cherry sours.”

“Got it. You fuel baby up.” Yoongi says as he hands Jimin forty bucks and then turns around and
starts walking towards the 7-Eleven.

Inside, the air conditioning is so strong that Yoongi shivers for a moment and he can already feel the
sweat drying on his skin in an unpleasant way.

Yoongi starts making his way between the many shelves of snacks, finds Jimin's cherry sours and
gets two packs (Jimin always says he wants only one but then he ends up eating both of them). He
looks around to find what he's looking for, scanning through the items until his eyes land on a
package of roasted salted cashews. With a quiet and victorious “uh uh!”, Yoongi grabs a pack and
then strides towards one of the fridges to get Jimin's drink and something for him as well. He sees a
watermelon energy drink and guesses that it can't be bad, so he gets that as well.

The kid behind the cash register scans his items without even looking at them, he seems bored out of
his mind and in desperate need of sleep. Yoongi guesses that he must be here for a summer job,
probably trying to make some money so that he can buy himself his first second-hand car. Yoongi
kind of has pity for him. The kid shoves all of his things in a plastic bag and hands it to him, Yoongi
pays him and then makes it to leave.

He looks outside the shop window and stops dead in his track. Jimin must be done with getting fuel
as he's basically modeling on top of his bike like it's the fucking Victoria's Secret Secret Show.

Yoongi slowly moves towards the window and sees that there are random magazines exposed. He
picks one without even checking to see what it is and pretends to be busy reading that just to steal
some more moments to stare at Jimin.

Yoongi still has no fucking clue as to how he gets the honor of being beside Jimin. And, God, he still
can't get used to how damn gorgeous Jimin looks on his bike.

He has his chin tilted up, the sun kissing his honey skin so fucking nicely, making it almost glow in
golden hues. Jimin stripped off his leather jacket (the light blue leather jacket that Yoongi bought for
him at a small vintage market after Jimin had been ogling at it without finding the courage to ask for
it. When Yoongi got it and gave it to him, Jimin kissed him so hard that they almost fell on their
asses). So now the jacket hangs off his forearm. It's so hot today, Yoongi knows he must look like
shit, flushed and sweaty. But Jimin? God, Jimin looks like a fucking vision on his Harley.

Jimin parts his legs more, the distressed jeans he's wearing showing too much skin for Yoongi to
process, especially considering that Jimin is wearing those damn fishnets underneath the pants, and
his thighs always looks too damn good in fishnets and-

If Yoongi doesn't stop staring at him right now he'll really get a hard-on in the middle of a shitty 7-
Eleven and he still has some dignity left for that to happen.

Yoongi puts the magazine back in its place, makes it to leave but then he takes notice of the guy that
has been standing right beside him this whole time. He looks to be around his age, with clearly dyed
blond hair and he's definitely staring at his bike- no, he's staring at his boyfriend. With metaphorical
drool dripping down his chin.

Yoongi arches an eyebrow, clicks his tongue against his teeth and then lifts a hand up, snapping his
fingers right in front of the dude's face.

The man blinks a couple of times before he turns to Yoongi with a frown.

“Can I help you?”

“Yeah. The guy that you've been eye-fucking for a while now? He's mine.” Yoongi sees the dude
flush, but he ignores it. “So back the fuck up, will ya? And keep it in your fucking pants.”

He walks away before the guy can even begin to explain and Yoongi can't keep off his face a grin.
So what if he's petty? It's fun to mess with white people.

As soon as he's outside, Yoongi kind of misses the air conditioning since the sun is really out for his
blood today.

“Got your stupid iced whatever it is.”

Jimin opens his eyes and straightens up. “Thank you, darling.”

“Here.” Yoongi hands him the bottle with the cappuccino and the two packs of cherry sours. “You
got fuel?”

“Yep.” Jimin uncaps the bottle and takes a large gulp of the drink, then he opens the first pack of
candies and he plops one in his mouth. “You could've taken a picture, you know?”

Yoongi frowns, he opens his own drink. “Uh?”

“You could've taken a photo of me and add it to your wank-bank.” Jimin grins. “No need to stare at
me in secret.”

Yoongi scoffs, he can feel the tip of his ears growing hotter. “Wasn't staring.”

“Oh, 's that so?”

“Was reading a magazine.”

Jimin arches an eyebrow. “You were reading Cosmo Girl?”

Yoongi promptly chokes on his watermelon flavored drink and Jimin barks a laugh, slapping his
own thigh.

“Oh my God, you didn't even notice what magazine you took, did you?!” Jimin wheezes and
Yoongi coughs awkwardly.

“Shut up.”

“Aw, no, don't pout. It's cute, really, seeing you try that hard.”

“Next time don't sit on my baby like you're on the cover of Playboy and I won't have to hide behind
Cosmo Girl.”

Jimin smirks. “But maybe I did it on purpose.”

“Maybe you want me to spank you.”

“Maybe I do.”

“Not here, darling, don't want the poor dude who was losing his shit over you to call the police.”

“Oh, yeah.” Jimin scrunches up his nose. Fucking cute. “What did you tell him? I saw you speaking
with him and, like, he paled like a corpse.”

Yoongi downs the rest of his drink. It was too sweet, but now he feels refreshed. “Told him to back
the fuck off.”

Jimin presses his lips together, he's trying not to smile really hard. “Possessive much?”

Yoongi shrugs. “Wouldn't want you to run off with someone else.”

“Oh, but no one has a jacket as nice as yours and no one would look as good as you do in it
anyway.” Jimin gets another candy in his mouth. “Ain't running off with anyone anytime soon.”

Yoongi snorts and shakes his head before leaning in and stealing a quick kiss from him, his lips taste
of sugar and cherries. “That's good to know. Want a smoke?”

Jimin nods, Yoongi gets his cigarettes from the pocket of his jeans and hands Jimin one, he lights it
up with Yoongi's zippo and then gives the lighter to him.

“Tell me a bit more about Namjoon.” Jimin says as Yoongi leans against his bike. “You always
mention him.”

“Nams and I have been friends since- shit, since I was six. He was my neighbor.”

Jimin hums and exhales a lungful of smoke, Yoongi taps on his cigarette before he brings it to his

“We played in his garden, his mother would make us lemonade and sandwiches in the afternoon. We
went to high school together and he introduced me to bikes. He had this dream of traveling on the 66
on his own bike and, well, Joons is good at speaking. He can talk you into anything.” Yoongi
chuckles. “God, he's so lame. He got into bikes because of this movie, The Motorcycle Diaries.”

“Oh, I saw it!” Jimin perks up. “The one about Che Guevara, right?”


Jimin smiles sheepily. “I kinda watched it only 'cause Garcia Gael Bernal is hot. But I loved the
movie in the end.”

“'s a good movie.” Yoongi shrugs. “In the end we promised each other we'd go together on this trip,
after high school we traveled together a lot. He tried college, but he's a fake hippie and dropped out
soon. We worked our asses off in shitty restaurants, bought us our bikes and we went off on our first

“Together?” Yoongi nods. “Why were you alone in Marfa, then?”

“Ah, Joons had his own places to visit and I had my own. We kept in touch and kept arranging
meetings so that we could actually plan the real journey. We then got in contact with other bikers
who all wanna go on the 66 and now it's the time.”
Jimin flicks the ash off his cigarette and looks at him. “I- I mean, it's stupid, nevermind.”

Yoongi frowns and Jimin looks down on his lap.

“Hey.” Yoongi squeezes Jimin's knee. “What's wrong?”

“No, nothing. Just- I don't know, maybe I'm intruding?”


“You and your friends have been planning this for so long and- and I just show up and tag along, it
feels like I'm intruding.”

“Shit- baby, no, what are you saying?” Yoongi shakes his head. “Do you want to come?”

Jimin looks away from his legs and nods.

“Then you're not intruding. Really, you don't need to worry. Namjoon is already ecstatic at the idea
of meeting you.”

“Wait, really?”

“Please.” Yoongi scoffs and throws his cigarette on the ground. “He'll tease the fuck out of me for
bringing a cutie like you.”

Jimin giggles, his cheeks pink because of the heat, blond hair a mess. “Okay, Yoongi. If you say so.”

“Besides, I want you to come. So no, you're not intruding, Jimin. You really aren't.”

Jimin smiles, all bright, pretty brown eyes, leans down and kisses his cheek before he tells Yoongi to
hurry the hell up so that they can get back on the road.

Jin's diner is exactly how he remembers it, with the bright red neon sign on the outside, large
windows and clean white paint on the walls, the parking lot occupied mostly by bikes.

Yoongi finds an empty spot and parks his bike, kills the engine and takes off his helmet with a groan.

“It's too fucking hot today.” he mutters as he pushes down the kickstand.

“Woah.” Jimin looks around him. “There are so many bikes.”

“Jin's diner is famous for hosting loads of bikers gatherings.” Yoongi explains, he holds out his hand
so that Jimin can cling to it as he gets off the bike. “And even if there are no gatherings, bikers know
him and Jin always has a free table for them.”

“That's nice.” Jimin gives Yoongi his helmet, who hangs it on the handlebar next to his own, so he
pulls the bike in position and gets down as well.

“Let's see if Namjoon is here, mh? That's his bike over there,” Yoongi points at a matte blue bike
that's parked not so far from them, just a few rows behind. “so he's probably inside.”

“It's a pretty bike.”

“It's a gorgeous one, but that paint is tacky. Namjoon has no taste. You don't ruin a Super Glide with
such shitty paint.”

Jimin rolls his eyes and grabs his wrist, pulling him towards the diner. “Don't be a purist now, I'm
hungry and I wanna meet your friends.”

Yoongi, who has a lot to say about how shitty that paint is, just grumbles something under his breath
and lets Jimin drag him to the diner.

Jimin makes a happy sound once they step inside, the air conditioning here isn't as harsh as the one
of the 7-Eleven, and it smells way cleaner. Yoongi smiles to himself as he takes in the interior of the
place. It hasn't changed at all, if not for the fresh paint on the walls. The counter is still made of steel
and the stools still have those slightly uncomfortable black cushions. Jin has moved the jukebox to
the other side of the diner, and he added more photos to the walls, probably those from the last
gathering are there as well, Yoongi hopes Jimin doesn't notice them.

There are quite a few people sitting at the tables, But Namjoon is usually at the counter so-

“Ah, there he is.” Yoongi grins and walks to the furthest part of the counter, where he sees Namjoon
stuffing his mouth with a club sandwich. “Are you trying to choke with all that?”

Namjoon spins his head so quickly that Yoongi fears for the safety of his neck, then a huge smile
starts blooming on Namjoon's face and the man barks a laugh.

“Shit, you're here!” Namjoon exclaims, he rubs a napkin on his mouth to clean the oil and sauce left
on his lips and then jumps off the stool, his arms already open for a hug. “Come on, you gotta give
in, haven't seen you in years!”

Yoongi chuckles and lets Namjoon crash him in one of his hugs. He doesn't have bad intentions,
really, Namjoon likes hugging people but sometimes he forgets that people also have bones. “I've
seen you six months ago, don't be fucking dramatic.”

“Too fucking long, that's what I said.” Namjoon pulls back and frowns. “Damn, what's up with your
hair, Joker?”

“You're the one to talk.” Yoongi ruffles Namjoon's grey hair. “What's up with this color, mh?
Getting ready for retirement?”

“Ah, shut up. I like it.”

Yoongi shakes his head and then turns to Jimin, who's been looking at the scene with an amused

“Joons, this is Jimin.”

Namjoon frowns. “Uh-”

“I told you I was bringing someone, you forgot?”

“Hi!” Jimin perks up, holding out his hand so that he can shake Namjoon's. “It's good to meet you,
Yoongi talks a lot about you.”

Namjoon doesn't move to shake Jimin's hand. He just stares at him with huge eyes and a slack
mouth, Jimin blinks and chuckles awkwardly.


“Jin!” Namjoon suddenly yells, making both Yoongi and Jimin startle. “Seokjin, come here! Quick!”

After a few moments of silence, Yoongi sees Jin appear from the kitchen's door, a smile already
stretching his lips.

“Yoongi! You're here!”

“Hey, how are you doing?”

“I'm good now that I see you again! It's been ages!” Jin says and walks around the counter to pull
Yoongi into another hug, this one less painful than the previous.

“Again, it's been only six months.”

“Namjoon, why did you yell like that?” Jin asks in a hiss. “I have customers.”

Namjoon gulps. “Jin. That kid is Yoongi's guy.”

Jin frowns and finally takes notice of Jimin, who just waves slowly and smiles.

“No fucking way.” Jin murmurs, his eyes darting from Jimin to Yoongi. “You're- you're the guy?
Yoongi's guy?”

“What the fuck is going on?” Yoongi asks, confusion making his head spin.

“I- yeah, I'm Yoongi's guy. We like to use the term boyfriend occasionally, but guy works as well. I

“You're too pretty for Yoongi.” Jin says firmly and Jimin snorts.

“Yeah, exactly.” Namjoon nods vigorously. “I'm not buying it. There is no way that Yoongi
managed to score someone like you.”

“I am right fucking here.” Yoongi mutters.

“I'm not that pretty.”

“No, you are!” Jin scoffs and swipes his black hair off his forehead.

“Again, I'm right here. I can still hear you just fine.”

“How could something like this happen?” Namjoon sounds like he's in awe. “Did he pay you?”

“No, he- he didn't.” Jimin laughs, he's blushing the little shit. “He just- asked me out. And took me
for a ride in the desert. We ate Mexican.”
“Okay, you don't need to tell them everything.”

“And he made an impression of James Dean.”

“Jimin, I mean it.”

“And he gave me his leather jacket 'cause I was cold, at that point I was pretty much sold.”

There's a long silence that falls in the diner, Namjoon and Jin staring at Jimin like they've just seen a
ghost. Yoongi groans and rubs a hand over his face.

“Yoongi-” Jin clears his voice. “Yoongi gave you his jacket. The leather jacket?”

Jimin nods, frowning. “Yeah, I was cold.”

“You're so fucking whipped.” Namjoon snorts and then starts laughing, clapping his hands together.
“Oh, Christ. Brother, you're so fucking gone, you gave him your jacket!”

Yoongi just sighs, the tips of his ears feel hot and he knows he's blushing.

“Yeah, I gave him my fucking jacket, can you drop it now?”

“What's so crazy about him giving me the jacket?” Jimin asks, a playful smile now dancing on his
lips. And really, Yoongi can deal with Namjoon and Jin teasing him and ruining his rep, but if Jimin
jumps in the dissing session, then that's a whole other story.

“He's so fucking jealous of that jacket!” Jin exclaims, Namjoon is wheezing behind him, holding
himself up on the counter. “I once offered to wash it for him 'cause he was staying at my place and
he almost told me to fuck right off!”

That's a bit extreme.

“At the last gathering, there was this girl, she was flirting with him and she tries to put on his jacket
and I've never seen him move away that fast! She almost fell on her face with how fast he moved!”

Okay, that might be true. But she was drunk and he was not going to risk having this random chick
vomit on his jacket.

“Okay, if you're done making me look like an idiot, can we get something to eat?”

Jimin is chatting with Jin as he devours his food, a huge double bacon cheeseburger. The two seem
to be getting along and, as much as Yoongi is glad they are, this almost terrifies him.

Jin knows stuff.

Jimin knows stuff as well.

This could end really badly.

“Tae and Kook texted me.” Namjoon suddenly says, Yoongi turns to him as he munches on his fries.
“They're coming tomorrow, too. Hoseok will be here either tomorrow night or next morning.”

“That's good. Hayoon's coming with him, right?”

“Of course she is, those two are a thing now. Ain't no bigger power keeping them apart.” Namjoon
cackles. “Pretty sure Jennie's coming as well. For the 66, I mean, not just for the gathering.”

“Lots of people are interested in it?”

“Not so many, actually. Some find it too much work.” Namjoon shrugs. “We don't need those
people anyway. It'd be better if the group doesn't get too large.”

“Yeah.” Yoongi sends Jin a look. “He's coming, too?”

Namjoon rolls his eyes. “Please. I tried to convince him, but nothing. Fucking stubborn prick.”

“He's your man, after all.”

“Not my man.”

“Right, sorry, not your man. You spend more time here than on the road, sleeping in his bed, but he's
not your man.”

Namjoon shrugs, gives Yoongi a smile. “The moment he decides to ditch this diner and get on the
road with me, then he'll be my man.”

Yoongi breathes out a quiet laugh, then Jin moves to them. “Are you two sleeping at my place?”

“Ah, no, don't worry. We wouldn't wanna intrude on the love nest.”

Jin arches an eyebrow. “I'm going to pour a milkshake over your head if you keep that up. Where
will you sleep?”

“I found a decent motel, we'll crash there.”

“Okay. Just come for breakfast tomorrow, so you can help me prepare what we need for the

“Sure.” Yoongi sees Jimin dipping his french fry in his vanilla milkshake and he crinkles his nose.
“How the fuck does he manage to eat that?”

“I can hear you.” Jimin replies, sending him a glare. “And it's not my fault you've got the taste of an

“You like cherry sours, your discourse is invalid.”

“Ah.” Jin sighs dreamily. “Young love...”

Yoongi likes this motel. It doesn't smell of cheap detergent, but of lavender, the bed is soft and the
sheets smooth and fresh. But most importantly, there's no ice machine buzzing in the background.
So, really, this motel might as well be the fucking Hilton.

Yoongi sniffs, then he brings the cigarette to his lips and breathes out smoke as he stares at the
ceiling. The lights are off, but the motel's neon sign is right outside their window. There's a lilac
electric light creeping in through the glass, Jimin had insisted they didn't close the curtains because he
liked the neon in the room and Yoongi still hasn't learned to say no.

Yoongi closes his eyes and takes a deep breath, the pillows behind his neck and shoulders are
comfortable. He won't mind spending here some nights before they start the journey, it's a good

Yoongi taps the cigarette over the ashtray that he put on the bedside table on his left then he looks
down at his chest and smiles to himself.

Jimin passed out as soon as he changed into a simple large t-shirt and pressed himself against
Yoongi, his cheek on his chest and an arm slung over Yoongi's stomach. His blond hair is a mess
and Yoongi already knows that tomorrow, in the morning, Jimin will start whining as he'll try to style
it because of the knots.

Yoongi brings his free hand to Jimin's cheek and slowly caresses the skin with the back of his
fingers, Jimin crunches his nose up at the feeling and Yoongi chuckles quietly.

“Stop doin' that.”

Yoongi frowns. “Woke you up?”

“It's 'k.” Jimin tilts his head up and looks at him, blinking sleepily, there's neon light coloring his hair
lilac. “I'm excited about tomorrow, y'know?”


Jimin hums, smiles a little. “Yeah. Never went or seen a gathering of bikers. Is it cool?”

Yoongi shrugs, keeps grazing Jimin's cheek with his knuckles. “It's a bunch of motorbikes nerds
who drink beers and eat burgers.”

“Sounds like a dream.”

“You'll like it. Jin is famous for the gatherings he hosts, he closes the diner for the entire week,
focuses only on the bikers. It's fun.”

“Is Jin a biker?”

“Nah. I mean, it's complicated. Namjoon and he, they're kind of together, kind of not. Namjoon has
been trying to bring Jin with him on a trip for two years now, but Jin doesn't want to leave the diner.”
Yoongi takes another drag of smoke, then he stomps it in the ashtray. “But Namjoon told me Jin
loves going on rides with him. He's just stubborn.”

Jimin grins. “Good thing I'm not stubborn.”

Yoongi hums, his fingers moving down to Jimin's neck. “Good thing indeed.”

Jimin slowly moves, getting on his hands and knees and then easily climbing up on Yoongi's lap. He
leans down and starts kissing Yoongi's neck, lips warm and soft.

“Touch me?”

“Thought you were tired.” Yoongi replies, but still slides his hands beneath Jimin's shirt.

“'m not tired anymore. You woke me up.”

“So it's my fault?”

“Yeah.” Jimin giggles, nibbles along his jawline. “Take responsibility, Yoongi.”

Yoongi sighs, finds out that once more he's not able of saying no to Jimin, and pulls him in for a kiss,
relishing in the sound that leaves Jimin's chest.

Yoongi sure as hell doesn't know he ended up dealing with the burgers and the barbeque, but what
he does know is that he's getting tired of this job real quick.

He doesn't want to grill burgers for a bunch of fifty something dudes who are already too drunk for
their good, he wants to make out with Jimin somewhere. Is that too much to ask?

“Damn, brother.” Namjoon chuckles, hands him a bottle of beer. “Don't need to look like you wanna
kill those burgers again.”

“How the fuck did I end up doing this?” Yoongi mutters, he grabs the bottle and takes a sip.
“Where's Jimin, either way?”

“Helping Jin with the bonfire.”


“Yeah, we're lighting it up this evening, behind the diner.” Namjoon looks around, the park is filled
with bikes and people wearing vintage looking leather jackets that smell of mold. “The turn-up
wasn't expected.”

“Yeah, tell me about it. Hey! Kiddo!” Yoongi shouts, a guy who looks to be around twenty years
old, already drunk out of his mind, looks at him and frowns.


“Make yourself useful, grill these burgers.” Yoongi says, the kid walks to him with a confused
expression, but Yoongi just shoves the spatula on his chest and walks away. “'m not a fucking
“Oh.” Namjoon squints his eyes towards the entrance of the parking lot. “Taehyung and Jungkook
are here.”

Yoongi spins around to find the two and immediately, he notices their red Road King as the people
move away to let them through, Jungkook seems to be the one driving judging by the black leather
gloves, looking for a free spot where he can park.

Namjoon nudges him with his shoulders and they both start walking to the bike, Jungkook seems to
find a good spot for parking and kills the engine. He takes off his helmet and, sitting behind him,
Taehyung does the same.

“Hey!” Namjoon calls, catching both Taehyung's and Jungkook's attention.

“Joonie Joons!” Taehyung exclaims as he gets up on the footpegs and starts waving his hands. “And
mighty Yoonie!”

“Please, don't call me that.” Yoongi mutters, smiling despite himself.

So what if he has a soft spot for the kids? Sue him, they're cute.

Jungkook holds out his hand and helps Taehyung get off the bike, then he does the same. “Hi!
Haven't seen you two in forever.”

It's been only six fucking months, Yoongi thinks again but he doesn't say anything, just lets
Taehyung hug him and plant a kiss on his cheek.

“Nice hair.” Namjoon comments, nodding at Taehyung's fiery red head.

“You like it?” Taehyung ruffles his fringe. “Jungkook said it would suit me, so I dyed it.”

“And boy, do I regret it now.” Jungkook murmurs, the face of a broken man ruining his young

Yoongi can relate.

“Is Hoseok here already?” Taehyung asks.

“He should be here either this evening or tomorrow morning.” Namjoon smirks. “But Yoongi, here,
he brought someone.”

Oh, no.

“Yeah?” Jungkook rubs his nose and starts shrugging off his leather jacket. “Who?”

“A boyfriend.”

Jungkook, who was in the process of hanging his helmet to the handlebar, promptly drops the object
on the ground, his eyes huge with surprise as he stares at Yoongi.

Taehyung blinks, then smiles. “I'm afraid I didn't quite catch that.”

Yoongi groans.

“I'll repeat.” Namjoon clears his throat. “Yoongi brought his boyfriend along.”

Silence, somewhere behind them a bottle of beer falls on the hard concrete and shatters, a choir of
laughter and groans follow.

“He's helping Jin, he's at the back of the diner. And he's a whole fucking cutie.”

Taehyung and Jungkook immediately sprint away, running between the other bikers, leaving
Namjoon and Yoongi alone.

“I fucking hate you.”

“If I were you I'd run as well, Yoongi.” Namjoon has that shit eating grin he gets when he's satisfied
with himself. “We don't want Tae and Kook to terrify your boyfriend, right?”

Oh, shit.

Yoongi doesn't know of what he should be more scared: the possibility of Taehyung and Jimin not
getting along, or the possibility of Taehyung and Jimin getting along.

He doesn't have to worry much longer, though, because in less than twenty minutes since Taehyung
basically throws himself in Jimin's arms even though they have not even spoken yet, those two are
already too fucking friendly.

“I mean it, you're too pretty for him.” Taehyung sips his cold beer, the sun is already set at this point
and the bonfire is about to be lit up.

Jimin shrugs, leans his head on Yoongi's shoulder and smiles. “I think he's pretty enough.”

“See?” Yoongi clicks his tongue. “I'm pretty. Fuck y'all fake friends.”

Jungkook snorts and Jin just rolls his eyes.

The majority of the people attending the gathering are still in the parking lot, where they have more
food and can keep an eye on their bikes. Yoongi isn't surprised, that's how every gathering usually
ends up in the middle of the afternoon, groups of people who already know each other or have just
met start popping up and, in the end, it's just friends meeting friends. It's good. It's what Yoongi loves
the most about this whole experience.

He turns to Jimin, whose eyes are wandering around and leans in. “You're having fun?”

Jimin smiles and looks at him. “I am. This is funny, beer is good, too.”

“Mmh.” Yoongi nods. “Good, I'm glad.”

“When are we getting the bonfire going, Seokjin?” Taehyung suddenly whines. “You know I love
the bonfire.”

“Let's wait for Hoseok, he should be here soon. He loves the bonfire more than you do.” Jin sighs.
“Remember when we lit up the bonfire when he still wasn't here? 'Cause I do, and I don't want to
relive that.”

“Shit.” Taehyung shudders and then shakes his shoulders, as if to get rid of the feeling. “You're right,
nevermind, let's wait. In the meantime, I'm talking to my new friend.”

Taehyung happily fits in the space between Jimin and Jungkook, both are leaning against the wall of
the diner, Yoongi arches an eyebrow at the red-haired but lets him do his thing.

“How did you two meet?” Taehyung asks, eyes bright.

“Oh, he swooned me with James Dean's quotes and leather jackets.” Jimin replies, an easy smile
appearing on his face.

Yoongi rolls his eyes, keeping an ear on the conversation. A quick glance in Jungkook's direction
and Yoongi can see that the kid is doing the same as he slowly drinks his beer, an arm around
Taehyung's waist.

“This leather jacket?” Taehyung asks, tugging at the sleeve of Jimin's blue leather.

“Well, this came later, actually.”

“Oh.” Taehyung grins. “He let you wear his actual jacket. Unbelievable.”

“Everyone keeps saying this. Is it really that incredible?” Jimin asks, his eyes darting to Yoongi for a
moment, who just sighs.

“Well,” Taehyung bites his bottom lip. “Yoongi is- about the jacket, I mean, he's... what's the word,

“Possessive as fuck.” Jungkook replies, not even lifting his eyes from his bottle of beer, Namjoon
snorts as he walks by and hears everything.

“I'm not hearing shit about being possessive by a guy who would piss on his bike just to make sure
no one steals it.” Yoongi blurts out, making both Taehyung and Jimin laugh, Jungkook rolls his eyes.

“My bike is a-”

“I'm sorry, love, what was that?” Taehyung arches an eyebrow and Jungkook visibly swallows.

“Our bike is a Road King. You bet your scrawny ass I'd piss on it if someone tried to lay a finger on

Yoongi snorts and raises his arms in surrender.

“Anyways,” Taehyung turns back to Jimin, smiling widely. “Do you drive Yoongi's bike, too?”

Jimin shakes his head. “No, I never drove a motorbike, but I'd like to learn.”

“I'll teach you.” Yoongi mutters.

“Besides,” Jimin smirks. “I'd rather ride it then drive it.”

Yoongi promptly chokes on his stupid beer, which results in Jungkook looking at him with that shit-
eating grin of his as Taehyung and Jimin share a knowing look.

“Ah, I see.” Taehyung nods slowly, then leans in a bit. “I love both riding it and driving it.”

“Jesus.” Jungkook murmurs, rubbing a hand on his face. Yoongi thinks that, once again, Karma
always does her damn good job.
Jimin just hums, then he tilts his bottle towards Taehyung and they cling their beers together.

Yep, having Jimin and Taehyung getting along is definitely worse than having them on bad terms.

Suddenly, Yoongi can hear the rumbling of a very familiar engine drawing closer, and all of them
except for Jimin perk up.

“Oh.” Namjoon grins. “Is that a Heritage Classic I hear coming?”

“I think you might be right.” Taehyung nods. “I'll say fifty seconds?”

“Thirty.” Jungkook takes a gulp of his beer. “Maybe even twenty-five.”

Jimin looks like he's about to ask what is going on, but Yoongi just shushes him with a shake of his
head. No one says it, but they all start counting.

7, 8, 9, 10, the engine's sound abruptly stops. Everyone is holding their breaths, Jungkook's hand
tightens around the neck of the bottle.

11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, there are loud and fast steps approaching, everyone is ready, the hands
that hold bottles of beers already half raised.

18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24-


Yoongi hears it before he can even see Hoseok jumping in view, arms raised victoriously, his black
hair a mess having taken the shape of the helmet.

“THE BADDEST BITCH!” the five of them shout in return, raising their beers, Jimin slowly and
reluctantly raises his arm as well.

“Damn right.” Hoseok barks a laugh and then he jumps at Yoongi's neck. “My small human!”

“I'm about to stab you with this beer and the bottle isn't even broken.” Yoongi says, hugging Hoseok
and smiling.

Hoseok plants a kiss on Yoongi's forehead and then proceeds to run to Taehyung and hug him,
hoisting him up and giving his ass a hard squeeze, Jungkook watching all of this with a nothing new
here, I've seen this, I've lived this expression. Hoseok proceeds to then pepper Jungkook's face with
kisses, the younger just taking it with a sigh, he then goes to Namjoon and they shake hands like
businessmen. He finally turns to Jin and holds out his arms.

“Come on, Seokjin. You wanna jump on the Hoseok's train, too.”


“A compelling argument, it's good to see you again.” Hoseok turns to Yoongi and then frowns.
“Who's the vision, over there?”

Jimin blinks and then points at himself. “Me?”

“No, Yoongi. Yeah, you.”

“I'm- well, his boyfriend.” Jimin points at Yoongi, who's already waiting for it, 'cause he knows it's
coming, this is Hoseok after all, so-
“Yoongi.” Hoseok clears his voice. “I'm not going to ask of how you managed to be blessed by
God, but let me ask you this.”

“No, you can't touch his ass Hoseok.”

“Goddamnit, fine.” Hoseok simply holds out a hand and Jimin takes it, shaking it. “Jung Hoseok.
Yoongi's bestest friend and a once one-night stand.”

Jimin frowns. “Wait what?”

“We were in Vegas and we were drunk, mistakes happen.”

“Thanks.” Yoongi grumbles, he turns around and sees Hayoon making her way to them. “You even
left your girlfriend behind to do all this scene.”

“She's fine with it.”

Hayoon smiles once she's close enough and easily presses herself against Hoseok's side, the man
circles her shoulders with his arms and kisses her temple.

“It's been a while, guys.” Hayoon says, her deep voice a complete contrast to her soft and delicate

Yoongi always liked Hayoon, ever since Hoseok brought her to the gathering two years ago. She's
pretty, polite, her short dark hair fits her face like a frame and when last year a drunk guy tried to start
a fight with Hoseok over something idiotic, she kicked the drunkard in the stomach so hard that he
blacked out for at least three minutes. Good times.

Yoongi scoffs and points at the couple with his bottle. “Y'all keep saying Jimin is too pretty for me
but, like, have you seen this?”

Hoseok arches an eyebrow. “Excuse me, I'm a work of art.”

“You're an asshole.” Namjoon chimes in, carrying two bottles of beer for the couple.

Hoseok rolls his eyes and grabs his bottle. “I mean, sure, but I'm a good looking asshole.”

“Your asshole does not look good, darling.” Hayoon retorts, Jimin snorts, beer dribbling down his
chin, Taehyung pats him on the back.

Hoseok clicks his tongue. “Had I known this meet-up was going to be a diss track in my honor, I
would've stayed home.”

Jin shakes his head. “Come on, don't be like this. We waited for you so that we could light up the
bonfire. You wanna do the honors?”

Here's how the first evening of any meet-up or gathering ends: with everyone either piss-out drunk or
half-naked and singing horrible country songs by the fire. Yeah, Yoongi isn't too fond of this part
either but, hey, it's family. Kinda.

So after Taehyung and Jimin sing (awfully well, might Yoongi add) a duet version of Jolene and
Hoseok and Namjoon decide that it's time for them to also sing their own version of Here Comes
The Sun, Yoongi realizes that it's almost four in the morning and manages to drag Jimin back to their
bike and to the motel.

“I like your friends.” Jimin slurs as they're laying in the bed, still drunk, really sleepy. “I like 'em a

“'m glad.”

“I like Taehyung a lot.”

“Yeah.” Yoongi swallows hard. “I noticed.”

“And Hoseok, too. And Jin. Oh, he's so handsome.”

“I'm right here.”

“No! No no no no no.” Jimin presses a finger to Yoongi's lips. “You're more handsome, so much
more handsome.”

“Am I, now? 'Cause that sounds like a lie.”

“No.” Jimin pouts, blinks sleepily at him. “To me, you're the handsomest.”

“That's not a word.” Yoongi smiles and tucks a strand of hair behind Jimin's ear. “Just go to sleep,
we have to wake up for tomorrow's lunch.”

“'k.” Jimin sighs and makes himself more comfortable against Yoongi's side. “Night.”

Yoongi mumbles his own good night and, already, he feels like dozing off. He's tired as hell, kind of
not really tipsy but still with a belly full of badly cooked hamburgers and cheap beer.

Jimin starts humming a song, really quietly, a pretty and melancholic melody that Yoongi is sure he's
heard before. But before he can ask him what the song is, something stops him. Yoongi takes a deep



“Did you just fart?”

A pause.

“Why would you ask me if I farted. Like, first of all, I didn't. Two, what if I did and I was trying to
hide it and not tell you, you're such an insensitive-”

“You farted, didn't you? I can smell it.”

Another pause, this one longer.

“Beer makes me gassy.” Jimin finally admits, Yoongi cracks up and starts laughing so hard that he
swears he can feel a rib twist or something.

There's something particularly beautiful about being here again. But there's something even more
incredible about having Jimin here, slowly but surely making his place into their group until it's so
clear that maybe he was always meant to meet them all.

Yoongi likes to think about it, sometimes, that maybe they were meant to be together or something.
Or to meet, at the very least. Call him a hopeless romantic but Yoongi likes to believe in signs.
Coincidences and so. Namjoon still teases him about this, but it's fine. Yoongi wonders if one day
he'll be able to tell Jimin about this.


But in the end, it's just so good to be back at Jin's diner with his friends, his brothers that are closer
than family to him, to listen to Hayoon's filthy jokes, to drink too warm beer as they eat hamburgers
that can't be more greasy than this.

On the third day, Taehyung says he wants to take Jimin on a ride. Jungkook almost loses all the color
on his face and pure panic settles in Yoongi's entire body the moment Jimin agrees happily.

“Jimin, can- can I ask you a favor?” Yoongi asks, his voice a bit too high.

“What?” Jimin asks as he sits behind Taehyung's on the Road King.

“Remember what I said about always holding tight to the driver?”

“Yeah.” Jimin frowns. “Why?”

“Hold really fucking tight when Taehyung drives. I'm not fucking kidding.”

Taehyung scoffs as he puts on his helmet. “This is so stupid. I'm a great driver.”

“You are.” Jungkook nods stiffly. “But. Love, you know how you get when you drive.”

“He's fucking reckless.” Yoongi finishes for Jungkook, always too soft when it comes to his
boyfriend (a whole mood that now Yoongi can definitely relate to).
“It's gonna be fine.” Taehyung groans and then nods at Jimin. “Alright, hoe. Hands on my waist, try
not to pop a boner when my baby purrs.”

Jimin giggles, wraps his arms around Taehyung's waist, Taehyung turns on the engine and then
they're off with a too loud rumble of the bike, the wheels striding on the asphalt, a cloud of smoke
lifting and a shrieking yell coming from Jimin.

They disappear on the road so fast that Yoongi has barely time to blink.

Both Jungkook and Yoongi stare at the empty road for a few minutes.

“If your boyfriend kills my boyfriend-” Yoongi starts. “I will end you.”

Jungkook nods. “I'll be honest. I just hope we get both our boyfriends back.”


They get both of them back, safe and sound, after two whole hours of panic. Taehyung parks the
bike, takes off his helmet with a huge smile and Jimin starts getting off.

Yoongi is immediately there and he's fast enough to catch him when Jimin's legs kind of give up on

“Never again.” Jimin whispers once his helmet is off his head, he's never been this pale. “My God,
Yoongi, never again, why didn't you fucking stop me?”

“It wasn't that bad!” Taehyung exclaims, looking slightly affronted.

“You're a goddamn menace.” Jimin hisses. “I love you, Tae, but you're fucking dangerous.”

Jungkook just sighs, takes a long gulp of his beer. “Yeah. He is.”

When the fourth day comes, most of the bikers start leaving. They bid their farewell, promise to be
here again for the next gathering, start their engines and go. Only those who have a lot of free time
stay. Those, and the bikers who want to go with them on the 66.

“It's gonna be ten bikes.” Namjoon says one evening, the diner packed as Jin has decided to cook for
all of them. “You and Jimin, Tae and Kook, Hoseok and Hayoon, me, Jennie and Lisa are coming
tomorrow. That woman, Laura, she'll come as well. Then two guys I met yesterday, they seem cool.
And Lawrence, too.”

“Lawrence?” Yoongi frowns.

“He says he's interested.”

“It's a good group. Not too many people, but enough.”

“I'm thinking Monday.”

“So we leave in five days.”

“I'll have to call a few people, but most of the bikers friendly B&Bs already gave me their okay.”

Yoongi nods. “Five days and we're off.”

“Yep.” Namjoon grins. “I'm fucking shitting my pants, Yoons. We're doing it.”

“Yeah.” Yoongi can't help the laugh that leaves his mouth. “We fucking are.”

As Namjoon said, Jennie and Lisa arrive the next day on their Fat Bob, still one of the hottest bikes
Yoongi ever laid eyes on.

Yoongi likes those two girls. They're young and maybe a bit too reckless, but they're good drivers
and they're so in love with the road that sometimes they forget to even stop driving to rest. And that's
exactly the type of people they need for the 66.

It's the last day of the gathering.

Tomorrow, the people who aren't coming with them to the 66 will leave.

Yoongi and Jimin got to Jin's diner late, they didn't manage to wake up early, sleeping in until noon,
and then Jimin took hours to get ready because he needed a shower, so it's already almost evening.

There's music coming from the speakers that Hoseok connected to Jin's jukebox, Yoongi recognizes
The Smiths and Interpol playing at some point, there's too much beer going around and they're
managing to be even louder than when there were twenty more people.

But Yoongi doesn't really care of the noise right now.

He's sitting on the passenger seat of his bike, Jimin half perched on his lap, half laying back on the
fuel tank, a cigarette between his lips and his light blue leather jacket hanging from his shoulders

Yoongi puts his hand on Jimin's thigh, spreads his fingers there and Jimin hums, his legs tightening
around Yoongi's hips.

“Having fun?” Jimin asks with eyes full of mirth and sun kissing his skin just right.

“Very.” Yoongi moves his hand to the large rip of the jeans, slips them past the fabric to feel the lines
of the black fishnets beneath his fingertips. “You know I like these, don't you?”
“Why do you think I wear them?”

Yoongi presses his fingers into the skin, feels a light shudder run through Jimin's body.

“Thought it was just to give everyone around you a heart attack.”

“That, too.” Jimin smirks, inhales from the cigarette and then slowly blows out a cloud of smoke,
looking so damn good that Yoongi has a hard time controlling the twitch of his hands. “But it's
mostly 'cause I know you got the hots for me in them.”

Yoongi gestures for Jimin to give him the cigarette, once he has it he takes a long drag before leaning
in and placing it back between Jimin's lips.

“And tell me,” Yoongi moves his hands under Jimin's thighs and then he pulls Jimin closer so that he
has to wrap his arms around his shoulders. “how is it that I still haven't fucked you whilst you wore

Jimin grins, a soft flush making its way up to his neck. “I was asking myself the same thing.”

Yoongi takes the cigarette away from Jimin's mouth and then pulls him in for a kiss, Jimin's arms
tight around his neck and his own hands settling on the small of Jimin's back. Yoongi licks his
bottom lip, feels Jimin smiling and pressing himself closer, flush against him, a subtle shift of his hips
on Yoongi's lap.

“Actually,” Jimin says as he breaks the kiss, a little breathless. “I gotta tell you something.”

Yoongi frowns. “Yeah?”

Jimin bites his lip and looks down to his lap and, very quietly, he says, “I actually have a-”

“Can you fucking take it elsewhere?”

Both Jimin and Yoongi freeze for a moment and then turn to the voice. It's Lawrence who spoke,
looking at them with his lips turned downwards and a bottle of beer in his hand.

“You got a problem, man?” Yoongi asks.

“Yeah, maybe I do.”

He's a young guy, maybe in his very early thirties, with jeans that don't fit him very well but a mean
bike, a Road Glide Special if Yoongi remembers correctly.

“Well, fucking enlighten me, then.” Yoongi clicks his tongue. “What's your problem?”

Yoongi sees in his peripheral vision Namjoon, Hoseok and Hayoon slowly walking to them, eyeing
Lawrence. Taehyung and Jungkook, too, are now looking at them as they were both sitting on their
own bike behind Yoongi and Jimin.

“This.” Lawrence gestures with the bottle to Jimin, who arches an eyebrow. “Take it in your fucking
room, or something.”

“Mh.” Jimin smiles. “But I don't wanna, so- tough shit, darling.”

“Lawrence, man, look-” Namjoon says as he stands beside him. “You had a lot to drink, why don't
you drop it?”
“And drop that fucking attitude, since we're at it.” Hayoon adds, her head leaning on Hoseok's
shoulder. “'Cause ain't nobody got time for this kinda shit.”

Lawrence shakes his head, mumbles something, Yoongi feels Jimin straightening up.

“Hey, asshole.” he says, eyes sharp. “If you got something to say, then fucking do it.”

Lawrence looks at him for a few seconds, his eyes darting back to Yoongi and then to Jimin again.
“What the fuck are you even doing here? We're all men here, well-” Lawrence sends a look at
Jungkook and Taehyung “Almost everyone is.”

Jungkook presses his tongue against the inside of his cheek and Taehyung subtly rolls up his sleeves.
Which Yoongi knows can't be a good sign.

“And we don't need a fag who dresses like he's about to hit the streets on the road with us.”

There's a silence that follows that, tense and pregnant. All Yoongi can hear is the angry beating of
his heart as a wave of rage hits him.

“What the fuck did you just say?” Yoongi lets go of Jimin's hips and gets off his bike.

“It's quite alright.” Jimin puts a hand on Yoongi's shoulder, his smile still there. “I'm sorry,
Lawrence, if I upset you.”

Lawrence, for whatever reason, seems satisfied. Then Jimin's smile drops.

“Truly. I'm sorry. I'm sorry I don't look like you. Like a goddamn lumberjack who smells of hot
dog's water and who probably showered last Christmas and then decided to drop soap for good.”

Hoseok snorts, tries to hide his grin behind his hand meanwhile Hayoon is actually laughing out
loud, slapping her own thigh and leaning against her boyfriend. Namjoon presses his lips together,
his shoulders shaking a bit. And Yoongi would laugh, too, if only he weren't so fucking livid.

Lawrence is now a whole different shade of red and he points his bottle towards Jimin. “A goddamn
pussy shouldn't even talk to me, let alone go on this trip with us!”

“You're right.” Najoon suddenly says. “No pussies allowed. That's why you're not coming with us.
Go grab your shit, Lawrence, this has been fun.”

Lawrence gawks at this, Taehyung is wheezing in a corner and Jungkook looks far too smug from
where he is.

“Namjoon, you can't be fucking serious!”

“No, I am. I am such a serious fag right now. You like calling us that, so- yeah, this fag is really
serious and is telling you to go away before he decides to make you leave.”

Lawrence scoffs, throws the bottle on the ground, then leaves with large angry steps. They all wait
for the sound of his bike to fade away before Namjoon sighs and turns to Jimin.

“I'm sorry, kid.”

“It's fine.” Jimin shrugs. “Assholes will be assholes, not your fault.”

“Hot dog's water.” Hoseok hisses, still chuckling. “I love it.”

“I read it on Twitter, to be honest.” Jimin says with a sheepish smile. “But he does smell like shit.”

“Damn right he does.” Hayoon mutters, her eyes lingering on Yoongi for a moment. “How about we
give them some space, mh? I'm hungry, come on.”

The couple starts leaving, followed by Namjoon who flashes an apologetic smile to Yoongi before
turning around.

Jimin sighs, his hand still on Yoongi's shoulder. “Hey, it's fine, stop being so tense.”

Yoongi swallows and shakes his head. “'s not fine.”

It's not. Jimin doesn't deserve this kind of treatment, not after the life he had in Marfa and especially
not after he left everything, every single thing he had, just to follow Yoongi. Just 'cause he trusted
him enough.

“Darling, hey.” Jimin smiles. “Why don't you take me for a ride, mh? We can just drive and drive
until we're tired of it. Doesn't that sound nice, Yoongi?”

Yoongi looks at Jimin and sighs. He knows Jimin is saying this because he knows how much it
would relax him to just drive for a few, to get on the road and have his mind cleared of nasty

“Yeah.” Yoongi nods. “It sounds nice.”

Yoongi doesn't know how long he drives, but it must be way too much since the sun has disappeared
already and the moon is slowly rising higher and higher and on each side of the road, Yoongi can
only see miles of dirt and sand, barren and dry if not for the random patches of green scattered
around. They must be already outside Amarillo, the city behind them.

Jimin is holding him tight, his thumbs keep drawing soothing circles against his stomach and Yoongi
sighs. He doesn't want to keep going and have Jimin getting tired, so he spares a look behind him,
finds the road completely empty, and so he turns right.

As soon as the bike is off the asphalt and on the sandy terrain, Yoongi slows down and keeps going
just a bit more, until it's a lot darker as the lights of the streetlamps can't reach them.

Yoongi kills the engine and quickly pushes the kickstand down, pulls the bike back in position and,
finally, he takes his helmet off. He hears Jimin doing the same and, wordlessly, he holds out his hand
so that Jimin can give it to him.

As he hangs them on the handlebars, Jimin gets off the bike.

“Scoot back.” he says.


“I wanna sit like we sat back at the diner.”

Yoongi manages a smile and starts scooting back to the passenger's seat. “You just want to sit on my

Jimin giggles and gingerly gets back on the bike, quickly making himself comfortable on Yoongi's
lap. “It's a very comfortable spot, you know?”

Yoongi grants Jimin a shortly lived chuckle, his hands find their way back to the small of his back.

“Hey.” Jimin swipes his thumb n his cheek. “It's okay, Yoongi. Shit like that happens.”

“Shouldn't happen.” Yoongi squeezes Jimin's knee. “Shouldn't happen to you.”

“I can take care of myself, darling.”

“I know.”

“I've had worse things said to me, Yoongi. I lived in a small city in Texas. Trust me, what he said
was nothing.” Jimin drops a kiss on his cheek. “Don't worry about it, yeah? Don't let it get to you, it's
nothing. We're together, and we're fine. It's fine.”

As much as Yoongi still thinks that, truly, it isn't fine he can't bring himself to voice his anger, not
when Jimin is looking at him like that, hopeful and concerned. So he just heaves a sigh and presses
Jimin against him, his arms wrapping easily around the other's waist.

“We're fine.” he says, Jimin relaxes and starts carding his fingers through Yoongi's hair.

“I like it here. 's quiet. Can we stay like this for a bit, mh?”

“Yeah. Whatever you want.”

Jimin laughs quietly, his body shaking with it. “You're spoiling me. You tend to do that, always
giving in so easily.”

“You're spoiled, baby. But you're lovely when you're happily spoiled, so.”

They stay quiet after this. There are no sounds, the road behind them is far and empty and around
them there's nothing and it's quite dark. With the moon getting higher in the sky, brighter, and with
Yoongi's eyes adjusting to the darkness he can now see everything clearly. It is good, here.

After a few minutes Jimin presses his chin on Yoongi's shoulder and, again, he starts humming that
melody. And again, Yoongi knows he's heard it before.

“This song's nice.” he says.


“Wait, by The Beatles?”


“I like it.”

Jimin makes a small unintelligible noise, then, “I never really liked it before I met you.”

Yoongi frowns. “What do you mean?”

“'s embarrassing. It was playing when I met you at the diner.”

“Oh.” Yoongi smiles. “Yeah, it was.”

“So I- oh, it's stupid.” Jimin pulls away from his shoulder to look at him, his lips pursed in a pout, his
cheeks pink. “I just thought it could- I kinda think about it as our song or something.”

Yoongi can only blink at this, his mouth slowly opening and the flush on Jimin's skin only
reddening. He groans and hides his face behind his hands.

“You think it's too much, you think- you think it's cheesy, I knew it. I just-”

“I think it's fucking adorable, Jimin.” Yoongi says, very aware that he must be smiling like a damn
fool, but he pries Jimin's hands off his face and his smile only gets bigger when he sees how flustered
Jimin looks. “What are you blushing like that for, mh? It's fine. I've never been a huge fan of The
Beatles either until I met you.”

Jimin presses his lips together, his hands fidgeting with the collar of Yoongi's jacket. “Thought it
would be too much.”

“It's not.” Yoongi wraps his arms around Jimin's waist again, pulling him closer on his lap. “It's not,

Jimin finally allows him a smile and then he leans down and captures Yoongi's lips in a kiss, soft and
slow, with his fingers cupping Yoongi's jaw, thumbs moving in circles on his skin.

Yoongi hums into the kiss, his arms tight around Jimin's waist, slipping past the blue leather jacket
and fisting the cotton of his white tee, it's a little sweaty as the heat of the day has been killing them.
Even now that it's evening and they're in the middle of the road, the wind is barely there and it is still
too hot to find it pleasurable.

Jimin tilts his head to the side, opens his mouth and makes a small noise from the back of his throat
as Yoongi licks into his mouth and on his bottom lip. Yoongi feels Jimin shifting his hips, his hands
moving to his hair and tugging at it, a deliberate action that has Yoongi groaning and gripping his
hips harder.

Jimin breaks the kiss without truly moving away. “I have to- there something I wanted to tell you
back there.” he pauses. “At the diner.”

“Yeah. What is it, mh?” Yoongi asks and Jimin swallows visibly.

“You said- about the fishnets.”

Okay, Yoongi is interested. Very much so.

“What about them?”

“You want to fuck me in these.”

“I do.”

“Do it.”

Yoongi chuckles. “I mean, sure. Whenever you want.”

Jimin blinks, then he licks his lips. “Do it now.”

Yoongi, as he owns a fully functioning brain, decides to take his time into slowly but surely
processing Jimin's words. Surely, Jimin means it in a Do it tonight, once we're back in the comfort of
our motel room. Surely.

“I suddenly regret driving here instead that back at the motel.” Yoongi mutters and Jimin takes a
deep breath.

“I mean it. Now. Here.”


Yoongi's brain starts doing its job again. Words are being processed. The moment they are, Yoongi's
mind goes entirely blank for a good couple of seconds.

Yoongi takes a deep breath to steady himself and yet he feels his own hands twitching. “Jimin. I'm
gonna need you to elaborate.”

If possible, Jimin flushes even redder (which is really not a good sign since Jimin does not, in fact,
know what shame is most of the times).

“You actually want me to repeat that?” Jimin asks, his voice a bit squeaky.

“Yes, 'cause I need to know if I actually heard you right or if this is just my mind living out a fantasy
of mine.”

Jimin's lips quirk up in the faintest smirk at the mention of the word fantasy and his eyes sparkle with
something that has Yoongi's fingers dig in the flesh of Jimin's waist.

“Yoongi.” Jimin leans down a bit, his breath ghosting over Yoongi's lips and his thighs tight on each
side of his hips. “There's no one here and it's dark and I've been horny all day because I want you to
fuck me on your bike.” Yoongi tries to say something at this but Jimin cuts him off as soon as he
notices this. “Remember I had to tell you something earlier at Jin's diner?”

Yoongi manages a very stiff nod.

“I plugged myself this morning.”

There it goes, Yoongi's last sparkle of sanity. There. It's gone. Good-fucking-bye, it's been real.

“You-” Yoongi swallows. “You had a plug in your ass all day?”

Jimin rolls his eyes but Yoongi can see that this whole situation, his mental breakdown basically, is
amusing him endlessly. The little shit.

“No need to be so crass about it.” Jimin says. “But yeah.”

“So, this was your plan all along?” Yoongi lets his hands wander down to the back-pockets of
Jimin's jeans. “You just wanted to seduce me so that I'd fuck you on my baby?”

“Is it working?” Jimin draws even closer, so much so that Yoongi can feel the words being spoken
against his lips and, really, that's all it takes.

“It's working.” Yoongi murmurs before he closes the little distance between them and kisses Jimin.

Yoongi licks on the younger man's bottom lip and Jimin opens his mouth, falling so pliant to the kiss,
his weight full on Yoongi's lap, hands roaming on his chest and tugging at the black leather jacket.
Jimin suddenly drags his crotch against Yoongi's, making him groan and break the kiss at the
friction, Jimin whines softly and tries to chase his mouth.

“We're gonna have to work out some goddamn logistics here.” Yoongi says, making Jimin chuckle.
“Lay back on the tank.”

Jimin shuffles back and off Yoongi's lap, laying with his back against the fuel tank, his legs parted
and eyes hooded and full of expectations.

Yoongi would really love to take his time in admiring the sight he's being presented with but, given
the circumstances, he guesses he's got to make this quick.

He undoes the buttons of Jimin's jeans, he hears him draw in a sharp breath and when he unzips the
pants, Yoongi swears that he's about to die right here right now.

“Fuck, baby.” Yoongi swallows hard at the sight; Jimin is wearing nothing but the fishnets beneath
the jeans, his cock hard and leaking under the criss cross fabric.

“Figured it would save us some time.” Jimin says, clearly satisfied with himself.

“I'm so glad you're such a forward thinker.” Yoongi grabs the waistband of the jeans. “Lift your hips

Jimin puts his feet on the bike's footpegs and then arches, allowing Yoongi to pull down to his knees
the jeans.

“Wait- here, lift your leg, too.” Yoongi pats Jimin's left thigh.

“Oh, you're so efficient.” Jimin muses as he lifts it up to his chest, his muscles clenching as he's
keeping himself up on one leg only.

“The brain works fast when you're horny.” Yoongi replies and Jimin snorts.

He manages to free Jimin's leg from the pants, he moves the fabric to the left and then he sighs when
he sees the top of Jimin's plug peaking between his asscheeks.

“Is this the one I got you when we were in Clovis?” Yoongi asks, pushing Jimin's further open and
then he holds the plug, twisting it around.

Jimin flinches and gasps. “Yeah.”

“You look so fucking good right now, you have- God, you have no idea.”

Yoongi pulls the plug back and then back in, his mouth runs dry at the sight of Jimin's rim opening
and clenching around the toy, lube leaking out. “As much as I love the fishnets, I feel like they have
to go if you want me to-”

“Fucking rip them open, I don't care.” Jimin says, his voice strained as Yoongi keeps moving the
plug. “I want it so much, hurry, please.”

“This feels like a cheap porno, not gonna lie.” Yoongi mutters as he hooks his fingers in between the
gaps of the fabric. But when he pulls them apart and the fishnets rip so easily under his hands, his
cock twitches and a rush of adrenaline has him shuddering.

“So goddamn pretty.” Yoongi strokes Jimin's dick lightly. He's harder now, straining against the
fabric of the fishnets, still intact on his stomach and crotch.
Jimin whines and bucks his hips up. “Yoongi, please-”

“Tell me you brought a condom.”

Jimin sighs and then reaches for the pocket of his jacket, takes a condom out of it that he hands to

“Let's get this out, mh?” Yoongi taps on the blue plug, earning a gasp and a glare from his boyfriend.

“Just do something before I lose my mind.”

Yoongi feels like he's really close to losing it, too. He slowly pulls out the plug, his breath hitching in
his throat at the sound Jimin makes and at the way his rim stretches and then clenches around nothing
once the toy is out.

“I can't believe I'm doing this.” Yoongi grumbles once he puts the plug in the pocket of his jacket.
“Leather is a bitch to clean, if this stains it-”

“If it stains you're gonna get the fuck over it.” Jimin retorts.

Yoongi rolls his eyes and pushes two fingers inside Jimin's hole, meeting no resistance.

“Ah- fuck.” Jimin closes his eyes and throws his head back, pushing his hips back on Yoongi's
fingers. “Please, please just fuck me, I've been- I've been on edge all fucking day.”

Yoongi squeezes the flesh of Jimin's thighs, wanting nothing more than bite or suck on them, but he
takes pity on him and pulls his fingers out and then quickly works the button and zip of his own
jeans open, pulls down his briefs and then wraps a hand around his cock, hissing as the air hits the
bare skin and stroking himself to full hardness.

He unwraps the condom, rolls it on his erection and then pushes his fingers inside Jimin's ass again to
scoop out more lube, shushing Jimin gently when he whimpers in frustration.

Yoongi lubes himself in quick strokes and he grabs Jimin's hip. “Up, baby, on my lap again.”

Jimin pushes himself up and goes to straddle Yoongi's legs again, his thighs shaking as he tries to
line himself with Yoongi's cock.

When the head rubs against his rim, Jimin sighs and lowers himself down, arms tight around
Yoongi's neck as he slowly bottoms out, sitting fully on Yoongi's lap, so close that Yoongi can feel
Jimin's cock rubbing against his shirt.

“Fuck, you're so goddamn tight.” Yoongi hisses, Jimin shivers for a second. “You like this? Me
fucking you on my bike? 's that why you're clenching like this?”

“Mmmh.” Jimin nods, he starts moving immediately, rolling his hips. “I love it so muh-much,

Yoongi mouths at Jimin's neck, his tongue lapping at the skin as he thrusts up as Jimin rolls his hips
down. Jimin moans, bares his neck more and keeps fucking himself on his cock, tight and warm
around him.

Yoongi can feel the bike shaking but he's confident it won't tilt so he keeps shallowly thrusting up,
feeling Jimin clenching and rubbing his dick on the shirt he's wearing, hushed moans falling off his
lips easily.
“Fuck, Yoongi, harder, fuck me harder.” Jimin looks at him, lips red and swollen.

“Lay back.” Yoongi gently pushes him down so that his back his laying against the fuel tank again.

Yoongi puts one foot down on the ground, grabs one of the handlebars and then thrusts hard inside

Jimin moans loud, his eyes fluttering closed and his legs wrap around Yoongi's waist, pushing him
deeper, urging him for more.

Yoongi struggles to keep his eyes open, wants to just lets himself go and have his mind swim in
pleasure but the sight of Jimin, flushed and so pretty on his bike, that is so much better.

“So fucking perfect, baby.” Yoongi rasps, he lifts Jimin's shirt up and presses his hand on his
stomach, feels the other shudder and clench around him. “Taking it so well. So good.”

Jimin hums, he manages to roll his hips up as Yoongi fucks into him fast. “I'm good?”

“You're so good. So- so fucking beautiful, you feel amazing.”

Yoongi rubs his thumb against Jimin's nipple and the blond thrashes, hips rolling up and his hole
clenching around Yoongi's cock.

“Don't stop.” Jimin whimpers, clenching tighter at every thrust of Yoongi's hips. “You're fucking me
so good, 'm gonna cum.”

Yoongi swallows down a moan, he feels too hot and too sweaty, the leather jacket has his skin
burning and there's heat pooling in his abdomen, his hips moving frantically. “Gonna cum on my
cock, baby? Didn't even touch you.”

Jimin just sobs out another moan, fucking himself back on Yoongi's dick, hands reaching for
Yoongi's forearm so that he can hold onto that.

Yoongi grabs Jimin's thigh, hooks his fingers under the gaps of the fishnets and he feels some of the
fabric ripping. Yoongi pushes Jimin against his hips as he fucks into him and Jimin cums over his
stomach, he tries to muffle his cry behind his hand as his cock twitches beneath the fishnets.

“Fuck-” Yoongi chases his own release, fucking him faster, he feels Jimin flinch and he whimpers,
eyes shut close and lips parted.

It takes Yoongi a few more seconds before he's cumming, too, spilling in the condom and gripping
Jimin's flesh hard enough to leave marks on the skin.

Yoongi closes his eyes, his breathing coming out ragged and short. Jimin is shivering beneath him
and Yoongi cups his cheek, thumb swiping away a tear.

“You're good? Tell me you're okay.”

“I'm-” Jimin swallows audibly. “I'm good. Cold. Just a bit cold.”

“Okay, I'll- let me clean you up, mh?”

Jimin hums and Yoongi takes one last breath before he pulls out and gets rid of the condom quickly,
throwing it behind him.


“Don't throw condoms in the nature.”

Yoongi scoffs as he shrugs off his jacket. “What do you want me to do? Bring it back home like a

Jimin chuckles quietly at this and Yoongi can't help but smile as he takes off his white shirt and starts
cleaning the cum off Jimin's stomach. He shivers as the cold hair now hits his over-heated skin but he
endures it.

“Well, this is ruined.” Yoongi says as he takes a look at his shirt, which he then throws on the
ground as well.

“Fucking climate change, Yoongi.”

“Jimin, I mean it, what the fuck am I supposed to do? I'm not driving back with a shirt covered in
your cum.” Yoongi lowers Jimin's own shirt back on his stomach and then he puts back on his
jacket, zipping it up to his neck. “Let's get these jeans on, come on. Up.”

Jimin whines quietly but he still arches so that Yoongi can quickly work his jeans up again. “Can
you put your leg back on it by yourself?”

“Just fucking drive me back like this.” Jimin replies, but he still lifts up his left leg and grabs his
jeans, putting them on completely.

Yoongi sighs, he grabs his pack of cigarettes and takes one out. He lights it up, takes a long drag and
then puts it between Jimin's lips.

“I gotta say, I liked your idea.”

Jimin smiles around the cigarette and then exhales a cloud of smoke. “I know you did. I'm a genius.”

Yoongi hums, his hand back on Jimin's knee, squeezing it softly. “Hey.”

Jimin opens his eyes and lifts himself off the fuel tank, he scoots closer to Yoongi and starts carding
his fingers through Yoongi's green locks. “Yeah?”

“You're fucking gorgeous.”

Jimin presses his lips together, cheeks rosy and high. “Shut up, what's up with you being cheesy?”

“What, I can't?” Yoongi scoffs and takes the cigarette Jimin has between his fingers. “I'm fucking
hurt, baby.”

“Oh, here you go, pouting.”

“Pouting my way through the pain.”

Jimin smiles. “Hey.”


“I'm so fucking happy that you got me out of that city.”

Yoongi feels his lips stretch into a smile that is large enough that it hurts. “Yeah, I'm fucking happy,

Jimin decides to drop a quick kiss to Yoongi's lips before he rests his chin on the man's shoulder and
noses at his neck. Yoongi wraps an arm around him, stroking his back, feeling so fucking light and
content and just so damn in love.

I'm so damn in love, it's unreal.

They stay quiet for a while, Jimin stopped pressing his nose to his neck and has fallen silent, even his
fingers aren't carding through Yoongi's hair anymore.

“Me, too.”

Yoongi frowns and pulls away slightly, only to find Jimin smiling at him with bright eyes.

“You too what?”

“You said it out loud.”

“What did I-” wait.

Yoongi is almost positive he can hear the way his blood rushes up to his face, his skin feeling so hot
that it's almost uncomfortable.

“Shit.” he mutters, which only serves in making Jimin giggle.

“That's the first thing you ever told me. Shit. You really left a good impression on me.”

“You-” Yoongi clears his voice. “You too.”

Jimin nods, his smile turning softer. “Yeah.”

“You too what?”

Jimin breathes in deeply. “You know.”

Yoongi does now. He does. It's easy to recognize what Jimin is saying just by looking into his eyes.

“I know.” Yoongi breathes out before Jimin is kissing him again.

Humans can't fly and that's a matter of fact. Getting on a plane feels nothing like flying, it just feels
like being stuck in a very uncomfortable seat and having to eat shitty frozen food in shitty plastic

As humans can't fly, Yoongi thinks that riding his bike is the closest thing to flying he'll ever get.

You go fast and your arms hurt after a while, your hands cramp, your legs are sore, there's wind
breaking on your face, a road ahead and the land beneath you without you touching it with your feet.
It's really fucking close to flying.

They are in Amarillo, and it's their start for the Route. Nine Harleys with their engines on all at once
make the most beautiful sound, the ground almost seems to shake, the air is too hot and Yoongi's
hands twitch around the clutches.

Jimin wraps his arms around Yoongi's waist, rubs his thumb on his stomach.

Jungkook is driving first, then Taehyung will switch with him.

Namjoon is smiling like a whole idiot behind his helmet because finally, finally, he managed to
convince Jin to come along and the man is now sitting behind him on the bike.

Hoseok has one hand on Hayoon's knee, the other one around the clutch, his foot tapping impatiently
on the asphalt.

Jennie and Lisa are chatting animatedly, Jennie keeps riling up the engine just to hear her purr.

The Laura, who has thirty years of driving behind her and will probably make their lives a living hell
is waiting for the signal just behind Yoongi.

Namjoon's two friends, Jackson and a guy named Bambam who flew all the way from Thai just
because he saw a picture of The Route once and decided that he had to be there, are waiting as well
beside Hoseok, sitting on a brand new Softail Breakout and maybe Yoongi hates them a bit for that

Namjoon suddenly turns around, Yoongi tightens his hands around the handles and he feels Jimin
tensing behind him.

“Ready?” he yells.

“We've been ready since fucking yesterday, Joons.” Hoseok exclaims. “Let's just go!”

“Fine, you prick!” Namjoon shakes his head.

Jimin leans in. “Are you ready?”

Yoongi smiles. He's been ready for years. He just wasn't expecting to fly with someone else by his

One by one, the bikes start moving, wheels striding hard against the asphalt, with the sun hitting on
the chrome, the wind cutting their faces and, God, they really have a damn good sound those

End Notes
There we go! Hope you liked it!

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