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Contact: Morgan Hyde, TGR Foundation

Phone: 770-555-8809
For Immediate Release

TGR Foundation Continues to Expand Reach From Kids to Golf

Tiger Woods Foundation Hosts Star Littered Genesis Riviera

Conway, South Carolina (February 13, 2019) - ​Tiger Woods will be teeing up at the Genesis
Riviera where TGR Foundation is the host of the tournament. That makes Woods the host of the
Genesis Open for the past few years. The Tournament is to be held on February 15-17, 2019 in
Southern California.

Tiger Woods made his first ever appearance in the Genesis Riviera when he was only sixteen
years old. He is now considered the “host” of the tournament because his foundation is the host.
Although Woods has a history of playing terrible at the event, the star littered lineup that is in the
field of the event should make this tournament a very eventful and action packed one. A few key
players people may see this week include but are not limited to; Bryson DeChambeau, Jim
Furyk, Dustin Johnson, Tiger Woods and Jordan Spieth.

According to Golfdigest writer Stephen Hennessey, “this event features the best PGA tour field
of 2019 thus far.”

Although Woods is amongst the many stars that are in the field this weekend, many consider this
event too challenging for him to break through at. Most experts believe that this is going to be
the event that Woods finds his game again and begins to look like the old Tiger. The best Woods
has played at this event is a runner-up in 1998 and 1999.

TGR is not only hosting the PGA Tour Genesis Open, it is also continuing to allow kids to thrive
in their educational areas as well as grow the educational programs in schools. TGR is a
non-profit organization that was founded by Woods and his father. TGR was founded
in 1996 bringing the focus in education to the Science, Technology, Engineering and Math
departments. Also known as, S.T.E.M.

If you would like more information about the TGR Foundation please contact ​Morgan Hyde​ at
770-555-8809​ or ​

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