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With the LayPLAN CLASSIC modules for Allround Scaffolding and SpeedyScaf,

individualised scaffolding solutions can be configured quickly and easily:

whether they’re for circular or facade scaffolding made from SpeedyScaf, for
birdcage scaffolding and free-standing towers made from Allround Scaffolding,
or for structures with temporary roofs. Once the dimensions and the required
assembly variant have been entered, LayPLAN CLASSIC delivers in seconds a
scaffolding proposal, including anchoring, bracing and side protection. During
the design phase, the overall length, standing heights and areas are continuously
calculated and displayed to reflect the current plan. A materials list can also be
created at the click of a button and then printed out, together with an assembly
sketch for the area to be enclosed in scaffolding plus the total weight. This also
helps with the logistics – the required material is guaranteed to be there where
it’s needed.

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