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To pack
To rain
She is packing the suitcases.
There are five suitcases.

Great lakes
Bedford is a county in the southeast of Rhode Island.
The great lakes are in North America.

The motor home isn´t dirty anymore. True

He forgot to buy gas. False
He didn´t pack the baggage. False
The suitcases are now in the motor home. True
He has packed everyone´s baggage. True

There´s no gasoline in the car.

Can you turn on the light, please?
Turn off the television; I´m going to bed.
It is very cold. Is the heating on?
He is a lazy man.
I´m going to freeze the food.
Chocolate ice cream is my favorite.
There is a lot of wind today.
I like doing the dishes after I eat my dinner.

I went shopping.
The food is in the motor home.
Did you buy my favorite cookies?
No, I´m sorry.
I didn´t.
Humph! It is cold outside?
Yes, I think it´s raining.
Have you turned on the heating in the motor home?
No, I haven´t.
Go turn it on, then.
Lazy man! I don´t understand why you married him!
Ruth, he isn´t lazy.

He forgot to put the food in the motor home. False

He bought her favorite cookies. False
It is sunny outside. False
The heating isn´t on. True
Ruth thinks the man is lazy. True
Whose drink is this?
That is mine.

Whose drink is this?

That is his.

Whose drink is this?

That is hers.

Whose drinks are these?

Those are yours.

Whose drink is this?

That is theirs.

Is this yours?
No, it´s not.
That´s hers.

Is this yours?
No, it´s not.
That´s theirs.

Is this yours?
Yes, that´s mine.
Give it back to me.

Where is my hat?
Is this pencil yours?
That eraser is mine.
What´s your sister´s name?
The books are theirs.
My father is 45 years old.
When is our class?
He likes her cookies.
Is that car theirs?
Is this your laptop? No, it is hers.
Why did you give him the pizza? It is ours.
Jared is a friend of ours, and he lives close to us.

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