Halo Unsc Marines PT 1

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Nine one one whats your emergency, I need help there was an explosion I need

ambulances, firefighters, police hell even the who god damn U.N.S.C! Sir is this an emergency
or a prank call, lady people are dying out here, it's a goddamn war zone out here!. I'm
dispatching an officer to your location, your gonna need more than one offi... “BOOM”. Sir, Sir
are you ok, attention we have a 10-80 in downtown mobilise any U.N.S.C units in the area and
any ambulances in the area we have a 10-80 downtown needs immediate attention. Call the
U.N.S.C director and assist the situation, could it be the covenant, there's no way they would
penetrate the planetary defenses.
Meanwhile in the white house, Mr. president there's been an incident in Newark , Sir we
are being invaded by the covenant what is your plan of action. “Send in any nearby U.N.S.C
forces to assess the situation.” “Mr president this is lord hood the covenant fleet has found earth
and there breaching the outer defences, nearby U.N.S.C ships have already engaged but their
attempts have been futile the chief has already engaged the covenant forces on this station but
we need more ships, the covenant are tearing threw the ships. We can hold them for now but
some covenant ships have slipped by and are attacking major cities, one ship is in new
mombasa we are sending the amberclad down with sargent johnson, master chief, and the
vessels captain maranda keyes to handle that covenant ship.” “Lord hood i'm putting you in
charge of the U.N.S.C fleet and commander of the forward unto dawn to repel the covenant
from earth, this is our last stand in this war if earth falls we lose everything we worked for, earth
must not fall.’ “Thank you Mr president I won't let you down”

Six hours later, “Maidday, maidday this is seara 267 we are going down over, we are goin…”
I need a medic! MEDIC! “BOOM”, jenkins go with Martin to that crashed pelican to see if there's
any survivors, yes sir, we’re losing men out here, any air support I need reinforcements, what is
your E.T.A over, 10 minutes foxtrot hold out just a little long... negative I need reinforcements
This is charlie bravo With the reinforcements, OH SH*T INCOMING “BOOM”. That was our
reinforcements, We’re gonna need an evac, any air support in the area respond we need an
evac over, copy foxtrot evac E.T.A six minutes out. Not good enough I have civilians that need
immediate extraction I can't wait, THERE PUSHING THE DEFENCES! GET DOWN “BOOM”.
Foxtrot closing in for evac over, JENKINS GET DOWN! What, MEDIC Jenkins been hit. It's too
late he's gone. Foxtrot I cant wait any longer I'm taking to much damage I have to leave or we’re
never getting airborne. Understood eco 216 well provide covering fire so you can get off the
ground, you just worry about evacuating those civilians to safety. Good luck foxtrot. Eco 216 get
out of here now a covenant cruiser is closing on our position take off now. The rest of you fall
back into that building, now! Martin lay down covering fire! On it, sir!

The covenant cruiser is pounding the hell out of this place, and the planetary defenses are down
what's the E.T.A on the U.N.S.C fleet D.O.T, “sir they are currently in combat above the earth's
atmosphere taking heavy casualties”. That means where screwed right?, “Attention this is
sargent walker me and a group of marines are pinned down and require assistance to any
nearby units.” Copy, sargent walker be there shortly, gather any nearby soldiers that can fight
and move out. Martin your on the gun, yes sir.
Any air support in the area respond over. This is kilo 23 coming to assist over, copy we
need those banchese off our tail over, copy that. Sargent walker we are taking heavy fire from
the covenant, my gunner got hit when we get there I need a medic over. Copy foxtrot we’ll
provide a medic when you get here but we’re pinned down. GIVE ME COVERING FIRE! We
need that medic NOW, sargent walker whats the situation, we are running out of ammo and the
covies keep pushing us, dagger 221 are you able to provide reinforcements, Copy E.T.A 4
mikes out. Hold this position until dagger 221 gets here with extra firepower. Sir were losing
ground we can't hold this position for much longer, dagger 221s here with the reinforcements,
foxtrot you have two covenant dropships are closing in on this position, copy dagger 221 take
off well handle it from here. SCARABE “BOOM” dagger 221 has been hit by a scarabs ray and
we don't have the firepower to take down that scarab, kilo 23 are you still in the area for evac,
copy foxtrot but were taking damage, we will give you covering fire kilo 23. This is kilo 23 closing
in on your position now, let's go marines were getting the hell out of here. Kilo 23 watch out for
that scarabs ray, foxtrot we've been clipped but still airborne we gotta go now, walkers still out
there, if we don't go we'll never get out of here im sorry but we gotta go. Ok let's get out of here.
Attention we lost the city I repeat we lost the city, any units in the area fall back now.

Covenant forces are pulling out and their in a hurry. Sir why would the covenant just pull out of
an occupied city. I don’t know, Foxtrot I have to set her down that scarab did a number on this
bird, understood put her down on that building. We need to regroup and counter attack the
covenant, counter attack, we just got our asses kicked we can't counter attack, here the chief is
in the ruins of new mombasa, can see why the covenant are pulling most of its forces out.
Incoming transmission: “This is lord hood if your receiving this you need to reroute to the ruins
of new mombasa to assist the chief. Prophet of truth is attempting to activate all the rings at the
ark over”, if chief is here the covenant won't stand a chance. This is kilo 23 we need immediate
pick up our pelican took heavy damage gonna need a pick up to assist the chief over. This is
forward unto dawn reading you loud and clear, sending a pelican for retrieval over. Copy that
forward until dawn red smoke is marking our location. Finally we get to hit the covenant where it
hurts. Let’s just worry about getting to new mombasa Martin.
This is miranda keyes the covenant have found the ark and are attempting to activate all the
rings, any nearby ships head toward the prophets dreadnought and wait for further instructions.
All ships fire at will. “Sir the ark is activating, we have to pull back”,”too late” brace yourself.
*cough* *cough* what the hell did the prophet just do, *cough* did he activate the rings. No, sir
but he certainly did something “Alert the ship has been temporarily disabled by an EMP, the
crew is trying to get systems back up and running.'' what did we get hit by. It was a power surge
all nearby ships were dissabled. We need to find a way off this ship. Evac the wounded and
regroup. Wherever truth went-.”Sir new contact-slipping in”
Is there any pelicans not affected. I don't think so that surge dissabled all ships near this area.
So that means no pelicans. I just hope they can get systems back online before we hit the
ground. “ Sir slipspace rupture detected” D.O.T what did you say “there's been an slipspace
anomaly from an unidentified covenant cruiser” is it friendly “unknown” oh great a new problem
to deal with. Lock it up Martin, D.O.T where is it heading “at is current velocity and altitude it will
be crashing west of here in the city of voi” since when does a covenant cruiser come out of
slipspace and crash when the covenant fleet is threw that portal. I don't know baker I guess we’ll
find out. The flood its spreading all over the city. How do we contain it. We have to find the
crashed flood ship and overload its engine core. We either destroy the city or risk losing the
entire planet. Do it.

“What the hell are those things, “ahhhh ahhhhh”, “BOOM” brrr, brrr, brrr. “Get it off, get it
off” aahhh aahhh…..”. Delta 119, Delta 119 do you read, we need to find out what happened to
those marines. something's not right. I know I have a bad feeling about this. Baker take point,
yes sir, Delta 119, Delta 119, Delt. Oh my god. Baker what is it. I think I found Delta 119. Are
they alright do they need medical attention. I don't think the dead needs medical attention.
What, Baker hold up i’m coming to you. Jesus christ what happened to them there all mangled
and disfigured. It appears whatever was on that ship was a parasite of some sort but I’ve never
seen anything like this before. We need to find reinforcements, is there any flamethrowers
around it seems that heat destroys them. How do you know that. That grenade blast nearly
destroyed that infected body. “All squads, report this is gunnery sergeant reynolds over” this is
foxtrot over, “multiple contacts unknown hostiles”,”There! Over there! We’re surrounded,
sergeant!, “Aaaaah!”,fall back fall back!, “sergeant come on”, Ahhh! NO! NO! NO!, “what are you
doing that's the sergeant”, “that was the sergeant”, “get it off, get it off” Aaahhh…..what the hell
is happening over the coms, this is foxtrot does any one know whats happening. I'm gettin
nothing over the coms. BAKER WATCH OUT. What, ahhhh get it off ahhhhh ahhhh rahhhh
naacchhh. I’m gonna be sick. Sh*t “BANG” holy sh*t what the hell was that. It turned him into
one of those things.
We need to get out of here, forward unto dawn are you able to provide a pelican for immediate
evac. “Understood foxtrot sending one down E.T.A four mikes out.” Martin are you good, I don’t
know sir, can you walk, y-yes sir. Good cause a pelicans coming for evac. Hey marine where's
your squad. Don't know, we got separated when that ship crashed. Alright well your will us now
a pelicans coming for pick up. G-guys we need to move those things are heading this way.
Good god they're everywhere, we can't hold them off we gotta go now. This is kilo 23 coming in
for pick up. Kilo 23 is that you. Foxtrot, after the power surge on the ship I thought you guys
were dead. Not now we have to go now, marine lets go we don't have the ammo, negative i’ll
hold them off get to that pelican now, good luck marine. This is kilo 23 retrieval successful.
WATCH OUT. that was too close for comfort. Their glassing the whole continent, Martin
everything alright. No I just saw one of my comrades rip apart and put back together. I’m sorry
Martin. Other than that I'm good, glad those things are burning in hell now. Do you need to
restock on medical supplies? Yeah I need a whole new medic bag, I lost it down there. Do you
still have his dog tags. Yes why. So he's not forgotten like all the other marines that got glassed
down there.

I don't like the way those elites are looking at me. Lock it up Martin they’re probably
doing the same. Wait is that Sergeant Johnson. What is he doing. Hey watch it, arb........
Arbiter?, what is he doing with our weapons. Same thing Johnson’s doing. Looks like we're
working together. “Attention this is lord hood shipmaster Rtas ‘Vadum has agreed to assist us in
stopping truth and quel the covenant, this is where we finish the fight earth and everything in the
universe depends on your victory good luck men don't let me down, hood out.” Lieutenant hocus
where did sargent walkers men go. They went to med bay they should be ready to fight soon
foxtrot. Good because my squad is just me and Martin we took heavy casualties over in the U.S.
and one of sargent walkers men Baker was turned into one of those things and I; dealt with him.
Sorry to hear that foxtrot i'll send all 11 down as soon as I see the doc. Thanks lieutenant hocus.
Brute ships. Staggered line, Shipmaster they outnumber us three to one. Then it is an even
fight, all cruisers fire at will. Burn their mongrel hides.
This is it martin where about to end the covenant war or die trying. Get ready marines
were about to enter the arks atmosphere in 3, 2, 1, here we go. See you on the other side kilo
23, and to you as well foxtrot good luck. Where are we landing. We should be behind chiefs
dropship, ohh sh*t incoming “BOOM” sh*t we're going down, I repeat we’re going down mayday,
mayday. Brace for impact “BOOM”. Get up, get up incoming! “BOOM” MEDIC… get up and
defend this position now. Martin how many of us survive the crash. Not good three died on
impact two died after do to blood loss and one wounded there's only seven of us, What about
the two pilots, one’s unconscious and the other died from that blast. I’ll check on the pilot thats
unconscious, hey get up we have to move there's enemies all around. I cant my legs are stuck,
GET BACK sssttt ssstt ssttt. Ah crap the pilot is dead two needlers to the chest and one in the
head. Martin hows the wounded marine. He's stable for now but we need to deal with those
brutes outside. Alright get him ready for transfer, let's go marines we’re getting out of here.
Corporal dunn take the right flank, private you take the left, the rest of you go back and support
the rear I’ll take the front. “Thrusters gone, I can't control it….”boom”. Was that a long sword.
Yeah it was. Private make sure the areas clear before we move out. Yes sir. I see smoke in the
distance. It could be another pelican or that long sword but we have to go check it out.

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