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Bucket List Assignment

1. Travel to Bora Bora

2. Go to India and give homeless, villages clothes, school supplies and games.
3. Ride horses on the beach in Mexico
4. Go on a private yacht in Bali to Penida island
5. Take a cruise to Greece
6. Go to Dubai and visit the desert safari speed through the dunes on a 4x4 safari
7. Cliffs of Moher. Ireland climb O'Brien's tower
8. Machu Picchu, Peru and find the Intihuatana
9. Go to France, Paris and Italy
10. The blue lagoon, Iceland

I would choose to go to India and give homeless people and villagers clothes, school supplies
and games. I am actually planning on going next year. I am going to start saving up money for
my ticket which is going to cost around $1,300. Then I need to buy some clothes , school
supplies and games for all age groups. I’m going to keep filling my suitcase up slowly before I
leave. And then when I get to India I’m going to divide everything into sections like to the games
and clothes and the school supplies. Each day I’m going to give time into handing out the stuff
to schools, villagers and little kids at homes.

Simrein Sandhu

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