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Process Paper

Space Race

Senior Division

Fabian Rosario, Deven Bhagheloe, Bryan Cruz, Stephen Stegee

Group Website
Why I chose this topic:

I decided to choose this topic because not only does it fit the theme, it is a very interesting topic

that many people should know about. I also find space to be a very fascinating topic as it shows

an extremely important in modern history. These set of events broke barriers with us first

reaching space and the moon. These events set in stone modern exploration of space. We not

only chose this topic because it is very interesting, it is because we broke barriers and it was a

major accomplishment for the US.

How did we conduct our research?

We conducted our research by surfing for reliable websites on the web, and reading and

interpreting the information so that we could put it on the website. We first began our research

by looking up basic information that could be used for the homepage of our website. We also

used very few books to have some different variety, too. We also watched a video that related to

the topic, in which we also included in our website.

How did we choose our category and how did we create our project?

We chose a website this year because we were very familiar with the interface of weebly. Doing

other categories like exhibits is more difficult because everyone has to be at a place at one time

and you would have to buy materials to make it look nice, while a website is free and can be

accessed anywhere. Also I am more technological and it is much easier for me so that is why we

chose website.

How does our topic relate to this year’s theme breaking barriers?

Our topic about the Space Race greatly fits with the theme because in order to go to space the

rocket has to physically break the barrier of the atmosphere. It also shows that us as humans

broke a barrier of exploration. Because of the Space Race, and us making it to the moon, today

we are closer than ever before to reaching our next planetary neighbor, Mars. And once we reach

Mars, we will break another barrier in exploration.

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