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>The anisms wl By of how | Pane ad ofthe nani | Fuinctions jane body - understanding tule and (noiphology Is Invalve Lite focuses a on the mechanisms of “Acton”. Enno | @ rovers ct ¥ Each human organism “A peas 98 single all, é 4 “Fertilined 099 | 6 ail | division Wor J qonth © © Leo Cot ul ® © @ Gil diffeentiations J ! RECALLED EITHEWAL NERVE | MUSCLE ELLTYPES Cu CEL CELL CONNECTIVE : Tissue CELL TISSUES FUNCTIONAL UNITS Reet ae eplatn how the human body works tig neces 9 ; 1Ca campgnents of the body and their anat | ications tO each JRCELS Tho ‘stm est Strucural untts int 9 into which @ Comy plex ae uttiall ular ganism Can fice and still” retau inca chat dctenstics lA ek ss of hansfoming on ra Oo § “at audi 4 t pat ane ct t ahd ou sa ul a oe Pea a alls +0 produce mu Ra tallular. stra -INSSUES : Di ated colle: wrt! ropertios a 6 for “issues, Su 08 ace a q ar a4 erty ORGAN: Nonetissuo muscle, tgs reins with athe pect issue to fim arqc Ns Sitch Qs ré/lungs and ki a ans iin uo gether to fo organ Sustom +s as ub Y system 12 Squares : {IDRRY DOES POINT xsTeNs a BAeetaw I! \\ UNCTION | MK DETALLS wal Learn 19 Further block er it af blood throyghout the bod Deestive > basi an and abso Ton oahu and tho Exoocane >Requl " Se etanen of many achyettos EI lon al re afta acts in the body ninduding Se sm ~ Reproduction o = peed petssiane 5 cole balance ICRMMUNE->et ee a against patho LTINTEGUIMENTARY-> rate on ae ist fh andl 4 aay inet dee egu b LyPHATIC Collect bay fppari uid ‘or vi 7 lation :particpate In immune. AEA e@ face b uscuseCETAC 3 54 (protection and non $ a‘ So eed jar an NERVOUS oR ult or ee # mai Ps The, body mY = Belechgn 4 and tesponce +o changes in the anion and extemal environment > State of consciousnass > Lestining fon Mamary San > Gtharsy tslRerRopucnvE > MALE UE Pioduction ot spa Yam Transfer of span’ to Female. - > FEMALE Producer of = Provision of a nthe _ tye ane for loping, UO al irhrtlon pe neat ae e RESPIRATORY > Exchi a ©. = Haul We 2 fey concentration HANGER lation Mae Composition through fon led exaction ot salts, H,0 and organ u. ee om or e DYNAMIC CONSTANCY «| Tr vefas to tho dun namic machanisms that detect and al muon variables fon their POINT* Values sui inti reetor responses that RESTORE the inter fo the. optimal physiological range t'snota state process @ » LEADING —> OPTIMAL tntanal envionment Cannot pe Ba alae hysiologial STATUS Adin 0 VanOKs 10) s10l0g ica, Gaisgace) Leven Hs Pg Pees

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