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Digestive process

- The food in our mouth is cut, broken and chewed by the teeth.

- Salivary glands in the mouth produce enzyme to help the digestion.

- The food is pushed to the pharynx by our tongue.

- The food travels down the esophagus and enters the stomach.

- The food in the stkmacg is attacked by digestive juices which include powerful acid.

- The food in a semi-solid form slowly passes into small intestine.

- The nutrients from food is absorbed by the small intestine walls called villi.

- When the food is in small intestine, juices from pancreas and bile break down the fat and other

- The food in a liquid paste form enters large intestine.

- The large intestine absorbs the water and produces mineral and mucus.

- Finally, the waste, in a solid form, is expelled by the anus.

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