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11/7/2019 Your Rubric: Analysis of A Work of Art : Pieces of Me Drawing

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Analysis of A Work of Art : Pieces of Me Drawing

Teacher Name: Mrs. Rodriguez

Student Name: ________________________________________

Outstanding (13- Below Average (5- Needs Work (0-

CATEGORY 16) points Average (9 -13 ) points 9) pts 4 points)
craftsmanship Outstanding quality in Student had standard quality Mediocre quality in one Poor quality in all
cutting, pasting, in cutting, pasting, drawing or more areas: cutting, aspects of
drawing, and and assembling the pieces drawing, pasting and craftsmanship.
assembling the together. Very few flaws in assembly. Many errors Overall work is
pieces together. craftsmanship. in overall design and poorly constructed.
None/very few flaws construction.
in construction
(damaged edges,
stained paper, messy
planning Amazing effort on Student displayed adequate Passable planning insufficient use in
planning thumbnails effort on planning but effort. Student did not planning and
and pages. Student completed their thumbnails fully plan put their notes execution. Both
was completely and notes in a mindful and thumbnails. notes and
thoughtful of the manner. thumbnails ere
progress and fully incomplete and
completed the student did not
thumbnails and follow plans.
creativity The student was Student was creative and had Student demonstrates Student showed no
creative and very effective use in their minimal use of creativity in use of
effective in their use materials. Some problem creativity with the materials. Mo
of the main materials solving skills were shown. material and the creative problem
(ink, paper, pencil, material as not used solving.
markers, etc) and effectively within the
how it all relates to artwork. Little use of
the content of the problem solving skills.
artwork. The overall
work displays
creative problem
solving skills.
effort Superb effort/ Average effort/ participation Minor effort/ Little to no effort/
participation participation through out drawing unit. participation through participation
throughout drawing Student made some use of out drawing unit (might through out drawing
unit. Student skillfully their time with time have missed major unit. Poor use of
made great use of management to complete the activities). Student did time, materials and
time management project. not placed enough time work ethic.
and has shown to get involved with
respect for their work major project.
ethic and use of

Grading Scale 100-90 = A 89-80 = B 79-70 = C 69-60= D 1/2
11/7/2019 Your Rubric: Analysis of A Work of Art : Pieces of Me Drawing

Date Created: Nov 07, 2019 10:56 pm (CST)

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