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Cajsa Stroem

15507 Aberfeld Rd
Huntersville, NC 28078
October 9, 2018

Dear Mr. Alburger,

I have decided to write about veterinary medicine. I chose this career because it has always
interested me, I've always wanted to work with animals and help the animals that are in pain. It
has always been a dream of mine to start my own equine veterinary clinic. From this project I
wish to learn about what a veterinarian’s day is like, and I would like to learn about the
education you need to be able to become a veterinarian, and how to begin building your own
business. I have found many useful sources that gives me information about veterinary medicine
which Iwill include in my paper.

I will be writing about how to become a veterinarian and how to start a veterinary clinic. I will
also explain what schools are great to succeed in the veterinary medicine. I will also explain the
history and the people who helped create this career. I will also tell about a veterinarian's day to
day schedule and their salary. The last thing I will talk about in the Pride Paper is the impact
created by veterinarians.

In the Pride project I would need to get a mentor. My mentor would be my equestrian trainer or
my equestrian Vet. I hope to work shadow a veterinarian during their day to day schedule to
know what it truly feels like to be a veterinarian. During my mentor hours I will like to learn how
the Veterinarians detect what is the problem with the animal that they are working with and how
they decide how to help it. I hope to gain from the Pride Paper what it will take to become a
veterinarian and how to start a veterinary clinic. I also want to know how much work being a
veterinarian is and if it is hard to take care of animals in pain.


Cajsa Stroem

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