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/gamerule mobGriefing false

/gamerule doFireTick false
/gamerule keepInventory true

/tc warp EdCuMo set 0 TEMP

/tc warp EdCuMo set 0
/tc warp EdCuMo set 0 PERM

/give @a Thaumcraft:BlockJarNodeItem 1 0 {nodetype:5, nodemod:0,

{amount:100,key:"perditio"}], nodeid: "0:0:0:0"}

/give @a Thaumcraft:BlockJarNodeItem 1 0 {nodetype:5, nodemod:0,

Aspects:[{amount:200,key:"terra"}], nodeid: "0:0:0:0"}

/yabm get backupSchedule - returns the schedule times for when to automatically
create backups. Currently global for all saves.
/yabm set backupSchedule 6:00 12:00 18:00 0:00 - sets the times for when to
automatically create backups to the given times.
/yabm set backupSchedule 180 - sets it to make backups every 3 hours.
/yabm startbackup - manually starts the backup process.


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