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Nica Rowena B.

BSTM – 3
Reaction Paper

I am a Sacrament of God

We all know the meaning of sacrament which are the celebrations of God’s presences
or it is a festive action in which Christians assemble to celebrate their lived experience and call
to heart their common story. And all of the sacraments are about deepening our participation
in God’s life and the life of the Church. Through the Church, we can share in God’s life in a
unique way. The sacraments are the action of Christ in His Church through which we become
part of God’s life and share in Christ’s saving activity.

I am become a Sacrament of God by simply entering and accepting the life of God with
a sincere heart and faith with our Lord, doing and knowing the teachings of our Lord, applying
it in our life in order to grow our love and faith with God. And also to share that God’s Life
with other people in simply helping them when in times of need, give them comfort and care
when in times of their sorrow, share the happiness and blessings that we have and also share
the lessons that you’ve learned from the teachings and experience with God. In doing these
simple things I know in myself that I’ve became a Sacrament of God.

I always portrait the presence of God in my daily life by believing and having faith with
him. I know that he is always guiding me in the journey of my life, giving me wisdom and
strength when in times of troubles, believes in me when no one believes and he is the one
giving me blessings and opportunities in my life that I always treasure in my heart. That is the
simple way I portrait the presence of God in my Life.

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