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Libras born on October 3 have great poise and composure.

They are able to withstand difficult

times without complaint and can learn major life-lessons without seeming to change. They are
often charming and good looking, but they're not vain. Although they may show a hint of Libran
frivolity, they possess self-sufficiency and are very logical.
Friends and Lovers

October 3 men and women try to integrate themselves into the mix but usually end up having
others look to them for answers. In love, they have emotional ups and downs. They look for
someone who shares their level of commitment and high morals. Once they find such a person,
they begin thinking marriage.

Children and Family

These positive people have only happy associations with childhood. They prize tradition and
have probably inherited many of their parents' ideas and prejudices. They have a knack for
parenting and are naturals at creating stable, loving relationships that offer their little ones
spiritual and material comforts.
Libra Information
Health for October 3
You should embrace: New
Few people have as positive an outlook on life as people born on ideas, protocol, taking risks

October 3. They refuse to let setbacks or delays frustrate them You should avoid: Worry,
and so are amazingly healthy. October 3 people don't predictability, empty praise
particularly enjoy exercise, but they have remarkably busy
lifestyles that keep them active.

Career and Finances

People born on this date do well in careers that allow them to use their powers of analytical
reasoning. Their persuasive attitude makes them adept at sales, real estate, law, and marketing.
October 3 individuals are as skilled at handling money as they are at making it.

Dreams and Goals

October 3 natives want to live the good life. Though they may not be willing to bend all their
efforts to this aim, they understand the need to diversify their energies. They know that to be
happy they must give equal time to their personal lives. People born on this date understand that
money isn't the answer to everything.
Aquarians born on February 17 subscribe to a "grand design." Acestea sunt stabile si intense, cu
vederi puternice. They are stable and intense, with strong views. Şi totuşi ei preferă să se
exprime nonverbal. And yet they prefer to express themselves nonverbally. Ei au nevoie să ţină
sub control emoţiile lor, pentru că se tem de intensitatea sentimentelor lor. They need to keep
their emotions in check, because they fear the intensity of their feelings. Ele dau impresia de a fi
puternic şi capabil, totuşi există momente când se simt pe margine. They give the impression of
being strong and capable, yet there are times when they feel on the edge.
Prieteni şi Lovers Friends and Lovers

Bărbaţi şi femei născut în 17 februarie cultive prieteniile numai atunci când relaţiile promisiunea
recompense emotionale. Men and women born on February 17 cultivate friendships only when
the relationships promise emotional rewards. În cazul în care romantismul este în cauză, acestea
pot avea circumstanţe neobişnuite. Where romance is concerned, they may experience unusual
circumstances. Perioadele de intensa activitate sexuală pot fi urmate de perioade de abstinenta.
Periods of intense sexual activity may be followed by periods of abstinence. Multe evita
căsătorie , de teamă că nu va trăi până la aşteptările. Many avoid marriage for fear that it will not
live up to expectations.

Copii şi Familie Children and Family

Varsatorul Informaţii
Există o demnitate natural despre oameni nascuti pe 17 februarie Aquarius Information
care le marchează, chiar şi copiii, ca speciale. There is a natural pentru 17 februarie for
dignity about people born on February 17 that marks them, even February 17
Tu ar trebui să cuprindă: Self-
as children, as special. Ele sunt precoce emotional si intelectual. satisfacţie, fiabilitate, practica You
They are precocious emotionally and intellectually. Aceste should embrace: Self-satisfaction,
persoane au multe de oferit ca părinţi. These people have a lot to dependability, practice

offer as parents. Chiar dacă ei adoptă o atitudine autoritară Ar trebui să evite: batjocură,
uneori, de asemenea, ei ştiu cum să fie plin de compasiune şi dependenţa, a pierdut credinţa You
should avoid: Derision,
iubire. Even though they adopt an authoritarian attitude at times, dependence, losing faith
they also know how to be compassionate and loving.

Sănătate Health

Oamenii nascuti pe 17 februarie sunt adesea atenţi la sănătatea lor, mai ales dacă o condiţie
legate de familie le-a sentiment vulnerabile. People born on February 17 are often careful about
their health, especially if a family-related condition has them feeling vulnerable. Este important
se angajează în exerciţiu a greutăţii pentru a păstra flexibil lor articulaţii şi de a evita pierderea de
masa osoasa pe masura ce imbatranesc. It's important they engage in weight-bearing exercise to
keep their joints limber and to avoid loss of bone mass as they age. Dieta poate oferi ajutor chiar
mai mult. Diet can provide even more help.
Carieră şi Finanţelor Career and Finances

Când bărbaţi şi femei născut în 17 februarie au un forum pentru adevărata lor personalitate, ei
pot impresiona pe oameni cu farmecul lor şi bune maniere. When men and women born on
February 17 have a forum for their true personality, they can impress people with their charm
and good manners. Ei fac bine, în orice activitate care le permite să servească drept purtător de
cuvânt publice sau de lucru cu publicul. They do well in any work that allows them to serve as a
public spokesperson or work with the public. În cazul în care aceşti oameni sunt binecuvântaţi cu
resurse financiare considerabile, ele prezintă o mare generozitate altora. If these folks are blessed
with considerable financial resources, they exhibit great generosity to others. În timp ce le place
să cheltuiască bani pe produse de lux, le place, de asemenea, să investească în artă, antichităţi, şi
alte obiecte cu potenţial de a creşte în valoare. While they do like to spend money on luxury
items, they also like to invest in art, antiques, and other objects with the potential to increase in

Dreams şi goluri Dreams and Goals

17 februarie bărbaţi şi femei doresc să aibă succes chiar dacă se joacă după reguli. February 17
men and women want to succeed even as they play by the rules. Aceste persoane drepte-săgeată
adesea începe de stabilire a planurilor de cariera in copilarie. These straight-arrow individuals
often start laying career plans in childhood. În timp ce securitatea financiară şi cariera de succes
sunt ridicate pe lista lor de obiective, ele sunt chiar mai preocupat de menţinerea în sensul şi
integritatea relaţiilor lor personale. While financial security and career success are high on their
list of goals, they are even more concerned with maintaining the meaning and integrity of their
personal relationships.

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