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As we know, that Africa is one of the poorest continents in the world which

are funded by the western nation but when it was discovered it was rich

nation having supplies of leather, gold and copper for which they are eager

to trade it. Slavery is illegal in Africa just when Americans came into the

picture. At that time they are dealing with the shortage of slaves due to

Europeans and they find an opportunity to do business with Africa and this

is the time when Africans migrated to America and new tribe that is African-

Americans were explored. They began to trade with Africa and ask them for

slaves to work in America in exchange they supply weapons, alcohols and

many other resources. They treat African that is black community so

harshly just like animals and those who resisted were killed, from that

struggle of blacks started.

Selfish African chiefs were the medium through which slaves were traded.

In between European help American to exchange the slaves for goods.

They are transported through the slave ship which was full of Africans,

giving such a few spaces that they began to have seasickness and nets

were being fixed at edges of the ship to prevent Africans from the jump in

the sea.
After that slave auctions were introduced in America bidding between the

merchants and who bids the largest amount act as an owner of that slaves.

Slaves were given some areas for plantation and a small house to live in.

Living conditions for Africans Americans were so poor that sometimes a

group of 10 people were just sharing the small hut. Furniture was so less

and beds are made of straw. They were given house according to their


For food, they were just given some vessels like pans and pots for which

they have to cook food at hours own after long hours of work. They just eat

cheaper food like bread and fatty meat of low quality as they do have so

much money to spend.

They are given worn clothes and shoes to wear with underwear in a year.

Condition of the clothes depends on the owners.

Many facilities like going to church, reading, the writing was prohibited and

they were just given one holiday in a month.

Most of the works that were done by slaves were agricultures work and

industries work and whatever the work required by the owner which a

machine cannot do. Other things which slaves were engaged in are cotton
picking, Planting, harvesting, constructional work, weaving carpentry,

clothes washing and cooking.

And after the American civil war in the 19th century, legally whites and

blacks were counted as equals and slavery was abolished but in reality, it

was not the case. War was somewhat won by the black but the struggle

had not been ended. The violence started by some terrorist groups and

some other people who were not ready to accept blacks. Racial

discrimination was begun to continue.

Although many rights like voting rights, education rights were claimed to be

legalised for all people of America after the civil war the test for the

entrance of the blacks people was so misleading and confusing to prevent

blacks to pass this tests.

For dealing with the situation blacks started to take non-violent action like

march past, rallies and campaigns. Prior to world war 2, most blacks were

low wage farmers, factory workers, domestics and servants. At that time

the war-related period was booming but blacks were not given better-

paying jobs and they were also discouraged from joining the military. And

after continue threatening of blacks to demand equal employment rights

forced the government to opened national defence jobs and other

government jobs to all Americans regardless of race, colour or national


After the heroical movement of blacks in world war II rewards blacks to end

discrimination in the military. With the passage of time, the government

start supporting blacks as schools were now opened for blacks also and

they also get voting rights.

After that reconstruction era came with on major amendment in the

constitution that is penalty is charged if anyone tried to prevent someone

from voting. Gaining so much, blacks still find some discrimination in some

areas. There were many incidents which began to come in the headlines of

the news related to discrimination which make blacks to organised peaceful

march in Washington asking the government for equal employment rights

which was passed in 1964. But the news killing of the black activist by the

white policeman made blacks to protest against this and they were also

beaten by the officers and many were hospitalized. After that various law

like the voting rights act was passed in which certain jurisdictions were

provided to the examiners. After that fair housing act was passed

preventing the housing discrimination based on race, sex national origin

and religion
NAACP played a major role in assisting the African Americans, it was

established in 1909 by whites and blacks activist against the non-violence.

They won various legal rights in favor of African Americans

They organized peaceful protests against the supreme courts to eliminate

discrimination. March which was organized in Washington as discussed

earlier were organized by this organization.

Education is still the main area in which there is discrimination. In the 21

century activist have managed to progress but there is still a lot to go as

institutional discrimination are still there in many parts of America. Black

Americans are statistically three times as likely to live in poverty and less

likely to graduate from high school and college

To end this article, just a short message that how blacks had struggled so

much in the past years in America but they haven’t quit. They just fight for it

bravely to achieve slavery to freedom and behind this, they have shown

that doing something right will always give some results. Their courage and

the right intent had just made it through.

Every living creature has a right to live as they want so there is equality in

every area as unity defines the world and world defines unity.

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Carson, C. (2019). American civil rights movement | Definition, Events,

History, & Facts. [online] Encyclopedia Britannica. Available at:

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Head, T. (2019). The Black Struggle for Freedom. Retrieved from

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