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Sugar cane

Eliana Penagos

Coraima Penagos

Finance and international trade

Manuel lopez

International Trade

Republican university corporation

Bogota DC

October 7, 2019
Its flagship sugar production business is going through changes in consumption that
challenge the industry to innovate its products. According to Harold Eder, president of
Manuelita, new consumer preferences when looking for a balanced diet lead them to buy
more natural products and calories according to the daily activity. Also are inclined foods
made with advanced practices of social and environmental sustainability.
Given this requirement, Manuelita expanded the supply of sugar presentations without
chemicals and other natural sweeteners, with different calorie levels. Manuelita is the third
largest sugar producer in Colombia, and grinds today about 10,000 tons of cane per day.
Organic sugar Incauca
Organic products are mainly linked to the way they were grown and processed, as used
contain no artificial ingredients or preservatives. These types of products or foods are high
quality and its cultivation should be on healthy soil, so it must maintain and restore soil
fertility. Organic farming works in harmony with nature and protects consumers against
unnecessary health risks. Consuming organic foods is ideal to protect future generations,
preserving the quality of water and improving soil fertility.
We offer quality products certified to ensure continued compliance with requirements of the
rules that govern you meet needs for food and beverage industries as well as consumers in
Ingenio Pichinchi
We produce and market products derived from sugar cane to meet the expectations of
quality domestic and foreign customers, creating value for shareholders, benefit to
employees and the community responsibly contributing to a healthy environment.
Organic Sugar Providencia

Organic products are minimally processed and contain artificial ingredients or

preservatives. These are high quality foods as they are grown on land Ingenio Providencia
SA sana.En have a commitment to maintain and restore soil fertility and the cultivation and
consumption of organic foods is a good way to protect future generations, prevent soil
erosion and maintain water quality. Organic farming works in harmony with nature and
protects consumers against unnecessary health risks.

The union of the above processes related to organic cane cultivation, harvesting and
making it possible to obtain PROVIDENCE ORGANIC SUGAR high quality, healthy and with
the highest levels of acceptance in the domestic and international markets

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