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© M. E. M.


Copies of this reprint may be obtained from Delawarr Laboratories Ltd., Oxford,
Reprint of a Paper read to the Oxford University Osier Society, 15th February, 1963, at
New College, Oxford

Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen,

The idea of an “ether” was proposed in the latter part of the seventeenth century
by Sir Isaac Newton and given prominence by the Dutch physicist Christian Huygens.
There is no proof that the ether does or does not exist but it is a convenient concept
that there is such an all pervading medium that can transmit light and heat across a
vacuum at the enormous speed of 186,000 miles per second. In 1864 Clerk Maxwell
put forward the theory that light travelled in waves not as mechanical motion in the
ether but as undulations of electrical potential.

In the year 1900 the German physicist Max Planck put forward a new
postulation that the transmission of light was due to the movement of actual particles.
He further postulated that the radiation and absorption of these particles, or photons as
they were subsequently called, could only take place in definite amounts or quanta.
Evidence in favour of the existence of an ether was not, therefore, forthcoming from
this source as particles can travel by reason of their mass and velocity.

A new quantum theory of light was published in 1905 by Albert Einstein based
on the research of Max Planck and another German physicist Philipp Lenard. A
confusing situation then existed inasmuch as there were two schools of thought, one
leaning towards, the wave theory of light of Huygens and Maxwell and the other
leaning towards the photon or corpuscular theory of Planck who viewed light as a
substance. In 1938 Einstein discussed the relative merits of these two schools of
thought in “The Evolution of Physics” (Cambridge Univ. Press) stating:

“It would seem wise to avoid the ambiguity resulting from the existence of two
distinct theories of the same phenomena by deciding in favour of one of them
after a careful consideration of the faults and merits of each. The decision at
this point would be more a matter of taste than of scientific conviction.”

Einstein went on to explain that the corpuscular theory does not allow light to
bend and it demands the existence of sharp shadows whereas the wave theory, on the
other hand, shows that a sufficiently small obstacle will cast no shadow. Experiments
by Young and Fresnel supported the latter theory and implicit with the acceptance of
the wave theory is also the existence of a medium in which the waves can oscillate.

However, in any considerations of the existence of an ether one question

inevitably arises. Is there any evidence of friction when bodies move at great speed
through the ether such as when the earth moves round the sun? The answer to this
was provided by the Michelson experiment carried out at the Astrophysical Observatory
in Potsdam in 1879 and repeated later in the United States. It was conclusively proved
that there was no such effect as it was impossible to find any relative motion between
the earth and the ether.
© M. E. M.

FIG. 1
Spherical segment through the Nodal Points detected around a small bar magnet.

This negative result appeared to discount the existence of an ether and yet it
could also be interpreted to mean that the ether was a fluid possessing no mass in
which solid bodies could move without friction or displacement since the ether also
penetrated the „solid‟ body itself. Nevertheless further contributions to this field of
research are necessary before any conclusions can be drawn. The argument between
the followers of Maxwell and those of Planck was summarised by Einstein and Infeld in
“The Evolution of Physics” in the following words:

“In optics we have to decide in favour of the wave theory against the
corpuscular theory of light. Waves spreading in a medium consisting of
particles, with mechanical forces acting between them, are certainly a
mechanical concept. But what is the medium through which light spreads and
what are its mechanical properties? There is no hope of reducing the optical
phenomena to the mechanical ones before this question is answered. But the
difficulties in solving this problem are so great that we have to give it up and
thus give up the mechanical view as well.”

FIG. 2
Plan view of perspex laminations showing the positions around the magnet which have
been detected in association with the thoughts of Hydrogen and Oxygen.
© M. E. M.

FIG. 3
The Portable Detector being used to find the Nodal Points and Biological Patterns
around a cactus plant.

There is some indication, however, that the ether does not provide any
resistance to the passage of matter until extremely high velocities are reached. Just as
the sound barrier has been discovered to resist the speed of a solid body in air at
approx. 700 miles per hour so has the “light barrier” limited the velocity of light
corpuscles in the ether to 186,000 miles per second. It would appear that the
mechanical properties of the ether had in some way been interfered with. Einstein and
Infeld could again be quoted to some purpose:

“The neglected clue connected with one of the fundamental concepts of

mechanics is that of mass.”

It is true that the concept of an all pervading ether as a substance is difficult but
to then attempt to consider it as non-material is a contradiction in terms, unless our
terms are wrong. Possibly there should be a revised concept of Mass.

FIG. 4
Plan view of three dimensional model seen in Fig. 3 but with coloured counters

Is it not possible that the building brick of the physical universe is a particle of
ether having no mass and no charge but that it also has other qualities? It would then
follow that any particle of ether that is given a charge would be classified according to
its behaviour and potential, e.g., an electron or a proton, as in common practice in
atomic physics today, and the material state would then be linked to the ether.

If the ether does have these „other qualities‟ the present concept of mass could
patently undergo revision. The classical formula E = mc2 would then be misleading as it
only expresses mass in terms of energy—either latent or kinetic. With these other
qualities in mind' the current understanding of “mass” could be adjusted and a new
© M. E. M.

evaluation obtained in relation to latent and kinetic energy and that might be described
as “potential mass”.

It has been found that the particles of ether may, in fact, have latent
characteristics. Actual patterns in the ether* have been detected and independently
verified. Experimentation with a novel form of Detector has revealed the existence of
points of influence around certain objects that are related to those particular objects
and their structure. These points of influence are called Nodal Points and in Fig. 1 a
number of them are shown in the actual positions in which they have been detected
around a bar magnet 1/4" diam. x 1½" long. It is believed that this lattice arrangement
of nodal points extends to great distances. Other points of influence have also been
found around this bar magnet but they have different characteristics. These are seen in
the three dimensional perspex model in Fig. 2 and, when correctly piled up, the
perspex laminations reveal two spirals. The technique of operating the detector
provides that the operator shall be thinking carefully of the point at issue whilst
operating the Detector, and this will enable the latent energy patterns to be detected.

In this particular case the operator was thinking of Hydrogen and Oxygen
respectively in relation to the small bar magnet seen in the centre of Fig. 2. Each
lamination was dealt with separately.

Fig. 5
Nodal Points detected around a tree three feet above ground level using the Portable
Detector (1960).

The Detector

The detector in its most convenient form consists of a rubber membrane

stretched over a metal plate screwed to a small box approx. 8" x 4" x 1" overall
containing a resonant cavity into which a single stub projects that is connected to the
flexible antenna wire. This antenna is used to probe the point in space that is being,
investigated as seen demonstrated in Fig. 3. A skilled operator, whilst rubbing the
rubber membrane with the middle finger, can detect an increase in the frictional
response as the point of the antenna' passes through a position in the ether
appropriate to the thought of the operator. If, for instance, the operator holds the point
of the antenna near the magnet and seeks the position of Hydrogen, in relation to the
magnet it can be determined by the change in the frictional response of the detector.
The model seen in Fig. 2 is made of laminations of perspex and the points on these
laminations have been determined by using the detector in the manner described, the
operator first thinking of Hydrogen and then of Oxygen. It is important to note that a
state of resonance can exist between the frequencies of thought and a point in space.
© M. E. M.

Biological Patterns in the ether related to Organic Growth

The model in Fig. 3 shows the biological patterns that are associated in some way with
the cactus plant seen in the centre. Fig. 4 shows these biological patterns in plan view,
and they are themselves spirallic in structure but beyond that little is known about them
as yet. Although the model shows some of the convolutions broken it is because they
are rising out of the top lamination of perspex. They are thought to be complete loops
that return to the plant.

FIG. 6
Biological Patterns detected at the level of the bronchi. The patterns for the left
bronchus of a fairly healthy person are compared with those of the right bronchus of a
chronic asthmatic.

Four Nodal Points as distinct from the Biological Patterns are seen in Fig. 4.
They show the commencement of a spiral which has subsequently been extended by
way of interest but the complete pattern has yet to be investigated in three dimensions.
It is known that these nodal points extend over considerable distances in the ether and
that they are all related in some way to the physical plant. Nodal points were first
discovered in 1945 but in connection with humans and animals. It was not until 1960
that attention was seriously directed at the Nodal Point problem and Fig. 5 shows the
result of two teams working independently with their Detectors. The photograph only
shows the nodal points that were detected in the plane of a table erected three feet
from the ground.

The presence of biological patterns around the human being was a chance
discovery that followed an earlier one. It was originally found that a reaction could be
obtained on the Detector when the antenna touched a person‟s skin. Closer
investigation showed, however, that Anxiety Neurosis could be detected at a number of
points remote from the body. Attempting to solve this mystery led to plotting the
presence of other points of influence around the person.

Fig. 6 shows the biological patterns that were eventually traced out as being
related to a person‟s bronchus. Those on the left of centre relate to the left bronchus of
a fairly healthy subject seated in front of the model with the chest touching the perspex.
The patterns on the right of centre relate to a chronic asthmatic. The unduly distorted
loops and kinks would appear to be due to the dominant psychological imbalances of
© M. E. M.

the subject. The three psychological states shown in Fig. 6, for instance, appear to
have caused specific distortions.

Closer inspection of the patterns of the healthy subject, left of centre, shows a
symmetry of the loops and one of them, seen as a small spiral of markers in the
photograph, has a subsidiary arrangement resembling * an actual looped coil which
descends approx. 3 inches on its return journey to the body. The shape of this spiral is
not unlike a simple induction coil or “pick-up‟ probe.

It is possible to detect the appropriate etheric patterns from all parts of the body
and this would suggest that the ether in the immediate vicinity of living things has an
extremely complex structure which might well be described as an etheric Force Field

Independent teams of operators have verified the existence of the various

patterns indicated in the photographs and described in the text.

(A discussion then followed)


© Delawarr Laboratories Ltd., Oxford. February, 1963

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