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In many countries the case of child exploitation is a very worrying problem.

high number of cases of children are engaged in some kind of paid work must be a common
concern because it is related to human rights. Employing underage children is wrong.
In my opinion, minors should not be employed, the reasons are: firstly, childhood
and adolescence are fun phases, a child should enjoy growth and development with friends
and parents. Parents should be able to meet their needs and control their children's behavior.
Secondly, based on Law No. 13 of 2003 explained that the employment of minors is not
permitted and the threat of criminal penalties and fines for companies that still employ
minors. Finally, minors usually have unstable emotions and lack of work experience. If
underage children are employed, it is feared that they will be prone to depression and their
mental condition is disturbed so that underage workers are not prioritized.
In contrast, some people hold the view that the phenomenon of children working
under age is considered reasonable and strongly supports it. The former, children are allowed
to work as long as they do not leave school and do not interfere with their health and the
latter, working from an early age can make children learn responsibly and strengthen
mentally. It also add experience and knowledge and practice skills so that children are able to
prepare themselves in the future.
In conclusion, childhood is a glorious period because children can learn and have
fun with their world. Employing underage children is not the right solution to reduce poverty
and although it can add to experience and self-satisfaction, however the phenomenon of
children working under age can have a psychological impact on children, for example
children become bored and depressed in their environment.

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