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Time 3 Hours

Marks: 60
University of Hyderabad
Department of English.

End of Semester Examination April 2007

IV Semester
Little Lyceum…. 9L Course.
Instructor: Sindhu Menon.

Instructions: Answer all Questions.

I. Placing yourself in the situations and dilemmas faced by the persona

of Phaedrus in the novel Zen and the Art of Motor-cycle Maintenance
consider whether you can contribute something to human society or if
you constitute merely a dangerous threat to “Rational” values so as to
be kept in solitary confinement to avoid further contamination of
others. 20.

II. Answer either II a or II b. 15

a) Trace the progress of the “Humanities” from an amalgamation of

human thoughts, feelings, calculations and expressions into a
comparatively sidelined branch of intellectual enquiry.


b) What, in your opinion have the “Arts” including today’s

Humanities, Social Sciences and Fine Arts contributed
and can still contribute to human culture? What prevents
them from making these contributions and what could
be the possible consequences of such prevention be?

III. Answer either III a) or III b. 15

a) Do you, as a student of Literature ever consider yourself underprivileged

or unimportant both within and without the university system? What
would your answer be, to anyone who accused you of such insignificance
and wastage of funds for your education?


b) “Pleasure” is undoubtedly a feature of literary studies, considered
separately or as a branch of the humanities. Is there any need to feel guilty
over this and bend over backwards to make amends? And is pleasure the
only contribution of the Humanities to society throughout the ages?

IV Answer any two of the following short notes. 5x2=10

1. The thin line between insanity and individuality as illustrated by

2. The effect of the commercialisation of education on the
3. Plato’s Aristotelianism and Aristotle’s Platonism.
4. Your personal interpretation of Pirsig’s concept of “Quality”

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