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1. Define Humanities.
The humanities are those academic disciplines that study the expressions of
human beings that explore and reveal what it means to be human. The epistemology of
the term ‘humanities’ is “humanus”, meaning refined, cultured and human. Refined are
the norms; being civilized and sociable. Cultured is the ability to adapt to the
environment and to socially interact. Human is having the nature of people, or being a
2. What is Aesthetic? Explain the relationship between humanities and aesthetic.
Aesthetics is the branch of philosophy concerned with the nature and appreciation
of art, beauty and good taste. It has also been defined as "critical reflection on art, culture
and nature". The word "aesthetics" derives from the Greek "aisthetikos", meaning "of
sense perception". Along with Ethics, aesthetics is part of axiology (the study
of values and value judgments).
Aesthetic is a sub-field of humanities that explores a wide spectrum of questions
ranging from the role of art in society, the nature and significance of beauty, the
foundations of art criticism, and more. It describes the forms of art and literature, which
can only be created through human perception, their role and nature to the society.
3. Explain how humanities make us better persons. Give 3 examples.
 Humanities make us creative. It gives us a wider spectrum to appreciating art,
acknowledging the conditions and perceptions of the artists as a viewer, and creating our
own form through artistic inspirations.
 Humanities make us sociable. It learns to accept the history, culture and language by
learning their varieties, differences and similarities all over the world. It builds awareness
to the social environment and connections to each person despite the distance gaps.
 Humanities make us informed and developed citizens. As we are produced as people with
empathy, we long for social equality and justice. We are able to think critically about
issues and fight for democracy.
4. Why do you think planners and designers of the curriculum include the subject
humanities in your chosen field of study?
The planners and designers of this curriculum provide us the importance of our
social responsibilities. We come to school in order to attain careers which would benefit
the rest of the society. The knowledge we acquire by simply learning standards and
principles of science cannot fill our humanistic character. We must study humanities to
understand how the society works, and appreciate how everyone else contribute in
helping and building one another.
5. Differentiate art from pornography.
While both art and pornography utilize nude figures, the purpose/motives for
portraying the naked body are definitively distinct. Pornography utilizes nude figures for
the pure purpose of stimulating the baser instincts of individuals; instincts that will not be
satisfied by that alone. Art, on the other hand, utilizes nude figures for the purpose of
highlighting the beauty of man. While pornography engenders lust, art engenders
admiration for the glory and beauty of the human body, and thus the glory of its Maker.
6. What makes an art good or bad, beautiful or ugly?
Art is subjective. The perception of art is different based on historical and cultural
influences of the society. For instance, some cultures may prefer symmetry and vivid
colors, while others prefer the opposite. Viewers have different perspectives on how to
critic art based on their personal backgrounds.
The beauty of art lies on the context and how it is perceived by the viewer. The
longer you take time to look at art, the more you analyze and ponder on its sense, why it
has been made the way it is, what does it symbolize, how does it reflect the conditions of
the artist’s environment and what does it want the viewer to know. I believe an ugly art is
something that has no context, or simply nothing to think about. In just a glance its
simplicity can turn away a viewer, for it does not analyze, it does not think, and it does
not reflect anything at all.


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