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YOUTH CAMP ZOI9 REAL CHRISTM DISCOVERING WHO JESUS IS 6-9 December 2019 Mizpah Campsite, near Grabouw Grade 7-12 COST: R550 per person (R950 - 2 children/family) (R100 - 3 children/family) Registration Form Name and Surmame Age Grade Gender Allergies Parent’s Name. Contact Details Phone Email Parent's signature veo ge) fefgeeia=iio\lcac-(o nl aang tale H food; allem ee eh Yael at RL ie po eee Deora PCa euch) Tatras ovis E Cans Ss MORE Aen pet es bers yt gia pag CS ger caer Be ree eee Re nas Bb ieuieas cp SpE AIDE bie hits Eeaahalnaeas indemnity form thereby 2.Uncestand the oases ae hi embers of he apogee an he pears mea of theoutins or any persons connected othe Joule oy fb rb es abe oy ci org 4A abandon oy irs ih ay is bony capac os peer ano eran oy Bd and Tapes indemytnecranses anatase ments the preoptic! andthe pean Sree teforesen ator fo nepgcne 4G perme and when emote contacted for» ued med fice treat mycin ct of s.hy son deta telling mei ontons ner staking he flowing medion ‘The name and numberof my Medial id Scheme: Signed bate NAME OF PARENT/GUARDIAN

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