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There were three bears who lived

in the woods. There was a big
bear, medium bear, and a wee
bear. One day when they left their
house, a little girl named
Goldilocks walked into their

The bears had made porridge.

Goldilocks tried the big bear's
porridge but it was too hot; she
then tried the medium bear's
porridge but it was too cold. Then
she tried the wee bear's porridge
and it was just right, so she ate it

Then, she sat in all of their chairs.

The big bear's chair was too hard,
the medium bear's chair was too
soft, but the wee bear's chair was
just right so she sat there until the
bottom came out

Goldilocks felt tired so she went to

big bear's bed but it was too high
at the head, the medium bear's
bed was too high at the feet, but
the wee bear's bed was just right
so she fell asleep there.
The bears returned home and
realized someone had eaten some
of their porridge (and all of wee
bear's), sat in all of their chairs (and
broke the bottom out of wee
bear's), and lied in all of their beds
(and was still in wee bear's).
Goldilocks did not hear the big
bear's voice because it sounded
like thunder, the medium bear's
voice sounded like a dream, but the
wee bear's shrill voice woke
Goldilocks up and she saw the
three bears sitting on the edge of
her bed and ran out the window.

The bears never saw Goldilocks



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