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Poetry Writing Competition


With a heavy school bag on his tiny shoulders

A lunch box filled with delicious bites that he couldn't savour
He sat on that bench, looking hopefully from a distance
Waiting for a friend as his classmates enjoyed the sun without resistance
Eyes filled with sorrow, he felt his heart repent
But what was his fault? He couldn't comprehend!

Writing and reading thousands of pages and putting in his every skill and might
For an education, his hardwork erased boundaries between days and nights
No jobs, all he got were rejections everytime like a slap on his face
Marred by exhaustion, by the expectations that waited for him on the way
All his sacrifices and dreams vanished like vapour from his head
But what was his fault? He couldn't comprehend!

They hurled her with insults, instead of love and support she desired
Cared more than her for an unborn child, in her womb she carried
Tears of remorse flowed past her lips that had forgotten to smile
Overcome with the guilt of a fate she had written herself for that child
Hated by family, shunned by an insensitive husband
But what was her fault? She couldn't comprehend

She left the day he started losing his charm

Who would infact live with a beast, one who could cause so much of harm
A better half who would empathize with his hardships
Such a pillar of support remained just a vague dream
Left all alone, to live by those judgements
But what was his fault? He couldn't comprehend!

Their fault- being born in a society so ignorant

Where they assess ability by appearance,
Where stigmas rule their way of existence
Their fault- being victim to a disease they never asked for
Disfigured it left them, disabled to the nerve
Living under the shadow of LEPROSY, they had to live a life they never deserved

Yet under such faults and flaws, they could surely comprehend their correctness
Their desire for a better life, their wish to be treated as everyone else
Disowned by family, ostracized by humanity
Distances that could crush all determination, hovered around them for eternity
Yet these warriors live with an undying spirit
That someday we would accept their merit
That someday we would know, that not just by touch this spreads
A cure it has, no longer do they have to be a slave to this dread
They live with a hope that the cold shroud of ignorance and indifference
Shall be eradicated by the warmth of awareness, love and reverence

Written by:
Meghaswana Mahapatra
2nd year MBBS
Contact: 7008959880

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